Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Feb 1872, p. 2

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I try 29,1872 -'Ose of tis eua.ua giron lu iheso001001 ut &tim ls or favris; he fos-mttioa a mont libésal Rals'ay polily. lunibIs ru peut vo bave nos benu diappointed. Th préets Gov.rument bave Jlbes-alimed tl puloy of thies-psedoiera. Tise' li. Goyerument isad lpil.iltd dtieàrtiandt slgnato es,0. W. Suld et site limeo a vi de nov, tisaitises-e vers other linosc sallwy equally Weil entitled, te the benel cf tise fuudt but Whsoi la0 reeve' airauces cf &id. 1Tiseg are nov brougi elîhie reacisof recolviug sishaid ai tise are d U*e¶ving'of codier Mfr. Blake smai liberail eleme, Wlth tise figures givei by 1fr, Bicke tute leouso, sheviug tlb ie 11nftiehes te wchsGoves-umàee support ý al'-'buen alseady plodged, il ii plain tistise million suds -issif 'coul( net 'b. &offcient for tise pus-peso au( tisai, if gond faits ývas tu, bo kept, au on. crosse wvas mA. -yNoither coulfi tN addition cf 0400,000 b. anongis, se sée by Mr. Biake-,.8 se aste extoud aid te pro- jectsd lUndi, nol unbracod in tise scisome of tise it govormout. And wvis houit lins s qually desorviug cf aid -sud sun- ang .t6rougli district& vbicb bad conîsibut. ad thios quota lu tise goes-ral fuud-be excîded 7 WSat cas canted cas te Croate afit-d by chioas i e h. igisi b.bone- fittod. And, ve oieo, tiesemsofc tise Govrnoeni<te bave acconpiished tis ia tise moat ecenonia and advantageous vaylun prcvldiug -ise uubsidy fund cf $100000 a yeas- teasaitnov railwsys 'by- paylug tie jtes-est on tis deisenînros for tcenty yeas-s. Tii plan aI once proses-vos Ise sus-pins in tise-Proriptial ts-aury, sud enabies tise Goves-ument leo carry eut the apis-lt cftlise Rallva a et> ia tisailibes-ai menue ilata ctise touts-y Sud s rigisI le expeot. Undor ihis plan,. as ezplaiued by tise Premier, Ralvmy Compaulos 'viii Se altetu oeilitise bondI#cf tise leverumont ab a lac rate et ites-est, sud vilii 6eps-se tleahiyr mosebenefited tissu If ti gos tise bard osaisboase tbey oould pu t te per cent. cf Provincial coupons aog cis fine as- six per cent, cf their cen bendai, there' 'by flostlng tise lettes-et s cispes- rate.- Tisai Sing tisecase, would it îlot be se- tuaily- more pracjcliy beneficii letise- Comspasolumuncisas 7il vouid furnisis tisen visSa grosses- buis cf empitl a is *2,000 or $4,000,' per mile, bard cash 7 AntIwchte *100pOOb'a ýwyemr, for svanîy ymars, ecnid b.eéquivalent te Sec millions te t e Couipanli, it vilI onîy bo about $1,100,000 to tise Province. As totes objections tisaitishe addition i. ci ealled for ; bt isai 5onld ho lime te make pro- Vision vison tise *1100,000 cau exhausted, bc. h aisonld Se borne lu mind thst tho firtiobjeet wu. to provido a sufficient fond. ht via eas-rly sovu tisas tiso*1,600,000 cas net @officient. BI the ps-sent plan tise Goyvorumunt khues'tise amnunt tisey' bar@ te, give, sud ih ensiles tisepifo do- olde upoa theu amonut cf aid te b. givon escis. hItvasmuestpropos-tu1 sucestain vitis oertainty tiseanus tise Houas decidod' .isould b. met aparit t hobcexpended. It eau enly bS es*çended in sishmannes- as tiseRHanse approees and it places il out cf tise paver- cf cuy Miniates of thu Cs-osv to pledgo tise feus cof tise counstry te auy rilal ihcisnt ties ancion cf tise Logis-. laies-e. Ait tise, argumenta about tise Gev- @aes-mot aquanderiiq tise sus-pins ara jmal se mio linnoombe sud, cap-trap, lettie ' ondes- iisapties appearo a ise0 celucaiaof eus-To coieetempos-ary, Jes s,àvy cord -cf chiais' ce-,boaesstily eoniis, aBd eotsld baio e. rduo.àcni opu l- ani", but ibsai hvus oaly bs-J#t,undàs- eus nodte us ai tSi..papes- ýs atji pveiss.Tho Tow-C'ouneil slieald,-lua lo justice, do soMotisîs; for at iaserou. His long ssvrlees doses-vo botse tres m. fs-m the Town ýéfW>tby sbin théodi lai 'a" d ouf." . be~evqp. sd 50 ,ageni bo,~ '~~ dal u'orain laut. H. en is bi8Uth yor ýfl&cying old "age lied ,:enféebled hie once iVlgoroum heàth,'and for Omo- biepuý iç lnfrm c6ýdiiion ÙGvwed but toc plainly tisai the end '"s a uar. On tise. 2eth cf July laut hllst-hi. ife, tise partueror f along lhf.. goasdidunei long recain b.iid, And, a&. reusarked by mauiealto died. on te 25th cf tise nais The dassed gentleman wvu bora aià Ovmgr.uliug,- lu Raducor, Wales, on-tise Tili..of Décemb.r4 V7 i eggd ý.(r .&nuinlir-cf yes.rs ai xoioeman sud supervIserilutIese Setis cf Englaud. -la 1885 ho emlgrated te tii 'conntrye, and, after knocking about for a short tins, set tied- dovu st "Hamer's Cornera"e-nov part W' theo Corporatien of tise tivn of~ Whitby-vhe-e ho eugaged in business as a geûteral 'sterekeeper.- Ho retired frei bnsiuas soma uleetoon yeaus, sud va r e- ptited 10 o ea man cf coniderable veàltis. Tisis, howover, gel scattered about, sud.] (Fro "Tise more e declared il tne onu rumfip caïra nteaa ta »Iplay-' againlt Great Britain whenevcs tihe 'gaine cf nations. grew mt arn sud exciting, la tise 'Invasion cf Canada.' -The momsent John I$ull declarca tis Dominion neutral, soit h ocuti, the clsws aud clipsq the feathers cf tise American caglu. This ila perfectly understod-by thse American people, andI it-ýissafe to say that' but for tise tact of theeisanidg cf miles cof, tsnpvotocted British frontier lysnjg close,, at, baud Jonathan wculd nover have "6Sroached tise subjoot cf Îlabama daim. More -tissuthis.ve be- 11v0, th'at eeIdpne~dcaei isere tc-day the.Am.er-îecan case vcnld grov 'sinailer by degriees sund beoutifully leî,m,' until itwoul at itVans' l# ,gutiser. .