Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Apr 1872, p. 4

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£~Magazines, Periodji for. Music und Books car'cf AlOrders r filleci. ]PROF. -JORN 'PO8T'8CATALOGUE 0orKmusic. thî if a C>ilfdty -i use langeru My,: 571. 1 MER-CRIANT 1 A 1L 0R 'VLOT1I11 AND DRlAPE OSH-A WA. te b.oeC style ssîîsl latest famcliQun A fine stoek ofClotlie frais, w ehto Cae ilactia ifor Gentinuti*isMill ci.cii tm' Oeheawi, If y 12, 1850. 1 Flour' Feod SKT ]IE. f II2NRY. i11p>1A1 E 3> sIrextla liifurt Che iiîia lite rof M il Y an I-Vluiidi tuai lie lias catfidt i5 HE~NRY WALT BROOK STREET, ITlY, li le r l il kcepgë14a c itiy 0on auimd, violUr, Ã"aamoed, Coromeni, Ur , Ott And evorytliiîg ii tiu Fuel fille. let of Flour for 'iriiy amse. tirer1% tijing 4t thie luwet sallitg lrkm,. The cash systenli cr trlc iraît. lwac citil und examnine quiility iiiil r. Ils11 l['l 1)l Wh lClîy, Vl)b, 1871. JOJIX ILoviJSss flair ýDressiîîg and Shaving MALOON, BRIOCK STr., W'IllTliY tw Sou'ris UYv T5 it ANX lbiotTtmA. . Whitby Jan. 22, 18. NE PLUS CILTILA, à Niw OLE£x uiOK, wsruI'IomitA ctOt'Atîsuar i'ricQ 150ecîs i; 411 ', 'r ulozeit. Wliîcrever te Ne lPits Ultra (flt'utIa ii boieailstîodtu'.d ia as l eIni toiaiade' perler tu 01l at-ber wîîrkil Iiii ibid. I i.dite larget, latc su, fi stauld o111y ao-iaatti iof' '-(,% Ci îtes ensd Quartes., nittri>' ail of witicli limivi lPislinoo ta ii auis d lt), sattille copie.isitiulld, poiut-puiml, loittilio, 299 llroakwe-u', Nota birlt. jausary 22nè 1872. 4-tl' VA 01FOR SALE. Liii Souiîb.elf of Lot No. 2.5, 2îîd con. ai' TO0W SIII 1P 0 r PICeiI NG, ('iiitig10Acres, 85 clîtareu.- Tuit1 tirc ciihe uils.tass sg0oul ttotio itote, l'iitiie lient, aiiui tesIe, âans i u'îd 5 Iaes-J(iteamti e hiall tulles front rusulîîsî' 34iY etatittit. tl.'. Ji., sîîîd titis 11m i WitCly, 'l'urine ie#y. App1îy (If b>' letr lrliî.loi Cii ite 's-îtiiiatslii brtoti I'.0 . Jsisîary 22usd, 1872. 4-tf J M 'lt'iANT TO lPARTIESil S1 51 ttdi aciiîii utti . ,. Iîeullr4.[ Iti h-- t-olue i4uui1urIlity fth lm t b iii iltir,it -m thutemý s00(,#4te ti) proc'itge tir-- CI .-- t 1 tiole,1 tymmistitis-t lieru' i f P t nmiaaî' vit-t Chdies->',frtuei lto ,ci iew1it iiaa-imiic- f'-il l,ýscar'etof eluI)Iti, "tt'-iiiiîm -tnt- çýOtitmllottv-liIt- uxeelm tti-liii m()l -IT VEI1 v( , itaac îî'îiiîîî'îî- Cut Oi i-t- kisiîit eelets liCibat-itl t rotitis-, uttîmiiL îî h Il elo u la4t ltial.t-> lst lutai, ut Inui iiit b>,y aCler Cils. h twiii iii tatiueal or tîeit lus theColdest-oi wcat-ier. 