Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Apr 1872, p. 4

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w "val. a yestor. are deis iow i i It lor YUî Muic nd Boo0ks car,-IulIy iliec,., PROF. JOHN POST'8 OÂTÂO4TTi' fl~' Aoayeverythùiu n its course, FmI 1zt (mo unfor c iofr 'Lîtîlù tSncy RKaît,' (Galop an 'igthe ent.fre 0yji.o!ts I Wellinsgton woimen. t rmchlbr(Pid Lmmk, ao ~riT limia'At'ma ,trth th inwr. 4ug ont -alive, with Uthe im Cosîîît ty i altl prrait, Mûroh ceptio of t$ir foreman IL H. Murray, ti flne 3Sngtmu whoi ko4yý*86 recovered andi brougist MeîloEm r.maroh Ji'0 to day. So'ven =sen 'were canttglt in Tic P.M.A. 1jarch, iii Coôrralet t if. anotheruode, but Wore ail rescueti. lIn <s fSîithm thse storm of tihe iset fow tinys ssîow tellîuîsîg î'îîîgsi te thée depth of uix fect omytheoievei. Mur- oxen Walt Scr'r4Wlz ray, wbo was kiliei et W6llington mines, rie iM thm se "r, Wosti wsss from Rhiode Ilianti. #rimd ilmikt i, Aliia, wsi Bllalmde wltiîîiit Wiirh., (19 eaxil A FLrocic Ore î..sr 'GaxsDptrUNX.- enteihîgpca, el One Tom Mosoly, of Sttckton, CRIa.,i la ,1CîîpIcW i responsible for tissstory : lu teinte MndetS 1011Sorie wiîu îrf -lsiyof Grayson, oms tihe w'st ido ofoham'iàsm.tiiIv îm, emil mlO- Ziýivyr-bnc testrr goe !ae lii, î hiitfiilbjl ii li i tiserlvrsnco isestosas'wii geso ave $4, or waimrltt y il, i'iîcat tri, becomie sut imierous as tede(Io srious 120 et diamage ini tise wmyof pCiielmg P' whcat fi T iaî[livr:J ili,, Iît'îiîiill iately msewu. A faî'sssîîrrieisd of 'Toixi's, l -lCuatiisli iiîi ;Mi.îî ll easy. who residem. ii là tatloc.tlitv, Lit upon a iîît'eîfh.i..c'il,ît n0vel but eflective plan of freeî1"Iiiighit- Iiliii ii*. gelf of tise ravages of tise millions (if wîild n'i fewis titat swarsusi ii tlat rcgiUîs. H0 n~laWîime- poured whlskey' ove.r a iquitiy orf -lielst vt EiCîîiv, itrîil iL absoreh labotît a gallon; loteil "ileil, il i p ut 'ri) i li it, Let-e, scatteredtheLbwhcat oves' Jus fieids-aid '" l- awaited tic rsit. 'Ele geeso camne fil iî ad hocks ; thùy alighteId ai iev the L 'wiseat, _andi in a11'a, ie ie Lié (hAis ocet Mii ic ata iand lwerOfilleiv itlis 1týilrîsseneii c, turubling Pl'Oliliitlv i' ttt'nled te. Teitechoîs about and i fghtîisg flotali tise wos'Id ik diseoilîît: irnukeis anieia. Noli was thse tinse for tise farier, and ilili m clubl lie kcil led l. I)>lsc 'senid youî oî'deî's to les. tisais600 o f tltie diikei cs'owd. Ile not'y, Scîmool Book, aîîd Fancv Gl gatliiroil 111tht ie sijisand Set a lot ofchli- arly îaddruss ili)n rccipt (of p' naions te plîsek her etîei, osai t-lieic sale 'Of Nwlieili lice-tecis b esli7e tise - het. i sic cannot Vlue eO f time witiyi l fot of tlic wîseat