Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 May 1872, p. 4

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le ( -A CHOICE AND V) lemMagazines, Periodicals, [mie mnd roks carefuly PO.JORN as r aeIle 't 8ick ýyèr th$i- à f them'i tIabov, tb.m;-but noS pillit upaout te Sausmita Uwe IiSý0 rdon. - ~t fa onoitrating 0 an tuat.wb*rm ii linStiidd, o0Z é f little analerial valué. 01<1 ehards ie Carléuarl b enef$ed by a liberal urfa. esig o7a alee muhés, whleh in md. dltlon tSe acting sa manurs -to the- tre.,, 0.10o destroye a groaS mmy oftbose lneo * némnies taSt harbor la thé oil. lu lalemîialugand dglgOaaaO liower bathad border.Ina haprlng oeaeon, t inl weil te divIde large masses of hardy *porennlalo, or lté lowers are apl te Omo smaller titan on -vgorouo yonng aotlis. * Thé hiardy Phlox, not near often enough mot wit, le very zuchlibeéield loy tis division of the rooto. Peionles will onethnes become se weak- ly in grott from agà of stool, that but few, if any, fiower budu form, and thee fail te opentraely. lu sunot caes dig up thé whoié plant <ivide into pièces noctiat ecacit séparaI pLant lbas only lwo or tItre shocote, plant- l good, riait oil, and in a year or two te vigor cf thé plant 'viii hé greatly improvedl, auJ with il thé flowér- ng poerli. * T eo bot way te' arrange hardy - pur: enniale l lun. lxed bordero, baaked by -* sitruba ana ovegrena. If not-planted tou thlok, or whie lte shrubo are gtting te full sixë,, itre mmd tère -a holyhock planled amnougsitltomalias àapretty effeal. Ilpdee we liké to sou net oui y thèse but sucli coniamn thingei as sufewers oven ln sueit places. Of kourse, titore is net muait beauty in thte common old uingle thlng ltati priynie pp ian ngleated places -but lte dwarw double. varioties, wth flowera nearly -as big aé cnè's blat, nodd. ing lunlte- breeze, ii not piantud toc pluntifully, 'vo vaa>'to lte ceeue. Anothur aon sof piaula, toc, for one * r two cf 'viiai- vu leave space for in titis conneation,- is lte casIer cil beau, oimply as a muans cf obtaining cntral of foliago. 1- A siek man, oli tly aonvaleo-ing, 'vas 'üoed brouglit yen eut o! your illnese, net lte loctor"-"Well, mayba lHe did; but ycu aanbet lte docter 'viii charge -fôr ft."0 1A. dog story, the chamipion dog résides ixn Lowell, and helongs to a prominment gorocor., Whou tisl intelligent brute (the dog> secs hall a barrel of fleur weighed ont on the soales ho gbéa and pute on the platformn, carolessly looldng ont of the tloor to avoid exci'tang suspicion. .nother soise.-IJoh IBrown, did You moay that my fater badl not as mucli sense as DillyB.Smith's littie-yollow dog ,,- "No; I nover said nny sucli thing. I novýer said that your fahor had not as uit songe as Bllly Smith's ittly yolow (log. Al 1 said "vas, that Iilly's littie vollaw dog had& more sonse titan youir Ïathor; -tlat's ail I ever said."