Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Apr 1872, p. 2

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&Ç'u Mme weex, ilop zo, taeý-obbe of him, also fi-dm SI. thuu, uLutrra pra th COUD JNOINO Of ]Xvidend-D«Mlni" Bank. trmtw ordly, MRM &OM amone thom. Gibbs coula net, 10TMM PATTZRN, the wheels in all cases ÃŽc' tlivi&'j;aid-Ira Elamer 'Green. savez. If under IL' Cochrane in reference ta thecollection ad Mat2bie Mr. 1 ever a reliable representative, sue, 0 umstances, do elge be wholly manglactured by the compef, Tlie reeve leffthe chaii for j t'ban e of Certain-ta"s, aise that ithe Court-has kyS trie and experi'- the nomination, ]go bas thèrem WC gràntea a new trial in the ýeaàe' ci Toms ing Parties:- Conneil reffumoit Pëedy and true ta the ed hiraseif in the bands of thé rnAn wij6 vs Vbitbyl;ajso a petition from A, Whar- The committee il petitioni Dividon Ç«Irw-comty Oniario. interesti of Ontario, were Calla for, this 80 un We will place in the handsof any res. six thousand dollars Connts brought ýp iiiir repOý aniM01191Y brought hiap& ratl Prayiné, for relief as an indigent, à1so, ponsiblè party aý«oorY &10--Btàud Graham, Solici.- is the time, We are at a Ion te under. is a goo de f g, There -T mending the following aýpropri d al 0 h"d '磫 ta b donc. ý1On1 Clark in refèrence Io É-oad ($6,000), and the party accepting tlle litand u n what grourid, Mr. but we believe lie alla eth On side road bet-Wéen lots 2 ani PO will do ali Pl&nk, from T. M. Thomas, oaymg Challenge ta do the saine, the money ta con.9 _of Whitby. Gibbs fouad& bis claùn ta the suff il a ta be $50, .'H. Coultis, conin William that on rable e>n can' %10 ta achieve that «Nfi-a aylor is in destitute circum- be held onbject ta the sward ofthe judges, between 1 'W List of C«vjcý ý ty 01 0ýtwO. 0, the eloctorg of e ess, and ots 2 and S in 8th col rages suce 0 'ýýe;izY (10 sa, success stances and requires relief, - also frein. Tho wheels tested in a fleur Mill, Jones, co Orth Ontario. Ile has is cert i ý Daniel lie m.; ta W. Lidge NC40M _ tI, Iliday and Wni, Kerr, claiming driving the same ruuo of atone, grinding t, $4 AC told nu. And if it ble no botter than if -b6osti"9, pomposity th" 050 O:ffered by the Couneü as 'a re- the sanie wheat, and ileving i the same, chase gravel ; that # 1 per week FiP Md TOU $cap by Auction-LOvi ObiainizW thO XIOMination of such a con- tiadcan ward for the he - a of opening to, Oâ Mrs, Stoner- Thos. Tripp eût appre nsion andconviction ùumber of square iiiche erto expend & saine, Paymg win 'an election, Mr. WiU-%ian-t- Of the persan wholotole Rerr'àhorse, also recoive, the , water, the Fairbanks, J'r., Auctionier. Yeution as that of which We have opoken, "bals return for Noeh->Onrano _;nay . pétition amonni, of water foliowilig accounts was reconim Opdngand B==er Go«b-jw. aima. iu«tin - to the - the ý of- Wm. , Stéphens and 7 diochaigedtobe the-Mèagureofthô amount 9 lm*orthytzick of distrib. considered Ra ý already secured. But we rd Praying that anew. 116ad. Division used by éach wheéL W. R. Rigginsi printing, $25,, By-law to eMblM roa&-Tp Pickerini- uting a little'of the op!%» -caoh -of the firm ý8» s0mewhat acquainte h proue- Thiajudgeo ta be non-residents of Cauàm W. Warder, gravel, $2 ; John IL, Bmto,4 oie& Of Glibs Brothers amongst certain relig- 4ess -of the c -st'half of Lot 90 te andidate for North ý Ontario fr m a' das and ta ýhe thoroughly we.11 informed in LI ýS-s enrvéýying, TdWn-dhù;p e #116; Trastee Br-,&W itor -ckdzýg up Md sale of, rdad. iOlU communities, his claim.iï as olim as and his friends ta exaggeraii - the mode of testing the powier of turbine No. 14, non-rasident tax, 88 58 on; It coula, Où mOtiOný* -'Tweedie, oeconddd of Mr. wheeli;,---eaôh party'to choose one judge Palmer, dog ta% remittea, we predict the result of his canvue will not lie bettçý eïezuplified than by an in. Mr. CaznÈbell, It was resolved thât, the By-law f« ckdng'lip Md ilialle, of rosd Provo =iýcc"essffi'L ÈOwý o14e - and the two'to, , choose the third; Palmer, gravet $B 80.