'risll4 c aqitetîta- toi theIiiglii te rteta'c, trosCite tac tit it.tA lisu havlg nuîelqtmtsay vPli itlot iirhaîitomt ut oeldjsfisA lhest)- 1i ue>'biteplcihediil hllies- tut,,thtle 'motmentit t ittl oi fILtaos<eeud alsla wili tnt 4ls-uiitii- tIltI-ýcarûIbyfictoit t-e-nlit iuiiui sturt ire sepery ta remitc fi t tu lijlidItmi litt owqiirng 4 Irlïher tonmperatitre ity fletion.tio Ai jornal ezpait;iti rtu he boic' litirailIrh1l1 as il InOPseblo-to tieanail litwi i ti Pi rta cold 11Ms - thitiol; t-ie resit, autuIr 14 to îmihî. gIs 011 withî vatar. J. 0. Stuci', tufitifi lit- IcaetA theî#Csi mueclluiery Cit no101trtit ltsappil. '£fil I 5miw iuidlofis tiertwre huildrod'. iaieise it.eml le-gi inir the huit pf jtrtisation, n"4 «Il islie lis eolviit tlit- orefer it tereftneil tpornior parc <>11vo. lii> troc from.the objectione*tr d t flimt uti etier Olis, as ih dose itgottis r frii u;NtP)% aus the.pubile su'.avare t-iai- mati>'WurlicI -os t-hlugs are poiffsd loto rnatali ' ittrier ta prove ha thia la ne huincbug, sante so- -tre * osrsoes..agaluet tise t>osunoe <ltutu. -rui.t leu& oil 1sunts <uisny of whein toil sot 11u1e -'tatti Iàmo* the Tssu noffal of 0Cil rlres sbeng Iientiloai vith tili 'seirs-tas Mtcliinc 011,> w. prepoel t-o t-lias, Who are IntîerestiI inltutat of tuoe' stetementei, t-amolltîcte thoi n a pplication, by mail or "'lisrwitue, fie.of cuArge lit %uDy way, as5utelu'illu<1,h- - - iuîil mey-$Peak 1for ltse . nd wille sai BAu l i l t a few isimple testes e fctiei18si tlicetnit-sby wli aid lit klnavtfris, lie husr luet-si, sud viliwillcaltaiiapastieor- derlntioa soier hltussîvea ae»tins ri.i ttacj, by einabuogthem, t-o detos-stîsule et obctu *whotiuer tise 011 fcrwarded-iti as good as F n uc triieiitsTAL0 biFll&itO1iia, 3O 0 Littl i Baqy Kale, 0GaloP 40 GUod Luck, Oalop Il The Co:ing eti), M4176 60-111 Orenu Diîko Aiw'i,,> with pcirtrxit, Slarcli b Bisttie of J'nigiie, lIane ts 7r, Masoiîloialea., 3Meraci, 80 Thie P.jMA. hllMai, %%itlî Cornet, ut liS.. 50 A. RayOr sui111hiec, 50 Wooliti(lWIeltz 85 oxon.'elti, (Movlrt,> Walt.z 40 Y ll Ithae ç'rot<ti, Weltz 80 (frend Pireà Alexig, Waitz 50 Blleils withioln Wordab, (e xciii lott tonolkinig pinces,> fcaeu 80 fidhi 11011r' . Nlizotirh-a U Tho Caeprice Widîz 50 Midl Sli Fong, wlthotit Woris Thilteiin«iitrlr produliunlin> en la lied, hefîîi itilaly boa id ili clotit, $4, or 1'1ptrately ifi ouec lima, rhc b1iîidcaI F.inilly, hlîaaieuil 1,olkas, %Welze. . 1 ,ý',I ii', aat T> tIllmi.ovî Kimm tti 1 1i $weot Biily, s4i, 40 ive and l ove I!Orever, 80 C'0,110 wila tl.oMorfflng Bhîniiem, 60 'Tis S Wesi-t 10 le hlaninbered, 80 4ngis ever Brili;endl lir, 50 aWiî,n DniciefCt Us, 8U If daîîghty a endts iny 'L¶ýdy pleeea, 40 Good ee. 