-,"WpI, it's *weil yen titi't oay the other, I tell vont" CIJNTOM1iU (angrly)-"'Do>1en cail that veal cntiot? Whyits du inuit to ovcry rmal clfin the country." Waiter (apolo. getically)-I bcg your pardon, sir; but Ididn't men to insuit yen, sir, really, carci li. J. S TO0OKX'S EXTRA. MACHINEtOÏL Titis Qil duxoolo #lil 1Otb~er (iII, hthsnfignal miui tgeW. taié, e',dvr, popared to mow tii. oii poovorit>' of tikia (11 vtail oLihr,It stariis thé tewtm o.us~te proeure àta litists or- tiie. ilt'Alasapteid te #' liber liglit or leilvy Inn. 'cloiiery, lron aciliior 10 itethe ltà n %tLo i t erceluoottuta' ()lls Ir IL OTOUM# 'hoélie maniuery ean hé icspt oao letàl o ibut liti. trouble, suitIL willi oleot ueehuuîry tiat obaein olrady gilmnmed l», other oil, It wili net eengel"or tb laeu li liao olti t weatloer.Tigi. ln a quasty1 iio.thehiaisent Imoprtance, rou tire folet aun0 net isvlni tbis quality vii ne lubricate m, cold glosft, euéh au 'il mal be apEliod lu a hestted Mots, but tit mloent it touc 'ena colt shaft i4 eoenlaed sud yl s t Ibrioaunu- L ,1 tII hbaruaii by lotion aeair.s i bat.tetupol- attire vocêeeury te rduee la tte s liqooid atm.!, lu acquIrlnioih ber temoprture by fletion. the porle adithé box l% e uIred< It ia co1j eshsft vîitout thie remuit, os it Io te ipinu gle iet with #tter.. J. 0:1$toékou 011 wiil1un * rict tiie eoldest malèhiuery aih. momdnt ît _le .p p lied. 'M'liI e snov nsed luaoortvo -,horode tsbll II. eut sudinlàlu tit ureter IL to,reiOIu Mperm or Pore 1 11. . frue rom» tb. objection». urgea agauak ,ail e ther Ohm, &As lkdoéo Pot antun or fruste. No% asItle publiécmIeo vare thot *roy wortiolecs iinge are pufoed lîttf noiorlety, tloi rer rte prove tha tilu ne humbak, sud te moecuru onrseiveos uguia the opeostieux et nuseroipu- loue o01egnte < msnuy o! ioom yl not ibéat- ttaae te pulmo .I the. îoeî offi 0f011 rolunerles iAs belng IoentIoa wlthî Stoola' extra Maoiiioe Oil ) >we prepose, le thene vile are Interest.ed lu the taoth ort tose %metenit». te gond' te tle, 01 appiloattieo,- hy maiil or *.*berwlge, resut churge lurauyDy &, à&sauoîl'o oh, ll -- thut it imi7optait for Imit@IL And <iilec *end ii It # fév slipibtests, si effetves thé t.ts by wbiih gela kuowmî from thé bhser mtais, sud wbléh vilii obe parties or- devin g t soeuretlhemelvee Agfainst tuOSI- tion, iy oenblîi ,tii.i»te determine a$ eues viiether the 0(M feewardsd le as, good sa sAmlpe. udilnin MachinesO0t1% vil! do vll te commuilate vtt 010. 1B. 8TOKj BroughmwOnt. sole AESII for tiho Peanluiou Broughm,.mareb,15, 1870. T B0T 1 X0N 1A L. Tuu Jos»gWÀ L zn KeemNuWoîuxs, - Oshawa, Aprîl 4,1870. ben intyctruv~ubrietog 011fév théepImt fourmop soàiiwn mal wth9lat lo eltiioiî 113 %é vo ueever.dusd. ltior nu #Galop le AleZ<, witi portrat, aE h Ifgos sonota !uuera. - - mbe à.Mvh, wit7born.i . M. bugulta, 61xeiiWoiùtoMzart.) Frouie c1 theéYclçs, - grand Dukse ia,. Batlade vltbout Werds, (pexcol bunt teéohing îîleees,'t "eh Idle. Heur, 'Ile Caprice It.ndelesheu gong vitheut Wordm Tho.. uasariy productiocon e . lusd,.beautituiy, bounud lu eloth, 84, er séparat*ly