Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Mar 1872, p. 2

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*Jae. H r i3reeu ONIr 8150U CENTS A YEAJ lVIitb ~~iisda, ardi 'T, 1872 t *e4 esijueste tg(he Railway Bult Ç iti,. fthe l4ssyor. I*ùs acarcely our inteteuiurs5e -a fi to fiav& 'epteyîd tbe procoedings -of li *oloeqg. On tite.wboie ýil i&, porbap8 betterthieÃ"aIud ~egrn o porpose. wil1 b. aerved <60r îôwusnen will knov tiei. vit rutîb, aud vii l tbe oblged ta asept disîorîsd versions, or té- ueiva etftements ai se4od-bàaud. Our report wiII also suppiy te means of cor. reasing wild sîaîements, and doinig way with lte rmary niirepreosettîous witicl bave' been s0 industriousiy propagated. Tii. meeting, as a meeting, wft5 object. es.It was, according ta lita 'terme of lte requisition, cailedl "for te purpoae of discnssirig certain hmaendteritî t10 tie Rail way nct ;,-bo net hîitving passed Ilir- Legisiatura hafore tht meeting was converi- eci 1- But, alttonghit tiis was te apparent ôbjecît lita proceediuti adi.îclo3o that t«Le rpsi objeot was te .onîIem n te gtyor, oni tae one isida; and btasupÇporît iita aqlion* * taken by iinin tha cîhar And h was *notlia0 mulit as to ,ti'toltr thte Mayor wai rigit or wr ong i wit ho di ; but as la witer lie actd wiîbout te--sanction of thé Cotttcil, and in an ttnderhand way.--. This appearei l lta ba ebrden of coin- plaint, We ltittit-i muet bc coucedvd titat te avidettt'e dij net suitisti ii'be citarg. es 'tgaitnsî Mr. Gréetîwood. IWJ have tha s talauiatts of crejible wiînncs j3thtlihe refttsuta eact i n1y alter way Ihati on bhis Ovît ittliiltiu reilqpocoitiility, and that ee e aritt retused tigo beinra tho Raiway comittlas for feat,.bis dtirtg En miglit be Constr ued mb ar ail'th.i c t c. We 1lttve Mr. Greeriwotl' s awtt paiirte tuiîtny iuhat, being in 'lorotîrilt, lie ai:red upon the ur-çtt. cy of ilit neî>retî, Ilthliera was rt-o lime le cotîsuitt h ' Cetl(;, atii that lha actat] &iis ly tîpeti his owrt ittdividual respotteibiy -at and itrcitnio aytalx- payer, tttrgell iîltveted ittthe wri]fare cfr lte lovît, nas ail Wiiadmit ltutu te hc Wo faeui bouttd tOa accrl t te expiariattorte cf ltae Mayor, attd a'e conýrttitit lhii atcuts ers outgt r to hâvedette o, tand utnaJl juil ice attdcottpleà bc vaiifid teiiti idetniaI. As te t he taeîtdmnrît ti tiîueiwo do neî hesiîttte io anerît it t tiley' were otf a citaracter well det;ixnet] t,,coîtter privil. eges ujttt, itil Oret he it. letà O thet tovri cf Wltthy. Tiîy wnttti liave giv't lithet wi htît t ' atiayer4i aev i ttu' betàauxicus ta piegd r - ii e jht 10 pur. citame, owti atîtlîrol the h.trhor. j iltlut way bas lita îowtî uxpeiittc'd bu grentIa drawbuck for Ionngyeanîsti s itt te drpriva.- lion cf ail right over lils rtlutral collti «Thte rigitî le purlitase tea stiClc of ho Port Whitîly antd Port -Perry iltllway waï oee mlrteritly -dasiirtîbia att very rüuA. Thte Corportationî has altoîîdy ~titi i s $60- .- 000 inutttt uuidtrtaliirtg,, withont ptîsýe4i.eott a-Cou!,rolliliîg Suce in it, §tmanagemet.t Tbe maetapmatit, ns irîtuw t ttild *et serlad, nuartgottistic tetaiit ilitetre .t3 . c't te ltowtî. Sti lt thlteiatctinidatnger n' ltai ingîead, beittg h, elitcuufIL ed, î tl Witt m be injaé'ed by tae conalructioîî cf te rcd, and lte îcàwlits maey Witt bc spetî il lta sanie. Infact ltiat tee havc cuL a stick T accepît tepriviloga for fiar îty sitould-1 ba tarupledtu lexercise it, i a pieca cf foIly ore tou ciildiait. Yoî tiis ii viAtaheb.meeting clnniontcd for, andtist ie th. faise poition mb witici a MaJorily Gei Of ît b Cela ioward ilienselves tg be cli beirsyad in voing Io menonrial parlia. dra Ment egaiust te-odoption of te ameuti- Tel ments, The fact is, that ltae amecoltcs wouiti bave beau a real booD,n, antbioulti bave bec t»eeed aus sucit. -Wiile , giviug te >report auivobave îet doué, ws cafinuot ,forbean oialing bow' hav slronil7. w, deprectîte te holding of sucait meetings, sud' boy rancit wer. depions l.the Casses lu vitichibey originîsîe. Tityareciaý niait, injurions t1* ibm besi inuerests. of t i, lova ; the akae. uns idiculous ii int.e esý of tiders, andi are- weli calcalaîed lu bu miiat, very mutu callirug mlîjuit à a uiu-lo by M51n, iii tbe cyeds cf sho peuple of cuber ocsliîios. The ratepayers arefitt1tobisme.pt Vru Tii.y ara jesîly meepîcioui -of avery move- qpM Il in &1.1dý1te1iua of Ibniber taïulion V and rio wouider, liiuigthe tayýbr h don~ theY !have 10 bear, 44%ýIo1 64940 lte t..ueglg e apontacourian - y AUKoaftr ,Me12-ewjue mattercoeaei Ilvsi as ce, terme of the-corporat èdi te ènft f te ovaruneu3t d-- ird t( aàr' g ' IOO-,Metjg'im .. ersî ii ororton, Iud ft not,. au atéide Oa . M.Meil Ta lb.., the pereousi 'biokerings wiil ch~dsrd-~ t et, ~ - ie alpyr.H~Jcv~di~ n ratadiaig 4bey cSti5drd usd tevtact af unones uioi Rjsy aBotte.Tho, ouo mlxn - se'wai b.betn R i. ru n<u ,iieaîiaîi~ for bop1uk fèr a gsrat, tlîho -PotW tb Da . C. Gog, s, ax d de8cribed, the pitiful condition of the rosit ilToronuoie î1bytbe -bill. He (Mr. R lsgga re posighu t welcle at su 'ntfbuted, th b ft~t~ettt-hi.