ý ý Recol: will Mr. Wm- CidOnt whicli --transpired during the last Peeve grant hà order on the Tre4éïirer bUOvum bêtwéen lote 4 and 6, 2ad Gibbs'o protehdons Compare for on- a as per aSô=t - Mmng Theownersofthew' ' *heel.tohave thât thé reeve grant a certificate 0 MOI South Ontario electiou, anà of whichMr. in favOT af CI A, A1181nî ' their money refunded, th Emary ta enable hini'to get a W-Do. 'Mut wu the "M, Pickuli cýîý of such local, men William Gibbs rendered the. following indigent pýémonm4 loser's money te go towaiîléimestgabnlcilohitnhe of Xîs. Penhalls license, and __L 1 was the unhappy liera. Un. Whéeler,, $8,00 Abby Delong #9*1! 9 MJmqý6:o LOW>-Jà& Roldm m the prelient a mechanical freé-hbrary in -any town in petition of James Linton and c W rmy of ;At a meeting héla at Côrumbus, Afr, T. Mrs. Ta lor 50, Geo. T fltQ7. the r1dinSi, MrI Zulàl MýR1l T#OMPOOU; N*'ý"bff, (tho présent Me be gr South Mrg. Bo ingo 87,25; J6bÂ" Ï18,86; "Canada named by the owneil, of the sno- ËoLtgranted. n 'fhereport'.waa ad ted 'th hOft Ã"f ito former old-exÉerienced, Ontario,) in one of Ida On Motion of Mr.Tvçioeaié cesdul wheel. op - super-1001 flighis 1)y cominittee on elaûlîg 'for and able reprosentative,, 3fr. joseph boastingly pro Mr. Campbell, it wag resol t -The wheelo to be tested, atil il 41 il ÃŽ, The Clairaed that ha hail ivrit- Beevé gralit hisorder o'n,:,the Tnasurer and full gate. ta sheep killeil by dogg repohed Gould ; with those of Mr. Alexander len his brother (Wm,) ta ribe 0500 in favori of the following persans for the Each Party ta - gîýve gooa and sufficient of David Barkey, $14 87, and J lennedyf «-reeve of Mars, or with those way Volunteer fund. it was sumo OPPosite their respective names, A. bonds, ta the amount of $4;000, that the ard, 08 67, listing two-,thirds OBIT 8160 CZWÏ% A ta the idge sheep killed in Deceinber and of Mr.-,Adam Gor'don, the present reeve takeri ft' granted flint 'the moncy was P. Campbell as per account 'for Lumber loserishall pay the entire expenses of th' last, respectively, 01 Zqe township of Reach 2 , Or with the subscribed, and the liberalty of the $9,56-; Chas. Wheeler for sawing. wood test. - The report was -a 1 dopied. Wbitby Tbond 01,0: R. T. Harrison for services during The:re are some wheels tbat give very &Yj APtil 1 Io 1872. 'claims of maùy other residenýg*we might'. -illessrs. Gibbs was loudly elicored. Wil. eleetion,'and one quarter'gsolary 56,55- Mr. Brown moves thatwhen tl Dame 2 We shall Bee. liam, (the 'new candidate for D. C. M. acdonald the beinc good results wâh ffl head and full gate- cil adjourns, it stands acriourned 1 North On- . e 0 age which entirely fail under partial head day, April 8th. lveettau ôf Parflement. tarie) repeated the b Costa on certain cases of sippeal ta the oast yet more Offen. and partial, gatléage. Such wheels in our Mr. Brown introduced a by-la DXNTZBTXY,ýWe beg ta Cali attention sively nt a me Colluty Court as Per the Clerk'8 account. climate, where the water-powers are passed its several. readings, aF > to eting held at Asliburn the James *Cuttle for printing 800 assessor's affected by both cela and drouth, are of Jas. Courtenay and Joseph Mo -day (Thmsasy-) parl'afent meeto tel the Card Of Mr. Adams in another col- next daYq Icavin'y the conviction on the blanks, and twenty-five quarter >Shoot no practical. value. ottaws- 110'&Ooaon promises to'be ulun- Re gucceeds ta