lu#hat tertu, 20o sud M0. Tho- iuegleal amuiy, besutirul pieees fretî udu asy. Bosutios cf té Danos colection ot I'olkauu, Waiize, o.. Tii. Mçén la eut Te nlg'ui, Love, <lus...Who, Kinug aud 1, 40' 80 40 30 50 50 Waltz 40 Wslto 860 80 (azourka 8C W iitz 50 ,IYIDjNT, - plied. Ail Orders )ATALOQ*uz' 0OF music. oweet Biloiy ing, 40 Lys and Là0eé erver, 20 Co=6. vhlietb. Meruittg Binlieu, ioe 'Ti&i8 %vait te ha e e red, 80 Âungeii ever Briglît and Pair, 50 Whben Dstsv left Us, 35y lto, 4 i degghtyDeedis iny-!, 85 4 sruey 0O30% 80 Geed Bye. 'LiasJane, 85 wlv a or y ovu Love, 30 Lwet lICI, omlie, 30 Happy asa Quémn, 0.5 PulIman Car, P50 0 fibr Deve O'<and i ot,,50 SethSnearare collection on hand llwicn ids--good oolectioo'. A'uy 0frthoe g onge are worth io oviiîg. R TÀNDÀ81> Mý5iOAL WOJOs. Bertils piano Metliod, eonlte. 8$3 00 66 à6" 66 alridged, 2 -5 ( 1Ilntioa's. Piano blothod, ceouplete, 2 io 66 1.6 si abriclgedc, 2 00 Nicbard$uu'oipIano metiro'l, 3 75 Mason&hfJîsly.4, 4 00 J. A. Goezs Stiocl fer rou lor Orgait or, Meiodcom, 2 10 lp top Groe Book, (exeteltout for Fr mti v ais or Singlug scoieties) 8 Wlnera VolotTutor, .Winuur'a Instruction Bookes for Ooitr, Ceuéertil-ua,and otbersoinali i notruom eta , 50 T4e ahove Worke are the tint im&ued fDr teschang purpositi.. jýSheet Music arrange td Bound as desireid. Orders will bUc promptly attendcd tl., Teachllers cam b. suppiied 'vitia music ait thre isuai Please send your orders to JOHN POST, Dealer ner>', SebSol Bocks; and Fancy Goods, Whitbý', Ont. any address opon receipt of prico. W~" Sheet Music cannot be exchagd Plorénce Sewing Macjine. *agd IMiPUR i'fANT ini Music, Statio- Musie sent free te Cuill and sec the 10-tf NE W S BOOTS & -SHOESO 'l'lie undersigned Ladies', Gents', andChildren's -o - bas Sine a large tC (l and Coarse Boots & Shocs .&'P MàI>avW »MIZO-MrgU Boots and Overshoes liued warm an-I comfortablc. Iridia Rubbers, Sîipperu, &a., &o. SRepairing neatly done. Cali at the old Stand. WILLIAM Jmy22, 1872. I3URNS9 Boot & Shoe Store, Brock strect, Whitl)y DON I i1 FL(YUI & FIWD STiORE 1Tioe nirigoed '#wioe teifoorm tte flliabit- aut»or i Wîoiîb'y ".1d vieillity tiomt tbey bave ]FLOUR AND IFEED STOREg lu-the ppoeiuimooe ately ocupied by Mr.*James Waloée. on Doudou. Street, W- OlP>sl1TE THE ROBSIJN IIUSE, AU Iwboeromthey trust by kepbîael) yalg u hor ln vsy ou badto be abI. to give satioloétlou to JBran Shorts, Oatnoeal, Crooed Wlieaî, &c., of thé(.tosiv LUt- ai& Whest, Sprlng, sud Mlxed suàa li kInds of Fosd, sellng ant the lovat liV. ln# Priéesfor quht. SITH à ildlENGWAY. Cash pold for ail hinds et farmero pftduo. Wbitby, .4n. Bth, 1872. 