- ýt Lord Lisgar la ne novice at navigatiug British dependeucies jute tise safe waters ,of Tudopeudence. How eleverly- lie se- compliised tffe feat lu the case cf tise lenian Islande s a amattcr cf tiistory, sud tisat ise is engaged lu tise saine taskin l Canada te-day we tbink exts-emely ps-oba- ble. Sàw MmIii Buatiqz.- On Saiturday t --..-.-- ieo, wee ei---nu in 'san tbrougi.hi. hisbandis y losning it 1 u'ulmm.ie t,, aw m..,ll bh,,ninir 'to "M. John Ba-sy, Clarameut, vas discovered 10 bu on fis-e, sud in, a short fime tise bud- ing vas entiroly camed. The cause of tise disaster vas a fis-e matie in tise ester weel te tisas'ont tise ice, visicis wu ;mcml effectivuiy dona. Tise Ina. is- about $1000. FATAL rAmIDEsuaIs-NuSccs-s.-Mi. WM. ,Bs-el,, au old remitient cf Udera, aa ,aesideutally kilied, st wvuek, aSile dras'- inug se legs mc 'bis rmilI. Wisile tssniug tise corner o,' a roust, tise aleigri mieved s-ound, tbreving hum fs-cmtishe load, sud Overîus-uing tare loga anis-hs-oued oves- liim. Ho died almosi immediately. OSHAWvA Cotriui.-F-ontise Reformer mia ea-n that meeting. cflis. Ossesa qeuncil areesld on hMonday sud Tuesday Of la5t yack. Ou Mouday, Sy-laws ese i0îs-oduceti for gs-anting a banas'of fine tisonsaud dolIlars tae iseit.Facucry ;for the pu-cisasé cf Ms-s. Pars-eI'e lot fcr a site fer Town Hall; anti for providiug penal- ties for non-claning aidealm of ses'w, lue sud dirt Tise taro lait vus-o passed ; the fis-si viilbu submuitted to th# electers sud voed on dn tise 2Gîh cf. Mas-eh nextî A ClOtRECTION.-OUr tOvnuOcUeP0 ras-y saya-'ît t 4&enot tlue, as etaîed by tise <Jebave Visadicator, tisar fine ses-es on tise front - Sts-et, leadimg te tise sailway station, lî'Wblmisy, cumld net bts solt fos- ces $640. Thse land! ofies-et au Chance-y maIe ila ue'srly Isumf aecmile froi Bs-ns-l Stres-s, sud cas 5d las îy tie t' eusnsss. Nues-it Xs-t. ao..Geourge Brown baving dtclinte iseuotlnatmou for Norths Ycs-te, uuanimousiy tendes-aid hlm b7 tIse Res-rmera ofthtii on&titatenus-, Ms-. Jaunies Paribasinae Was-duet t ise Ceunny, bas bs-en cuested as uhe standar'd boutes-cf tise' Parsty at tise s-umiug ele - lionfrts the Cess. nons. Hum Is es-ien ruey he considureti ise. DEATH oPci'Dt. Eiss-wouaui.-We regtret te pas-n ubamu Ds. Eaàlvousi, Jate cf Obia- va, auii a ises- crf Dr. 1 i-st coud,cf ibis toen, (liedinm Lis-erpool, Seugiauti! of paralysis, on Sunday, l8th mutý ILicESS OF' Jons MomuateosM. P.- Fs-n tise Camîmimgon Cieaner au bas-n that John Musriacu, Emq.) M. P. for the Nortuh Ritiio f Vis-toria, isat ying danger- oemly iii nu h iess-sidentco Woodsilte, Vos-y slgisi hopes as-e c-iteriaiui of bim s-eosery. OrSHAWA S-r. PAs-mmms-au' os-5mE-a. -Ibis 8os-iety,-w51s-h ln imci afleusimbiog cditien, ham iatoly mrtnîzed a andmu!ina ceuun tioit Ont interet ; and we believe that ho died la coniparativoly iiarrow ciroumstances.- Mr. Ramer had somte peculiarities ; but ho hed many excellent and characteristia traita of tho thorough.-going Englishman. Hia rémains wor., accompanied te their ]ast reîîing place on Tuesday laut by a largo cencourseof cId frienda ana neigh, bora who had known him long. The prosont Mayor of Wliitby, Mr. J. Ramer 9reonwood, is a nophew cf thse dezeased gentloman. ;& EOOUNDREL AT LiaRGi-$750 REWARD OTF&RCD FORBfI APPREUICNSION l-OshaVa il disgracod - Ueh presence of a secoun. drol, who lignrsed ,with masked face,) bas Madeo it a ' ractice cf indecently ad- saalting unprotected females. He lnrks abont,, it appoars, in lonaly pldces in order te carry ont bis evil designo. Numb ers of coonplainta-aeme of thein cf a meat dis tresaing nature -.bave been made of the violence cf thse nnhanged ruffian, but hitherto ho bas succaeded in ecaping -the moit watcbfnl vigilance cf the constables. Theo Villago and Eut Wbstby counci's and private residenta cf the place, have united in offering -the large reward cf $750 for bis apprehension, wbich it la te b. boped, may ho effectuai, In bringing se outrageonsr a scoundrol te justice.t Damnes & sBRO'm ILLUS-tRAsmT&V CArAL- cous s'est1f872 bas Ses-n sent ns, sud is decidediy oceecf tise ust besutiful p.si mena cf tue' as-t of ps-mtin; miat iýsue-es- come aud- e us- notice, Lt jesunelegant ý-a perfect sampie et tise comisineti oe. .gaue--lc ehicis papes-, type amui iuk s-au bu breugisi, aided Sy tise eng-as-es's esr- Tise illustrations as-e fs-e n aure-tise apecimaus fs-en viicis îissy as-e isien 5ev- ing Seau saimi!d by tise besurs.Briggs§ thenselvus. Tise ciomu as-ovos-y beau- tifui, uni!as-e taken, sawn andipuled lu clorafs-en nature. Tise ramars-liasd suggestious ubrougisout lise vos-k viii bt fenni! meat valuabie, ani! may Se s-ee upen, s tiey as-e foundai! upen tis euxîmu. sine experience sud obses-vatioqs of tIse publisisers un tise gardon, grcenm-hcusesud field. Ta ii Dc r-" Cesma.