~edrla the Manitoba ji Mn. Lgilaure.Booî~ty- .#iuel.:But bey vere acîi - trot uay, îtey hb ieestproeeto'tahb baupjy~ ve, by a 4WM mjavlty, -anti Mr. Paly 'v su0 h~ u >Mad MNuIsi5ong o«&e4-,Mr. Blakes' ' th.ue5hql*gitarp ite uà nt hO u, e-arooecion in the.Ontario Par te ùl he f h ?kr 'h andti taI v t b*î SeoteIt murder, Inu ipithèe-wutas 'ci r vor a traunui'.lat 1 th fi ormetr ng«tlbody, it. £olovlng- Âejthing mop e fufialythan'tis -ayotem Wolotloa vuas wnlution, e voie oa ive, o 'Of w]0, landsluer cuuiuuti. imegineti. 15 ont, oienav g d e i ipio sas hei- l e-lw&ft h usse Cbrnmenat af tie.preasuit sassetupro- 48 aoaaed l$a'-oatila1approval o1 fs.6, ds, "d -ai>-i'atlto a large ~é ef..lae é ie refsît iocitexteeut et the 'parîyhi la sppoad ti tapeait p1used ."rsloit wltuCanada, ségrote for, anti aympatiy fer"the vicio oiflte, pto bev the on ayalmmaîtioabust. If'lie tiesigu hat iens go 9btettt tht tuengîben the Adiministu-ation ai Ou- of enotmegrurovince abouiti bave passeti a -ai>s etrstn alii-ebe swolstloa t'nltclslng anti eondemniug liat dpe Iutâ wià teTkrp poiIay. (nter the eouiible instiutnsbesinue intad bci ieT.c.p "oaeà 0dposu as, vs laim - lte slght t a ruti. tt - manage- out owaffalio Inaur avu vay. A Coaszorîaa.-Thaithte Globe ionît -Tu-b. Qoernmeut ni tiis' Pu-ovince laue-aital inîo the eu-rau- otsubstitntiag rMare for -#enaibletutacoer tva Asemhly %edt musetliterait, vtesu ohroniling the reanlt ai - Yrthmallà iphoe ofainotion candeat public the voue ou lie Liquer - By-lav le a vavry, tifaira In-acaortance vit lte - ve11untier- trivial bluter vbea comparcti witiî-hat atuood viia aiofaur peopi eproee oaflte editeilubtheCkrcuice ant i Sand-- tbrougi -tbiu Represeetativea in thisa ara, vio duaplayeti se litîte kuoeitge of Houa. ianti ne Gavera ni wbýriai dots va aglg alà tm av ouya 'Dcot oceadmet public &e.vili coaindati tatranecrihesh'e iierror andi ail, huao ort rre purontconfideiuc.4aneutsupport. thle ceuitins *of chir respective papero. le luhei Legllalere thet greatesi -excilte- Beavenlan EdaIpWtror. geai prevailedé lbe Atoray -Generai, Uhlb.Editer ai the. E-pcservili re- uoceenfiet by tie Prnvinciai 8eôrptau-y,- atjostiebiaspeotaclea an t uite tit rouble * latrodu.eetiaien iar aesolntlaa repntiialing &Semat of Manitoba'. ava affaire. Mn. Ha, mvei an' amanenuaas follaws 8- .Raeal'd,-Tbat ville ve belima'. la tie -~ ~ ~ ~~o ~ oalaoy~l ithie Gaverntut, asud vhil deMnig lte rigbî ai Ontario eç, eny, '«ber Pnoov lace ta intentera vit thcie prorogatives ai' te e tramanlt aiManiia eb, wvo mni aýcede ta thiaiandt i li British subjecte the igbt ta aexpress Ibeir apinion la a malter effectitig tie vice Dominion sud noue mo'resa' dieuthe Pro -ideeaofOntaritseeing tbithinà mrdereti mln Thomas B8eatt vas a garerai Briiish isabjeotan a citeizenu ai ibaîProvince, and Iberebasu the.gres amjeriuy ai liepe 9!ç af ibis couutry aympalbizt vii à th din their efforts tuniaintai.n invio'laiia l3lish lava under hicb ïive lite, ind that ils violators viti aif legal 6 aîltuy shoulti b. brongbt tojuQtlice,' Tise'à abate -'vas ca;rnidcmi viti greaý : -. ri 1jiu dtitiflg ia ncontinana. lie galierles -vent nieared. lTe Globe IBaya thai lie -debele lat neotiubt tat Govaruor Archi bald diti sieke banda vitit Rial, as une ta reeti the paragraph again as pub>lisitet ia tispe. .oiiumnbe willl mnd. tualthe C4eOOL eol (i mb Do mi n eras liat alilte t ei the above paragraph. A ýNà RRuow Escart. - One day laut veeak,while Mrs. Weîbenald, daughîer oi Mm. Pater-Taylor, ai Pickerng, anti Mns. Fielt,ofloronîa, vere duiiag in -a catter,' claay had a aarrov* escapaetuom viat nigiti bave taon a seau-ouasacctient. Wben ap- proaciug the raiivay erosalng eutî ai Daffins' Creez, vhene *s team baionging la Mr. Wrightî vas stuckot lstrackýit. viia log, a pastenger train camue dova, andthie hanse ithe ladies 'v*er e driving looli tigit npeting tie catter. Mu-a. Wetlierald eaughî anti vas lildiag la, vian Mn. Wright's leani viithwhifflelneat anti chains tiaheti niadlÃ' alo , ,- roving lté bars. passe e 6o. nci aitià id of ber. 'r -Thie 1 iadj vas nat int "exéepý'Wfé-w. aligil braîSfeR- fkoni the.vhiffleýrees anti niain. kThh train stoppoti anti a tizea peaseagers vaut iaîroducedth Ie tva distingauseti gedtIbieen---e toeao .a otier, teutified t W sfîatta he CastesEaReATI LuvAPASSOoITIrONu OP - à rnnment vas lest bl a -vole oai1$ ta 6,<JiD.-Tlis iasîit *eîialpraomises very ai tie motieaon qwet by te samê vote. rnmong the Lite .lasunance Campanie. ofi 1,:lié mmItcaleaetqeat excitemeut emoug te country. ie sacces i bllerto hasteen tbo people onleaide. masl eaoanagiag, anti il appeans la ha 1 - 4 &- -rapidly gaiaing t.e senmnianti nanfidence -CaUNoTs AosCULuruAL SOATUlr of a the public. W-e have beau iniermeti Oouva OssATaal.