OUTARro, A . .K- F. LOCNHffêIT, 14- B. Tayloaf, Aoswier hpdI 18, 1811. *. - 25 Xodbdo t.ià o*ltbyiO.wl! nt- Wkony loai i@iigood atiurlty. A. gt.e Ob.éofbe trou, Cnurs flouse (bU T? RU ZfATT~ORNEY 7JObeO- o,urrioter 4nd Atorney -at-Lavo 40 711, orl Cibnry, Notary yfluth, w..- Omo*-.-Broék strict, nemI door W R loyal ar* sF7,ffluqlan truChapnce for theýCon ny ofUftarlo. Ofice 4ogt 'ouai, Wblthy.l iJAkEs KgITu GORBON, -*Ypublic#>&.. r Io-exdo to, thé Storm of B.,& # Cà mpbei1,4,Rrock SI., Whithy, Onît. lalby 4o.1, 1867, PAREWELL & igCQEE, .TRS PBC. VYANCERS, AND N Ovvîos e-Onu dogr norti of thé Posl 015, Oshava; snd Kieer ' A B1ocx, oppoi "tovn.aBell, Boimnuvll '. C HARLES C.- KELLEIR, (ITTIR E(-T-L &WSOLICITOR: on Brook, W A TTRNETAT-LW'.SOLIQITORI * A rNooryPbloConviyau.o Son th 4 fPoat Office.* yo I ] LYMAN DNGLISI,L L. B.. *A19RISTEIATLAW, Solicitor 1lu Chb lice? yCouva anner,&. o JAMES LAMON, C ONVyxiÂwcEII;tL4ND 4GEKT & *Uxbidge, Joue tM, 1869. 4 f IURGE-ONTO THE COUNTY GAO] 4Byrou-straet,Whitby. TROMAS HUSTON, T W OLEEKuS TREASUICEI,,WIIITB' fflcai-Tbvn liU -goursOto 10'cloek. 46 ne- 4 -2 <O- 09 N. VARS# R iACTICLDeuîlsî, Oshawa DentalIRaooms, directiyoppo;, itiheos Ofiei-Elraîeon Cueedtgesî0 tlhird Joornorti of tho Ontarlo 3B. i - WILSON HOU SE .&WILSON, Jra - Proprieow TaLillnde and the pube egoenraly,that I bas opened the shove nov hotel le th. Viliqg of Aitrui for tie aomodation of lie tra vîlila ublie. Thé bouse la nov, sud fui u khîl ia&most thorongi sud oifortahi *manner. Guule viii Sud îvory convînlino let haov.estabiiehment, Wisi.5, Liquor Sand Cigare 'if the beat Brmuds slvayp kRpt co P.w Gêood Staiung sud attentive Ostieru li 4. WILSON, J r.,l'ropnietor luburu, l'y Aic,1869, t- t, lu 'i le 1- r- le le c, n n r. Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT.,WUITBY STATION. W UT~~.¶>1NZIL hiving Pflrchfsid thée botel gli PrftIbeNkuOu a% héieGrati Tt -TnkIliot4l, 'Wiitbyulsatlotu, bega lu itfonni tis Moniesasd thAe trmvlhgpnbiiibat h.ý ta&. Itted uprîthe hon tdedstablesinufinal- ais$cfDeh1% sud hy attention to -lie vante of th- l aver iim i vtItthéir ptmonage srudfafmuit a eocîleuanao fhein cnusbem. . W Partiess taking liii train anS leadin torses aI havi them veilitakîn cat* of lifi WhIthyl sept., ;688.6 R ROYAL C4NIAN fl<TEL, PORT FERRY. ONT. I. .P~, - Proprietor. 8up.iorn ascoubtodalon. GooS slahling *a' acbeSr oocu, sud attentive oatierta. Port Penny, Nov, 8, 1869. 45 E gIPECTOR OF PUBLIC SCUCOL8 FUR tii. C;ountV of Ontario. Aun.u-Ragan Post OfIBce, Ont. lv lth, 1871. 5 »~RT PBEY, ONT. *MIWÇB THOMPSON, PnorjiuIToic. ber c, s liform tii.coôm- st btamies are o opmn to tii iz liove hi i. laprepsred te furn th usgood " odstil os auy ,in the (3iuty. Sept. lê, 1870.87 â *a;. BHR , '- a ONT. i -X A SON, Proprietor. fThoboyebap bien thoroughly ueuovatid, dhguicowilli Sud overy accommodation rSTERN fOUsE, DUKDAS ST., WITBY. m4ralguo vould -intiratMe Watle Oc, tiat the aboye pi@ess se *tley Aced rsnoYetod tiiropgh- b»»umodailon ot Guiahs.Mt Ia.of cauu ds-uuo Pure Ehine M tà m by the week ohmoderatej Fi hySSi libTAIY PULIC, 4&C., - &C OFYICIE.