tv §Lf lts. mS'igurd ln I<ofp! I e ut lie roteof seentpeT A 9 oelltdper lio, .aie .Aâfl 4dw .au..ttfore 1 tonix KWCDANOEUT ANDlWiv JmLTr<T NOTART PBIk~ 0 OFPJCL- ifcIIIL 9N'. BIr. I. ' ha' ED04 - WflITB at, n? WANOIIME %t c. . BrokATVIIJJ4KER, &c f iJroek Clu-est, * 'a Whaltby. 6,6110 Do Tyior, Arme-, -A out~ ve, Swing Mehiaus 14 nido >)tliît'ng Méootairl i 1niiîredandli- ~6pai prr'vil lu aîmil ai .utLuw li«atiles, a otii mmiilTlIOANI) ATpI*PltNK:17n.AT-1 W t:tty. Iluy ili, 1871, 22 ]3 LAW, 801i lttotes-t>tha SaurS r i0 t nrc-, reà hé o rlueruutipo itte (,Ioaita uofiiro, P) N DONlE P lP [ulgiseo& , à ii.l Wtiltl),n, <W T I. it tVA/"INllm010 r li .OAKmnon, Q. O. H. il ttaîît. oral îro,îeroaas I Iintiai, lnî,iau-nircet,,",os 0"bMaaeyltoton arpan guraeu rtly.Ap- UnINVE'11ET Jn l u-e. 87Ocbs ilt tish eae ootlthé trîsu, Co'înî Iloumft,- lc DAII~Y IN<%i Il F oIr.e82 elltivllg ar eulsh lEa. r reatjon brs-e iletula,. 9. H.. COC IAXE, LL. 1.D . ilitEi>li lIESi. tîInui nti (CU,,Itwi Hersa thlor tieîaa)uetiuîn tc tia.Neolrta ~OUNTY 011 ,N00UW nTîNEY Voit N.atard ,,,luttlo. DJsrl,Sus-nlstor andîlAttotiî,gI, ieawi ':Su'L PI.AI h t idw~rlnCieryhNee lit ilos 1 îuyî unt libeaseit,- liùoulis tino udiominuotu: 0f Y&#-§ot, Witlby. i M»" lote, wjttý y i eaf OlceCanadu DrineS, louts-esl. G (EORGE 1if. DARTNBLJ,, G. F. C. SMI1TI i LIiJSEIC, ATToliNIN ' CîIN VIYAN Cllet Agent for Dorinisiar. deor, I)eputy hlegltrar, bMiomit e? nururdiL.FIBNt u. al ty, ud aaainineiii Ch'ancery for atra. L FIBAKuJm- GET Wlintiy, Jidy 28tlr, 1îqq.80 jAkRS JKIITîI!GORION, AUliirliSt EI Jrariry><,'s'- - ' 14C F 0 U N T A I N* ,w-e*d. oos-th ie Starm. of E. & J . Restaurant and Biiiard Pariors, i upieil, Si., Whisty1 uOnt, WbiCay, Nov. lb, 1867. 46 09 Ring Clu-ol talis, TORONTO. FAREWELL &kNcGIIeg, AillsilS, AiTî,iîr< EY$SBILICI Tia. Buniaianl luitliahtes Bnrit ot rTuit(OUVEYARwEt-w 'ANI) No- Wtîîe, Liq irsan ianCigunei. Oystnnm aurveil CRE8 u'r3,C thre ilent -tyle. vvej- eoa s-nortisorithte l'rt Omo$c, IIM Fisoi-tosa Ditni sud LuncS Boom uvur; aldlaI eFo§eîteu-rj4llutit, uppoaut tu taiued. bMoulu a tihouai. rn litil lowinlâiinlii, 81J. LSTMNea 9, îtaa.z.. - IL. Mon££LEE Mnssaa l CIIARES C.KELLE, - OND>N ASSUIRANCE COIIPOUÂTION TTOttiY-A£- L&W, SOLurt-OR IN PIE F1 atOLIrE. Funas ix xstnD... lî, 7.4d. i J.iIMLIl(IIINW 9D IRAD AGENI', N lr tIîîL-olEo Il. IToJIN iY-AT-t.A'. SO ItCI'iOUIîtN -Wh-IE ObnoyNtury l'ntite, ilase)alreor Vhiby l. V. lïriwîn, uîyroa-uitnc . No.6 st. Fîanricnin, x;ien Stret. F LY31ARIV NGLiNHt, L L. Il., whllliyn IriV8sol, 187$. 19 lttsElA'rLAW, ioltcîtri. ilu Cisan- enfy, WVlO 'r&. co IN IOLFENDEN, - 40 AOs-Nr FRsTvu ME£S LAoCELEBRATEDEtSCOTTISHI -f601Jtlrnm t INCIîIA.NroIaî, [EYAN<JL', LAM ) GE T c otv,-OutenAritinrgns lutîl, Maii Si., A NITE.Mrk f OATA Uibrlulge, Jaî ne 7 li ,4089, tlf-23 ________________________1___ U tJ?)N 't> 'VIF CCUNTY GAOL, ' E O 1 7s-îrt L-e taWiitiy 4 AT iIEDVVE1)RATES. -T1JOXS Il UNIJ oN, T ignfov ns-pir-, teluleti in i mnîUat tv<I,ýj3 . ' ie unril Fs-ir p ro. - G-£'uIal- luk (eieTonaPiropirc y, ut lme iowdriatIoanau in.rower». Priîncipalî tin Inlierlaud ly yaaà ri 0 . N.- VA R S lahatunrotnrs iun> an urnrî. I>3M pttllrjWAi, atlas-rO5shawa u---iv-rlwvlllt nii-negularis antILuis of LlauI!n oaiic, çlreuti% p - vi iidanuafr satl e iu. M m- siute t'onîu lne.