Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Jun 1871, p. 4

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en A rlilf e i ve, jg » Ej j 130f ci i a yferor at a- os f I ai~ ont suo ld a togir ofr en aw b toncI t e e 1 pre aa gjs~ 1.ýomthe 1, B if orotzureazp. nit>w W£Il geAMÉS1]U- GERRIE, fthe iiew tu fVie betterarrallgeineug Of ly uitiese AfalsC8lBICttipab u îi 4iJD10Vs Ldlm otcio rfru.Nw w ity ea.1 , -1870. k1nrchasersof ~ a ilm '----*, goods,ifor cswlfn haeeI b ee sa the 'public are aware thau muny wqrlli ol r:îuîsaMSD. 2, tc e tiiDe G Xý$t0*rây --- i and ontin r l e w thlup tirecpuitic ino nlp o-rlot*j fli rle to b. roded aa bove - ti $ à m r * i u f. iao n d t o o e l u o le r f 0 - O t r fl o r ti e 'l , t o c k W IJ l i s 5 5 b . d îp o a a 4 oe tl it n i sge r i l t h e o " W i O e s u o r T pm r o s ' . a a . i sn t t hs > ie s n l i , ajrtf. > c e o en tt o O W c t i b a v e o l i e f c o u l d t r a i n g u bji o'i s î g 7n u0oc a r y o u M04oha :ru4>U.sti fuhoînîug o bnidoi u» h lrO e bray b ut*të aIv. gin ti."ar>o9 t Joupulit f » ~ rj ~ ~ 5*ut ure On tii, ffl boing Lienticiu with, tock,extra MaceiiP U IA ELY~7 th ieu IERY£S TIIÂT iIS IIÂRNESS. Thoe 'C$J PIN1pI HMI TO <i)W. prapc.ii, t(o loe Who src iiter,ted lut u t.til fLthse i>tteeoni tJ entite to ebe the beât, ssfeSt and chepeât tO MIl Parties, in thoe sd. Th tii*m, ou 9pp114l>gIus Y if or '¶'iervisa, i0rtua 0fiis notice -W illi b. CaITlcd cuTho frape co elt c s i ny w.',, is'njil >,.on#ottuteet thst le ,ay apeaialori, Is.l<.A dwi .a~The stibscri a s..kofof he'il.d t ga te filwî Ilmuh 1so * t bdiiler bas on ha~nd alarge Harhavebest noffer led toprcbasaes t advatitage, Nfi() cLO'1'H solN Is IV - atfli pre..quood 3200box. tadosRalinis w), 90. pur , or :,é * Use.. tut. tby delisoit! ie kîowil (rmthe uf--..... Hewonld more eauaJ oi r nadguo,.pe r lb.;5000boxes bexYg, t .pa sL me'4wfi tafa lnpe u.,. fecie)sfan fwrvr Lepar.tic-ularly 12 l r b. Oi; 14(PoxsloyrI950.n . petyi ~~vv ii.~' butiuutas, and wieh wtlli Ouallte pariels or- C tileo; __iterFuI n i"814a 1 derl os ueurW a i lo faulv Kp)t It poëliî.attention to the b"tiod W it kub1j,5joar o on audreiti, (.oid c f£jvý eow re il ,Il, îîgar 10 ttorflby *iitibiti sio t dtermin, t5f iIP , OS tiaiî iiawpichun o i t'*tiîa ar ig u 0 l alndjn a t rreiuq WiitNa' W ~ - -whëtlser ftha 01, fcrwartied I od neE ce1 iB a. O il,(aloîo~ 0 arie, Tut;(barraI forado criugs 0iafbuleLsrdr .aa. Ex e..p ~ ia-,loarigo , ; lli<iaaretived -<#1ye , l>'ý, _. I barile. ~ u n f r cly ppoeansd farlinera goncrai tue.; God- 7 !elte oin d"su, arol ew ~a nh~d useful invention 'for IHarness, for the maufctrf irDOTLOEHI-CAIV.. doo Agent for the DomidnOfn iband twlhpof ilern.It us un roves n e gth lassVw J~iead r~rCto wlich hbupurchased tho exclusive right for the Town of Whitby, townsbifp TERiMS (in aceordeuce with the above tuoticeof