Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1871, p. 3

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wDO beleves G 1 Usd nd religion. jDe __ __------__ __ ___Avy urey Uo fl5o f l i> . rotrzbJ# i wli o fu11 a Rigives to cA .aar on iy DER-,Ivkg.:~k w u a - hô anfath aa sa c i "*Only lie -!yar&Wide at4 0 7,, 1 > W e~,n and a man ".hon l eswa, A u ar0 'A .-Rb st a k o t ~ p . » WithOUt a conscience la à bad ubject o a Tho arrivais a yet , hav b en very rlfj fol im g W ,U R a u-Bv T oaf w erRh Sat, *ltcrY f the toucher of w î.4<%e ,0un the formeOro Ifla7drawiiiz lnuUg,gyn.We eturns IIkOCre O!E_ 'IJ r' n4ulé Jth w. atat.êa hrequtîg ~~ %nwnd ii 'l i o»e ht. nul uJ * he vey iberal patronage b eoj r p nh m sic co bt h . hoWho lanet with Qod, the Lord, is ii psaluKw lr orNiiBsi. lo th~bie ss toe ndt1 NOw-hit ehom the Lordv.rN wishez to datroy lie blinda. £Let us hope ow prta»crqoti. hes J&Mwrn lthero, te the glorini; Wiiont........... -6 10A alAI Alot of -Organdie E E A '-4v Chuch onfietbu nl y . hro»ght goo. "sly............... 5 E R',T O utrngbon er hef;'Pus ................... 6006PuMuli'J B.,dtrra'01 OfuteItys It a de erfirmer, îie ler m bru ..........e > olag and trenthendebeLleleghest Paid for BUT"TE fR at 12J cents, at Pari*î ate* tiuelnr A MIS v WAOO1P15 214.-.A(er he 'y .................... . w> e b~ hitby, Agust 23 1871. 3 pi 0re; getrace et Buffalo> between Gold&mith lover Sed ............... 4 o75Prof; W, Mud, Am erica s G14, and Lucy, 3udd Ne ...........O 7 .V i i 8Im EeCPLftn4 D o b e w e n t to th e T iff t f o u s . là th o t C I O fW.. . . . . . . .A 1 i I 3 S City. Doble i prob sbly oeueo fthe, b u <~e ....... .....9.. 40 0. ' T E- ri m es 'r pret ..... $.50 (à 7.50grteu traîner ji the world. Ho was the train- Butter................o..~B A D n, evnIea or and driver of both Dexter sud Gl gg.......100. to 15C. pur lCOTN .g.i umtbMad.Llinugsegar nttheb.TIfR fl!..............6 t', Sts OTO Bousud sîtng dom-n bY the. aide c of OTONYaN a"Dublin Porter; ieAe n W o n.Yuarî 4 &rttilpore . o b 1 egn-la talk about NEW . D VERTISEM EN Ts.co r z BA , vet'o eaald trotiherés,eu"u, -Ue'uii r ateutCrotte phLib ral errn to t e bo el ttdee .O. mu, lie %, Cte, hthePatan itheworld , Ho i the bout and fautest h TZf . EI AN-tR. F N O Ste 51ieton borue Éhat 1lover pulled tho relu e ver. I ='<LWVyrilv _ A T tel uPôfivIYiut1 dov exe acoCON TTO DGS ood runella Gaiters, m itea you 1poh i n 2:14,hAtd ie Dex t r a .75 cen ts p er4p air , at ~m m e i bd be, kelit on th Irack 1 w uld stake CEr1 $AieOO. 0 hyrto&nCo,'4 talk ug about, and 1 y thereli no bhne BSTABLI HE D 81 .1 A E A S .M C I H L '.W hitb y Ju y 26 1871. N.1 nte C re; pn c~ alru' ln luhe wrta u :2.