-FIit mice,on Ià dlnitanriqnii Delitirios, %orrgouger lacaeîtnarî thard iosruorth of tie Out*ru- ia atr bonils- anduriairo W~LS) NItOUrE ANES IIOLDEN, W 1L 8Offetil Asiiine, Moites isrkes- &e. A. WILSON, Jr-, - Propriotor.Wili. îaîrr fu-ilInn n~~initer t1ltiea o iellig pitlnli u. r-r1-o i i a n-tv. ur'ts- Nr~ auanias. Iui-', emwili inii j ýuruy cuusf-eieirce mmîPh, aIs-i( keIn JA ESPOWE LL, Proprietor uîn Oarari tre ria ls-nniCli FII-T-cAgSACCI)MxlODATION. 4WliriN, r., 'no s r ENTILAL 1OTIiL, pLr;UUtII.11 Grand Trunkr Rtail*-ay Hotel. AT WVIIiTIà STATION. JOHN DAILE Y, Proprietor. bi.T <i'Nll~irisnn< îac in.etirelttetiloetint,TIr. alove fitlles rge lOiswIy ftlicl UP . t-end proneiltin s ariovils tlire Ursd antris - iiineci (4linstm in il eunuin,tnbia iiS Itotul W,1ilyNito , Mt i lf v nd itiitiel W4 riedirand tii)traivelling tpublicfilîit lie Goun ruouuîy rtuliîîg cund attenatieuopitten. U C I )e urtire Inolu anaui iltu , slitdroit- jan. 26 P1870., tl e; 1 1 ) blî it uiltlinr lt -be i nnwiial oI ici, ci re s Iluirum tînethir Ipatruonaige limts to nies-t natu iiruti, ob tîae lu urtun. 1 OFESP R J-P 0 T, W 'urtietusi iî,g i t !ire itli and 1ail rin L - lltg vii lits-e mena vîtitakancea-e uttitiu à 1 rtus-u. -s5~ a - S ililttay,tCt,, 1 8081, r 1 D r LOYAL c AMADIAN 11Co'EL. PIA NO-F ORTE, & C. ' -PORT FERRY, ONtT* 0 , POT, - Propriotor. ef Miiti,aIer &C, -$r,Ã"1. Tiur ha s-o"Cîomniodtiî. Oood stsbliug W Ms-. Pui keea s goues-si stock of idaýeai rous, sud attentiveva autis. b rie .anad llrauka, ltai cue, andI viahesa ael Pat Penny bs-nu mli Muionuil fienlaq.. rry Nov 8186. 4 Wliutiîy, Mureli2, 1870. 0 ItT PEiIIT 10 UE.F AUMîNG IILEMENiS,i&o.. PORT FERRY5 ONT,- --o - o- Tiseanufes-ulgueil bi-ga 10 tbe tuatho JAi 101P'N PsEToa. econtinuem ta nnatubre Th ubciitiin-liIio seiafow i e Coin-Root, Seod & Manure D1 is ibiwlQ pareil 10tefuss-uuiîhuasgond AS W5LL AS Domi tIOM nnyru (abu1Couanty.WA O , Il A RR I OW S, WIIIT'ly* ONT, AND ALL KINDS or the A SON, Proprietor. --PARIING I.lIILEMENTS. a esalia tinruffonily enuvaboil,-10ia- glie wiiifîd oe-sy accommodation (L UE , Noteil aoeorfthe e loi tîletctiseStu - s a aIiamutuitired ira lii, uantr s-y, 'nc hîlis-s- U DAaS T.,ed SM A W OU 00eR u ila i "rl t -N H1me . osupou-îor un evers- respect. - e su Z71siuai îiintîmata 10tue stRanepruparadeof utE a.u' aenTec 'raOisît i auove plennimsahave (Cl s-eto -nneeut lie eaunu tnctusy, lie begi d itdopuonRadnenus-Lcit tlrough- tbu *ây inatiietîîveoi leeeu iiis id ,jqn liqau Ctnr-. vtj e n lditu ta xi nl 1.ther-osr et g,ýun ' faniregu-hater cal ait' - t@O-ru urse Rhime teguaérautteevens îicîacnigt iont u K tounos-, l T W10041 4#11Jiaieao uniretail. . tise qulity Of thre iorktr uusiiip ani mates-tut, iii JOSEPHI A. 1RANDELL . tir ilvdorl ciiiLombes- takea ain ie IN Moki, lay the veak oh modes-t. chanuge, sud Cash i 2icee ià iowed.I ti ý4y6, 187 . -JamzeSCLATTON. - ~ ~ ~ ~ v 1922t,, o. îîI'o, - 47 Capital T-aria p-upredt lit,(aned ud Bu r ea fo r 'tlsn ,o V ol sate. fos- s lus-se lpaipt ('oMi, inlltul ii ern the lnriat 9tulity,ag Pift FillE yAg.Sc Ibo GILLîESPIE, MOI JAM-EkiDAt 11088 ES PA. ID wftl lu Loufon, Aprîll8,f ,186ô. Flour ST Doesatu Infu-m ith ail Vliiitty, lira HENÇRY BROOK STR] Where lasis kceps !loar, Ougmeal, E Susors. Cru AntI oerytîian il Binat rat Floras-ta- lt tIre Ii>Wegt meinitig aill stud éauntîle qus Whitîi, Feis., 1871 COMMERCI OSH JAMES BLAUE, CouenniaPitl lt or (87At89, Kingsti TH OMAS CARLIS mn n on s anrlCs-nan rug t- a rt i-es ii Os-t: fiici Pnrttîsirîe M E