12M.5 F, ORt SALE. A vaiuabie Ferm, I iigi ightat.e(otouiive- 25, stoi cou. Weat Willlatms, Couuty et nid- dieKex, 80 sérm o; eared sud veli m'tred, good fiuées, gcod Bulidooucs, sud ~a fne. v7001g orohard eofétiolcesfruit; utuste4 vithin 4Ëlis et Oftii. IlenighiligPvl dégeof Park- andh ssdstaiuing 142 moes. ,For partléniars apply te- TIIOMIIK4GT j MANUFACTUIWI> A'!TIIE Agricultural Works. Double TU111INE WJXTEII WIIE-EL. TutIX ocam '£»OMOtiAL WIO0IL ,.O N VZ rIys Wheels we'aro nov mautufasctrilg . heapevthan atiy otlaert.top laitecoutn- trymudv iii give a guarasttec witic oci %%geelvs rranting thun to ha fseisl made, sud to îvo s good saotisfaction as. aty tttia- factre ln the Dominion. Parties deairioig further information cati on- tain It hi'Addreisslng -PAXTON,'TATI' &,Ct)., Ma~@ Sit, 165.ilery-St., Port Perry, Oit. Floursa Fee'd $ T0ORE.' Deo.irea ta Infortirte hilbabitrsntao. fWhitby au t Vioin!tY, thut lielis osteoad to RENRLY WALTE1I, BRELOCK STREET, WHITBY' Where lie kept§ eoy#tittoiy on baud, flou,-, Oatrnel, Corumeioal Brun, Ooî<u Shota. GrninmFleur, &C. And evotything mn4ae Food une. thing in the line., stock of Dry Goods-eveî'y- Hlatsani Câps, Get-lemen's furnishin9 goodBS Department eompéte. Ladié a underclothing. FaIlyGoeiscrpee &cfor- Christmas au& New Year's9. IlribDeceruber oth, 1871. New Fruit, JAMES J. 'MURPHYý., 49. GOOD, CflI?~WIP AND~ WAR1VI C LOTH INQG The ,~ undersigned -desires te inforni bis numnerous Customers that with the roomy facilities a1forded hlm iu the new premises inte which lie lias removed, lie is enabled to keep on baud, a large stock of clotbs of every kind, well selectcdby himself, and of the best quality. Geuitlcerî-ý's Garments made toe ord er, and a perfect fit guaraîîtecd. Geritlt'ir-el's Fuijnshling goods, inctuding Shirts, Tics, Braces, newcst styles of Collars, &c., JOHEN FERGUSON, Diudas St. Whitby. (i>reînises lately occupied b>' Mr- Gerrie, as a Drug Store.) Whitby, Nov. 29, 1871. tf.48 - t coIl ~S~eCttY- htet C~4sOUt! Lest qua 1ty, I) ESýKS, WORIÇ- E SVASESi AND'FANCY GOODS G T VARJETY. ~a Vi il trust establisied aane toi- reiLtlle Goods, I amn ceter ined to earn a reputatio or selling cheap. Btuying, and sellIin for cash oîly, eîîabling me o do so. efMES .IOHNS'ION* ractical WVatch and Clock Ma er. . 1... tb .il.T 1s" CÂBRIÂG ES &CUTELIS MuOi DONOVAN'6.- CA RIRIAGES .M an ufactu re. ÂIso on hand a iar~ which cannot be surpaffso 411 orders punctuà Business also cari Royal hotel. Whitby, M'ay 109 1871. ,MAI THE LDE &Hl thé bout Varieties. SETri C. WiLSON, Uf o. 3, 2ud Con Pickering. a Whitby, Juily 11, 1871. i7-i8 r -TrABT I IW-.ED 10991- The undersigned -in ieturning thanks-for the liberal patronage bichorto extended to the old establishmnent, for nearly a period of.forty- yearu, ný eires -to say that he has now on band a largo aasortmoent of the-mont inoder nd elegant styles of And trus -ts by proper attention and nioderate prices to, seonre a continuarice of publie patronage. Practical upholstering. oirniture re-stuffed and cavered.1 1 Il _ Undertaking and Funerals Fully' Supplied as heretofore. £wýSome splendid specimens of Picture Frames, an&d. Giding.. Remembeir the Olci Stand. T. DANFOR-D, Jr;, BegsI bave to aiînounce to the inhabitants of Whitby and Onta- rio, tlîat lie las coin netcedl business