-nur7LMqs e 1L 4 iEit5T ONT. JUX .V.W wAchie, CleaRe, Museic"ramu $*w ew iugmahns And evirj1tIug viebsani Eeplrd and paièd oatst 1 171. abs, sud ai LONDON ASUR,&NCE CoEPoRÂT Fpne IXEA~D £2,d68,888,17g 4d. RFA D AGENT, MoNTRzALiRomz< STEPRENS. No. 86 lSt. Frencola Xavier Girpot. WihMy JOHN'AGNIIW, Agai Suiib,,Ma t, 171. - S 0 H Tii. undoraignod lairo,,ocaion W inforiug teomera,that the. siovi Mil.m, aitnatead on No. 22, iu lie 7th concesion ofresi Tomo of Uxhrldgo, are noir lu rWORXING ORDI Aud ready for eulting lumbiinanyqtan o suit cntounors, addvith puncînahîiyi ý'Lmtllber nt froni 1010o 80 fie in linali, JOHN Fi 8optensli 29, 1870.4 a mrast .1 ou- lot. CI. 41 ONTARIO HOTEL .BEOCK , t, WHITDY. C. DAWES, -Proprietor. Tiheaboie old iatabuiaiied Hotu lfias benu {us n:wli fited np sud rsnovatcd ibrougiont DYruiheSoFrieo, -a:lthe aartm nbin Titi underalgnid viii liste notLiiig natdone lu providilug for the comfort of bis gueula, aué Ihey May Telyupon hheataof pure iquora boiug unppieat tîW Bar- Strict a tteton p aid to 1h. sthliiug, and in iookiug sfter the clvility oc hoqtir. C. Davis, Propriolor. Whithy, Noi. 2ud, 1871. 47 JOPHN WOLFENDEN, AGEEFPFOiR THO CELEBRATED SCoTTIS}L ni du rut lui wil 1u GR-'LbAN ITE. W. At Manie VWorks of JONATIIAN WOLFEINDEN', Dnuéas4-8t., Whiîby. 4ONEY TO LEBNED AT REDIJCED RXATES,. 1 am Dowjunipaid ho ]end a y-*Mount lonîy on tifitacannit> cof good Varim or pi ictivi Tomn Properly, ut 'b. loviat posait le of Intememt, ln urmu sud mÉnuir ho o ornoves. Principal ian hi r6paid byyuar cetlmunte or lu ouieunin. Seversi weii cuîlivsled Fana sund Lots, ild Lande for sale ebeap. Invailmunte midi in Dueutlure., Mortgqg ti otur Sooennitie. Biver sud Gnoubehek bouzht sud soiS, For furtior particuliam spply 10 ait 'ly of ;te - JAMES, HOLDEN, Officiai Auinu, Money Brokir, a. OYFICE-MOMIIIlu'u loek, Brook alreet, Whilhy. ISeptiouer2ti, 1870. go - COMMERCIAL 'HOTEL 310CR 5T, 'WHITBY. T HP, subsiernbegs ho sunonce.ho bis T friandle suS tb. public, ittho lias mi- sumed possîsalonof0f i Oo.yu lanS fa- vorabiy knovn hoteu, -vliclu lenov fittid np lu s touperion Maurir, vihli vury conveni- s'uce for the nacoptlon Of guetiî anSdté tic- vein pu blie'. w n. ent accommodation, and su pi.nor vies, llqnomsud ciga'g. Good shmbliugr, mti euîlouîd ysrdc,.amud attontvî OsemaieS. maya on lie premisuo. Chaurges Mederà te. E. Me CALDWELL. Wlilbv, Jab.414, 1868. 2i GLOBE HOTELI, BRooQICLIN, Jeb' LMES POWELL, Propriotor PIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. b. SSud, 1871. 8 CENTRAL JJOTIIL, R>o -o- Tii aboive hotéll ias. benav1owy fted sud furnisbed. -Guesta -ii i lidiS olortabfe accommodation muid atention. Goon roomy slmbling sud atteuxivi ostiers. Jan. 26, 1870.r4 FARIGIMPLEMENTS, &o. The Undormiguod hcgs te .clati that ho continu«e te manufacture Eoot, Seed & Kganure D)rifa, AS WELL As W AG 0ob @,q UARROWs, *- AND ALL UNI>s or I'~ARUING LSIPLEMENTS. -MO Nil- CLOTHES MANGLE & WRINGER, 1Notod as oue of tbe buet article, of the kind msnnfsoétuncd] nths ýOuftr3y n ismr ed STRÂW CUTTERS,noso 71?votkhd nd. io suporior lu every respect. listinî prîpared Oui Of Enieao's Ciîîhrated Calorie Engluee al lign aun ryho to isy .st ho la nov nbe o xeueM ordira with whlch homzay hi favorîd oheapor and with gratter expîdition than hithîrtoand te guarantee very matisfacton to Cuitoiura Ilu theiýti 0sit o Lii orkmsushlp and nmstuta]. ' Ooýrà vood sud Lumber taken lu ex- oh*ngé, snd OaaWFrlce alloved. JAMExS OLAiTTON i1ni uval ol goidvalu. youIi gît trf-- N. B.