Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Nov 1871, p. 1

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,IOYÂL OANADIAN BAI NVETJY BRANCH. MAN> ONTARIO]BA=<.' WliITISY 12AiCi. .DXINION flÂel Il l.Taylor, Ai CAME#tOft & ACDONÉIL, flÂl1U5TZJ8 ANI) ATrfOlNEI*g jaLw,8licitcro to i a Lik of nt e Mi r d orporatiltuîOflt li. e u fty or (I oýrix, cý,M.,Wiitliy,C. lv. IL, 0. O.CAsRNs, Q. <0. IL. J. MAUOO 89Q99eY toloniîî poui giodaecurity. M tteOia ofLue firrn, Court liou, Se IM. COCHRUANE, LL. 1), O'OUNTYlJIOWN A'1TOItNE- [POU Vtsrio, Barrhster and Attorerîs.it-Lou bitrin (lilauesryt Noiary 1lllple, à oSes-Brock tret, nz eo Lisy, nd exiiiilîîerîîî Clfiueery for theC4 JA39ES KEITIW.GORDON, BARRit$*fE1d & A'rrtiC'<ey-AT.-L, R seliilor lu lîsîîcorr, Coîîvuyaucer, srjrlPublie, &0.,' 'Usmcux-Nxt door ta the $tor a!orIl.4 Cswmpbeil, Brook St., Whlbyi Ont. FAREWELL & JICGEII, IîlëMUfglit$, ATT(;UIHY8, BuL] O oeiR$ iNEYANcEIt5, N Unîec-Una iaot rth otliîe [ot Ofl Osbsows; sudit Mefeeter',. J3ioct, opp< Towni hall, liowus,îvillls,. CIK1ARILES C. KELILER, ATTOIINILtY-AT.L&W, BOLlIC'tOIl en Brook,4C. W. là .7 IADIIIR GIEENtVWOOD, A 'rrUiLNEY-AT-JA , BU SLICITORt £1 lilucery, flotary iPublie, Couve anq éci., Wiittîy f. W. Orrix, Byronî atri Ilouti 1 ' L iilt 10. LYOI'AN 19 NGLISIS, L Là l. AIIRItTEI AT rLAW, Solicitor lu CI, CJery Oueîl er,&., &e. i.ts oW& eJ AS L AM ON, 5OLJCITOKIN 1<CIAuiAfCtî, CON VETANCEIt, LANI> AGENT& Oc-JvrAruntr)ng's Ilote], Maiti Uaitridge. Uxbrldg, Juo7î, 1869. -tf- n. j. G'JNN, 11. D. IIIE&OPuN TO TILE COUNTY fiÂt, Bron Street, wbitby. THODIAS HUSTON, TON CLEK é TI<EAMULEIL, WIIITI UOieioo-Twn l1iait- Ilourm9to lo'eloel .N. VARS, SitAiurCAL »eîîtit, 01 P Iott1 Rooua, direeti1 ip #te ibeI'os <iie.Ets iuaeeetrept tLiurd luartortb of-té Onts lkmi. TOR lx GKANCEST AND lXSOLTNI X4À51 ?PÙILIO, 4,0., M0 OFFICE.-UeCNILLAN'5 DL al001mffEO, *Wolf st0 EEVEIW RHOUBI U8501u?81ai C.W. PLANK - -. Pri Stops Lo uoitid e ou i WlIy cal] dii LT, RAT-i tarie, OsELS. Ap- sf'- 88 ON.- r, 80 t.- Rol AN )Y. & J. ici ice, otite 118 IN ier, ecet. 8t., OL, di BY ru k. b - h 10. an.* ar kra And overytliung leolaniest ePslred aud lui- pruved te suitil. st Luw IEstes, miniou thb, sluotout>îa.Ice. - Wbîtby. May 81, 1871. 2 [ita DAILY INCI>MRExeel.. 2, Is LIPE POLICIES are as Oure, PIroteýtIon, for thé. future. ILa VlItE l'O 1(IxoE,jasdgd t (cauw ReAsr, Atford arnpi e prowotion tc te liereluut and liletsel'îider. Ail (air elalîns 1*aortz r AXO, sud tb. ut-. Mnost litieisiity siown lu te, adJutmeust of HeadOfflecandsBranch, Imon îreaj.ý G. F. C. SM ITII, Chiot Agent torDouîlnioc., nt Wiitby, Ont,. Wiîitby, july Istit, Iseo. 80 TIjEf FOU-NTAIN Restaurant and ]Biliard Parlors, 69 Ring- Street Entaut TORONTO. 4M ic lrm là w itit ChoieBrande eor Wlisse' liquor auda t-Cigara. Oysters serveil n Viue ïut style. W~ Flrut.eaus Diîting sud Lunch Room, stated. loulI al h heurs. L ONDt)N ASSURA NCE CoIIpuQIIÂTxx pisEANDtO ITE. EavÂULU5îED UT IROYAL CHua. 1729. PeNSs IN< BAXO..... 246us88s44. Stg. [IEAD AGEN'r, BONTREAL-.ROMEO Il. STiiPIIENS. - No. 8 L Fneuîcois X-îvier Street. JOHIN AGNE g', Agent. Wiiithy, Moy 8Sdi, 1871. 19 JOHN %WOLFENDEN, AGENT van vus OELEBRA.TED -SOOTTISHl GRANITE. W~ At Mentie '% onki et JONATRAN WOLFENDEN4. Duntîas-St., Whttby. 17 IeNEY TO LEND AT REDUCE» RATES. T am nos' prepareil to leni suno mutto meuoy ounte scaurity et seod Vertu or pro. dnutve Town Property, otithe howeiitpossible ste of irateroui, lu ýs.udimd utner te suit -erayera. Principal eau te repaid ty jean>y istaiinenti or lu eue sumn. S;evensil vel iulntivâteit F'rme soi Lots et WJ14 Lstuds for sale aiieup. Iuveatments maie lu Deteuttures, Mertgsges id otten Soeuitles. Sîlleo ndaiGroentmcseks onsht aud salit, Fur furtiter peLrticulîru. spiy te JAMES IJOLDEN, official Assignee, Momie, Breker, &tc. OFFICE-'MoMiluls Block, Braek streeL, Witty. Selitember 20tit, 1870. 