Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jul 1871, p. 3

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N- BEAW, 6flby, by the E et Siuspson, 0 ' Da alinD. mifo haveadevlsd l 0ILÀ w 1IL 0 0 r trois rite steel or Ji con be Mt in-. Li.emed Auctioneer fer tise <Ceust uhaàrpened edgsd oetaios. e A1 resloft Pt No. 1 Toit Gae. enstbti noua spotaorufiegg~'rveîrosît, 4th Con. Wbithy, or nt ri police 01, lb. tuie CUtxa.rnOL Orn, vIiib.promhptly naI tb. *glotra:*@, tneiddfo. ndred plIIolA i whstby, J0Iy leih, 18$71. 20 BD. '.-On tbe 241bh A Ilorse, e(lreg, Otier, Robus, &o., ~ 8 T.GibuPiflor sud other Stçves. Ai» 5'aqnartity of T.ogservii, 0goo<i Dry Wood. >f Somrvill, to ix meuglas rejit wIliIb. given, Breswo? LInd- Apply toe Kv. Tisas. Klrkiand, on tbe lot or 2md oi Augnat nexV. - Whltby, Jas!y l9ti., 1871. Olu-2O NA.1ER.-idenddeniy, &t ber veusi JNBOLVEIIT CT 0F 1869. donce lu the Town of Wbilby, ou Teueday .Caonada . -)lunlb. Couoty Colin the 25b luit, o ssa BRmer, the boloifid ProvinictoS 0tilo, >t ifs~ilo counoty of On. 'vif. of John Hanter, Eeq., sged 78 yi. Cetf Onario. al.l i.aatro The suc.,.chrittsu ud laly.l Or uTueay; tise 22ud dey of Aisng set daportaient ofi îLedeces.ed,- sectsred ber 'tie ussderxigsied wJifl sp,)sy bte e4lisdge aS the respect endudeteouinfai slarge circe .theO i-oi Court, Sor a Isclsarlo uÛder the ,of- friesals,_who viliideepIy -sympatisze .,l. Aut. OJN YX yuLb ber busbond sq hie &ad bereaveoeuî> 17 J. Humerar <rftsswooa, hi, At The Fanerai taits place ta dai, at 8 torney ad litin. in u..' rom her bnsbsnd's rtdiee, ba Dated ut Whitbiy 18 JOsY, 1871. lin .20 &ii bno arylog groaud. sALE OF MULTOAGE PSMSs TRAVEVLILEECC'«VIDE. Trrijo, oer 0. r. Raiilway, louve Whiîby Blîsuon Thse COMMERCIAL IJOTEL Duane lSis i .ree Geouse VaT-V.XprP@Q. 141- ».ii.; Accommtnsnsnoa. 1.50 . p.sa lpremp . 907 pin. 1056. ano,; Acsi.uasi,80 o. ui. j; ara d for tlie, 1>7 Public Alistion, on 7h. laaiorut iyTiuitreal hlma. whieý s iismo snnTUEBDAY, thee Est day or Auùgnua, Mlt lo#iisc thli h ts s.WIls1 Poffictos. folowa s- At u'son, on tise premioes, thse shore dosirable It hiy r sfm-G4lr , :aag . 6- s:0 sOp.m, lingea Pl YI1i55litise Lasdsansd th utdt* thepower tif autoaion. *L n.oiiuerterrg i.sol..i ilie dre ti l in ttiiied listsaes't',tsî M..rtirWe vsidsby aise 'viaktIS aiitiiseuîr sar (liiç or ssiîî. Franlin Augu.ituiWilisers »sidilfie,Vo tise Fs;el;gsi 9411J ioneit Ours7 'iiuroday aoiig Vs'iiiur, deii ii isvini ben nOado u, irl nt 10p P. W1 are Lt0te insp" wer "Ssay biteerised. Tria i2 0 per col ut sa-80 pur cent In one nipluveies V osrwooisgSA.sîsidavexepsed.) et l ihttsi tit r fin si tile iiiiaiiifi u nels ear 9 oeriiri. ur stte ,%îriii, mtskiig coliiiiiarios, wîth 'vitisitoe. i litpî e sais.au s ii'~ 'S 1>5 Cit5iiy Fa 'f.tiii ,yatticul,.ra, apply ta tfii Ans'- DIVINE- iie vcce. iutier, Levi 'lairbalk, J r., li.q.. or ta«- .0,¶ mot 7 p.m-flsr.. D. Cayley, Vessiur, Toronsto. am OAw am.nibyeiasjýs s.PURE SCOTCHI W oop.sun--AI 10, W a.sm. and cu..aM, l otti I atts. n., assis0.30 IVhitby maýrIca's. ki!)0,Wiat....... 0......1. Q~~25 Bîriug......a............. 60 1 2 Penn .......... .... .... f.0 75. .70.....