Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Mar 1872, p. 1

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lmentsa *ONiTARIO BANK. DQMMNION BANIx * 1*. ».Taylor, Acittiat. April 16, 1871. 26 OIUNTYCROWN bTTORNEYYQOIt N la ro, arrîtc -n f toey-at-tnw, so .0flc-Br,'k #treet, nnît door tW ROya Ilîtol, whithy. si <,EORGIE 11 0 DARTX]CEL, - BAltltlfTFlt, ATTORNEY,,CONVEYANý- Bcor, Dcpnîty Ieàgtrar, Mctor Ex1rAordi- Ory,, nd cxaniîîunn Cltancerv for theCOn- ty.ofOttrlo. Office Colirtft~ouc, WhibY JAMWES J<EITH GORDOI49 ~~t~t& ATT0tS SY-AT- LA W D'B1tlétoru ChîîoryConivoyancer, No- ary PubI1ý. &0. o>gnr-2ciext door in the Stor- of B. & J. f,'rtnpbrfi, lirock St., Wlithy, Ont. *Whrthj, Nov. 1h,' 1867. 48 IAREW LL &McGEE, (>v,î<nt:-Onio (100? north or the Po4 Office, 0llatwîî; 111o eFd r' plleit, posite Towuî Unit, 1Howinai)ville. J. E.1ýWE1 VA7 R . muoGx., 11 STI'OIlNEYAT-1?LAW, SOILWITOR LN A. liitocryý, fui ý,ya.ncer, c'Ali sinlng, on lBr6iok, (.1W., J. IIAMER GR'EENWOOD, A TTRNE-ATLAWSOLtÇTjlt 11 ke., Wiitby h. %W. Ogirîott, 3l.fr,»atreet, $oulil if Pomt Office. 48 LYMIA1tNGLIS ~L. 1., [cory ,dolivcyer,.. îlincoc St.-ýbrtcws JAMESLA<N 601,ICITOUIIN ik CtICY, ->tî.->VrArmnýtring'c Ilotel, main St. R.J.I&TNN, e. D. 'UHGL;E0Y )TO TE COUNTY (JAOL, '110'WN CTlItUK dlTI1EAIgUI1EB. WIII.TBY eerloo-Town hall- ilourmOto Iclook. C. N. VARS, )lAY'JAI)nicOshaa p Doîîtl. IItoomm, directly oppo- 1tegyitrept tliirj-l 1lor îortlt ofthe Ontario WILsON1ILOUSE, A. WILSON Jr., - Proprietor. I tîiiotul lul te lpubllic guutniuly, titat ho Il ic utpeclld lue tuera uuonw bute] l tthe Village cf An ibiitriu, fuir tue îceoinedatieiuofet tuetra- voIliu(ig pîubOlc. 'ie lionne laeuucw. sud fur- ninilîcu l i utut lnt tluoroigli andîtulfîtlortable an Cigira )f thoue OtniBi'înmilwcyr kopt clu :ÂrGalStîîllluig il Ditudattelt.c Ostiers lu A îtiui, \u.WlLuStN,Jr, reprict or. Granmd Triink Railway Hotel. AT' Vu 1911-11Y STATION. 'M iitJu liuizpurt-luimeuituiuul t'l iuî blîhîitî tiiw tticlisthe OGranudo -e'riuuîk Iloiel',aW hiuby îttiltt, utgmiu t, utoin ,himfronds iii ithte trtiî'cl*g puicletuaI ho op îiit'i u uts Iîulvî e mtîtlsi n Ictii irt- hicms tcuiller.tîallu'eit Li ehe aus ggume win titttu' tiii triainr jtlutiicge Imeruteunciiur tuta ci-tkil ukutcure of til ,,lt l'retr il. 1.1 (lUT l*1E R fi Y', ON T. -K. r0'!, - Propriotor. .ýt d clet oilut, ul attetiv'e tustîle. t'ont 'rr>', Navuc, 1wIC. ' 4; * ~ ~ ~ N JcLE 'llhlIN, A SEb'tti"*.4l'UR'.uIL S1H ti..le (Coiuîty tifi iin- PORT PERýRY, ONT. Iltlliltîy t1iat" l, opi 'îuiIee acouîw epen t.c lte ptilo, wlu'oe lie l it elire t ofuruslacgiuod uuoutuoliti o i Vsuc.:t tieCti uty. Sept. 1u, 1870i.7 WlIg'l3.3Y, - iONT. - A. -M A SOXY LProprietor. 'rt ho%-aIs" heout thioutiuly renovated, S and tIi.p tbilo mlii fiuud evees accii tmodistion r aî itite l'ontmuutcltIii - Aprt is $,187o. 16 WFI$"TERN HOUSE!1 11V îundorniglîeti moulu Intimate tu'Alue, pulul.li t1at hgore promiistea have heen, 1tovwly ltcul Up auid ionccutcul t4iretiohct, for' t!'oeiIccu>tiitctçluicttof OcttsBea Wlneanti 'Wtno, WIIIf s Lagôn, mhiilennie anti retal. JOSEPIt A. IBANDELL. Bourders a lken hy cite wetk oanmoderate whit6y, May a,11871. -~TOR IN CH,&1CE1T Alia StMO Cr, 5100OTilA?, PUBLI, i&C., cT * WÂTCRX iKe., C *Watcbea, Clocks, Iua l nmtruMasp And OVMathÎ"g MeCbanieuI i Reeired i'ced im- proved te 811h all. nt LOW Rates, utti4 <iii the eho-tet§t notice. Wltty, May 31, 1871. u, L ONDON ASSURANCE CORPOEATIO7,: VIllE AND LIYE. EarÂautsiirio 0vRoYAL CUAiiTitr. 17m9 Fuxmix iuD ...... 2,463,538c I17e id. Slg. HFATI AGIfN-. MONîTR.EA-Iton O il. STF:PIIENS. No. 54; St. Francoig Xavier iltrett. JOHN AGNEtv, Agent. Whlthy, May th, 1871. 1 S O 110 The unde fsigned takea n co uiitî u, ttiteret'iâat the atueve tMu!