Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1871, p. 3

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for sale, rParlor iINTERS.- Englieli Boiled and Ra* 011, lu 100 lb, hegs, direct from Europe, nt 1I,. & B. WCKSUITI..-Refined Horse shoè, and otb lut received frein Europe.. Fleg"e dou't fai te cal purel infloewbers. lim-ore e smRiams, Am atem, at HATMR &' BROTI RS- A boumse, Door sud ether Be il, at 1ATébil& M-OY e andi pocket Cstltry. seissor, &o., at HA(I'CII & 1 LcsLatolmes, sud*Irouii, nt l II' & 131108.' $t9os1ElbwsPipes, .0 c, t IATOJI & 131108 iber the-isa for l{ardware, P'iints, Ouao, Sov-eq and d cheup flouse of IIATCLII & 1110 whose itocounts are long over 'die,'will pleum tintimation te hlaie thomin uteJ batoIre t1o.lâth 1'1W Whftby, Wovemloer 28, 81 H-rATOCR CHRISTIMAS PRESEN'lS i 4., ourry in rreu, rape red Wine I 1 È IS ALLUN. aish win, j Whitby, Nov 4, 1871.,4 Sherry, Swet8 a draft, in case or Boule.I wAre, vases, £ND Irbe Subscriber lias mucli pleasure in announcing that lie Dow' offers a stock ungurpueed li the County, nunl whiellî, lhe lkls eoaîlldeuç wili bc founud te, compote taworably, botini quality and prîce, with City stores. OR£HRIRSTNIAS AND NEW YEAR'8 PRESESTS i-le would c#Il attention to bis Gold anad Silver Watches, GoId, BliJor d and w liinCulored and brjglit Gold S tt ,14gia - 1tk Ameriem iplated siatts, Gem Rings and Brnehts, G'nttîJins, Leekets, Stae,&c. &~'Electrc 1lated Cake and Card 13asko.tg, Crllet frennes. Sp8 ' ~ji ige, Tea and Codéee pots, Vasetiand writ iîîg s, Work boxes% CoanPPeion;. Iortinonnaies, aud laucY oain aigreat variety, Wedding Rings, Spectacles, Clocks, &--,, c t'An-early èail solicited;- J1AMES 'JOHNISI'mNt - lcsdc' Blotuk, Brock St, Wbitby. Whitby, Nov. 2.9th, 1871.-4 ST. AND11,WS' ESTIVAL guenaI* fiîitl lu Auld Nentlai'i tons sud J>a8ier: -wltj buo )0liiliih ~NCRtl4NlOP il ALL, W-IlTtrY, Unthéti.auqpIces or At. Audrows $eoolety, *THUILDAY, NOV.- Bth, '71. The evetl'ii,ektshsa'twlll crahsi lu Tiei. enct of iii. Society, J. . . Ut-vile, Eq,, will tiuke théu chari gsîietameti at'! <udelr accuulat* are 111lei eattenad. flCETl~AiniitiîGenoitlemn ansd two Idsi fi#t; Wte b. d # tC'lie deer ut thea SA Quw1drolle- %ud frein Torontto l lu hisiteidauon. GOD $AV£ TITE QUEN L, GUi?îvr, . . B >cRINxi>N 1'tomt-lotit. bieoetari7 Wlithi, Nov. 92ad, 181 47 NEW MUSIC -STORE~ a*u endbusiness At mà ÙM Bîoh, Brock et., -i:re willI b. uastd *SZn' Iyaîc<tal k1#sida, IlUBlCAT, IN- ITRUNslfut overy aeeriptteu, In-. SsiagVeil,, striniandmols w et a, îuaitiy. S'IT'rwNEÉY Ah. leosdvarhed aooortmoat ef JuiIN J>.5'I* J>rhe.ar i e. lI orj0.for bl am it m&muglcal Inâtru 22nd, efily lIS71. 