Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1871, p. 3

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r.ARLE NOW OPEN, 'ANÉ) BE HATS #& mg. ai- 'Ami!aoi o orDoys anduIUrI.,, WIIbNov. 15th, 1871.4 FA ill ILY BIBL.ES WITII MAi'5 0F PALESTINE,' &. Primn only $7.50; forirry C 1, To tho erelfî MAYOR OF, WIIITBY. V eivets. Uilliîer auJmade oordcs. We are also shewing the lags tock of general Dry Goûds11 We ]lave oeelÃŽIîeld ker'O, aîîd Islling lit very'law rès Wo oud Ivie pçcialUattentÏOùto e ,ur larg Otock of Cana,., dian Mniuficturced goodsi. i Bnkétear,s>, in y Fanl fancy 8shirting ]Flaniiels, floier's Iamub'tar lngëy F n* f-A NICE LOT OF NEW MINER FtISl13UTFFALO ROBEFS. . We' CLOTIIING MALlE TO'ORDER. .Just roceived, a flne lot of-new%. Tesgr n and black, -~*Fut Wines and -spirits speciallY,.,sUjted for Fatriily trade. Whitby, Nov. 16,1871. IRON IRON -50, T'ons Direct. Prom'Europe. Thi nligotilnojeqhRefined lrs hoe and Har 1' e"'-n Ib teiio. ides'iioiatii Stepi.flTW ro, ý egu Shoe and otiel - haiinu e eaai aa, ie avîîîg evniruci te tO 1serve Sul om uî,Anvils, Vices, Utp ndtmihnacmlt.T I TIIhltI)À, I,. tti cfN"nanter Vhicl wc invite oi' nitrnerOus, custoxnerâ,i4nd, cliosebuyerlitisd dadjoin. -~~~ ~~~t idnnnof lcrilt foaros thSelal n.ing counties, to cati ant i isei c to-aii trvdi~nlui r viume pcue te ho iddi henoverai re *berobma. duriPug tliie&d4a>. A# th[@allafs intatiil àtuie , @, v lte u- ---.:o - ",,dnrniguîed, imtitti f Wllthy, du respect- f L>'rnqen Llhit yen vIJi 11,0 h uent P i~. be lloiq rePoi, aeim 8% Ir 0T S OV S! - mu'alycbtrid iilaty, Aemsrong'a Stoves, Cook, rlor, ad B . Wit&Yt;i oiilar lUtta, îOim, 1 ko ao 'and Bne: J.1iAjý(')~,(Y, o't M1060i,i, yJ . Son T good a ce dbùeynootiier, dé iZ iritîiil, ,ii i litiuiituti, juniioAnd uîlîy btîy trot» i1j:tch B i3yothr. nylc 1l'toY. (Jh Jî I i rotJ a~ijtvi NitsWa.t itl W. et aOtilres , i.M'Otat Etd Potatoes Wanted.-Â uaiy ofOats and PotatoeB ..SkigîJini H. J , 1llii J., i < 4tt ac l jJ, Wulitdal, tcI 'x1ae 0011liils A'il tiofl>;orenlltnt %eXclti n afew dftys shpmeo of lHard ware from ]CEu- ady nOtilloirtil Taîkil i ca. I irely re- ',te iht mli plicoastir uelgic ieml e N04, aad Thankas to our many patrons for past favors, and -80liciting a con. ileof theLTown cf 4'l itby, tiiiiliigtcsiltinuqance of thte naine, we aie faitlifully. Yours, TERSDAy,, Nov, 160, rnât, HATCH &BIROTHER. - In oraier dt ll iîney dovouîl>'_ch.orîe te IVIitby, Noi'ernber 7, 1871. (llvbnu ender m ni> aid tih(* oti , dây cf Nov, No. éiî în ~GEtitWa&uhes, CIoeks, ' Jevvellery "TUE'ROYAL OAK" CR~>AI1I&C" &c Thé subscriier tuokeu- ecbAnlon ta littorn i 1 ffrlnîial, ud te ibiiç tuit lie lice cpetitcd the0 li(til liiiLder the ahi,,' desigliaaaitii o flic11 Igl i Oa" et jiaiin 'a rm Un vimao Tielemi andli uic lient ..".nier Nup- n rct u iii ùg thanks. for the very ieral -Pa. Trae*lthe nata l a,.