~ lopp ~sie~t.. le-day--lb. $60,000 of tb. corporation IMillan) eie twhen tî,1d bioe,-ia andoejedu Plarate' ignrW a sir... io bud stations viters, snd rnteroad g antogeome lgldocument -6n atI bis 4ay- oulsiipped in l tmepber for North t& ir ,Z îa support. as tber ahld on iti ifd e,è'& dosul gt ,sdhee 7lnaeittlti ih s~lbweee;tht iem r of t- aspIbeirnsa9ig apps b" tbo y l ,. withoa te loWu baving tiroughitnut rder te dsfeaî lite -lU ebintl hi, fe4l.,petior,whr&Whitby titêni'Ss- whie iie 88il etvng.Titen, vere-aboat 10P avie nte- tr.A.o h aiigofrn.-g. h nfrato egace f.bsoulibe finit and fuaomot inthe race.of thes44b ~i ~ ~ t sfa aceinlc nterdAs ar-beonaisin oarnd. ertt'oer iformation naitecai( progm& sasd prçéperity", ll,1 ndediGos'ruia canud t4ii 4i yr-Port' ' Dr.- C&rsou staîed îîtîit&vo àainstru- lit e aito eti iedlab st nda éaoetii aeivlta atigit Whity ~vjont fr Mou r-îî tg -<b a exarOifroni the benefit mentalinisagetling np lte requisiîion,becsu.se lta asst ber.,a permissive rigbt.; anonseti bis uspicions thai snob mig " M o w l e p ise s o it lot s s d* v i i; o f th e ir s e e m e . 0 a àe g ro u * i tî w s u. >Ç 1ud h e s p i a ý g re a t m a n y fly in g re p o rts !t va s -o ly g v in g t i p l e th e ig it a l t a e e a n r p r a t £t~~ wuo hoon ec aioottit )~orud ava tat iat bie- az ltnuselves, if tbey titougit fit, for ltseitime aud Mr. Draper tti humit tat ,Mnr ho liii' 4;ir-me'who wdî net sdrd ~ ~Worshp ,itould bave an èPPetiunIiyc bect uniee e sia u i tahahéGreenvoot hall cousultet ieu lu Ter i- M.B)akà,*owt4 wenrse lhe polîa .ofîbheir tiofe'diug bintseif._ bearîîly approveti f9gsig tiekof bsautl.cueaîprcsigit ', ~4'~ ~k»~'1 prodeceo-and incluil the lins iii wblch- - Mr.Hasch saiti -ho 1ud i to it omsive.right'> sud asà. e ltaï, belons bar ke.Thisusatisfied bien (Mn. Me? MnInto a - b is sm rntha, tite yei urva ouitte natapayers ivoniti iy an,)eas toeltegarce M!-.- Greetvaood' 'ýl CÃ"UNKTT mAGÈCllzoTÃœRAL Bu1LîNev.- bave ualetique so, h.slalitse netM. oiua iiario alileaiobciîtlGrevodvssgeli b.iUu.tepafu.*we-ttu llgapta Good progrêssbubauenmatis lovants a. ail isrpnisetius. But titisranch wve i s9ge , 'i-,forra simîlar roason. - itaonehaket.-h*'Fa-eeandvitoîber suit abh * vau Mr. Haîcit moied ithtilte bdra - M.MMiiu.Pnvddlie os ent i oueani toipeaeia providsnk thee $nnds-for construction of lterexpect ;-ttat if otiter linos itaving no dr.ss theo eeliug in lt. ,dollar vas raiseti conli il tireusedti learnet inlureply titat tbene vas sucl s nr sitetis anti buildings on the agricuitunal botter daims were cousidanet, lte cdaimas The Mayor os'id ié e onit like: ta know for auy alter purpose ? aud titat MaornGreesuvoot. approvel -groundts by tite Coat7 AgnicuJîunat Sa. ofte Wbinby sud Pont Perry lin. wouid wvit.te charges againsî i. vr. irsi. Tii. msyon-Yes. î6aetmusl uoaeti t ,Y cieîy cf SouhOntario. At a meeting Of aise rneel viittainrocognition. We do Ho batl boardi ltons vere ruons ; but no Mn. MeMillan tiiffened, buy-sîocfr, andti ax tih lowve as ta liehastosrges came ta biî a iity h ao*enldïb riguin*M.MMla edtlgan, htedrcoibelli. at lte Robseon Hues. flodt Iat lte amiiîen a4u, Lake Brie linc t endrcl.Tamyncnid~b riguin(n ailnraitlgai. colecon lst v$r ba toninindei ntii~isua nfan UrM. UHoitsaîi t tat changes itad iteen aans ierlpyrat seeei Tite mayon --Titat vas net tatitug on Saîbuurday iaatd sd-itý4 eliteai Ybrongit rp in lte Tovn Council« itere titat, in lte sigiti cf Heaven, bus oct vas Greenwooti wasacting smaya r,: -examinet, and ti l as fount itaittane ccnîended Ibat lite aims f Ibat lina uander bard verts bat 'passati-tot itenee e aonigoça bis tet jngnl fholia M Mlan vntbo ta atitW ýf Weald b.a attaliof about $700 tortitrq.tn.the set, abotit net b. preferred befone vas preseul anti coniti say iat îtey Vene. gets uttnlt eivtlyant u ai rvieewere socgitfon fira cail ve. mae fr th Maor.soiely, ani vititout auy ultenion motive or Lgsauelt stlvyvslgc i ,f icg riponuvitici thetitet ors migitî rely. titose of lte Wbitby anti Port Penny lina, aaFunecaalîberstýie e As il wili take saetiting like $1,500 1teviticitis designuet e open cp s Iivy M.Hnan aitty gitlo Ineraect itaoter qusin ons.tr0ainM.pieftahtie pare iettm tt peb W upen lte Maornas opon trial, ant iose- ltnpyt ate eiatosfoiM.pnzte ontr f lte legtslaîien cover tae itole amnitn, it viii tiemseantantilong lengt of valer comunnication qnenîiy it ivas ouly fair b. ahouit knov MeMillan, lte mayor atinuittedti ia ite was et for.Int this case yitobitnotice -ltai muait romains jet le be dace. T11098 e llte unsettiet country nntt. 