in Wioitby, as Manufacturer in the above' lint, and leels "suril ibtat a trial will convince thc Musical cooemunity of the SSuiperiority of these Instruments,, ThIe following Testimoniaa, fromn competent judges, wîll bear' out this assertion. Testimonial lrom Prof. Jobîii'Pest, «the Composer, Wbitby. Mr. DANronaD. DEÀUaSii, -- I bave cxamiîied your Melodeons,- and non most lhappy to testity htte r nqaiyo oèadfnsavr superior instrumnt. ythttbyienquitotoendfisaer yours, &o., MR- 1)ÂYFORD, -- Sin,-Llaving purchased oeeoe your Five.Octave Me. lodeons last October, aWdloav'tng gavaiiit ila'thorougi trial, I eau recomménd thcrn for Poweor antd Qtiality ef Touie. 1 W- SAMPLES<1'O BE SEEN AT (,-it. 11. 1B. IIOOPER.1 MR. JAS. JOHNSTON'S, Wititby, Marli 216, 1872. Jcweller, Goldsoith's Hall, Whitby. 13m. SPRING GOODS l GO TO P-LWS! BU('GIES, latest style and best 1 For good-d cheap suits, as they are sel.' Splondi>dly Finished Cuteys OF VEý,RY SUPER fORTVORKH-L4iVSIIIP. BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. WHITEim Nov 22nd, 1870. REPAIRS AS ing ofl tbe- balance of *their Stock to make roomfor NEW SPRING GOUODS Which tbey are now receiving Daily. USUAL.1 SELF-RÂKI-NGIIEAPEýRq AWARDED FIRST PRI.1ZE At Pro>vincial i x.hibitioli, hed at, in the Fai of 1870. To ronto, Wc offcî' te our customers for-the coming llarvest, two distinct Machines, -which in style and construction, embrace the latest and Most useful improvements of the day. JOIINSTON 'S S[NGLE> SELF- IIÂKI'NG REAPER-, BesI 0f Flur.for family us;e. ueverythiig st the iovests0elug prike,. The uni'versal succoss of this Machine' both in closely. contested eii adeamisn t4rity and eriet. Paetrials and ia 'thé banda of ltefaruiers, warrant us in aayingltat, s a Self-Rmking ~. SIIPPAhDReaping Machine, il has more~ good-poinite sd;leis defecls, sud -bas met ,with, more Wiuiay, lb., 871.uctesSsud leas failuretitan iteretol'ere offered tb the public. BOOT &SO TR~~~ ay ugaJnorMwr Tue uuidcrig)c ued-ita ed hLm We were awarded c the First Prizeand Diplomq, at the -Prcvinçiial BOOT AND SHOE STORE Exhibition, belai in -Toronto, 1870, in cobhpettiop vitit ail thé leading Machinei mkn'.- te he osmse adoiuug ieWeaeru noaifqctured l.- lte Province ; ani. viIh otfrrecenit imprgvements \w unbeaitaîllngly Dunse t.,Wlitby -vcreha a uov challenge investigation and comparison vitit aonpetipg Machine, v are sasfed thal Durlâ t., W L» y r eou e iie -ie o uc nebiion 'viii convince every unprejudiced mind, ltaI we offeri'tbo beat pwre o tctaioer 6 uhivÉgtrk. A lsarge auDýelect stock - Moyen tu the Fariner for 1871, huit lrthe, Domainion. I 'Send for ëerl$tive onhband. lJepairing doue as catalogües. Whty mal8, 1671. f- WibJan@. U, 1871n BARGAINS :1 YBE'EXPPCTED-i! Fehruary l2th, 1872. FURNiTURE - AT PRINGL E'S, McMillan's Block, Br-ock.St, Whitby. 