Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Feb 1872, p. 4

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frîo~lSU, 'o,,' ~antijienlug rani, ~ oglautI "'t'" t 't u~euus vu%'uî îlng e r Eaglunduitsità, han,'. lI~¶glît i dits, vicIe lutada, 0k, tt,.1q~ ~liD~C BOWN.r.4 a 060.000 ~graiarn ly ton square inip ofs paco ýfoi eb plan% ; saab plpt wood bea ~litle more g blbr ,Shi@ 0'eehtfropa the net. and - thon viauld','hwi fiti Ç pmntt 10'ec square fotrfl, Ut the. asé-4 ver sow ln drille niis lch..&part thora , wol' . plant toABO loIch -tu te.drilli eta voilý kove îhat lnrbepadat iaoing, nchof Iho ausd1.cs vd #6W dseply, anlld som,' not sofficently. and tho. pcaibly biait of thoesMd maya le waaeed. lIndrilli bcbg- a- gréater portion à, tbaaaad 'prôduce. re.' turne, beoçnee of l9a aven coParing and' mocr regma' enintc, f ach aeed obould producobutoteaperfect car the yleld woold ho over thirty-fold, but je le &&(a t le a~t,eovery hoth'y whest plant will preduce. latbreuakMo that, shculd tbf hoie af' tha seed sôlun mature, a crop cY90 babelo weuld be. the rasait, Thorn la no dùubiw bt dlý-uiidoill * produce a btter >ield than broadcast me. ing, as maebc mr. cf tha uced vilii'nue- comafally gornaco, fsud th expensa of dr!ll'ucclng hting loatin han baod accing and harrcwing aftPrwards, ce weuld advise ail thos wio ean u'oror raw adrili 'te abandon brogdcellecing. PLàwrIba Tosu.-'dn lowa the plant- iog cf beth useful and ornements] treca ia enconrsd b1jlw If n man piiotas an acre cf foreoit ,(ceea b4 la releaaed ,f romnlax. allen on *100,valuatian fer tanl yeara, or Ili equlvulIebt, $1,000 far one yaar. For oaeb mseaof fruit vtleas piautod hiset 'ae is *zeempted cn $50 fur lire yoarm- The osanis allccanco -ia maeo fr ernamental g- haldetrceo Siaong, tho bhlghcays,. Thare are ncv roanple fereato grewlrtg frein vhich sugar lis nad ,wharo GftLanyearo age 00c17 thé coaran prairie grama flenriahcd. At sa gabheriuk in Australie, net long sine,- four persona mot, tbrea cf whcm voes sepbsrd4 ce a abeep fanm. One of tbosa -bhd takan a degre e Oxford, an - cter nt Camibridge, eha uldrd ut 4 Gerrmen uailiersity. The foureb va beir am- ploeor, a aiquater, ricb lunfdockusud * borde,; but acarcely able t endoad u write, mach eais. te keep bis cwn accounto. ItI as a wven who finit prornpted man Ie est; but ho teck ce drink cn hit wnacntafterwarda. Varlettes. Man over-boree-An edilor. À day i reckonirig-Satunday, A noticeaof a. Peal-Liglituing. Electian froit-'rhecacndy- dette. The wcrrll luin ms-The litubiùti Ta bc taken et orty tinia A liîint. i ceatreofrtd"-Good w ives. A acamntrea' exclamation-A- 1i. Ail univermal MVt-want of tir re>'. Goçud leailu for accuntr,-Dill bauds. Spaodic love-Neurulgic aiffection. Counter irritants j'HabituaI lîupe Chlesj> hupitaity '4Entertuining ant !den Proiarred creditord'-Trh.re that dern't dun. 