-Tie patn.rabip hîrolofore eil bol'veou Mrp. nowliug sud Mri a a bavieg bien dluuelvod iymutue c uut business viliin lu lri be caried ou byý Kovlingou ber ovu eccunt. Wtilhby, Jau. 220d, 182. * BRITISH AEJA Capital, $400-OO0 nio oubealilgItor cinriage, £ST4BLIBHED 1831. ls C1iod and viii -esutabedCoup ýl are prepsrcd 10 iccepn niake lu al clam or rpery, t rteîas leiw as limae cf soluteS i-adSnu'u2b.zsrdoua properly sureS for aunecveina or lie, aItepuclmliyj ritas. L. FAIIRBANKS, Jr., Of011ce, Brook St., Wi Whiithy, Aug. 29, 1871. REVERIE HousE, NÃŽANOERUTEo9.Mv. PLANE - - Promret t6gis tbaud .om Witby ciiidsiîy. E, sbeutipn paid 10 gpesta. Caefun i sd attc teG "ira. .4 loi ity. iery ton- FIRE ASSURANCE CO., liOMBARDSTREET&t CilARitN(4 CROSS, &ohignon .FSWfLBLIBED IN 1782. i ir GIL1aEPIE, MOFfiATT A& o Aet .Canada. JAMES DAVISîjN, Manager. INSURAN CE igaiu'et LOuiS by PIREa Lefficleal on lie moctfavonah.linstere i LOSSES PAID withouh rufemencu 1tii the ln London. YEOMAN GIBBON, Apnil 8n5,1866. Aet Vi for arc and Flour *& Feed S TO RE. IIIENIII)y -o--ýPP E ldesres to~iuform the iuîlahitaiîta of Whitby au 1.Vieiuity tlîat ho liasncecaed le the business of HE14RY WALTERS, BROCXv STREET, WHEITBY Wiere lie kceps colistantiy on baud, Flour, Osîmeal, Corninoal, Brun, Oate Shorts. Grahaam Flour, &c. ,And ivcrything li thi Pied lune. Bout Of Flouf for famiiy une.- Everytbing t thi iov.aut coiiing priais. Tii cash systini atrictlyndhenedto. Piouse *il and examine quaiity sud prion. H. SHIEPPA1ID Whiîhy, Foi., 1871. 7 t I F ai DI B [air Dressing and Shavinê SALOON, BROOK ST., WHITB' ig sw» OuTl orTHÉBANKOr ONTir r. Wlîby Jan. 22, '68. GEORGE GURLEY, MERCHANT 'rfÀA1LO0Il CLOTIIER AND DRAPER,' OS HA WA. GENTLEMEN'S GAîOENTs mde up ti lie bect =elyle atisent faclîton. A finu souf Clotho fnornmlîiclu 10manak s moliclion for Geutiumen*js summum anit». Oshava, May 12.,1869. 19 AUCTI-ON BUSINESS 1869.1869. ilthiernii WUWN OR COUNTY, AT IBEA84NABLE RATES. IDArrauigimeits for sales caih e ruade elttun aI tii CuRNtuaCa Office, on ut My omu Oficeo, Brock atreI, Whilby. L- FAIRBANKS, Jr., Wiitby, Jualy s, i.it )RiIOZ l 'M ARRIAGE LICENSE8! . 1 -o- THIOMÂS HUSTON ISSUEIc 0F MARItIAGE LICENNES- 10» Ofâqe-Towu Hall. Itoidecî-Byrou Stýroit, titrie doorsýuorth of Towu hall. Jan. 11, 1870., THE ROIBSON HOUSE, (LATzsO5îpT~5 i-zo Tzi,) DUNIDASSTREET, WBITB3y, C.W ILE auhacriber bheto aunounce liaI ho .hsaidthi building formerly kuown avâri uTORIÃŽtelwhich has beirenovat. trathol, ud ittdnp hrourhout, inî Lt bistof stylo. Tho promise,,i picaul ;$It!:teOpote th c'Poaî Olfie ond in the lthe et&agforUxbridgo sud Bavért Àieav .thedoôroveryntorujuug, Bée dfO pordy* 'Carafu1 Hosîler à la lai gtndenotc *Aise,' !4t i of god 104 -I..w ýoulpoeai ofjitlfloti18, leit0tiiiit coraei-- Igluof 0f1toe-Vuuýlniblp of IMuray, Coe*y a Northlumberland. -, . 11 .: e lia snudapl hWsiI IIi h. gîte. t ÂI iif sAva rpel.'r fùuiur pericis thép 01.ou. Whlby.iiv9 171 FANCIOI4EL *OSHAWA. Couveonîtly lhlodUp rogma for Commer. uiltrvelero. Billiards uttaotid. Apuil 8, 1870.* 14 ADUMISTEUAT01S, NOTIOR. Al _pironsuIndebted tb the iatati of the liteituWilon. are no4ueated tW mai linniisto setlrueut. Aud aIl peruona bey Ing damainst tii saud estate, are roquent- idW dthin to the uudersigued for ed- -MARGARET WATSON, K. F. LOCRRÂRT. N. G, REYNOLDS. Administratons. Dated at W iiitby, th 27t day Sept. 71. 40 D. HOLLIDAY. BROOKLIN, - - ONT. AoENT POit THE ISOLATED 1115K FIEE INSURANCE CG. A Perav.v catwAi iNaxTimTos A"i0 Agent sud App raiseir for Canîada Pet. mnent Butildinug and SavintgSociety, forn In of muey at loi matis of intereet. Wiby, Augnet 11h, 1871. ly 32 R IIAI)s N 0W Bire to inin n ni. friem.dm and Liii jubile, ithalbchimuse-taken hi. oid pnernîses, lataily aCcupied, by hin, Amuail, mIer, ie ianov Pneparod houîanpply ivenylig lu Ibm CONFECTIONERY UNE, JumI nen(ved, auve-raiCese&of PEACII ES & TOMATOffl, veny superior. CIIOICE AI'PLES A PEAitS F R UIT 0F ALL K1NDèi, Kiept censtuully on liand, in cuason. ORANGES, LEMOIIS, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PiCUNES, - CHEESE, TOI3ACC;O. N. B.