the business of the minds of ]lis lienrers that the sum of $500 bills 811,50': John Shiey fer surveyffig Overseers of highways. prolific of great evegts. Tho roillacro of popular favoritel Mr. Card. Mr. Adam road allowanee between Lois 80, 81 5th" WC daim that we are the ardy makers Mr. Green introducea a a- liad. been subscribed and paid. But saine -by-la Tilli CHAONiaz, will bé supplied, with a lm practise Concession $6,00. of the GENuiNF, JAirFs LFFFFLDo:uBLE tablish theroaà between lots 16 ouefully p»pàred the p ro- d his profession in Port Hope one acquainted with the actual state of A Bye Law was introduced and passed TuRmNEWREIZL Ùl Canada, and that it is lot con., where it now is, and f ý ý- "rY Of the Past two years, where'he won golden facts challenged ' WithOlIt a RIVAL in the woRLD is PiucTie. purposes. Rend a first time. ceteaingé, as usual. it is reported, that the truthfühless of the ta attach Lot No. 2s-7th Cou to Pfflad ES LTIL Mr. Brown intrýoduced a b -Ili Opinions on overy hand. He comtes here statement, and thon the follawing scenc division No. 241 and ta forin, Rond divi- AL Il Il y NiWn, Of Brit$oh Columbia, will be with the Wghest recommendations. tOOk Place. 'IeVe quote from, the report of sion No. 36. More than 6,000 of these wheels are tablish a rond on lota 12 and 13, the Movierl and, Mr. Ducas, of Montcalm, now in operation in Canada and the Rend a first time. Queboo, the seconder of the Address in 'In thë'proceeding8 of the meeting. A Bye Law wasbrouglit in and passed The couneil adjourned. te _aPPOint overseors of RitIlwa United States. The sales of no other sPeaking of the change, we cannot Mr. William n ys, Pound the Cormons. Gibbs liaving observed keepen, and F once Viewers for the prie- wheel lever yet-introduced on this conti. allOw the occasion ta pass without ex. the -success of his brother's loyalty burst sent yèar. nent exeeed one-sixth this number, SttSPECTFD MURDER.-Erîe, Pa.. A woman named Grace Pluckel Dày or TsAxx Pressing Our deop regret at the departure at the Columbus moetinir on the provious On motion of Mr. Campbell, seconded -Our whéel lias been thoroufflily tested 40 years of age, was found deud SOrVING.---Monday Of Mr. Card from amongst um. Sine niglit tried it on aýain0at the Aslibnrn by Mr. MeTaggart, it was resolved that ili GRFAT BRITAIN, and has fully main- the 1M-, -bas been net apart - as a of e he gathering. He pil-élà on the agony, an in a little shanty near the laný Thankiigivin'g fer the -»Covery of îhe his profession wound up 0 -COMMenced, the practice of ---.iith a high panegyrie 4ay, d Mr. Tweedie àiid the move, r bc and are tained the rePutat'On it l'as gained in hous to-day. Herface face wa on 14 hereby appointed a committe ta seil or Canada and the United States, as the most î lrince of Waloo, throughout the Dom' in VvUtby, now saine yearg . ago, Mr. brother Mr writing 'to him ta subse Practical from apparentstiangpflation, an( lu- rÃŽ4 dispose of the timber on side line between economical water-wheel in fou- The banks, law courte, and publie Card's ever courteous and obliging de- 80 31 in the 5th Concession. operation ever yet iutroduced. $500 for the relief Of the w0unded lit Lots No. are marks like finger prints onhei Ridgeway. Wben Mr.'Brown Speke in The Only occupants of the shant offices will bc AU cloaca.. The Mayor lias meanor gained for him hosts of On motion of' Mr. Tweedie, seconded Me are now publishîý- a new descrip- lier husband and little son. Ti friends, reply lie reforred in deprecatory terms ta by Mr. Burroughs, Ït was resolved that tive water-wheel pain Illet, containin isoued his proclamation requesting that Who on personal grounds, as well in the the Ï111111911se pretensions of the two the Reeve and Mr. Campbell bc and are 150 pages of valnable matter, which 9 band ýhas been talion into enE tu f s'a much dbility in Gibbses about this $500 matter, di- wW await the Coroner's inquest. AU pluoi; of buoineu May be closed dur. 