-The Inde. pendent Os-des- cf Gui! 'Iemplas-s, et this tecu, Sans secu-ed mise ses-vices et Me 13. Cappes-, the great Englisis Temposeues- Osas-. Ru is te lecture aitishe Mecisanica' Ssii, on Wedueesdsy v'g, Mas-eh. l3ui.- Tises-e viiiaise be a sois-ou In cenneetien vits lise lecture. GRIsÂT CRICnsv SALE OP CUs-s-ua, Bue- vit i i. It-connisa to eles-u.n pIayess,aho Oxus, Gàasaîaess.-Ms-. Banni Walkeylits 1have recuis-e! nes'instrumente importai! ginon instruction. te Ms-. Fairbanks, ans-- fs-cm Pars. tioneor te dispose O'f Sy anetion bis spion. - teus I'u'tuptteî-s.FI dii! asortusent cf cottès-s, 'buggies &k., Iquvi vismit mis te elatu tisatha hait ne Tise sale le adverîised té tke plsce on atithisezd agent, but Liaitlis lI'Oioplio4e Tnesday, 12t5. Mas-ch. Fer partieulas philos nay bcU ttined cf aiiirscpestable ses ui!vt. je othua-'mauiuus. -Ds-uggists sud Apatisecaries aInt iutpris-es. Tl'u BaoxiNr.nHou.-mr. H. . Cautien te puics-e ocf ttse Pes-unian Temliaon ua lsse!tiseceilkncv 8Sysup (a protecie! solution of tise prelex. "Brokcâinu Houset" 1tishe village cf ide of isou), Bevaro Cr boisg doceirci! Bs-ookiin, vhis- ho bus nîiruty renonate! by aay oethtie prepas-atisin% cf Peus-an aud -retus-miiai!d. Traneliersansd otherg ari os-Bas-k ant itrou, ahicis may Se ciii fiai!tise Broklin Houme s comtesta, ofoiurud te 70e. Es-usy boîtue of gunuiies bis place te put up ai, cuile tise greateat bas Perunuan Sys-i nî(fot Pes-uvian Bas-k) cas-o antI attenion dwli Se beltaod opon bievu in tise glass. E xaminre tise bottie1 tien by tise propri*etbr....,Bee cari! in beoese purchgsin3g. oler o.cemumne. Have yen infismmaîes-y ses-e Ibreat, HA>maau AOîOvguosîs'-. lie stiff joints, os- lanonea fson any cause Os-lie Packeît îeass ss tis te peoplsetfvisatovea 7 Have yeu rieunsuic or etisar Braebridgo inteni té proent Ms-. J. C. paies lu amy paru tftise body? 7 If e s MeXllen, cf Osil1ia, vus 4 a bndsome Jobnaom's Anodymmo Liniment. Our vend sel! wè1ab, ini ccknoedgment et i. fer h, ài h e tse et.pain'-hila, lib is valuable ail in makiug en ntiseresous--. --------&- o@s andI geuorally atlnancinog teiseescta Cansuinpiu, Broneisitiis, «eues-el Do- cf tise Mnskoka District, tsongis the prou. ility.-,Csutieu.-ypopapiea. -.Foi. - Tus ~ iowes'Compound Bys-np cf Hypopisospiues, TsOvux Bouse CexsTi. -;Thse Camdi,-A. thia prepartn-siin i onirely diffus-eut undes-'te management cf Ms-. Fred, Van.. in ita compinsiion sud effaci ro* i dusen, tus-merly et tiIi. totru, cenes ho us otses- seme!iem s-alli!d Hypophesphites, tise' luna e uilarged <os-n. i is nec 5&436.. public aree esutiened iSsu tise gunuine bas ciema -'papoe-,asd containsa a lge (tie naine of' Faileos kCo. biomi 'ouuntise ameunt of intes-esîing rseding mm e. r. otule. Tiese igrnatunre cf tise-inventer, -W. lo ns yOur ng fs-ei! ail tho 'usoesu James I. vuliovei-ls-itten vus se! iuk bi'hn.rs-ie esitfeshlm t. asrosI escis lael, se! tise price in $1.50 -bl4narpis etiteshimte -per bottle. - FIsx.-M- J4Mes8om bat a ls-go sd! ,WSy Sevitisot a seing Machine exeltlent suppîy f fet skan~sd '&Ut fisist 9f vises a- cus ose, "Tise (sbas-s," tise moIs ; p sghl2£Seo &dit.] is ta Se bai no tboapf curieg the. day ta quie taitn5iqý9, The death of the nnfortuna¶ê 'rtUP, Walsb, is the thrilling and a bihg topic bore, and iîome think ,moe44 yontqgMeCoy Ohili get 'a vies'fth à aide cf tise jae».c To-morrow -thse Couucitr mut ~~ purpose cf grsauting license, and Per are ou -the .ti p -toe of expectatipun tt they, wilb. spari ng cf snob favori. Ve thing wjemi tiey are .grau1îÙed tbise l amoant cf fifty dollare s' a~ .pid. Tac PLAoIX5 Rsrnxe AI'Neo»A.- 1 followinx incident ia relsted by'ibo N9b- a fewV daye ago eJko Mta1 physielan, on enteriàg a City jPolaser Mailway Car, detected thse repuisi!e odor denoting' theupreseuce cf amal-po. 'A. glanc. astihe inmatêi wuasusfficien&'; in a corner, mnffled nup eosely in a fiawI wau a emai-pox patient vush the diseuse ful ont. When the douter aiînounced ibis, tise convalescent, passengrs ers bot long in qnitting the car ; thse patient waa .tsken care of, and the deetor utaisîe cai takýen: down te the yard, wbéere'it has staid é~ver aince. Hew nsany cf tise passengers caught the diseaeïe, bow mai17 cf thse viceimis durng thse paet fus meniba cculd trace their ojckneaa te thesame- or siejtsr sources, the world will never hues',, but, that by sncb means epidemiearepYoPa- gated ; and that usure is un imperative need for an efficient ambulance service iW cOnnectiou with tthe varionshospitala, muet. be patent te thse most indifferent. ManY Perseus suifer with uiclr heaache anli nerveus jieadache, neuatiy iuduced by coatireness, id igestien, &c. Sucb- per_ sens wiii flnd relief, if net cure,, by keep. ing thse bow-els open with stail dosée cf Parsens' Purgative Pilla. Tite Noiti arnd flili. 'o fte Es/ifor of the Ohs-onit5le. Sii&-.