Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jul 1871, p. 2

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-7- .1- - 1 tqà,, phie - 1 AULS "e1tre test hke Tb@ Zeader sédi, this oba»ga. hais been M -W 'Uni ilimde pnt sol ý2lookg- 91 tilýE'ý.PeOP ýRoport-r - sala Pi ins; them on the comb of ýelr huniers ui&fOrtuf'4tffl groping in tire le that dise did ho CeXPect'ed, ils tire Lundoi) Ti7nëg 1 of it, , la; 1 tige wu prepume wu are jusiified In osen pwt'7"' 71 tîý11. li,9ihl$t' etorethem BiLsding like Roic, wheu lit full jock il e d'arlçý ilid, e evidence id strouge r against $&Yio«f vith a view ta imparling à jigtle -te a Itibbon su ullder a: Iltd eèsrlý Ibis morninz on gers, Which impelid Il, L;,31'bý,tegî frigpr 9, ', tô'lojýaIIy accept the trelity au in, acy of Ibo ýtbere for tÙe' .et- b0st terrris tl)ýtt could bd J'ecilri,(l PrilacO 11treFt,ý1ro()pls are said ta les firing "00l'è are.) y Io the olitttiwle, tife aidtrable digtarseeý'1 uqemý nt bas this circo 1 rligtancesle s"n, that èLe lived uloàe WiLh him ald mort fDergy foie Ibo Crown Land'à cilice. un the ni-Ob in Avenue A. Two oôldiers This b(sen goýs; on fur aome timý, wbmLa man Let Carlýid4 ýus1ç for and sequre lier iride, was h'z$ 1 8D'e attend ilut illieu fool in 'bis Ibo duifeo of the villerti are Dot coly citer. kil Imd. Hurle rtéiý Co' 'g pars those oigus Ibo party took pulied the trÎ&ýrer , withfn a 16w ù-et 'of a Pcndffletý froin Fngland, and let fi motive in 'the ont bas rëquire ou the part or the pet- JbYtýemùb' w'bo were sepulstd and sever. Oround in ol;irini3bing order, and-proceed» ýI)areJ tire Sàcriticé er be d061re tu ge& popdes8io ed ami-il Nit oleoý C"1npaý,lie, s now sought tu bc 0 cf;biti money whiefs »On Àliochatving (bons ýuickneâs of àppre- a iiiure . About 200 mois without anY ed ta bout over the track where the gagne youn4 uun 0 p upOn hur, arid'if1s(c-ýd or bein a dia LDL 'exist in ILI, othèr c private ý in the Sorel com j afy, attached ta f n "Da. IL ils boitilion and reitdinein (if decisioa. Tho &Peoiéti'uidête cir badeée pa#îéd no Broac! wasq supposed ta be. Bèfüre long sergt. wea L' stiot ils the British E-iipire, sve tbç the Si- HYacinthe' baitallots, - Tire rifle refuse, alore ibitu likely thut the roujibly acitiated by the belit of intentions, way, and were etoistred b 1 the po!ico ut lLiiýb h,;aid asignal, a-idharryin, towkIrds lappèrsèd ta bé 10adé'd 'étà un mlj"tÀ'd be IL-ft t) work out oiir destitiy 011 wiIL ri)JY state doublieoo, Mr. liioba:di bats net itive us tb«coràer")f'1ý0&b Street and dilspuried, the pIace>ýheuc8 the oonrid came, foured exp!oâiun Our ùçèn upon Ibis catie liai licuIýàtIy tu soueb Astiorection ta perdons baving ellms resuiséd - id Fook place, and the bail ýtered the poor t)teiiig-made bc e lire a conviction, but iawyers Say ev4ýlJ solèr#l bioody beada. kicolpe-Qat foi the Safet Bluett with ' ý bis piotoi- levelled'a. the lioad le 0 r ý y tbea lit te au eveli cÉatice if the jury bel 89811,99 the Department si tirait tçý ho de- w*$, béad a-ebort dits=ce bellind the 01 tif, 2 houH aitract iiicieýiîtd W, Il Pr ps. m.