A 1)' 11E9A R AS8 A]arge qaîuity utr LOWVST IIAR W Bi 1 ulub ùa Broaklin, Jiune 171is,.J -&c., c Dundas .Street, FUliERtALs PULL JOHN Boa] c ci' WOYAIL CAI<ADIÂN EANZ ONTARIO BANKE. Wiîinjy BRAKCII. C_- '- - u aieiua a eptaleby tisa itoge, l oi_%avJ. eatnhetr ~~ ~ ~ R "qo i u n e a r e s - 1 0 t h e v i n l uw in S a oa ts - O f ui li e R s e m a d e n o a u v e s -. A t t h e fi a l t so gaf a i - e u > o o u a er '- o a a i a f e f t s u b a e T AADr OFCû King To ro t o s-ef inoitsdloaIsd Ouit0t e bSe he arr- glipse of A-isos-'s figure aise Ld biffn avetuea u e- vl. u L ipe(ol otue elvo. , Ciare.h$Tus-o0to val hougb hBa niy Spuof he 10 utirs hu-aei e bu nIîe tu-s-ailddiguity of ber biabaviuar. - Bse neyer est..w DRAPER, CApoITAL, -thGov - -nt 85q,000 dco.Btise~c ieiots' u.fe.stes-fiieaz evar as sbo ijuleneilto-Liaslknd ai tabloevii ii, she neyer abaref their - Depsiîd vtiaGavs-amen, - 010000atautial pesas-ma i, sdondon figure lespef vords. Bas th isa> netaoîfloin- nov (nom eveniaga un bise dsawug.rooai a. lovr A dishoust des-k, vbO bagben ei. ?~~.8. Z W. A. LAW, AeEN;T. ligLîl> Out 0obthe Carnaerui ool. i am its ou-sMieeuese- onfi ugnrianelleîuusunpoye for about. agerints igod slEonT. nsou r MoLlauaBurokst., Whtîîy. fcbrve gi xoand-a- L t. ' storesofnMebrtteraga kPanuel, Toronto, W jia by , l p . O t i , 87 1. 8bs i u~ b atce . ru isT hef l ai p a h ytid~ b ai acIes.o pe cia l y , n e rait p o a t m ncalt s h o e lu L t li e ro 1 uni wbioh (o msk~ aduomas uplifted for s moment, heshfig 0 i- Bhyore,d abibngu bau-t;sud fe-ctyc inefi;bt eaieofalir 00 $,0 b anaiersuite. eln ebt i- g-bvaorî-'afdsiikt sud lace., visîcibla au 1 AUI 'O ~UI~ tîrenuu sppeaed unies îhe as-ch of the 'ioeu vas asisrangu duigbinlureemvuag h itibis i. asagef b te e ough - Ot lures- rh f10 an -aeg hihhosp AU TO UIESportsco. -tias rom Lii, ailucounacous as, la vas four, iu aume sortan s u tt o u-plief to s friodins1Iaîess in the, conne The bloud roîbef 10 Roaa's paie che3k, tisai laiteLad amos-e lissa a sts-esges-'e baaaites-, . Hesv ibat ah.cva. ia a <aIse Ir>.- 'nIioTXL,) 1869. - - 1869. su~ad ber -heurt hbst lmultuousy for a cla i t i. . sdffiatputu.ia L s~aj V I I T J Y , C .W m i ue . isLt o t c c g u . e b . fa c e -'H e a lm îo d iy b e r in ui le n c e fo r a m in ote ;; jan r e fi l n a n d c u l tiv i o n w Li e1 d- u - o k e n m n a r m o f v u s 'Li bo t g u a , - ,~~~oprletors-. - ~~~ a. 5-'-awti c smmpmible su hefot- - fL le ipo> ku gfu 1uuius Ipyig 5sues-leroa- station- p o i snt bo 'uk thba ii ia o eintlg gliapse 0<it-autabe kn ~l e a oî beor to se. yo wdepîng sa. uîbi die dadigriy -WLîcà conhd *,10t liao iso4 heiea pto eant vbose it vas, sud tihelArtu-tItaeigis. I vish yosvufen lavia sliemi.command respect anden sncb uaibanrassiug .Waîenioo cd. gv fr oâsny uv ge hietofure Sestovuf tapoame Su su-top ea 1 coee boa s, islmat-ia Oas-eber, -s eutîer lu liet joyfal inexclamatio<ns 1duvu ulaiza, tis e Oa I dcotig, really r -bave boonlta feîued if sise eouJf bave -roaf and Wisconsin, las. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ utr beafséuvt. iuocetiA mi tapndd-0 .o'deesll,' o1Compariaoas drains betveea up broghatn 01c, o sa-pis~auddeigh-blf 'Tas, if yenu viiibeho o-kiaf, yeu mas>te Mnala-Apaisa Cice, adpinte, O 1S R'C T ir,ý:Ceecked ton <sas- efvakiag -tht ikcid ji Ou n atk y pae, eiîeself sud the dressu.akirn a'--andI aschargeofetkill gap,ou Afi e aolice antid in cWO01 1 N by-si k.s mle Rat oan AT REA89NABLE, RATES, -n-nIAs-t' mý Baul> toule. rnging augeredsti lui, forciog beraelfîte upoak ashewvoldiet Lvabeasa »iarmni;for île sua. ug h alarmun on theeete.Pi id Béaves-toni) ave W. Arraaguuieaaea*furs-aseastibc rmadte aboie liae femiil oee, 1i1aiagecaml.On tihoeva, efoin 1b.0 casoflievichais fbisild ubaaLt .p oieb, ithstingecally.