Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1871, p. 4

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'Asc.. 65 ~. <Oro Ill, m1ie jrare heay ti'én $4 55 me o:d T Butter- ...... ... 15, hl,,f110oryofVi@ aaecretir,. ........._______________ The, 6 t report NE~W ADVERiT6EMENT8. T D-samp4 q., Cuaab ~~arW Fua»i A -VÂ 1> . deciof the oliarlo Bàtk Iild othera te griot 8100 or $50 for travelling George Dowswell bc oommiulener for t es nusiCo Vostb. saie. Mr. Whiste moved <o triko ont the I A. GORD. CA<m,, aime of MoBrien aud Insert Bllaird. Lost. 'ýgnojj vent làto cmeiitteo thereoùl Yeso, White, Willi, Hiight, Sexton, Gor- Mr. Miller thouglit tlh-time for miaki don, Holman and Thompo-7; noyé', granti on rondo had paaed.H.ethe, ail the ret-13. fore zaoved 'thst the appropriationi of Si It wui decidod fnot te appoint Grimmir f0 ltPInd ry lino betweea Victoria ai Teschers on the. Board of Examinera. Ontario b: truck ont. 'Ibo ther appîleanta, Mr- G. y. Siib, Nt Thompscn thought <bat Mr. Mill rud Revu. C. Carrne, Mr. MoLonnan and had 4tigotteii thlst vobâtd to keep1 Dr. Thoraton, vers Appointed with- htheu -o1cudariei., i u o ot' t (jounty Inspeceor. .intorool et thia Oounty<o do o. AfVl Concil roonmcd. Mr. White agnin tons doufed <o senti ali rade f0 Linoa movcd <o atrike out MoBrien and insart thi. îppippriation voùld tend go kecp <i Ballard. Yeo, White, Holmmn, Thomp- trade nut rovn coaoty. son, Hsight and Gordon-5; noyé, 17. Mr.Ne ïr sud ho waa avare of il Loht. The by.lmv via rcad a tird time. being a bo dary lino, butAt wuvin*io Mr. Sexton gave notice ot by.Iîvf0 ime ooi iia onhpbndre, incorporate Port Perry. sbouîd b. ,ký t unte i esimer Also a byliv <o approprias. 6200 to Mr. ;hi:, sucppooted @ e mor.io: Scugog Bridge. Counoil adJouroed. Hoe aid tbat ý9 vould aend rade north ii EVUNING mESSIeN. îtud of bringiag 1< uouth. W. hîd ex, Counoeil reuumed stS8 o'olock. penlded large écisonout<ho oiîtero beun .Mr. Sexton introdced a By-lw in- a- ry. vhbiI, i.nthig hd beco. donc for th cor ovate Port Pervy,.v-awesten. Hebellev.deia Uonn000ty vouf a voi wnt lite oommittee thereon. bave doue ao, 6bit<ho Couaty oe Vori Mr. White poin.d ont that the clmuse would neyer ezpeAd îny money on rondo limiting the Biatoîn boundry te the waters Pickering and Mirkhim kept up <bel - dge vavronoz au it vould give the vil- batnodary roadu, amd Maripousuand Broci fage no juriadictiot over any whirveo uhould do the aime.A ereo<ed oa tho vuter. fMr. Mil ler'u motion viaput ond but- -Miers. Gibbs, Gordon snd Gallovmy yeîe 6, nîyu 13. Anpported l tia viev, but Mr Seztoa Le-. Mr. White OPPOaed t many conditioni lioved it <o b. ail igit and refuued <o have la the clause oppropriatiig the 1150. the clause amonded and it wu puused The Wîr en expliined t ei a dont as introdnced. it the requcat of UZbitige and Whig Counoil reîumed and the by.iav vas pusa eorcb. ed. Mr. White va& overvdýîd, and thé Standing commitice on giol manage. clause pussai.f ment and Connty property rcportedl. Couneif resuined and odepted the vo- REPORT OP COMMITTE N ON OU TY po t. e C n nif o o q a iîi n r p r PROPERTY.ed. The fulloiag in a poion of <the The commifbce foood the giol and uciedu;e of Ie -report: 'The>rrecommeotiod the poyment er cor tain meounta as ippentiet. Prom lot Junuany tu