-Iist tisas'tise gentlemen con- pcaing the Ceuncil cf this teen wcUl gis-e favorable considas-atioir atiste appciuting cf a ringar for tise Nos-tis Ward bell (on tise Coasgsegaicnal Chus-ch.) -Tise'bell not Seing rang j55 as-ce ut great ms-on, venieuce te uuas-ly eves-y one s-aiding in tise contre and nout-heru pas-t of tise teen, anti particnlmsriy se on Sentis. Ons- wiae town faubers ýisould extescis3e tiseis-eeenem is-al propenisies wareeucoucmy lueeaiiy needed, but 10 vitisisld a paltry sun, by' gs-snting vbicis mise great majes-ity,-et the ratepayers coul! bcu eneieneed, se'a';. lilme taaeeonemy. 'lrnsuing thtisuTise CsaNcL 'ilI use ie rn,,decne'u iu thse ttes-e I ara, Yeurs truly, A RATEPAYER. Viitby, Fuis. 27îb, 1872. A Bod oi'tnidenme ,t..ie m i"otno. A larsgueuiumb-s-onI lottes- tunsas-ins purs-m of Onîtarioî sue ieing recuis-ci! iaily Sy tise Tornrto deses-sises, says tire Lesad. er, nsini for itriforrmatsion uespucing s per-soms mying binisutf WVr. Joiiso~n, of T1oronto. Tt' uppekirs tisas Johnson Sas bs-en seui!ing oui lettes injilas- letise oee gis-uit heiuw, te al mas-s cf Ontario, citis a vies' cf obsaiuimg imois-y ram unît-epsel ng-pes-sosss. 'iseJohnson bai!apparent- enittmisivnu adI in ibis little gaine ; ho occnpi'-s a large bouge 0 osm Gets.,in ibis city, sud lis-es in fisst- clatîe style. fie bau ne office on K n",,ms., buviumg reined fson tIsers-eroie tacts-o rupths Mince. Tt Sp. [usas-c tLmt tise poltice asutimes-iis 'have ne iewer te prossenutu thie a is. lu- os-des- iismt eus- realcrî a tinuy (lime Slnd utgaine lue bas isiu't cars-y.'ug os, vs junbisis tise cùpy of s lutuer macuis-etifs-on Johnson by a gentleman at ucsasies-. Ahi tise subers as-e arititeinta uamilars- Isain %Vi'n. J"l.'eusesc, Ma. A. b'm-risttcr sunuh Aties-suey st Lavj Slolicitor iau Ulantsery & ttssoivs-euc, t.'uuuueyattees,. &, rouc siIe-No. 74, ltitsg St~ at, raunuit FOI). luis, 1872. Sta-1 wente te inferin you tistai fietai!of yousls mi mcus-ad tes- yen avalt- naishe imiersFt (musnitactnring) in castain s-tai esjtate irm yens- s-etiy, peu! for lu lu fnll. aud bas. hsts-erre!me i prepare tise fus-e, mammi me by relusru * mail $3 te psy for U 'iedu, amd1 i ul n!yous,deed at once- 'Yens-s, &c , 1 e Wuu. JoumsN. We bape tisait noua of nus- s-sadesadli os-ocs- metelisis at le su-d mouey te any ps-ssous ut ahoru tSey Suce uotbing. IhbcAgrieumcs-ai l iage. Tiese ite fixe! upon by tise tate oru-- meut, ttMimions, pus-s-ase!u a ceeutoof $40,000, Sas bSen tunt tu e honeflufer tisa pus-poses otfaýu Agsiclteral, Catiege; thse Ceuncih cf thiesAgricultts-ai sud Arts Association, recuis-e! a communication fson the Hon As-ch. Ms-KeIlas-, ai!viing tison tovisit Gluelphs, au!d*te inapeet tise tas-ns cf Mes-s- Wm. ffood,1. sud F. W. Stene. T#p tolteving gentlemen compose tisedeputation. Stopisen White, Presi- des-tnt fCuncil, ('ibaring Cross,lHon Ms-. Skeai!, Ottaca ; Hon.D Cbisity, Dundas Ueo. Gsaham, Brampton ; L ghipmey, Fat kis-k; prof. Buekîsu!, Tes-ente;j M MeNaS Lgeciii Ceunty, Gleugas-sy ; Irving Pio- nce!,,flollevîlie; M Wilson, Bs-ockvihho. AccnjeicxT.-On Frii!ay veek hait; sas Ms-, Andres' Milles-, cf Scugcg, vas dsiving ths-ough tise vooda, club an axe un lt@l isanitise haudle stu-ck a tree an! sent tise mad!ecf tise axe iuîo his hue. joint. Niamasea R. R.'axseu-Tise Gitan. er uuderstands tisat au express cas- aa mon îc tise passneugr ltins on tise Tes-ente an! Nipisisiug Reiis'ay. Ibis vili be a groat convenieuce te business uen aleng tise lue. Keunetis MoKemîzie, Q0 ., bas talions I;be fiel! lu- Norths Ikuce atiste Bues-n candidate, aud cas enthusisaticahty -.- I cois-ei!b> tise electora on Fsiday luit et a i public meeting h'-eld in PoitBîglu. ' Thie Oshswa 'W. M. Baudsy Baool lias1 ane,' libs-as-y ef'over 600 VQMsUo.*.- bellýI[ed tbattise Potn nquiry wai a, farce anti wcnld termîimtte in potbink, Tbse'dlicnasson wa# allcwed to drop. ,býr; Blake'. smotion for a saitting of thse NOue. on Saturday'wai carfied. T je following.',*biîlls were read a tisird tinsé sud Pau od: T) incorporate 'the Pacifie Juection Rail f'ay Ccnspany.cf Canada. Amendingthe "Act te Incorporate tise art issfitb- and Port Pes-y Rai>vayý ',Tg itcorporat. "tiseSaudwiçvbandWi'nd-' sor Iassenger'RiiWay. To legslizea certain by law passea by thse Corporation cf the. towu cf Gal 't, sud to Onable tise said corporation sud tbe Granid Trsank Railway Compauy cf Cana- da, tIi cbtain certaiD powers te ccnstruct a rail way frein the, village of Dee»n, tethe said ÏtcWu cf Goit, 'aisd te -essabie, thse said Comspany. toexetind tiseir railway frcm Berlfntiitise village cf Waterloeo, sud te legatize sud give power1 to 'carry out an agreement entened jute betwçen, tiein. T '* debateý,pu' -Mr. Blake%î Railway resoiltions haviu'g heen resuned, neyerai othur amndineunts vos-e meved, and ail Ivotèd dowu by'ýi#sge majerities. Saturday, Feb..4. Ms-Iý. Lauder ssid before pisders of day were ualled, be desis-ed to rime to a quest ion. 9f priviloe. During Mfr. MoKenvie's re-* Maiks censides-sblecenfsssieu took place, sud a ruos-uing paper statua tisat thse Spcak: er rose sud calicd hin te erdcr. This was incorrect. Tise' Speaker eaid that bu -isad bis at- tcntiôn called te tise canfusien on bets sides ef tise Hnnse,asd be said that unless order vwas. preses-ved bu would have te naine memiserî. Ho did net- naine tise meruber fer Seuth Grey.