'osa of à geutle an 0 and ri liereby appointed a e - ommitteetoO.výImmO be sent frec te all applicants. ing the day. his profession, regret his jeaving, and culed the idea of claini in (r vai es for such the Bridge on side line between Lots 28 SMUGGLING AT SUSPEXSION Dia unite with lis in best wishes for his lu. an net. Then, (walking up ta where Mr. 29, on the 5th Con, and ta take sucli For further information address, - Recently a gentleman* and Iiis i Win. Gibbs sat,) Mr. Brown loolied -hini action as Socin neeessary in the promises F. W. GLEN,' rived On the cars froin Canadi North fir- Wu, Cibbayo turePrOÇeritywhereverhis lot maybe straiglit in flie face, and the following = bf . 0 , repairing the old one or Substi- Oshawa, Ont. Government detectives Éhook tl Nomin.ation. Cast. colloquy took place - li - out of a new sük velvet cent tliat hy a new one. N. B.-N%"c desire ta call attention ta Mr- Adams, we liave every- reasen ta MR- 13ROWX.-Well, sir-yon and your On motion of Mr. Tweedie, seconded initted lie had purchased in Toro Mr. William H. Gibbs in now faIrly in believe will provo a worthy siuccessor to brother have toid lis tjiat lie Ni-rotc you ta bY Mr. Campbell, it was resolved that C. the follo-wing certificate which lie paid $55 in gold. His v the field si a candidate for the reprogen. MrI Card. PàY $500 ta thü- Volunteer Relief Èilll(l- A. Alleins bc and is liereby authorized to SPRISOFIELDOliio, Dec. 25,1868. a lap rug in wlu"eli, sewed up 1 tatiOn Qf North- OntdÉO, having accepted did yoàt pay it ' ? ta furnisli, Aaron Mliarran, Aliejuil De- Me take pleasure in informing the publie the hning was a picce of silk, sot Mu. blit inatio 110 au. long and'11-rs. Taylor ',vith fiffy cents thq DOIniutiOn Of thO--80-called Liberal Verdict of Gutity auftin>t 13hSlop catiop. dible reply. of Canadathat we have Sala and furnislied aud more of the sanie quality oý Coneervative Convention. Thst Couvent. beli for trots Diurder oi her buté. ',%In. 3'011 pay Over . that Worth of provisionsper week week each, whi, Mr. F. W. GLEN, of Oshawa, Ontario, the cent was made of, all of ' until the 15th 'May, and that the Ileeve Patterns, Formers,'Dl7a;vffigs, Gauges, confiscated. tiOnt, we have good reason for asserting, bond. $500 ? Speak trant his oMer. bu. the Treastirer for the and all other necessary information ta did, not inchille &mouje its membera the MR. G11313.4 Was Stijl sum of aile dollar per week until further builà Our celebrated Double Turbine BIRTHS', namoo of tiome of the Most prominent mon The trial of PhSýe Campbell for ille -MRý 13Roiv.ý;.-Tell nie, sir-, speak out orders, to Miss Reed indigent. Water-whetel, invented by James Leffel, in the Ridingwho - Murder of lier huaband George Campbell -Was the money paid, or was it not Il On inotioliof Mr. Tveedie qeconded and kilown as the 11, Leffel Wheel." We JEFFREY- At Whitby, on l accePt the Party de$jg' ait Nissourî in July last wag brought ta a itwas res'I' a obligated ourselves:t4- fumish 5th inst., the wife -of Mr. N . Jeffre, ved that have alr daughter. làtfOn. And, we are a«ured it did. ly.) - It "las 710t. (Consternation, and the report of the'Antlitors or the accotints thé -saine façilities for manuâçturing ta ,aturday cries of lý Oli 011 le Corporation of the Townsjii j of no other parties in Canada, Withouttlie DIED. include one of the Moderato Reformers, eveninglast. Thejury after "out an MR. BROw;.