[co whl 'a ee-gMfoatna fIe luti.wei t n cbout h m " Duble 10 r- ch. won.j ahomariof e iff aor~In h, ud re , arn pîrepared to uecopt risqk* ml ii"*"sues. C!OTTON YA N 1e&O 8 x e l n e a e c i b re . w l eo rti tbixi (rots-, ti cwaunt o. cf a ,'t Canad jn and A eri . proveNdI PTI lefrn LI-îda-id nions inznrdous propnri » cniet PATP.T RIovSwzçnpn~~ -~-.ine frtnsurcd -for thnoc veari r ea , at spc ial y logeik ro ____ ~ o' bn iVes'It 'ert are warned agninst înnving raton. the')ecent -_d1-ncepro r t hoiL Jtni mwPl.fL~ral a tting t e do wthsç'i ndv uiislagn d L ARB N S r. oo hc h e ofr a es- nP mn Roersan oi-m, W h have 6en, ope'- Wihth',Aug 2 , Brok. St., Wlnitby. tha g pres nt. auatules$ ag tc fn w D es~jenrded~' for a niew ua certan m cureta-ee fo n e uig besr. l'ie Fcrgilin Recol.d cAparestckceswDr - X P e p u i g n et i ge o u n , r e l . a tlit e g t h s e O L . l ' O A L C t . U t a i n d m in, e c i v e j h s (J > lesA L.Terms-Strictly Cash. frGotta On ie lr t-his w e. D E S 0 0 B RIl I G O A R L S R S me uon oem ' s a n t r e b ie , w l de Frpe t a te i a u , , , A n o cd f r n e n r gA s îi y f t n l t o r n s e T . I L M O M I L L A N ~c .l a s - t h e d r e s s - . .b e a u t i f u l g o o d is , - O U L EWWR I ED E E 8 B E L S R S e l v a o t ' su e ek irb'rt< dne, sudaveu ino n n ed alloc msnodo arraniremets .a u o oLo rita l'or nstnneý, tley sid fo a liree gi;,pl orovertdheireit reuiq e" TW ufsru,. Alex. ("arroil, Thonina Cloghorn n*nvea and Grataletn,(s cla. hcmmir a d John uimsemn.,, each the exclusive Coal, w niî h alot lt eo nnt o nt l e iainai o f_ theJie Ch a es aosB st arice t La ie'w a f r heti e. saat. Adre, R o b e r t J a c k s o n ua n d I r . p a t r ' n c k K b y . J h L W ~n i L I S uxîuieaguy o eet o i. iio rcmotnKo cdc riverN LO . M .Ijmkuki __ OMAIE Te our Own kimnwlî'dàle lin.uindiera haveWtilth. A'n. 30. REAL obtai ei noies for oe usnîsrsd flya. AanM have11LW' R E A L A E, IO SI R Y, &C. s;n.t1er71n. dcllars ro m uso en fllrineuj in the iv. ( N E Y W AN T ED. f ne Ag* wmp eR IandS - townships iiuon otely arund,etgua ' leI and-. r . . Vlunio aru a - raupcsAu-s...A met etre.. Tins. ubscriber Ig'axe isntif<j .rtis l- Kirf e eeildI tive ie ccurd farc at 'ni-gt about il dehn.d to mm, til t alins Itn ing"conite 10 < C > V tc C'dock, b, whiet tie stbhru i()f tth. Ex- snot rald hy vteni Sun t Sa teibnirsiext. wilil :F A--.......... WlLYn chane tel, the lim s' oflie,Walgf' oIi uo degd over tLte tnacr vnofsgthrsrouftoliice f Hotef andthre or dur oreswere !m. t colé.,lijn ý -Good Tweed , Suite tuanufac. P E E I V