catess." ' - Ftmetcselviisi- Machilne. A fl e m 'fiel; 0 tn i î !. ' 1oyi f. to il : lie S T Q RoI fi îeitîres tei lior-i te iiiiiilît et' Iviitby j 1j, a o thie iaiiaîii-stOe h BROOK WHITEY, SIW1{ITBYî 181e,îr, oui nuali. cip-mm mmmmi, Blit i i, oi&tst A tia41t et' L ,ilt tir iXi i l i i ; -î tliifJ iiy 2 mit tlîîî liiwerîil nelti mi u ciii uit m'xatiiiii-i iliialît' îiîd r-r. rite 8oùt £)il 1 lie farfli tnti t1ilt] m I il i"i,ý l- tuli ili': i MI vi-viit-il t 't Pom fniii .(if by Jetuýi* PU IWI Oit tilluttry 22111,1, 1s72. 1 Nll'RANT' iu)lT0 1 i - EXTRA MACIN", t diî, t , 1à1Lý. i - t e lmîr i wio i li'i- ii .5 -r iiiN V CM ieiii .i i ii t . Sti t i I l, 44 ii ti4v, iii' i iiy otier tille , uwiii rot Cii2îî or i'i 1m bhacoldeNt ut weîîtlit-r s'a am 4I 1 iii>-r mot iimvlig tlImiaqmmta wiii r-in iit-t iIL ' ciatistelltirtie tielî'iii t is' là I ch tIl t Oltt e mtcl uî wilt ttli iritýi'sim ii- tIl th.,,onrmmai b >' fictionii miirîii lm ttnii~i aDture miaceieîry ,termilitce Il i ii jiîti tite iti iaoqmlrlng ns Iligiertmtml 1.r-î fle t ! tcii . lc jourcal eaiîmmds imimil t mi r""lYuin ir-e,_I~ t l. usq Irmocitle Sjumunr titI it Sitili5111mi fi ol Itmsft ailîlimtit trime ri*iil rmIit lm 1>temloinî. feIe O)i witli Wigterm. .h1. iiIcýlîre ,iffm ilviii t- ri-enter tii, v nldestt li r-it i'riigi t ' inoiniri t Is pi gd 5Pî Ihi Al' iti l oi iammii' I,îtlt iîar iwn hemdrîalemttmillmî i nord. miiiti itmtgtili, hi' Pr sotint'iittiii, ariatjoi ii m lt, iii i l t y wrsiuur it Io rtitiieiliomrs ma)' liii r-t' Itî'irv. t ta Ire.> ('rroui She iîIj e ;llis iru It i i fiii o ettiàr (il,'ss t dîau'iîit tiit rîir f*rýt5's. Nas% sistlm pîiuîe mr-eO~rifa t alm il'we-llteas- tlc t 141-0ueaglis.Sietii rilîmet-v ,;ismritrmîîi uIssnlit iiiîîîytf wLPtiiriw&roî etit imite e Isi'icl'tt imamIti ii ii lItsie ,srnl'I 111g 0lit rittoIuiu1 It y irck'î', io rxti I~tli -it etill -iqî ire ,ftitiar lirelmr.id tiiele ',oittlit i ii ' iiril or 'it iri, trac u immîirgo iii ami>' w4y, f& si'illltti 'îlttAit, flitaStlt ritiey mpjertk for imurrf'. 4s mît tut mso %,',i lttm it nI tOn ,riiiÃŽtIIF- te'sl, an q etfire ina ttiiý4, ut# t8li% ilIu rldl k kîîewîîi rmthe liuer iletijet, amilmni uetmwiit emlatla 1rti deriiîg tO iere ttoiiieiuîes agnmiittY ',el tlou, b y enilmigthemn t10cietormii-i tonce whotler tlbp\Oi frnariieti al goc i n Aipartioe* iallng lisMaetlii liA wili do wsll te cou)muwinn te wlth aJ0.B STOCK, B isgiai, Ont, 8 gnOrteD iioi Brosughlo, bMare b, 0. iT E s lT I1 54tItti 'ai - ('Lia wmi, Npovrt4,f G, ~ ~ ~ ~ Api i4,1$i7,(tte misi beamu nIIA19y l'irct il ler tir a pet four- itîth , l Mrmm Y l'isei lIesttitt i i Iju a- IIl Wii.ltetvcr oued. tl-ti ilotla lidii sito longt' l rt'env