-A lairges nu range, (if a Mill Who -was atir bis ýknecSj in r(, 1 ý the bands of, i,>OLl, wiý! eoulict, ail W6ýre ciicuaistaiiiiiil tvi- jiredý il id a question, indepd w coller of 0 a dort lert car, compý1ely-ghatiering-kli, the ap ilitenl;i,ýzin"'Istre, *0 S 'ut igny one mat) cati, We bave 1 béad, aud. 6cuýt@ring the men eucorted by , 30 rogimoqte, paraied of saiidpit, wiib bis bands ezteýüded aboie par part of, LhE. Britàilj ý,and tige Lriliteil Statua. Câpital disce, -'d nul much4f ibut. Aitog 0 tber, beld in ihis bead' and 1eggilig for -gracie, A- tir ý'. 1 . 1 tbe cît6e iii a myeLerioçý une, and p ta- doy ilf Jersey -City, and Wore> unimoiest. ait,11 un t e irouud. 'The iiù#crLuiàaýe Would flow !nia lire coutitr), ; výe resents del the OPinio" tlint tisere are ibousarido of ed. Regimen womau Wall Iying buddied en lbe,ýgrcsund ýmaë f g-ýLY, uli', 0 ri L lice ho CO eý'?',!Y greuter pr(Jý4pc, ci or ut waliy questiours fur glisime in the Crow4 Land4 office and ferry h,)0,50 re ta or# olat'uned At O&cb éli Withaut % groati, and nov rý alisir- adj fur siretvice if ueeded.- Ireside in a niala of mortal four. Loilib, -ed âIýtéè. M liot bu joloparditzed by- tire J of ül the , law. bd* iloi-gilied, a ira- QilîÀ i* [tient, Di, 1 -- -"- 0 let) conilfàually ar'illing there whié-là eau be soeillg the àiituztio ýÇ) le iiiill;onm (A arly of les i il i bert, Ila il Ileiently dorait 2 30 p. M.-S"Orul Brooklyn regf. lie éààl'è Mr. 110A. 0. ordered Bluait tu pot agenda in jfliit Iliflà CI)lýtnig;4int) in tire futtiiii. wilh on-ly by * court of mente pààbopd Roine drer ta the ýsciiy, sin& op, illis piiioj,, sigrid the twO l1nbfsVPYý "ci ils ýi very lew ýîginü9ëà iëVer 1 hignar 'd %vq regret L 1 0 bat thêSel1tî8gseflýs of I;ritisli aIS)UII()ýý, il-viii it;stailt dvittil -Uri -g non existen il id bolieved there lit sufficient power in výir4 eu attifais, Snob a court hein t, wretchtý,ru wers 'et once, soeured. . Tbe#o MoIs* dtid ý the àëqt nien un thim qýjpugii(iii, arid tijo,,4tvi- [le was drawiog gravel trolis a boistrever, il là belîeved thaï Ibo oves were two of Ibo ýYtlJg"namëd rëgpëetively t Mau bad falleu- 1 the City to>crnmh any dietarbýnce. tir inter ' pi(. à11d9ts1ýýeg's iii fýr a 10ad w1jurs tire 6 deparimenis of goverament *fil ý MOM Thomais Funsion and Mary Ila ofý the race t-eits witijosit any JUÎt Or alleqivtLis reiu'rl), Liverheti cani dowi& %viiii ere il 45. -ý-Procèdsion aievink. mob attack, Ihili ligne oburn. Br the nature igàt ýthe Mau 1 c;tll for any on our fle'.17lui upoià tilt Iiii;d part of the tirectivell admiiiistered ý hl the 'cbar)Àe licéinen wiere cansiderably Wb eplin4, VA la6 pdrc nadi ils to bu y waggoti, cruebilig the ulit:t:ls -frag, DOW propoied. Mr Cèln'ýeron bon a ressidi, ed IL twice, and wu& reput ' sied hl the pa- faligued, and believing thaï the re was k-ocked dowià maitider balisvent upwàrdi li4ut"ly thrdaýrh the Ive sou rie) boire « prevoiliiiig it with II)elts. - Mr. Martia ne" of arrivinit &iýe«eiu#idnss whicb Mr. lice tend milft.... IYoref was 'égalé > 're- or the garg would bu fýàund ils auilier bead, en!erineat 1 ô i-fgýear and coming- out' la il eý1èfVde nce -thuis the',, soutier %-a 6ý.thu leoiidvroýÀs strass, bitt the ho Richards sitber doej Dot - p - Oedffois or is ceîvtd ih-ét the mob bâti agtsin-ýattacked il direction, tbey retraced tboir Stops with out ut tbeciown of 14 bond. champane &ecijru tirat front (lie illather eputitry ille txiricilte to den leurtui of exercioing,-Ië et hé mix4t fisad- sied Word fifed un by the miliiiii, AH ré7 their, pridoirers to-the lavera wbere the-y' wa'-s scinde ufabc'1àL'2,ýyeýàrÎ sige, Uri- setter. fi. L4 but -tau 'elident, train tiie Digo mmediately for bail loft ttroir'couveyauce. "' Arter a briel ID you ors widowed tiýý Tire latest Leudency of muiu-' vorisendy full foie error. Even tbouxil &0--ve Police force were misrried,,diid the cul ' ri, Fow thesurigilvels uverNia 0 la.