à 1ýmnetver wel, o-nigh. 1cm ufea, ovees la a ezpeon., Lis Sleeve-baihouu faenov hut t o loi i>rdSI perdsr eirt ttise CùnaorlCxoBaOffice, os-st i> ove mngliogrCamoilu vif 11k logo tini>beruroom fora mabis -E R --Office, Brook etreet, W by -oa- v mnu aOf-opsié 'm.u r Heuavaisolation wouldlk eg emnaue G OBSON. - L. mAIReNKS, 3s-, rSPPas-enlrt-é_heladlittIl$e ' - r iboughis êere aul Of'the uRame humble alaue - 5551 e do wit'b. s .-J- g- j au âAnd id.ib ailU7- OaI - do mothuuag ladividual.- Thoé myteri-Oboà tb.-t h~ el., vt. ,S.;. rWkitbl,- 7Jul> 81>, ) 4dysà icur ý SA.Lo rSOUrTH oV utsBANE Wyhtby Ja. 22,i'68. GE ORGE GURLET, 9ERCI1ANTr CLOTHIIR AND GENTLEMENS GAyM. se boiqt styie suri lateet fan. A fin t. to r Clalia faro iection for Gentlameuas hava, May 12, 1818. THE ROBSON LINDÂS STREET, W DOPiINION DANE, 1 NCE -~~ LP~~ - J$b ><1% , 70à 1 ý1 sudb I lmoveu Oran iTfl ao g th . b@bis6 ~rQ ycoki god~ Iva~. .,~- ,. &é~ wI,' uIi S bT 1 1hi« U8 iaM e ku cIIuooandr ai WjugbyJourLIf,, su0bà p.o vew*ui.d ler 0< Courstonp spoliepl4 u td ut a fia OMPIly 1%, u sudla au i' ttabl. motl "f when truaoi»s bWinh, io.s'Mar 41r'tl youl u lslis,, lbote*ipbr if o 1 bi pif, y hier O,« tainer b but if you YOD at sd «yib.omi55101 to whb îoiesu" er ofen g or *mAgPWLwes suddtPPOID Wbt; the -oIrishwoo be- dot> e r eeo te ly m iss k i nrtomelu ngï%o spire o br th> ler cor 1 9 $ 0 0 o . h p t s Il s b e orut e f e L ti t W A L I s n a c n r t u d o o e r m i d a l e s d g a 4 p t e c l l i . 1 O a i ., f r î ù 1871., Aa-raî7b, D A r a e vu fol a , &h lerom. 'Yqaeve>kn, e0ltn idI cis rKJa' 2esOiglli5u4 i eu, B . JI jr18 8 1 . D O K I NsON. A d t e b f m <t t 'w t r i é - c m a d P " « a l t i o r a n oy b u i v as7 ah . I oy y or racttd ionb. ~ s-; f r b th e r ~ a ' jo a t s friprai uyu, amaittou caded It f. tf uo COfletjtiuual b dL Cf s ee o prit e rt g r i n s t la - T . O a o- u d f o R asr ~ , * t i e o . i h , s n i n s M aa b u t 0 1 > 0 b e i ith e f ie b a g u a te abcetien(bt dppteiîou Whi:Vroot>.f Iù aaom ' iirentsof ezod ber adi las: oPern, e ar al , hasire saei. God ais ta ber lu a uoevu l i R o f p Zi i e e î i o s O u iL & .rT V ÉSi- s PIn . o R Eu M Ae t o rn Ce C ot . 1 t 'f, 0t eio , l 1r li , Epu a ; o . o 'r e gr e o f s l -o s s . u .i o0 s u d Prt iee ntmy e tisi gr e , "adfelw ad be s0r knbhojrI 'rou,) 7d 40 awllraaua chre fhi I Wllay & iîr !ry ~ Y y'>i fri teundso il, a ide ble d ie g rpras 1b nilte tagon, ' ffrcîaraed. s u naibis t lie' m iht -l a wu- y ~ ~ ~ o@ egu. o berinad amg îou, rysh au et oli n o rpîle 001ta mlot 00 giritelisi e e alr tesora- ir n l, dok r uilur Io à i'r r 0 iudsuyan d f IMor allier jtliod YrionrpYen)ses bef 60n oresn tLe oilton sud Clîar a d a i an>Jus iliîebcuden sdl ir uh p a e er a l cu.e monltDiilreedBivti geea o o t , À dai L èv e*1h. tieto rain g>0 t -in t med l b rm. he vu er>ai, .o Iareo ut i pn oa ih îoutveer0>0lir m mr ln f lu ~~~Palbk ld01airfyn e etftgaad i ni ,pnMr. lee i n g ti 1cis o eh o a tir)rapos ipsdemudalioned >, ~ ~ ~ ~ # 1871. ait; LOW, tleaolsr pr