4 EXAM IN1 or0 s1WW Lcilool TI, tSîiou,, l let<su lt@i.TOWN or il -,AT 'LC 10. main liitTUEMI4i, y. td, n t 2 0o'eluc-k, p gbddt, re reqtis-ad ~5atu.,Wri'au lot yý iii htlioy mlut-s JAMES aund the ôp-er.. liiiNOV. litfi, 1871.JA rs cet for theClirreut the-cct ONTIARIO I "L Û. DAWE S9 Proprietor, T~he ai.ovi-dcii'tiîl [ic toal ias 1'oeu uu,.î ,iwt, fIted up-giîl reibevsted ttirouat)ioni l'y the. pr i ntr, »JI tîj iri, pnetisto t4ag fursissli lè ai.îîw m igiau it, feu ruiiure.., 'l'i aalîdrïlrwitt yu lt-ve mîthlit Ugncipe Ii rQvihiiK' for %lie coiufi',r of 1-elt guetta.dn MIii C n, W-i- np'.iith, toat or Pur i iqujorb eliat tetii îîbl1 o the, ,tabling, sud lu ts;okilig fttr the c liity etI lekrs. . 1j C. DUweb, Proprfrter. V.lîthî ?Yoi t'a221571.4 R E M 0 VA L I Deires i'i rêtui-îa 3.r ratigl,îthankil te tlii i t.n- tt iie oi4 t ûufoi.tio. for tir tia srijoii-twc iras fui (nforver a q'o.rteor ua nc'îltir>f Itlâ.t lie l. 11% enlu, t,îtî, isîe Tuwi, of ' hi, He wenhd alise roecîfal iiia thait lie lii,, e- snoyed 1h.im rux $t,ro tu iiii, 110W Preincoen'01 tMe corner of BROOK & DUIJNA4S TREET», wige o ietrusts by' iirict pars"oirl tttehatlo» te 14limi eiie, to tigert a coinhiaOet or thi 'rud lit 'enî I.taoiliz ecz o is si )er lit)àrllz and1-ari '-taeroouï up, Dtîg vrL. ruiîtore. JA6. I GR. E Wlittb>, Nlii17. 46 Wines, On draft, Otard, u puy' IÉonnesey &Ces, [n- bottl-.VarteiIla, Ileuneâsey, leaustreau, &c BOTTLED ÀALE, B3ass, Youngci', Da- IVieé"s, DWN%-andO'Keefe's, in quarts and pints. Bottleêd POR'TER, Guinnesss and Blood's, in <pinta and quarta. Choice London Lay- er' Raisins, .lae Crown, Black 1Basket, Musca- tell, &c. CuITants, new Figg, CR,.NEIIRIE8S! TEAS!1 A T O N _________ACillot Teachers 1 vi~ IBLSsot didrilea for PI;e A Ipy r; 1 ndor.d lisi a, P-TOIIIA# L ANI) PAIIiLY - WITI I AJ,)F0E 1AIESTINE, .5e. FR S lL1IhFIj IS7lj 1rwu u> O ; l 'orrsly Cut $15, iII~ l . il1. er juaisut---i uls. cuueuo. Witly, No>v. fiItiu, 1871. Gstud lu stata ttie- le pile.MENDIED BY TUE MOST- - --EMINENT P#4Y$W5O cu.o.ON NEW Eacssuo FOR i. ~~~~CUuriiifi & Coe SON' - - - 5STnECn subses-Ibbs-~~ 1 *.t 1i104Tle"rggs~ WEA,<Pt Slows,~ ~ ~ H ENtl "-dELIam I long a ;i'tte f. ove ps-orty, pa>- tini'yeas-, boitig MMllei'y &Facy Goods. "lv ti e I lleeîiis.s Jiteîy ercupied, cil S'1'l tb i a.. -Kuttca, B rutsoet, (sut-a! tii.. lioyn iiutel.) whuré the>' uov caur-Vucasmth. iIlitiery ataid - 4f Ob AILSO DRLES NKNG. lu Il ts s-ut-as. -Of Scotch aud.otle1 LATEST ST VLizo'Ar4D pFaSBOwE. tue< b h Also bAC JD~eb-es~, iland, Jevels-y Of aIl ktîîis, B-ei ýRinfm,ç.Neekisa, ,UntIll;acart-1plilu s,Ir 00In .1 L.ultes 55)17 wcOls, Chigneus. i nwteu, <evstyas, owea mbu, ruaah- LSJJ. J ut -Alno geoda for Boys aud Girls, - DJRESti GoDS. Dundas St Whtsb>, Nov. lut, î, -liIUfr !bolê * giio.:rn.teoaa Bau wul?. lite cit Onus ay and afuas- suafer -111a il bt eioed (rom thu# ut"i tfirtelidt salve, *y DesmOf rdnr of th*lis o.sd. TOUS, MORACKEN, *ad, Caslder. 