CkPeeydsryd 'i r ronntintoe-li or scpt., tige gurubet wili atulle ed e have bruken ut il t e s iap icuof .colltl""O ith. .' For partieularaatell fur t i e E x sh AIn g e J te i ,- a fn d t e n c e sJ S 1.G It t E m h FHR R D WAFI EPT S O L & i Plru iihg tinidit. M-Tit A.H 4uIP .rd h public generally, thtt in ordr to open his New Store No'Joues, W. Joînexansd S. Hunston ire Wllig,28rd A o., i871. 2in-84 with.an entire New Stock, he will froni this date, - eavy louera. The ire wnsm sften' iio't T RA YE V. - OFF- A orenycesffnanprred h iS SELL 0F l? IS OLD' STOCK CS - uie tm tise rotten statuorcftise ohdAT-CS W IOsoegntf houe were, cf lItti. usa ; bucketn, tubas, rom tfig e aturo field, noar Grand Tfrunkrth and ether kmud cf veanx, hs wuo Stntioîn, Wsnaitiîy, on,, or n mnt o t li Aguat, 1.wic udNEW BRACELETS JUST TO IRAND. bol waet er brtigt I tl iquiitin. a durkit;IrindIL-d Cuw. îîbount6O ,'aru hotd wapr wor bn'csght h t tequ 01t(1u. in. tîis ite lns.ieuns booac' nnd wlhtespot% The bau fl a t prenettauppoaed teo be at OU su sani il;g 0is, l:na eIiied ipwardii, leaa& $10,000 ur12,000. newiy c-lvod Ans,'pirnu iiiKlromtJA E JO NT 9L E A r. .E 19 - t t t h at tie Sti Joh n crow wil11 o a rdeds. gîis tM r B y rn e s D r u g S to re, B ro ck st . -E A T H E R . ýF1Ve, the MOQ stersini ng tolberlro(0 ereliWILL AUbO E, 'ý Dy ted at oeliugr tIoiM oR W by, A net 23, 1871. -B t, B n es etes .-~R S nfnht h oPort Wiltb . Ia. -on es, O.h r - fO lto w nsvad cnphauu ;' aise thnit Whitby, Auguet 2rcl, 1871. ~ u8 teOcstiçg rwwl oetal-Flowers, Laces, &c.1 at nL tii., prove vctoinus, thc,' will devote t *the "Crie gond cbject. V AD. M. HIS O fS. IUnto the publie 1 weuid goa,,0fB oaTke ah wys cU LC 5T Sl i - D e g g o d u n d r d i mf e u ltie , is t u n aA M- - TOLI e e tth e » o u . to m e C a » fllustn'at n ts xobec halunl» thehe eeuixloksudmennsdlsdof aeuyo cionmech.Dlecoraotch o th Am rc n -S n y h u ' A T C H & B R O ., A ge n t s . - F r bo tu a sd ue a Ch eir m o e , p y,Y ur p et pu s te nio k- unny, à1luMissouri , 'At the. firait sumati!...temcoe e n e l' tn - u na » Suudl n ay SccoMy well atocked toe o Brook litreet- M Ig lu»; ud the peole o uld hard i,' nde n'1ha e arran ged with H. &B , osI yclbae ve, Atte da ce, unteou kind,Mypmesl bnd- peudht I 1came ted f n ethat tne imsd Comuipon l-e aau d W h I as ted ou. dnyrknowing thoun for som o yaa, have pleaure, in.re6sm e ndg erson's ro- No botter 0811 ion fid O'anetblamgbie qii SoeYcouîpn'isng Sik ndClth aniemdeTo larmera, and teto la dnxa 'n'et b, scrnuetrick about IL. HavI» ikad lt adsmd 'I on D u e, Ar st on ," av C oc et" o rd rin any shape or. styleIfte l ak ae' g V ke tAruud the towi. n u oum 11Cnpsydz nee.ed 'Nooaru'ldonnihnt r Capital Army yer cnt oafentrt ; or1 k»ow if I take itrIJOX, or Theyli oVesni tieewl b. Oine soi't of ofilcer re thi u. 