%, atenvd 011 tLot No. 22, *l tlite 7tii 0.,llcogcciot)orofthue'itcl tirofUxbircdge, lure uor vil, PlUll ORXIG ORDER, AntM ?early foc tnting Luinhor !il cîîy qr.aîut.tv co aOt CURtoineri,. tut ,iwittt pulituî.lity auî doaqpttoi. Luniber Cut frot, lo to So0 cte iii .elitili. JOhTN WKIIO. Septetibe 29, 1670. 41 ONTAIRLO HOTEL- BDROOKL st, -WIIITBY. C. DÂAWES, Proprietor, Tha aiuoî'coli ccuulii liphttel utc Iueen j uuliewhy litteil nu amîd r'îucoitîegî Sy, te preprieter, oiil the s çurtiuteitn beilig fn nteued wrnlli nuw a,îd cuîttche fuiuutire. Thectinderaignet wil ltai'e utcftilitic- îlue hum providiug f or te cofrt (of lis g iue,4,, antd tIi y i> ely m]Po)tthe o i4otu f hure lit1uotn beiuî)g eupplied ut ttlBar- $trict attention psld t ei;ta uutliitg, tîtîi uIit hcokiitg after thue ciiity et htotlers4. C. Dawssu, i'rtuprifoter. Whiîhy, Nel, 2fnd, 1871. 41 TOILN WOLFENDEN, AGENT F00 7115 CELJEBRATED SCOTTrISH GRANITE* gý, At blatrbie W oris cf J11ANIA WOLFENDEN, -Dcuii'tSt. Whiiliy. t-7 M(ONEY TO LE N D AT REDUCED RATES.î 1 aiuc tiowjreliaruud tii leil ti i nitiittof nîolet-y 0Oit1jtlîoctant> fu1 L eouîFat'tui <'r loi- ductii'o Towtt Propori>, ut 'lielowvtos hiclOu rate of intlrent, li c .trçmîul titatu tuer le iii borrowcrs. 1'inii iicmti liiirepuuid hy ycuit'l> iimtuliîuiittt or lu Oie MtUNI. Scveralwtll cultiviteul FitniieandtiLut, 'c wii' Leuîd.s for sic uli lc.p. lnveautmantutuitade lin cuutuc, Mrgt andi other Stcunitiea. Silvor iandohGi-ectîbueke bolit tutnîîui tuiti For fuartiter particul -aan :pt JAMES HOLDE,, Official i Aigîtec, Moncey hroker, A- Olu'F('E-'eMilliu' lotti, irco ctrott, Whiitby. Sehu)tember 26tli, 187(). COMMERCIAL HOTEL- l3IOC)t'3 T., WlilTllY. -0- T II9E cuhciuuler htgi toiiiaucouîîuc teliii friettîl andthelu publie, tlîuît lu-- lies ne- cuabyituicî o -cii ooa i' it' il 'is I oW l iud ftî- vrin Llu fioutu lîutle,ci'l ontltiu; cILIoUf t ie lut ru-otul f uu'guiirîsanuuultie tri- N'cliiig puublic. ;gr lcttactiltiu.iijtu ul oi l pt-tion witiî oeeol îardn, ituirluttitivu'Oth-ntl 'waYa oi teîircaiin:c. Charges Mederate. E. £1. CALIELL. WlitlOLu Jau.-'24, 19685.2-1 GLOBE IOTEI;,l JAME S POWE LL, Propriotor FI"lST-CLAS--, A OtNlNo)DA'1'ON'. Feli f22Cud, 1S71.s c ENTIfAI. HjjTEL, I13 UGIbu lAu JOHN BAILEY,, Proprietor. 'Te ebovc lîctri liasett ut iî iew1i ttuIlup and fuinuiail t,îîu es-nalîl Stuc1 oiott"ablt GOece rooîuuy ctablittganiuit ttti i!fltîîcir. Jan. 2$, 1870. 4 F ÂILIINO IhllLEM'ENT8, A Tflicunderuigaed lirge la utateialîiue coulinuo etianufucuin Root, Seed & Manure Drills, .AS iWELL AS W AG.O N S, H A R ROIWs,-i SCVUYFFLE RS, ArN AoauronDs Or- FARMING IJIPLEMEBNTs. CjLO THES M A N G L i& W11ING , ýNotedasoneaofth lieu rtIile, of lte kiuud inauufatured lutnlteaoaunitv, titi hlic un o roi- MA ST<W CUTTERS,aBo cnt3iuy cecýik'eît du eucperior lu over>' respect. - nn f'oot, or on.,horaebaek, aleigi 'lcbext ci pied Value ycîitiî nt -'.B.-The îritne iplea bc'en a ). ttWlinZ alti M bavogbacc dice OIved hi' mutual huiclu icc iii 1 futtureo ho carne Kuow ling on tuer ewn iccoouitt. tVltby,Jti22nd,182 'ASSUUAN'rilEU] fz ý;,l -- -ý ure ort.t...ci or'55 iJyEu... e"uator utsie cor- se hOd.iber of GieiWii4'SiÇ-Peter Street#, ln the or Sonth Ward.' or âTise Ai- ,ha-: h'>er -f landt, vel 1ri neOl- a t t rntu- i llhiluataté et' oultivatien. on, tli' cûr ý-r of ENCWLING. Weliijton and Gifford Strebita, Noil Ward. Aquarter et an acre on Centre Street, sentil ofore exioaung ef the recedence cf C. 'Draper, Eaq, ln Liii t! rg. Mathows Seîfte Ward, i consent. te Aise, Twenty Acres cf go6d lantd, 'tieinh, i d on by ?u!ra conupoced i c art of lui 18, i la t10h cti'cccZ %Iôn-'of the Teoweship ot Murray, Couîtty :o 4 .Nerthunbed)and. I cA lear and, ndiéputablo tille wIii ba «A ivela te ail the aboe preî'erty. For Jurtie pitrtieonra appî fte eowner. ~IA Y W>iby. J uly 19, 137 1. 29IACISCIf Capital, $400,OO(.. 