î c uu h i Roo ero y llui, tidy, w ar i tailng tronage bestowed on m e durin g t e ast 'thît e zrs o l fun.. beg to state,' th at 1 have. now opened out in the NFW STORE, Wiitli, N v. 4, CA BIEION, in addition to a geénerat Stock of 117y Nv. 14 mi8. - . 1 I Notic 10chivellil li 0110rad Je wieitlie sre. t'I )ýuâr* f Ilig iidviled t hLt-N' 11-rge assortm ent of Ehectroa.P1ate. 11 f i i li.ckiiigteta.nwine mol t III.tlu 01 te'? M'a101 he0 Onigk J nteicur ialned vrilrng Dcsks, 'vork .Boxes. Vases. *ta En ckoriîgt hl.St Ila ID'Of Novegubor -undk.oper Wlb ov. Idtiî, 1871. (MEAT 4ils ICAL TREAT COltiNG i ?erpit ir ae tteir departure liraet orlt e iaiiu, argaliz. 01 'Id Si yeism go,)7- 1W1lo8ge i New Dueits 8 New ~Ie1m New pheesOn the BELL RIJJ 1NGERs. rgeu~ rîalclgv~ EL4~WL 't-. lt g ' - t t t, -t.- 1'. . tG*e& &~ PsU sud WI*~eî 015. Reversible,. LjADIES' UN1I)Eà"AIMENf Lowe & P wellhave: a splendidAwsortm eýt.of Ladies' S oc L « W . D r eec4es,, L a d ies, b o oîe hL . W .V st , . - S c o tcLh 'ee v e; L a dies Bc th L W.D rawers, White 'sud carlet, Pli tcPLA INrSL EATV~N. i, 's1 ffeing POghi:ee1 ent, rni0tof rê Pli iktho bqtvtino i b oiin; ~uecLloSi n green blue, brewn, whitè;, "i'i ùonte boaeadohr>le omn IArgest sud choi*eet dleoîiéreyerofftsre1iiintisTown HOSTRY "EPARMENTI. ILowes &Pqweli request attention to theie,,very large stock of H o si i', c o m rie n g h e ~ L e s n b # Iti s. '~ b to y~ 9 h d S b cp h crd 's P Iq d , nilnubos i Msss' artt. stripea veryfàéIne; ltdy and Sbeplerdâ,I Plaid. i hose elaftie tope,. for eidren; llob-Roy and Shepberd's-Plaid , POPIN *.DEPATMENT' Lowea & Powell have opetwd 1a very lre tok o rs yosPoplins, plin»asud fl(iied. 'Né extra charge forbihcor.. 'Roehat'ý' celebraàted -Kid Gloves and Buttons. Lowes and Powell have a manIficeut displ ay' of 'Ëall andI jsgo a.large variety of, Flowers. feathers, wings, birds, &c, 1Ribbons,- Millinery articles, Sc* Whîtby, Oct.4, 1871. F3 L- MÃ"TAIN .~NE FAL IMORTTIN The subseriber begs leave to iuformi hia, frienide and the public in gonoeral, tiat hhema openod bis New Store on DMI'DAS S'I'EEr, coneistiug of Dr'y Cood -9and' Croceries. The Dry Goods have been carefally selected 'fromu the Best M arket , an al co sist of a choie and vareda aî arteueugoet ilk , pi nee li t e Blacktm Fancy 'iuntrs, Luntrines,> Faucy Dres (odi, hIiaek Clotits, Doosh-ino, Tweeds, (Canadian aud BriCish.)