'Ntton-ti deu' wauftXo oix Pr or, orIlail ovs,'I tta be o I t Ie te u th o fiy- aot, ' d o -Te~1b, r..Tn> ul ftu ot - cO ne n u te dto ta k e It . ' o p r c h a e f r o m th e n i T h e i r f u n it r e a l e ý g i ý s u p e r io r 41n7 . t t19 i-' 1 8 1er of. eÀ. M. CHISHOLM'S.BUApnilg19,fd1871.eBoctl& eshmadeoremeneeck utreetA.WMhntby -ROSs 3. lu, the26.--OOC, Ag2.James ilteckenidge', a lariuer ult,&vomd ym rena'e J .Auiog Of hIîstugdon, wa bur t to deat b lait T oronto A gu t 19p 187L . -J . A M T O G.~U ~ g' - Wlsitby, Augst ISils, 1An s'asbei bee1vn1mtIl..uac0tie8toîdeab iA.IwÂyre qest,* wetake~ ltM 5 B 'LIR T he, li r e l ti . e p io , in -D u b lin« h a v eAp l e it u r e in »'r e o o u m e n d i g th e m n,- a n d n e e d c u oy # t e y a r e t o c e l n benetrandpunate, Dubî1» hen Temmnhureapite eeosro avorably knowus to eq irlunther commentWi ndS- ItYle, the grndt tiueyet rengprepmred Ote YtantaLord Maor.the mpte ed id aiTl0a0hwsy mercis, stylethe gand banquet Pn'e.d d teTIiiiercolo I give ublic pu - '- 4. - of gAMZ8'd-Bi w.-o. - --- ont -t - _ _- -_U_ _ _ __r W w d'd ýth 1 ere'aveàr uiailt P~ah o lb jol, ~ ~ o,,m.y o ece lunthé tu'« o,, m»'i>u» 'o four1yearm age m sbracing 1 IB O' aun. nfilit'tndo .n a ij i - n- « ~ a. Bor.Oa t muachv, 0.oi~isAp, st, of 0, 'o{e 'YLe(linm> y<8 8'fcon u1 I rànce ;awnsi - enpetiijp__tr 4jf~ j T O I 5 izso norO fii 6 u Y. fii'One ikemiatrn au, mie-lu.SETHleC. Wl -eSvlu*111,e :isSoeu_ i to ýth darwei 18 &--- Usa___ lesn su is 5gSsj; j) lytt ,.- " 1-j" ý tmr eelwn,,,I,, ,c ia.t ano nd 1O t lis lu A rao'~fol CA' isigolupzto lI n ie* ydq 15 en t0'- Ism;tr Bon. . KElIr or dsý Mnis., ens- s'rcDmtont 1 869, Ie nbe Ite, md T~a satialie es the eg e n; i - toi îq'p, Oume riena * nwingIn sv) ofT'oil<s îe6. baosveY-,'.tadp ,- ad 1oertiae.î yd wiven, ye Ci 0ftise arie. A iies tho , willsPli o,An wsethunIRgend uPi.e,'no. HNos. re m Xc. or 1q lieesPatet olO eau 'an Oeusitélaa nd r.: !onsl,' sf nt hi nngfrev, C. Ona sznt Caa a bneL ils, omuy EôiisC D wethLr m'at di, usd a Su lvi n Peren.laliiie L97, No- 1 b icuse.Goffre re,'e gien utn. 'es-r,' Euilsa maCnilos'l» nfualae ,nd Worilu-mI stoc Ididis Coudani, esuos-en, pre otan». asoi O F 1009.' Par Hill.' Cur -. Af Neer 'IL.f - i s-sEInevs 1.tlwlj W Ag on of -i U-w- - &Mf lc.. Pa, t 'a- lIS--acre.lu te of sg~ 4, i~ - IDSON-' q -'~ - - ym'ti~P o; *~aoua~ WI.OeL... - - *--

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