-At a meeting of lie lts ai the meeting niftse dinectors iteit Ireetane ai lb. Agnionîsurai Society, haîti yesertiay Sir Francis alinclis, K C.M -G., ,on ondy lý qeston f 'recionC.B., (Presitiant cf t-be Association> ia lie ou %nd~ let, h> uesionof reeionchair, the General Manager, Mn. Wm. Men- i ahed&e, c., ir hf aaeamWnutlaa af Cabe, auhailietiapplications for inanranos uîat et 4hls800liy's eihsbitio ayas,-eve moniag ta 8131,000. Ibis large laMount- dlsaaa, iunderotand,' vtéolation -of bà iaess la atogeiberunaparillelLl th e eauly hitsîy ai ny alterCoampaniy af tue paetiln layoofi t. object, ps'avhding a Dominion. Its4extneniaiy libe'ai featurea, lefflaient aoiub aieibyà borpin 0loy rates, combinati vith lus beinS a borne werith e direnlars in rnakiag ibis Company titrougiont the Donuinien,1 necas abèetaary improvement. The ouai ai lie mrily rentier tii.Associatien tory ?ocepi. tiuetis lolâtimated t $i 1,000, a smaîl snm able tu Canadians.IThe Association is tiutP urely Canadien, ils ,stateenuts-anti inan-a vita it gealatvataa 6 i~1ng chai condition vilI te open tlte keanest Jel ceneldereti. Ilie Iirectors are alnéady publie acrutiny, andtihli names afitis dirso si wo*, esud -ta fer as lb. tavn et Whiiby Ila oaneruati-ere meeting vitit ; 5eti oçaragement. Tie friads ai due 1Soielylu Pickening, Oehava, andtiheb lovat hipa a i by, va have 'nôdoubi, viin bea b euit baud ina assistiag te mals. a00the, re4uureti auioant. 'Tas ODD FLOv'BALL.-Tà ROdOit ltllowil haill an omorrov (Fritiay,) eat- MIg will dtiausab. tte bo6 f fluhe 4 Msuet. lTebréena of EssteunStar latige 15Q.Q f. itti, iova, are rnsking every arrengement necessr, for the conz flos..moqeufari antipleature pi tht jouta, 'ad vihth a gay aitemblagi, ex.. qulalte muaIs, anti an excellent supper, a itigbi cft ejgyaueéî'can asifely bepradinueti lac tbesa litIattauti, The bal la sbeiag1 - - -AUeaatet-i lagrauti sîstle, anti tvery tiing 'den@ by as efficient tuammittee- 10 maete ithaffIt éreditibie ta lie bretirep of cite 'tas HoiXU.At' Coxior. -Yhbe r»Id Wiit. t by fevaciiustheff iant', atetinastee te appearfor ans nighs asuly ac the.Meh., jalics' hallou $Sturdb yev'g foe. it.e, Mie Hoima-es the-ýDuepads, uistei by full operahiacaQmpeuy, w"Ilb@. ue- jecssed whhaIl, lie .original musi.'; nti vieue a enoneeti it la nuaeoesaary to#eam Te, laHalmains are aiwaya wu# of ,ërowded, boutisvihen thsy isît viii asDînâtlb. greetei y i hege à ans. 3sousie AriPOST Psa.-Twbo gongemlrento,. vs leernhave b, etr- c.siç4 aiIPortt 1>rry, vhe lbhave beau' lving for sosie il, for 'iarieg- çblea e À,, i»ajo7 f 5o9d. 4a de'ffernat 44MlaÀ v»'i1agO. The' -ciabtriesw'oie ever &Ues. Ure, heu- tbet. Ãœ mup p . sjetctiîon'unaireoeuly.p tare anti offciaIs caunat fail ta. çatiiefy ail oi thte gooti faiti,"afficieuucy anti.: itegrity viibvitWiob itg affaira vili ha cuaduoted." W. gladly ingert te abats item lie Telegrrput.Wit Mn, MocCe bailiîy as Genou-ai Manager, coupleti vitithie veli huova intiustry, - te Canitieretian lift Association nen6t <ail t' ba ticcesiul. tiet applications toa us; ,-yuCh as 3,0 Fuse OAT BELizÂvazrs.-The - mouldtng andti mitb stops oifte Boaverton funadry were totalhy conspudtiy Or, etlt ars- day aight. ,lu-laavark @hap wti valoable manhiierj, (thougb te laiter vas con- itid&rêbLy. dsmagerd) wasaaved sligb gtht preiseusamthy eiforts oallia marchants anti atitens-afthe avillage. Tii. loais ahoat tvo tbonaand dollars-. -.No insuracce. Tas Paes.- Onr-.cotampoarias, uthe Colliagvnod L'rteprism andtiheicBarris Ewamier,- have réceacly beaun onsiden-' ahiy imtprovet inlaappearae. iTieformer la enalargedt 10a îliu-y-six aolume, paper. Mn. WlsnIaeaiue- High accol lkera, passeti a rycstiibeihnto for enîranca ai Osgoatie,ý' Hall1 hast week, baiving beau placqd dust i Classics,, Çri inl Maibemsîics; aud 'l- t inlu Capoeftion We eosriretnuà tbé b.r, Uirling for haviug il0 tuccesalula ppl patai froin Pohe a îq' tat, Preaident hTiéîrss aiat e u Mosutay aigiuihast, bau-vas not hmn. hu saiAa.id OALeD T 1sBm 4e-sMr.D.B40#0, "aritry aiIbis to*e, us. ein n.llW ta, thté bar. - - Fz.raw' lracu'tos'umvs.-r.Fel- low8va ies ame tae tale tiaï;lie has noa oullupnixetiageul. bat thal bia'Hypophpa- ýýlIiLea aay-be cblained of aiIrespectable jDruaglsls and .