'l'ie prettieut h.oed '.e lýuaw of la chl d hood. 1'l'fîe ll t ercund- -'rie lai;t liait ittch ef a pi*flny cigir. 801an ie mn t'r- woîr'îlî îthing. and othr erare tWi orih le --i1ow is cool titiFs uiarning ?"aakcd t îiurclîoser cf sai Iiîr'iiiuîiiu tiii a cuiîl yard. «1ul ouasrver," replied -Jeat. a iitilca niarficttt, uti itEel ite'eî Brock, - 1~'va. a itîce 111 ttte toaw t t 'îry io teaaeil, A tid îîew , ieurttst 1ati e d )îc >ti r attîlt iti wlilla a faw et rny goads 1I tiit lettre to iait- I batve liotu, 1 lutîve ,auintts, of niait>' à diirer- 1 utI tirit. - And ilve: ribioan d laces jiist iiuited Ii oyotir 'Thora tire tettliersa otil floiverti of evî'ry iti' Andtivivts, ilhejareat iaud lrigliletal lltî'ui made, lu ebignoîta, have a varieiy, l'un saine. TIi.; are fit.for s l.dy,or ua 'Mii ont tilot,' 1 have lîpporu sAn beatifl-b)otîiticî and plaii- If yeti woear Oihent a tiy'll utile yu)la grw ela cf pain. AndJe, llery-yciî, 1 iîud ncarly forgot, JuayOu,1872.' 4N.f N9 PLUS 0LlIIA, - rie@ 1 6 o a 1 nd -.ý f 07 b r'. thu e p t, lu» it'. e ec 1~w7Sii418 Jroadway, New yort, T Il FI; rW halB we ar no,!rnauh4icInrlng eyai il ve yl oh. àe a gutrarto witl eaoh chol wuraiîtitig (tem t b. n as v'imacle, factareil lei the Domiinion.t >Partlem 4ei ring'f(arthyr liformatlep emba ibý- taoin It lui' addresbirig- PAXTiON. TATPV&D O. J'ary.st., lPort Pory, Ont. 'hrlIa.10171.tÇ5 MFUsTA NTrT1I) PA?.T 1MA 4 1 hNG JJ. S TOOK XS EXTRtA MAIINE BI1 T'i!i ojîrioal» Ii ll r 011,. tIhanimal alid îegî alîd -wc or-,prepareil ta how the 1upriqrity aottilia '>11ta islatirtiaid aie teste; icë,.eaar> ta procure a frst-cliim nto ti it apl~tel (o <'iter liglit iii' îestvy rita- al'r&rfot îîuck oau-ueietathe liciiet t ai'ltt4, Tite folluwf;t)gcarc (ho V its îlu ' vilîîoh it exeehi oth.'r; iihi-IT ÇOlI Ni. ulfU, lientca mîCIlîiî'ry Calu ha kîjît ein W;01 but litile troubla, alli It will clei Ilîtacloiîîerythtlati ba en alreîîdy gîîmmed by'thcri)lij. l will Ual oteogeal or Ilileken lita lie eoldlvst af wether. TisiW ln a qttalitv - ot-ihle lieast importaiiîce, freithe tact ail 01 niat laviiiUg iis qlla*ily %ill ])ol Ilîricate aî cod Staa'tucitti ýilmay lie apJllcd III a ltcated imate, hbutle luIioteit t itQe ion Jiîco» pliaft ti cuîc ar sd will fnt Ilbricate pun- ii b.itriih ilunaquirce thut luliper- attiro e coexiary te ret4uîco it te a liqnid ululte il) sequiiriti a tiiiçrher teiat4ieritlure by fiction. te journal ettputida mildltheboxax la iîjureil, itla as igupôastble tte ail taIt will chill on a cohl alîaft witlietil lina resgit, o tuaitetoMin- t le 011 witlî wuter. J. GI. Stock'a <iii will lu- rica.A the. coldeat utîdîiuery the momnit I i aopplied l- ia (>' 11 la now used i o.Vtttwo