'l ISO 'î uuîl mifi leëtiblicht-d Ctusni'y ti tct pru-parcîl t acýelt riJekin lu ilene cf prîra',ut raton as loirce tiueco! cuty weli es tahfllhed O !Ilîatv Canuida'. leoi;ittuýl cit-d 11011 lti'irdou-t preparty li- stîrcd-fîur 'tliri'q î'eiruî or Ions, iItepecitliy low Oftice, Brock St., Whitby. REXERE HOUSE, tdÂOEETEC. W. PLANK - - Propruefor. t'uit iîl titu -ritvcîill daily. Evcry a'Lauli'îi jail Io tiiiuc.Lu. Ciiroful cad atîcut PHRNIX l'îBAUx~ 'ifliEA CIAIINGCROISS, ILIJLLSIED IA' 1782. (ILl'S'l, MUL'lA'rT & (o , fAoni.fr 1.AME, D AVI uMîîgr INzJ~~CCialiiet LOSS ',y FIRE tcr0 b ffcctc' i tist cfivorahlc tortue, aîîd 1,'; S PA 11) %v 'itlîois t rcfcrrcccte the Board. YEOMAN GI1BSON, Atîril rd.11i6. Aiitnt, Wlîitty UToiiANDRFO, Mî.; HENREWAREN, TEM.DT I3ROOKLIN, - ON. C CrT)XER O. &C. 1 BOSTON ris BiOuSStJ LeDUCgeSS LYINE I - &C. TlIîe Osborîî Victoriouis Ei'erywhero. 25 FIER-T 'RIZES, 3 SECOND) PRIZES, 2 DiTPiOMtAS, PIRi'NuuruiVI AuL os' 1871.- Iioclit-i tExtîibiliott, Ifingutoi 1871, FIRST PRIZIE AlutAtutiL THE OSBORIN Loèkstitch Farnily and Liglit Manufacturing Sowing- Machine UVLU' RALL GOYPETITOJfS. thue u.SB<>lN l r'uuicdyalpractical Sewiuug icuebie ppe. icituhave tLi ongluy exiitiit .Il po" t ooly a Fimti esaMa' chineut iii 'ev îarlieuuIs," huit, in their honut jurlizticit, The' Brsit Faiuuly Lockstitoh Se-Wing. 3Redusle ithue Mirkct. T' 0eIuîcii ,Ittu infât tut tuitiinthtoOSIOlIN oerail itîhe.rsi un:-Thc exctelience ant imo ufilorit-o!is uuîeîîiaîisitî,hue titcnitl-eniploy et1 ii ils eouItratciol, ils laming qinaliffesanse 'ci-til rn:geof mcrk perfeni!iodî eueh as nue cOhen machi!neiiluit i tclachienaîd nold nt tta prie catit utenlt. Tua ShiittIt andl Bcblint are tag,,î,, nsr'.IlacItent. cinsiglît, anti eaciiy set, tolt penfot, eud îimpossuie te gel ent cf orilor. Tbe fueet eu le raieed and lowereti ut wil, îcccrdiiig te thue ftbini te li a uet TITE '-OSBORtN" CI1ALLESNGrkS TUIE MAIL itET FOti Xlii EQIJL. Gruaranteed for three Yea. tTlionsamudu cuw in use tliroaghout -Canaa. oe e - ticlo a -'bela tictuu I t a and with grater Qe4edit ton t an ither,htPr Aî gedE ey hr. to, guaranîce e ver hahlinfa gente tanonnton.cnn iii - tlquality of lt workniut'hlçtamui mtoriial. PL& Il. O'IIARA. Bownienville, Ganerai SW berdwooti and Luiubar tau,,luin exAeuts for Onctario ceuîuty, Dumrhuamand Vie- changes and Oaci l'nlîe allowed to, iria. GUELPEtISEWINQ âMACHINE CO.- JAM~9LAYOXO uelph, Ont. lbtaad pclbe. Pcac. feche,'cxoiiM; cr < lWc.coStr evcniad a prclron,îci tOi adlr. d Sathebit'cw mk titi. daî'c:.Iei £ertse touhal,! owrttn.Pl utclca rcbc'c ew* iewçaoixfjxmt cl-cilnet i.'tyt~ _00-MMEIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES BLACK, - PoR:'n Couvcîîicîtly fltteil up room3c for Caniller cial travolers. BDîlitarda uttaclîcd. April 8, 1870. 14 D. HOLLIVAY. * BROOKLIN, - - ONT. AOEw? YOII TBIi7 ISOLATED l1ISK<FIREINu';UIANî-E'Cii. O F CANAD&, TOROONTO. A PgUaELY CAtADIl L3I2TUT ON Aliço Agent and A p mriser for Cciiada Peor- nmanentt Building und Stving Society, lor lo.iis cf, money et low rates ci îuîterect. Whitby, Augnst7th, 1871. y 1 32 R I C HlA R T) ( Begi; to inforni fis frieiîýls uci l teii' îîe, rthitîhli as re-tîken hic 01liijrîdî'. latcly ýcccpied lîy Mr, Arunali, W1LI-Ut lie ia now prepuroî te cutpply oe'rythln$zin the ANI) CONFETIONERY LINK. Jumt rectivcd, caverai Cce.R(q of PEA'fl Eg& VTOATOES, "try cuperor. CHOICE At'l'LE-S &lEl FRmSI oysmEIs, F RUI1T 0F AL JiK 1N Di Ksîep ontclatitly oit1li.uti, in solasui1. ORANGES, Lu suN, A 1!I)t1N -s' LOBSTEJIS, ilASINuS, itU s i IIEESJO, -T'OrACrO. N. B-tiyiers caiiitue liadt hy thîle t, cooketi or raw. Bread deivered daily tOu cUut-iscr.s, ttu c.ii Chier xrociceoutcanti godn dellucrout tistu'uy lue ordereol. Cliolce lratîde of' Cigirut. 1U. SN0utS Wliithy, Seopt. 13, 1871.'. TJ'lE ISOLA'rED 1115K lIIE INSUTRANCE C O 'Y OF-CANADA. Il E A1) () F F 1C E 4uî 'leit,c"uî'ri Citerchi, Turonto, CAP'ITA, - ' 0iiî,O'u %V"- A. ],A %V, ,AGtENT. W ililuy, .1,0t. 2Oitlu, 871. AI' (IiON 13USI NESS: 1869. 