&pMM&~arie4 jt big'ptieie. doa'. A# fei. namo e ba atiiê l and ellio4s.ihew witlia l0dern#w and, a feeling *rhoIly uneurpede. la t4éwords Ofýôûe of ber rlqming ad irrs- th4spig th b1£%oti rih lr FrGiný'fPuimtg'e Ã"vn uilu:n filBUI*5 0 sure gailaun t exatlon, and AU botheration Tbitt tugs- et oQue'is hetrtstriug1, are dtieen *Whien, Ianghlag and a.tnllng, beiitocliing end .Bh Il -tuI dJmun.entBarney O'1160 The fOll0WinglileU are frow a Whithyý Bard on heari6gitfue -fair lady î«er i.ia tume, and caine, lu, not tinappropriately' lie, in oxpressipg con ieadmiration 0' Erna'. fait sontgotreUl t n- el trthst pve ta song wbn gala coula neveu buy." Epuaui:ress of Soig, from fitr over the sean, Wltae Mnusio doth charm, etud sotten, tand pieuse- ïrttgraut.natd (rSitn woot-scettterl verbelun, A-reutty nvet welling noten, tfuir ltis The 1oes of Englauud for hisrcli nfy 0019t And the Spngit ers of' 1arib an'od Italy vite; Blut wltere cati tey matchi (out of lreiend so greei) a- * oîugstrels te equal o=t Rota d' Erliuuul Sptitt's titled proud 'botîties Muq toneu lte * gilitur, Ând eitig ecrutitales 'uetlti te brigitt even- Iig sttft; C oIntufa't. dtttglters, be t±hrilibug lcrne Ah- [Non,6 eut compara with f Ù& RuSad'Eriteia In tlty gloousottstraits-"1 Music frou n unîy Anud tiîy bailad roi) ains, what litaut btex- îancln 1 Lotug.may you live'-Priuna DonnfathetaQuieut; crcdit to Eu-m, fesfr Roeua d'Et4ntsi Antd long utuay <>ld Eïni, hor bii id ain e, tiave a Rosa d'Lrtu toe mng heru-od name. The Chatrge% agnîiust the Goveroment Disproved. Froun the way in which chargea were made by theOpposition press,and especially lis Telegraplt, ve vare -balf inclinoti ta teliéve (bat titaramuet have beau sanie- lbing in the' Proton afl'air. But tie ex- planations matie in the Haute lait veek totally ,eeà ol"ate meunier.a oli e Gevera- ment <rom listing anyîhiug vheever tb de villi seading Lewis in, coes e tateî ai ltae saillera. Intiaad Mn. Blake ceai- plelely succeatiatinla urniag the tablas np qebis.- -accfsert T u tia language ai tbe Moneél Gazette,-ve mçly.say :- te il is vefil tat tie nemmittos bas been appointadto taenquime lie othe viola case; viaw confema ta have risan <nom a paru- Pel af ihe debate vitb lte fuliconviction liai thc Geverument have entiu-ely ralieveti theuseivesaroai alparticipation in lie agniences comrnitted by Lewis, i, indeeti, ha conumittati aay. -- -- Titi QueeutsSpeechi. 1%e tellawiag 15 an assract ai lie Queen's speech tielivered et the ap.aiag cof tia imparial Panliament ou Tuetday- The Royal Speech- begins vith lianlts ta God fanrlte renavery ai lb. Prince ai Wales, anti gratitude, for te synpaîhy of te. Deople. r, -P. . . Lvo,,soanieaurtteon. ..- i Prom W. C. Noua i'rt4fieaô t.it ir Engine.. The. mayor roferred Io a eomdueicati"o retieived 'by th. Wamdea cf t osety, asking the town te .take terne aetoh itÃ" asuiits the Canadiaus in tiaq6 'Who S*f- féed lots.. by- the teceal -&le.- Mt. gmcilleiu siti thatbwsffre by .a gentleman <ram Chicago îtâtont af 22;oooýCà adiantiin Obicaiz;' ,oI! 1400q recoived aid, alihoagh $859U4b gîveali byCanada.Ohranij-a pce fonde but Canadians 4bdîuin i A$oDg'à the towffiwas not able ý acorporatién, yet he hope t hat aomething woi-bdeby pivýate auléription foi tbe relief of onr saffring countrymen. Mn, Ray sait if it wqs for Canadiens-he. wontLd support th b. mrent. The matter.then drelpéd.1 0?pooaa tuWQS Mr. Leviler gave snotice tual b. yu l ai the. next meeting of the counil- move, for leste la inîtrodncê p' by-.law for the pur-i pose o?'appaintiiug apersan aas inspealor of firewood offerei for ale in the corpor.. abion andi reguleiing other matterý pet. taiuing thereto. O 5'F10E5. The eccoonnte of th4 retnmning offllcer vere pessed Z;~ foiloýs :-T. W. Clegg,' $20 75; L. 'E. Schotieid, $15 ; Mechenie'ý Mt.e. 5Pl C LAIN. *Mr. MeMfllau movedti tat tht cammuni cation aof W. El. Bilings, iu reference ta Spencm's cdaim, be'referre t t the town SolEcitor, wth in@strnctions ta taka sncb steps ia ths malter ýta prevent atiditïonil coass b tue town. The mover ezplained thai the net provided thet imattére of tii kind shociti b. settled by- arbitration, ao, tics of wlich shonîti be girea il ncounul. Tiie communication reeeived, howeveu-,wea net a carrait notice. 'Ibe railwrq com- pany, he tionght, shonîti pay (aie demi, but if is vas nal solveut ibm îown wonldi be hiable. Mr-. Ray said thet if the cosupauy bati notice given tiien ai the cdaim againfit the1 towu, atteuriouz. wonld be paid tg it. Thie motion ihen carried. Mn 'Pwll yu>ed tbat -the.tresnrer grant bis erder ini aven of James Claylon for $5.67, for sharpouing piekiý andi saws for the corporation. 1 .A discussion followeti, in whicb it ap- peared thet no one uea able ta certiiy ta the corredînesaifthe occouuî, lnd it wan Bnally withdrawn in - dartoteu ascen,.iin froun the cllieirmýn ôf streetï ea iippn6êe. menus of lest year if b. . bc udsrd t vonti. ..ÀPPUINTUENTS s'a as-nc9. Mm. Blow inîroduet a by law ta appoint Asassor anti Licensa Inspectoý fart h. carrent yaar, andt%ti e i iusalaries. In committea, Henry EHannanu vas ep- poinîed Asseeson at a salany? of $60. A. Pningle vais appainteti License Inspeclor, Mm. Blow niovimag ibat bis salà ry ha $25. Mrt. Botta unvecaitlube $15. Mn. Camaron maveti $20. lTse memîdments vere leet andtheii motion fer $25 carriati.