reductlon otpre,) of coure ,îîî bestrilycuais. -o irreýgilàai, Mreisl l bî1870[ been Made, to bai-uufor nmany year#. Alarge stock-ot TrunkW aatTHIOKAS » LAWLER i. rei îts tI$ T Es'rr MONI A L. Cali and d eg.forýyotjroivii. Cash buyern note tht act. WbieîbyîÂAprii, 12,1871. Thie Clicquer $toie, Broiok St. Clothho' :uade to the Tî-Jomlàu. Mcenii., Won"a, 'yRznwbri n ejre'142 eanoifBand Oiulîsve, Aprîlm o ,ex. oor to the fRoyal nda Bnc G. 13 Sioc, K,., '3ogre, four most¶,i, An uit îsî se>' itiout liskeshtnu _ fuit ItLa lise bot Onoil l va aeveruésed.l . D 1 O P -CI O P '7ïsv-y £ITi a b Wsp, alîilent. s oîKaer f1411 auy of lier 0o1, Wei huave rîsî Our latrge 14 (get Irs'isplaîser, FAiUIL.y GROCER. 1 J.>'. w;th sion.oiliig. tkerstisooialF mIor ceis & L q o s k o n n e tla r h , 2 u d , 1 8 7 1 . Hoitt't u uOiograpn wit t Wlane & @iruilMerchant 1 tam, veur# trile ifY. W. ILEN, ['ruilat. 1.f\' B SOpT SiAt 'D il B S 01The questioni atî'hl risiug among those wantiug Photographo, 1 wliere i a est judg. of picurea woud say goto ____ lavig t he a nt,,fhbis Dmerous c uStomers in viowv, taces this oc. a n n 4 e r s - .~. A7 J la 0 asi e utnec that ho bas jast reoeived a largo andi By MIl earig. aU ho 19 far iu advaânoeof MIl others in the County a apo -well ausorteti stock of Groccrie, for the holiday.,viz:- HA8 E CVE grapipor sud ?ortrault l'ulter. is Ïuatnrgsi qusiiflaantioaî fOr, atid lo0g"Experio lu lstlhe busin..lRA 8Io PI ES TE S C PP warranste ii.srtlou tbat lie lms tii.bout lu tIi, iee fnîcfLe s5minry; at Je i»t lie blisfor* NE CU> C sEA loevural yeara <sgit s triç Ppfillon) tlokeui tliqfinit vrizes u iîo rr> endsaJl'sintsugu ant FEULBTERS, A DN S IN N H D IS R 9-18 L CDteConot>'l g eiiiiioýe lliry;JulvsIi»bsns; FEHOYSTERS, LOBS ,FO~115OL>PLACE oF BuSIEST U RIIE lin tako uauro lu pattitig eut.veil-oniolisedwort.; lie làe as-r iaiaks igioti Iiae piClos totnar, SYOKED AND DRIED F1511. I y ars..1D w ( A I liirr - -~~~ - - - ~ lilnidtes'sîed teW iosi a nîs.sd we it upli eery b traisorfilmui, bIzuns; lie ias ltel>' e* iebtbado *... rngeGuad'soseoutul nad - ~ e B .. ~ ~ _ JJJ 'a ;re urJ ti oiue serseleo the mol let ii i sîe as lit.it5 tl rim thie it>- ; lie fbufe ltse NPet of avery. T e es radiaW'L;L- dibGnsan hikisfl -tyonhad j tisiîsg work wltl ; lie bau(ho liarg l euit ei' i is siortîiisf fof iataritfraies , iseMaCon u,, ," "... . - -~ ~ ~ te- fL eou a old ot t.1 loxor a o art, vo esire Lon h st, work, go tf0 1= 8rr s JU T a',.RI E , R SI . oa M E N T O P U Rs u t - i I O T R ÂlD p U A L E Y ~ ~ ~ l ~ A ~ 1 p A p t T l B rock Streew bere ho i ill be gla ii t e c v a i u r n i ntlleae hei oder,, wicih wilI la future ife as promptly àttend>ci fo as a fJ E i' U E J yj'<rnat h ulcgnri>,ta ola au>' other Gallery.b'Cali andi examine specitnons etldl.Wh -ab aniRti rcr _____ ____ ____ Piiting, b>'- I>otogaphs FRA OISA L A R G E A N D C OUt L T~ T C SDAILY LUNE TO 10?,>TU fTS.SPRING STOCK 0F 0f Bonts andi Shîocs of ev ecr sptiou, frLts~ et>m iide R ~ R JHN CARTR, MAR~AUE LWEM»si & -wear, andsutedto all kmid.