'Wiîtitis agalusî vitat lehallatotedefaut itinsaîf. cognizato f lte tnalaint of ltaeameni- beaun given. it suait a case ne Prit t Who initecisuiaonihing sitonît 'Oti'tit5 exception, ve Ibink e ioaiivay ppîioy et Mn. Fliggins cahot attention te tite -mente, as itefora admiltet yhy but,, tut individual vonld beaitoard, tt e once, cndthlie collectera te vitonibooks thte Goycrnnent muet bau accaplet assatii wontiing cf ltae requisition, vitiic et fontit ihatlehabd no lime le consuit lite council, parliament* net baviîg been coiplied W i bave bee entrustedshuuld besir tbeuiý actory.litas dtitenemeetinge vaserailletitformelite pur-caanti fortttitis- andonnthiha avect b efusetrteus go titgo rtforeoril vasasto' leeu Mn.r.Greecu havebee enrasotisîtuit teîir(itm- faatry.lu s dsiget or itegenralpose or tiscussing lte amniient propeset Iefore thea Railwle qcomnice for fear it going to Torntuo, as Mn. Greenveet, salves. Plans cf tt. bnildings have, va gotiset tioî in lte favon cf as n 0 e tte Pont Whity & Prnt Parny Ruilwaynilitib.construat ibtl ite as acting in alie suetbave gen. in bis officiai ap heliava, iteen atiepteti,-anti il is the inlee- paticular lieaaity. Witîis left for lte Act; andt tat, inasmucit as-ltsett ati iis Officiai capaciîy. AIlli tat bebadtle put lte bill titreegi. Ant ihe (Mn. sien te epramence lte vorle as soon-as tirectans -cf the Whiiby antiP-ont Penny alneaty passet,te witole thing was n place dune, tae sait, wuts upon bis <ian unotllciai Milian)-citargedt ual Mn. Greaenvoot posolef-e sillinetis. Anti lit neply te Dr. Creton, - aponeibiiityetsa privata citizen. (Citears) go te Tenante ign bis officiai capaeity1 uine te te ;s, te put them sieulters te ltewvig pointit ont ltatte meeting tans aise Mn. bitentif Rayt:ilds itaviîîg beait callet it noua oîben. 'Mn. MeMilîsu next nef '"w heel ; finish lte lirai te Port Penny, anti collet fr ton eta rpoe,-lMr. Higcgins for, commeneat by styJitg tiat tie stoot edtlelthe 'pnoeatings itefone. theaTc titan go in for Governmenî assistance for sait "titectber purposes" cmigitl includa ovadagai adirocate of abat ta might- Couneil, wherc,witen emyrvs Tit foiowng re iteametimnîste th ie extension. Titis lte7y' viii ha Pure ta 'tha discussion of te Ataba c!aint- et 11 poctat interes. Respeeting lte ed vititlobbyirgtteanntnettd * .R.,aat gvin lia C.,lit ge, atiin itemealie h7 msI ier (angtte.>autndinerris eered te,' panaps lha as te lita abthug, eniet tat tee W P W P P R, et gvig heCo,-heMn. MuMillan agreati withb Mn. HizL'trta as muait raapittahlic for tem as arîy cite. arty macht anenticents antid ukl rigitte 0loe. tae roat, sut giving muniai- lt0iapinmn ttt nb agieas te lte absurti woriiiig of thte eqnicit;on.- lie tait a firm conviatIoi thidtîctaiitt- lte laui, anti changadt iat atter. tht ra palities lte grimeigitîs anti pivlages'te xettos swalo ttytotHoveven, t. itlieved il wastwatt untir- 5~uiglt ag Otiiutntftt inbtpastdntngttMyo steodtltIlte object cf the meetinug aa-touailte tetaRailway, tirat cmoey ontrita3tet aigcrite manioriai agaicul ltae nmendim voe on êsaick as intivituai sanehoitiers ; iisstirdlv Atnck oilte Queen. te catiupen ltae Mayer for aapianatuonsin te aiter tattdi, ait boutte lowri turing a taemayon instead t'deotiug se aitarieti Sathenelc - het aizelli at.lw itew'ce neneininain a ba eo e enca te fils Worsifî's proaeading in eoiitrol!iitg voice inthtitamalter, fiat, te a golaoeille by tienonxt monning train, ruadese Tenonnae sehhaveeeevkdcrtain amîtmtts cni xtent, beatin iuSpenl. fHe gave ortler te gellte bil ltroug thtt h or~ aruy portion cf ltae sait Raiiway, te by a dastâTtil aîîack wtich %a a dentt nlt naue aie c. partieulars et the agreement iitt t ha roating itafona the maeniai tren anly prsnn or pansons, cm te any Railnvty upen our itçlovcd Sovencigu the Quecu loit Thea Bayor wantedt te no--e abat theta Rlway mata frontlte North, anti sait Town Conucil enult arrive. On tite -1Jompanv, upon sîct ehtei, andi tubjeccîThunsilay evenicg Ilut. Hen.jî Mjesty aras chtarges ver. aicat-ita watt callati upen te titat à vas püsitively agneeti baîveen theni