1 GLOBE HOTEL, - B3ROOKIN, 'AXES* POWELL, Proprietor H 3, WILSON 1IIOUSE, A. WILSOINO <J., - Proprietor. T IE IIUBSCI I E10 bega to aunonatce te bis tlandeqasid te Publie guerally, tiît litej bau opamaiLateattuve ites' totel lai Lie Village of hubi tuunum for te accuaaoution etcLite ira. mnues. Ge il ii vont conveniomicei Ait te ve estabulishument., -W -e, Lîquors, sud Cigars )fthie'beet Brunis alwsya kelît on W Osit Stabig udgetten'tlve Osticna lu t #à.uce WILSONuJr., Propnuetur;, Aqbbar-n,May1leis, ,-tf.i8 Grand Trunk Railway Hotel. AT WI[KTIIY STATION. bis fianîl sud Lita travlilng puhlIe lmat b. buai fitsi up Lima honte audmi <ables l lnfrst-j oins style, sud by Attenution te Lt.heuuatâ et taès. vto taver bMai ut stbthiueln ptrne trusts Lu uuenit ctuinnteetoflelnestom. [cw'atitnLktîg Lue trnusud iesîiii bos Iiilis ete muneliteken Caneoi'ofI taoinretirut. Wlittb>, Set., 18.8 ROYAL 0ANADIAN jjOTErL. PORT ERRYOhIT. R. POYi * Proprietor.o Sunpenior Accommiodatilon. oacistatllngà sude iteit-noont, oui ettamttve msiens. t Port Ferry, Nov, 8, 188. 4 P:ORT PERIty 'U E PORT FERRY, ONT. JAMES TIIOMPSON, PaeîuîeTeR. Thoe Subseniter visiss on tiiformnthe coni uinuity thast blu ipenises are ics' open te te publie, vitere lasisue paneit toturuimsitssgoud Oorumcdiiuuasa av tute Csuuty. Sept, IM, 1870. 8 7. WHJITIIT, * ONT. A. M SON__-Proprietor, Tii.abev, its' beau timreugily renovaeda, su vipb i i liindvery aaeunodattgun Aprîl 18, 18M làtuu 1 "'IESTVERN IIOUsEI DUNDAS ST., W1'îB1y. e ndealnaud volu laîItîmato te <hae publIctimhat Lb. ahove ieniges bave Cg bien nawiy ltted op ccd reoed hog.t Out, fer tseacmoainoroet.Bg y udIquonis, salîligi iasnai %àii reatut Of (tads -ise Pare Jile go isWule's Legur, vitelosale sund rotai!. -Lti JOSEPH A. BANDELL. 1 IciNons tabou by t, week eh moderatA ci tohms.- i e 818 . FIRBT-CLASB ACCOMMODATION. ['et. 22ud, 1871. 8 - ENTIIAL J1IOTEL, B Ro~uuHAM JOHN BAILEY, Proprietor. L hesiove itetel bai besu tmes'y ittoil up und funtiantio. Gttcsts viii fini ceintrtatie ennisdtuon sud utieution. Goon rcerny statling sud attentive osilers. Jeu. 20, 1870. 4 Il? >ROFESSOR J. &POST, v z A C,3 zM PIANO-FORTE, 4c. -e- TERm.-luutrnctloua on Piano, $10. Titeary of Muosical cumpositioi, &a., $5. hi 1r. POst keep-a sgeneral stock -of .ui sd Booiks,,for male, and wislies à ala heom bl is Msioni frionîls. Whituy, Marcit 2, 1870. 9 F ARUING IPLM T,&a -e- Thte underi§lgnei bùga te state Lhîs lieo - contînmes te mausufacture Root, Seed &, Manuro Drills, . 49 YWELL AS HA EROWB9s AND ALL tUNDi OP FARIIING IPLEMEIÇTS. -ALO> fas- <JLOTHIES MAÂNGLE & WiINGEIIe blted es ans of tLiihasoarticles of tLe.1knd iann'autiircd 1itheCOOutItrY, alîd lhuiâ in rov- ed$T#ÂW CUrVTIIt,sno etîw aîywked, sudi sa superior lu every, respect. flsviîîupropared 'meuof Ercoon'. Ceiebre 1 wd sloria ilicucst li mantutactorY,hebg say that lis aowaveuifed te executea il )rders wlLh whleb ho nmoï bcfavored ocieper à id wlLh greater hxpedition lîhân h4iîeito,aUdâ i gusraueevery satiestlute Cus"taflomers ID le quglity 0f te workrnasailp sud maleai. I W~ Cor4wood and Luniber taken 111 -it lanuge, snd f0asbPrle allowed. JAMES OLAYTOiq. Wbftby, NOV. 22. 1810, 1 whlh;Ài 91871. - cOA. OAL.- OAL. TI@e n-deroigned bas mnde arrange ment$ for a large snppli o e b.dlferoiît kindo et1 StnIre end Graeemani, Ces wi1l au' Bios,uhurg Coul, wb1,tle kpt eansutitly au baud> al cf? Wbe bist 9îîity. suid will hbcsidU JrrstW o ducci priei'scathier, on Lite dock- ýor deliver. JOIIN BLOW. Witîy, Auff. 80, 1071.5 FIRE ASSURANCE Cotg l/)MBARD STREET tOAR<CIo, R8LLDIf~.L~ IÀV 178Z. GILL!.SPIZ, MOFFATT & Ce., Agentefer Canada. CE sRANAgaîiisîLOSby -FINIt src, LonSEaPtlDuobt favorable ternus, and YEOMAN td1BSON. Apnil Sdlseo. agent, Pv ittit Fl1our ý&'Feedl DeaIres to inftrin te intiaibtt% oet Wiiltb> aud Villiîlty, tia ie t i-unecaeeaei tot te lbuicuis Pf HENRY WALTERS1, BROOK STREET, WHITBY WbOne 1us keepacolIist4intly en bsnd, Flohr, Otttmeal. Comamen%î, Briun, Oui@ sliortit. runbim Plouf. &ce Ansd everytihug IntaiL.hei uee1. ,13îitt of ['lotir for ratnily- use. y5venytliing .tm thticwt iiliiiig piecc. eoand mii xîaiiua-qaality snd prie,.