- lTe by-iav vas tien paissedtb troughitis necensany stages. Ne-IKTa o Dogt.mU<qT uR ATEPAERS. On motion of Mn. Powell, lthe ollector is nequiredti tafuraiih e counoil, et ise tiext-amaoliu, viit tb. names e IlHpaný- nsonsývite - hava ual paidtir mtaxes, vith t.e ameunaittert'i. i-n9 EL"ue Ithaeght, uhould b. paid for tthame services. Thé motion wtt cerried. GRINT FOU CHRI~tJTABLE ruaPaiti. O. nmotion-of MrWOI theibm tm aof 1<0wut ordêredti tab. placeti to the credit of 'the uaayof or charitLable porposes, snd Mora. Harp.r, Lawler 810 Clarke 'or' apptointed a relief cormitied.* On motioa of-Mr. Lawlbethe cônnoil ted ic Pur <air towntbip o snohmela'n- cboly otnre lt4it ji tniket every, one round ber. with awre, and. evea-terror. Ih is very Sad ta have- tuch shinge ta. relate, bnt it dennol ba helped. the, matter is timply as follows -On Tnesday night a. Mn.. Walsh wluo was ihe motber of six or, seven chuildran, txhongh - etili a yung healtby womptn, a nd it is saiti mach given ta-drink. WaS eitithe Millington tevern, wbere, as it eappeea, ste drauuk toma, aud left with a boulte of whiskey in company witb a young nman namnet McKay,' andi an, oid man. named'Narey, who it appears vu à * musiciauu. Noîhing wis heard of then i liithe next nuoreing, wbeU ah. wau f6und deed - lit tfie.enow, near'lier awn hons. ; and wonderfnl to relate,« Part; "'Of the aId man'@ fitdilewuas tnni in ber hein,* tbe rest of it scattered about the. road. J. P. Foley, E qy helti an inqtwst Il erne evening, and not baing satiéfied, adjauro- ed the inqeesita othe ,Sth mînt. People have varions tnuruises' andi varionssea- conui, but 1 do ual wigh ta Say more tittn what 1 beiieve ta he the trutb, besides. ast the inquesi ie yet ta corne off, i w'oiuld b. prematnre teosey more jnst nov, -gowevei, 1 tbiuk one îhing i. very- platin, and it munet certainiy engage the attention of onr Mnnicipal anthortiles in their distribntion of licouses fon'aie pra- giant yaar. Soinething Steran mit ibe done i tbe matter, or the taownship wiul be immeraed in -atrong drink : This is. a strang terni, but nevertbeless, it is ton true. Thè elergy have epaken, almost ail have spoken who have any anîhoriîy, and hithertu without encoase. Many are of th. opinion that- Vigilance committaaa mnst b. formed, and swaep every totemn and low gîoggery ont of te township, and indeeti, it woualu b. diffionîl ta say what niay be the resuit, if. the Concil do Dot ttia(y the expectatiocis of t.epe.2ple. For the nalte of hnmantiy and morality, it ia hopeti tha cotuncil and clergy, backei by ail the well disposed af the. townsLip, wili euiLe their efforts ta pnt au end ta the grose ebomonufblé frafl6c'f tevi poiriun, aud bring Mara ta a standard of reasontuble, sober, and a well continoteti veople, and if ruffians cannaI behave theni- salves, makie the locality 100o warm for theun. I se. ibat Mr. McBrien, Pnblic Scluool lotl tes( thtl prul and ers visi asB ex&- as maG mue Pi -tht vitl mu( Relat~ ion -ait frigu pavars are Mn. Botte, necondeti by Mr. LevIer, fée friendiy, sa ntitaal respect sstisfactory. motedt ritlMm. Eoppar ho reqeestedti alUei A hlI iiih. m5~ald l chok iediscontinue ringing t.elova bell on Sun- ha t>5.siava trade in Pelyneos, vilci is mle- dutys. - anda veraiy denouneeti. The efforts ta. sacuu-e 1Mr. Memillan objecedli e îaid il vas ou, a cntinnnn oai-t.ecommercial îreaty rng au Suntistfor ts etpecisi benefis ofOth vath France, bavé 50 fer Dutal sicedt, tii.Roman Cetholios. lTae nortit Watt teei but ne'gotialiags are stilli peuding. bell ual haing rang ettae houertd their bai lb. failoving reference la matie vitb woreiiip, but later, titey vere ne& beasfilîsti regard t a 'lbeAlabamna daims m-"The iy it, andti biey shoniti h alaloveti qual au-e ArbitraIons appointeti pureunt ta tite privileges viii aliter demominations. Somè nue lreaîy of Wasitgouu for te purpce af yearse ga, lte Catholios, ho saiti,-rerieesîed epu- amîcabiy tettiig the Alabama daims, ta bavelte bail rung tram tbem,and i vaJ heldtihein rirst mrneiling ai Gensta.. Casas.- vas greteti; anti ha couiti s*eneoneason - vers ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b ladbir sAb±aasambbî lylte privilegé shaulti new la.takan Lig %us qof ascit party ta tie treaat. la, the -case awvay. sa subuattati y Anienic a, lange clelrni Mm. Lavier explaine t iha uvat in- Mu vereinnatiti hin've~e ntiretotion ormedti ltIlte lime the bell'as ruiztg tilt My part ooî ta ha vithin lie Province aifultCorrespond viîh lb.heur. cf devoiqn anDu- the Aitatars on Ibis t&abuject. -Ibave, a§lte Caîlualie, lu vas ruag et ital$pt sî 7 causati a friendly éautuasunicatl ou, ta hoe figbt, andt ieir citurci tii not conmmence 9e- maite ta tinte Goveraument aif'lie United.ti lti10.40 u'nlock aveu-y aibar Suuday. p Staes" -Mn. hiatts gavè a sinuilan epaniton. Coi Notbiag fartier is eitina-regard ta the Mm. bioMillan repliiat1ubatas'itu- vaa ony bat Alabama Claims,.