counIite (Mr. NmMillun) wre tg le to rntuil vagrcead upondb itiosa sMayd turnicg irorn s drivesrnd Itat] stepped expiait n nicfteneate lte Raiivay Act. that Wtt-,hy wîe te bave the mjriîyof Fareweellabat bat beaunoau n ltaeCoi parties. Stîtjeet, lîewcver le ratification in front o f Buckinghsm Paliee, arben a Dr. Canson sai t lit tas leha ore4 iadrarr tlt irdo îepoeci îd a n lt auy retire fait tîy vole cf lare tiirdis etthe sitarelielders 3young cuin giving lus liante as Alfredi charges spoken orît t itieltI, they wieeportion of 5 teo4L Tihe Southttallti tustet iucunttupei thIem te telegiaphit 1 Ira-atitat rty neeîcg ;iiid t sCI, OCottor, ctaid.tlebha aFeniai,jlnmped airer thittte mayen hi ilbbiad,in Toronto 'tel 1 te tuhner cf ltaetarie<IanniP-eirrteauecfcseat>po Secton . lo rnunicpuuity avigte arltand eci muurrîngup te te carniage bava amendai cerîî -1 atae net for of ttc liruatif vr eerd. p t asg flt radtc ee Scikorsock6.lu rIt ii ciput-.ynnarhing peettspec a iaQie' al the pnrpose cf buying uIhe Harbor hy te, b-ard to be titeir du-igu 10 vork ttcau ansarn liat the clause bad beau dii tttay litreaflar tuuko stock thercin, shall snd lpiiiîacded lhan b sigu soie papers ltTvt gvigtti uw ovrt o n Toawncttryt t ttceu f i oe s ia l rs leraMl bav-e lte smiruc ights anti privilege wîh hlltiira i tanti, saidta lechoaapardotn 4tr Rtvysok rtieearu t aonci ufc laclib oiieituymnaacdn httt a u irice te voting Ilîcreon, as riybc -ex F Ou cent attitiottal lulte doilu4r ;lut titut iitetead fcfia beitafir. A tariffivas decguee savet. erciseti by iuiirudtiai eleekiolders ltlt ioprnro ia-Itarsea lie e(thte Dr.) dd t î elieva t a cno o un td itvda etft at ed lt ,eif itepato ia sà idColi) pan Y. vans taodt litthe pistol aras net oitd- bat doue se. iave ie cilleu cf traesforring taetrîtte agneuretes placad ini Bn. Farewa en h cd, andct lis theughl tlite cîlsreant ttiustb Aller msie afunîher feusin- -- (otheafront te the rear ; ii etier vents, bat battu thbdrawu hy t.eSherif iinse Ccazt.rMxTAîv Supsa-Mn.Hiche, hve bco ut c hicmmd.- MB. McMitiatcatrna for ard aun epar-d th. taniff wuis sucb tiat thea rates chargeti andti iat Mn. Greenwcodva utan laI untt emulonirt f Mese. na- ia prinaer aras brouglut betore liihe theccharges, sait tie tatihoard them sud ha-.aouit ba justl'about as tmuait e Pont ini slatimagrtl hana reenoue in existeit il I o n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B i & C - a t i a e n l a a c u u r i - I n a l t r a t a a n d c o r n n i lt e ti f ac li, , b d t e m t a t u r d o l t u , î P e r r y is W ltb y e r c ia n t a r e u i t h a v e t e hi t a a y e s o l u t i l it s a f e r c v r s g i r ilo oada gn ea ni ra.Greenaroodtietorebut titera. puy foir carîsg ot tm lte Garn tt runk. Mr. Farewell, vaeequilé urtknowrî teM veriaily teleemat tiritig his long resu.. Tite fîtten cf ltae rsioncr ik au Irish - TcMyrecpaî ttlest tuthaas in tiisqiate cf ttitgs ltat tta desin Greenace Bnr.Penny, Mr.Draperae itan aritit-lite ofiter portion(cf lte tait- Te-aor 'gpaie ta le' --u Pugetd isef dentie in Whitbyîhy-aras culertained t a hoar rriia u eon elt p'l a led open lu raply te charges trcught ntility cf parchusiug thte batrber ageteittoof eamuplîiitrîary ýupîî.n, aîtlIce Royal butai, anî ('litttnb. O'Cctnor's btotsîscees ta -il' su211 a vague mtiuntur. Assertions vereitc. Ha(teSsifttiatysgnti n. eiiat ouiuiclaint ait Waedndy coringtes l eeyac y tlloratgiîy seercliet by deteclives, huit mate upon litaareay witto.tj priiof. The-att r uu urdciravt emel ean itpeuait Irfic n hiefolor I r nütiir.g awralever aras foundteb itinate reane right na eild oay '-letuinge Gren-rt e! ltat the iturber shculd belonrtgi te tc reue claring titlte bcd neociter cet bi elw emljoyes and reusi. Mr. arur onc ritith is lun bis dasttcrdIv jet. armet vtit mander aittbuitgh I do't kitearCarîcraîiorî. . Mr Draper hiud been cou- cectuinvitit tte Riiroadthîb t'aa ue .iaitia carnies ridtii ri te getd isiie ie prisoner prceeted c ver)',hoyislt lua dit it" ,Wa8 titat a faimrviîy,lite ask - .achat, anti utad ,treadte10 cii, sud il vas litldar, veekitig te te placet aonte Ru! of nil alto kr.aw hlm, and our evri best aiLe rpetsn p-rna, cdtcet, lu iriitgcharges vititrul aiîy îuov- ceitidpredthat tite matuar ouftihteput vay board as a nepraseoaîlec t e viiefeli ulr rlae ay vas quiet aind nassuriig in ruanner.1y'rtbnsmgtb .qudadwtoneshwhtM.Gen île ateneaîu.mpîl brvad an îiîecletga taî îey cieetruc') He o ui itîtîs sape se as ilIabodmitlt sutaîa-cceestetul n, Gc wises orbis- utue elfre li deietly le Ibe ts rovadandhoîtb ek apt ttc boneet lBritish