-Oylern can hi lad by lte plate, coakeai or ram. Bread deiivered daiiy ho aut<tounînm, and ail allier provt.ou, and gooda; deiivered aisn'ay bc ondineS. -CholieBmandm of Cigara. Wnitby, Sep. 1, 1871. R. 87w icaotîtub ima oTbetiitwltons 6 eiueîs nUw oe t anditable. Parsons fe itknlmnop etabt.uuu çjwtbwhdLec=-d .~a proprtt noIippod Fi ChumaiTorouto anpoatestvithi Govimurn* en - *50,000 Tle udrindbsîMovud bi TBO IOAED SHOE STORE DEA)SasFSt., b itby, Strîeetusoneo inposed ii eueint al$o'er 0fo Wok.A Wa.i udALAW stock WhiabyM, bpîa0b.71. as1 L5UED m 550 EMINENT epMiY5iciANS IN' NEWENGLAND Po R THE LA8T 45-YARS. 'NOTNINO S1TTER."le CUTLER GROS. & 00,, 1eCul SodbythoDrugg;s- . -. -* %- .à JVLL -)Om LYMAN ELLIOTT & Coup WT XBY PuN0 FAOTORY -0- JOSEPH RAINER.'- PROPRIETOR. -0- Tho subscriber, in returning .hi& gin- cere thauks to thenxsuy friendes aud customers ot tho -Whitby PIANO MANJFACTDRYi begs W uotile that ho nOW cairus on the bu!i. ne", oieiyupoun "eonuaccont; and lu so- illitirgfuiture orders ho bega 10mesure thum that notWîlu; wlll ho left undoie'-oùuIli part *te give atisfaction, in inpplIin Eý1T ALITY, IrTILE, The ciiohrated uev patent and eroue-sê patteru et hie own inveSntion luatre 0'Alorderse eaecuted witii promptude sd da patch. JOSEPH P. RAINER. 510e iS Ã7aiT40efit W liqul-usf- 1 qu.i4-lul as ipcsumiiito ue ul 1Iý,. thes coldabaftvlhbeuhboxeits inliA. to min- M i eimo01thâne> X.l ÃŽi monten i lu sp ?lile 011 la nov in itover Ivo: emWsmu nud lagvnl.à -ore afo8ua~6e uil or usjiTe. itle' ftie from -th beSo 028-uIld gt 3,1e, otitir 0110,9s il do olsumtn or frie. om sas ltepublictie i awrethat incny vorilees thiugs are pufid ub otorlity, le order th prove IthsIbis la ohiwbug#, und 10 soeur& ions o;tîMeula. UîauOf vitoni vii ft 1bail- ta" io off 69thé. un oral Of Oil reiluiies ai biing ideuhlealFwillh StoeR'à extra MIachine 011 ) vi prepose, tothoga iha are iutenouted lltru*hi of thi a o ments. le $eud tW thum, on application, by mail or .*bîrvlue,, freeofobsrge insuyvay, a sau l' ¶hioh01, tbst itiay upeek lo itslf. And viilanI& oud vit I& Ilfeî iumpii ts, seffective du liosi testa hy vhich goid la known romthe basser mitais, aud *hloh viii ensile parties or- deriug W uecniro theniselves aginoat impasi- tioft, hy enahliig hei W deterinne at onée viothor th ii fmrvrded la s. goodsa gampie. AU parties doalièin uMachine Oit*viil do Veille aoommunicato vith: GRO. B. STOCK., Brougitu, Ont. sole Agent for tie Do0minion Èroughani, March 15, 1870. TESTIMONIAL. - Tics JOSEPaHALL MAeungi WORîs, Oshawa, April 4,1870. (G. fî.- ooCE, Eue., BUoUGnAIi1 - bv bien usiugyour Lubnhniugli for hile paut four mont ,,asd e ay v ithout bomsitation tiat il la 'iii boatil wv ue evîr ucîd. It la alco cieap, sud lests longer than sîîy otiier cil. Wî bave rmn oui largo 14 fiel -.iroîî plîiier, 7 daya vith oue oiliiug. It keous liii bol. djean and bîîgil. Wî do ual vaut mîythiug bitter as a lubricator. 1 amn, yonrs truiy, le.~ W. GLEN, Prisident. HENRY WARREN, M.. D. BROOKLIN, * ONT. GLOIIIOUS SUCESS!i The Osborn Victorlons - Eierywhere. 25 FIRST PRIZES, 3'SECOND PRJZEs, 2 DIPLONAS, 001150 TEE YALL or 1871. Provincial Exhibition, Kingatoi. 1871, FIRST PRIZE .AWA]3Dtn THE OSBORN Locksiteh Pamily and Ià ght Nanufaoturing Sewing- Machine O VIE MAL COJLPETITÛRS. The (i8BORN has pronouned hy alIi praclical Seviug Mmieipeople, Who bave Il oroughiy examineS il. 1 not ouij s Firsî ciia. Ma- chine lu etiry particuis,' but, Ilu hein honeul judgment, Tii lieut Fcmiy Locbehlhch Sewlng. Machin. in the Market. Th bu rincipsl paînteof meni thie OSEOlIN aven ml othire la -.