hundrod-cstaibIilineutt. and lm giving tbobea't Pr uirtiafiition, oand ail uiiAt inii aaing tl'ey orefer it te rutinicil Sperti or pure Olive. It ln freo froîn tlise aljeeticîta Urged auinst al atîsuir Oil4anaail doms rot ituinti or freeze. N'ow as the public are aware tilla, mitny worthllca titilig* arc pliffedtl iIltaîIotoriclyiiia rder ta P roeli ttin ila nflI liueuu, arud t te iure oirmadreslagaîit Ilte aiîerî.tiuîetai iserîî)u- loua ail agelta, ( uiity of %fiuwill itat Ileiu taie11 ta laliii oil'tte i<iait fl', Oil 0 reflieries aiblu nilmical aitî t Suck'r extra Macine 011,) w îireî oae t toma wlîa aia- iiitereatced ilutlîuatruti iiIb11 atttofi'rta, a eild ta îlei, att application, hy tait or "'ilserwia-e, frca oelara i Sh uuV tt>, afi, iluho h .il thual nitiyspeiolr itti.Andiwill aIeIa se I thlit il i 'îw mi.ipllî tu il, nse effective fin Iiase t tusta iy wiieli Zgi.% t'kisouwîî troin thte hataur iîietalm, atuu wlîicli livilii auable ainlesor- clcriiig ti illeire ,iitttl agaifat iuipomi- tia',, I)v atblit iito leterittîa ine ato wlîeîler fthe Vil fcrvirled la a" gaal au ample. Ail parties ilealine-tifiitlîiîjine Ollu 'wlll Je ateil lv cc miii ii ltitateOnt. ~SeA4teii l'or tIlle Dîîiîtirî lM'tighlain, Mardi I5, It7î TjiE :S T 1 M ( N 1 A 1. - it.tî.uwtiAi 'il1,l0 lié'i AMliTl"I'bi ItetittiItfg i)I r 'litricatt itç' iiifbr lte 1iiîa four Uîttttt hi, aii-.l .itt i tiliit leiîtii,îI Llft it îllie e i',t'ict've rius'!'I li1. alua elicali, al it' ls 'titilaitlîy (Allier 01l. We btava r un aur itîrao 14 icet irati plainer, 7 (la) bwiti oe iiititg. 1It keeria (lie tols ci titiii tii i itl. I e tilo ual iat mything "etîter fi.iUa!a(irical'ar. 1 ara,jours truly, iF. W. 4l.EN, l'rAidpnt. liit l a tîl ulexcýeulilhi i'anidi, lît3ing Lat 211( 2îlcot. tVettt ilistiti, coiil aifld- dlîei.ix, Stit) utisii lettrnul. auiweli w.ttered, gouutî Sau es, r'tî'l liiilittgsieaîd afilime VOi g,11 trcardît'hi eltice fi nt ; stitlie withli rutmiles of teiotirIiiiiiu village of Park Bull, te outaiuiog 149 arrea. For parîlutirs .ïalýtiy la- Park 1h1. Wltlia'Juil> 211ht, 1171. tf-24 CROYA.L O fr-iili'ult iu iiuit u le ia1optii ilIte 'rraveilers 'ilitid g;cats cu 'lwayu lla amI, 'plied wi tue adIiettat ,A acu roinyIpae, idy, warttl stapunqiit, ,and Attentiv' eoera. P'ure Mttiuerag'nti- ai' GEO. CÂMERON Whltby, Nov. 1, 1871. i~'2III MAKW$tCTURI TZE OELUBRATED Leffel1 Patent Double Turbineý waWrWher ,we stirîé~ n thé tt 40 e.a u La'-I nIaiIth otb.gitne à'XelaIjWP' lu Cais;,as- w~flbeac b te iuiaitg crNfe.t W. talua leagnra lnIn Ifcrntithe public o1 Car.ds, (liaI Wa havea stld andtI srtiilied îr. 'W. (4LENf, tif 'iouêbewo. Ontttrio, pA4fernse, ll'î,meni.. Dntwlnat(, Usuics. aund all'othttr 1,ud- casau. rîfirusict,,~htuiJd aurcslebnatsid Doubhle TuriltuiuueWtter' ime-i; liented by %iliive "1hua alîgiàted uela't"'ui thte' I§Sme fseiities (or moativriuig ta ne aite Partilsa lu tr'auadmi. 