lut Jane, 57 mulea anti 12 females have boon cenfineti in tLe gaob anti onthe lot of Junc 4. miles ati 1 fual, venu ia gaoî. The total aggvego<e duji ef imprimon ment for <ho fivo mothi vas- 932, beiag o tiecreaseofet999 companîti vitb <he provious 7 moatha. The total coît vaa $98.80, Ling üut <ho rateetf 0ý eoer pvday fer esch piioner. They reeoamendt <bat<ho efoaca in the giol yard Le duapeseti et by the gauoler te rhe o eseadvantageoua manner fer tLe counfy. Jl O. GUY. Ckuairman. Mv. -Totd moveti, eontiti hy Mr. White, that uben ebia Counoil odjoura to morew it adjoura aine die. Carrieti. Mn. Galovay nikéti if <ho Cooneil ad. jeurn toe Iotc <o morroir for <lie nonth iembîra te get home on <bot day voulti ehey Le entitlei taopaj fer Suntiuj. The clerk otaiedti <at <ho judgeu et tht Q ueeBe aouthonizedth e Trn:îuror to puy the jurera for Sonday la imilar esses. Tie Couacil though<<thoh application efth<isvue <o <Le nerth mouLera moi ressonîbie. Counnil adjouvned. FIFTH DAY. MORNINO SESSION. Abisent, Memsro.. Donovan anti MoPh-eba. Standing Committee on Roaduad - Bridges voporf id. REPORT OF COMMITTER ON ROADS AND 4heyrcommBRIDGES. - - i hoyreomendth <e confirmation ef thei everal tovnehip by.Iavu brougbt befove tLe Cooneil. They vecommondti ho pîymeat et ae. eotnnfî preseateti by tLee cmmissioner of th hoNarrovu Bridge, irbo bmu cumplicti vif h <heo eonmmeadatioaa efth<e Januarj 3session. The rîcommeadth <e Wardon to <mCa jù acimtion miflo tLe Wrdea et Simeoe1 to vecover 867.11 fore Captain May for0 tiamages tdone to <Le Narrova Bridge bj bi hestemmer.t rTboy do not veaecinundthé<b.grnting eft a tLe petitit<a et John Smith, for <Lougb itt '7 le aae of coniderable Lantiuhip, gvaaeigag t atiditional vomoperafion voultihaLe attiago a a ad-precîdoat. i 01 , The Couacil et Victoria ha ppropri-a à aftd $100 for boondary rad betireon <Leb ti counties, ati they recoinuendti <is Coon- t P ul ~cil <o gnmnt 850 <o be simibavly cx.I <kpendèti. This coun<y Lau hithorte expent i ad id$50 ia exceua of tho Ceuaiy of Vie-b *Thoy recommînti the appropriation et $ 150 for the cut<ing 'lwova t<he gruvol a bllI on tLe western boundary efth<e cou. i <j befireen tLe townahip of Whitchurch si 09 ~anti Uxbrid-pe, te he expandeti, pro- p taviei L hoCun y et Yorke anti Town.ai ç. - uip of Whi<ehuroh anti Uxbritigo onohu appropniate a simibur amont, andti <Lt t' i SMouHEDor ULEo Co. raie (or 'ce. Brook.......8 il 98 Mono........ 3 24 Pickernig .21 78 Raîma .......... 47 Scott..... .6 70 Soagog.......1 41 Th'OnaL ........ 2 81 Uxbidge.... 8 17 Whiebj Tp. 9 92 Wliî<bj Ea*t. 9 91 VWLitLj'Tovn. 5 42 Cooncil vont inte aommittee theveon. Mr.White.-Am a membîr eohecEqool izotion, Committieeho fl toItc<o e bisdaty <o, mmke certain oxplanation., ad hevwoolt say <Lut afto <Le Couacil bad beard <Lie îLey voubti pronouace <Le actions <f <he mujority ofth<e committe o, tee hosot onjoît anti oxtvaordiavj et irbihau cou. 