- H.SIE'AD wlitby, Pet., 1871. COMMERCIAL kIOTEL, OS HA WA. JAMES BLACK, - PIoPRItiue,. Convculently fltted up rmoins for Commer jol travelera. Billiandus sttimlied. TER 'RAPIN R ESTAURA-NT BILLIA1ÀDRU OOMS -(87 & 89, King streest Euat Tononto). THOMAS CARLISLE, -POREDI Tis mont cie- gant, àspacion. andt comfîta-Lsîlle lies » taitrnt 1i- C'gutd bleutas uppliei et - r al tonnis. %Wiiîes IW»Patrties vimiittg Torito for a day wili lui every iocanaimiaâtloii et teé Terrepin. L u m BJ1 -Thte uudersl;i$tu bas on biaud, et MEAD"S MILL, NEAR ASHIIURiÇ, Alarge qunuuty cf Lnioen, wtiicii be' IFORS AL, -L AT vTE LOW,gST DIARKET RATES, Bil 111L'unis alilkints seami ite -A. B. CAMPIBELL, flrookliu P. t) Breoklitt, Jpua. ith, 1870. 26. U» N 1) -E R T A K -R, Dandas Street, - - liby, FLYNERAILS FULLY tIJFPLIEIJ. JOHN ROBINSON'pS flair Dress-ing and Shaving SAILOON, B1IOCK ST., W 'IiITBY. ~*SOcia os- TIsEBANx E os- TiOtaAo. * G . . OO CANADA.. CT GEGRLY H E A D 0V Fi C E,-Ring tStreet, cerner ef Chuneit, Toonto. MIERCIANT T A 1 L 0 R CAPITAL, - - $500,000 CLO'IIIER ANDDunAt'EIt, Dupositei vîit Geverainent, - 850.000 q W. A. LAW, AeSrav. -.____ McKlian'sç Bleek, Brook St., Whittby. GENTLEMEN'S GARIîEN'rs Inade DPrlu. Wiuay, bept. 20tii, 1811. 8 Lb. Int Lstyle isiiiilatcst fasiaioui ______________________ A finri stock cf Clothos frcnoue ihtoote k s selootien for Gutietuen', sutîmmet suite. Oshawva, My 12, 189. 19 IT UN-B S ES -l THEROBSON KOIuSE,- (LAvEaatnviuir, bOTS18619.., DUIÇUAS STREET9 WlilIBy,,c.IV- - T s ier' btg O ndunBthathrbeg 4o rtirtankstor the ial aron- X, u ased hebhas a tcfrneîrknnonnsovat. a' readté cenduetsas, adi, voturnisiteî, aud ltted op Lhveugliaoll, in -l ui tite bosto! style. The prremare piesiemtiTo T O mntreef o mesite th$ Pent Oftie. anithe <.OW- OR OUNTE, Thte glhvayOnnltbuscalistsute ëlloteIn;sùd ~ NBL ATS ta atigeuifer Uxtnidge sud Beuvrencva Arnaiagements for salas eau be maie- hedorsorytenlng BoîdO pedsy etier at te CessONrCLuC Office, on ah my evu» - GEOGE ROSON.- flube, Brook Street, Whitb3rý. - - L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Wby,May 4u49, -Whltby, JuIly8,11140 Lu te walliu or a peo w ild,,ruehîugby THOMAS KNI(ILT,- Park Bih., Wlilthy, Jnly 2lib, 1671. f-20 DOMINON BAN K, 1, lrebygvn tiott i'eDululnB-n im opeuteti s Ageney f r ttsWtiou, cfbnai- iuess u Lit Domi i n uk Bisilhit0. on SieuSt,. (directty oi,'posiltsUlhbâ,s'Btnek;) fseslt aleowed ou depomits. *Drafts bslined on IglI peIluitîtliCanada, tb.United statbs sud GreltBita. Sim<oe st. Oullava, sept 7, 161.i in-89 T HMOAS w ILSON, Luceused Auctioneer for the Connty of tOntario. Ail ntiers Ieft let No. 1 ToIli Gtte. on tiie Seng-tw ttrsvel rond., 4lonat. Wbithy, or ut tuse cnatoxicîcz.is s-os, - vili h optply ut- tesidedti t. wl2hiby,Jaly. Io fi, 1811. 29- PROR-RSALE, 1 A Ruiiny Day, sud, Witat Came ot'ti, TheOs àcowd of uptuirueail faeslMe a hetuing yellw sesl, Cevrtugs firflue laine sdvsmus owlilig la iLs - itlliiglue I A n d I A bo e r. t e r as t aio f im b ers vies w id iy o n Tisat cny etfsmint~e o t 011 mOUn1adt o baunttàaseul fer years i I&erulr-9cornes but not te enlýng eft Lst <* asu ifDce of vOe - ,Da.wî huLt iras. ise vei from bonre,, titat-ilits d a k i u s f a lf e d t es i tb o sy . Stili Aboire the burulng City rellè is .bt neyer, , iulug elul, . ý1.