-ýguagû ofeu lin -liel.-bers nt tire flouse ides id tu hop wronàç contioétions may sometimée ho or- warded ta point- Béalry fightif1g regit l'atid dame" éliAht retretibmett, they moi ha' bave ben 1 Oung Alliericafi t)lj>,:,tcugi titus, le' * thut r. Wu '01 quite of Lords, tilitt* Our geuli ý gssra Valis, A Mur rived ut, dempoUk In Ibo Crown Lande' Wb , , owin" goilig 011, 24.b Street reporte beavy sturied agrâlii, comiüà back tu Bido.-,otruet, tbaL thé man by; ose swiul ta tire termes of Ili" tie4ty [cil lils i,-àrtitly carcer yesterduy :soie( 0% le ablioluteil inecessary, Thaï 14, no ii4hting there, several personi'killed and il towasde the ait l'boy we' diieéied ýth«is açoidà uliîi;zs' poli, re ut bappelléd L given himdelf e it is said, tu pet-uiii;try dillu ot agi ' -y- if thilt fix.sent le iiot giveil willifigly. Thi doub't, the secret of 944 change. Let the a number woonded, among tbeas An& ta a certain disau ty aitùqted du the rotilloide up and id natte in 'tite.ý'ard lent. The priispect it i-4 ti,ý,,Icî4g t 'teil ug -%frý J., relis( Le ý Qyq 14 yodog man front R-ssa. woman, alâoý #csaits of oth rëgt,,« whu- whe're, if "-et hdme,.Y' cifier motubor'a Of verdict of the c.)roaer*o ATI, watt 'Deaits that ive are fice to rejeet tilc trJ,ýttv 91 we wa$ diggifig a oppunents of the Ou ' vercmetift màke-whatl charged sois with fixèd bayallets. ».he gang -would ha 'fund. Th di'ý à chorsqe, nilil [6,1î; ()Ur vurtlici; wili iie ac Cuim-rosi, ut Veiipra otà Friday thel eau ont of It. ey it- by occidental liboolini." The cuise WeLli, and Dois, 3,0 P. m- - Trie mob do ibreatoued on tau tinted and a poroschf-d the bouse do &S howev'er, roiserved 'fur* suit; in>ojisly, cepted, and, therc-fiirt.-, our oidy balle àr bail sunti it 1, 18 y à q 1 o ttic depth of 77 fèet. when sisagi the corner ce 23#d-otreeCand 'ti'ue,' go eut chance of -,soupe. Hore9 escape trois) iiiiia', Socin. stidtielliv caved ig# upell hill). ove 0 the 84th Retit., were ordored Io fire - on hiswever, they were met whig a show a directionoi a lyrtflnpt rejection of &lie tiets, The uiéfttrtuisate un was covered wi 1 21 CÀTTLàC.-Ur. John Miller, of Pickeriugt illiein, wbich ibey did. ýAbouL a dLz-ýn reaintance. Thore wus a large and savage ty aile] a neqtiisitioki for igt4leljetidL.:]Ce tu ieet of' earth, uni nebody dared t' rilk club recelyèd the firit initialisaient of stock, Vur« were kilied og chiined ut the doqr, and fer a few 'itAID. i wut Cie- Iloine Uovernineiit Tiroir WC Sti'til lite in exea,.,ziiiýg bis", A noV Wu 1 wns field and wounded. Ç)ùe policeman ci bc froc liroin i(iiiiiie;4tion ils ititerij;ktic;rs,,il du- aIorigýijde tiju broket. one foi. the P, -. Il çkased by bis »Où, in SeoiJarid, by siteaurger aboi deuil, meverai others eerýionsil'injured. minutes the lactates, cuissibtinX of two and setti;1l, il;) fur o(ir I)uý(, ol'Stttii:g tiÀë body 'vut. -- 1 15 or and Notea Scoliail. The importations con. Col. Fîsk