1869. Tbeg to roîunuthamuks for flic hîberai patron Lago leretofore bcutlcmed îîîuouu nie, :1tuIL0leart- nounce tlual Iutitprepered b eciilurt calep, citizen lit TOWN OR COUNTY, AT If EAS9NABLE liA'lS. ,19F Arrcuigcmeuitn l'er cale cen cniande elttier et the CUROXmeLE Office, or jiliy cm office, lBrook Street, irhithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Jir., Whithy, J uy Z,1999us AUmnIONEccu.1 M JA1lI[AGE LICENSES! -o- THOMAS HUSTON ISSUEIt 0F MIARRIAGE LIC ENSES igr Offle-Town Hall. Reid onc- lyron 'Street, tlîrc doora uortli cf Town hall. Jan. 17, 1870. 3 WUFITBY PIANO F ACTOR Y J-0 8E'PH RAINER. PR0P1IETOR. -o- The aolscribor, ni rctuning h% sin- . Cra thanka te the many friead antd costumers of the W hitby belze te etati Lhat$ h. now carrnes -on te biai. neic colely'pp(tn hiia ovrn 'acçnut'; and In Eo- licitir.g foituorrdècc alie ia o accore thein that bothbîiii o ift undope on hic part to give 8atisftcotioà, in auppl3iitg OF aUPîntea QIIALITY, STYLE,,& The celebrated Dow patent andi-Crocs' a pattern etl hs owni itvenlott n,&aneeCturod ashorotooro. §V»Alorderaezeouted with promptitude and dispatoli. lleîd iîelp ns a rntc, ~lap- ;2: ine,'icrror- 4"fnbigt. pupliitil, ýli tiriesqrein on$fi0hu of eain Kgi tr.. §gic Aron ti ta ity n alet uliabite coatry rggei ntidC etotnt ài m Tbee ilî iUntoi -ohea dit itbe anti a forcit ! arii-chia fros etolay te eîrltc'ut fli.vca'g brein o! the fano! ho liai llb'l tla itfarun.huon ajthtl 'coucntry, l fgicl and dIlitsîi:ittr't-ed, lai Bluenillantillicrytedant ehorXion jund at fluat of it. Vaut0 a ticucu eir ao r b1 athe menus, buhe feaclthe friou tirolirack i-chflc biarhothi an lthe genrr lie a"icet-cc-t itan ct i-elep julit it poialnt' aicy p:u'.nota bi hiî fIns ebcnd fia, he rn-lhuil nin o a- henni te ai I t duticfle ofiî'atedîun girl nudiettîr niadelc t î'1,tîî- nt:i'if i side, onu I ir ehucît ihe ikiLn::ll 'Wcutlyu liko 4e cross -flic river? sho aisc., l --a leî,,, cinii-i- utn'ec voîce. Hie ii't:': rnîlleu mi'îto t inra ani O ttne at lier. l ' aii'itîipti'u<c'lu-ii' cd hm ît'-itil iticct'p tias Xla lie ca-.vn'tsa'îaO:' t::iii ighitatl browi iyos, and aipe, t-îbtrye- oured i îîîîîtlî. F3ite niet Lisifixed i gizn with i- anli, clîcerfuil otîile. .Pro i'ýai'lJ j'ouretinintl tiia 2pu11ar e tacn'-i:'i"utr 'ii ilîlisap- Par-ent sitnî h(' :aiil. didu'ftidrop fl 'lui t iii,' l'lils 2' iiilihing lisiCi tvsi etti" iui n a n'ah-Ci-atld dreauicg. SIteicc:ýtg1u l ic t'i ' n'ere toc. dirli cquj1ým-i1 i cii i'he, qiiestii o f .-,iit~ft'ttr te CbIserv'e "i'lhlg'lias bk- cii îaî'ii l ana , i )1 fii ' . lit litri, i-: ai tlieIoi ît' vînt ifl'ii'.' f îtiliriix'LV atl iflc lc)C:tlity lut guil îig î'oiî ltm' lvl il h'.i'ii be aturi ~ iht mdl aiw ci'lre Ife iroîlthave fol- lon'ed tltii:th i110011 r le, buste liled flic n'a'. te îîîîîîe foi'n'iil ttOr ct . Tiy ey'lul ouil ii fi ii i'.' ,,fit' t' tlu st tifîcuiiuuites tand dlii!ii"tilti îîuuc' iii' a. îî'eî'îI iai bd ciilienuI h u 'ite i 1 lus, pi Lukils i'i'ay "'tîli!iîh l 1-1iîo'u:rtld n itîtliLis hA L ', "ilu tut' eit i iltit t ii it itl 1î.ih*luad bühi ~tlii'oe. i it dtilie titi r i V uit l* ii 1( , ls ing tIti-uan i itslant. 'Yoii sic mon cati cross m iltetit io ci*w114aot tliffiltv.' U7,Z 'ci'r' 1ac'ctiit iiL'u1L Iafl treiitaiît Ici-Of"ili'cci>" 'Oht I l'ai gcIîgtvûr f00.t 'J. e11u glati of it.' S'ite iiiîkCd qIch'i l ui 'W'hîr?' sIte uai1 &O110 (deesu't lihe t ihu x'îî"t"tî il] citait a iSulitileo, îhoii îiclscaritel' lcIM 'irit at reiltix te atie. "l'int is feuntuiles an ai.' Ho 'iras î'ahii enoagli ti imaginte tîtat She lookoti picaseti. As flicy prepareti te Cross the bitlgc together, ho nutereti flic courage te ank tflic mco! his.rual WH'f'Wie'mas'herroft loir nsriter. 