-Tbe excellence sud su - plicity cf ilsmineniini, thie raleriliemploy id lu ita onstruction,.iIe lastlng quslitus sud vide ragibof momk pirfanmud suai as no cliii oucobine in itleccimasaofds t its prie. can ittomPL. »e Shuttlu sud Bohhiu, are large, the nedife miort. straigit, anS emsily eset, tensiouprfict, sud impossible to gît ont of onder. Tiefied ian h. nuiseS muSlovonSd at viii, seordiug W lthe fabrie W hi ueS. THE OSEOIN"ilCHLLENGBS TUE MAR &Br FOR 1T8 EQUÂL. 9 Thousandi; nuw lu use throngiiuut Canad.. a. 1 wl Agents Wanted Everywhere. c R. & Il. O'RIIRA. Bovmanvillo, Gonerail eu Agents for Ontario county, Durham and Vie- toria. GUELPIf bEWING m&ACHINE Co. dei Guîlph, Ont. to Jaur th, 1872. 2 * 'LIO à ent - ndr"M cf Pei. AilI tsusSvaibort.vitinthino eye- Thon eve'ng air-moreasit sud 'W- 'Tb ieb elieutblte viiof ulgit, LiRe the mlilski iithiq th. vobd Ouil thiýemn lnonhl, devy ligit Tilla wheré'i h. nsen vouder broods. The Winderlug Jow. I oinced oncesmtpc lthe ocaasion of o viln te Para, t second lthe Vendome Coelm= for Ibo pumposeof contampiating tiat aity iromns.- 'bofty olevation. At my foot vuasipneail ont lt.e buy. -pino- rama of titi people mintng acroma tie Place or oninug it fromtlb.'Consignons streetilite Rue de Paix, su'd abs 'Rus du cistigiono. Hov long I libc enthere, I do not knom-for tie lime pssed very quickîy, ahsorbed s I as in gaziug et liii pointa of intenoullu in thegreil city ; beutI1mas aroneed, atter & vile, by feelini a genîlo tmp upon the ubouidîr- At this touci, a ile startleds 1 mas, I turned sud iooked butinS oui. Near enongi tehoadmit of ou ociing bin, iad I deined te do e, vs; a mi of gravi sud sombre expression of conutin. anis, sud vitt s îongfloving, gray biord. As I laoked et bhlm qeeiouingly, as&mule ame epon is face, asd for a moment, imparled 'a cheerfuineu es ho11.Almout iouiediateiy upon my obeving ien, i.' advanced teou, aide. 'Pardon,' hoe smid, 'for tins iuterrupting, yeux mediatioau. You are m sînangir tla Parla, I pneseinsV 'An Engliaiman, peniapal' 'Ai 10 Titan ie gazod et me viith wvitlmieS le me te h. aerioni expression liei eyes. 'Tiil a favorable place froint bich to viev Parie;',b..e outinued, lu as gravi a manuir s 1ud marked is conducs finis the boginung. 'II ometimis coinsebor ouyeif, litIsla, men I get 'a chance 10 de. uo. Thte streets are îoo muet crowde4 for confort, and froi lthe sînet uoting isu beimen ; but np aI ibis iuigiti, one fis frie-free 21 For a suntutashe sirauger spoke, a remîluagiesantcame mbils i" el -,;bel ibis passedseay almoit insîsuil,sudthe- sombre expresuion regainod.ils influence lun bis face. 'You, sir,' I said, aftor a aiigbî pane, 'are of conue, s Pamisian ?' 'At promeut, yes. I bave for nometime roaided bure ; sud lu biat sonnu, I am a Parisien. Retitîr siculd I say, hioever, - baât I mou a cosmopoite, 'Iudî,d I Thon, su, o yn havi bienuo greaî travelîr douhiies.?' 'Ton bave umisd corr.cily, air,' ne- plied the. straujer.'Il have hein ovory.1 chore-iu ivery echue, among ivny peo. ple I Thon'i1e sdded, miit a seulden energy bhai sartled me, 'Do 1 look cîS-or fiehie, ra.m.d mlîh yeans?'" 'NotstaI&aI,iii, notot a&l. You appesr on lte conlrsryq, 0 h.rvgorouse in-onu obould isy, vho eould ber a griat dei f fatigue., Thé mîanger ehook hie head visnily. 