<*........ 9n 70 .............. 1 1W a 55 .......... bot itpar b. ..-. tic 12 Claver dt!..... 8 75 49 Boa(......... 0... ..... o (à7 Ctisakeiso ................ 250.0 oa Diia'ks * 40...98 Pel tr ...... .... ..... 09*7.8 utter..4.. .;......... ....I. purlez wr.ct.......4..........50W Vo 880V. k L LNLEVIT, Imparted direct from G. LLOYD ALISON. AT- GUELliU SE.WING l11ACIIINE . T»HE OSBOIIN NEW ADVERTI8JEMENTS, tloi, ou ot soulai li ('îssisi istig Lot 96 0 U., tisi cosn.' Wee W iliinot Caiiity ai Mid. 0O di"eux, taO aelioscared. sud Weill wistered, - IEood fiscam,, ga)IsI Buildlings, sui ad' I<lsisgarir t esice fruit ,; silsateis 'itisin O 0 11110 rulsOf thae fiurl*hliog villaige ut Park l1Oi ud Occtaitiaug 142 agros. . For partietilars appiy to- TItUBAS KNiIIUTA VJSE IG UVnJJ P'ark n iii. LOCKSTITPU SE saNGis CHNE-' W'Iilîsy, JulY 2 41,h, 1 871. if 20 "-I) - 'hioalaid tsithroisviou £ad&u o re Dow C' A TT-Lic 8 T IlA Y H> Lu tseMtîchiulu. Tisey hava beau ',testedil'e)-auclailqssepsCuî, make tla favorite nlook smitai, atike 0, otsh tisidi-s, ossd araetira Strasi' trm Vt. reisins a Vie sbecibe, iucedsspei<> ta oiy tier sîsclaIie ofrired Ltodfot a , Ii the . at liresqrlteg .lit Ve Vth, 1,11olie. For 'vide ranges aSWei rit. 'pettso ILs Né.ek LuI) nos).y tl'ick.ort(c hturlssg ilt, lieaity sud excellensce utf usachaiin, ad- fi e , aa t.our spattri g spabiiity, straaîgsî ad dsîrîabiity, whiite, adtir utoftlin Iiistrdil. 'T.eOmbaru Sewîug lincisîne ha@ no Aiuy per-son givisg muscla lsuflmallrivasl. eaul tao iseir ruaovsry, 'viii besulntaibly roasrd- w~ Improvements lhâve iately beau smodo,, ail. eiishil'g tise c.aîsoîtîootnkrer, la cluini It 0se Vhs ofîi5~sk .a tesailusiaîiisla are hslug roceiveàd dus!!7front Whiiby July 4îh, ad a1'Weili snov woperatain rttesiiug UN. 'oli. Whiby Jlyi4h,1071. $118s30 dtrftiîi siyaîîiliies. W!! il o alsl ns of ~ ~ T ~L.E T. sàtissa witig, tram thoeset cambrie Vo o FC TtuLT.a10Caurmst avercoat or sîpper lshr 0 01ARAN9813TO 9As as icraEgTaD, On NO -htlrgeauuoçmy adiUCOi111tise Cseaassicr.a BALE, WAicisANTED rusTHIRat TZASs. ý]tle wîitis7tlyuti ll yth ai (.Cr f Thc Osttarn u <tflit completAan sd reaalily > 111 ý4ilby nd or Very isilwy. calsprîesiid. la h ut Maraisilit Vihprisa A. thyu io- liltierto cisargud for iosliqoiig a lilas UiiRt>ICLE OFICE. ranace rof vorla, -tieseitisilutctirers balssg 'de- 2>lîiu, 1671 80 ls& frsiîuad topIane t it vil h tsresaisoftsvery tc Wiilî 0,1671, 0 7fiiily Isn tue Suultry. - --- AA rsî L BYasng PUllo,àl5F Wi iyl uVICe aliE - JAMEN CIRE, tiaut Our giîsiiasaaae sutaqnllc>I t81'EVTt BCF PUBLIC IBCîîlolý o it OR The Guelph R vri Ithiecoliisty Ut uiistara R ves 110 pr(4esmietth liiett Siuin Tlsrosci Ma-.' Anuaass-Ruâglaii 1'ost Offie,100,0. iiia altrai the Ipubiec-ltue eit. tnsarv.loug Juiy l9tfq, 1h11. '88 succeg,. VIII do aIl voriation af dansastla sswug Pis s ri ud.$1;tegf llu alat. ata i e iarnaite i wgL4»VNIttî ftîlWI Uld,81;traaedle 4 11)*F(I njuE i t i tku'EW I ty. Apply t-. GTVLPEI, CANADA. Lewis Aluln, Agniitloiar Wlitisy; 1R. &r11, t>' aria, for .Bôwtiruuvie ; Lewisà Qulal, for NortIa J& boutli Ontario. ua iti17. . . . 