9Ilithnt the infor- iualiaua selinue tiîvour la Mn. <JLtvur, n-aone cari srtcteo%41nih'v bauid aur Wheel", antI ae tedvi&s p)artýieti lu da,Yit t'O ta iîricel &,aIr W heiia cr tuanallier uuaaftera. .5bx. xi li *ililtea ara uiiturps'.sel, enti irefuel %sUrilt lt tlic vil! Itiîlflt msi W l lt ied1yllusvi perfect sîîiglac.se lituit. WiltltorCrlore, cý-amIlteu'l lun teti to piuli ftiie witilte:tire cnaluence,' tati- iuug uto're he wilh milattuetre a Wltel i 4 aIl retiecLal qual tlu i ur o't. <Sgtl) JAI1l1M LEP'YEL *C. 'W0areprpîteiltafurila WuMtsr Wliee, (h'tirs. t4btftea l'illeva ur ai Mmiel ie u- etiaary ti iatîudt lte Ituels Ite iiiiclliiiery > ltey ire itetdc'l lu dflu' ; û-u1I f, ater tre rtouhujitll hey arce ritIt mia4iutc,.ry, we 'yul tikkt Iîl bîtel, Pa',tru'ighut botl iway;, asud 're- fîîuud aiay payuaurtts ilueii'toaus tiereon. W lure parties are rot S'tiu'fti willm Ilu Whi.l, 'id cauiiit initke a Chlie titiIlite Utie ailuotit lomti 10 iiiis, tic> naay run thme aieel titý inîlitiery ia rcasuîuabl tll iue vint- li.t î l"tery uîuiay 'utîtîv a chatnge wiîlaout iujury ta teir blittuluems. Belotv are-giveu tlitmies i Itarties Who are nnswu4iug irOlomme teta tcuilleu i oaur wilîceltt;anid we invite parties "hao wLsito purcluascte la orretîpaud villi Lieit. Daviti Arno'ld ........... ....... Dawa,. Thomeras Arrli ................. Arbdi. liueliur &Anudersenî......... ..Gr(jrgjna. Ilowinaii & ti'at5.............. AI'rtuittg, willttia Ueo. ..... .........." 4tuioa. 'A. Blitli & l,,t,......Va lley feld, A, hiariueau...................ii1i. Davids, N tariilia.....r. . ,. I. BLt. ItitLi..... ............. I;retklii, Win. llirit_çs.................. Blirguar. A. 1, Buck,, ....................rw.id NVti. rlua.II .....(y t. NI. Bace ...... -............ ilailitll'e t'ali Chiriautîlticr turreti........i.... Mitiî., jutet, ltu'rie'er....... ,»waercloo, J ..... » ............. . l-satcird (. N. Crtlt. ............ti(iut au e, u . ......ia..' A. & J..itm.ii't. . t'çi' A. l1im ............ igii Jaîî'em .................. cr, iowi,, JoitDyt. ......... .......... Uzltidage. Igtiturrcitit& titattitnd...1.... Belleville ilansteel ...........i...*.- .iiiilsa>', C. il' 1 etcru ............. .. . % liuiiiiji 'iew, ....u.."..u...... t uat. ltetuuiri .¶ai ........ ...".. lhiuure Fr a u......... ........uriitia oar rti u Cue-.............. . iuut.thlir, S. o .1 r n '......... ..........tiroociîi'st TItîri&ul lto..V1*--*...... tarmu S. J. rie. .. ............. .... aGrecweo T(lî ira..................Wohiu i.Ml. G-L .-. - Ii el ........ .". rfet tiiýrttun. t..... e ........'I turutt 'ii'in. %& NVnr iiulli................ it. fi'. , tilr...............h ttiiuuut, Ettiu'it & .i............ l'uietiiuas ',tutur itlrce .le .......... Aiiiett Capr. Raiii.. ...... 'i.... tai Jehut a g iorl.. .... itii 0.îB.îîî llw........ . .. anCe Iieuh & oiersn. ....... vile tul. F. Jttît5& i i . . . . .1... . . itaeqm Ao l ea ............ itPertre c Jaolti. ighl,.............'....... ligutitniCe u.slua te .... Sw'ult J, ......... t...... F.. raeharai A.>Latekt......at ....... aihr"ck wiati.....u...... Csuitîiota Caelaruen...u....... .. e... ..... Diewatl, J,îh 6. Luagall............ Ctiiurr ,.'.hî tcChrt ................ . ilrtfrew- fgMewr.....e........... )eititireelcill J. W.uuaari-il e. ..........- .'.' Owiiart Johnîîi Slch'abtr..............luinreal' Juu'ilîu Murhay...... ...........%iiiei oute .h M'ie1aCrâ ..e...........ietîuîreal Jtuu Parîah....it..............$o-,ntville sii' uiiulrnr ..... ........... Butwrnsubit P»aiau ittaeltiug............ -.. S lieraioo '(ii N'Iaa c"..il........ ......Etcirti. Pohntittii ........ ....e....QîIjtirie. Wi i.. n Pd ..... ..... lt-irihîuuiu. A. xt. 4Brwitiry& Cp......... i.iittreui, .goit Pirtua....,. .0.......Muiet tiiairnesfîtttrî.... ............Usrdgle. PIho I;uictLsing Co.............. . roôe lum -..tt ..ei ..... C........ lttitl .lulut Itî&sCO..................oii .Sd1-rlid,.... -i.............-.Briton'. peiktaehigeBrui.'. ç... ...... ltewaieiI, SJohnSutt...............l'Mtulirerk, C. & ri.î.... .t..i........... %Vir Jarxe. Ftisu............(....Uxbrdge Tliouua uieplisu......... ...ria. A.1) uthut,4ia. .. ý............... Bearivngde Jonrirge l y...... ...I...Suuîrl John S it.............. .. Oehiire. Clare Sith ............. ... uîrtie tif', Et. SualJ. f...ni.............Cetug f'ex. i a l hape.............tOics pue, Tî.hmaiiuttti & Esieu..... t..ranups, Trî naw ......... NituuAtel 1phlutTauiutpt................... Mirokl 'etraer.iim...... ........ Jj5 Charles illtw ........ ......o.afwIttityl, I ttpes ........................ Caburgte P.fim i. Shueît................ 11=1ril Ter. C. Wîu. ...... ........... MeltAlrg, Jolis iVelloba...*........ Punta 'r. 'ruVte .......... . WIaee, DraviV o..s.... ...........owuia.le Jiimas &TufeKnitu...........WntuumCetr P.W. oa E gne nBod...........M l e rs! or(1 AIL, --- ...........> a urs. CASTINGS, 0F? LL KIND)S UI. E UN ASQUJ' MLON, SNew >îltherl ' tny Lkirtit-made to t'ttr, tacyde»seuipticunai'.de iu'leix d- Fi W'GL1W, Piren"!,et 4 ~ eu" - 0sw výà1gw. Rorn~i1 trè~eived dn~ect ~ (iol& pins, :4no a, nd 'fané Whfibýq Nov 4,1871. ~rticie~ """I 't' 'I at prices of' -4}lýEWIS .ALLIN' WI*t~PiQè i t.e SIMOOE 8ST., - 9I4tlI Are iu rcceipt ci further arrivals of Winkc g M*d 8 ,fihtd ( "tbii teq lano ~atpit~ u veryd¶.partmOut' L)C81 op& »gr emt yrcy iIt aL~j in and Tart4n, Winceys, English, Scotch anud (anadian Twaccas. ' THE MILLINERY DEFARTI1ENTN vi l be,4Ibune.