ý l roui i frî.trî tteyes taneu e 0bc bil d b e ie a t it t ia t to u n I d b Stir YOUnsev-lva, bcmon, Oiuiadiausi-liuîg'q net eriother itour, Seîsdý h ita gi.ordiy ueciied, grafqp tse anos, witiln jour power i1 Silos our bnetiînen olen tté; bOrderý for troir gOsîur hlîstgeiail] triv, F o r 91 . i: 1.1 v i l t l î e y l i t v o d o u nc , o t w 1 c titay eLil ut<suuuive i o- + -Slir tw thm lithLie itnletfrieudelii1p woîîld grxgsp frais, msuera e tonae; - Seiza the. moment it t - i-it L etnruiîi Devî-Lnuo* re. --'Yau vero ssying ta>ms the atiier day, -Miss Murney,'sieeitegun, 'tai you s'euhduit le objeartet do plain ses'iug untul yen conld idfini somebiug botter, 1 laid ycu tou .titat I dizi't kuos' of a'ytady tbt a saud an, doue, but to day lVis bappeued te tbtan h tuf a cbunS or n ju.' Ree'à face did ualexpress mach inter. rest. 6ut lungratitude te Mrs: Lamubert ste 4- tried nolt, t>aeem. iid.Lern. 'Have yen 7 If balidalmltgii'eDn p Oxpecting s chance,' ste anss'ured, witit a feint attenipt ai a -Oit, bit you shonîdu't do.tit,' Mrs. > Lambert said, cbeenfuiiy. 'Neyver give np expecaing .hingo, te amui. You sis'ayé -malle a rali, do, vetter t, cnyiug over lu, yon br.os'-and if yen Stait Jung enaugit, and tirke t esa,aemetiig'a sure te turc np aimaatais'eys. 'TaRkin;- . it easy it juat thte imupossitle tbiug, itoreuer,' Rose neînrned. 'WVhat is it yon bais huard oetoeday ?l 1Wetl, it isut plain ses'iug exacîl,sud II do'tkia se it'ih s 'uit yenafier ail; but my dsughter Jane-ste doca mress- makiug ty Lie dayi yau knos'-s's senL far tuoda, tadu soute v;ai tOak Levu. lIll Mns. Legitten's place, iowu by tha 'river-i doitt Rues'vitetitenyou've gene -pat thbeor noua.' 'Yeo, 1 bive,' Resie aos'ered, eageriy. 'Wtat of iL ? . 'Weil, it tas a long job. Tii.y vanlotI a dness.mente sîsy lu the bouae fan îtree -or four s'eeks, and Jane cauldn't udentake L .Site'a engaged fer titres seas tiraiittaboutd aireai,, sesit6e ted to refuse,ot ug thsie veuld bave iRed uetiig better tsDunmakuog up Mlisa Mariable wtduing tiga. Sito promised tw fiud somejqdy else titat coiuld go, sud the fiaieneche îtanugitof s'asyen. Nos' if ycu liRe Il, mnd tf yen cenuide the job, yea can geît. Tbst'a ah.' Aui Mrs& Lamîbent Iesied hackin iber chair l'iit the satiallfedasirat one vite bad maiee agnod offen, sud mpeaaed il to e b. miapprecie. ted.- Sus vwas net disappointed either. Rase leoleri Dp sitit a grameful face, and taid,eriostly, - 'IL vu&uery kiud lu Janu t ik of me, Mus. Lambent, sud I amn uer, mucit atîiged Io jon ebt. I viii tte lthe sork, and be jad tu et Lt, 'An.d youtre aune YOD cen do mess-a màkuitàg r UtLambert askei. 'Ob jet i h ave aivcys mide my evai ineaoscau n, Mymeher's u 1 underaîaund t&bat Par Of à pertecti,.' 'Verl s'eul, titen, yan'Il bave vont eueugit for a mutb, sud majite longer. A nîce placetato, and geai psay. lai glati mils lins. Leigituon tbat tracts yOD inaîeiad OF anybuiy else, Site's a rosi " lad, anil yau'l- te aune te o-lieMiss a Maniait.' a SuI Mri. Lambtert tnstied ont aof the raam fi again, id s'asu@[n a geaihumerfr Inteil rosi oftLie is, ;.s'biie Rose set alene inua !11rsnxs ixciiement, fuît ofai' £ttusandb buay ttoigitsi and itopes, sud fears, sud "' wondersa&etone moment lhrilliug vwiLh Ptune et the prespect of teîug ao seau et smong the Leilitions, uni bauîng thte op- a pOrtenil, ubid it e bai louged ton, te see t sud Rues' them viittut bcng necegnixed h iterseif St i tenezt, ineading iL vititl LI nenveus ternar, and ws'ibiug tlîst site had ti" aet gireit 1er promise t» lIns. Leamtert again, ttatkfai for vitat seemed a provi- donc@ of a*od, lent to ber just vhon she di was ow- the point d o.fspoudeccy ,ansd,in mial,, qeteting. ber tnouthei iteart vititm te on. speciflo for ailihls-ereslm trust-fi f o rM e , , fe r t it s e feit assun ed a d îo p efuu , h sud aliit iltivait Dot sitbout some Dnvsnd tretitrs ibat sie 'started opon ber îrranit e it aieruiug, stitl abs badl na -ne fempiationIto turn hacit an îa uhrink froun lit vitaiever nigit avait ber l ithis uos'sud te -trauge expenience of- lite. Site iad no Sb uteumicu Omf iisclesing ber prlevieus -atc- Pr, Isintee witb theo familf nie," (sud siteab i ne t isk tii ver, probable) ber usine en, or ber applerance, iteuhd awàben suspi- bel in, rd,, ,,,,nd question ber uPen 0eo' er i'doatfty., Sie bit ld Jaco Luanhent lu Lo give -ber usme a Mu'zc'aret Murray, s'a Md Io seyuat;ug abouit ber being a itou trauger in lthe village, às the -Lâmerte awsu seed1er-<b- ;s.