-I)i4l yoli ai, voui, brotheil 1 Who, in the days ý before 0 Lby for 1871, bc roceived and finally information we have given ta Xi. GLEN, BU RNHAMýAt Whitby,, on Tt Oaèderaton, houfs deliberation returned a verdict of' puy any money to the relief 1und? How audited and adopted. no - one can successflilly build our. wheels, 9 Warre , infant Uuitlbd with the Ubiral Conservatives, gailty. Mr. th inst., Philip n Justice Galt sentencedille "lue" wa 't? Mr. 'and *e advise parÛes lu Canadai ta pur-. Z. and made the party drong and ingue»tial MIL UIB]js. - One lilindred dollars. , rt muvea, secquded by prisonerto be hanged a 'Nfr. Burronglis and it was resolved thît chase our wheels ofùo ather mdiàufàctùxèr. Ontario, ýugedll -min énough'to carry the Biding. The convell- th Mr. 01,E?;'s facilitieq aýre-'uusulpàsgedand The funeral Win fdke -plûce th is tion- &PPean to have been a sort of hole- the prisoner was altogether circunistail- nù 1 in The ovidence althOugh strougly against iiii. ill e or of Win. Masson aiffl T. 1.1. Wick. we icel sure that lie will build a,,wbeel day) afternobn at 12 o'ciock, ta' the and-corner concern, composed of the odds tialI 40 vou and ý-otir brother have been ett, for the suin of ten dollars eacli, fur that will give perfect satisfaction.'ý We o£ interment, - Englisli . Churt-li Coyle ÃŽS still kept in close custody. cIailniný credit ilntl,'.skilig for support for andiiiiig the ilecoulits of 1871, also gratit theréfore wMniend hini ta the public of ground, Oshawa. and endg of the old Conoervative party- moineltlling you ileve-r did ? Your brother his order in favor of R. ) da with entire confidence, féelinÉ A - 6 #-_ ; latlie%ý-.4oti for Cana 1KMANý-At11Thitbjý,oiY the 5LI aut assemblage in Peint Of The Toronto R.micide-Vordiet nt the na sure lie wülmanufacture a wheeliii ail au inâtignifle sent lie people away froin the Columbus the surn of seveijiy dollars for eollecti in Mable Leonora, Wd:nf daughtý'r numbero-more promfnent 1 Meeting urithr the iniprossion that lie hall taxes 1871, respects equal lo a own. from their Jury. d ta Ur Aikràan,,a,-,ed 8 ý nýç)ùths.- IV 1148111mPtion of Party leaders than of reai Pl] 8500 the Voliiiiteer l'-elief l'und, On niatiog of ýlr. caitpitcjj, seconded [Sigued,' WALKE1ý-Atffliiîby, on Mc On Saturday the jury after a lengthon- ll lien lie had donc nothing, of the hind ; by '%Ir. Twcüýlie, il, ivas resolved that the 8th inst., Cliriistinaý ývifé of Mr., W weight in deeiding a Political Contest. and fi ding duit à -toid there, Yoi, ha-ý lipeve be Iierý-byauthorize4 te grant bis JAMES LEFFEL CO, That thigwas the case is evident eno - ed sitting returned a verdict ut man- Feen Infr Walker aged 27 years and 6 mont] ugh the trieli agaili-to-day? Sir.)ý9rder iii favoi of Ja.,;. P. Cochrane his ac. là tbe jitt w bom the half-hoarted pu&Manimous way alaughter against Calwell, and assault if yon and'your brotji11ý1 tvere in humble _'!ýount for woôd, furnislie(l Mrs. 81, ffl nf>nfh,-A Lion Tamer minons, Fearfuily Lacerated, iii which they went about selocting a c against MeFarlane for the hornicide lifte; if yoti W(,-rc,- not tn(-ýinl),crs of eh urches iiiiliiClit. 1 lireetkfitsi.- Epppes. CO)Ciitt.- Gàj an- of m - - and à fhinioligril 1 didate. The choice Lrot fel, upon Mr the late George Brown, particulars of an&prot'eF;sors of religion, the world would On motion of Afr. Tveedie, soçQn"de(l For saine ýime past the inenagerie and IVAge ot flif., iliotiiritl -I.ttv-'ç .,Wl)iell i4f)ve gay t4at you hall practised a inean fraud; by 3rr- 13urrouglis, it was resolved that oniýratm'il,,ior iligýýti.11 and t utrhioli, il Joli" Crawford, who After examining into which-have aiready appeareà in those that yen hwd in filet atteniptell to impose the ReLvc and li. F. Caiiipbell bc are cirons of Xý. O'Bryan, of rrstnkford, Pa, filcar(!tljl ot tlic. ffilt. propel the protenoiono of the "Convention," and columno* a fâlýwlioc),l "poil thesc two assemblages lierej'y :1pj)wnt,ýd a comillittec to ' has been open nt the corner of Main au coe"a %Ir Il is flri insure Oxford strerts, in that borough. in this our tre;tkfjgmt iiL,*Ii(:lil(-.I% fla% Informing himulf as to, the tme saté of Of the elvi-tor,; ! Mr. Brown went on to the Tovni 11PLI and, Di-il Shed if thçy find lis 1lJýlll) FzLLows HYPOPPOSPRITES.