otli .r nit, We a o4r lmrtce14 fol' iremi tlelmi r,' 7 dy Ure,011111tg. t k im sime o le -O i 4Wdo 'lot w teiL is 'Iam, uvote rulk -- g" Y. W., GLEN. P V a I 1< r- "ANT <i11(lhe-sigrned lias Ladies', Gutîts', andi ChildIren's Fine 40 80 40 50 50 80 50 60 40 go 50 J 40 85 40f )t)t'~ ~ind ftwoot Bir,, ing, vav aiLvporevoy, cone whiloleMornln# Blushoeo, "i$ weet té h. Renieredj Angelà ever Brighti sndFar WlmerDoIoy loft ÃŽle, idougtttï Deeds my Lady Pion.., IwilI aMery 7own Love, Ic: CbiIdfcmnie, () fair lJoveO fondu oe (ood Evonfng, dDve Scotoh80o1g8-a rare Collection on hand Hlawthmorne BalJads.- a gond eolectiomi. Any of tllml§eSonige arc Worth ls mving. . grADàARD MOdeM. -WOmmx., Bertiiii'a Piano Mctlmod, ceumpîcto, id di bri*d sd~ " " " mbridged , Rltteimrdioii 'sPiano Mtil Milsomm &c eaiy's,' J. di. (etz'is 8(t1101fer lime Pmrlor Organ or Medeoa, Tup top Gite Book, (excllemnt for Festiv- a]is or.Simm;tmîg Sietes), INimiiar'ii Istruction Books for Gnutati' Coioerin,ummd etiiersial l strumnîts, lTe al-ove Worlee are thme test tsaed teac'imig piîrîiesii. 40 80 30 85 40 86 sol 86 50 sol 2 50 2 00 8 75 2 150 75 50 Bound as desired. - Orders wiIl be oe bcs supplieti with muie at thes usuel JOIIN POSTr, Dealer zoods, Whitby, Ont. lu Music, Statio-' Musie sent free to bo exchanged. Cail and see the 10-tf NEWS atReady.made ClIotbing of the -bes't qùali ty, 'very low prices, An excellent ýstocki of Dry Goods-eey ,thing in the; fne. iRais and Caps', Gentlemen 's furnishing goods Departmeý%nt oplt.Ladies 'underclothing.. Fà.ïily Gr oceries copmplote, &cfrChritmas and New Y4ars., Whitby, Docember tb,.1871. New Fr uit, JAMES J MPHY. 49 GOOD C JI-d -The undersigned, desir<'.s to in.foi'i' his numerous customers that witb the roomy facilities afforded himn in the neW premises into .whi9h he has removed, lie is enabled to keep on hand., a large stock of cloths of ev'ery kind, well selected by himself, an' of the best quality. 'Gentlemen's Garments made. to Gentlemnen's Fiirnshing goods, inctluding Shirts, Ties, Braces, newest styles of Collars, &C., JOHN FERGtJSON, Dundas St. Whitby. (Ps'eniises lately decupied by Mr- Gerrie, a s a Drug Store.) Whitby,- Nov. 29? 1871. tf-48 Reliable W',atches and (lochs, a large stock of G enuine Colored & 131-1glit and Coarse Boots & Shoes 1 HA-LL.,, -Gold Je%%,kî'iy, Shoes ruade to di- J Electio-Plated Goods of the Best Qual;ty,; Cs t1nodwai'in and cornfortable. India Ilubbers, ia ititig ieatly doue. (2a11 ut the old Stand. WILLIAM BURNS, Boot & Shoe Store, Brock street, Whitby MANUJFACTURE[) AT TUE C>EML ]p Agricultural Works. LEFFEL'8EERAE r' Double TURBINE WATER WHEEL. "I' MOM* W MnLWIEEL Now IN USE op ij' a 42 FLOUR APD F'a,'E STORE Wmms y'u f iil iu i 5 iia ictîi(S' ituIrlt(Mi15141r., t )t(I icut 'r-tîV) î-lvu te t A mfît1l hieti-t q iiilil>' eîîîm ml fiît îtkeed, mselifiig ii titlawcet lie' hIng prtcr.4(lir eaII. Cu',sii nil for u iti iis-f l'or-rns l'roduce .4. & H1. Whtutil', .t1îî1..Siîli , 1-7-2.