mode anti catI ette c.redit cf tîte barberHlespoeate vot couit net accupy bothofflc AL3roST A FATi ACCIENTtm. -Mr. li. icg te interrupt or ceulrcdicl-'lie aiîcess- 4pton ajtea ha va it cai per, Mr 1Messrs. MeMiltan and Grceai-sot on lite Censitensiy -<tutte bis tufy, E lan Fegusn, f Dimtt' Crairmetvit - ýShenif Reyzàults te militeibe tacts itît cnuj il, expîtittiet te Mn. bMe.Nillan lte 1icoeatopetn Mn. Greenveedtsai lilal er"îo, o DrriilsCreli me wih 'Or ben-intenrogalet by the laagsînabe venit prove titat lha (tht Mayor) bcd ltolu tting, anti ail about ttc proceetinge nient about hein,, a largo Froperty.hoide suad accieten tFritaylast, ahicit aras hta îte tibalt, is1toit narne aras Arthur notiuing vitataver te do viti em, for taeaoiusînueiuru ofencit a brouet from nie tten as ail clapîi Witeu,% icar eosîing liii bis lite, wite itewing O'Conncor, (int te aras horo in Engiant, Mn MeMilan smatitat lte charges Port Perny te Uxtritiga, as weult bsve sait, ttc7 feunt mec. vi.laring tlwir put railay ie3in te wodswetof b t lia s fbor aras s elcaiefircha ils t elait ti.roctly nt thte moyor'e teor, anti 'li t lca cf effecîually cuîtirg off lte lie trust, andtirmprbnises un ttis aa Creck. [Ioe vas sîruek by a branet of a Granftltblur aas the a l kcean Fergtus titat it was thc tuîy of t.emayen te go. tean nort. Mr. BeMilloi agreet aitt il vas net tee muet te eay thut. tht rasir ha ao, omleîiytnskn Obi CUonoone of tef ladtiers oethlieChat ceignt le lte ralapayers. Cal-hing upon iil (the Siterif,) as te the nngeney ant amuit goiue uny acharna te sacure [)or - liuhefcc mlieybekigbsit roovemeol lte sitanif,lite sait vas a direct echrtovi. iecesisy of seoiing legislaîive asisttnce sciatul eitelit toatiameelvea. Anti vit toe, part cf lte splintýîrs et-lening ltis evitent tuaI lte papeý's touin 13etgenent cf hie ovit gui[t. L-ît themaor ru inte muodeapointicut by the aient- il'a marn pait $100, er aven $500 a yes tironuilu lte cea thlinarouf f ethîemout-lte pisore aren tis crtmote, antilte ralieve timpelfif ha couUt.Titheauon meure, att te (ltae Sieriff) tiereuron Tovwn taxes, migitite not wite doing ai - 'imrenssion cf ail warboitard titein rendaisraCo1nn tlinatoeolh hrgs eote eoheawa htrehllg nrit a laemnfur bsif ie os milaitule presîrate a ree feil aeas ietîsliai litey are ttephe tele atinngt at Iba aknotin noiafhrgsaritretlu eîbrevta bonai. a gu or lrg fritnedf iock Mr Peý,oon ws gilln brne y mnd.an tae raiepayars teutigiti bat fuloei r sait, anti bis comploete acquiescuatia. share cf wviia as a saxpayar wvent ha Mn.Fenuso vs Ihentoe b' uin. - *~. - t up ; ltey titi net reset lt the nei! ne0 Titane vas n iet aatcmre cmaaieyuilu Mout actn li fci-loa-atrkme, ontdr.:,Tacher cllet îuliu i elee rse io ao' usiu.brcugh tbeorton.etaTuait ceuncil andtihse dthlitamayon althfongettirig bis dut7 ir l, iundgrwn ait ki hlful profeesionai treat -lTae Mayr-I offer enitenca te prove nalèpayers os ltae bill as theIbtefore ttceruet aonsultiug lte natepayars; antdsi tant lue is now faveratîy progreesing. 'oTehiearoicg idan exhtihil, iilahulan my innoeace; aaenupreparat ? Railvay cena-nittee, ont immrnaiate action tiraiteveuif iteo anentimanta vena goo nt te. inuie _eiet revrysnoe- at rcr, et literriee -f, ievrinfri-ii'.HtctGu-y:rcc1uiu ?-uitbaat-h tie. n t-oprtn... ttmae btarnti t-a ioa'î koka-- -)r*illia s- -toan euaghtîta ft0s5i55. Hebelienetiall 1 prove ilium. Il vas, ho saxod, geung une asucIter steak te hlà ebtainetIiL&wgh , anti n titis eg.......------12 4,100 48,0)0 Corporations sitonît hava sncb permissive lrgt0wssn n Gcavo epuenay contreatrte reat.lThe latter aIsa eCSitt oarur" sea aÂLC.-Ifn. Grand Juuneion-. Ble--ngitîs.fHe asket lte meeting te ne- a negative. (Citeens.) venu on te sluleime vniter's opirtniolta sorgo Hickicgbottoin offena forsale iaitsnd Liduy.- .-. ,00-7,00memraur litwas cbtaiuing forthem tite Mn. McMliau,u ctng forarn, thoevitebatl ceutnibutt ltae langesite- ler dulumns bis fief-e a, : utal..-------6628X ,$1,421,30 igbî le boy ltsebarbon f.tâley 80 visitot,asehet the meeting touer in mind ltai ant ar the root stonîs have -tbte langeit angitms ..a............