'Anti mine is Philip Vouico.' Sheheld-i'onue 'fIterplump little banda, icliheclospe t i rly,feling sonteboi as if hie must have known lier e long, long irbilo ahicatiy. The o otsnom gi-en'donner anti daik- cor. L>liip,,co'ttitscarccly sae' bis mey, but lie foliomti clesely affer Hctty. Piffer fhtulapso of abouttfou minutes fhey tiroir rein before a squai-ojuremn-lookingbuild- ing, locate t he ficmitddl et'f a saa ed htii;' lqoôk befo;ro heouMOtatbject te tin la sa 'You'ro welconte, 'Ur. Vano4,' ho sai!, gruffly. 'I foundhi4at thre ' ford, - John,';ýthe girl explailaieti."Ho neoeid1at a ion: wht te' do. Ho mas going te Danbury, *anti an the rond la none et' the safeat, a' tItis hoir,you nomw, I1 thought if bentite bring hiunliome 'witlî ame.'. > "Yçiu tiid riglit, Htt.growleti Johîn w ho hat i l- xaa-ning Phllip's'gok ehaàin' and dlimond«i stutis as cloàely'as the, flickering llrelight moulti permit.' Ho dreir up achair te, thelhearth, asid thon weaf onut tet stable' the herses, bu: not hoforo .a second glanceoet'pecialiar Yaeguificance hat! passeti betireon him and Tisia ittle by:pJÀiy .mas not 16f pon IPhilip. - Ho greir auxions andi uneaya lie saf before the ire, anti- wafchcd ytht 2 girl flittîng poiaelesaly about to 'prepaire ethe evening meal.* Sontehoir alto seen-tei sliu.ldcnlV aftripjied of flie glamour iIl f n'hieil hs nomsant le faucy ltadl iutvotei lite was yoting,-tîof more thar eiglîti'cî or Lmenty ycara olti. Notwith- Sftîing thiis faot, the odd suspicion :oc- eurreil teIhlm thaf sIte miglit bce John's 'mife instoati of hie ister. If tlîis was se, ahe had dcceived him. If shc had tclceivi hlm, if mas mit]: Point ulteruot- objeet in viom. For serte minutes' hoe1felt dazeti and bcw'ildeî-ed, flilnking over the singunar îîi-cticameiît lu mbich lie foanti hiaseif. B 'uît lie inaxiageti to mainfain perfect ouf- w.-iril equanilnity, and scion ' hic natural sgoiotisej"came te lus affI. 'Ivie matie a foou of myself once to- t tuilit,' Ile thoughi, 'anti I'nt not goîng fc, teut un the saine Siper a second time. l'Il just kct'p nty oyes open, and a clone toneîielun my hcad for the présent.' W l'en John came in fronu the barn, lho fuinîul Ihig guont eheerful anti smilitfg, andi *qîtiteî-etly te enter litoe ouultory f nlkr. Eut ail attempta to dram hlmn ont result- * il iii signal defeat. Pbilip hia tolti orry thîiîg iii regard te iilmaelf -thaf lie felt tiuoposeilti telol. Hflety appein-et, prosontly, fo àunoouace thaf "naspper mhs readly." The meal wnî * 'rtci. a. facIuwaetnd of the Samo apartrrueut. Thre girl poareid eut fthc fea, and leokeulse briglit and winning, whlile *iiaeiin this tiutr, that Philip ment aily Called imiiself a fool for having doabteti lier.* ' Slie cant lue ieketi and calculafing,' heiclioiu-lît. 'L'l flirowimy suspicion-s to thie leg"s Tlii.n'as nt t 5 easily doue, liomever. ITlv îr"i la Hetty mas very parti- c:îi:îr witlitflic cîps; anti presently, ivîien site catentîct eue of tlhe aunber, afeain- itig n'vitiî fr.'grant Hyson, sente feeling, over elîl ihati ne ceutrel, intîncei linii to dlrop bis uplifted lîano, and say: 'lîaîîh yen, no warm dIrink for me.' L n'ill 1 on]y froulue yen for a glana of ivater. SlIe bit lier lhp anti turneti pale. Joltn mvhîe sat olpositoeFluilip et tlîe table turn- cil bis cyca uputflicYounglan iii a starecof lîalf-nngry suspicion. But flic latteur luttered bis broati sereaely, la ap- par'ent ignorance of belng made flic cl- ject cf bis regard. Ho mas noirthoroiigl!. IV éouviiîccd, hiomever, thaf aIl irasnont asi 4 stoulti li. The cup of ton fliat 1li1( ben pi-offereil im aiglut hoctiruggcti for atiglit lie Iietuerte i contrai-y. At any rate, lie n'as glati lie lied refuse(] it. lIo'tts- scout îegaineti lier comiposiire, i:: i ai ai suînilitîg anti cordlial as cv cr. Iuihiel, Plîilip nom tlienglîIt sue qtîitc ci tacti lier p.1rt, anti trieti te apîloar tîtri aitiess aiiuuafi'ccted. Thl'ionr - nas otill eai'1 lrihiiîtlie n-a slîuiî ite a sinaîil anti tasfefully furiolîi heI)cron i nibe second sou-y. Iiit cati o! retiritîg iînuiîictiateir, as lie w'oul I luirecdonc hati bis snapicieiia huen less fulîr at-ousoti, lie exantinei bis pis- fo l': te bc csu-cettey n'ere ready for tise, lt1i 1>1me ouf fhl lit, anîd sat tiennt'y flue wiindoi r tie ief pon lais sontewit forîcru situation. At leastfian heur miust lhave Cialist'îl hile lie Sat tîtus, andi thonl li lnri a-tle rol of mheela iu the distance andi a carniage approacheti flic bouse anti stoppei before if. *\\tlio eau if lue at thIi hîoîîr o! the taigluf ?' lic nînttcred, aniously. 