among the wounded. men and two wLmen seemed tu tbink that On Siturday n-ght, Jurse 17LII, the illili. or prosperiiy woula bc of our ewol el tbere wu à chance of beating 'Off 0 own iliahifig. Wère mi - 1 th lia barrackti ut- 11alluw were Edittrti lleBrien and , 0. liratit, @lut of a threoyear nid- hpifer, 1iý,tdy- broken liste by a pssrty of ilsen siippijý4ed %Ve trust, therefore. thaï' Canada WEl ell""Jjitted to C , obourg foc% lits a few Ibo Greist Durit Race. police, but a 8izlit of the revolvers and the ta bu Feniarw. Th s td alarge nuai lie spure'd tir for rbtibegies colutilitted nir Savolock,01 for wbich ho paid the hmudl! determination of the officera subdued the Cy elz e bu tiliation and despoila- d"> 8 -490 stores; lier of Sý 1 idcr rifles, out were bliri,.rlt3ed -ils Lion whicil appeare tire be-An store fur hert Ils th;àt place A pick- pocket naiiied Mar- some oula of-tôoo ; a one year oId cuit, Halifax, N. S., July Il.--The pro- riiiing spirit and the garrison surrender-d 1 the act of carryirig thein oll. and left a lot arld Lliat instcad bite vrili bc ailowed tilt- atid tfie tiàreu*coi nia lsa,,Ld myèea,34[b.*$ wbieh coot $400 ; aise a 9 ramme 01 the squatté Cain val il%'Pnbliob uticonditioý.ily. The nam4?@ of this p,&riy of them il) a field, tipach-ê(l lit fl1)uý ýilixiiri, ilf %vorkilig out lier oivii lature e.,;eupe fro il white ed It taites ý place on Z '29ib, 30th, par Aisout foëlv--ridur, lustilly utitritiiiiieli!d t'y r1latertieil relu- tilvir ils ils the Ili-,tj't 53' breuliiii- a 1 8 three-ygar oid RDbertàleG 'ris. Pat. Mit-howd, Etiz4 ready fier' trame U Cf-, go are as le on Dý mare, a pure Ctydi-bdale 0 and 31st Auguot, The greut friur-oared Hodder and Citroline Spiers. aerv, Uri are $tilt misshig. IL is s1âsi)eëýd ttlàt Sileik Il ' ' 1 ri %van ivitii a bar 'uf iroti the - w this uttack was i art of tistive- coulie 81loizId bc piitire- i thr for whieh hi paid *G5ôý They arrived race for the chamoouship qf the worid, b bé'pris4ers 1 a 9 1 cave occur- tuent, Ilicludiag a-,s:tult.s Uri y POJILII)IILIit ulioa tile ratir'ili adoptud tu -rit ri the door. ý%fcBrieU was bore on loges Priday in fine condition, prîzès $6,00, lakee place on the second r. T ptive "Mene peeiù,ý, Kinsuie and L"Iritation luilitia, b;ýi;-ach 1 vc takeil wili', firthe limb the girl %t'ai.d8 u»0;àýs a cýilitilyt:d Lhe-SýLEll0 but tire other reicejveds hist son _Dot comillg with ion. iug, ta usse tboir Slang. th The pedigreets- Ur. Ùiller bai Di yet aay, l'ho hioiels ore ut reeýnt full, and in pot - ice,-aild conctud 'l'fie latest P:eticulart; a.c uu.,jt;tiacd la tifu IUII)f)ltatit nation'il crisses. Of t' ci. jury. Il, ai p the Company or the by die liame ils tire present t1vo other Bide tire illerts wil 1 ha a groat want ut bedomOiýat*. ut elle 9 tve huve suffi :icat rcý,,arI for otir bail *Iis,)Ist 1'.jiluwitlg tele rain .lu bord Il.igties coming from Canada woold do ses 1 1ýorth Colk Itifle l'. ce g i emiioc- àtoeï, re&aiult)g ta tomplute--fartber pur- on the tu auddenly flew et ber, teàÀring Tire L ment ix 600 id ta hope eabli) telegrain states thatilis lioli- la 1 d beating ber with tbe wildest fury, sa sitrolig. Tire barracks id situa rat eî Weil go bire a siessimer ou Which they Lvd ut Ille tion tvith 0W Xfý,tIier lies.i tilt. Ilopt, l'ut' Prceideut, a loin could board and eleep, for the ibree d4y». that t1id officero bad tes rush ta the girl, West end Of the tuait- The au LIV ' 0, ù1 9118 tul'e oeil a courâe or ton Ilia.Y noyer bu Thiers tiliat lie %viil rt;tuaiti ils Itutuei hprisit ud upon US. Il wiii ho almomt împoodible to proYideý assistance and by main screugtb rosette ùtlr.