47 NEW ARIAS -Si M 00E S. :8AwA Are lu receipt eof firtber arrivais of Winter goed ansd beg te a"nonnc-ta -D 1 7« their stock a no v complet. i ier-ej'de patmont, ne.t a Dress GOuds n'greatvarety,. CiuTraPauud arnWees Ena,e'Scotch and (Jiadiian T*eeds. es THE MILLINERy DEPARTV!ENT., will be fouud replete, witb' ail thte ateaî attractions lu .styles of flats, RLibboni, Flowers, _Vantdas, iJros-tîjw uings. &». Setta of splendid Pars - very clîap, The Tailorinig Departmsnt, as bitierte, unc'r the ekili ful auperntendance Of al firs- clmdustter. Best and moat fgsbîionable Ù i the b.Dominion auado to or der.B PRESH ROEÃŽEq EW FRUIT lwnl BOOTS kSlloEs--styliahly made and or the best qual,t tVery' 1ev Pricea.ý1 & Whitby Nov. 28, 1871. - R. 6 A 8SU TEL (WOOD, .H, 4p .C LOTHING WARM The undersigned dtesire-s to in fo rm bis inumerous cuistomers that with the roomy facIlties afforded lusr Mu the uew premises into which lelitas removed; le is enabled to keep on hand a'large stock of eloths of evlery id'el selected by himiself, and of the best quality. iwel Gentîlemen's Garnients made 'to order. Gentenn'sFirn shing goods, including Shirti, Ties, Braces, newest.styles of Collars, &c, J'OHN IpERGUSOIÇ,9 Dundas St. Whitby. (L'reuiises latoly oecupied by 3jri Gerrie, as a Drag Store.) Wflitby, Nov. 29, 1871, MRAT CLEARIN~G SALE A 'É NieIcMLL IN & Co.j [y. .Ug8daioL suil trLn; Fril s ccît 41othPuril shades, i Liii, a WVhite sud Grey Canadilii, Banke~ts, . vle Ile ..eu - Ilorse biankets, Carpeta and FeIt. (Con. of %Vtseli prse hat r. W Overots, Clohiai, 'ii &i L D E PA R T N E N T , , rwuo,~ a.i &c.,Canaisu $1 50,payable nt Tweedji snd Flannels. Cotton Yarn toweg Powell are off'ering. a magnificentý assortment of ne*w.JO Éli -d iagag Fr.. For i 8 al adtVtie Saws Srps Sxa lainte Lon 3iS.bnsDch. htl ce1ul,1_87. lisir seulI, Piucked Qtst-r, Pigcked FîlîdWno hwi.SnpdSaws n the tern,, s3ineas, Dtehi é.Wht>,Ot 1,i F I HBeaver, Ermine àink , &C*I e >. iL£v rsible' 'and ievn.ble, Ottomaans ; Paisley,$ I ws ut é ae t d. Il'* signa; Tartan Shawls, in the Victria. IRob Roy, Sheplièïd,, Fruser, YeIlow H ENRYW R We Olieor special inùducementsi Frazer, Jordon, àdacduff. snd Faîîcy Malcoltu ; %ool Siiawle n lain. coî>eR AR Il the above line.. s, Ostes, T Il McILIN-&Cê.LADIES' IJNIERGARMEN'rS. CORON~ malMiiî5u'isIBlock, Brock SriL.owes & Powell lave a splendid assertm et o- LadiedS'Stech tO.L. WV. Drees, Ladie-glks' cth L. W. Ve8s, IL. Neck sud L. Sieevee Lsa- ________________________________dies' Scoth Li W. Drawere, white sud acarlet. - nftario "PLAIN SIL.K DEPARTMENT. - DIV1DENDD RE- O EJ J./ 'G 0FLowes &'Powell are offering a magnificent assormnt of rici, NOTIEu19 1Ef Fou &NUL.TED' Plain Silks, the best vaine in the Dominion ;.