î c alier.TtkevBosfkdo LIESE UTIf R» H0MAS 1-1 U S T OeB O O TE SS Ea dry siiiwlls, ad rSritig,,.indwa. i L I C S E p A C TI O N E E R . f lut e b e s t q î a l i t y a n d i O u ~ io.w r î a n h p IONT,&RIo), -,YORK &PEL M RIA G E IC E - E- O. Rcmoving t.ý Iitprosent prcuniess insealt uut aev ag d -Thé Buparb Nev Liii, L'pper Stafe Cabinla tlc-Rogiai Ieid.snco....roll .. . . . icuçtolnerct w tecnuar5 "'.sl S*, Co.,(treet, t J our, W E - r13wnMl;l' * -N on sE Iî AN, MeINarkis'am.-P.oi oirice...uauî.,.,le# Jeu. 17,187o. fTwiba l*lA I I I'1C o E EUNMardi 28i 1871. ci ngUnius Ststtsans Cusulln orasahetrs, î uteCiAL55 stfeuded.u tigexbort utinotice, ani IMANUFAt,'fUîîgi>AT TRE B to announce to uîu cubtonlers and the pubintatne bas an si E x i rero i Lcas-e l'tort lo e se '>' M unti . b ill p r lted A t b. C l ro u sc i o ice for lUI r ] p C >o neLe dUu si n e s s o n n r eme s .L ling for Rtochiestrut to'eliookt un arrivaI ci Carter. oe- nusnssonth r' r -atl ocpidby1 W»slatitriii>g, ias-sPort "[ Roliiaiter TcitrlWorkg., Mr. -Badell, on Broek Streot, and that lie is * gebarottmjêvery (â ,OFUU tEaF0Le'geC LEDRÂTE in reeeipt of a splendid Stock of the c Tl'lp aafbe>favorite aiusmer route fromnto't- -IuGIsI. roue. to.E»oosr, Aliaui» e. Tiicopit- Dube_ IIINEIVTELI E,&a, U ITkA D cet au qicket route rom pont aat f o - o beT R 3 N A EL W I E t ' l T _ F T - A D - M - 1 E A P E R Port lpeaon tise tirsid Trniýk. tuo soner M NUAIU Boli te^, T tip ivorie.ut teAvn aoiAnd ofthe best style -fBoots and Shoes.MA UA TIED 1Y- - Pesguenutore ansi froloti>' fuie cars long aide C3 e' < 18stocK-of H -AË Bosand ww R% Contractisonflusie lt Cobourg andi Porfilope i1'5 w = - C 2wîils aot bc h ad rge HOM ad riE-MD ot he RNP T S wltb Royal Malistne fiteaunera Ifromt Hamiitsin IL--t mno osnlasdfo taiy nipio an Aoutb . C CRTE, W-oe ToBsi OT01[ ansi 14,ntC. CARTERAil r4rs punctually attendea to. tILe aî ne ty ao-e I'ortiopoil, aio. - Z Buiness alsocrre on as usual at the old stand, near the WE DEFY (OM - Royal. hotel. m elle m mon or >' renltu rinTîb Machine miode at the. pressent day. We bave juat iutreducad ýit iuto Canada. andnman- mi08 orfWausttus( ufacfaî 'red s iimitcdl nusuber fisc past secaSp,- auid as, yet are tise enly -mauufactnrera. $Slugxluhseas- o Vil ie aaun'our i acIuines yl enîbrece sucu sînal i îuprevemeu s asa yer'sexperienc. locale Action c in thse ma'nuatfnùré hins Àtggested, ranssed Nfniuc *Strongl>' endidurably bult isudstniueAairusil is outrcieu.Tt na cluinary tise untcom' c andtiàrlîle Tise least ljisble to get out of erder, Thse poured isopel;oas combiiutiou olwood auJ iron lin tii. fnger bar, sunkes it tise nost perfect, o!fluiger bars, - Sold by Aput Tis eat of tise