ý stores iviticit were Lire object of the aýtack of ab, U011114 imr. 11110wulis lyominattono UCC()Modaiion oiberwiâe. 'l'ho prieonerti being properly ràecu£éd the eqntaiti 44Q coliverted 1;1,ifielýd breecà N. Y Jijiy 7.-A yniing i TiFft OF TIIF SPEAKER'S SFCit£TAItY. autre 1 luading rifles. 'l'lie guaril 'a Xlist barrach- 'açý The fiarour id quite lively et pretient, - men istaried on -the march boulet -by . nignt nuinbers ci-ht ý osent willi a lyýsica1l naàled 011;iti.* Giffard. of 'Sautii ý%' 'auleý- tic-crct'ti-Y Of' 31t- id si We bave Huglièh, American, French, ad Bluett walkinjr with two of geilitt, and tflCre are IVII."11, -Ný ûne,ýaf a- poile a fil 'iagara coupty, consolitteil sui- Simakir Cuck-burn, ;-,as t)ruV&Ily licaten promineint politiciaù Of North Où- AudIrittii men-ofsvar. the men, sale. (Il Porai aud a Svr -land b1rid ja %»àotitebellif, ils the c4J1ifltý of OLLtwat.011, %was in il tioued, the othors in the carriage. Th. 2fio of the re-paseist arroiiindatt(i on th, -$'jul"[)'rlg fruit] Go-IL Irs 9L tariç,, of the Moderate ifeforla âideý writes Londonl July Il. -The English crew station wu reathod sibout 6 o'clock in tire premises. g in d' T.,le rerfailging 4ouarv billeter, yetteiýda>, ijios-t)iij-- Oit tire bridge $ex alorl)ll c"e b l'hursday e%',eiiiiig, and diLà M'LIS froilà lfljigl.i4!s reccivèd. He was Calivilm ils 1>1 Who are to.compele la the tour oared race tivetsing. The precise charges under which al,()Ut tire towl). About Z o'ci.-wk'on S'un fiiiiiid a letter directe il to bis father and i 1 tig for Mr. Eddy and by sortie liguons got, 8001614 11430 yeur Convention nomÎnaled wilh the Si. John crew, In Auyust, wkil the arresta were made hvýe i3ot boers titut- Jay tglorning, tire Sergeant Ur tige guard recoin iiie, di ng ta histaru bis wiret pft - ilitu ail altercation witil a mon naitied Sir i ut il canna, bu ciller han fs source heurd a iioise in a fi,:Id.ttittsurrouiloslhe '"" iary liabili tics ore SUI)IJOSed tu be the by Whoi ITon . - Geo. Brown fur t3ouâh Ontario. 1 hall en Fiiday fur Amorica, takitig with b ' tvestern cied of tire ti.irrltch-. lie prdetired cause. 1) lie- was kick - foutidl lhem a slow bioat 41 feet long and Iý1J of grat-.ýfication and Security.to the people cil. 'flic guui) lins delivered Iiifuself inio ing tilt obould ha glad ta isee hissa in the House inchee brüýd, construpte'd exprt-ibil fur the living io the vieÎliity of the hautitil of Èlueb about Lventy illeil witll a n"fuPer 01 Ofa 30UI1,ý Inan %vas' four, n ladder, Aild on Ivoli-ing over the Wall Ile At -an early hour this mornirs- the body 1 custodý,. An itiquest lia4 been cotultit-sice(l italit. frýequer.IIy sa w il :,bout 2()o aild is avraititig tire regsult of tljel)ost mor- ho ficceptis the iitpins- race by liottert Jeweit, of Duestout and characters. Couiplaints bave al'ins. Ile itreinediatuly gave e)fl»àrtn, and yards below tire neu- bride-e air tire Can- [lin' eXalleillation The tien, bu obould du oo ut once. H ad' litimed the Lugland, The immes of the beeq made of the ditsorderIy and lawletib hiud the iLsseiiibly, t;cjutttled. il foi-ce of alliais side.