- Poulte de Lôire Silks, lu green up Capital Stek of is A N U I A T E DbIne , brown, w ite, M arie antoinete, bro ad d, sud other;r slks, lernitig thé cu rres1t tia1f..vor lias aid H o i t s P li o t o r a li a l e y. argatsd coimt coection ever cffrd in this Town.and il) t e ue will' ~uait. 1IISIIERY 1)EPAIMEN.T , Ti Fl rtsofDeCBoos i 1501 te the Both Novcmbeî OSRWA My-3rd18. Loe& Powell reqnest attention te their eylreseko The qneesticiii nrturally arising amlong those wanting Photo- losier>r, compriàsing the istest noveities. -ltb ROY>, and Siieplierd's Paidr, y es-os of thaeB-ard.- graPh», isi vbere Oshah vo 90 te g0t the tiniest Lknu, and the Boutfuihnt vos-k ail nuînbena i&Misses' Tartàen. atnipe very fiue ; ROb ROY snd Sbopheria The batjugesotictueswoud",yoýtoPlaid I boss elustie tops, for cbldren i-Bob Roy and Shepherd's Plid hf e,.. hO Bý ', The estjdge o! ictres ouidsa, go e -LadieWs ize t Boy's browu sud'.'teel Kicakerbockera. . hose, Bewiuauvsîe, By ail anearsas lii Uafar in adv*nice et al others l in. he ot nt> esaPhoto- *.aii. -iiEnT ~ grphe- sd Prtrit auer.lits usture at sultlntou for, and lioug ex po1iene. lu bpibrames. 'Lowes.& PolWeill lve opened 5 very large stock of Irii sd resniiîure decay, &,ic, . tOteem~;ia<aertnt!a nPho,atmhiu rLyons Poplis, plain-sud figared. No extra 'diange for bighiM calta'. aàmpried renedj rW ManUfi[C-.ha tkeaýpî(-êin, p-e but vli-ouiaîises. voriý ;>heina ever atiz~in tai taîJuscuaîomei'e 'Rochat'scelebrated KidýGloves and But J.s c>rlie la da tém i e 'e p u ua nd w. v-Il op tina e ry bvio f pli b usule s; h . b as a t y el . 3 1 ' -7, N s a ,« tly on oISpg te ork i ; ofOto li.. < «L b l e. auâ îiM!.< e 4t e 0 ; ait he ý Assof ve.->' Lovases and Powell lave a mn agnii e t d s ly o al-a d3ul 8 nli ý do t wrkwth'.belu teLren M 4tnikrmot fptmfrmerOtsuaoby, -Winrner Il stesud Bonnets, &e.en iplyo Fi n - ta~ vi>'sheiduio cl oer ettr, wa.desrelaéus< or, g 1 BUrn - '-lso-a large variety of Flo'wer& ehersi witng, br -ke ~ESON PlIOTOGRAPH GALLERYI 1 1~nMhnrati1s& id, ~ 10 & E And leave their orders, which-will iu fuif*re be as promptly at-'i.uz ti gLi lu; Stabl~eý t. -Wfiibyt«edeto mst tear GkuiIsr, w aIiaod"à W Ispimoy< tog!pbs -U.o YW suie & PV U2N -charge fur advicel tf:48 MILLINRYShW R1OOMS ARE NOWV OPEN, AND SIIEWING A, FULL -STOCK 0F NEW HATS &BONNETS9 In the latest styles. Frenchi Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, and .1illifnery and MIanîýlég tInad e <o order. We are aise shewing the làrgest stock of generalDry Geocds we have ever, held here, and selling at very Iow pnies. w e would invite special attention te our largo stock of Catis- dian, Mnnufiietured goodio, iu Blankets, sonnlet Fiannail. piaiu grey Flanel, fianey shirting Fiannels, 1ioier', lainb's wool, shirts aud drawers. C-AIZICE LOT 0F NEW MINK FURS, BUFFALO ROBES. .i« 8IW' CLOTIIING MADE TO ORDER. Just, received, aflne lot of new .T easgre and black, New Fruit Whitby, Nov 16, 1871. .11ILLNERY ilo46 LÃ"WEs & MOEI' tillinery Shjow WILL BE OPEN .ON AND APTEIL They are stockied %vith ailthé'1Ne Yt - o Rooms L es&Powell are olein amagnificent asortment.f blck Silks. Poneoni' Il'Fanuily Siliks, girte d to wesr wel, *$1 te si 50 per rd Boiiitt'a 'cyclopo. smade froinboik-d sill i, go90 pr yard; Bon Net' 'et-d Exr.$2 te $2 50 per yard. Eutch pice is dusigaatud by a diftiet colo- ed edge, aud guarasted as reprt-soaitud. DRESS GOUDS-DEýPARrM3ENI'. Loweës & PO'Well W baete most choice and elegant amsrsment of dreus goods, in WVintby. IVool il-pal shadeg ; MerinoeS, aIl shades; Costume oloth, ail colorg, fainged tir isuts; Watetplr6of cloth. ail colora, *For P WhtbOY, Stb Nov, 1871. 4u4 LINEN SIVIT CHES MUST REOEIV'~.ùý) Màf. kNOWLTNXG & liss. VAT!iEWS.- W. H. EVANS, M. BK (2rinity Collègqu' 'DaMia) PHrSIcI&w; STlJ RG CON, &é. OmeL--Filat fwor GrL>.Blcelk - Wliitby, Nov. 7th, ism71 Grn-45 icisl:yet lu T wNSi -,u1-1yWLl %Jy ta u'posoor p-s-iou» wluo vit rujve ccI; iuff-mtio)uunse wilî e.-d te Ii ipreiraj. and conuviction eT tule eruioo-Jin-n did wttiia unatisn,iiieiouuî,, o lr iie tho 4tla or . ephemî.es-iîît c- -Iriile bidiug onU Lt 21 . rCth U.. ý ,rurof WhitbY, Govuàd hi>Mrn h&runiîu 'îIui ui occuptýd bY Ms-. Jbhi Drydz,i J i I WLLIS, Ilceve. FOR SALE. 200 acres, Loét.N 2,lliLn For terýMe, c..- apply ut thie office eft tJi 7iaper. - WhftbyNov. hh, 1871. 4n-45 A valoable Fiarinu.it),st li*zTf one, aui Det -erlex:Idt, uî5rieîiLt 25, 2tiîdcou. WM'i.t11i, iîyut.i- dlmsx, 80 nesciiîs cas-î-,1. oa el tîr geoit fesîce,,ge 'i4~p,.uî-~fa yeuîî"g ereiaril of e!îuiee fruit ; sîtiatt iwita 43,C Mi« OfËI6Û4iU-jii!àvilimigofetPark For part!eulars ýapply t-z W-hlubY, Jaly 2a1-, 1871J. -tf-20 B3ir rix, 0Ovu.acl b- ill hoavaitale ,, <' :,ou Lot Na. 29. 9a11& mle ifort et01fr.- p;. at ti-n3 ef ses-vice. >11K noBIN'ieN, SM 41 IEN, M.-D, - ONT. 41 Bank 'aU. 2to tLto arrivE OfIt WEDNESDAY., ýà& %a %la 5 1 and a perfect fit guaranteed. rel l SMIT NOVE MBER- islý 1 À

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