2 .1 iat OF*,RCT~TtRa CHOICE, pie Trèe hJOUT 20,000t Tise BuPsrb New Lnke L'PPer State Cabin Steamer, NOILSEMAN, CitrrxIng Tile tie u aada al Ils 5I~ A.. M. CHISHOLM'S~ *Remembei' fui Whtby~ JIy26, 1871. No 1 o te or&r Cheap Cash.'Store. Alarge lot Of Organdie Muslins, warranted fuit colors, A.. M. CISHOLM'S Good Prunella Gaiters 5cents per pair, at or our stock at Gre% ..M CH S O M S for W inter Goods. JEvery cuistc bargains, as ihc stoci Wbitby,'êFuly 19, 1871. m are swLUe. utornew JJi'ess Goods receiveil - this week. fromn-One dollar to Threo dol- lars the dreas-beautiful goods, at Good- Tweed tured at Bats, i'lowers, sale we wiIl offer the balan-c*e .tly lLeduoed Price; in order to make room Omer, ma/,ydep nd on secuiring- ,is arge, and -mustbe reduced. JOHN SKINNER. GRAND RALLY Musihau, 1'rhsta, Jr Gre~Catton, 'r~.lîismîu~s, Meus' Voit Baie, Daisssk, ugu, (..iotlis, Itecla Ta.,, Table Tweed., Brases, - Ladies' Stsya, Brovu Moliaud, - Cottasi Jr Linnaîn DrU!, Caruets. &c.. >1 ~t-- ~ ~ I Millinery, Fiowers, and Feathers, ~ur ~~E~IJLJ JL~1 ~* JL* j mer Olothing lu great variety. ~ Clothing Made to Order. Hd/PIÎL TO01a4 C Will offer the balance- of their extensive stock at greatlyreu ,Parasols, Striped is essis, Dein. 'o Lacss Canstosn Plassusi, CottunLIcls, Lace éisrtint, . Siirtinîs, VitSir, T o w i u g, cs ry,, U hadat r Clotisia itkiu.lucs, Glottes, ' Maixstrawi¶to 51k. sud Cosored B1ik, Black Lustres, Blacka Cobour 9, Bilack Rip.,Cluh pan£y Dresa Gooda, DRESS GOODI, DOUBLE WARPED PRENCH 'EvWJjJjED VERSIBLE LUSTRES. Suits manufac. LM'The Cheapest and Best article ot Ladies'wear for the tomes. RE-dL MALTESE LAàCE. TT(sL 9 %V O And a Complete and Full Stock of the Newest A.. M. CHISHOLM'8. and Bent Staple and Fancy Goodla - F AMg1L Y CRO0C E RIE8 COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Bonnets, Feathers, FARR.EIIS' FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, Laces, &c., at HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, &c. Ir Also sole Agent for the Canada -Phosphate. A.. M.CHISHOLM'S. -- NOTIUE OF -REMOVAL. 15ilk and lioth hiantles made. oordei in any shape or style equired, a.t A. M. CHI8HTOLM'S.1 Family Groceries always kept stock, -iOf the very beat, and ýe marked at a smail advauce, A. M. CHISHiOLM'S. The highest price- paid for ail kinda of Farm prodûce,.at 'Untýo the pubil jItisey vosi, For boots andi Tben let tbsi A. M. U II TIff O L M.s. My etocki r'Family 'Groceries, Fine INew Teas i BLACK AND GREEN. KOHEAIRL'USTRES, or'i»he Highest Jrice FPaid for BUTTE[1 1ArcMILLAN & Co., wuiha. tSars]ut Vhs gW. Liswest Living g~ tra, LgisrnPlain, Fui, sud "VUk-as, eaiscautafui a.srtssscut. --o-- JUrE' REZCEîVED 19000 Galionaof Prime Oid Ryo admalt Whisky. 2,000 Gallons of Pins Yamlly Aie, ut manus- fcrraPrices. -'T.H M CILwrý&c mcmiilansulilug Brook-st., Why James Johnston, Watchmaker, will carry. on his businesil Mr. Jas. Byrne's Drug Store, Durwg th budin gftemNoin« mses.Dac- Ietq, &C&c, at very low price. Whitby, April -12, 1871. f1 I 1B0,N 'y PASy Dek street- 1 a- - - 0f Bootl's 1 keep a beavy stock And- ladies wvis o 70 aoose' Your pretty purues Vo ulock, S ELF-RKNMEPR AWARD.