'AnS jet I am a very old man,' ie ro- plied. I diS ntohmcitse exspreess ay donhî of abat ho ha jut îold -me ; bel I bought Ibas h.ovs. omusuug bimself eaI ml oxpînse. As h vas, I vas beginning Io fiel nenvous, uitusted, a Ivas, viti oa mee vitogo ianner vas, $ooy lthe liait, 'Yon have btom o traviler,' I .aid tb lin, reenming tie converstion; 'imoy I uk vitter lon bave evon bien te Eng- P .'Ofieu, very ofu I 0f labo yeare, iov. t' ever, I have not bienu tien.' 8 'You -have, doubtueus, aise visiteS Asia ei md Afnica ?' r conîinuod. O 'Those continents bave I îtavereed. My t ati bas carnieS me everywbere-every t 4à May I aiR aho yen are, sir 7'I maid, ci nrions ho kuow tii Dame of My st:inge 2tinloentor. et 'Pardon,' fie îxciaimed, lifting île baud rprecatingîy. Lit mnus nine lhounkuowu le .'Aou leae ar'I 71d lu -u IFARx POP» SABLE. I lnrned and began to uiev the City Tit South-h&l of Lot Nko. U,, ud cou. of pred t tmy fot. A foi moments of T Oà nu WN S ArtI- O P PiCEI I knov, vas wv.tchiog ýme ciomiy,'aithongh onteiuigS00Ari,, 5 lad. Thiro are I ÃÃs. not Iooking'ait hlm à irect ,-spo.ko oud t 5ifsmsgo atOne bouse, framo barin, sdfIables sA a-d Orchard;Uecdaaan B. n il rbrn W &Do you UgO thât anciont Iookiizg TROMÂs Pfl'lio, three.quarteru ofi a mile ditant?' ho - re. Oi théb Promiùses, Dnuubrton ,p.O. marked, -poietln iii the, direction riorFed N P U U L T A , , ,ssI h a v e " n o t c d t h t b u li i d i g . -l Xi LEQX iuT PA ouoXixiM»T. -'Thal, air,', replie dthie stra nger, vlth s * ...;$1.-L zé gloojuy v...., % the lb. re o! 89, Gier "Ne sjb'qPlu*,'ffltm ) ie alBook"roasd froms ht belfeq toiIoel snp itoduce1 , tr'î ienP!Oon"& ttoWeisthea soned, 4le fatathonr of lb. î1 St and1 'ny cllection of .h..ç tima' hVil iao Acom ene LI oe e»ofth d d L -iz omm- %e vitth mentionof M rg- --Neo rk. tIrnSBatrolom Msaoe.,I1shuddod i, mi1w epoite. ielgug uu a reacioui7. L Jinted and iU 0 nicosnscio 1 tie.M W b o u I , r o c o v o r e d m s ne> I'i d m u qm ta l b . h o rr oë r snik e . l s e r sa n d wsu ifrmed1lu rturu, of tihi indenitiy ýthe mn, w v'o ad soauioaly succoded detroinog me,. Ho va8 a otd In. tie, ulho haê ecaped tvo dasbforo, romaho nigbioring mdbone, and tbo rmptoma of is lnacy ver, as the resd- rm ay eou i s at b.ho su t ie ýv dritsb ie' lsanderiqg 3ev,' vrhom-gesth could neyer A.Sgn Al Fiuien- A rsiway accident. To protet the choit- Pot alock on It. The bet place for the bind i..sotsidoW Tho voice ofnature-.Tbzomonntain'g Foousimple"Money given tu a quacit do tor. - Men le lon the moit irnica-Whou . Noer confil. a secret toyour roltives et Il in ora 1; i 28 -0- ý PULMONARY RALSAm a lïlf" On fo«, 0: . 1 1-. 1 1 1 1 ;ý 1 ý ý7 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 - ucinîntï sud ore tien niracnilousy ur, d aa3'j hiio i taheami ofuose- vioIded tb>ià n vre persized. I bars uy bresut'lu lbe pathofthiti oldiers, --r1 lg 11 II'but tiiongit biocul v sitOq ievery side on titat fatal nigiý noue mould puty me -~ noue voulul hav ao nlthe vrotcbed Abiasuernu, TI d.cbobiIouigit, aud y'earued'foi va doni.d nie, I urnid.v< ilb a sedden ainsi of-or'ro a I vderutood tuât 1Ivas sione on th Veadonu. Colomualiha niaduisu., 'Ha 1'I ocaimed, iti au involeutai fiuuzy, the remît-of mir intense nervo ircitemeul, 'Yon îýeu, are tite Waudec« Ay lthe Wandering Jea i Look, uoi mtli fertier to lie lefi ofne. Do yau se hacomn laIrissaboya tii roofe i titi onais? Titt a iti Cplmn'cf <l at lthpée ,4 -c de -la Revoiition. Timir stood the knillotiue duning the ffret revoiî lion., Ou'tibat occadiou-too, mheu hlooi rau