'l'iza Jane, 86, 1 viii 8t'irry îoY. owu Love, 30 lAt Clîild, catite, -80 Iltsppyssaequeco, 85 Pilnncar, 8 0 fsir Pove o fan 8 OV, 0 Good leïentrIgo 8Pv~ 0 lico)tels Songe-a rarecCollection on hand ilsewtllorîloIla Btn]-et 'und selectili'. Anîy of ilise Soiigs acu rtjlI living. Il ~t o "iiii cl, J. . (Z'i t toi tior fn arloi <Irgîlti or Mi i 'Tîptop ~ic" 1l are,(nx'ioî 'r nt 2 lit) 4 00 5 0 7b 50 for Sheet Music arrlauled and Bouîîd as desired. ()rders wili be l)romIJtjy ttttanîl dtuo, aa*îmr ar aslppiçd w'ititj jttisient t llitaislla Please Seîîd your orders to JOIIN Pos'r, Dcalcr in ilusic, Statio-. ncu'y, Schirol look-s antd ]ancy Goocls, W.bithy, Onît. Mul soSnt lr-ea ta aiuy ad respoilireî'elpt of 'riCeo. ŽýF- Slucct Music cuiot beû exchaîîg-ed. Ui-IL and see- the- Fluareiîc6 Sewiîg rMachine.10t Lades' Geîts, ad Culdcîîs Fieand Uûaî'se "Boots Shoo's Wliitby, Nov. 29, 11871. Oystcrs, Luti. The -tc---( -. 3.'e f&tà4 àC Overijes îic~ W:C~tu aîd cîîuk'L:.bl:. 'idi Ruibes, umerous custorners that with the rooîny ffiîeilitic's afiordeci hirn $II~~îQ't41&i:, ~iin the mcxv preinises ituto w'hich he lias rnoved. l s nule 1S W7u Crockery in, gretaiet;, YWhitby, Jan. 22'd, 1872-. RI. FRANCIS,- Dundats St., Whitby,. GREAT CLEARI 'N'G SALE! -AT-. OLD L YEQUAN GIIiSON in ro'turhfng tfiidks to Ilus old fflewlds cuatorneris and the pul' in gerseral, -nqw beg ta inform thoîn that in order ta reduce his stock of Dry' Goods as nuuch Ù. lpossible, before Christmias, affere tha wboie of biàs llock, con. sisting ipf Canadian and English tweeds, Ileavers, Doctikinç, Brond cioths4'S îringe Winceys. Faney Dress gooils. Cobourge, Reveisible Black Lustres, Xferinos, Prisîts, wvhite and grey Cottons, faney Dress Tri mnin.p andi Ribbons* li endlcas variety; llosiery, Glovçs. Nobles, ioodis, and aIl kinds cf Penny vool goods, suitable for the season ; white'Biankets, horse Illenketi', BufFalo robes, Carpets, Êc', and a full stock of Mink Purs. The whole of thea idovo will bc sold clioapes' th-Ln the cheapest' in Town. Ladies cland examine for youraelves, before pîarclîasiig -elsewber'e. Juslt arrived at ohi No. 1, a.elsoice and fuîll a.esortîn{tnt of a] il ls Of Christ-mas Fruits, Valenîcia anîd Layer Raisins, Curraiiîs, oltoice 'l'es,- coffée, Figs8, Soer, &c. 0z:- The highest price paid for Poultry, Roli Bîîtter nndEg Do't foret tha place or narn,C Y. GIBSON, OLD NO. I WANTED IMMEI>A'rELY AT OLD IÇO. i. 1,000 Good Drossed Hogs, 500 Tuibs'Good Btt3r, 5,000 bushels Fait Whoat, 10,000 bushctls Spring, Wheat, 5,000 bushels Puas, 1,000 bushels Clover Seed j orwliici; Chu highcat 7Mharket 1rtcc wiii bcrai. 