ý Read?-Jiade Clo1kùnq, Ilats, Caps, GIOVes Hosiery, Prints, PACTORY COTIONS, &c., &c. i h ~7e (rooery Department is replete with ail the best ar- ticles for fatiiily aise, connlstîng of Teas, Sugor, IJoffee, Spices. Rice, &c., &u. if'.Ree would respectfulîy solicit a cail. froin those intending te purcbsse, Oî ho le preparealW tel iu taiicos defying ceunpetitieu. Farmersq' Produce taken in exchange, aud 'cash paid for Butter. Whtby, Sptenib r OLiA 1871 JA E S J. R P HY.1 ý1o n*a'es an Blg- 10 BALES BA » 81 FacvGQd~ad rtclssu1aleItake flleasure in show'ing to- the public e i eason», ewa'à 5 -COTTON YARN 'sentîttion, &c.,, &o. -RVD, -'Best Canadian and Amer-i COAL ANI)"WOOD STOVÉS. can -makes, ýpurchased prior t Al of Whicheiv ili 'be fobund ieli worthy QI'traving nilde'mny sele tion from -the best mulacturers in mon-tercn adac ut the attention of'intending purcliasens. > at r1,Bioteklle oeto, sud Hamilton, would advise afil wntiuig Stoves ogoe hç w fe tls ea s eamine. B othan, present -manufactures' JAM S OHNTO , -I oud particularlye call attention to 'a rjewlHall Stove, b prlces,. Cash. Wrsatçhm kir and Jeweller, Brock sI whicl h ime h ôon f. lieat of auy other s&ove oau bobtaineý Wh'»rY, Out. 25,,.1871. ith haif the ýamoun: ôf wood. -I eILN -o Aid. also.-ýthe AmeiânBse BýI $rer olfeedingCoa1 Stove, - W. H EVNS, M. B.u in pv ATY hnewestsand beRt stove in the Market. (2-pin!tyV olloe, Dublin.) LANDJ FOR J ALE- 1t>S vss y, the Whitby & Port Perry R. Co., to. anystino PJKy-ic ANSUR DO , &, ltelino, fr oc oicharge. O~-Iiproved grictilAural Fumulaces. - ______________________________ -MAJtA,-à>oacren, flrit-climlandinaies OMuîc.-Yilmt floer Gorrio's BIi9k. lot, witiu 7 niles cf (rilia-statiou rr>'Stovepipes sud Tiuware msupplied t9 Pedlarsa'à'td Merchants in the - R L I ___________________________ MîtI iankekaflâulay xfroni 7- ýcountyr GR Wh1itby, Nov. 7th, 1871. 6an-,4b cu d ls da vaiy fto i' or otolto 1 1I-tI_ i V r c G r a n t e r r î o t' T ïv o te s l c e r - . , e t C lo s t a d- - lge gnsol, lurdvetibr, &o. tW M. BRY A&N. A TO LN O . i -UE uu -AND RECO. - nalîsioalltie Meok <Jeveruunout rond,SOt br20h17. m8 MÉNOO YTHE MOT S uîd 8 tuile. cf orilis._____________________________________ - IOTON. ALSO, Th rciaoleof S'acres esoit, eat et -' BDOUl WAPE REOH S .otdb e .D ~tii lei d brick Mill, sud dirocti' nertit cf -L LEL S R S __________ ASO Tieut' oe biiiin los, djeni qFIL lW- m"The Cheapest andi Best article ot Ladies'-Wear for the times. the Italit'workshcpm.ug-- $500 RE WAARD 0.