- l'ho body is ta bc Mr. Macaiila wns very widely known ineinbe hos eniered the field without lui Of ci e iv are Jaisses lidtiforth, strok,- ; Jameti iife thug these dusperadoe» were leadiug, men buving been - zollected, they burried one hf three voureg ulet4 who went over and was a of mlich ability. Scott, 4 0,11me, when nominaied in 1897. ha w.aid l (A the Perey, John Bright, and ILOtJûrt Cham. and il is oitly atirpritsiig tbiàt Sortie of the ilito the field, and they saw the pligurldtrer'; the Falls lis ý boat a ulotitl'à ago. their el County Mugritrascès bail noL lakma action lu ruisiiiiig lis tire direction, , rail way New il have beau elecied in spite et every op- t!tn6ai)ktilctit. Thuy gave cha"., leil by San Féalicisco, JUIV 6.-A shiirpshock Tifz lx NI,.-%v Yolir- TI) a the Mailer long, agu. It id kuown, 100, tliver. ollicer.4. wlio hadjilst C()IlL lj[)ý arld wils fel 1 t ils Vi.ý4ilia yegtcr- York, JUIY tlit-(catf.-nitig attitude siderat postilion tuât could ha offored. Nelv Cujhea ceded ta Britain. that the prisorters arredied yesterday are a 'le plirsuit missile 01 tire iiiilitia fired. dav, blit no daiti-l'e %vas (toile A water. 111-imilified hy the 11141 catticrics toivards t. gcilleil has bLen thotight of Suf lientral portion uclyot a number 01 inwilar char. Lire fugitives rettiriting tire tire. IL was ýI'Uut :Vd liver liowers, Iteare, l'rucher, the Orari les. 'Ncw Soui)i)xica. ý-0ur lownpenpif Rittweets fiolland sud- roic-li iiiýQii the traek tef Nt. -day. -lent luifloris'nce by tke Iri-sh 1, Information cames from the Elague that acters Who iufest tbaL loculitly. - Glibe. f#oLicuýI tillit as they lâtrellied (lie thievus ye McUlosky to induce Iiitn tri do Il il, fils f- a-treaty Briiuiü fur IVII il with Outritellest we are aura, iÎtrillbe, th IF t- ý - were ttitotviit-, away rifles. The wilitia '4'ull c)l eurlb rt'sl e cemigion of New Guinpa ta the latter tire 0 pur,ýuit fur nearly ha:f a ille celetral pacifia lt!iilroad, and a %vest- 110wur ti) pievent air onibreak. lie' lins a bloodj l'ne ILoAneb F gratice ha@ i4ititaiiied. culitillucti witril burins] freight, il-ait) waà tissu wr, notifie *il ttýu clergy toý.,;Iieak of the cognitif; thuy ila ed to lotra thaï the firm who lately toit power bas-been raigfied by the Duteh Par. illilL, U1ýLiI the Pt!tel;itls crosséd 'Lhù rail -u abruad. «I (tour thè trsick (lonsidera file dans. denionstration nt each itintis,,ntid ta advine the fille neboonçr 1'ioneer, en Litke OU- tissaient. 'l'fils new» engages without ýanV À Weil informed member of the Nation w . ay euibankinent, when ttic),'w(ere hest to a'ç done, bot no lives were lost. 0 their cati -rý-g;ttioits tri abstain . front ilny tire bloc tarie, &bout a mmais have purchawd Il' ev'ous 'D"watlo" th' t ljegot' "0 wure ai AoseLubly bai give a the followiog esti- ut). and rival- the railway, lis 1 view. At -every stel) rffles Vert Ilickeil w Oili--tilird of tfte citv (Pr letirek-a wu,; Overt acte:iljd allow tire Orange proffl- after a f peiiditig ou, Ibo -subject ; and aveu uow burnvd y.esterday. Lüss $300,000, Sion ta tout$ ()ri go, police, Mayor ý Ilail eiolit ki the tiew schonner MarynlÏurç. K 1, wiih t ýre