- Ou tise question cf receiving tise report cf thc Cornuittue on Mfr. Blako's aid te Railway resolutiens. Ms-. Rykert pretested againet tison but did nôt desire te preloug the debate. Thse tuseiebers 3ere thoen caiied iu sud on a vote cf 51 te 7 tiq report vas carried. The report of tise cemmittep on tise bill to reisder memburs cf tise Honse cf Cein- mens ineligible as inurniers cf thse Logis- tative Asaembiycf Ontaio, was received. Third reading on Monday. Tise repert cf the comrnitte-e ou Mr. Scett's resolutiens"in refarence te settiers in fs-ee rttownushipasa Ise rèceived, after scLme discussion. Tise suppioment- as-y egtiinates were passed after o leugtby Monday, 26tb. Dr. Bonites- moed tisat 'tises-sport of tise Couiritte appoiuted toe emquiro jute cirs-tanacea ùe,iuu-.'isicisflou. Ur. Wood s-sigssed tise offie cf Trussurar Se -Alivmly dubato cusuci!; tiseses-ption Suiqm ppoiud,-sud suan oudtatont mfoe te senti tise repos-I back vils fus-tises- ifists-uctious. Tise atneudmeut vas lest ou a vote ef 18 tg 48. 'I~s-sAY-'lhebill ou dusl rupreicus- tetion- passed-atter m.cet determinfed c'1uposiignsm;tise- eing neoite"s tissu5' division. 'i'The fiuai vote lu laver cf tise biul wa 45 te. 19. A Sécs-e C Treaty. as-ma ts-sstit ALIF-AX s-OICaEoss-NrvE5t-HE- LFSS KNOWi Att. ABOUT. Ilalifa x, N. S., Fais. I.-Tise Clronicle lu s-aply te ast editorial lu tise Tos-onto Globe ridicuiin- tise sto-y cf Lise secs-el ts-ety. s-casserseits autmentisity, sudsys iLta credibly informe! that t luassigncd afts tise conclusion oethtie Waskington neoeiatýý0rs by Les-! de Grey fer tise- Britishis Gcs-as-ment, sud Sir- JohnuA. Macdonaldi, as Preujer et Canada, on tise pas-tt fthsefis-seror enerai Tise csiet points bail boun iutuaily tîgrue! npon betveenstise haro Goves-nuscritut eue as previotisly ; sud 50ntas- as Gireat Britain vas condense! iL bai!tisets ueen definiteiy setl ed as thue basis cfbas- fmutur-e ceoonial polis-y.' When Les-! Bus-y long age pubiilie4jhlm dratof ise ts-eaty, iL v a riel deoume b aSe ho raduce os- standingle thu cf a t -compas-t, untii tise' pparenthy e esy cons-lu sien cf tise AI I b>' tise t a etsngmn nt i tc i Cas-ties ~s-u c 'guzahcfte treat', u mansos ensge csm ausces viis is di cala tise.tact of its existence. AN EýOEXRNTmss. -A youg minufs-on Dundas, naine! Daniel Os-ad>', viseuntil hately Os-ko! iu Ms-. Msckay's XPacter tsya tise et !'uni!fethtie teen, bas beau s-ondes- iîmg Sinspîf notes-mous by' dloping vitS' s Sicomin g young Mima cf sixheen summuers, uamed Vannes-up, tisedaugstes- f anbistcl keeper irý Mudgo Hoiloar, lu tho towshiip of Blenhein, visese Gs-ady bas recouthy -bun-essjioya.l,.Âlsbss'oSisoddy, as-a. tes-y. Us-ady, il appeara, vwas sent te Hamiltoni te dispose of about $400 vo-Li ,it geede,ani! aftu pos-keting hie empleyesa fuuds, h p met Misas'Vsudes-lip et Has-sis- bus-g, and!vitislier levante! ho. " theuland! of tise froc uni!tise home of tise brav4." Grsady is s nssa-s-id a n, an!dhies a vite and child lu Dundas, visenlie bas srnelly deses-had, l is quite a yeuung nan-hot mos-o thm26 yeassot age-sud bsmnet beau msùËied nos-e tissuelittuen mouIbS. Miss VOsderlip Is saixi Lo be quite a beaut>', but oust be aftie boas-liess-des-,asease vas informe! soe tino ago tS'st Grady vas a marrie!manu. BShe vill ne doubu yet repenttfier tolly lu eleping vitîs Grady. -Dundas 2'rsîé limnner. -A Buifale despalci saiys a secs-et cal Sas been issiîm for a meeting cf tite lead' iug fins $elersandfisSes-non ou tise great lakai,- st !Das-oit, an Tuesday, Mercil 2#, te take - uto ceusiàeration visat as-tien is necessaaj ta protes-t tisomeves undor tise Washdnito r sesty, whisieh injures' theis- right b fiais os- tucure ubeis- fiais au Brit. is le i;jThe Trust>' of t. abingtoicon- codes tiose riglis. hfoiieutofNew Eg and ~ daltogrant lts&ssAie rigisi teo pus-chpe < rue cf dut7, In Bilis Ps-- vtmuses, ¶aclu sud sait, but' deufleatise fmsie;;mep on thse lakeu tis priýilege. A du!ptcth frons -Bombay statea tisaL tise etpceiit!on agaimiat iseremelliotus Loo, bsais!laa bieau entirely iiuceeafui, sud tise. countr-y 'ýgnov quet. ' Tie I'seneh reaidants of Quehoe -as-e about to hold ameeting for thse aurposô et 1 atàrtin; subtsription tea id their b roai- anofr eSta psy tise ver undomity, sud gai !tsé e Orman toopa <it etfM, ansv -edr f eby'sddressing sea Pfiuseges AA B. Il.RR, ton, lova.' geetsiy t oTrsvtse, the DMurderr,tà 11 EC PESSES Ms CRIME. 1 Thu cire instanees cf tise mu-des-, for whieh Jeis Trani pai thse full penalty on.Tbnrsdy.imoruing vitla bis life, ste familiar.te ns-r readers.,'IL vill bu roL celiectad that en tise 22nd day cf Novons. ber.last, t' .unfertunate mnuspent tise eveuiug**i is ohn Johnaon, cf Garillitma. btiry, sud weut. te cisureis w«ith soel umera er bis fam!.jy. . Next nserning lbu set eut withi ,lm ina sleigli te Owensvilie, sud visile ds-iving tisereiHe -fibuily mus-dur. cd hie vîctiul. Tise siotiVe ftor tisesot. vras, aone fasuily inte-Êcrcrrte beten Travisas sud Miss',icsois, a young girl te wlîes -ho was paying bis adressesi. Tise trial ccînnenced on thei loti f Jauusary, ansd after, g mest careful exaus- iuatien, a v~erdic t cf guilt was returned, ansd a sentence cf deats psssed. Sirsce tison