1Wisitby, Dccemnber 1', 1871. GOOLO Co. 1. 1~' yGIBSONI o0 tËA BE:YRE>DC iý'ss Goods; Millinery and Mandles, Winceys, Flannels, Clouas, Scarfs, In norder b rî-ake a 4horougb cicaraýïnce our RÉEADY-ýMADE OLOTlIING STO'-)K,- great bargi will be offered.. NEWV AND CIIOCE'GOOI)S. JAMES iJn MU,-RPHY- U as receîîtly received, at bis new store oni Dundas Stree t, a large lot of new goods suitable for the seaSon. .Ready-rnade (Iotuing o.( the best quality, at very low prices, A n excellent stock of Dry Gçoods-every-' thiug i.n the lino. Hlats and (Xt1ps , Gentlemen's furnishing HAMILCIlON & co. Fainily Grôiceries complete. New Frtuit, &C., for, Christmas and NeiW Year's.,1. 1 JAMES JZ MURPHY. Wbiîby, Peceseber 6tiî, 1871. 49 :Iz'~ R ~utiiîc"atly dllet. Cali tît the old Starimi. w 1 LiA M J ai ' y L),1i im12. 8TR NS, liîaî>i&.SittnStojre, Iiirk strecl, Wiitlby lis FLOU ovda I. U;'0. t io t-I Llv tn i-igIp ri '4, r r c i t h 1 lul 1 ,.-ai1 o p t - 11 aI lirea. Wiliit', f aulit-".tii, 1m,7Lz .ï. . 1 C=.- LU ~ a L c 5. til. lsti cilug lu MachiseOua vili do \j ft~ sinunloale vti' t 1 EU. B. STOCK, Broughai, Ont. - Soie Aget for t-le Doiwoo u1~, r MT M0 luL z ,E'. .'Oulîewa, April 1, 1870 Ot, Esq., BaccaIAx r A rale-ublo Itus-niltivf PIlAS -for telie tiit, mi Ocnt cX tin-i lu t 'cu is itutlit l'nt rourlub)rlestlg il l'or the at-CutulCu't'- t utbt, 'u abii ot andm ga sy vithout bsit1!uiieiul~am Ott'-fCAî i- mi a nd 1,b atol .1feijrol.5aIta i"tI212h:, ahicinioliua * 00 vpiýlitg. t ees i 1-setul]. -11, ùabC iiî îý .huîg 4lCtir-cs ýVt1h W.j do -nt*'wantaê ssitng. lier p îp~t ll¶in- ¶ mm sl4i 'Wltby, J4 <t, ici. *98 lcA CTFAUUL E,1)AT T 11lE Agrieuitura-I, Works. L.FILrCELEU[AT'E[ Double l'UR1BINEl WATER WrJIEL. titi. ;oit 'r u-"uai.. Ni, I i. - INt' mri t-. P'AX'TON, TA'TE- tuCO., l't'.t 't-u l'Port l'us-ny, Ontt. 'ru it -ai i.iii -i - tf-S.lÃŽly I N () J TVI Iflle o AO DA emlit in APio,(yRIai, ic-în, 8729 Atio it rof1- ,1oli oio Corotu,Jeutheiof te I>uuue undcul sli tfaChseJ... I.L U U RE.KAk' tuS-," ctenu% ced, ciii ittt notlasd.ventin The uuit-ersal success of this Macmîne, bow 11ineosey con t-est-eu - N ELSON (i.REYNOLPS,'triais and la t-ho banda ofîhe fermera, wrrant ur, in s tin hat, asa.SelfRakiog -ShfriIf, C.1O. Reaping Machine, it- bas more good pointa and lé a.s defects, !and bas met writi muore, sh k'l lenru ry guec-2s- - nd les s fàu e, t-han he rctofore effareS 't-o tic public. BOU &SHOE STO R. CaugaJunIir Mower. Tii .uIsa',ia humi tiocetl I hi ewi wre he