'aittieeof <Le Couneil Lad aven Loin guilit, An exîmination of <Le achedulo before <hem voulti shov thaé mieL <the exception tLetWl'hItbj irmulomevetianti Oshawa vos naiseti, ýhe iqoalizition et taxation vao <ho simduestut c. North Oatsmnio paiti no more tnxes <Lin betore. For jearu vi huti expcnded largo auma of money upon tLe med aibridgea eft<ho forth niding being induocti <e do se by Lciag <oldti<bt i< voulti lomar t<Ltesfinthfe soutb by increàuing <ho amount pii by <Le north. Raiînoadzi anti otbîr imrepoveuents Lad Loin utidto ibe improvoments vbieh ire gave <Loin, until thc landeofet<ho north ritiing ave equîl in value <e those of tLe South, Lut stili their valuation vos not ia. ercuioti by tho Eqoulization Committie. le nepresenatives ad tibandoti tege<hen te provont justice boingtione. Mn. Sex<on.-Mv.WLite iu eut of order. WL y tioeu bo uay banded togither ? Mtr. White- Beaauie tho notion of your. self andtih<e aommit<e ustifies melanen doing. Wha< were <Le facto o e aei? The eoxnmif<ee bati helti a.meeting and Luti unaaimouuly agreeti Opon a repent. Cîti <vuipi vene te ici leoeti ant othona raisoti. I aupposedti Iit report mmm te Le promonteti oox< day. Theonoxt bora- iag <Le uajority cf <ho comiaittie met togetber anti broke up <bat ripent anti mtiop<ti aà nev one. During f hnnigbf outîlide influence Loti bien brought te Loir upon thom. Mr.-8ixton Limucîf vag jusf au muab a meuLer of tLe aommitteomnti Lîti as much te do vitL <Le report asr thengh Le Lad io en appointeti upon ir. In tLe moraong ho vas auketi <o give hism sanction te <Lia change, but ho refuset<o have anythlng <o, do with if. WLat abouti! Le tLengL t ohno a vacilîating proceduro? WVLen te h role aomuitoo lbad agreet <o a report, neo otside influence iboolti Le liove t t change 1<. lNe voold movo in âmentimeat <bat the taxation for Coon<y purposes b Ledseiupon <hi icheduleo mut adopteti b7 tho aommitteo. [Thisî meît nle differeti frein <has preonteti by <he cemmittee only Ly lovoring Picering 18v A mont rot #I no c .ame for '7<. 8il 99 3 24 21 78 47 13 60 6 70 1 41 2 si 8 17 9 92 9 91 5 00. the omnta ont 'the $1 00, ani neeaaing1 u ? Jo r < i o u f B r o c k , ? C. M.Gordon.Z-Mr. White b.d tekd Jg a part of the try; nov ho would tell ore vbole& Mv. White pretenda to bo a a 150 [er for justice. -Nov, the trntbvi, ad in~ the achedule put la by Mir. Whi Propoea< ltier one..m4nioipiality c oer mdthit via <c- lover Pickeriog, «j> 2178 to 21 thi Mr. White, aaid -<his vu not <rue lie. vantaid te lover both Whiebya almo. my Mr. Gordon deiléd this, and Meurs. tho Millan and Wheler agrcod vith Mr.- don. wtf Mr. Guy ;bcngbt Mr. White did le te lever thé Whitbyu. id Mr. Gordea suid thia vu- after wvhite'i firit proposai vould not carry. n.Mr. Gordon thon jiutifled thebhigh us i. ment of Oshawa opon the grounds of Zfactorie and ita I arger number cf rit i. payera ever Wbltby, and ifs genermi pi he pority.- Thon ls to Mv. White',#*hm d Of change Of opinon, vhY, h honou rk <but vben gentlemen receoived unev infoi 0. ation <bey ahou!d change thoir opin.ii Jr The munzcipslo<:ea in the aouth ver*s 3k ting their obire of tho benoîita of the ri iroadoanmd other improvemeota of theo nai - ithout pîying a cent for <hem. à White's afatement about the fand noi anmd south vun a moue exhvuordinary oni 1Mv. Rowland oaid Mr. White iii le in hisa tafemeof <Lie thc commiti vas unanimoua, for Mr. Guy vias Ipoaed. Mr. Guy couid net-onderâtai te vhy Pickering vias fovredand Bi Whitby von not. Mr. White'a <roui - via, Pickering wua ont lowored about 83 Mr. Guy ugrced vith Mr. White exce la i the ufatomeot of the< unity ot the c lemitee, for ho wu Dfot oiti.i4fed, vitb tl equilizatioa of the <vo Wliitbyo and Os av». Heotad teComiese hat bhou hold himeîf open te vote for an amen ment, and left ho commitele rooni. 