- 'r5 £5,'2îilelui. 'ci nlIt-m., iisi rtûll ut Mut'« gumia fiees, gi-a> 11lîitir, uid I ireý yomumg erciîumnui iii itlti icn-ilt stuated lStlîl,s 4.1< cillaso tei' loil i iiuuitîg tiage est'Park suIcd eOmslmtîimmig 142 acre,. For partieulmirur aI"ly la- - - THlOMsAS XNIGLIT, Pagrk BIB. rn Ws~ liielieweare now mMSUUfacturteg TLcmempar til'an aîmy otîmeralop lu tha comm- try andiiWC wilî give a guaraotewith ech- îhcel warrant-isg ttscm t o amineWeil maude, andu tes gi ve as gnod satisfaction sie an>' mamie- fcctured inm tme Doeminion. L'artiex doitiring fuitiser imnformation eau oti- tain it liv addrcssiing PAXTON~, TATE &c CO., Pori y-St., Port Ferry, Ont. March Blet, 1869. î 8 CO'out f Onlaýrs IBîyGIVEN, sTe.WiT .t *thuSthe Cosurt est >.cs!,zo, Nisi l'riua, er and Terminermnai (.corauOstoiDcliv will b. boldan lu and for thieCouaty ai tcrlu the court Bouse,, TUES» A R Oth, 1872, At the ho 'of 12 oclock, noo f whloh al t3oroima tis etf the Pee Il others nOnc ,wiâ1 Sauçanotice, aU go îl0 7ict sal orditigl>'. 8 fi'e Office ,Whltby, Self Ffobrnary 21, 1872. ' BOOT'& SHOESTORE.- The undersigmemibau iemnovsd hlm BOO-TAND SO TR t0 lime pi enlalu djoinlsg:tue Westeërc Botlt, DasmeSt., W iiitby, where ho le' now- liroared ttéa e a ail eders- for- 1 Wo A.Àlargo sud soleet stock 'onband.' leptlrimgdons as' WbItb7 Mq S, Zru. 1 DESKS, WOIII-BOXES, VASES, AND FANCY G'OODS IN GREAT VARIETY, iaviîg, -- trust, Pstablished 'a naine foi reliable Goods, 1 amn determined to carn a reputatioîî for selling cheap. Buying and selling for cash only, enabling me to do so. JAMES JOHNSTON, Pu'actical WVatch and Clock Maker. .jrock-st. W'hitby, Jan. 17, 1872. CÂRRIÂGES &CIJITERS .m 'OnDONOVAN'Sa CARtIAGES & BUGGIES, latest style and best Manufacture. Splendidly Finished Cutters, 0F VERY SUPERIOR W0RKgL4NSIIIP. BUGGI ES & SLEIGI-fS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. J WHITB ,Nv22nd, 1870. AWALRDIED FIRST PIFURNITUJRE And Mlso on hand whiies caDilot be su A Il orders pu Business a yalhte>k- Royal Whitby, Msy 10 MAI~~] ITE 'OLD STAND! Thé uindersigh'ed in returning thanks for the lib eral 'patronage hitherto extendd te the old establishment, fr-nearly a period of forty yars, desires to say that he has now on liand a large assortmnt of the mosItnodcrn nd egeant styles of And trusts by proper attention and moderatte prices to secure a continuance of public pitronage. Practicul upholstering.' Furniture re-stuaficd fnd covered. Undertaking and Funerals I'ully Supplied -as herètofote. Le-Sowe splendid specimens of Picture Prames, and Gitding. Remember ithe 01N1Stand.