-revete 'with. alItho lataut attractions in styles cf lBats, RiýbOàp-ê î j%ý( t.s,!iis~j minga, &». Setûs of se1endid Fursvi4 va' oh cap The Tail 'rî ' Depiirtmcut,'tfs hiîberL:,., under tht' skilltul suporintendance of ami Çrt-cias culter. Besttantd mout foahi2rab1c saits icn the Dominion macla ta er FRESH GROCERIES &NEW FRUIT ' " t "a ffl-BOOTS L- SIOES- atylislily anade and ~ho, s~9 ait.mt vcry law Prime. 'uaiy ;, f . i*É l -, t' W4-*a Whitby Nov. 28, 1871. GOODI, Hfk4L IN D CLUTIIUNIi! WAJIM "l'ieu n îdeirsigned 4esilrP.Ss f6i frd ïhs; numerous customers that with the roomy faci1fite*s. aflordoLl hýità ini the new premises into which lie bas --enioyeýdi -*he is e9 4.e to keep on hand a. large stockr of çot. o.~èr id . selected by hiniself, and of the best quality. (.-j'(eîttlenien's Gaiîl' nts made to order, anîd a perfect fit guaranteed. Gcn tlemeîi's Fiirn*S liîg goods, In cilu di ng Shiu'fs. Tieut Brane-s. nelwest stvIr4 of Collars. &c., JOHN FERGUS0N, Dundas.St. Whitby- <1remnisea iateiy occriced by M Gerrie, as a Dî'ug Store) ý. 29,11871. c tf-48 Whitby, No' CARLIJAGES CARRIAGES & BUGÇýIdES- tést',' flyl? a' M$ Manufauiîre Splondfidly Fini shed tCi utters, OF 'VER Y SUPE RIOR WORKfJrS'IP REPAIRS. AS USUAL. BUGGIES"& SLEIOHS. WHITLB Nov 22ctd, 1870. s ELF-RAKINq1'Ei 4 AW ARDED F-, st"PRIÉ t, Provinca Edj4 phoJ a ~ oq in tAie'.a LOf 187k WC Offer to Our custotners for thýe.co' dg Jwv«,,t1Ytditil, Mahines, which in style. and donstriieon; i ,braceA th' i.itýî and Most useful -ip~v1ê~sdftdy JOTINSTON IS SI NGLE IE 5ULI'rA ljNG Ù P *THE Pameo-0 fE.ES'~i le The universal success of this Machàine 1 i 0 trials sud lu the bands of the fariner, utarrat u in saying Ibat, aus à II~n Rcapinx 'Ifar.1rîc*itfias-more ,gecil po0i#%1ý uneas anti Icas falura, than beratefore dferedte tç~»i~~ We were4awarded Ibe:FirstiPtiýe *i1~1q»% rç'>d Exhibitionjý, ý c1t ~ïrout6ý 7OjI cflt Uewiîb al Uc Iaiptheioe*ut'~ ÇcWred lu 'the , mivnce'--nd vith ou réce~nt mroeet-vw cltllug inretiatina4;gçmpariaon viSt 1coMpeUi'pg-Mahinè , w<ýçêmt,§tu4lt sndi in~6~i~atiOti*iI qinca eve7 ry peicid miud, thitoatie h 'ar" st' e "11ewvr to tIha P1armear f«, In~l, 'bailli in taomiin. , fl-Sand, for deucriptava Wbftby, Juin. 1,71-' ~w li1.uT~T j r Blankets,_ Fu, I ~î> ~ ~ ~ jh ýckan Q our ]LEADY-MADE CLOTIN& ij ~J~W AD QII@GOODS. JAMES là.MUR HYàÈý 'o' ~undh&,Steet, niarge lot.ofneýw gQqds sJtable ýfirte8fo t 1eady'.mzrdp,41 'Iotlîing o )le7st quality, ~ ~c -uet stoek of Dry Goods-ýevery- tjn in the Une. a t(, -id n: t e.lmen's fuirnishing, ~Is»epi4nnt -oiletc. Ladies undcrclothing -4auiýpée New- Fruit, & r i g INe as., 'sJAMN J. MURPHY. Whitby,I)cubr61J'4 <51 GREAT C. RING-SALE r Lb LýIN & <o g'~b~ lÙway- Rugs, '~ ~ t2Â.