-'buýinlu-regard ta lie -rang ion- titb aaatia 'se-b ,- atier provisions ai lha Tresty oi Washitg- tte dima ai vicà itil as -ruag tIiant 'ait t'on, il l4 elatedt al the. Eiaperar ai Gel- tieni, il vas Ibeir o avu <uh. Ail îiey many bas acoapledth te aubilntorship dis - hati ta do vas liasali Mn, Happeri anti ha St. pute la regard ta the San Juan boundery, vaasûsre that -peuson vonit ring il ta suit Pur snth îe cases ara nov prapaming for pro-.; theut. lte selaln. -On Mn. Dona'rraa a±plaining tËaithue lit lTe nixed commission appainledl under 1ulm0 the bell ran as quit. cenvaniani, tht lte lreeîy 1 isoac in session. -Mn. Levier tiesiredti a vititdrav bis nad atil Oua portion ai ibm Washinigton lmeaty s~tshtotash aiol ec- lte ye hrqiate è'an't- 6Ë ihe. Canadie-n andedint he l.uiaderstanduu laIt s liah Patrjauesit -L an aanCatholies ver. net suitetvil in li th flueïcbudition a ofurlad 5ixpiovibýg ,preset ongiiig af the bell. bho ninsi~ atimaen'ah~'~ -Ouithte motion being put, it vas danlar- mil peniani hua Great be- laid t et, Mn. ietts a!one voting yen. pe.timei1-'vli oest -re- etra. ii. 'Mn. McMilian, secoudet by Mn. Caime r.. ce] Canimons wvicli er Msjesuy itepes viii ou, moe altilte petiiianoaiCharles tht proovefsothaue tic, a puosp erous'Gifibp-aigtiathie narti war&.,bél condition of îuê - ksoa . à , leragbcve, tts ni cudI h at 'ISéspeelu-eenêéraac- easrêgt'lu a ntued, and ti - t te caiu'n , a athe -a aismiîet. (nîtpaltumecar acio',-rnog. ppications ta offieecnanmittéebe raquest. lai, theni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e vesil~fs ~ehq aSolneita bring. le- a by-iav aIlte aezt met- fie( .~talis¶ag lfuéns s~teu,- ipra iung appoiuuing tite petîjaner or eucithier Do .lav piocadotes, rovidia& aà d. pnisthng, L1etsonsa-te canacil thiek fEtanti deïne. tu lsniayy.* lte dttesa ati fiL the salary. vie kerfetsgta -tie, vivions 0cher anh Mr.- Lasvîyt Popâaethe,'mtioa; a Wh jacta ai ftete egisletion, lie royal aeçisecondibell vatnot nieedt, antinosue. -f ,lias., 'wütti est,- xïessio'n'of Cou- d'ece eli. sylii fliii- e i ua jus titat t4t paople-andi petliement vîli ffz ing» tauy way. -Haevonîti mcva,seontiat ISS th &atai apiating-the~4liby sur., Kig, Ji1-5uleaimqt, ýtuas Ibe anti lianeofthle Empire. - 'petîtiteja o t gcapteti,aai that un' tbeA cpisu1a ofi tilts e.l uiisl o ii P Sx~'oL.emiMi nt. Motrai ..b7 thet ova tga uffleeni. " (t eri vcingaw'çarattiiat -émail -pax aÈrm. MrtrBota,' Rg4il thé~r.t.s"l-- -n îagy n teéinctea"e- lu Ibet City. là ' - atîng, gthe o autie 'utucpidà i~t ce (OuqL ta lbu aimi à ilsappearati. . Dlne a oml gwbh4 »aè 1 ioîld do* go lUa upootor, 'in his repart tu' 'the Cany -uncîl, aays, and' - îrulybaya, 4'lbe taers are makiug an imprevement la eir studios te fit Ibeunsela-es la teacit operiy." I quota froua memory, but* îîk au leasîtthis is the ubstance. Y.. ; id h. teIls usIrath, andti ie Book.sett- 9knov il 100 ; for since Mn, MeBrieu's il ta ti. scool last yea-, awakenedti l tans. ef ibein duiua by ls precepîs anti ýample, ta teachars ruéedti l te book alis, anti snob au analsugt vas navet ade on Grammars, Geographies, Ariîb- -tics, Geomueuiea, Aigabras, Natuea hilesopities, Agriculînrai Cbemiqtnies, c. &c. I îhink, bMr. PRditor, 1 tait au t ltime taI Mu-,MoBnien vas cramniet h bis pro fession, anti that ha voult atit uct-vtoucla credit Iaote sytaniI el happy te say, tat so fer lnyprdio ns au-a fniiy futlfilleti. Ia home Iphbraie, le the right man in the tigil place, îd il aise proves anoiher titeois, chat lthe ly maen ta upholdtheu. yoteut, or any air nystea of aducetion, is the pracuical acher, vite ,eaily keoirs boy te beitiltae rThe people anquiring about nutilvays ebeginning ta itrong tbe reads in vosi iers, sa th-si véray te auraelthe ,ng viii apotu op e busy taon. u inteir ly. -Yhere's some taîk ihat the 1" Nantter glht" is atout a uasuurectieu, under thte pices of yaun @Ild friand, John C.:bMc- llin, but i a=n Ihinitit a. Mu-. Petor Mnrray trongit ont tb. liraI imben aiftenev Ou-lluis .a eu1 tarday, anti 1 do talieve ite'll sad ek io cbhance af succès. bose vito are wooaliy acqesiniati witb hlm bave goati ufidoe euitais cool tempar anti bnsir.es &bita. Fait. 3),1872,- '- - luit t'BETTEa ga£us" Rgi'oa.-Tbe John PRvelainÉ g'lobe puibliebes viet irpau-ls ta be a eynoýsis cf tite report.of i Botter lau-ms ilgatian ta Ottawa. ae documents ara tory lengihy. It says t fallait anti moat -noCTuteatis nonsider- on -wtt u-edily ac<ortied la ibeni atiail e ià tartuevs viîh the Prucy. Conacil ; lut Wibile exception vwu t4ktn ta soute ai tirargumènts tus aqnity aiflite casa on bhai fNov Brunswick vas hargely ast- Iited ; tite rigit iof ePu-e'ince ta a fuli îequre ofiju.sice en-der the-circumistasce ineledeti, andtihit distinct assurance gitarn ut ýtite (l'veumnt viii aveu-chseahi l Dver anti inflance te remove as'ery jUalý &ue oi local tictqlet and disquiéîtide, adti lamake ljbe lther Gaverameni, Logis- eu-eanti people ofi.NeswBrunswick sâtis- ti as tauitem finaucial relations viith lite ,miuioa- lb. Pnivy' Ccuucll rervati te rigbt, atcet a foll discusalon ,ad te-;1 tv ai thee v.ohe ca se, ta tietermine la bt maiýnet relief and réparationus'hall b4 onh tht iis Proviatc1-vitbs$mldbhsg- ita glice, ta aibar çutios utbe Dominiai3. tiespaek 7 frain Lnanon gys - that ch.,' rice aofal v'altentieti h'cha t Suit- ingas let'8aids.