tir. i111eondun tik diaca ei oa sdseierce iit lie o r.; su d r br, adstrb o be r uai , oft u mo-it,' of wury vatcag voiebnher edt 88,à rwïfw ltý. WiLby, ugZth 1811o , r. elI-ti 32 uid g, 1arHda hrl »tl reîodnéoal bis oabu îb e wf h a i fire nt Wien>-îîinoui.ii vtî vith fore.. of the., tald g I @otlb. cudeatdh o0ee bad s ore, pt *l essat îhahs d u 'Twill C l A1»1) Ir O - ira ilionit h n it191l'Ad bersbthl aha oot cmctm tsu@ied« Oey Oe ai ltml;ry-nd tfc ':riî 0 là uesL. Compatir.andiiakd, u ber I fidî.ua co l id ofusao bo agli bner B foue hd sie d. u uo bsl ps t 0W t oxý of ugatsaelor 0 e i asbuare therm b iegl igdieî>auu gslskt aid -onsd aa e nplesu an d of nght, s I8TCEI*lirey gro AutiKplenItytinobrft i n or ria.q iclyfled b yaeto-l t oua som 'lle isaitu ber face , s ilivasbis tille itin0 lsak forAIt Ibis e l ffi No isi« (l t 10 itNex1782.oi nA ctND alirastAC bwer dga nu-as bi oîbesupd o g,, sud bekIsu droo i 1A rthusrîl e tueudsal ch i i nflu.enres fhisdsia llier1, bt - COMECT0*NEUY Lait. Rose respondearviglofatsimpletbeud of lier graiefal ezpruule&sornetbiag io tise sbo Bat lurjtdgrneaî opothesud bitteri> ah rFt c t#) oAgns or Jatruti-ul gaeaicse o u tit Ilanlel> hofti e adsudne a qabek varpliftedgac bl oksd mue-aaeit a aliei esei or y i mgi oard ir u tVtlyî, ail i")alo ilavc itlyobailsitotr,0 PAHS&T> aTOES, ory e ispcrosrui <1-trai rc btsuli i ys<o u onutoIs rnia ludwihIbe loeofber D oe , of iliaideso aurn bur our'hatesy e h.reA- ilus WILlOSS f4 l roit 7J re- ion o aBIiraéilof ire 'zd 9&L wi$ J r it#- ban agaîuWa nd Ae tur ' la lier v hieba le ist lernébad seoned1 ' dro ed Arbar L in i h lgo ber a e . Thre le t hedok or ei lOtfuvral 7and0'S> II, A Ray Da, sud Ifliai Came s B t 'he to pot o aîî. rl etee il hae o ru t ie hmu ey oî c hoo fso ebug b ad eona o e t rilad laponilber 'W sî ory n sud iL,5,4 K revua~~~~~~~~~pled sbbutt e aunetial rom r,; sdle v gnobeor 'le Onre l e aio l dl k o lerasvnt ubs YEOMAN ~BLOW, Kopî eonsaroylouain. Wl (C eoti»jntid iared. te pos.; bv ga9 'fgrd eelemaigue, and atîboalibr aeP anîdint en'houdda. E iun if beratrou otin 01 ent18Vh1.y RANGS, LM'ng, SDINE,57The u iopuiraiI>,u ans e l. idb ra les-s. u Arthurv u ndhl iltorbaed iugf surIthensck'd oia veereoguizedvba î asil? Â poor LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PLIURES, osî atvm icin vai n, uite ofeeforce uof d ioing nibo e 'io rnq, die s bien ' iLmemoy bu bis o n es o a poliese rnisesdugîr on ,apn la sd W. B.oysîrs co b. isd -------'Till il, -- Hiiyu ue iu e r cand ulkd, ss1 ertfo iro i er pu-e -..." a l e stait n t r ornas -.-h-or. v'uber salîucehuie o piren v . n oiin ooke r ei.byth laevs 00 tae ttYu yu l i alson. vo!rd ad, sud ofle ruîig btf. Rs. e bad o lad me o ik e d ,ad u&s and va in uv> vti oaso i Brt d i basre dil o Otist omora, sd al and uto ose.t > a oi hu tBstepae 5 on, aocgel, u Asfr13eae ethlbeeedercîu uîee YtiL u ek f in p nid, ho à ow roard t à uppy u -aom Mal rus. yeglie 'H. ba forgoseahme ' wiîLa atu- ng itvo lyd er lua e aep. Il vas ia rse-v, and in gave av e bau-ofg u e- - -I, oe' llî ssu -steird aleies- efrse uics* oddoui yacuren oty apon ber bfut h owse a ekeabi h out iva orb oi ug k e a i i tbi e an ale lut a'$B- s 0 O TARO ZÀEIV' 17n82iabt ND s-qwsidiu Fr mn> is daguiud m i once; cpis a n d oîo g ta pnd rn i1o iig ecm on l b eo aisil uc e , ioven iet, ut eT lien tins îliotende, &adtV EEC WHITBTINEY L 1eN iuesaRommnoe ouen brueiokudwdhsimp