àl-E hD FIRS elTronZE., ithe Fa-ilof' 1870. We off'er to u stoners *for thý coining Hlarvest, tw o dist inct Machines, which in-style and cônstruction, enibrace' the latesti and Most useful improvements of the day. JOIINS'TOjN'S SINGLE SELF-RAKINtX . REA PFl -b tu teir lloiîs - Ce. - - jury M>sioW are gitan tIse naisses of parties 'viso tire Du uaaîg >rom >5154 ta ýe4asiWi - of Our wlOi ansd vo invite pars!. iem vi ia Vot purchMSa tu cOrreapoid wis.it titern. ~~il ..........Aa~so..........rel. cdMWiis &>,O A. Iiusitiii & C ...... à, Barbeau. ... ,.....alrti4 J..B......e.... ..k ,is .......me............... AJ.Bat.k......... .i........ Ngi.,. JABigrâce ....... ... ......mtdjjI àwaob Br.ser...............r o JCarVoeîh.. > .................. 'tisatr C-O. WCsr........... .......... . JameSs uA.Cit........iss»,o, A. & J.Ciumauiue...............iles"si*r, n . A iiiî.............. . s J>so.as Dyer.'..I....... ....... e' Jub yie ........" ............ >5îîse Jisand & ieoand. ..... hjtle C. K D rewary......... ..iust ,V iew hi Daei ................. ipaie J ams i..g...*..:.......yr biHou ir~ ... ........... siîr,.,.i, RuFiaucis Brs................. Fkeuss. Bter art) th-: ............ aaiptllî(orj Fm .làrts..................ur..ajtlg Tigird & àles.............. .s>.pitl, Ja' ais Jarils.'Ux ,rd, Thomas Giaa...............«isw cliis k Bras............... a.& .Grerv Ce .........suad kl mm Gordn, k IVaise U&aiao...........! W0. Milir.................... tueba. len H .s.r..rîbi............... il1Utlham - ***syse.........a...M.... î C. Vâlirrungtis................ataW' trglnk i5..y......... .......rt Mape ýJuhialaiis......... ...... ita. ** 0 . ba i >ogJ . . . ... ...... aa 5 t s Wrilliam& fluqra... ....... Firt 3lay.p JuiileCr....j.............14 Guelph. McDawei& Co ...............Li 1 1 MI piite SAaaLoi n r.............. , ....t4 rkr JasLoeiaaa..........t,,. g isîai nu cbl.................... irew%.e =MMN xsi.......... ..... #.s<aih, AW.<tsIUMk ...............iiuîuroai JaU aalta............... $Os.>a.iion lM. aintien...............Buwissastvpjgrket HýiN.5 ut..l...... .......La~,,, PausaiâmA zluriaig .. .... ...n 1d o . bl DwS i J .. ... ..hasirpsaur _ Jaiarj . '# Nfeer.:........ ewÏiuti Peauaoras k ......... .... Jiaisaà rn ck Jh l. Pabdy................ fl ittoii, John ..a.eykC........... bl r lV, uso............. Jase aa..... .............80'a AV. emrss.'.... ;.............. ira ý, Jahari .almr......:: ... Aimuais, ;ri f«19 sellie ILcol ...... ......Ci r ewoas .îshD................asvle sa es & cuenber ........ CollIIIw&E, EAu 1 . t a ".....iBu$, Tiaeuaus Sepbuusuas, Job,> i bas 1 .......a'f6j ia.sa hp...........I .. J Pt iiiso Smevu. .Bils, Jaarisu... ..... lis,.10 Trrr on» . H......be %VM.Tue......... . David Town..... ".........dn -rh0 i ~ a....... f 1 1 < No. on the CornR. .990mqb,À, MT During.'tI)is 1 , 1 À lmimiya C3.111- ---« 1 0 54V un AT GRAND RALLY TRIXMNGI I..

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