inslnreams, I vas le Paris. I ibough tiat dt lut my tour vs. conte. Wbei headse vire fahling mioate gory basket- i every ineof tie day, I stood froi morning W evîniug eai lie rotfoff ti guillotine, iuipioring thein W place mi nece nder tbo glisleuing lenife, bat t1g ixicetioners rebuffed me, dîclarng tliI1 vas mailt, suad drovo me froni lie demil btaIt I prayed for. I lnied, 100 vheon iii tembnila vieeou unir vay from i iiCon. ciergenie te tii guiilotidte, bearing tii condemned, 10 mmnggie myaiif'among tii dooiued min, but 1 vai deîecîod au ueoiurged amid ,iie iooting of tie people Alimon had their opporluuiîy td die: bui demth neyer cameO 1e in.' Dunlng this speech, iîving uomewhbe recoverei my coniposene, I iad r-apidl3 mnade ep my uiud 1telthe ourse I iroui purine. The mauiac bad vonked bumsell ep tg -a paroxysin EaýIniuacy,and Wtt sîaning ai me vii tli; .ejea of 'a ilend. Beoefe bad lime toe .roulai my purpose I had mnade a unddîu mpring for the aper- hure, miti t he purpose of deâscdin-ti, upiral utaircas: but quick as I vas, liie inadman vas no ues e xpediiionu, for lis streîcied forth bis bauds sud ciutched me rond the ait. I ulrnggiid desperately la escape. -iBut vit vas iy sîreugli compared 10teubt of titis raging manioc? 'Le: go your hoid l 1 Imiouted. Wby do you detsin me ?) 'Ye a îek la escspe nui t un ?' ii epli: ld4 imeiug voict. 'YOD abail nov i tiéro in me over 1h. railing, or 1 viii tosslou froni lie columu I Quicit 1 Mske rour choice 1 My ife,_ or yonre i I vouid bave deati I Give it1t0 me or die i Slep by slip, as lie upolie, lie draggîd uo tii the raiing-îhe oly impedimet bhat preairved ns froni instant deatit I Not a vord psed icîveen, us lu tuis siruggle ,or life. My efforts, vire mmde to elude bis gresp, sud attain tii sla:rcasu. flis oa roach thiibalustrade wvici oveniookîd the striai beiow. As the moments pass, 1 tlt iysaf gradually grovieg vesker. -Tie maniac's bot breatit came lit my face, sud is grasp neaniy snffocsied me. Witb horrur 1apprecîated lite tact litsI vas louing 'round, and tttie dîspîrate minu gottiug the boîter of me. -At.erthe lape of c minute or two upînt in tise sî:rugges th iasgradnally foreed niO t0 thé balustrade. STien, a ho criîd exn!tingiy, 'Die, mis erbl in, in yoer ohsîinacy 1, I gave a lod cr7, ta attct'lie paucons-by below me. I bd atcied one of te ailings Io viici I ieteidînacioesiy. My iead, ace dowuvardso, szîsnded 10 tii bali- trade, and froin liai poeition I coeld ses ýho curions face. of tvo or tinie mo* n ookiug up ta tie top cf the colunin. AgaluIn uted ealtie top-ef My voici. Tii7hboard me, and endersîood My op- eai ;asud I siw, ith ' a feeling pf enspemk Mes timukfulnîs. tiat tii7 viere .comîuig 0iMy roete, Tie bope of assic gave me nov treni. I mcadi ono more effort 1a dis- m a 1 1 1 f 1 a mirriage, desjite ltue former engage-. Dr, ment. Il lia n tlina moulu ber itusbud' r,ý mai ki lied by a kick froin a boras. Robert sea -vas-P. second lime then asmuitoyr but de. 'iayed lie important qtuestion untils flfen .oplis bad ilasad, mien, b is haron, sic informed hlm Ijat miii mas eugaged. lu tirai months tienealtir mie. ms mar- pied. Tva years eiipsed when tiheuurried v couple erovd ta Syracuse, N. Y., muere es among tii vicious of lie choiera, mien uft liiipestilence mvept tiat eîty,_ vas lthe y second. -Robert again sougil huer baud, »I and *ben ayearad elpsed wason the an invitation to ber v edding. up' lato d husband's ,business ira ound lin sncb s 51t sate iha t t avoud immense loases miii en marriid lie surviving partuen., et Sharîiy aller slîhe rnovîd viti lier M third husband to .Detroit, Mich. A fmi- b, yîars elapued, ihen berseif sud -hbid vi wre on a steamer thht -was wecked nea:F- ha Bufaio. 