-Titatvsoel lo on 1rock etret, W T e a g st A s rt e t REAL, MALTESE, LACE, HOSIERY4 &C. AUO.Tita vaola -t lo, ý et ,And a Coinplete and Full- Stock of 'the Newest ALwO Tad vaaLo, 2lielee rnt-oMINaTH T JestTud0>T Y ~bîokudJhru', 2 ge (an. -i.N HE _,OU XNT ansd BsStaple and ancy G'sw Fo rce, teronn, aud 11 ttieuolea, appi>' FJ.ri- JU AN( PERRY, .n-fl .êa 9:naeM 1 RJ C E-'II l'hoîaiiî ti tueaTr il,.iJp aî7 Wîîthe Wb1 on- &h Nas ; ust reccived a- sbe erec hoatoe eof Viih ab>Ui-lîeu.. -l - Wbiliy.lias ,jus't' a Iov.a1871,sfîsi é prfec COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPÂRTMENT.,, tmmmYpia orW- h 'l ie lc fitting anid elegant ioots aud Sho»es, for Ladies, Misses, Gentie- liloetturn s wIll lossad oteé l titite j'l'R SALE. 'en ,bosanCîlrn Th e argestei 85G7et-offine 'work in FA1RERS' ED ND GRENS 4 aid viUl'untfileia>usy, ou te l igii of -'-Thsboume ouna remises ownea< î>'1. tow-or couny any uew styles lbr Ladies névée'r"i bd- FEDAD ADNSE ti 4tlu Of 8t.ieera.lot, émet Ifliotae Slite fài*eîa, ltq., bJng Ir lrsai'., of a r013 iofAR WA Eore OS' JÉ befiiilg cii1-Lot 21St 11hCen.' TcvuaIP O cf , orjq(ad, oun tdas art h O I oîm -,Ore - Whithy 11 k- CiluterloPatnan dau! o('Wkibi. oeaitl..ioecuu b._ i... _ _irenaçt~ea --r esprpmptlyf1ud4ad rA s.aH RD RI It T fl T Q t- 't '; 't . uuuOges.ofpicturOg WOUil sy go to- By. alran.as'8 ho le far in dvaue Of'U thers luthe County às aPhoto-. ampbor aild 1!ortraltiPointer. ,-Itliao1 iqueiffication ior;mand long eé i&jeioel) te buunamt warixntii the àriertiou that ho4 ln.tiura utu n ilolignry; tàe i a o CiaoConîy î~?ewishi' iPOBtltJi) teir e i,, gt Prîzos ouPliutcgme nci "lie an oihpFisi. Ho bu the ,best mrti;ljed îey'; holovés liii, bupineBE.; lie tak,,. pleeianro la put4tiiont woei-ouoniboaworL;- lie ileovor aniîxlui te unuit hi. oùstomer%; lie ia dûtêemiuod tgo oep altiionacd weIInp ia overy branch "of hirt buiiness ; ho h.. Intely ne. ouroal tho servios c,ý f'oe of tha ,noog ltable enist fromt the cty ; lie Jiu the liest or ovory- tliiug te work witb-»; b. lia thé làrgost andi)ta noruout of locturo framnen lu the cat- thon wtt> abul eit e ,iJours 'cf arih, tdésira thé noait wafrk, g o je BOITT'3 - PIIOTOGRÂPH A.LLERy 1 An&d leave . teir oôrdeërs, which willin future be as promnptly at- iendedto as'it any-othor Gallery. Oel U d, examninoe pocin o f Phetographa oùd Pointinga, by * , 'lTfWi'P ~ ~a- THE BES-T PIANOS. Ch ickneroal,ri n, Station l fail ns. Mgzns S8teuin way.. .Brad burY. -Music "Boks 'The latest Mtusic. Whitby, October 4,1871. LEWIS ALUN; - 40 COTTON YARN, COTTON YARI COTTON BAGS, COTTON . BAGS, 'Whitby, Inoi , *The Iiov..joï4hna PreoLWin lut. Auidro, lthe nxt and followiv.u -A fail tttidanuOf FOR -SALE. 200 aores, Lot 0C. lsth Cou. *For terme, &c.. tapply at heoffce of thisýpaper. Whitb>Y, NOV. thh, 1871. 