~. *~'t1t~àaygma sud FeIt. Over- *'~ ~d~,tCleilg~m~sf~staliîîtTweeds s~dl~il~ uCct~fl -an sd Baga, i ~ {S - lseaelM;l r Scal, Pluckcd Wce flet special indeicemetits lu thie abovo lues%. Begs to axinounce to lits custommis and the pmibliîothat-h'e ha Ëoëtd. bsiiM i pl'Çmises lately occupied by Mr. B ndll..nr t rçt, ï,ttijtle sî1 111~içcpt o aslendid skk'f'i Aud-of tlic bétt stylIe of Boots -and -,hQes. mlo nianuaaîge '. Èoàcý ot LOME-mADE Boot s and ý.ShoçsÇ Whiph p -,b ?s d for- qual aind ptîce'4 - "' t . BbIta iotiàlarr t n aëi'ul ito.he«PiId '.stl n1,fe.rth 1Whlitby, 'Miayio 10,.TH W àLNS. TfI 0WSTAND! titb roaLn~'0t1 l'ttbi'mufer ucar1ýa id' aÇi te Êay thst âebclis, noir o ban &g larmrt6 uOtn~~ ua Anl4uts b prpr 4uet~nan tideae prices to securn pp!nacopublic patronage. Patclipottrn.Flimutu7cre-afd Uýdiertking anFuneraIsUi UPpLtds heretofo ~ iP~PFX4.p1es, -and GÎldÎl Tp a~ir~cbag W F ITB x., IL P. CLARK,. -Pioprietot F:. Clark bgstcin rcm i» cd fr.ýlndK and cnatcuaprâ lut heih- ref4lted. and lreno- va±cdthacôlctb'tl 'Iunwn thoý*lFja Prmare' Inn,' BrOLr ai t., vlidre ha viilbè 1'h pta ri- caive libeju,, On i gviu'g hlmaaapf.4ood.. Wbitby Bragsanud String Bnds, aaapted for soireYa', Pie aies, Ezeom. Quadrille pa rt es, A&C., &c., vill aûip1y the bost' an b'ael uaia, cOn mo&b. - t lermeu. 4ppliestiOna inuat b. made iljilrperaiiy- or liy httr, (pont paid,) to- 2c.M~7 . WOLFENDE',, L 1-, 87.E R' -, J W.ITY LIVERY STABLE&,;- SW Hlaving enreaed the nimaber andI quality cf the atnd, and alzo ad deatetand it ir- preeth ie cellvayances and vaie'on liha remises, ho bopez by beisg laoin tian ta -meol the wata t enatouaera te moult a' ýh&r* N. B.-Cevýered tocuveyanac frr mflies-, and ladies. 'opatednau rlioo.- te allerderà. t -N.«RAT. Propriator TEETII EXTRACTEt) £'WITHOIUT PAIN, BYTHTE USE OF -NITRO1JS OXID LA N as ORTENEW AT DETA OOMS, 1DUNDAs STREET WBITB Y,-C. W. adOOMS3.C.ovo,IM. E. Cociurne'ustore.' Whili>y, Joua 2É, 1881'. 25- 'H VPO0P H C)S.P HIT ÉS.. Amougat IhuadijEamas avareoma by' Feawm' - nipud 4rrp Of' Hppphèittw h Deè ", efl yuoia £ireaic noua- *Dobiity remuliigl.ron Tipe id'"ad 'aiier -lôv fors, Dih tkiýmm icut Hysteria, mnia, ~UeortboeKroa i mnua or Waating of lhe Mu ales, AP oaL, uOr LoscfVeice, jhaires er-S"t. Vitus a Darne, gl'e 0»nmf . eLirrer, -Interrapted ait Fe¶a¶Act frbjeears;su cana'd i' tucas bsîuctoain'Iainags -nud Air l'atassgea Ieading theretoa antI Dsbility froin varions asuaca, manyaaaU«a et whiciau ap- peareit bepeisa, " SW' Prica, 01.50 six fer $7.50i ~lMES 1. YELLOWS, CamisT, 1-e - .B.John, S.B. p JOHN CARTER, LICENSEWAtCTONER ONTARILO, YORK & e I Y Ulfl NEW A~ AT -on B 'ha., 8P!çi L lima. Danuel Gan -w- han itU trutskç homs fli bas 1 ý;f dL - j 71 WEI IIJUIL LIQ,

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