ý Tîs.UY~33SîfDin )ESIREg; Begs Icave to anniounice to the inhaýbitants of M'hitby udOt-rcîîm~sitp«LtrOxaa ' mt - ri e, t h t le lia s c e r n t n cîc d b u s in e s s in X V l itb y , a s M ' a n m fa c tu r e r 'in i t ie a b o e' ii i *~ t S i $ a i a i a u Unce, aîsd ti-els aSSUrc-,d t1jt a tr'ial il crinviisce tilts Mssic'ol cowit'inicv of the W3IIY X R Bi Superiority o 'these L i,.ç,isaz mineresa oliA tn of ± su"lulel'u, ~ ~ Veiîmleson tihe T he follow ing -T estirnonials, fro nt co mipetent ju cig cs, -w ili bear uist,î S le -iir.- S) ii isar out this assertion. ~ H # S O E A E Testimsonial frein Prof. John Post, tise Composem', X\'iiiry ' --ioc'clcnroarca e ti isin Sii,- I lîsne exariîîcd vomît' Mcodees, N. AY -P sreo Fron»two to four yeara of age, btraeing ail the be't v'arietfis. SE~THlC. WILSOQN, SLest 'No. B, 2nd Con ?ickcriné. ons Wlit>', Jt>' 31, 1871, y't R. P. Clar ,e-î t r0i priletorn suit castoiners tlÃŽat lie liais reflt-ted and reno 'tie tueoi -iîle' iîiiO is a-tt I ers in,'Brook ist. wherü_lj3ie wtt1l--a happy te re ecive iim, (esIl iviîg - hlm ;a esil. Good SerePie iaa xmrds,.Qu4drille parSi5em,&C. wttcsilli sippiy tije best 'Muni i. 'eaoAbie Applticatiomi nsuS mnLIlreromaî or lsy istter, (post palj)te aý o 20O- Il 7,57 m Whltiav 1 Tow Yoei's &e.,JO HN PO ST. M n IA N F O D ,- SP ,- llatV *iis, p rc lase i eo ee o f y o u i ,:IcO~ m v e ÀM e- lodeeis List (ctoebr, nuit(lîa îsg ivn it n tsoosgmti;I1, I c . - s-ttiied th e a flo r ]o w r ;a n d Q ta t y eo t le e . , a - GEO. Il. Bl) i, -OO 1E . OI 1tW SAMPLES TO BE SEEN AT Mi-É. JAS. JOH NSiON'-S, - W hitby, M a h 36, 1,S72. . 1 AA 'mu T t'rian- yrpr. T" P e j SP]RING GOOUIJ ;~ c For' goodj nd clîeap suitsas t y iare se îng oAf le bal 9ince of thel r -Stock to fitake rooni for N WhihSIaeGowrcivnDaiy h i hymue10 reevnrDît BAIAIS sYBE EXî>.wrCrEÃ" McMillan's Block, Brock St,1 Whi'tby. February l2tb, 1872. At Provincial Exhibitioni, held at in the Fail of'1870. rl"oon to, We offer to our customers for the coming HàrvE;st, two distinct Machines, W'hich iu stylei and construction, embrace the latest - and 1Most useful improvements of the day.. JOIINSTON 'S SINGLE SELF-RAÀKING REAPER, The uni'versal',success of this Machiine, both in ntested trials andi in the 1ýanda of thée harmere, warrant ninlusag'iftet ing Reaping Mach'çin'e, 'it as more gobd pointe anti leu defetantibas et wî re sucees andi les failure, than -herétoie offéed to'the publie. mýeCayulga JunorffMwer. We were awarded the Firsi