- bé ho, i Ur-bstai IF~IE,ubmcn4lir nffer, for galo e t oiiimwing Leii lttmiepnîpoty. iutue Tosticf Whit- by. viz :-An exceltlent BrIck Cottusge -viii quamrtr cf annmcro ut laiuti,;itnaetolt0o; tue cer -taco ret triusd St. Peter Street.;, in tle Southi Word. Alun snaun asonsof idmitvl! tencul,and la bit-l t umiorfcultiituti. oaa fisec ctruan c 0 Wellittiim d Giffonît Street», Nonthi Ward, A qilarter or un acre onu Ceaire Street, senti of te rettienuu0et. -Drapen, Rsq., lu thei Soute W.înd, Aino, Tweuty Acres of go' i mui, boeinu CmpUeeîl of paîrt 01 lut i1i, iii thte lOtli.coi-ces4 tiumu et Lie Tos'tisiip of hlurt, CounLiof Northiumberland.iii. j;j A ec an sd iuiisàpnt^bletLtie wiliibt. gavez to mmi the ibuve pnoprnty. For furturo perticulare aply ite te aliser. FRANCIS CLARK. Withy, Juin 19, 1371.- 29-t W flITBY PIANO F ACTORY -e-- JOSEPH RAINER. PROPRIETORL. -o- Th itsuteeniter, un rettiîrvi-lg h% Pclu- cane Lhmîtaka te- tire îîîîîy friendls sud cattonens oethLIe Whiirby PIANO MANIJFACTOIY, hors te ,tsLiate irt e nos' caîtnnoute hoea ne.s eooey upoîu iAisos-utac.irit; snd iii su- lleitisig future crdere he boit» toa etie theasu te rive sattisfactionui snppli in ST YLE,-& FINISH. The celehnited nos' paient sud entes satcilus patternu et lisovu invention niasuuucturoi asiteretofore., gW» Ail ordcns ezecuted it ilipromptitude M id d i p at h . J O S E P HI P . R A I N E R . Whitby, May 3, 1870. îy-18 ARUIAQE LICENSES 1 -- THOMAS HUSTON ISMUER or NAIRRIAGI[ LICENSES ffl Ofiei-Tovu Isàl.'3Reilonce-llyron Streut, titrec itoors utjotit etTown baIl. Jan. 17, 1870.-8 T IIIEE DWELLflÇG 1BOUSES TO BINT At iTA19ItE'S CORILERS. AI' most de- amirbe R-e.idiSîc. Rot it oderate. Apply ta- JOhN IIAMER, Evq. Wittiy, May 2nd, 1871.- BOOT & 5110E STORE. Thte nndcrsIgited i lttemoved Iis IBOOT AN» SHOE STORE te thte pr emijas djoining te Western Hotel, DatidmiaSt., t thaîrby, vitere hl iow Itrerared t', exiczte ali attitre for Wonk. A large ansd uelct istoek .on ii . Repîairitig doune ai neil.r JOSEPII A. B&NDELL. Wlmtby May 8, 1871. 19 TIz ISOLATED BISK IRE chang e itilil, T-h bauduom . w ldiukg sîsircase, tiie Poiiud'oaken floor, tbe hauting ceeues on the Waii, even th. boary eýld ehinîz chais sud couhés ' vers ail )uet as the r,.-mbered the. 'and for a sel -&sitealmuost, ooked 10 sqe Mtariu'c iigitt, citildsh figure spriug CL <o meet behor- ýIusteàd eof. vhlit came a seriant, vho led ber, op clairs fate a littl. sevîug- roo , _ sud then ve ut to l ferai M r$, lieighton let a"iii. dre.maker's" arrivai. Presutl ch caie bck iîba parcel of vork and tite message that MTre. Leigbteu vould see ber'by-aud by. Bo Roseskti dos'p tuiltilsudilbosledbenoît vilhthe, work o r twe heurs bâfere. any oeie s came nea.r her. Site swasglad oftibis quiet lime, fer i gave fber au epporuity te gros' failia-r-, ized witit ber strange peosition, sud euabied ber, witeu Marian and ber motiter came in ai laSthLumeetthem s'ithont embarrasl meut. At lesot-,wîitblea titan abse voold lnave toit if cite had te meet theni sudal. < v n a s it s' @site o u d n e t c it e îit a u involuuuary start sud flua.bit 'ite M. LImitt firai speke te ber. lIte veice âtruak sucit a tàmiliar eoransd Lthe fae 'was ce littiee iauged I Cnty grown p littie pilden sud more s'ern, but stili se 11k. tii. face witicb Rose itad leved seos'ellonce.. witic bil als'as smuled se kindly Upon ber. Merisu sas uiucb more altened, titongi evcu lu ber Lime itad made far leos chtane tita nuRose Rose shengit &sit v'ouid ituve remembered ber anywbiere, in apite of ber iteigitt, ber fasiunabie dreas, sud stylisit air. But neititer cf itemn re- cogniied iter ; face ta face aesithe stood1 with Marion, lber bauds busied in fiLttiog1 tite dress-liniog te ber sitouidens, sud se nean titat site looked into ber very qyes, snd sLirred ber bain s'ititber itreatit. Marian nover saw any famlir resembnce or dneamed tit site itod ever met ber t dress maker befere. Sitle did notice s'itit e adimiratiou tiie pure, refiurd face sud clasiic besid bendiug ce ateadîiy over the needie ; sud bot site sud ber mte 'h..u.