- CmetDot al bat tha7 atoll on sall-jieî boy it. it ail Mn. Ga-eeitooti's tnecaîo*- ýfor ltera store in thesmaaement et ils affaira, anti To 'b0A aue...... 6124 vas bartditat the tban shot'Id ba tietiet vare Mur.,Penr ndutMn. Draper presenl, titlte amendmersis if passet voltialiev arae-.L UALBEAY ,AuIDED. îu igliti -bard titat Itto Idseli e iies ltae Siteiff, vite bat spauken 'i t tean tepuecitasa sueck "dntvote ue lau tcuoiîse ÂsE-T cae isTennte hlooa&-th lt Issîodt l..td îo er, denledt iat lteasaîvfis, orcrteraise jutenesutd, anti1 by tnying up EnkiobIi thlit ata connmne tennn jury oo b,.,inercaty. xe cnl4iai;. k0k .............212 ,.2000 842,000denetilb.nigf e ia stey e sdia<'r-eeWrle±ata urdOs'-<- ot e ~inn eiu iofntccan *e0--------2 212.00 44,000 Bu titese -veto bis ilitividuta lttt muaI b. loaket utpeitas Rsiilway ter'&) stock in itis vay tbe,.T,-might àune0ry aenter adver, ea the Sfees rmcnh oie bronitii h:?ii atdidt ua nt aipot $tem au rn oea culti not te 'tiniutenepteoi air - manage a oturat teroat& Titissi croup, influsnaspr vitoopiug ceugh, aili maoe. 11e vas, ito saidthe b.bel mn inlitie8seea. It vonit hte tnembere t iat lte Mn. MeMUillan. vas . tbisîc it bi vebeard -halite ýdeléitea. -fiat relieftin"Dr.' Wîitar's Ilisaof ?Wiîd site CerpQâOnaUcn- leseek ± iincrease théTw aéeAdepcal h aàric hn-o as hawn uby-u Cbryaiit basnov beau in aiso fer 1545cfltr-ou ,l h"anppra ni seoal teCsetc.r etgl rlelia in ler t ga An officiai proclamatioas been issuetiuarytîta.nt . u1ti minanswt M ia(lite my prj, e-Ï.rCpeto teeibnslaioae iacît (Egii;l actilren hogai îingYbaf. apanî tuWnand Wbithy asas-tu rit *coirîatoion eiectian af Mn. Greenveet a.mayen, anti a positionan lte Boaîrdi t ma Itl ova t.ig4 or 1nta7, Apnril î ast, a 5its long esîshlitbet reputauioc aslte grol trl lte tea vusbaciset lion vitibe i.higiteze braise 1as s ofWbitby- psy thein voy ioto i - fer t ibe- ,y, ofgeneI tbahnksgivitg'fe lte laireraedy for ali-diseases othte ttre 6t) longs, cal pisperoa, bsba4;,èlt is sîakein it gentleman vite vacîcibonestly discitarga boefit ofcenlo in 'gentlemen. lTe Tovn caery et 1 . . . ît6Prine uWls at us. --aying. MOnO tai es'titanany cher tvo thte dtties of -t. e ffio.'Mn. Greenvoot tie sait, lbat beenau resty -taxodta tehb mien in lt-sud; voruithiniseif'hate one ctIlat accasion lmly pleigeti bimuelt aiflunt cf tva cents ini eutola-te PetLLOWs' lJruoîîrosr'atn.ý-1r. pal- Thlieoxlraectiiuary offeotc eias rela beonfiig yîtn ltibtoest rbpyaslit ebtoucn nnotilu bci i lyaiveaot res alitus us testateuta,a 13it8 u n ipatSyoNfyppeplie s u out e tisvantageous Iotehie tcwn, cactiou viti lte R4itiay btarti exceptas yat hbirmayor-Jeinet in wvit ettens ta ioî'uzed sgsîa', but Ilual bîts ilypepuios ta i oerWutiniparîîîug tise vital princi-. Anti lt.euralt a- hO-cbgst hlmwiut ýa stockito iden. ant i tthe-vodt, betitos hava hloaiucoat egiaraic'e p&WeLte ail constitution& iparet b- vastir ' ffic ,tes mii> lie oetiitd cf ait nespeatabie P-g p-csiîtnting bis fic e etray te toan's ,maoe, auitas .obntr ema Geepwoo,' stion,.andt tittnuknouvu se tae rotepayens. eggisut4çud-Aptbecuînies. at bis ' uprbtiaig clare.I s cetbe rbrstisnu.avaaclm otsr ppose iihe guaîng u n-ee ixpendce h istiao en saidàt tha ct- lira tly ruer p (0es. 10la oah, adntbeo uages asud It bis assailant vasuent a a.wruchha voiti tenter, stock onrttc s0tatn almisvTu t a atr thIe Mari-ry aIlre siuins b le isns.nt an oaathm(the ms-yen) anti -osr,,va7 Coenpany. UeIe ontsa ing naiepayenst t xait ecselves ornont. But Wîîeîteev erapucîct Maitnsr ar t peny uditohni, inoceresant mu- i, in a tnîendîy aay, boa t.ematuer jbis coatit-fet efice -as mayon. soleran. aber, ttaevas tianger et ail it vas-s ~'sai<Seaiuug tachice matie by cIesar antrengîboneadt witeIoîubecq Ua-en sîo Atanfoe -msiing bis .f4àe -hages J i 1yôsaunoe tiath a alifc flyd ny t eua ana osbe ayn Oneiit ewîn Juacitns enipity çOUDhtPtiodbp iiaa*t«did, lte iions vay ho udoune. A48 long iarelte 'dtlesfb ofice. -ý-nov w . AntiaIhOnulb, lu.a.d anorueî ~dollar btrn, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' meatrt~fa0i~ jaibe olonrnpted 0wouldx.oega 'thiteo, pover ta bzy 16 lutter jso as-toa pass snuci yaw n d t h. 4qti,barber vasnelparn id arceI of theii i gitt te gens lthaI nigit arisee -a. ven qmug*(<hâru)- -ý-f aslnet permissive rgbé HtR o ncluded bly [clug Mr.. Mpe. en n 4pcalled upeu,balaff1 it Mnr tuat b.c rad cov sbeau ho, Mr. Green- said sbei!Sbëiffbaduultdlliun -cone wo4 bat-vila;.iedbas-piedges, as-meqr, the matet g andti uble -was-airplya Cou- le bar. -And iinsistedt toie.itati paven lite es enting party as t e , saie.cti brbr iill. -s-gaipsu bis... 1O.heetts.) >and ta t4 legialaýien sangai fo.