-Mr. 'Fol- critieize the conduet of t inenagerie tliere were a couple of cages lie Messrs. Cribb-, it expeilient. a duetors' Ufiz,,a-. Matters, had the good oeuse tel decline lows wishes us ta state that ho ]las Do for attellipting to plav upoti tlic. feeIin,-ý Couricil atijourii until the first Afondav "",tïiÀiiiiig lions, one cage, liaving tho Mittiply liviiii li,,ilitý4f tr Nillk- the opportunity afforded him by the »Of the volunteerg I)y so pitif alsehood; in May_ nextilien ta inect ut ter, o,(ýloej whieli Nlr el, paeket is Co. Il( ventioniste for 4pleting hie purse. Neit authorized agent, but that his Hypophos. .-and trustod, affýý wliat had passedthat a. m. ýs a Court of Revision, and ta tra and performer, liad. sueeeeded in sa con- plitlite elifituipttiii, lotiýfoij.' Al.-O. il phites may lie obtained of i pardoned for saying now Saet otiler bilsilless. m n- trolling as ta render them coinpletely of El'il-l'h 11ilIZ3 titi efiitl Mr. W. g. Gibbéïwas pitched upon, bc. all respectable lie would le subject ta his will. The other cage con- Druggigts and Apothocaries at his prices. what lie miglit liave stated last but tained a lion whiell liad net yet been-eii- cause-»Membaing -the course pursued shrunk fron, that Ilis subseriptioli Terrible EFtrfhqtinke nud Lisgs;ifLiit-. tirel Alarliptié. by hi ta the Volunteer taine.d. Mr. Whittle, however, a. brother in South Ontario-he was GO AND SPE TuE Lios-Mesars Laing& telief Fund had been Tite City of Atitioch Destroyed. one thousand dolIarii. (Loud a-ad pro- li-nowing his power over (Ituub anfinals, 101,11, regarded as a man likoly ta spend money Stewart say they have the animal on ex- longed atteiripted on Tuesday niglit ta enter the freely in, an electioq coniest. They did hibition at tlieir new store, wliere London, April 8-A tclegrairi ftiom cage of this untamed or half-tamed bru Fil 11 W hettt.. el. 25 'lot dare bring forward tho name of a toniers can have a look at him lîree . t- -N , cus- Tlie rel)ulçe was iveil adjuillistered. Constantinople brings the intLýIi-e1iee that an(] (ro tlirouLh his ustial gra M reloident in the Ridinir. well knowinir flint tO& 'è t6 -be,' fufly comple-te ývery élepartment in a.-leýv >cUys. wtured Goods, for some e been stéýdily advan-ý rjee,-owing to the high ràe -.matéria4 theré is Ltioù that the highest 9 -yeýt been réachécL ing this ii dvance, we Lr -orders earlý in No- nd December last, for the for the trade thïs se&- Son, at 019 AÉ AVERAGE à TO 25 PER cru J06DS, TWEý EDS? k GREY COTT ONSI 'RtNTS, FLANNELS, prepared, to offer Bargains rTT'T vLtbIl ut me 'Latte, lutu- - __ - - position thé couve tu;; ao Utionists or tfieir ,ni -MORRIBLr,,-(),u wn hif; b0s0m ýand elothing. Mad- . - . e à «a -n'a" ODO.