'Have îny mei-tliy losts rcceiveti îeinforcemntt or is it coo icblateti traveller like muy- Il iii ioni eppearcîlte lic et the itack cffilie use, anti liecceltiscenothing fron thflc iindon-. But a cliglît bustle andthli mtîrnur of sal>îued roices- came IueIr) fi-antie, at luAatiic rso lei te 'Sente fouI mork la n uroîy going on * lerc,, hho thonglf, 'antI ll fliut irat if is, anti frutrateif,-if,poaalbled' H I at scareeîywmconte t his-docision irlenthie mnleft the fie, antiapproach.' cd theaspot *hère -the 'gil mas sitiag.- el t p, Rose,t' ho sid, retuglaly; I' eof ne use'- foi' yen te ait here doiag the lachrymose. 'maotte bedtierrcdfrom nty parpose by a fom tears.' .,- 1i -'W hat moulti. -yendo?' coued tho me- mtan, inaanam. 'Male yoiL my if, pretty one.' SIte staxtei up wIldy, fmorcyl merioy' ohé asped. *Klile IWe muaitn't run the rinli cf haviîg aày trouble. Sinco you have brought tiiet girl hoero, Bill, you muFt anake lier subniit quietly to your wflX' .' 'She'1l net be'n;uh a' fool'an'tonist,' retirnéd thc'main. 'l'Er deternond te makehlir nqywife this very night ; and, luckily, wc are in a eonffltiou. fo have th'ga our ovin wav.'* e ý He lebohètiat tfhé girl with ajcerling Iaugh. SIte shivo*reàd nter bis balefjl glauce, and beoime pitier thanx before, if that were possible. 'Yeu dIo not moan what yen say,' sIte moancd. II do niift; so atandl up here. TDie sooner ie inovor, the botter.' 'Yon have xio prient.' 'Bah !, an&redthe. brute. 'John will conduet fiec eromony;*Ho -eau mnrry. un an well as inybodyllse.' The girl drew back, trornbling from. hoai te foot. 1 111a 'lt li faIne l 1' shbriokéd; .ihe bus no sueh powver. Yen are plottin.- my 'NO; ILose, 1'd Lehouoly foc glaid to clamai .yon.as mîy wife.'- 'That's truc,', interrupted John. "He han an eyo on your fâther's moncy-bags, Mny dear. What other reason coffld have induced hIim to abduct yon.? As your husband, lîe'.l at once rire inito a person of conaitiorablo importance, you sc.' 'f Yen,' put in Hotty, maliciciusly. ,And ifyour "cruel parenýt* refuses te recog- afise bit noir son-in-lair, he'll have to conte domw ,ith tà feirthounand 'of the "llinge," before hoien get you back. again. I comprelîcuti Bili'a gaine per- fectly.' 6HoltI your fougue,' growloti Bill, 'I Von't hae auy mre palavering. My pulan cncern myself aloe: lt -isn't your place, Hct, te interfère.,- 6'1i ont m ti dte interfere,' aho Aàid, The vilUian nom seizotdI Rose so-oimat rOuglly by tht' artu.j 'Stand a littie closeri if you please, my dear. The ecremou-y-wil ho' over in a minute. Drive ýimay, John.' Ho favoureilti o rson addrcasei withi attela a dcfestaleo mul, that, of if self alone, it mnust hàre siiowu ihat hoe meaut mWahief. Rose begantii $ob outrighf. 'Wiill nothing move you ?î alto ineaneul. 'If it la ntoncy you -%ant, taIte everdollar that wiil ever Lo mine, andi give me ihy liberty ' 'Ilnmph 1 Unfortunately, I can't foucli the mouey uins I make sure of your pretty self lu the firat place. Se lot us have no furfher wvords abou4 if.' The unfortunato girl no.w turned te Hefty, anti soîîght to fhirow herseif on the bosont of the beautiful siren. 'Yo«f are of luy own sex! sho cricti. 'You, at least, tut have a heurt te pity nty distres.- For the love of Hegven, persuade tItis ina to telot nie go.' llotfy îusliodtlier ratiely away. II eatîîîot hol1l ý-o,'site auswerei, cool- tîsccily auiuunts pey inui <i-tuie twinei.) Marie Antoiaette-Li-d, enlighteu'Aand soften the boni- f t my executieaers. A4dîiu,fererer, my dear ebildien. I go te joiniyeux father. *Isabela o Arnagoni-L>enef mcop for me, net- maste Foui fime inaf-aitless pray- ers for nty rocovery ; but pray rafher fer the saîrafion et' my seul- -Henary 11.