Fîrst Pruze adDpoîia h-Pcica 1300T AND MO511E STORE Exhibition, bci ucla-T-orf1870ï un compeit-on viii ailitie leadng . liiuoa manas- i01itk ts 'j"buct - 1cio-u lî- factured in the Provunce-; aànd e-ut-fiOur radant Liaiprovcunentac, m W c nItsaeiîigly ~t ~ ~> vhta hoi8enov halegeinventietion M~d coMamperison viihCOtaPtltirg-1whlIines, Wc are setisflcd tint- i~~ptr'i t, nitu~ ei a>i dre ,>t'r $,Cb iuVestigatiaa viliconvia.ce crus-inpreudicet i cld, thhltt wti 01r tho bçst- Wr.A 1 z i stl ienct siock Mower ta theo Parmes-for 187T1, bouit-'ilutheaDominion. edfa d 01n hanSl. M aiîiitg Jne e -- s anp-v ~s~aL - catalogues, JOSEPiIlA, BANDELL --- MWx &PATTERSON, to -kcep 'oli baud a lar 'ge stock of clihs'of evcry k-ijîl, Veil selectecl by lirnseW andJof the bc.st quaity. (C'oîuteren's (Garitents îmade [o o(l anîd a 1)erfect fit guairanteed. Genîtlemren's Frshî goo<Js, inclîîdin'r 'Shirts, Tics, Braces, îîewest styles of Collars, &c.. JOHN FERGUSON, I)uiftas St. Whitby. (l-riism's ttyocîtipiudi by Mrt- Guir e, is a Drtig Store.) CÂRIAGS &CUITERS ~ r~V~Bc-s to alînouince ù i ~JI~lU~UJY xlb 11e~v U L , i opeîîed businE O u t t )r. Ba dell , *OF Ti'Y SUJ>,ýeR[OR iI'ORK.viLiSjJ. i rec 4GGAES &SLEIGtHS. REPAIRS AS USUAL. RiGIIT No 2nd, 1870. Aud of tl Also *on baud a lar ffl JEX i I 91 Ea hieh cennot ha surpase AUL orders punctuo B&siness also cai A-W A DED FIRST PR IZ E WItby, May 10, 1871. Af tProvincial xhbj i eIçld at Torot I, H E C lin th)e p'IlII01,1870. We offer to oûr custeaiers for the couîiug I'Iarvcst, tiwo dîstînet Machines, which in style and constructionî, Wxîbrace the i ttest and mbst îuse-fnl improveunents of'the day. JOIINSTON'S SI-NGLE SFLF-IIÂING IWAPEI, GREîn)'"AT- CLEARING SALE or Buffalo Robes, Rai1way Rugs, White and Grey Canadien Blankets, Horse Blankuts, IJarpets and Feît. Oves- conts. CloChin-, &c., Cenadian T-eeds a nd Flannels. Cotton l'arnaend Bags, Fur Caps, in S S. Sel, Ilair Seal, Plucked Otter, Plucked ilaver, Ermine, Mink, &c. We oflar special inducenuenis lu tise aboya uines. T. Il. lcILLAN L& Ç. McMillato'tc Block, Iirack St-. !S-&'SHQES.' HEW COLLINS to bis cubtomýrs and the public- tht-t. he bas iess on the pI-enises lately occupYied by ceipt of a splendid Stock of the. FIT AND MAE the best style of Boots and Shoes. 