1 vaared to rais<he north and lover ti mofth atriie; but hoe aav<bore wvu t efaco of justice from tho north, and 1 left <hem.î Mr. White. sud ho wuoted ta tokec 78e. from Pickering and 41c from or Whiiby andi 42e from the other. Reo v nof ocîfi*h for bis township. Mv. Gibbs denled the ititemoat of Mi Gordon, tbat Oshawa hod flot borne il shm.e in proportion te Wbitby in pit yeava. Tbe Reeves of Oshava and Whii by for tirent7yc yard Lad agrecd on th proportions ci tho iaoeaumenta. Mr. Goi don orguedl fina thoritepayeraîofOoîîaw vone more numeroua fLan <houe of Wbitbi ita valuation must Le greater. Thisas abaurd. (Mr. White-Reach Lad imor râtepayeru <han Pickering.) Mv. Gibbs- Yea, and acoording, te Mr. Gordon'. roi. mailing, it îbouid pîy more taxes <han PicI evîng. Oshawa bad a langer oumber a nitopayrni but <Loy lived crowded ioti suisl1ddvellîngi, osometimes two and threl ramiljea in a bouse. Thea severel porioni voa large number of Iota, mnd bene Loweir naimes appcîred, moyen or oiglie timei a<hi roll and svelled <ha aumber-oi * bepayero. Tho factorise, of vhioh oc nueh lied been said, did a large business. bit vo Ladl to value tLe promses and noi f n< baiineae. The fooet iu th,%t nefga agi one vii saoid for 835,000, and the othir for $21,000. Whitby hmdl 2,700 mcvi& more la itu aria <han Oshawa, whieh, it $100per ocre, via equal to 8270,000, or et 1he very 1ev rite of 880, equalled, ilay, 4200,000. This vii a vcry large differer.ci et once. Oshîaabcd as much farmiag lande in proportion to its aria ae WLitby, for itu people vone crovded into a amaîl om pse. Agnin, Oshawa bcd no snob privati residence ne Whitby. (Mn. Gordon-The houeon the bllI.) Mr. Gibba-that bouse vus bough< et public suotion for 0,700. Another vus built nt a coat of 86,Q00, andi another nov build- ing, vould cost more, but <hi latter could not ho fmxed nitil blt. la 1869, Wbit- by vas assiaici ut 8584,461 ; Oshawa nt $389,414, and lýe onîidered the proposi- tion to value thon if tho mûme figure nov ma omply monabtona. Oshawa dois not by a Mr Gordon lidglven emieol ittoution froid thLe atuto Provldlng for <ho Appoint. nnash, to the speech of Mr. Gibbs but liedid nt met. think the acbodobe vau vrcng. Mrv. Gor- Mr. Ston oppp.ed tho passage oft ho Ibut don vont on ;te shov <bal Osawîa, s Jreoi za o euuosay i1 the s-hovo I4yt<binroue in thonumber off Mr. Wht-Iiobd bu, paaed nov tlek- ritepayeo, hid made wonderful progrosa in ordor <c give tlmo for theo ouaideraion <boit for the pat nimber of ye.ar IfeH held cf the iubjeot. t. e o biatth<e ctimate of tbe extra 2,700 acres Mr, McMilIsn oppoued tho motion au ony f Whleby baud et either 8100cor $80 vwu»tv ouldreqia ivabuator for ecLmn-, I'veno <o 1<gb. niocpîîoty orIe.noue veuld accept their M. Gibbe ubed <he filae7 cf calei- report. ho iating <ho value of i place by the mumber Mn. Gibbs saad <ho trouble vwu <bat vo cf rafepayers. Oshawa Lada number cf eangneac inzefligen<Iy. Baoh membor Mo. ribepayori irbo livoed Jaamal hbouais may knov <ho valu, of one or <vo muni. Gpr. soue of <hem tvc end <Lv.. faroibies in .ip lities,ý bnt ho kiovo little of the others., oneebhoua.. The pnoperty et Oshava