Priz e andDiploma, at the,>Prôtrinc ial Exhibition, beid in Tooto,- 1810,1n c ompétition, auith i eding Machines manu- factureciin thsa Province; anmd with Our 1récent improvements, we unbeeitatingly challenge inve4iaio imdndcom parieonwith compeg Machin .mr mtsldta cochainveetigation wil coniince every unprejndi ced"inlnd, -tiat weoffer th e abest Moèw. te the Pannier. for 1871, buiît in t he Dominion. fW' Send fer mfescrptive'- catalogue. BROWN * PATTERSQNO !mieiiuis5h'dtici oercome b>' tie eLo GiaaaipeUa. Al7ieîu. emf* le»rumIîfs- i)uiilin~ri'îiilirfr-oic Tyîutiotd mmd otimar' ~ y I icrit'a. )iiliise 'rsrsrlon, Hysaeria'. I - 1 j'oil onidt4ii'iv rntoea,(tlioromi, 'Anie- L.ea t Siia, iarc. r'S. V1temamêDance"- Sui~îr,~îîu~aiiiuici.r-n-.Iliterrimpteiluni'u Fvr' ueAt-sli. uîI a'ilic fIt-ýjtur, SufîIagf liiv ilt0Is'it 0;J01areti mt c'tu ' u , a r indrJ, lvaliîitireo. ad eiia> C i mt at4-ti s.ami.iiyca~setwhih p- ~' Price 81.#0-lx for 87.50. JAMElS I. FIiLLOWS, ' Ce.îT St. John, S. B.. J014N àCARTERI 5,LICENS'ËD À' JOTIONEER,' ONTARIO, YORK & .PEL ýW- RESIDE1(CE]LoI, Sii bCon., f tJt tade fi 0itshe almortprt. noti ce, and, o11 reietaîcS rerînau c bcmade ai.d b'ttrmtîrtiso atis' Creasci60fice for Mi JL UMitl-IMlLii1Tarpnter,anld Jtitte, remSt. W'*liltbv. Alare quan - U NIJ)ERTA kING.- obol sit~ e COI'iliskeîit cntantlY on baud, kt-earseite. hirèoi. tîiberel sern -GErfGE C9RMiACK. VW itbt,, Fei. Sths, 1842. THE ROBSON HOÙUSEi DISNDAS STREIET, WIIJTSy, C.W' GEOGR SSSprops'iatoa-. s '7 1 AT THE SIGN 0F THE GREAT. ItOCKI.NG ()IIAIft.ý *C Furniture Selling at OId Prices for 30 rdays longer; Notwithstanding the late Èise in .Inaterial and labor, the undersigned offers bis stock at the Old -P rices: for 30 days longer. Now is the tirne to embrace the opportunity of'.selecting f"OUI tie lrgest stock lu the C enty, of sideboards, bureau., entre tables, sofas, Ch airs, bedreoun-sets, &c., anti ail- of tise best quai ity and nmanufacture. Theoritly clw ~establz1unent inithe r1~s 'ber b COB Ou IJxbr lix Law AD] w -of Asti t toishsdl manneit H. Id Port f 01 TheSau mu aint t GI JAM FIES Pet>. 22nm3 JAMES H . SAXO. ng 1JJJUIUUILUMILUCW im VeynaJma ijJti4W3 lVulGIfg' Violin 7 Strinigs and Bows of the best quaity; Statio- i- inory Shoo Book,&écIBeatifal at Suitable for Presentè, conUStantly on IlaDd. A 011010E AND VARIED ASSOMTMENT, f ~'Magazines, Periodicals, and Paers oupplied. AUl Ordersi1 ~W L~c~W PB.IaFi~. ý 1 cc 1871. au - 5, 1'87o. order, 1 tf-48 1 1 DANPO.R-D,. Jr.,--' Te BOOTS & S OESO Sterling ýilver Watch-Guards, ul 1 1 February 12th, 1872. ly Whitby, AP 1872. ýM.ATTI 1 FEST AB LI SH ED %e J&P >,p

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