'The h sband pe nauh d, and liii Swife escaged saleiy Ilîrougi the exertions ofa vindWoas is nbourd. -Ris Égui' i antry inspired such Sentiments i ber ce bneuts. tLa.t slie rnarniedl lier brave priser. -ý ver a few niontlrs afler lier thi-d wiîiuw- oh happy. pair réitnoveid La Pittsbnrg Idwhera bbhelîusbaid uvas ea d nmf cantile ljuùsinets. 'M!ithier lobont, still e.clerishing bis first. love, fuluwed them. ut Oaednty aslie tvas paesiith Oe iîsbtnd's, store lia saw a tcrible commfotion. Rush- *t ing iliehobeiieid theie nang-led carp)se of Iy hat gahenîcra n the floi.' A tierce of jd mica, in being hmusted lu an upper sîory, bal falian tharouîgli the trayis, ' ki!ling Iin inslantly. Anxiousiy 1iubcrt i nqinred if Uany 01à eAvid ber-n sent to infonuni is wife, 3. and was ltold l .:tttIbil.',kkujin liafi W just gone. - Robecrt st.nhc'nL four Allaghîunmv (3 ity, te w!hceo he decitnnmh h J e-sîdeil, ut the op niflbis sp-etl. Tu- te kkeelpr-w;ts , jiit niîead rI ni'hmand' froinr.puaI exper- ience knouving ltae virtu ti, -fprompt actionu, ndapjurehien.ing thuaIthe'clerk lurtî desiglis on the -bcw h ran for I-dear life, sile by side. 'The race' con.' IC linued uîuîil lheV reiched Iîud Street bridge, w-ben bthe clerk vus abiiged.lu y stop ta pay flie bIS. vle Robin, a coniionuIanpat.cîl ou-en wilhoul shopping. * ieaching lie bouse of lthe îidov final, htoijert tld hie hearlrending ncwSî and in tlic saine breathimacle a pi-opoarlaI xnunniagr. île urus uccé'eted. T rue ta. liii promise, aller a vear of mouruing 1ah4 becune luis vie. -%Il ber busbaduai had died veaitby, Robent vus coinlor.. 1abiy'flxed alten ahI. This case is s ne: tmankabie crample of ihal pluck . sud tpersevenance wiii do fon a m *an, ihilo at lie ate lime ïh beaciies a leçsonhin li>te danige.r af dlay.- 'fluE RcExT RAILWAY ACCcnsapT.-A despaclu tramn Cincinnati daled Feb. 23rd-4 maya tha bridge on -the Lonisale short u lne raiinoad was ihat is kuowu as Ibm Fincb snspension truss. It vas 25 fiel uuigh, viti 'MOfiel span, sud rneld tvo r abutm ns. . Il b d e n con iderd at. The train reacied the bridge at 11:20 a. mn., and mias ruuning about 20 miles au houp. Tii -locomotive psssed ovin èsfely. Titi structure wunI dowm milih twopas.- singer cana, baggage,- expnees suad mail cars, ihich *eri aillpiles -together'iu s mu1h of ruina bilai: Thi front passenger car vasu rduced ,btaspiter, wvile bie otir fanedbut lit11e bitter. Fragmenta of lie tirat car vire soon lnu fumes, but by the prooupluiss- of'lthe inginoor lioy vire son subdued. Tiers vire about 65 passengers ou lb. train'; Imoï more k10Usd sud fufty.lvo vounded. Sungeons sud supplies vire sent fnom - Covingtou, and soon aller lie.îaundpd yene cared for sud placed in cars. A passengor Lia thle wounded vert ieaped in a borrid is,' muid, lie scene foltà Wing mas heartroýding in-'Ie extreme. Pssen .gars ahtl"I jue oie ihtii Titizena fro*. ie, su r o u u d in g co u nr y .an d o ffi cers 1t i road lu tie work of extnicatîfig the lbodieî; fremn the îreck.. Tbirly of lhe vo ndid vire sîvereiy hurt. Il la rumore4 liaI tii bridge-iad bien tampered viti by smaepersan or persan-,;wiio have, wmiIen thnealen ing lîlters to the conductor Nor- ris. *A Fenian avîr the a waer vw" caliîd ou fon n toast. Hi 'gaVe he following: AIlHa liaih i ueieun aigle ! 1'r.id bird ohfl'necdoîui ahi bail! . 4 il