-O0aliame ! 0 aane! 1tam e eenuîueroti Kin- !--uconqiiereti Kinig CuIrse. tih f dy ou mhidi i-T as bhem, anti carsed-eti lu eclilt'irea I Ibave' belun me- Empress Joscepiuo-L siîllie regret- ted. I liane always ticlirei the luappines of, Faace.' I ditunail iMy pomwt- to Con-. tribufe te if. I cou sey iritlt truth that the furet mife o! Nopioleoilt nover a causei a tfeor te flow'. - Cyra lic heGt-oat-Atiia, tient- chuta-en; May yonr linos ho lhappy 1 Carry imy ast remembrance te youn moflior - anti for you,' my fatbfulfrieaads, as moU aIb- sont, receivo dais lotît f.remell,anti May yen lire la peacu. Cordinol Wole-If'-I hliesiroi!Goti as diligently an L 'have scireti the Ring, Ite mouiti net haro' given me oer inu my gi-ny hairs. Lt la myjusf roirard. (Short- ly ffn. Tli li iiagI cojure hlm, -lu Goti's ane, te tiestioy tbis'aem, per- nicieusi seet - Lnfherans. Thte Kinji, shoulti kuoir that if lie felerates hcresy, Got inii aIte awvay 4uis pomoer, anti-mo w ilîl tlunlave ni' Chltfupun misehief, I harrenueca. scaî-eify ani tiiaei-tote i destruction oftis fealnu. ANs OLuSomr"-uAmerican Gqver. moi mas$ building ao 'bouse at bis planta-' tion, anti mhiie Dtirnectln is moremen, noâdta elasty Iuitian, 'ilit hugh the meaflitI- mas sevorely colti, mes e naketi as moU o-s an jolie spectatun. , 'Ha- tye, Inulian,' saidthéfîmovoeruor: uimuy-don't you 'nomIt as fluese mon do, anti gef ciotiien tecover yen? "At hyyo u no mwoik, Goveruon?" replieti the Indien,' "Izmerk," retuineti the Goveriior,'pac- ing lais foreflugern pon hiaforeheai, 'witha my lîcati, anti thorefere nee ot nt oi-k with my hanta. "WeilU,' ropliodth le Ludion, *Iandi if I monit moi-k, wiat havei-en fer me te 'Go kiltme ae- alf, andtI tll glre you a'ihilnffi' 'Tion I am lest!' ' asket imut mlh i i nef skIn antidrena The hearf-rending accetfs in mhicli 1f. titis last exclamation met matie, îused "ICaif doîl,' saidt*#I Ldion; "gi e ail that iran mauly anti noble in flic naf- enofhor shilling ant IL miii." are e! Plîilip Veuce. Hithento, lho hat Thswis 'ncompliei-uith, anti amay liatmuci te irliat mas ti-enspiraîcail the mont tte, Indien te on ele.bcuse mith his kitcilicu lut a state o! bemiltici-nÇnt that tire shillings; he o6nccu:)nîe ila m, renîlereti lhu nearly hlples -NoirYantiron; ret1rnoti âte nGvero.a lue rouscdtimhscil!, lanlieti open fitheuor, 'orsiln a! lcmnn at antd iiianiutliuuriiis4t stoudti heflc cill's f 'Youarenot li shoted 'fo 1 lm another; but, i-eturning mIfiththe atuite-e e tofraiyennI my Ilst tIrop 'second, tîte Govrmor.feunti that hoima tuf ],!ol if ilcesay. . at rogue ; n eertthelesloe exchaugedthef. Tltet'e ian a îon'l o! rage tuti surprise foo, reseî-viuîg lais pitniisîimur-u for onother fu'oitî luth nictit. opuîottuiifry. Ifs licstîtugr ! exlaluiei Jltu To accouîîlish tItis, lie n'note a leftclr 'Ile lias hîtat-ic'tyhn.Dom n'itl teo afrienîl at LBestoît tegive flic bearor n î-ncteilfoun-ari - senti! wbiîtping; ,and linoafemtiays, irlen 'l'ley iih( brai ite iîiuaiateltih'fi Luian came. te stane at flicmori-huait ivill iteauts. Pluilip Vance spu-ang te flue' gare ifLlînu, sayjng; wtail, anudisteoil tlîercent bey, facing Itin s (le avl airflb e otnat foi- .~dli'er t- fas directeul, I will gire Vyen lt I'ack !' lue t1iuundelut- 'Tit Fle finut -mai a croit-n. o avît tireste apt-au-u, tîî a>'~ Tie Iîîîlanî ltcrl auuenf, anti set ent af 1-1Y feet ' îpeuî bis jeuney,Jlunt 'imati nef pi-oceeteti lic resuitîl dotilya-m o!steîlfar befeme lteo met auotlter ndiau, belon-- luefore w'iuieîtthflecvillana quoikt. itOGcor eirothogr TIurycen' if iras aune elafte tgo uctîr- te1cn ,adt-Il I1m bis mentor hat Iletty came luto flic cimelo, roget-ting hiem companiens mit h fiory seomi. 