- e iias -lTse Masyor explaWnatiu sthe, Shpriff not, retoIi viteel thiresploti6a 1 a ,er o Mr,. bat dae-ttat tii, aînentmentsetof vicitgiyen Mr.lFsrewell,,tuer did ibsu meVilla,î atonre it prvtbtlppio b ur8sday îtaan dtoplpàoe. - He- vas'- tod, 1i ti be tefane tite meeting of t.e caucuil, anut tiat payent *erÀ dirnýi if-baviugtte amen!l abill, ba kuaw noing of titase refenre o t bi wents ineted.in lb. bill. Ir.,Bréveal id etf Mn. MoBilIse, anti otterworda introtucci- spoke a le is», - loving ibahs h (Mtý niton, _ýDr. Carson sai'dt lit a giniipr offer bat Dralert) vas personally: interated o far atet, teen motdebuit e li thatreferredtateby, as relatet -letthe barbon. As lu Mr. Mn. MQ'Miiian, lu baîth casas il wou by a Greauvooti, lthe 'wbele qu'esuioa vasas te tbaI denînneten. - - wietheî' o batiacîed- psasr-ayar, o-ra prin. Mn. McMiilan sait te vould g0 tnnîbo.r. ate'eitizen. lThe eue, -the salaerentitat sienan syt 507titlan uffen vas mate hlm ty oeue bothsites vente laiditefore..uie meeting, ite- cf thte dinectos-îthe seccnd effen et $2,000 and ti l as for ltber a econsider isba a otica, pait up stock. - igit. Mn. Greenwooti vos a lange rate-, aap- lThe Steniff-Tita tact cf ancy mon ap- payer uf te'lit. Ie5asd il was nat te bo asis. praaein g Mn. McMillan lu sueob a ay oxpeintedt t would do anyubiug against t ai sevetliae r as rasoit ta beijave tbitatbis ewn iclenesta. H. (M-. Draper) tii nivae ho migit ha cenruptot. -Was tlisoffer expecît thot vitl-luok place vulthava- s cf Iladi bt7 0 it tineon present ?-be sket bsec repotedta lthe Corporation,oand- hb. tilt, Mn. MeMillan te snsaec. ndestodsphha __ th ase. Up wod M. ciln eleýdi - leai e uot.e piesent tinte titacorporation neyer set Mn. Penny,-(amitimuet langiten) sait budthlita igit la purcitose the bborBannt- aciîy itare, vas, ne tirector pnasonî. .Anti aist viithstantiing &'l titat bat bsecusaiti upot Ma. aluelthenan effar tati been matie Mr. Me-'the sabjeet fi Dm Lime ho li me. Witeven tit Mjllan by any genIeuran aI îitat mneeting ? Mn. Greenacot dit ha (Mn. Draper) vas anti And raceiviitg ne anee, vent onule nefen satisfiedi bat beau dane frthe b.uet, fan- tae l liegei corrt)pt 'orn p 1oeeop'f b7 motives, ant i vttl the hast inlanticu, cawn Mn. MeMiliait. 'Ha nemintat Itat genria-' waietten pnivala, or, officiai. -lie legilî- .org raa oftte case etAlderman Rittile, jusl lien asketi fan vos-sirply cfa pènmissv B<ieti hrengbî befone th. courts lu Tonontýo, aitanacter, anti it ilbat tahen place waulti naine Ibal gentleman, te esit, matie semewitot siniply giv, lthe rnolepayens sthe paver ta il la simulan toast, to Mn. MMllan, tibut weu takreactioni-if th .7 titeugit fit,.lTaevitale clou tr uugit befoealthe ceents to anr.saer,it vutu malien vas ana on vi? tictiaevas muait r te feunti that hbe abatan stating watt as discussion, .oatdbis ave conviction sud enb, taise, lThe loy ef the land reactet suai feelings vers lthaI ýif lthe anâÏettmerîs d cf 'people. Anti uniase Mn. MeMiuion vas pasea't tae aboIe îtbirg vonitibe qtita n, iii prepari4le tari7 viwhtlha biat sctior, sofa in thte bonds o etite opayens. tîntd gine itnies, ha (.Un, Penny) gav-a blua Mn. Ùari-Dit -yqu -nat ask r M. lte, notice thaîha stul tanail btimselt of rthe Greanveooi' 'lu ga ta iN. Farewall, as use- pnelectienr cf the lare, anti mafra Mn. Me- Mayen ? Mr. -Millon prove bis sîsatemenîs tefere a Ceunt Mn. Draper-I shatedt tiat I ltoagit tua of Justice. Mn. MeMillat vas 10 ton on- Mn. Greenvoot vas lteé proer persan le tti atley forseotitalegiva t.enaniecf tte go tle Mn. Farewell. lthe tcrsen lthaI mate hlm n donnapt offen, anti To Dr. Corseti-I uever-sav lMr. Green- vent Yet flutta 0ceuiter it any vicIation of woodi ate lthe Railaay Corarittla. set boiter te Maire serions charges andi inuit- TiteSberîff-I asiset Mn. Cenec'oot taI- nalions a1tir,Rt aliters, vuithout a st3ati of ta go itefone tite Bailvay aommittee, anti by ta feuntutittufor abat ht-- sait, au n lthe ba refus'edode sufo'fer onit vanîti te beiflimusiest prareneat. "Ha (Mn,. Penny,)--corietruat tbat te-vos atling as Mayor-. iridioanrily- trnamize sncb ceirduat. Mn. Mn. Laten conreched astslement cf lthe thecàailulin..taegentlenian vith thelong Siteif, as tae e tie a pnivatele11wv' Lns braeubtat rau on lik-e a.floot -race - iy te te detainet tatane the.. legigîsure aitf, eonguntiet asingly le tineken bis neimnb ý frouails introtîuction ta -lsa passage,-Bdat it bars' etanneters, te tala et touer, indeat i instance t thobonus by.law, viticit uuly ce.l~ t-ls tu t h cuton c aat M. tek thrae tiys, instead oet tre. eeka, ien Penny and tiuier gentleent oulti 807; but 1He beartiiv*appaeie isainmn i,. people onglît te toecaunians.in accsptinrg anti if te wenree in Mr. Gneonwocti'aplace andt h. hearcey staremonîs cf Mn. MeMilian, vonît gin. tthara bis sanction anti support. vh ite htl ny evmtenca toltiiy changes But abat bqi vanuedta lukucv wasabetian the Mn. Greenacot vil-geing lea'Pononto te. Mn. - Gneeniwot bat taaty.onr banna ef, lobby thoe am nendmaurs' in -tie official u ovletige cfthem ?