-Mr. Skinner has day morni'l"ila dened with deféat and pain, Mr. Whittle SPBING 00 filled 'vit], B. B. lands and hoinestcads. horse and cart, at Ratchain, werc leftý- to, healtli of H . the Prince of Wa' =dn"- It io the latter, howe -for the reco-,4 e Tha givin overnor-Gene in coin- Srd-To St. Joseph, Ransas -City and uR charge of a boy, wheil the lfolsë took seized a short piece of woonddbwolhdilyhanlid as a day of ver, menced his grand opening ad witll 1 in the caýe, a i bin th e the =Ohingý" at that awaite him, that sale of Spring Kansas points. of a iim hini, The struggle I hereby re( est t 'the said day ii %na Sunirner gonds ut fiight and bolted into tlie wiâdow attacked hie Cheap Cash The, rends -are splendifflybuilt, have chemist's shop, Two childrèfe -vý»howel-e observ as a wM find himali not ouly humili tedt Dut =for reine little time the lion 06 delt*d Md Wou.blïd victim, Who will Store. Ris stock WM bc found replete the best bridges, finest cars, the Miller on their way to school, stood ý11jsiac the evidently having been cowed by the fer- shp, and the wheel of the cart 1 « 4 with all the newest styles, eut one ocity of the man"s attack, but the inereas- 'PUB 1 (il 1-10 , DAI live to rue the day that his egotiom platiorin and coupler, and the safoty ai, child's heÉd off, leaving the body in au up- faintiiess of Mr. Whittle as well as within t à corporation, and t all pla, brake (to prevent the loss of Jiféý that is light pôsitio aý înst t e W. Th in ut of the liQn, fed by the eD prmpted him rashly toaecopt a wna TRAIMSGrvma D.&Y.-Ilev. deo. Coeh mother broughtQn prema- flow of bIô0dý which, bý this time covered Rbc el0 r-r DOMinâtiOn frOm a Convention withOut a ràne is expected to presch in the Meth- turc confine eý b qbýa n_ n on h windo, 0 tic exciteme of bus' ess may bc elosed il evei7wliere else happening) PuUman's sliock -to the observ ce of the sanie.- t - t e s eorporahon, and th aý1 li a ti rge and ment. Tle other éhild w th, m e Mý 'POlitkàl PlâtfOrm, Or Pér&Y. POWY, or à odis Church at 10:80, A. m., and at one POwerfifl engiÃœes (to mak-c quick time seý,erely injured, some of its li,ýàb. bia," with a sudden savageness once more, and HAME EE WO Bleepers,, Pullman dining cars, la the bottom of the cage, filled the brute J. HAMER GREE!ÇWO D. politiosi bith. supper room. of the 10 JS 9 st ahrM of principle upon which to pin his' 61clock a lunch wili bc sprend in the 'a bipken. with a bound ho threw himself on Mx. Ma es Office,, May, ril '0a ce of 'a good connections), and are in a word -the- a 0 e h 'LTLhe Mechan'es' hall, to best equipped ronds in the West. Bi: BLOOD CAME FOR COLORADO.-Jýld. to the floor of the cage. Thon turning t v. Au 7_ The duty of thé Liberal party st pree wwch the ladies invite thoic'ongregatîou fin's Creekl April 9 Shi ped yesterday Whittle's breast, and bore hîm backward, April 10, 1$72. ont la to »teh and wait; but st the and their fiienagi. that if yen desire to go safély, Eeely, from Duffin's Creé. Ften Pze pure bred suddènly upon him, ho fixâd hio teeth in IGS AND TOILFT SOAP same'time to be "Il prepared er-&U quickly and comfârtably to any Point in bulls from the herds of Mes the fleshy partýof bis rîght; thigh, which F emergencies. A o9ceention to determine Fias à» ToiLzT SoAp sr Auc%!Iolç.- Southern Iowa, Nebraska,*, Kansas, or on Bell, Whition, and Major for Denver, Upon the choW of j oan" tè cm be fu Seo advertisement of Mr, Fairbaü the Pacifie Ronds, bc Colorado, in charge of Mr. W- 1J. 3Meý difforent places, from., the knoe upward, as ý Miller, ho bit through no lesg than tgur times in «Z AL ci MU Z<>-'LTa ks, sure that yon go and mé1dný nine wounds,- soine of them -The Sa ri er wéll "Il by vilbi, aile, ir more advmiMgiiondy hold a month hence Auctioneer. "By Way of Burlinàtou." of Pickering. three inches longý terribly lacerating the toi lob% te a ureliagf-,ri4 nt M 1?0110,wâ, --------- *ý - «' - 1 - à - ' femoral -Vessels. Mr. Coultas had all the Whithy a "On Motit Of 100 fitâ of hlit".It thàu st proseut. ' Ail Who wish pa#lcukr informationq Few People *unacquainted Figs, ( firexli ru 0180,- xes of foi ompound Syrup of Hypophos- With Physlo- time continued td lm the cage-scraper 'It is