-. Lio ..ýv..u -diwdç niysdgrei of anuuage sud m a4ner wait C htciavalt r ized tie sewig girl. But Ley dici nt lok te fld au old acquainîsce in s nes' aeamoireas, snd a se asMurray'c ideuiuy b remaiued 'onsuspected. l Site diii Dotàse. Miss ffantley titat firet w iay. A, visienuf etnucesansd curia flotter id pust te open deor once, but it didii li stsy long euough te beo fairiy selon. The pý nixt marnirg, s'ierî Merlan s'as tryiuoe w on' a haif-fiitbed basque, Lte visiou dilt-,Pl ed l, mq e-a pretty lijute tow ansud ol e - b Le Rose, sud estsblisbed iteseif pus, s w coenci t te sîiLte proceas. Sitets'es no M un doulices Dow, but lu the meat dainiy P( and degagee of meruing dresses, w'tit a( embrodred slirs, reetted sipper, snd il 4 sud Rose.sc itle satcbed ber lying inu ni ber csreleuly graceful position, tbought fo bhat siteSild neyer seen s liuer creatnre. t Her eauy sas aIboitepetite, fairy.like dg miden; asie iead lutiligbt filitifil eatnsd lt ebildiait whbte bads. s Cloud f aubri auria tai daced sud waved in niccu itit very gra-fui motion, sund a face tit t80 rau more tevitaiting for iss aucy- Piquant expression titan even, for its peacity bloom h and suuuy bine eyec. Altegetiter site waa ti pleaeaut te loouk upen, a beautifnl ebjeat b, bat one vould net seonos'earl cf-at basL ti ihrougit the eyes. h Site iay uInlte canait for au heur, El bhatterng nouseuse te Marian , Wite sas tit bony sil r.timunilug upon s sleeue of ibe banque, aud Rose, vite aould netiteip ne, eiteuiog. gres' more initiated inte fasition ru iie frivolitiea ttaon mite h4 ever been tE )fre. Misa Hartleyls talk s'as ail ai' )onnets sud dresses, parties sund operas, v )eaux aud ceuquests-epectalY .Lbe w miter. [Iose'sc aieeli l gowel uuaenscieus- o y itit a meut eud.fasicued binsaitabscohW1 eard tie yang ginl ratile auns'ith suait- cr e d e a b os t u t tb e s a y in g c s ud d ii ug c f ef lr varions admirera, ber il flrtations ', mi itt tIisue, ier "Ittrid srape 'ywiiit Io motier. Se coud nt eip tibikig, lac id a quiet litie smiie flited ever ber N te iitt tttoubit, tiat Arthur Leigb.it. nee on muet bave chsuged very gresly frem fi or aid memery of huiS if tie aeuld everbo t satifed witit suait a butefl, pretty t rier retty, ungus aunacs tmt e, uapea eil ýo t the reeni, Sud exbeustod ber.tiese bau id killi n'f faditiuag hem into Most er I atifual raesfor M aensu fr al er e xp d affection on M aria s'was fait revivig 'an this daily intrceearse, restricted Ai£ it ho -( M. Ste fouod hon muet the amje as in 1 tôt erfirst xirlbood.iumie-hear-îsmt tsiwt.. s i. i 1-s4m5sU5S 5.5 n aH neseaimpenise ýPreparatioos, that i e imo« tefrgot sce limnes thet shoe' as re.msrely se a binec assistante sud iaich tamiliaer od au souli iucevilsblY lais nevealed ber -sacrai ireuntled upon- ber lips-mure thon once. One - veaing, especisily, she couli scurooly rosiâtte yearuing impulse ot ite besrt. The îs'e girl#c 'e tegether fer i littlè vii.in thei.aot Octoirér îvilighî &fter i.:bad grevu ton dsrb for -Uese tc ses' 8h Shbd gathoneduet ber wvan iu unaterialsand put tem ln ender for <hé Deit day, sud sas Ieeking eut nos' iu -à bai' ss'eet hall meuruful revonie aI Liie great eak.tree, viiese ladfy haugbs, silvei. ed-beWr.sd thene s'itb meonîightýglimpes, s'were7 teocng betere,: tii. wiu8biv. S m a uin m e m e ie a o f , - titi p a t d sy o c e u Lre d nunder diat aidlire, sud#, as che iooke euit b les tick touage, came clustentut teck'itelier that aoft, teans fiied iter-eye audý tiuded then> untilsthe neyer sas Meýînia'âquiet sp. neoacii te ber sude. The firs< Lokien olf it s'suLtsoIigit tonch aof a ,b aud u -pou ber sh ald r, a ud she u shu tu ,ruedi areuud hstil, siemet -Mario.n'@ eyec lookiug ilio ebers viitt suait a teuder, eppealiug ,sympatit, tbý t elelngod: lin titres' belrarms &round ber motif, sud tel ber eueryîbinlg then sud titane. 