-andt litIif ite tad uni eapaaiuy. It voniti appean as if Mn, Me- it aras bis tuty to.con2suit ltaecucil Sk ibil.' n to lit tat ha vas 4be nly man Mn.C, Grenwoe8-lbe firsî I heanti ef 11-capable OftIokiîîg ster lthe Toanbutinaitihemn vs%W jTorôûlo. Witen I loftTe- tal, diaiererestedly. Afrer watsMn. Greanveoti rontu titef bat -been aiîlidiàwn. Anti en- bat stateti, viat nigit ttdt'Mn. MeMillan aben I touirlthe chtai- aflthe Council ýce te ja'rp Io-ilte conclusiont litiMn. Green cu Montay eveun iïïýtheyhati ta existence. He acet itad gene te Toronto le bis official Mn. Lawter triade auras commenta ou 'u c8Pacity ? Ha (Mnr.- MMilIon) orgeth litsiiconsitaeti a7 a in icb ltoeclauses anr titat tacausa Mn. Farevaîl bat tauignsitet bst teau dravu ton ,purciase etftthe barbon 'he Mn. Greanarooti as Mayor Greenvoodtit -te prolvision 4-d- beau mate for thte t- seat meustbave taon lthe case- Place the 1evying qft-olls, oin t lockei like a bîlutd ay, Steniff ira Mn. Gneenvert's place, venlit it u y tite venls. teV tce'conleutat uhat tecaus, il arassaset litae Siteif alatedt litI bad igan. ta ýr. rthat Siteiff Reynolds vos un-Toronto teoJMr. Patternusle- b ave lthe clauses tinavo aIt bat octet un bie efficiai capactty ? .Or given by bis» ta Mr. Fane veli, anti vijcit sr snppesirng il as Dr. Gunit, -on Dr. Cjarson vene net acteti apcat. lTse clauses reat ge Would it te cont enetlat becanse -Dcr byuXn. àfcmillon ho knav noîthing abat- 'n Gutnn vas un Tbronte, te raust bave goge ener of.- na lter, prefessionaîly 1 But, sait Mn. Mc- Mn. Later, (amide mracit ladgitter)saii M' illon, avary oct ef J.-H. Greenarot must Ibat frora ail Itou lran8pirede . il appearet in ta kiturn-to J. H1. Green-uta ao.t to ts.tt o ufntclat a t 0 cure uatWaslthe case.- - J. H. tite fauter cf "Ginx's bbTy."' es Greenveot na J H.Greenvoot v ent t t Te ciirma thon loft the citair, sot h- thea tank te Ironsoat bis business ;, tut b. the meeting vas breakiug up aiten Mn. s. titi net go lthereaos J-11 Greeuycetmsyon IGarnie prepaset a reseluticu tianking tbe -J. H. Gneenaçoti as J. ' Ia Greenaot, moitera cflthe Tovn Cancidit e vuhe4 c hralfssteti ait t tie Mayor ;viten ifonrlthe nueniaial aJgsin8t lthe meedmenîs. 1, J. H. Greanvoat - isseti bis vite -Titris easet ranch noise anti contusion; o ta vasW8 Mayorn; (Rears ot lauglater,) fuliy tvad.lbirtis af titseoeulbv ne tut dit ilttberuicraeileo a tit J.H. loftltae bail luintaeineanliras. - li Greenveot aa cîiifing lit bs ffiii M.Pnn rpoe n tnrno n, Penny t sitet ialM. eila7, ies ewesov;ai tyos scoutal, ai i nts, vitaeven M. Me- - ]Ucxt'Lîssssoi uTo MR. OÀsVîjc«ÀZ,4 1, i M Ilan t beuig bî îiu4 a tpaye sa -w - o s5 RA n'A . NM C . Jam es C r c 1 f' - a ceo fnhth e o d e t e s id t n l a o f ()S t o fano cf tnnng r~naantstenOIt 110quelled on ltae evening o et ia2&th ait. 0k ttruilvn et e inisit t bsa -lthe Occasion 'of hie leavng (tetowa. ' taie ia hne 8as bos n0Stupsny Due, 'Tte Octari-nefoc-iee n, e poiip-the 1anti 'tsunligiy 8si&lhat'it men liSe Mr. aifa-ir at greof-lepgtb, maea the followIng e M illan spe nt ee il(tbe lima tb y epe n t renm -les 'l"T e ga tf.ûrng w's p ltghly _ Iira tlaektallieg Item rneigibars, in ailing ceePecta>le zono, Jandtii çhted nrly'ail un the cuteavon la establisitmanufactures ielutiugttiec u lu ita rae, binnèsu; rondit fa *~ genlemeof aitheneighnborlîood, - unciog_ hooalettasie niprtal al-that as-a aititn Mr. -garmiebl: Veijoyed- honorble t. theselve and rofi.abl e th, nfiecad traihtee.lu falelss tipublic. A gain, he gaid, x. MeBilIslan unainsat vas lthegeuîlemat vito reqtred ilI manuen r <~ f(e '-et enditions luntheRaiîvay b-law, suitd b efère baetiincg et lthe debetanîre3,_ in ortiarte prateot thelova, - Anti boaw fldKWG5tETd 0,e i p - tatiMn. cMilatYorketat lit. -ch 2. - caï-otibskiirg- - uked ha Mr Meilla prteced he ruely te a child f i g2hbt ya im- bn b, interest 8 Po t et ova?- '- - 'îîev iÃ"p e.ci ' J ,s YO a r l i à- - Mn. McMjilan .By pnevenling yonns.lf witihj Mehoi nuist6r,w'0 anti cter dreosfcmdsoetydvn le oet U te uney ounfto 'liai-1.. thetcuaye eer ned& lOu at i&1twitel M r. P e ry 8a id t h b , a nti o titen d irc c .. ý tons- vistet tu bave lthe Town-dobeatwu ri wihbruises. The. case lu - plated lu tue haads'ofa rugI-L. - - - te and Spru Il ant speaý dute ai tfort in r ant ste Son - aili undt -~appl Sagen Sspinr wilh take petit turc -neas S TI ceive con. licei Sthemr R ouas bore anti C l -oi n 15 -- Ea

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