vas Tho valestoea onît mûl. a report uoder Vint properlyj asead. Lnd u <an evidonce oîtb itev peraonally exmminirg <ho value heii thit 'vhoi Mr. Wright *ii Boive of emeh muoloipility. This, vould give Mr. ef Beach tLe .qualisation commit. tb. information vo veqnived, * tee seirchod tIhe shîve roll, fer <ho pur- Mr.. MoMiIl.n atUl beld <batt<he oatiun se-ps of wiing thoesaumoent, but vben ail voulti nos sgvevitb the or t and <bo1thy fouud thst <ho ýmilia of tb, Glbbae. thm<thovowvould b.ieutilI thele ue le ovin sto- veris aued nt 810,000 oicb <hoo sei. Mr. Thompaon <to.k exception te <ht.e >roa- id for <bey bolievod tLe aase ntim ent via i g of t e moi n tgo fsir. .A gentlemen troutWhitby, vho, ,for vr.in o <homotion .a ot&1th ight <Le firet timà hlid atho vhoie of-ýOàam. Mv hintariomotIo vas bti <hot ru.va roman lovtedpostio amti bit1< omu< Outrlemeeadteccpeh ingMv ion. did not appoe rte him <o be berger tban Mr.cMilan otnga, ni<h othw< get tho North Ward of te.tovn ef Whitby. M. MGibbllmn amy. ealertin o al. If <h. oommttei bâtd gore <o redue. hte mv.tina sugetod <o. aieraton erth valuation of %Whitby aom ie o old have<Le.motinte dmou0Mv.bTi mpaon'a viewo Mrv. favoneti le otroogly. <tub1 objected. Mr. Gibbe thon aukod Mr. rhMn. Whitceîid if Mv. Gordon vînted Tbompoon <o verd <Le motion te auit hlm . :. an xample of unfairnems Le should look self, Lot Le refusod te mter ii'lehough Lie re bt ia ova tovnsbip. Why, Rouch aince pofoed o ugre ic vi th<e prineiple, andi aee 1860 Lad incroaed <Le number of 'ate- vofed &gainât it in apito of tbo change. op. payera about 100 irbile le Lad:dioroscd made.. nd ita vaînirion by $65,000. This voa <ho Mv. White eharied Ih. nortLern mom- ast only instance of the kind, for irhen other bore vith Leing determinodti o refuieeal blIe municbp-îîitiesalied dîcreamedtih<e asici- jutice toe Lsau<b,. B7. ment their number of rutepayevahbai also Counoil reaumod. ' <Pt houa deonsaaed. Mr. Gibbs movoti, aoonded by Mv. Guy, m. Mr. McMilbîo.He agreîd vith Mr. ehmt <ho percentage of WLitby be mode Le Gibbs fLue tLe question ahould ieh diacus 85.25, anti Oàbava $4.78 perr<cool. [lo eh etd Loneu'ly, îlfhongh if lb neturel for i saiti ho didtit o miof the vioaof ev- Id mlon <o Jean <o Lis ova. He veuld Sij oral membera irho believod somte differenco id <o <ho charge matie by Mr. White i0nTe- ought to bcmde. Loae-yeu 8, nays 14. [le fcreaee <o <Le vocilbaing onduot cf tLe M.WLite sgain moved tho motion vo- Ile committoo, <bat ho vas a nov mon te <hie litive <o CoontyVainîtora. Loue by saine Do committie. Afttr the oommittee bîd loft vo<e as la commitî ce of tho vhole-yoes7, le theo voeu tLe vening alludedti o by Mv. maya 13. Whitce hey obtained nov Iight anti it vms Report vus thon adopted. Off u h o v a th st in j u s i e wv o l t i h o d o n c < o O n m t o , h e i o u s c m e d d ne aomns mupicipalities, Le therîfore belive i n emeot otheacouafts ncomnd as it te horvit o r<ovcosider <e quetion. i h eot t<icmito ncoe If Mr. Gibbs ad akea thon ground <an popety anti roade and bridge. oro order. . h o b lsd l he ou bti h ave g on e i L h i r. d te b e p ai t. <se Mv. Wibbu Lad over ostima<ed <ho acreege rom heh ri oudt, uieaav.uht wtt o Whitby if vwu only 1,600 over Osawaa. Ahvog t lo t aswte drdt h t. (Uv. Gibbs, I uodevtod