7 ly FIJRNITJJRE!1ý AT THE SIGN 0F THE GREAT RUCKING- ChAIh *C- Furniture - Selling at Old Pri ces for 30 days loniger ; Notwith standi-ngthe late rise and labor, the undersigned o b'r is stock at 30 -days.longer. *- N;ow,.is the time 4o e mbrace -the, oppoytuni-ty thé arest stock in te Counyqo ideboards, bureaus, centr loodroo sets, &c., and ail of lt elqumity and omanufacure m USIC Y muJsIi Whutby Bragsansd String Banude, adaptod for Soiree, Pie nie@, Excursions. Quadrille partieo, &ho.,&a., viiimunpply the béat * sud lstesC Music, on renseuaule termo. Applications munat b.nmade eithirpèrmouauiy or by lette,-, (pont pald,)-to, 70Iay1, 870. J. WLFEDEM LIVERYv! T IIE UNDEfflIGNED DESIBlo er-To111 ..form hie -fre-ndis and patrons, tiLt ho haa spain reaumed business at tii. old WHITBY LIVERY STABLES- JW Ilavimg eueréaaéd -thea -imuersand. quality ethé atud, sud aiseaddedra sd lion- proved thi e oveyanoeusud vehiclea onlte' p-èmises, heoItopes by beiug in a position tc, muet the vanuta ot anatomera to nièrit a shoar. or publie patronage. ICHARGES MODERATE. . If. B.-.Covercd acmveysupçeà for fanmllee. sud ladice. Prompt atteudae, as heretolore0. te aIl orderu. -N. RAY. Preprîetor Whitby, April 8, 1888._ 14 HY YPOP H OS-PH ITeS.- A mongat tihe diauaooua aéeromu by the use ou Fallows' Comend Syrup a0,0fJepP.espA,4ý Lmima paf ion. Ait Am, Catrnum a 4'uim. .tlClsronif, Dicr.hotà, MflncÀly. Debility résuItimg frein Typhoid sud -cher loy fevers, Diplitlienjtie Prostration, Hyst«eria, Hypocloiidrin, Ameniorna, Chiorosin, &nîB. mia, L.uncorritoen, NervoumSExctabltyg1M,... toue or W&Bt'cug cf the Musoleo.. Aphonia, cor Loisa et Vcice, Chorus orSt. - Vtitu's liDane Siug*ihuess of the Liver, Interrupted auj É,eeble 3Actioti of the Béait, foeéFZi# aauaed b ymucons ebstructionsa-of taheLung. sud Air Lmages leadiug tiiereto. and Debiiity from varions Causés, many.cafies-of wbich ap- peared hopeleas. Soid by Apotiiecaalcs. W' ]Price, $1.50 Six for 1$7.50. . JAMES L. FELLOWS, Cillunar, 18ý S.John, S.RB, JOHN CARTER, LIGENSED AUCTIONEERI. Foartix COtrMrTJ.t ONTARIO, YORK -&- P-EEL. gIIRS1DENCj-1,t 5 BIh Con., SALES atteuded on the ahorteat notice, sud on ressouable termes. Terume au bc mode a4d buIs priutedatb-h.Crmis ele. icforMar carter.,1 L MBIROHÂNCORMCKesr u tltyofotllk dkoflamberotanî ' and UN -D E IR T AUK 1 N G. FUNF!£àLS*fuily. supplled sudjatteudéd on~ short notice. Colline képt couatiintly on hana1,. A henrie te hure or. libers! terme. GEORGE CORMACK. Whitby, Feb. th, 1862. ~NO IIR9 1OTEL i WflITB ~ R. P. CLARIK, - Proprietor B. P'.Clark begs to lnlbrm hia chi fridnds suýd enstomerA at ltle lion mrefitted sud, ren., vatèd thé old hotelinkovu a,,abo. Pimés inu-, Brock ent., vhcere he wilIbe up,,y te re- uop tbew, on givng hlm aeufl. Gond stallg, box.ateiia. and eucioft-d yard. Mode Jai0. 80 WVhitby,- April, 1872., 'B Cami w B TAI 01O O9/shi àShoe-s ma-rde ( oî'der. u~jî col Oy Uibi Ti" c f Asi vellii nishe Mt the sud C nanlo tell( Ashi Gma w TrunI. hIS fi horse Fort publie, seCourui Sept. *JAM -TU Foi,. 22 JOHN POST. 1 1

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