petitious, war- orwarded teitise Execuiva, but *tiey did net sue a"y rus- on to, justify ibein in interfering witth ie cens-se of tise sentence. Since bis' confinement, Rev. Mr.' lis, of tise Primitive- Metisedist persuasieu,bas beau in constant atteudnce, and repers-t t'hat tise psiees was rusigried te bis fate. On W'ednesday tisis cles-gymnsasteck an affectionatu fareweil of tise prsies, as lie feit that, after tise ts-ng sceines bue had passed tiss-ugli vils hian, that, bis -pro- serve- in tise lait trying menment wonid bu likely te censerve bet i mseif and tise prisene-. On Wedsqesday tise friands cf Traviss remaiued Wits hum urîtil haîf paît tont -o'cleck in tise evuning, having engagud in prayer with~tie Ruv. Mues-rs. Ricoe, Bible Christian ; Jamess-Jus-Lis, Episcepal Meth- odiit ; sud: Ms-. Haine-, of tise Christians p'el:suasiou.l Tise condensned man rsetis-ed ait eleven o'cleck, and slept for an heur suda shait. He tsen rse complaincid cf Seing cold, sund vent te thse steve in tise cor-ides- for a fow minutes, whlsre lie speke te tise jailers. Ile then retus-ned te bcd aud slept until a quarte- te fous- o'cick. Fs-oin tbsat heur bu .engaged iii religious siervi.ces wsth tise clergyman. uamed and Ms-. Wiikie, of tise Young Men's Christian Association, vIse n'as wits hlm à 1 nigist. At seveuno'clock tise ps-risers as-te,,.,, ble-d lu tise cisapel, aud tise tialaiietîoiy Sursal sus-vice was s-ed. Thle coesîr-gi- tien, gatisured undes ucis painfut cis-cusîs- stances, vus-e tisen rîsas-ciied bas-k te tus-jr 'corîlders, wliutise priqoene- s-turiîed to bis ccii, pas-teck cfa Vos-y sliitlrepst,i sud passed tises-cmaissdei' of, lis>bs-ici mments iin sel igious comuiont. Fs-rlislueas-ly lieu.' seiîresensa'tivcs cf. the city prs-cs, ms-dis-ai stuiletîts aati etisers, att-ss-ed by a morbid cuiriesity,.- 2 eind ceinpelied by thirs professiotial dîîties I Lo attend,ar-ears-ivisig snd et liait past t cigsu, tise tirne at wicli it %'as suppoiedt tise exeution wculd Lti pace tise nuns-t Sur isad increased te about uYi iety pssell. Seme delay, iseve-, îîciis-sed, owissg te tise as-sangesnerits imot haîî'ng buei quite scmpleted, sud it n'as udt s' intil e fewv minutes befoî'e nine dut l ic te arigritan piuieîsed tise yoiing sueuu. t Thse iiisonencxlibited wondes-fui fis-i t. riess, sud, uxs-ept by lut; tears, scas-ceiy md bets-ayed s sense of lus s; wful fate, se nea-i ly apps-oas-tirg. Ilis es-lis avsug beles id sec-ured, hbu w'lked Vu, tise asaflusld.u %Vhlepjussing (duwrî the stais h i, ilotis-od tbrue s-eprcsentatiei cf tIse prs-usanmd, bowiug te tltisi, sard God bye,t 'lie îs-sffoliâ%Y'as eeted in tise jaiu- I, yas-d, snd tIse prisusie- plssed ove- the distance betweeri the celi Iandlthe scaffold. îs-corripanied b' Ms-. SiierifI Jas-via, Mr. l)eputy Sherili Sienr, tises-ler'gyans already nasned, anid Mr. IVilii. liis cour-age neye- dems-rted hiit, snd lie 81 .noutnted..tue ssetl'nid %viLli fiiiiiess, snd' s rnrsediately steppe.d ute te front. es-csp- co ung tîm luopeLs of liis-cout ith nus-voug gr-ip, bu looke.d ove- tise srondes!aeiit[Ledn and smid :- 1,l'I1let yens kiour, dues- frieulîds',tI)elmre 1die, thfit imet oîily did 1 irîtend slsoetirig tie msan, but 1 isîtended shoot irg bis wifeO tise ; but th isers-sui00oj, witls Uis stseng asm, kept ic fs-mm it. i asu pie- sîs-ed te sîscut suy awl fate, witlîtise il sope ef snoetirig my dea- Siviou- Ili lis-a d ven. 1 bave oily te crois the riv.e to Zien. Jcaus ls tue by tise as-ti. Idieua' bu roquested hlm to ths-cw luto imiltable fs-en for publication. -M A Colcred cengregaticu' kicked tsu, a le gd s-cv in tiseir place cf warîship tise etse-f, uuday in,. Savannahs. Tise îniute-, it Po""",vas unpopular, as-ti tise. fIock lung hymn bocks at hum, snd- cettribu- Oe ceo Sexes, sud aven Bibles. An' unmopiititiated Parent àbss-ved l 'ils pain tisat bis fls-bes iiad io teetis, Lni! lastenud te s-enedy tise " defo-muity" ce ?Y purcbasiig a $15 sut 0f.in0iars, visicis its le hisadal te tise nus-se, witi tise renta-k Jinei attise baby shouidn't sufe- if bu hsd- te cd 'ca- ouiy one shirt a week. À despateis <rom Denesce informa us de àt tise siverTsy bas overflowed its Sanka umi sdthé#deatr'etion cf prcperty ini conse- Fs- euîco 10 incoalulabl. inte UIs 1asait m could;oi ft 'efedEvidenicea of reugis eos-i can ho sein in tise I'ltcà de la' Concord,'si& nesrý ly"sttie 'balustra-de work iî new. Onp-rtsýfeuntains is gene, alsoSoeéOf t1ise lsmp pees, Sut' 'tbey aeerestor'itg/ tbcnsas ,eli as statues, wviicis vos-cmus-b injuroti; fWiat étrikes onu mos-e tissu auiytbiug la bs oy ail tisetrees -lu tise Champs, ,Elysues, Benievards,, Tuiler-ies. gas-dune, >4ud elsevisare have Se-ms pses-- cd, flot a e hsving beun cnut dowu, not- *iitisstau ing tise tesrible uecd of fuel lest vinter. Tise ruai signe c f. va-Cas-pare euaip euo'n appreacbiug.tise fort ifluetions ,L e~re,'lsa eed as-e to Se fu tsdLie deadly t.okuus et "strifu. Geing=dwss- St. Cloud anîd ueaml LPest de Jour, tise Soutes are ustly almcrup cf ruine. Tisose. tisat.as-e left 'stsnàug are s perfeet net n'es- fsru tise mmcm mous Salis ashelis visicisisave pesritougii tiseu. St- Clousd on pais- ing theo bidpc, pas-t- cf ishis-isliai becu dues-oçye'1 la one 'nass cf, ruine, lsasdly tise Naeu f eingle Iseouse bicig loft stand' ing. Tics-c toc, ac'cos-ding te tise general s-nie, thi s-tlisl is urstous-hud. Ou Mous. day vu 0~n Voeouveje, wsc-A- bias Som s Suisse, coussins. W'e goL outlat Port Mallot, anis-h is a battes-ei mass. Tises-re . tes-rible fiffisting un te Ceurs-u voie by fise Avenue Neuilly. Tise Cern- munjstsýgot inte Cens-tuevole, but n'es-c driven m4it b>'tise Versailles troops, vise gaiuud tise Avenmue, it rîsey nmmost Se eaid, lus-b bylnclsunutil tisey geL mb oParis. T'ies-e sersrible signa bure cf the sts-ug. glu ; se tnauy isouses dustroyed, &e., 'sund, tise peau ch-as-ch battored te pies-es.