'You 1are lcrying. Margaret,Y. Marian vbispered. dI vicit yon s'ouid tell me vteî la tbe malter, sud, let me ceaifoni Tyn ii I cen. Wity do yeu neyer taIk tua me about ynurseif 7 You venud, if yeni lice muesI lire Yen le AI liRe YOu mone titan thiat, Miss Leigt. ton,' Rose aus'ered, quietiy snd earn- siI7; muait more tbon yen cen undeor- Stand,§ - Do you resu, 7? then why net confide u~ueI bsxejheuasfaite,-peheesi itu ifoolist sandi- n,,es.b,î vsail .tiuk a, -abatyotiusai ta te in diffenent aireumistenaes - <bat yen vere neyer tara .e he a dresu-maker, in spite of your beaiful flttirug,' Merlan adde'd, vitt e litil. langh, le Ceven te mbarraumert niticit abs telt lu protii uscb à' sutjec<. A flash came Lo Rose's citeek, sud a bhrili et pleasune te ber beani, for it s'as ileesauLte oknos titt<bey talked et ber witb inteneat aieng tiiemu'elves, sud sp- preciatcd ber supenierlu, te ber situation ut site reatrained berselt, aud anly sua. rered, quiet, 'Suppose yen ore rlgitt, lies Leigbtou, vtat, then?7 Tiat la uy posiiien now', sud -I umunihobe timsîed icordingly.' 'Net se,' said Msrion. esgeriy. 'ileau-. sote yen fon vitti1 are la yeurueif, net mnr tite accident ef yenn position. L kbues bat yen are steve itis dmess untkiDg Iudgery, sud I vautto Moules -Yen' frein if possible. It YOD vili tell me about ,uruelf -- if yen yul1 let me te yeur frieud -1 sam almaust sue I ceuld beip yen lu Site spoRe se, warmly-aie vaâsse ike ho giiuereus, impulsive Marion of oeh aies at Ltat miu;e, <bat Rose ceuld iardl keep teck thevend-s of confession at s'en.eon ier lupu. Tit o eu dsureiy tuve found niterence, but iitLju4t thon lie HsnLley'a siiveny tenesý rang sleug e hall: Marian, Marion 1 vbe' lntthe rorid are youn idiug jeurseifV and Lte ext moment thte flounces snd rnDgîeta Roise set davu in Lte der-kuecis'iiet site 'U left alene, andI asietI berseif s'haî muid be tite end ef ahiltitis, endi'tat ource eh.os'aigeing Io pursue 1 Site ad bseD et Oak Lawu nov fer - shree 'es, sud site might te ongsged for as îuny mare, tut atten tittvitLwva she do if site still Rept ion secret frein tie nu,? t7'ity i sthe kecp IL Des'? rt lu au, tope that rte, 'ould penetrete titemacivei, sud se maRe lthe coeuion cdiees ; fer nets'iutading Marien's fectieusie regard, ayd tito kiaduesa vitici lit Mrs. Leigito tea aiàCfra, bai- abovn r, titere s'aine aigu of recSaguitieD onr inembrancs frein tiend ne * likeli. sid et an, uuleus soe ersehf. gave 'thons i dces'.- Neierdi sto doobttut titat ey s'oid weicemt; hon ilIingly and idhy, for the. selie of vhs:ab s'as unos s'eu s@ for vtteh.ied beoDID-in'the ne-pààt.ý Why, thea, ýdid ah. linger, 4 dis, t.e revolation vbic it Lw'asboti * doty sud- hen desire te amoiee Wty, iudeed f And s'hy ditI Rose bide r, facew' viin &oe ased herseif tbe qcos-i aI,ýsé if the, darniru conid ms'w hat seveereddeniug i hor-e I'Anonand r neck s' aencder alben cord, visible ly ben itoe bnt, ber bead, antI fastoed ii, but coznceaied frein evory oye , -vas ittle golI locket that migbî bave ne- liedtthemotive ai' ber silence.XIt vas vain tut ch. çslued horseif faolish sud nantie, and eueu harder -Dusies than me.; sthe could not put ss'ay a certain ,y' iait aIsprnng np in ber mmd, ite ne Oas untal Anrthur Loîgten cames me, sud t me h 1m the first cenîidentI ber secret . hu es' Ltat ho vis soetzd seen-that sny day mlghtbt ing rniug ef bis arrivai ; sud pevitepe vheu camne there veuld te uo need for hber leh- perbaps bis eyes woultI be clearor - tgutlLfoeiug. -1< vaslong,-iclu.. ho s, b-d heid a eieepieg childin ber avrms, ;o and bittie Ctanlie's iinocent face,' uinits ed deep, -zosy nos; ctirved b bo.ieint viti a Id omange mngliug of sad aud aveet senau- ir 4ions Hia motion did uot cane baksno soea asah. bad promiaed, sud Rose fae r te disturh hlm hy laiag lMm on ilue sofap Le0n site contioned -te heM hlm sud vafiii a bhis olumber. 