~The' niauihar et Mti lu Sî. PaVl4? a - aciadal 'qa ut.e- ioir of ut. îlainkg gcremuies '18s ille uia 8009 n - oc erasta maka acknowledgentents whicb, ut ou albc deuirablea a al l imes ta accept. -But hua special case, stachashe ana la whicb we allude, we canuat m'fraiu tram givinig i pnublicity, fortheii.puipose of sbowidig tii.e eigrating clases af Great Bri tain.anti Irelandtitat lu Caniada, dnd esWeially iu Taironto, Outario, ,very man and Ãwoman who.-bas the good fortuft tpiesa trough. Mr. Douà ldson'a office is sure ta meêj iviti agezatieman wbo ident& jiltulbiniseli witb titeir lutarest, antd hi kindnusa ud suitabla advice, malns it lte object af bis lita, to nontribalata Wtheir doufotin tuait adoptedçatuntry; A young persan arrived aI lthe. inumigratibn ý depo6t vito had notaà single friand, or acquaint- anca lu Canada. - à Ms'. Dontildaçu, quick-iy jtidgiuig ttatni appeareuices thal thora ver. signsa ofpromise ii i taecase bafora-bita, alter giving such -ad-vice as be deelned suitebletaWlte casematie an eflori la pro- cura emplovment for hlm. InA a 1w diya bo managedte lagel a situation for tli ewý tirnival. sSeveral, moulins bave pasetd,. dur ing wvMqitlima the yatîug man taïd sa fer giyan. satisfaction -ta bis -employara.* In lte measuima seveal- lellerd passé&' between lta friands aud à Mn. DonutldMn, canveying expressions oati ntlida lortha intularet eken in ltae welfutre of ltae straug. et, but words did nal secm la b. anougit viit lta noble uihdad pciple, samotiig aise mare tangible wae necessery lunltaeit estimation to, givaeévidence aofltaeit heari toit thanks. Mr. Danaltisan was surpris- ed ltae otites day ta receive, froun Landan, an elogaut casa, cealainingonie uft lita most itutdsoeama a eudcaea sets ofail ver ware va butte sean, value t Ilte lave ailclculation 'at MO slg., ar about $250 of aur money, and altitougis w. are ual versoti in ltae markcetla valua-af sucit weref n-o believe il cauldti ua haput- citaseti in (luneda for a ls oun titan $800. Thtis itetilul present consista af tite foliewing articles, vuz. :-Stlver col- fée pot, oliver t1ie pol, oliver auget basin, suretr creaui pitcher, silver cakieibtaket, silversuigar longs, ana dozan isilver lea spors asad circelar ailvar tray, in lte contraeaifvîticitis ltae iollowing inuscrip- lion: - JOHIN A.. DONALDSON, E9Qucav, Govertnbm-ut Immnigrant Agent, 1Toronloi cAnt,.- llcmau-ttiaof litudutos render t l Tho anîka ,.set: is' eleg2ntly -amsoseet anîd beatatiful in.- 14~(eu esg Thtis b'týýug-îthe n1yȐniisua-u1itlreco 'a lion of'lite vitinabl-aid .'ha has been steadiiy lunlte .practice ai bestowipng on ail classasof imigraýnt1s sinca lie finot took citarge of ltae office. osilside of bis officiai duties, il muaI affuird a lueartfell pleastura liiet cannaI tec reanitfot by auy ana who ta ual soilurgely endon-cu iriit a luert ai ituman kitîdueso suait as n-e know Mr. Donaidon otlpossess. - RamipantIlduntcy. Tii. "hoe andi Loubar Journal" pub- lobeed et IBoston, oaysz "lCanada is &t présent devcloping ber rsoaurçes la correspond somoiitat init lte style and-spirit aofiter nuigihor Utcle Sm, os if bavin- -cut th ie infection te iuake good use afi . Fuir ycars thera seémed ta be no disposition or nanans of pragress lu Canada, beonul a strip af country borderngen lte7luketu, heu-forests andi remote cornera bcbng llinly populeteti antI ber resoetrceo ofas imuitedicitaracler. Thte examplo ol tîte Unitedi States bcd little or no cfect upon lber. Buit since tae lira provinces bave coma tender ana cota- tmoti bond gaverpntent, lte aflairs ai',îtue cotuntry bavé been materially advanced, se taI for ltae lwo luicI years ber increase iti population andi ail thte <epartients ai Irade anîd induslry, bas beeuu very nearly in the sanie proportion as te Unitedl Sales, lTse qutestion uas l to how long bc- tare cite cviil mut lajoin iiu-nds wiltu us, utuder aur guivcrnmeuut, n-ll bclita nexl nuasl imporltuat o n it lier." * 'icked Young Hent. Fu-oni the 13u-tl'so Commnercil Atlveu-tigeu-. Andt noir 9 lluIieauliful Prince," Alex- le hec licou decciviu'g aur girls!1 It b saui taI, inuce bis arrivai in titis country, it. bi1". ritia.oi i-1 tieur. Rus-. nerves tbir irnitebulity., As Ibeo cqýting: off ltae blooti lpinalysis of t{eei1 go a deficienci obl~ond ii a cawof deý-- Campalanti Syrup of ifypoýphosphiies viii, canse tie formationo'a healtby bloati, -apd1 à oasequently increase nenva .us'paver,~p dunce vital ecîhviîy iu, debLithat. canln- lions, anti tou eal t.eorgane depaeeu for ealth on muanelar or nervou atteagth. Th .Blaadaw- es list edécaler ta mi nuti globuiB which-float in tuai fiit, ad, oaa pain, lu a heallhy persan, a large amoat1 *ofron' hio gieavitality iotahlebloud.1 Tbe'ParâvisaSyup supplies 1iba blood witb tluts !ital"-lement. ant i gea alriagth andi vigoôr ta the whale systeta. - Batimbation.or no sale, -garanteeti by , the Gueipti 8.vng-9acbine ,Compauny..