lebondvofser sypsyibat bxpu ido-on.. WLnu ne Iavlléesbis ovdes-ytougit and ilthe. oostit & Co. ntdfor dOf --e- iBok. .Wi ly ufe eigoO ans on si.ead slthoty a glanda qt.uld b een noglacfr e as îinu-udlookadfaîte--îa aursîed st b r v dlthbrel(r av rd oe rhylok Voamuoi , Braa, Oa i Suohin bot nygov.eraiacasdeoftao ait bis en fon o me;nuda thou s dtisa lene oftbeiteneztofd berLiiv'o l vueytaeov ts. h giofi FZaauuiy doue Loi placeyiftopiri<rn tda n sd re p anota teiud L n er eoteipcran ho l vane t a she vuld bis amAtu e as meofd ll oid es Eeaythng el Ceiu ll ie z mpr.Pu aaud. s tei l -ets t Ms atiy i o pan T hesudpu-uumplok aete al aoî ne is ofsinkof hlm g baur cne vsai anwt bipnda h mi Le esme lu ai î and mobiitorqieteroi ndpuit hou-elf » ou stilof an> oro e so tepai ae at in LtiLea (uboa g f es-, Bit isa out. sheeone iey oaider aisrycoenyrea tnu in netYaiEsOAN(o.11l0a. et oossEs I'OMTLY o ad neo. auger ine. ) ovouaeld brineed-t est o k ion ;mon lisaoua. lerfe huîadof th v 'onîd vua lou e 50. m s mieso îy a e n , o L. FAO R ANJ. B. BP SAI NMLeL ---e evelptis a pi I Le bin a isea t aiou#B s lie ig t n u a- Iboalteeeined fern a s-d ie ee rcg-nzd h t vsi A p o ----------h-n,., l ad g op lo oa oas e asnas te1d ith t aha co uld-n t if 4 aîeep's vu ir Misa Hafieey's ayon H.SIIPID N. B.-4.. er ln elid, l epaewssoà et no i au&o. od edte etngtâtRWtaponssoe ieiv n ti t-auîî, uî ,îî, oraw - -.ili kset ais poasesu L pbea u ap u d nibîeaed0lon, Aiias qa elle, I ioisdiy logetaiotd -tbaieryudaueo ah favei'. iaaqutnuerelid y ie sd s-m.- a o ales by alosdfrubisua Breaddlv_ ed_ dll_ t eg_ mea_ and al eg__y, u Asaor aoe, vas ae otis-O éL h tliuab Wals:gi for hl80 î,ther ,SProvsinsud1171. delve8d s aooels e mO ting cuîldandeu. e baraosnt ld luluau Bs.i.aogichage, s !d F. chà du-n g-ev ette-, ld.ou* bt a ud knin POureRsa v, oid r o a ril o- Ie orored ofthe ay o thesic matr. Ms. Ligh 'Ilebu. orgoionme I vit a trane tht wold et Jt be sl -p, l wuin aseRouee tMas-ni,, y ereonidin be'r p A À R 1) UbOi TELitof iare. B. SIN R ton anrd Ctleraas!an div emices op ilea paneu dsaors-e en eleoanit!i-staM5be r î ai a < e au-s te s- seif sy aet u- fisud vusOk1 utateml w [einabiVantsVoVWhity wi it - Spt o 17.a ie:t c n oiu, at étis ont atisfu l, ansd Elangeofi e ut-soatide, ukofn mn ol sordn h ais yes elgti-e a iais eran m uutet nd it -o- nwenid autiteatisemIne leaer atîti coe; s d halîbo ogl n..ceigbach a e idu thise iipreenbis od fei sk b lieolI reuvu- tik amoeofA tisa L ii J O 8 E Pof HNT RIO Ar. ItN Rs lu te ero ft ist equ. Roui atter boas-t1 lis neo wee1 e ftie scaabî vii sdb e ou mlme O nl eas- ltmo e forhitm naeo uidBa WALT RvCnt asesitasuai l loshthorand Miss1 Hi wanîlon ellsae-msgo vtbubs s hohylieri wveau-y s ag isoOlht oe scôiingo asm tlu isenfatigeos- saing seoga is opon ber il> voudebonglcslilu be adu , alllfornevse thir rides sud erdrivoes ieu wto soo au heroal bospsed oux lie- constantly oinoansnhHcad bM e - runaniug hîi-b. kdoca. iianguf o , an mtne. nMarags e bnr ha vre Jog su ad varyl-ho le teper.eo en -ildb i ai 1 bal, Finces-. tiiCopn nsuiV i.uri nyFar ii Ilela e i t t hua o uie vi osl n d ven> Vd to rua, a o evoalugpe as!An one mrndtulagaie&vilamise.lf- 80 , vitioateg sii grsix utthn CouestrCliureles, tchool foui-e, and iloir peaded o tair ber pacad forgel îl-& sndbeaulendautteaumpan>.a ed Arîhtarfo vastvillid haivov tliatllaise wabisnomesw s-nthne n, ».se ai emed. theFod tt, Rai t.