- - %Wo vunt t e thLie reomains cf Thsiers' bouse. yestus-day. Tises-e is net mus-h te Se seen beyond sniseap cf rmin. I bave tound all my trad ýpeopic clive sud veli, brsving sns-vived ail tise nsisurics cf tise siegu and Commute. Alt my trienda vso vuse bus-e duing tise Lesriblelime outhLie Com- mune es-aped wuit. 'Somns even used te venturdinte thise sttest cf it, sand neyer get auneus-lail aaord. Openii; -of tthe 'Noîva scolfa Legimia- tus-e. TiseLs-,iisiatu-c of Nova Scotia cpeneJ un Tisursiay hast. Ail offices efthtie As» metubi-y vus-o s-e lecuci! vithont opposition. Tise failowling ii a sua.sy et tise Govur. ttos's speech --1 ts-xpres-ssed lthe regret, îsnxiety andi astslui uenstsis iisistise illouesscf tise--Prinec o!Wales u ccialonci!, ansdlt s'î-fi usduntt umssnifested îbro LSotlii.'P-îuiacs ut lii rus-oves-y. Iemoe-a s tLie imatuta will Sa ps- an-dand subisitted ariti tliii utvao.4teeno. lau P-ceinse. Tise autiîos lamatie huit tise veassicuà anud long staniding que&- tion conce-nin tise Prov-incial Buildin.' sas Se-a asumtbly a-id satisfas-toriiy sutîl- ed. Tise Iu'.gi.ilaitsss-c sc cuis-stnmlaud c bheisealmlsy niîeliuy cosipulecuasinmus-s-sy iran-S cf itidustry. An asbnsadamt bas-veiu, aîidfuaevisy reSu-ms froan tise fismssies, and) bir incîeased denama! for Nuova* Seotia amieea s cmbuned, arc eniied ai cvi- ens-e mot a gratutying r sspes-ity. RlIstes- utig lu tise iitsadactn cof chiserealsto a lattis-t, tire prompt action ut tiseGfen- as-mut ie deteradet inlu rkin g 'expemditus-es tf meney, psit tise state-mnut oftieme aili bc muimits-te tthe Dossinion- Ooves-nuneaîs rides- viise subersier sucb untly props-. fy sbýuui bcSemaude. [irefus-rin g tetIsle eontées-n-e of daegatt tromntise Casîndian amd Pros-incials Gos'e-uineme 'ut Ottawa, Io contidor tise quetionm of iMmig-mtieu, ut xpresses tise hope sisat a poli-yvill'be aeus-ed by visics induit-y, s-spittai,sud. klI vill Se luttroduseti. Tire teairaisility Dimore s-ail aay extension,S'oth s-esuad 'est, la pîsinuci! out, Ms-usures as-e ps- îles,! annela e-mu cals-nitanri mn las-orce tise cfilciuy tif miseloi-ses-vis-e, Lime ps- s-ceas cf lime 1rovinâce, tandl iseoisalpines tf tise peuple. VciN1-ýsON rue Noc;e. - A elscun, usunce os-sus-se! lu Ediisurgiste tise rbe- Ly whis.t'c! n'mY serve au a s-sttion. A' udy set.'> liàd iuud imer cs-ih! vaeeiusîed s-s-ldu.tmtimily tîîuchudils mssru ntis misse up t)buis nuas-, wimicis bappeus-d le Sbu ligbtly is-uts-iied. Tisa recuit s'ai uiat tise ps- fe s. vasciuation dul7 devotlope) itseit TiiE'HlAmirs-ONST-emaa.-Tbe folly cf îu strîke inu Usmiltosi, refus-s-d te ie ou- ehL isMue, il8 malficiettiy mppparouis..- [es-s. Wiluio, Il a n & Coa. ads-es-ised 'r iseuiduta tamie tise place nt't le ts-usent,) ad 200 up¶liiettionslin onu d-Ay, ruade au- ctiohi fs-ont amomg t hem, austi! teai os-k again. Noue of tIse Sandsi eho trucs bas-e boums lakenion iagain. ecus-sea im Berne, Sviîzeslaudten tise 22di ait., beiveen tise Aisatian sund Go-inu Sbos-es-iin tisaici V. Many'pussns ce-o rieonmly imtjusad _baterSe oanthgtpsa cecoed in qu elling ise dicins-bahse,.. 7welve eý tise ringiestiers werts-eied. Tise nus' s-osjdncesuf 'r. N. G ibba, Esq., P., le highmed vtiigs A Ms-. McKjnn , -of Mý4niula, 1usd bis àg smashe! s-osetttjy Sy a bar-mlOfet saIt lfIIng oit it. Tebegraphie cenusuniat- i.'ts ute-wrl mos-h! e autod aItmnills. Tise Toronto 7Telegrap4 is t e Suor. s-gai! agein. Tesrible ammow torles-rustmd.ccli! oS nupru. eduntcd intelisity liai os-sus-s-e! innNu. 'aiku. About LSss-ty deustisifs-on reez- ig as-e repos-te(4d, dmauy use-sre, <car- ThrePUsoi'8s ha41ve been cendetaid te aian! nine dise-s te other punisis- laut,' t s-nfo thse mus-dur cf 'Deminiesu la- ntise Peisarrut of t0Seine Iufusr- s-e, Franc@,' ss-e, sis the vauabne impruvemauso r the promeut"sen -and le fissure theohigis. est, degres of per-fectioni in lise quslt 'of its productions. T&s-sibie Figmu betweems BOYS- Fs-cm lima Wliccting (W. Va.) Rogtler. Fer a week or tee puLt the boys cf tise rival villages of Beilaire,, on the Obi, aide of tis1e rivas-, end Beuwood oesthtie West Virginia sideW have been "cgaged'in figist. ing.. Wisunever a Beliaira boy vas fcnnd on tisis sjde of tise rives- ho vas unerci- fuilylieatenl, sud wciever a Beneood boy vîaiNtýiscevermdin' sBellaire tise flogg:- iug s'as 'repsid vitis jutes-est. Net longer ago tiss uat. Saturday vek the beys' cf lise tvo places met ou tise ice, sud