river, lo-catesi eutsieof tise drisîig-vbeci, se balances sud reliees, 1W Prie, * thellirsger bar, tlatit sleser. able te suig er break tissu tisafof an>' otier muacine, A Our Sc-îf-Ruika ise lomàocprfect ever invenfcd. andconsista eoffis-c Rakeg revolv-ing is arooud an axis eioaue4e the di fiMn -iel, se placed as ob tie unrthcntl ef tise drive-i ii}ott5epuiOietMm- - t bMnieyne ie oto - R culs sstud'dehis--s tassgled, crirîkltdor lodged grain rapisil> and lu giood shape. C M E Cuts a-six tact swats, vitis ns 11ftice draft asa ight four feet Mower, and ine aide draft BO wvitere. Lt cuts csily, with a ceutumon tearn, from -fifteen Le tifet>' acres per day, wsya.î and issaeut eue h>inred sspd forty acres lunsasen <isys. -,-T- - iu a ail It is mannracturcd tor Reàpinig onl>', becauute it-isa been demouatrated Chat -a sepa- samed poouasi rate Reapor aud Mower wiii lamtt W cut more giasan d grain, 'thantwo.Gernb~iied Za- 1orabiy kuesssn -chines, andi coste mucilets iu tise aggregete. B osides, a aoparate Machine i# lbs. cer-n-l a iguperlor-i piicated tisan a cem binesi one; ' ess liable te get out of order, and i.- alva>'.-ready forone' fer tise 'o' wôrk witbout theotrouble randidela> of cisanging from èbe tte .the. - el!!P»ic îtsperrecged 5pee'auboacsu IMtiI'aOeured b>' Lizîêàiy à )r «?hleb w. bolve tisole klil.cg golden opnions, troff bal@ trli îla.n. (f ou virons ,r olgbtto e xr.u# iae 8' go cihers el agP JAS, Il. GERRW, e. AVKS..'A s-4eîlmof Crl> lu c', mn Je., bs-uxtr s-lubivIjîs iîe 'nas ta ioij e mesil& eh W !asvuil e t ri. r si i. W T I T Y P I A N O F  T Y JQS8EPH RAINER. -o Oere th ,anko #0- the ýinu>'Monesd anPl fosa ffleWilhby, PAND MANIY CTOIY, beue W sdthat tho nov'cn. ntaln- nae uolly apon bis ows; ontie bu lleti.g<atraeriar » Ow tcuut;send liao- fbe ntlDjgwlitho lot" lid mas9 is prt~ - 11rAILITY~, 8 TYLE, &4 Tii. ns.iae-ovPseatnsd r».Mle psfletat hst lI.ovalsso uufear s. iertotore4i I THIE OLD -STAýND! 11KWWluajaessar, avW sinulfacfurine c 50eer ttan tiy olsariiopl Iseaoarii. 'aacwrrsnfiliîg tliiai i>bo e cu weul te, atu, tsi jrise au icod i tstiOuml lu fitotsîred l itutliseDomlsulos, o s n'ius l'arfle oi Jcinug (urtlisariiiformatlon can ob- PAXTON, TATE &e~0 Brook Street, - WhItbre. nndersigned i returniî eTteadedto Wtise old i tablis5hn bat hehbu no' onibanda r JE D ag thankcs for ut, for nearil p Ze asaertmeut ef 18 WHITBy 1,V W Jlaviag e!crel qualit> Of flige %udnd pros-ad tihe eoiivcysue pewiec,4, lie hopeg by1 ialeot tige Wmlt* Of C00gW Cf 'public patronage. W- CIhARGES Il I- -Cot'eroJ cou and letllea. 1>îuujpt &att to aIlordera. Wliitby, April 8, 18o& TEETI!- 8&7WITH-jui L.OOALAN.ASg 'AT - ~V. à WiiJnule 26, 1867. P ELLOWs% I YPOP-jOSpi rnmulgfLtise diseaugc d flue useo> os' bpond k)oy o Ait£ bnsfipytion, AcLtma, biumpf Whitby, 10,1871.- MATfPiEW COLLINSIt

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