'Ceirai-dm 1' ale ltisnti. 'f's oniy cute iau, anti yen are tire. Ifyoa are afreiti o! tian, I eutni of ' SIte suafebîcti a pistol fr-on Johun's lureant, anti tock dcatily aii f oui hero, Eno site -coul! pull fliceti-iggor, hbreve-, Rose tuffereti a 'iilti slîiek, and t('i mtc hou' a iolenf 1>1cm mith lionrtire fetterîtt baudso en li ns.î STlue next instant the pistol explodêd, andtih le bail, furueti- eside b>' the bloir, buricd ti felf lu the bralu o!flthc vilain calloti BüB. Ho leapet igh lu the -air, giv ing-uffer- ance te a toi-rible noent, atiten feUl foi-mord ou bis face, struggling in bis doafII g£ony. Philip foItataage of the imomeitai-y coafn5ion, Clubbilughis omit meapon, ho aprang suddenly upon Jon; anti tenit flic vuliun a pomerful blow flint laid- hlm aprailing anti censeboas upen the fioor. 'Nom, my chant-ier, IlI attend te your case,'lie ciled, smlnging'- nuddenly upon Hetty, anti grsping both lier bands- in a vice-lIlie grip. She strugglcIedoit! ragotd,aedt cuisati, but ail te ne avaiL 'PhWlp >bount:iher haunsfrmly beItintier àýbel,'anti thon pushoti lier - oant, the mail, wireoshe croucîtoti la a mtit4iug heap. Ho mas nom eàt liuiirty toe ote liitaelf te Rose, irlie mas enary dendt flifigit. 'Why neeti me proloag flic stot-y Philip fouok tic g ihe hati' ieseuet heméto te hr-t'aIer-awmaelthy lent- heltier, livingýsente six or eigit milesaay in tic direction eo'f Dambai'. Early ithoexfmornînga partyoet'mon set'ouf-fo the loue lieuse inthfle moods. But ý John andit' Hetfy-mho 'vas i-euh>' Johncamife-had fleduand they found only the gory otpaeofet'the ma-n Bih. .'Bilisàenly olajeot inabtuoting Rosehlad been robgbly, as Iletty hat! inainuateti, to, pae mny. 'Whetlier ho ùmposeti on ler mifli a mnoek-inaraeg, or matie lier lawfa]1'y bis :wif,bho aaSsure of'conm. tann ifli flut lettem te Boston as t'est as -lue coniti. The' poot -l'Idinai caet-ti mitît grent diigence, anti receireti a sount! mwhippiug foi- lis peins.- Tlp tpelter -Indiian*came ne mýore, but et a mueoting mifli soeft 'ti nation the G oerunrne" fbis feleir among the roat 'anti askcoti t"ery soverely, 'Ithwemh coul! tare te-net-ne lit audIt ntrick?'1 lThe InNreooked hlm lu thc face,- pleceti lis to'engr-on bis foi-enta, anti repliet; Cen aebullef ho sait te resomlhe a sheep ivliIfgi-azes? " - D)o nef choose -yvour flouai!by hl lI. Handaome aimes offen plinflice feet;- A ma tiat ouglit te lacre-membereti -A oue-Ieggeti noldier.* QuOnut of! biglaliving tees mot pro- duce tlie get-Living in a gara-eýt. Alexnder- non Humboltt as the firta te propose an saemet' sfornt ladicaters. 'Whou do men' adas resembIe their dirdlinga -Wcnthey aeoconouedth il files.' The best Coontndmm ont-LItmy fut-st =y aecoent!saf, my flirt a ont'uttI1 oate -Ia-set-i-at e1 A Ayouggentleman oasks us,"IlWlat is the best methbt ofpopplag.-the question?" If la a-gcoti te al hike champagne ; if if don'f pop itself, fhore's aôuuething w-Ëong nbôutlft.- - There is ne sueli thing aa menial offie' when you put a trutemran inte if. Am=en- il office ilanuoffice iiflia men mn inu if ; sud if maes ne différence -whethea-it la; a king's office or a soavenger's office. 1Te flatter 'persons- adrelfly oe e must linow r -ethin4s-mwa hely ar*,wliat 18n. Im i.,nl-w.1 41..', -ut ti U ...... r jmc, , . «ue 5r- attentimon 's-jy, - 78, i&saeu Street, New-Ytork ay nctofmn, ifr ý r S ~I"VOcifleunrmy H R SE M EDI-CIN ES tmietes; iid lawsr* o -sae Aul slacrlptionof t'the beef Homaeamedicilees ,tg, th. pureat and -bilq hf. t i s kept- constantly on hsnd,,euînl for saiset tfi ei;t Whltbg' Livea-y Stables. aIhaves variet l'în am. N hre g lvc. t for a ldyor, a unid. on K. ' oebra 9?8cVh0 - -- WluIfby, N!<et a, f871. r tletbe'I eIhlavo yeIIn agreauf <lt -' . - VÂLUABLIS 'o 1 itad neaci>' foîrot, P fPR Y F1 AL~ 'lu !t'o lis m e nwiltl. ipisugh lt qwfetclboat I-y--l

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