'ge stock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoe's .aed for quality andi price. ially attended to. Repairs neatly done., xried on as usual at the old stand, near thïe MATTLE W COLLI NS. )LD,,STAiND! The undersignl returng' Ythanks for the-lit hithes-to exUtndded ta Ciheaid estabuishment, for nearly a perlaS of1 ta say t-ici he has nov- on baud .a largo assSrt-aient of t-ha aies styles of 'And trusts by proper attention and uuoderate pric eontiauainée of public patronage. Practicel uphalstering. Purny Un4ertaking and Funerals Fully supplied L&'Some splendid speeimens «0f Picturj Fi'are, Remember thze OdSiand. 1833.1 MITSIC IC W hitby Brase sund String BandË, adaptedl- for- SarePie fLics, 3Excursiona. Quadrille pate,&a. .,' iii supply the beau and laiese Mule, O aitseonable ÀPreliùstions mueut be nmasie itlserpersoDaîîy,ý or by !eter, (Pest pai ci,) ta lE NDERSIGNEID DESIEES TO I- ,T fàrta isi. fr*iande suddpatrons, Chat bc bas agin resum&là business nt-the. olil WHIITBY LIVERY STABLEçS 1 W-11Iig auureased tIse is zmber and qnality aI lie stuil, and aisea assed toansd iu- provad the. cotiveyaneies'sud velhieles on tihe pamis, ha hapes by beiuig in a position ta' meet the wntâ of costmers to mait a asie of publie patrouage. g~CHIARGES 1JIODERATE.~ N. B.-Cavered-cue îesfor farniieis sud ladies. Prompt ait-enudauct, as i orettilore, ta all arders. M. RAY. Pioprietor Whuuby, April 8, 1868 TEETII XTRACT-r I~WITHOUT PAINM, . IY THIE SE OF NITROIJS OXID LLG N 'G s OR THESNEW 1,00ALAN.ýESTHETIc' AT DENTAL oom, DUNDAS SrTIR E E - WHIfTBIY, C. W.- - itOOM.-Ovr, M. H. Coeltrae's Store. Witoy, Jano 26, 1867.,- FELLOWsy' H Y P 0 P H OS8 P H I T E& thCe u se al IXer muus eb ltg Jî'p s , ei,7 roa - flaltilIit>' resînliingfrounTyîodsu tle low fevars. IDi?lgt-hinnît;C I'csCid andots, iler sus or IWs.iîisg tir heuee;, utpli a, or Lotm of Vie, ýoreu or, t. Vit-useDanee tIiuggimllgsae0 ýlita Lives-, lnies-rupti sud Iceble Actions ofrs caed ivucuo bstrUcion fafCite Lunyg sud Ar lsasgee leadîng Chenet-a, aud DebiIiy fs-c s-asions c uses, fm asty cae s. o a i çl p poitailcdhopales,, -I Soidby Apaiîsecanice. Pr4n e, 81.50 Six for $7.5. - JAME9 1. FFÈLOWS, CuajrrnT, JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YORIK & PEEL_ - W RESI EîYCE 0 s th Cou_, Markham.pose Oice-uniony,îî. &&SLES atteudeS oUnte ebartosi notice, eus on reneonabl trins. Terme cntisbeimadeaS.Ld bill,prinCeS sttl4a Chroclce eee for Me carter. 17 GEORGECORMKACK 1ityoiEl iniolAT9beroîaa;iîte.Qui uc UJN _) ERT A K.IN G. FUNE!ALS fuliy suppiledlanii attedd on sbort not 'ice. Ca'ffins Iept oount iiy on baud A uiesse a iire or. ltborû trnis. -GORGE CoRmAcx.- W isitby, Peb Sut, j.1862.- sucs-n C )T'IIiNG SPRING ST'OCR OF Co. WhiLby, Decetiiber 6th, 1871. to his 1 AT - tf-48 r N-ý - wuý NE-WN JAMES J.ý MURPRY. 49 1 The 1 c r 1-'q S, T ýA B L

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