ls bu of the terissa ut mate of the loisies of France durinz the large bal; tif bayotiets wasfuuiid, Ttvo c»lnfalaticnlly a"erts thist quels ineasures sa carrylux iisi)itfîty of 12 000ý bu,4hetti, était., il lhere lias bten a @aie. As fur ab' dreaillul yeur front 15th Jaly, 1870, to colt piiiielsed lis the iYali of spectable lisait, trained Ce silitori, Doriti iiiiiiieisse [joies, large ejiough tu %drnit a Port Dalhousie, July 7-A highiv ru- ý have been talien tu prevent a rint 'thaï IL We botittily wi4b the firm of E.ig&Hiid lu coiýcerneo, ihià triénoter of' pus 15;b Jaly, lý71. Accordîtig ta hi, siti. !Iad b ses a physical iiiil)ossibilitY - %'et it aligi in Paris lie alini and tieddilig ,,:ores. It iý suit, ali ctilltiovée of Îhe %Vestern ltililrOa9l kn,,, th-t àsevural Ili-berniail clubs h vu and thf§ Nuism John 1310w, James 0,(;Dy, and sestelotié liai§ 1.0 grave political iaipOriatie; mate France bas test dutitic th;a year a that the pluiiderers bortd- tire hure, -vas killed last Wght lie %Vas for target sl)""L"9, ly fronts, 1 si es but a tinturtèl resuit ot ti creuse 01 0 belldilig siture di-st, at)(1 discove-litil; tlicir cil about niree t)'(!Iocli p. ni., rend IL was vieil inieid ta nicet de procession of J'ibn 41100, evtry succem*ewith their fine: total of oixteeti millards of francs made up i(ýc iiiýo tire lie had gosse hotric, 1,;A os illegli', i 1 Ili ilitb ilfluvrice in the Suuth Purifie tiiist;tlie, then forceil -tri etitrai ' Otangeitien. *11r qohooiàer. l'ho lvirbur havinic boers arill'i depot. Tire 0fýrouisd rieur [!rit open - one of tire tirés) g!)iýýg hitine ut Il bc expenoe Oceugg', und tiee duels . ne of the colonial- us followd . t , Boy Driewb;£Di- Guelph july e._A Ilitely dredged affurde a sufficient dëpth ioiertýdts ut Ibo Duit . h, whieh commeticed Milliards. i1ý9-i %%-" very rituels ra )pied, aud was 1,pund Stition's 1)udy on tire track. fie ity. , , . . . 5 scattered with bayonets and tifles, - A hid been cituht between. thé cars and boy, a., ci swelve yeurs, son of Mr. Chao. Anotl ci water for vesodi!à of the abotre capacîly eVeu bolore tpey acquired a to(jibuld ils 1. The War Indemni ee been eut --te trade bore without the -1 . eadt danger. New Guitieu. 'l'ho ioj1and id aiiuuted di, 2 Coins of war wirb Gerinany 3 ý;àl'k lantern vras n'I." four.d. tore 'l'iie ta Dectýused,' Davîdson, now ahoeut in En land, came 1 wilchm itito whieh ait titadd leavLS .1 tvile and Llirce sillail children. ta hie deutisi by drowning bî 3, Lobsea ut' the City of Pigrié lis; w île& bâïsthinS Id recily corib ofAustraii%, ta which 'IL is 1 tire rifles aibd Irayoiiets ot'fotj*r The elose inspection which bas heen ils Mr. D. Allan'is mili dam, thio after- 1 collided RATCI, & Brio. bave rfceived a voly ,ecoid lis 1 the group of isiandti the seige ......... faitrsbel ille, atiolit-- tw-o huittired., Tisi, of- , wJde of [lie sewers o*f Paris fias idready nouu.' occured 0 -Z. (toub foi of Hardware, direct froul Eý.R. ut -bien boy furus partis. IL is 1,200 4. Requisitioiss and devastAtions ficial rett.ru situtvs that l(j5 wire reiwived. lvd lieu . large. qua niLics of vreapoils and a 1 rit and mijeai Jung agid bis& tic area of 200 OÙ0 ils trie district,; invaded ...... 