(& mera0f iiW iaii eorn rat isi g blee ad afi u i u nar onu bpd vaguesoadp i a i er- tbea u B laLe-tIseita-o glil ofuM Iain l ier o apsa o a nd B ut ibu a wso e n tsa e n eie L.O riinl se. AU ryATi in ele4ANO AXci(,Dma t-nUF A l)~a îA; sod oea ifsu to poax tse i tun of agblaorvendrod tveyp<nomithé agein s-ntong of u erind Butld tohonvîti1soo pcorsethe otd wIu aui e e tisea ni ;riotly ades- t aautlthteiraoitcunte.o te a nger doulavi thou- e, p uan d a o mpletsibe v on bile eses ief oia. on ii a e u oeto nebf » aep ot 'h roiiws i is H riy a ils-dors siceiure m gave u toiserfiuall endlonog Las-10rdoofasd heuselfndsieuiag iuasîeu to ib Tonoato. pcrued-uty vo.enitg blovhe igiiiama noLe-lrsigerpîiauyu9th1mo-ov an, sudhenle u a p ite. of aL i eu b 7 gn f lisCm:any, tu -. as-cia, pîsyfalu the-potersIotondes-,d'admiu-fugbbsodaomu% <sols,"b-tilseethon' RmueeMau o -. ---- W à îtas set.w, 171,36 sleen c ni gful le sud apprea a t is a uce benreîeas oie a rgedos- as d Thaciuuaiîeà g o abe ely n t i d piser o ise fuleuvisersefi 9 taauîililahT Y LE ad.das vshpispo ia a. mi.halsdhauîaiovl uil ausa l ate d e auysgfrcei a eciaî anse iera erL a gs or nd eaofo f on prit 1 Anruut iCO Y wyt Usvi, n tetirida.irenadBi aesetAtbrs ad, fbié teb uofitg Les- ovîdu the atI- a totin n or frhrL ail - aiJs0Wî-o- FIN Sh. a d u fou-m i tîgelmest e der Inu l anc os;ad itog q Legncmesagiag.habits un i e a a er a aitnarsuo oretfr mto i l --sEpH RA 1NER ihe- cosanisbaftos prlfe oi pgar neo wc ase fteMrat ùtr am n o h eetsrnesini ÃŽaeau roon t frnt ommeilt Inoeeibrntd l T .stae ue~ui ri ui e wof ns sud vaîcisihngr ,h sud 8h. oldrnutd00 caat i seanbas lha a n e miaîun tonhmsdpeun i i:stn elig oald ts g> meu u ry satale. iintber aimi-ioIrisocni l gîtent upui- ber ctun-od mou-egoi Roshîinforr oociiidae up heu- tiouu. N Tiontasat nal fis-andnM ssdayrtviiie gris lar berretr ioro1. a n ion t tie Tenîijin. 2j~9 Ai nrreraooraod vti pomurinu~ dr-u vsoniaho at govig ta love mu atI mkiugheuebauy bo <urideseuîalud drieyvesv;t upp> tihegjasfh siteer couit t mosO iuvo eprese uits.a the, o 14 a'n ia mrpnîoli. l tuaeng hl; ri nen, asfi t ng lttistu- lran onge heis e lo aref l cupon n visicis uht a s-dbta.tut insestmru fla, inun iath oge in sunere wt ud pl r ea t iga ue o4lv JOSEPII t'. AINInt.e m boniwi wi nh ya îd sintblaira ahen isard fit sut he ie u- a ey eu, qia n iao ogep at te edplu lise mpresecsy. Arthu surw i ck-e4 he-ia; all- u's p al Al lua ine ahti n d t oriuy et the o. y -îî in e b ti h fru de;r and noBis e vu, un gu re , seos.p it nt ol e ia B t bie r ut thuuîy beot arna> d re ch h suis pwer a the t coaxthe biter tcuglat wandred aaysudas:cthomageaismen ofaa- knutcoinego onsitr seif-reproacisesngu sudveuahenici aIv B omlo nesoe u îeorlrsua el subssin d av e u ordo sucetunernîu-ulle emobion to ep eak ut tainveMissadsoiayli pition.uwantabe; I, aae fru u- mu l e tege 1 llg401 L 1 C i;o nae.