fvom 70 <Lis a Aveeand8h00uka vas forder i<esh ie merniag <Lat je vas 2,600 or 2,700 more.) TW arai 8100 grmneetifor cLiermice ýr. Mr. MoMillan, no, I sai 1,600. Mron.h irIonlas by.luvu foreounin a MeMillun vent on <o show <Lut <ho Halli wi vlaMr va von iruedasooti. toex y, Wonka andt hi Cabinet Fietory viagrea t- Mv. extoni rdge , d Ly.aee. tJy ondorostima<od. If via <rue t<bath<o eaPend8200 on "'ogBige 0o < p e vre oId t ae <.figures a<aed by Mr.pefJs.Roremmunvfr i -Gibbs, botth<bt ira o nter disativantageous «a00. -ciromatnes, nti ince that time thy Mr. White opposedth <e aecond vi din, ad beoa clargedt odouble tho aise. Ho upon tho grondt <at tho appoinmentu :f beld <at <e priv te noid nes et Osha. Lad! not liena recommendoti by the commit- en a ere opeior te those t ofW htby ith tee on Ruda andi Bridges. oe th. exception of one or <o monument@ ef Mr, exton suit! te bridge must Le su. is Iblly ihioh voltin t rig a tenth of talooti by t e cou ty, and if <e appropria. ie vat <Ly cost. fie ou d mupport t e tin e not m ad oe, acidenta vil b . caus d aâ ommitte. end the county put o Costa. )f Mr. W hite aid Le vntedth<e C eunil M . W hite movedt h <e <rea m enhe co f0 fro vo do vo uch proceedinge mu h o oi t. C a ni tt. Y e a, 10 ; na j, 6. et eualization dom.mitfee bied ommitted. A motioa te adope and confirm the moiu. tt lie harged hue uade influence ld foru' reporte vs pasei. Lioen broughe pon t La ommittee. The Finance cmmife rpotd. e M. MMillan dniedt <is and repet,' FIANC EOT 0 cd bis exp avafon.TheTreauuven bau nov on hndi 8327 Mv. Rowlandi also deniot if. 'He uii 78. <Lie alter le lfe the committee if ho Th ai t e estimatea for te ourrent jor >time aluted te by Mr. W hite Le examin. for ho ordiaay reqinomote, arc about d tho ola ntid fo od <at Pickering ad ho same ai lat ear; ut the vote for te 8,400 acres more <ban <Le <vo Whiebies, voluoteers mil nequiro mnuiltditionai sume 8 anti ye< <hoeetownships veuiti bave <o puy et 81,500. tjîtat as mueh aus Pickering. He theveooe TLey rocommondti bat tLe sum of 820,. tb<hugbf it mnuiinjusice <o thoseo vowov 000 he ruisîd for coooty purpoues, anti 84,- " îhips te lover Pickering vithout leveriag 931.60 for odueitional purpoues. " hem aIm. Thevf oe ho roug t 'ho T by ad befoe hem the audifrs' v. 3 matter bforo <tho othr memberm efth<e pote, iho report <e Treauuren's econiu 1eemmxttee and <bey necensidereîth <e matt o Le correct. - ter. This w u irat Mvr. W hite kiked T ey rociommeati that 100 ho grutei 1 ag int. te end hoé tag ter of M v. Gilmour to M. Holman vante-to kow if if ai ho Dent anti Dumb Aylom. a gooti iga for a member of a eommi<tee W. H. GIBBS, <o consu,< bis collengues. Diti Mr. White Charmca. himself <hiale 1< voi Vrong. The report-vus adopteti. M . M eM illan saidt <bt h o vson vby M . ibbu in rotucd h o b y.Iîv te large lüt.o - ~ the 3jjfljinryDepartmenti LadE-es' is er a, es nd hirens Rats and Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons, -c.,th b=1 stock of Mens' and Boys' Straw aid pI 8 s s-V ,&. h ieU lstela vry complete. e'Minw on th EruSS tNng of Ladist and' Childrens FOOTS ND' SIOES, ja Q andl. t furalshod lTable grain, d gbîl The o.h ung »epar-tmentis vela ord r rlsed witlMes'oudboysi'10lthiug Vo suit the warni weather. riusiDes 1<ho"-d T i i DeasMakng ùidTaioring