1 of iviiieli slx*-v six were ttitrt% land, villeb Mlly ho purchamed ut their ifisinailtivii. aimil also of ex-federai b1r. Moses Iladly. cf Ge trio, met that fil uquisr Au attempt Io ferai a, liet j5. The Pario insurrcetion ...... ... 2 seine rifluis aLà twçtàty, buyos.uth, 1 Liii mýled. fist cointjawils, wlio. diesparing of elicaire wilh a Stid catumitjr on the 4ili ýitjôt-q by sumo vou4l low priées. 434.1 tbmir "Veiti4le. lieuent un the islauà wtàs firât . meidij hi 6. Lusses from the sia-ý,natioa of fruits tiie i*cý,,tjiiir troops, suiight refogc ij bavigig two of. bis children. aged four and ad. th ment, and do not fait ;a give tbgsi»ý a colt, the Vuich ju-1828 ; but the clignate wu commerce, and business of ail the sul)Lerraiýe;tn 1) with whâtvver Six yt-ars, burncd ta deaits, with bieýdweil scribed 1 kinds fur a jour 4 they ýcoIiId sccure. fuuiiu sa ha do bisd thât they werâ foreed Test P.ATENT RIGUT SpqcuL,ýtmiis-Tuip, M ing bougie and furniture. Mr. Hadly was tu abandon the atiempt. Oiber efforts - OiD fitriiicr rvcentIyý,dIvd ai or p,,ri, tif thLiie ýureata ' 1 1 fruits fiome, and hie. wife bud goue ý ta a ses a'e rui)(1rtei »by Piusogàt,.- l'bol. Kitkiand'-Edq., B. tow-ard à iiettiemetit were -made au 1845 16 - tilt, office 01 the Chath-iiii andIre- tite 0p1/1;ýJft ,VÉ&Iiotutle ta bu 'a- inost dt FOI101 A.Jl Our esteemed townimun atid bead mâdý and 1846 by the Bioglith. - At ' presenL liera are the partieulorig of thp lasses of laitd fils ciperieticc in connuu ail ivith plôrable Coliditioli 91-oin buriger 'Ind the tieiIobborla. In their absence b bouge 1 1100be paient riglit Spec i Y'a lilatotWj, IL WaS pl)iâujiUU:§ aLilio.sphtro Of tiroir Liiiing 10019 figA, It -as firet diàcovered 'hi phites, il ter of the High Soboul, bu ecoived - the Eurolieun and Mobammedan il- ofibe Pdris imsurrection s-. tir mame 0141 story. Patelit th il 11,1(j a 'At the Rue Viisvin ettid the miter -son of Mr, S. Brethol's, wh»o made evely newina E appointaient 09 'reacher--ot 8cIence in the tuugid à&( Dorty, %lino, agilité formed - islett'ile. Millions. baie, ri, A? comi titi -r .Normal Soboul.' Toronia- ai - -- mulitis on the irllàtid aun t.-l' ýà WMtby, July 12É Y,- On the 26ili-,, ider -Keýüédy,ý reek, on mon. ,ire. of Mr. S. I)RMÊS GOODS tg. DOU 6U 62. -ý -TheCheape Q 75 65 (A 70 ssu REAL Mý ..500 ffis per h. elo (g 12 $4 75 e>,, And a C 6 Q7 F A] YA Il 14 E lksi E. 9W'ý Also sole ADVERT Io the matter of> ThfM4 z(fýzY, 1ûilid, et, 01 -tke liame, 8tyle jjj«I j rRASS and large sécorid Dividét; -d 'opela t4k obj-CLi,ýrI. tillu; J'ýc, 1871, aitwr NWOOD - piud. -Dated nt WlAtbv, thi., 2911, ipot oa lier cINTRZ, )art Hônte.. OF' T W0 F A, ry TIM IrowNsilip OF RZACLE, on OF O-NTAILLO. TO be sold by Public A,,cý tO the decree of the Cou Sry, inade- in a en JICD.ERJIIU v8. Inst. -At the Village of for five Cotinty of ()ntaric TUESDAY9 the sth Uay A, 1), 18-ÀI. ic schoolâ At two o'clock in the aftert,(,,,,, 0. -- . 01guud blatiter. or tjjn.ý.jd N, clerk, in rWO bjiurt, PARC EL No. J.-Til, F,, tI oftlle wâii IUO uercs, loi. li4ý» w(Ill to the South and F49 re cleored, in a gùC-d tjte.:,i ýweJI feryoed. A never Lili.jg pames tIsrccjýh th-J lot. Illit; IÇ(,Dd Frarile bar,, frame jïà, fOiJuliuliOn, aLd cellâr ILlid . c Thi6 rartn ib aitalic,.b..t rded VIIJ»ge or a iroin ftom -Prfn.0 Alw EIJADri, Viti-.,- -2 tram

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