- 1 Tu-y1h.w~ndnfn"O~orn. '<($28,900 inu '69.- For- rmaFâ, globes, pu-lue baokd And libra riest,98-inctease, $t265, as %gainât e dearease ai 1,5,0 lu '69. For site& antibuldhng af snhaa bouse@, *20,SW-ià creaâe $61,($5,000 in For nani aintirepaes luol Ëotiseu, Él*801intreaae,$7,851, as, againsi a de- cnese of $600'il. '69.- For achool boaks, à ttiianeny,, feel, and athér*xpensü i86î~, increase,$1, 402.-- lpnroaes, $1,t][2,069, unarea:e, 87,164,: ~ eanoe of Sool m onsys nu al eiti - the andfth b e'ar. vhea thiët auresirere maie$232,3,03, inocrease $29,T774. The sa*'a-nte te1.q uiresa the',rêtur~ iïof schoal papulation ta include chiltina be- l twen -tia ages ai 5 and 16 ; but iznonfers thi aqual right of attandiag the achoaila upan ail retidanta in aacb.snboal -, iviM<OD betireen the agei af;Ȉ anti 21 yeari.ý &bhool, population, hncladiag conlycnl- tireu baîveen th.e geo, of 5 anti 16 years, 482,966, increasei,13,566..1 Pupila b&tveen the ages 'ai 6 anti 16 At. tendiniz achool, 420,488, inqreasa, 11,304.* Numben ai puphls aiof béothageo, 22,030, deerease, 1,216. 17hs numbar aif beys aîtendinig -scboi, 233,1 s tincreane 3,096; girls, 2091,1371 mocrusa6,392. - STite aurnier reparteti indigent pupils le 3,f4l, mnette 121. The number reporieti as ual altending 007 schoal is 31,245, decrease- 3,395...lun' '-69 the tiecrease vas 2,322. lThe ratio ai tianreasa is gretifying ; ibis amnons Anti hemiliatiug item vili soon-diaappaar, allai, -galber jluough the. exerlians ai the, people -ided ity the new ameudments in lte se8heo1lawevon the nubjact ai comapnlsb- aducation., - uIa ÃŽ. 4,566 scitools raparteti,5,165 -teachars have beau enuplayed, iarotisa 111 --aivom 2,753 arq maie, dacreas 22, e4nd 2,412,fanjalei aete13 lb. teechars 'are raportedti tabe oethle Ta5llowingreiaspesain -Ctct aif Euglaad- 869, increase 43 ; Churnb ai' ttorn'e 592, increase 26 ; Presityterians, ai different classes, 1589,:,incraasa 16 ; Meuh odisîs,. of differins - classas, 1509, increLsa 39 ; Baptlîts, 282, tereasa 25 ; Congre- gelian!alistai 6, iucreese 13 ; Lutitonans, 21, increasa3 ; Quakers 14, denrease 3 ; Christiana anti Disciples 47, deoreasa 1; raparted as Protestante 117, huturease 12; Uiierians 4, âecraase 4;ailier persuas- ions 14 ; net rapentati 31. decrease 8. 0f tb. 592 teanhars of the Chou-ch of Rornej 356 are amployeti in the public cornmop achools anti 236 are teacbers lof Searats sciiaols.-- Total number of nertifloateidtir licanseti teanitens rapertet isl 5,061, increasa :41 ; Normal-Sehool Provincial cartificates, IsI clans, 319, increase 60 ; 2ut nias., 349, increase I ; Counîy Board nenificetesai the aid standard, let nlasa, 1,961, inrease 152, 2ati/ clatus, 2,102, incroasa 15, 3rd clus 330, tiecreasa 53 ; ual repanued ias' classifiati 164, decrease 30; 'naertîficaies ananulisti 11. NUM'Irr oaischoola in svhicb 1the teachar vas cbanged dnrung thte year, 667 -ia- crease, 8. Number of sobools which have more than ana teanhen, 322-lacrease, 18. Annuel Salaries af Teanhbers. - The. bigietaslany paidte i. amaIe toaeher ina> counny,'$ 600-tilovast, $100(l) ;7 in a City, the higiiesi, $1,000 - lb. loveat, $260 ; in a leva, the highest, $l,000- the loeat, $225 ;-lu an Iun6rporateti Village',hh igitet, '*1,000-t. levest', $264. ithe avenega salary ai maie taacb'- ara lu Counnues -vism $211'0'-9f femala leachers, $187 ; in Cilié~, ai maie leach- ana, $597 -of f<ale teachqns, $231 ;, in lovas, ai maie. teanhers, $492 -fen'ale ieaohers, $226 ; ha incorporatati villages, ,of maeatascitana, $422 -aifamale teaanb- esLO.Wileithe increae ,in tha aumban af schcols reporled us-41,, anti tie uucrese la th#, cacaber, of Iêaeh. e ua ployeii 1 1. . ie ro 'ase& le namber aid pla 11,0, anti thae nnaai ra- ga 11 s Ai aiit-nArsle_ 4,5 lia Ralçjigi YorthA OaroUiîdan tays- "lTe Sisrndsa tvins,* Euug and.,CitauF,Who are nav living'lut tte western porton tif Ibis stete, anona ofviani is-lyuing dan- gerously îl,al lthe presanî limie, vero bora in a imalvillage aonlte-cdasî iofSiam, lu Itbê y.at1811.' W. sre ln possession a safue -particutans colucetning them vwiici iuay bé- afi lutesl la aur readd's. TheIrý parents gl ltaeit living by- fisiting. Anti uuls 182Ù, viten -Euganti Oiang voe hrought ta tir Umiteti Slates,,teëy mat, ltaeit ,living ty aaIlung shell-flst. Tliai mater tare seventeen -chiltiren. AI oua. tIcuqe