4inaf.45 N OTE LOST Àiî Pemrnoare lioroby osutionedl agninaf pnrcha)inz -or neognciatliz a certain "nite o1 hCid, maeby Qoergu plouzhmi n ufaoer et Ed*ard ýPlcutthmati, -t'.vhuin o'f ,8100" Llatcd lnt. Octber, 1870, end payable 12 mou.th. aller dateluninluol, as thO gmre buabeon iiirlt.Or uiilxl#d, snd ane Lm usbeon roceived for it b> thie beldor. - EDWAR» PLOTOJIMAN. )illY, NOv. 6th 1571-.1iu45 TE'NDE R . - Cougregatiolna Churoh Parionffe, - Whstby. Separate Tànders for fJ'rerpougr'u work, Menmon'. wark, itud*Puiutillg.witlî inatorli Je- caci oago, for Freine huilajiicg, on te lhuroh let, will be reeiveil b>' tii. ndoreigneal,up te tiie 29rj i.y:of Neogber, l8e1. Plaît. Sud $l Vnpaiftuïr - way lie een, ouid pîirtloiiiare,-by iipplylig te Whitby, November etît, 1871. -in45 p IG: LOS]!ý. A nallbiuck Pig, wiýth tNo WIite nemc -bls ibk, and Whiite mtrip down hie fore. Anm' ereu roýtùreÏi t theo wner will lie I li ' yrewarded. MRS. A. BRETMOUR. Wlîitby, Nov. eth, 187î. *45 DBES T HlORSE MEDICINES. Wiitby, Nov,- lot, 1871. mBT FOR BALI RT E! liueadprocalees eOuùpicaby>'Mr. q. Fîiirui-& ei ppmte rea.îleuue ut J. il. lrry, la . Aia,40lthe store nov eaouuied b>' blujor-WeiM, c, oner oDuead Straiets. .épily te- -f a Jican uBro Whltby, c, C 17 . DRAPER TFOR SALE. A oîabe aru, lnahigh silote et cul 1tiva.. L'on, i.oii 'noet xcll0(i aned, b'- ;,id 25,29îîil con. West wihais io>uty >'cteod dionçex, 80 807'0ti leareal, ad1 vol valered, geoa foucen,, goo.j Boildilig, oad oafiue Wrung cru rfchue fruit;* situetel îlihi - miles ef 'thIlQuier6igvillage r fPurk nl udcoiitLuing 14-3 aure&. For particulara aàppi> te- -.T116MAS KNIGlir, P'ark iU. -Wliltb>, Jul> 2ltbh, 1871, . - f-2m Tii., puri lied Suffolk -Iar Plg, oev lb>' Mr. Jeffra>', lu eaënouou iii hoOveiliahie fer se'rvice %be preeuenc:ý,, u ot "No. 29. lad Con. ef Wh it,, buaif a niile uortb ef Mr. S. Cecliraîie's readeuoo.- Ternis $1-80,Piiyableu&. tiait«efrvie. JOhN ROBINSN~i, rrieor. WhitliY, Oct. Iltt, 1871. - - i41 WHENRy WARERN, M. D. BROOKLN, _ s.. ONT. CORONER. 41 Ontarjo .Bank DIVîDEND No. gu r if, n,1, h?<OV-1871. ýo Inth, 1871. y &?ao Qo rthe préilnieem lntely covonli KvaL lrnok 8trevt, (iioAr yl HAts. vnr t,¼y nnv î ou tihe Mlllîînrv nîî4 ln 011 nlq lýliaumn mli hindg,. rllieto,, Brooqti sera', flnftV. oat Pl, pioi gsdleqm 19111Y woolit, ohient "%ý&JL-JL -JL-M [ln ý th e latest, g.tyles, ' Fx 1 - .1 JAMES J. MURPRY; 1 . su Whitby, September oth, 1871.

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