1< vas stili and protonud et m ýfirat, tbut by-aud-ty hlie hga <a o bashis fi arma rectlessly, thougu vithont opauing 4bis oyez, sud Rose notic.d <bat a redder io flash vas spneuding o,'er hisface, aud that- Il bis-little banda vere groving dry sud bot. IL matds ber teol ausiait, thoogit she h ardi, knes' vit s h, appreiisnded, -sud ie 'ah ited ibat Mnc. Rivçz, vonld cemea î wlc. But au heur vent by and no one acame near ber, sud ail]-'the wyulthe ù hildla feverlit restleccnss seeuned te, increase. H. voke op at iast vitt s dtar sud ary vitici t litnuàcly frightened ber. Ris eyes stared-wvli, sud bis fleat vas se bot that Roi. kuew liho as ln s fever, aud abe sisnted op At once td carry uimto, bis Diother.- To ber grýeat relief Chera apol.y far hav,1 i.ad apon lbar ma iaug. But Rotesecnt it short, exclaimug,- anxiouaiy, r 'Never mind -4hat, Mrs. Rivons;i odly, àleok at Charlis uoiW. I am seatarad he ln ili I ., eobas beeauasleop l i, e tîrus, aud bau vabed , p viîh a- foyer, Iam Clara sasîcbed bine frein:ber! vitb a look et alanai, sud sas' uit-s gîuce tiiet ber fearu wene 'el fouuded. - TheteËciid- s'a neally Mi, and lu a moment &thas fild vitit terrer sud diatrees. 'Ho la geing lutoebuvuisions -t ahail I do Y sah. cried vildiy, as tho littie, telles' Lned bis borng eyes Unceuscieus. ly tovard ber- 'Oh no,' nid Rose, eagoiy; 'hle anly feverisit, 'aud nos quit. avake yeî. Ho viii kuios'yen preseutiy. Takoe hlm loto your noom, sud I vill -go sudland MM.* Leigitton, sud, seud sanie eue fanrlthe decten direct!7. h may net te mach atten ail.' -Bnt evense she lnled ta, spes'k cheern. vorda ber ovuý fears belied temn. Tii. urtaonscieus eyes, ,aud turningbeesd, and,. dnoopiug libe cenulued ton that it 'vas sometiig more than an ondinv-y situdent- sud slie iitried anidously ta, and -mns. Loeigiton, vite smare practlsed expérience vouli h. botter ahi.le o aimae te cause for alarai. s' as very sean feound rto le seriens enaugit.- Tii. dector hautily cummened, proneunced a verdict ut scaniet tever, sud pooni Ci.;. vasovers'belmed s'lth despeir. Site bad Lte gresteat bornrïtofthe dînsee sud venu dnet listen îo s vend otitope a' ceinfont, or telieve that ber . citild wveud ever te veit sagsiu..Thte vites tsebeid s'as in idisîreas, and by s'ay et cres'ning the trouble, -,Buidget,, the, nurse, suuoancsd ber intentiou 'ot Ieaving instanti. 'Site s'as afraid eft'ber ife ta stay, an' no money ceouid timps ber te tabs that ms'fnl faven,' site declaned. IL vas eut cf tii. qutesiion: tryiugo edluiother nurse coder the circuaistauces yet nus', ef course, s'a the <limes'hen ber servIces vere moini-'- dispensable. Clava j-ita rie devu ioder Ibis, accumulation oet iatsf9tuncs,- sud Mis. Leigbton benself, prompt and energetia asisite vas in *osa energoncies, s'a vorried andI perpiexed, not kuos'iug s'hst te do. - Rose Cam ta the relief simpi, sud ,luietl, ithant a.theugbt et hersait, tut onl7 antions te be ot uce. 'If Yen viii aRe me, -Mrs Laightou, I vili 611 Bridget'a p lace te Lte bout.ot Maii tîy,' she ait. I6 sam Dot afraid of the fever, aud 1 hans been cud te sieu antI vatehiug - t - ight Jecan ieip oon I amsure, if 70O- viii let me slay,1 AndI Po it vas arrsnged, -in spite et Mrs. Iuçigbton's unvilîlugneas tat place boer la ucit au lufenlor posieon; for <bore vas îoîtÉiug elie- to .b. daue.s h.s'east on, thaukful for the unexpected relief ta refuse t, and aveu Marlou coeid umaire ne objec-. ions. Se Rose s'as insiaiîed nt once lu Bniiietiseffic. t e L.i ît "_. .- sL ti 1 1 1 (Continued.) iri ut bc bE Its ly be Cri be wi an si) rai ýol àe àe lin 30 lk io io lit M lis ig DIL ttl ey he 1. Ont 1

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