iegave tirt ta lbre eutneyer lashu Bia uh noua i ltes citiltten vaa'e deformeti. White yenu may whispar in ticeai ofaoeviiteoul lte oiher bast- ing; 'vitile volatil e talt appiedti thit naoplrls -ai ane has né effeclpegolte oltait j anti viile pinclingtb the aooeexcites no sensatian: iq'h tlier; ellll, if yau tut stick afDin-in the ex.actsvertical entrea, of facorpat- ît$a af'îb. tact trea ai section 71 aoflthe Assassmant Act in 1869, eiating la lit. valning aof propirty lu tavwns sud villages for cauiaîy rates. Be explainedti lt Ithe --bjecl of lthe Bill vas la protide liaI iin lavas ani villages ltae assas-sient' shaulti ha upan ltheactalIvalue of lthe pnoperly for cama- ly rates. The Hanse thu vwent imb Comnilt.. ,on-lb, Bihla t malte Lurltaer pnaviain leouching tha Ãpýptqptuatuan aiftIi. ai,- irasyFuati Mr, Pandee in lhe citai.- (Un clause - - -Mr'. Blake accepted lthe amment« ofa hth-on. aember for Lincoln, , ta lie fol - lawing effecl:.., "1 litIeveny orie"n Concil shal imffediaely after ltae passiug Ibereof be. publuitbeiun lthe Ortai* tqartte."I In teplylto ,'"r. Wood, ' Msr Blakesaitheit question aoflthe claimua la à id ltla i elinglou, 8ray sud BrUCe Ratlwa, arbèlveen il-ant ltacanîty oai eruce, cvould b. setlletigissession by a vote ai lthe Hanse., lThe House resumei. Tite. Hanse veul mb nacmmitte. au tic' Bull la securelthe indepantiauce ai tic Legiolalive Assenibly.- M. Blake, ou ltesuggestion, cf Mfr.. -. B. WeGod, cousanlete miake ltae appoint. meule includa ltaos. of- iiCrnania lthe Govertumont ai Ontario; and, an tthe ruuggesliinn ai M. Catneton, t.hoeofitoads of tiýpariments. Mr. Camerat aitha w ord more an ameaudmeut ovconiiurrence, wiIh a view-" le limil lthe uber ai the Exacutivo l2ouncillors ta SOra. Mrt. Blake propesit ta adtht ie varda, "Buî-'tbae'xeculiva - -Cauncil shialînot .consi st af mare titan six menibers." Menu. bers ai ltbe liuse - oulti necollect ltbe diffiltly wvbuc&lb-e Governieult ati hai ai alttndiug 10 lita numarons camiîlees, ta ltae amoulntaetlegisaaio.n;la lthe lange questions af palicy ,wbich came before' Item, lthe'requieitiona '1H mambers vite requbred ti t hiuuatus anti gievauca!s sitoulti ta staleti, and lias. persans *iio* came tlitacapital turing lthe'session,- u.oq'uhrhng liaI litaitorants sitoulti b. ant tendetl. lThelBous. knew lthaIlthe rasuiî vas lthaI a gond deal of legislaiua 'had iteen pasused titrough tite Houa, in a .praiunc- tury mnunet.- Mu-. J., S Mac'tionalt iugh-the Prasi- dent of the Coanel ougatta te paiti fe' bis services.,- lThe ametntiment of Mr. Janeron, and litepropesediadditiouofaIr.,Blake, vae itelti avor utail lthe Bill cames uop for con - currence. Mn. Blake moted au 'emrent ta pr.. vent lthe Bih iit avintg d'ffet tapon any mataber t l Huse wuta ield snucb ant appainilmenî as lt. Bill indicaled t a li lima te vas eloctd. lTae Bill, as amendtd, was reported, >ani' ltaecommiltea rase. lThe ieuse asdjournet. -- Monday Fab. 51k - A number ai priveo tila voeeadivanc- ed a stage ; ltae -Hans'e vas intarmeti by ltae Premier in trief but ornpiticphyase, mni reply lteq.",Porythat lie Gavera- ment titi ual intaud tiissession ta intar-, fera wiiîi the ssossmen'Lavw; butlthe, grenlor parItaiflthe avaning vas takn u]Pu- wiit lthe disc 'ussion on 1%it. Arieagitsnia. lien for roturns relating te lthe- Crama Lands a inte Goany m iSimue. lTaemo- tion vas of ai tory compreh 1ensiva1 ecitara- lez, asuuitzacimug a&Ilparticulars vitt re spect ta lthe locaiity anti condition - ai each 16t on part, vilb particulars of tumber-licenses granta&Ti. e. tJmnissioueof ai rav5n_ Lande apa earat lafarthtthl lie pp- lion ai so valuminlus 't'tutns iwauid ie teyand lteé pavera f- is deparîmear, sud agree t t lthe reluiras viith raluet ahn-111 grane ad 9in oaly on-eaunitian-îlusî lth. déluiils reierred Mh!u ý the second, parttof lteé m oian sitouldjuaît'ha pressed fan; lhe uSlatemecil ai limbat icçenses,hoawêvet vas- tion vas etiergeticà llý suppaortei by Ms'. Deroche, 'It. Gm~nge and, Ur, Bouitte, -anti the feeling aifltae Hanse wtus evitient- ly iu fkvor of thetullesî .protecti-on of lhe aetler't rights. Mn. Camérou racoantedi lu5e trieks vitiob bat taon résonlita foby ltao'sewho, tandon unde te pittnco a des'itn '0tasaean ltae lazitimarely de- sireti t ip tais' lots of tie minable limdbar ant Ien tiacanip. Mr. Harrng- - tan-Mioweti wiîit sanfa observations of a asiler nature, anti Mr. Richards dotand- ete cdepa.rlment'aven vitict h. batifort .meriy presideti'agains1aaune insincuaionsa titrovai ont dting'the dobtl.- Hon. Mn. Cameron titan movéti for a similai ratura -Fund ai 'ver.. -i Minim l a'iltWaiafo e rancitrail-' - mm- suanouserland la Lmniaay. u'~I - a 't' 'i 't -~ I - '-1 -, i ,~ :1 'I I -- J - I -I -1 ~ a c - s- - d a ' e g Il E .~t lu -t du lu -b- i 't as bu cli P, oc an 00 t au ed .u ain t Itbe -1