\ tS i tneii atau-i< Itu seloe, u bttr ngriase<mo-îh hçils u AHl er lfalu foprvhebit s e itle lady as ue ihtut tvtrsur aIlu Inriag-, rutra lnoualiadnil ouasur îil r naveio tIre rnai aT- longud r oansiu roeîun s B istea 001 a tl e he cu vsim e wibeiiug lu in he s nole vin.raaand- rute 4la duvi nîud.ftai up t 7ea Bant Tr on to . t u o iii w l o l f i3 on hie Ps-a rt a t ll rgr,î, so nae a n e r i a a nd hait eut u glieroo ai ; aaîd -th oLeig stu r aec pi u hi v n s , b t h t e u i r ja of ts u- iru ui s tunater vle li NA t I ivo G ail ¶1 C ENSE ayoîeraletur îMrgrt"o ay caensnt ap o. sooe ennai inby hia er> me-ach heid a nd el SaleW$d 0 h eu- ca> m idiloluhe, beuli, hbsbi' 5Las - PoîutIiT-'r bli,8s niai. ipn terbtises-soi tisuse adîîrfl cnfso o o tisiapaflpet -s edea miig iadonefc, ta ee e o aea Uliiai.lyu Ios res-clc a teu rloegadapreia io rea iv berstodastouhtadoosud dis a cio u t a tim se oc suyd cg-ian OsPiere f e u ,nant l e rerb l , T l±e bîre ri, tiîn d op s orti r oaal. tsa e Rose '& lrrviug.y te nld er ex- oened-ai tb sgs o use a mtulegref.utlooKe aou amuliaag, uhinig ttienotninn i oew vi s is igh , e rnai r a tin,, ruai Jsn.r7,1t70 Re s cIYfiptrischuanmy tenn ts any ataneu. Lead etiseugisi ser asleo chen ha ret ymaoig uds - isAtuin pcamunt tSi haxc fat-go ed bstoaiq cndrt -r M E uT @ uplRdatS, io n, for al on g bt 'npnced nloa, apraisiltseeou.i, ba e oInai f rubrs voll e E s a oîqalo hnosuc 0nthr ; su t oa-c u fi all liurs. wiesi P1 N 1 111. ie coud not elp sgriefer eiseyt is sdbBaoul ere metat cxpresson oa ètise tl kiilst bavu i o DWTe elertc p, tn t n rs c fbros tntlaors nd watrs n gs,10ander hou - les-visI. rama vte as ahuen v iî foreep asn miLeinhe, b t ten ' i e lingord e ied he o gynimiterinsiium. o- i I'B-ir aAt tll a h r tt g c > R R iat il.-ý sr s h m @ a w t g o i g a l v o he d a, i no gSberu o a raou d c e ru ai 1er n Ea s y od tah a pl hiig, i da e u i t try; as not morelba er'g f r eî th-t r iîa of Jo tterookiu p o mirabe i l] iducs eancted wt Mo mll, derato.le vlt i. e iatel toge h lps ; oantI eedac ioabluon. attile and cîoutel aear so ptweneu - e t-oetaî cone r asnsu limrutd for lle oavug obae 14 nddiTise.Ir With My aitI,11870. l 1 iliberis uotalra lis euls u-ovaattn. vaied for s- tar.ukndti esis al t anl it no: andlk b oaS,," sud s .- onlil be ti ormatied to imprvan istIrie% P A K R . B O T & 1 0 E S f O I 'E-~ f aietI tisa o ator s m oi lu g v rdict, tisaI aeves n tîtio o"u aaS> u nfti eio i araai a " a n ti s o c iatalnipasiisainu c o u il a o O P p o tu uit dtisa offe eil f r m ac s p u -p ola Cisa fvs- v'utsesbain tosud&lis oe daner utvison eaav sel l u trt obla so u bi aigapndiih, uMra Btts puînî nvrsee ooa. Tise11111;pueiolisbande int sruuuy pt. luruvusap îalr, sefpureu ovs- isetoncs, ud y l ssimledytil8-tsitetenWigerht, stisactin, su ad gno i al hori u tse uruey i Whftby, Ont DOO AND S oE S ORE i îidl a ca i, rtrilil, mo n d t i ugrot fe eln u ma s se ido udamp sîthy ltaid s u ent il bsngtrfa ec oh ae thénef t; isopoao ndicu hesi l oa;bt a mb d 1,_______L uad Tsora H M,, m d-eiAasovn M- Liisu caa é ia ve aoîlu li te bars. R o e as alitisau suiof bie ra. He vas 1flIose e l, là vayisee,sonesas-e l crime lu. Il__________ asSt, tîiy iarola N aîv alosar h oali tiaameiwsneoisîthe a tuîed ithîberad hu ualsel, aeborhor ecullMa .11VII OPJPPmED-,mtîerî Arohcris, o m ni> îgii er ata slen> qe r itata he lovn ta uk 'lrjner wiel le A R UaA-e a nîEr'ituani l.-sEs - à ai Maciea m tant Il WO at, ru au-m lu v a iîf e sn p o oleern y hmvrym c ie u iLe aid e u -, e a v i eha, f lauj1 lselec o tck vaales hr eii tag isebaa ivrstil,. a At isdandspkadis-lf t co ae urhil b> met heru Harias Slie thd e fr g tanite i vfisn. and ~ ~ ~ ~ Jn Sh7,1870. S 3liA.B& ceL luyp s bsl uae reputo oari eeu- igs Le o bati I 5v on tbr voieecrvia sudie is, raLs eifandhs, no i out bog i. Puia 51egiithLa;sd&diîni ON,_ RATES itonor aMayio8ta 1t871. .. Il - 17 of A. vot xv