reg&txbd as not unlilkolye t m and a large map,, ehowing correçt'y tle logical chemistry are aware of tJýe quau- with ouch good effedet as te make the PhiteO WM OPeedUY and certainly arrest Great West, and ail jtsý SATURDAY9 L 13th, 1871 die chuges to, be made in ý re-Quating the dOpreodug infinences of aises» upon railroad comiect- tify of iron in 4he blood, but ail, should beast ultimètely leee Mr. Whittle and The uttésition of . orcha kotel-keepel th* represontaition, put of the North Re ions, caù obtain fhem, end anY Other knd#ý the importance of keeping, up the retreat tu, the other division of the cage. the nerves and muscles. 4 restores the . Weakened frein the ereat flowof blOO& and of la le is puit larly iliviteil ing nîAY be Uniw with North simooe knowledge,,by adaressing Generai Pas- supply, for debility, diseuse and, death this fiole, aMA rigi advan beldom m for'the' induces a 440litiOn 10 takO songer Agent, B. & Me. B. B. B,, Bur- tire appetite and mauled and laceratëd- as - ho was, Mr. with, purpose ef forming à new elactor- onhealthyflesh. It'eau sure to follow when the quantity be. Whittle rose, and, closing the door, with Sale nt o1clock p. m. Te SI division. In thât un, Any definite "la the f0rma- fington, Uowa, 'L. FAIRBM Prssent ke' Pm=ture'- àcfion of both Heurt and Lungs. itelle A fiiend of ours Who is chief clerk iný .!pp. tionofliving. blood, atrongthenixg the comestomuchreduced, The Peru-çîan the.-assistance of Mr. Coultas, bolted it, oo" "Woula At Syrup (a protoxide of îroffi su hés this thus effectuallypreventing any further A 8th,1872. 15 Auctioli About the 2-hrdd, of ]ëàYý lm been sug. vital element, and has me,,,nàny chron_ attacks froin the aninfaL tainothe..oyetem under trYing CirCUM2- tte GoVernmental. Dîspe4sary, says that At thig moment Mr. Whittle's strenr-411 IRST-CIJASS ST0Ré*.ýT0 LET gested te us m a convenient time for à stances, and causes the hcalthy doyelop. no medicine chest îs now complote wîth- le diseases, entirely gave way, sud lie fell te the lict- F 0onvention 'of the Bd= and Liberal The doot W" thon ý In the Town of cli Brock trect, 1 ment of 92 the Org9m@.necessary to' our out Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. We Voterinary Surgeonsall over the colin. tom of the cage. Party of the Riding, Enough WM thon existence. qâways supposed itwasproseribéil Jýw; trY arc rlcc0n=euding S-heridan's Cava Ur-i-iegf% part of the ,pened, and Mr. 'Whittle was takenfrom the hemrt of the b bé Imown m toi the ohangés HW' toi be by lry the cage andcarried te the residence 0 . f 'Two*torlem,65xl6 Ttiob-iiidinzi>çneweor Y. uglit te bc, for certainly Condition Powders for the 'esi un te fftted ti mad 'in fàrýý new eloo4ge dîvieiom. Marvellous is the perfection of stitch fOllOwing 3J:rý 0ýBVen;, abouÉ thréé soâ! p or, My n4;îneýs, itpýE t is hot, it 0 of tjie begt bqilt nn<lfini*hediii the totyo, an The roAds wM be in a botter date -for ma4 by the dýOuborW' Sëw-ing Machiýe. -of ý so mucli ýiÙ1Portanco fýo the roughneus of the hair, nefite, 'Ithere in, nothing, in tho whole materla trouble in horses'.-Loss of )r. L; IA who.*ÉftëÙd portloà-fort-dsv«-Ili*ngt sieus"nry. Splendi medica stoppage Gowels ed himý dressed hii'wounds. La# even. eeller»Re. Rent moderate. tmvo4 ud thère wiU be altogagm a bat. Guumteed for thre years, Guoiph or water, -thick w»ter, 0OÙ91W SÙ& câlds, ing ho wàs in'a. very critical condîtioný Application te he made to the propnetor (ýek.,ÃŽiî;w ana symllins of tu wôrp4 1 horéé au, MÏO w0undéa Mââ bu bseà in the exn- Bry" &5ý0VV" ý 7«». 4pu Im, iffi. J&L :)dB,-have raaterial. àd in price, wij full -line at )RICES7 IC 50 ýG-ENTS. Dn is solicite& PIOWELËO

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