un- gaged lu a regnias- pitehed battlo, nhin-' atoes. and uven pistchi. . Son. cf lise cembataunta-as-e nos'lu tise Marahail ccuuty jail,ý awaiuingr trial for s-jet Ou Sains-day hast a vait. nunsier cf Scya, about 150 un oas-h Bide, mot ou thise u, y appeinîment» ïl would accus, -sud cuga-ed, uis a ost terrifie figist. Es-es-y >cucivablo missile aras nacti, sud suvusal-' cf tise- ccmpatsuts recuivedenta in tise sead sud face. Tise, battie ragaed witis fus-y .for, about tee heurs. One boy, a Wabaiout 13 years oldti, uaned -Fus-son, wvise aparents lino at'Bel- lajs-, vas-struck ,behind tis e a. Ho <cli ou tise ire, suuuuud. Iu a- short, tino he res-ived suffisiently toýeuableu hira te go homes. Ha suffes-ed tirribiy 'tirongis'Lis nigii, and yuarcrday nioruluf ho diud <rom tise cifecua of his injuries,* H0es-L IN Lua'usAv BuraNT-:Lna-iay, FeS. 2G.-Aboeet haltmpasî ivo o'elock yosierday me&uing a fi-e brake outtluntise Royal fiord, tise ps-operty of.Ms-, R, G. Bell, wviicis as tetaiiy deats-uyed. Tise stables and adjoiniue buildings cý4e- ved ths-cuis tise offerts' cf tisefis-e brigade-- Tise fus-niture vas mucstiysasved. -Tise building -vas insus-ed j isen de o $1,400. Tise fus-niture vas nuinured. -S-huylsiJ, Haven Co., Ps, Fb. 26.- L'ist niglit a fermer namud Daniel Krasser, residing about ninu milcs veut cf Auisurn, scmhuyikill ceuumy, on tise lieu'of" tise Schtiyil.-il antd Sutquesensa Rails-oi!, W" brusnhly -nsqrdered, and i h 1 iefe lefu for deati. Kratner's sen, on eutering hiii futiher's bouse tisis mos-nîug, found ie motliser on -tis e Sd anti Sur sk-ul-fuas-fulty fs-eeîused land suihi, aline,.Sutunuable te speak-.Tise faitisus vas' fouud 1100 yards ficr4!iseboue wvus bis bs-aine'béeontul enidlfrozen te tise gs-cnnd. No trace cf tise mnrldases-s bas Secu discevered. The inunides-es-.s-cbud tiseiseuse. Ms-s. Kramer e'aniut s-es-oves-. Tise heavy club usod te çoùittebocdy dood is lu tisa bande of taiithorities. Alfs-ed Waddington, tise ps-oes-tes- of tise Pacifies-laihvay,,bas juet died la the-Ottawa Hospital, fs-en tiseoffeta of imali-pex,' afuer uleven day' Il-.'; Tue CesmiNe ISTEiLtNATIONAL WiRESTLts- MATCH. -Mfajor J. Hl. bMcLaighli, chassa- pion wrusties of Anies-ica, bas issued 'a cliàlIe1týe té Wsigbt anîd Jamicion, tise notcd Engiihi r-stlers.e Hoiii avreatho al suare iîcld os- cejiar sud eibew, boit: thruo in fOvefais- back talles foie m$2, 000 te $5,000 a ssde citises-in thîi courilry or Engl'snd. Tise Major is auxiôus to geL, oui an isstcsnatiomssl matcht, sud Ansosicaa mportmmg menu ili bas- Sun haviiy, lIe is iin possession cf Lise chsampion gold boIt %Y'iislubc (von ilt titetourneusesst,,in, Réu. triait, Mars-b, 1870. 'Be la 5 ot i 11 in s-liss in lieiglsu> amsd veigis 26Y pounus. Ilocines- Lese, Benjamin Dos-rance, suad mnaniy oties- Aiurican avrestiera bave becu defeeuetd l'y Sm. Tise tralfis- rcttsof eus- four principal railvs fotemoutts of Jauesy showvs lar e srcis- in ecs- case oves- the ru- ;ta:s-tfor LVs- ces-sespendiug m'amatisof last lt-avili prebably sus-prise a good mnauy people 11- Illsm>coutLsy, cand wouîd sstonisi more iii Europe, Le, las-utisaI boars-dete tisevelue cf $9,552,192 bave Suen import- e! imte thsu United Statua during tise past yeas-, luoste>' th-sg qf thea suvrsai isun- ds-ud isosiani! dollars'%vos-ti cf limbes-, n!over,c200,ê)0O v os- flesae!f-c Canada. Ilssy sud totdes- os-esai! 'ho bu se 'searce aud ccshly lu Ncs-ths-m Vermnttasd Ne Jîampsise, tisat' cattle as-e 'sfférin- for avant of ps-ovencier.ý Goci! cowâa-as-es-a- - pos-ted ns bciuggioud, as towt - as ieelve dollars a, hseae. À A yorkinan 'imn a Maryland atoenîs-s-ry vas chîmtieneu tise otite- r ay net te vos-k und an auoves-hsamging ledge cf rock sud cas-ýSf but disega-ulutltise vss-im, tid tSi>1 m cuauomting devu ulemu hiutîtcrussie! hîim ipWaantiy te deaLi: 'A éssis papes- tells~ a sues-y et-a cous-t crier wvisotoek%- great prude in a -colection. 'of kuuives islicitishai!ses-s-o!fur tise pus-pos et cîasiiuÎation. île use! 15cm ai tise table, tlte kuives et parricides Sbeing rus- ses-vu! for gueats of distinction. 'Tobacco bas lput au end ta kisýing, saye cruexaÈange. Woih, nol if vo essoar aur- salves, ;und wvu iettmes pinoke. Only oli! insitis-lik tise enelleft thu weedl ' ad tisey don't cas-e s snap about kieslng anyvsy. IAIl the chus-cissof Osawa are out cf 'ebt. 'Tise N. Y. lIes-ad maya tise Pope, on lise, 23s-d, olevated Father MoNtevnoy, af New ,Y ý , t c C adju to r B ish op e f A lb au r " arded s ,or 6igb itoti Ii -h 'clUi te Mfý Pofosi, ml lust ipturiae insula of Ac an in.thae'( s-cmn whicb mcrial boun of cultis-atuc snds,-dveil areek Obris 'euls, sud iseuiastd se aies-as date vwelftis cen ha bordes 30 voman ià a sou'- s .David'] PERCY- Vis«by theé ,-,Perey,to M t dangister of Pickering. - IAMER lever Seed! iFqgm... # Btef, iin s-es-mts q. titekena......- Ilesk pus- -asI tisitt4us-.. W Ocd. 'NEW S Br-eakfasut.- anti Vomies-i tedgo ent tiselu dmemaojti fd Spsickei kut lul et Eppm's iu TRAVJ Wseîm. eu-P., in.,uDwm pmc 2 -tu. -SiLt. e. 1gfited - .i,.kerl5umaiuai morninc lagt. hAtWAAn &>;rrht and nina

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