done to order., 1,a Lever ci ne, r Oafull Stock of -Newv roasiSugars, n àiing bis. GENERAL GROCER1ES, ctec as te >1Ie nd alondILO 1WES& POWIELl1Àd Machine e Drivlng e a ad> Le Grain.1 FAcL é amie of ts 0to MILINlyGOOI), DRSSGOODS, TWEEDS, 2 o legs i AENW EXHIBITED IN IILRAT VARIETY zaud, A .T - lmith a AL@ i. TT bc or. Thoy bave imponte tis season, beiaes langequniisc ferwlâc, uýieso thù part S a tht ~l anoy Dry O00d, le' nîc ..sleofSJITot 4p edk <batndid assortnent o EGIS1& tvR1MAN 0'iARPTrLf oi. Ail Saime beauutiul deaiigns in FLOOR '& HALL CLOTHS. BRUSSELS and, i eY are TAPESIRY, ind mil Woeîoantn ire bien reig rentier. 3Ma. LAMBERT Stojl vensees <ho-Tîeibonlng, and toi nten'ing purohasers.. îirong, thoy nov effen inducemttuand advantages second <o none la tho Dominion. wtasruced A splendid asson<meat of BOOTS and SHOES nnw opened. * bove FRESFI FAMILY GROCERIES cOlIstanIy on band. B Grain 0:b- An earby Caî1 solicîtei. C:O -No On.e~&A.SIl ta îarz b Aetsft teFarmen'a Osbounnc-Sewing àMachone n iefor a Mptowî Oshawa, June, 5th 1871. 2 UnOes are r No. 2 Plore on- E R~ $hall dis.i R N E ia March eicinel geno ts.e Unfo h o pu lic I ould Saý, of Bd u e p a t c , ad gîvnp F botsyand sookdtai Ay dladies whîn you cioqse an op For boots and shees <hei n oley pay, ourp et prostu'ok ânes, ai Ttxin let <hem cone te aie. tiraa b u rsoi t ooi cesîcd byon u t11,atsbos' mitnent, MY Welbitockid store la on Ilnockitnect... Mleathi peilishid, fino'anti good,» a chtnei AItendance, counteoxîskindM nca1vbue <ipnoved Yuu'l tlnd niy goods indeed a t<naît AI Monce viisuw itadoin rom 'oll au Nebotin cn yu fnd.Or a aw*et blusbng bride. o~Te :Parmers., and tlarge and omaîl, **Ouu run tetowvn.snd on melcal - -"sowiThey'lI bujy\fnom.. Bea'I ILLAM.BU-RNSï Apnil 19, 1871. Boot & Shoe Store, Bnock Street, Whi<byl GRAND RAL LY - Muslins, Braizes, Grej f JJuu $J WAAE lAax. We ohalIBiseoflbr for the ftu <nid. o8 7 LL2D REVE IB L USTRES. INOTICE OFmev Clover Thrie<her and Huiler, very lit O ALa treced?1><an hehetorot.lTe Cheapest and. Best rtceoLaeswear for the tiimes. o ----.-......, A TWAN£>UGB v ;I LL 07<M AU JamesJohnson CAAWUGC OPLT LL. TR AT11U REAL MALTESE LACE, HOSIERX'-&. Jams ohstuWatchinaker. Wijll carry ou his bobu enjrpdIielbin* ed l b adyicna.sufort tpl ad&C.nyGo 12inW In ryorbeb n fe ea i l i Le neadyfornd,,a Complete sud Full Stock ,of the Newest M .Jas. Byrneys DrugvSto e ulAeIYo'I L Y R O CnERpurE Duig h bidigof the New Premisqs ftaln oth lin Jowaig'R E OzrNe God iniem Rings, Brace - Prhaïe. et, c.,& c.,. at ver'y l w prcF.-or fur&er nit 0atiadras> FÂR1M ERS' FIELD A D AR E E DS,1 Vhitby, April 12, 187 f. jMPW.LEN, 'HAIRDWRE PÀTNT, S. i r>JDNT limud<, Thrîo th<le tlCü>tîIîe,î . m«iarà h lo I1tuiat eguule H 14T~ ~ M laeilerou wd Chee bahlte0 ýooîerrly listt 1 Ill, e, ortllirty 1 rPHYsble neqèeotîvuly ù ,,A. à«r, Mole t, d ugt 1 bu:.. VN D £4IlR'1'A K J ,A I .ciJ.l <J1.o InyL. Dundas &ont..,&~ iFUNERAJIS PUJLY ~PLE FUR< SALE URt Li r. A comdloaî nonne, vith hard'and ol 0V<o,$tt..,rcbard, aud'an acre or land, mWlii bu oldchamp ind ui tlerina, litely eteuplod ly M. 2.i. Campbell. WWtIb7, April 20<1t, j, . QIS'BL.OOKi I Ji Stbl 1871. -M»Nïm" 1 mm- SCHEDULE. main ýRmSS GÏOODSI - - ---- - y lInTrlRTýV IW A nlv'mqm

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