Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jun 1871, p. 1

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B R t ~ 3~ NO H . ,- W OL ENDEN, D ndap-8t..W hi y. r R D y a ~ ~ ~ c s e - CoieeVe.mlvn Sigens ~1O'alsiVo- dJt et' =1LuitJSA, o al t olAex e V eti, n gr rgen s, o i Set iug, to o pa' hie'et-n ONTARIOsr-c Wit.syNvier.h lvum e cn- tî'e < B *a ho'î tn , nga,4e#ît,. su-ý'th Bean oirr the liiaE -eotWI l a tte oo f 12 sa"kntukeA.iB CAM BELL tntc b hoi o uiiighi t r icè. e u- th »P S o k flh ii 'i, - 'F - ey tigea. un.F' - Iw 8%PCI]B AN EtAcalut; M EU %tHANTATtALIRATION CL T~ E8 A » RA ER ovsss ih sie, 2Snd r gl 1 8 1 1, ' F1 ý , . C4êME8IOI-&NAGCDO ELL, l H AD AGEpconsidération.IO g B~~ f~.~ ND~ TTIIN Y8.AT- GEN L1E 8"'UME C8 nsd saIn BOO S A I) SifOIE f . i ts- ANDtr'li. ~ o1h.'oau~r nta~>: t~'s~ 5~?~ ,~ t'reaswaie teins sB M.O.x anr,.C. il . îc,~sa. OiawM s î,CH ANT T. 'L 1 ! ~- -5 O N G ,Aet I ' o e t o t Kup n g Od secnn si h y. A p. -n11' 0e» r-ll o . 'E sS T P z N . !~ a ihg Util eof tise f mi, Court. io s, - 7enI t A i D m m ie V uL INà o r w ~ LsSo RNA1 [~NT L' P INTE 31 L Kii Bo t au OiIs-.B ur ureticet ooAt Ioyl TOD P WO K1ia. 0a ,N Hlotol, Wllby. Ail1Irock Street, Whlîby. 'ry , the store c oro too ~~~~~~~ ~~~- Alondons attentiedt teitis punntnallty sud N T H W C LIS h nsehsu sa usosI", sot F OIBORGE i DARTNELJ,, dcspsstcis, mTE, oLle t eisetsi fbi sou una'natra B4~tli#TEl, ATg5~~ V~ssaîr l~lnaerd essart~7e A B I S E R A T O N E ; C O N V E Y A N ý- ýW A g e n t f a n b o t a m p i s r e c ta i P p e n . i » L d ie s ', G e n t ,& a na sd i C h ci d r e u ' B o u et. o i iot s , a ti o fsir s,, f e wv n at r ae e r e t l uf ]B r, Duti e Kogncn Cscrq y (cr xrdi M8,187 A. D 1114 ad haam is gnut vareysdenysl. lisuexuutcis t fUOntario., Oce roku.s. wiLaby. T T ND LABÃ">t SAVEDr<TE 0 n HetOroI .rW-lKIs OMnn@ JAllEs IMEITI GOÙDLoN, -o- -COMMERICIAL 14r. j i et dean ta thei r-s of-B. & J. 1G R O L R Oamnpbe 1, Brook dt., W sttsy, out. ATENT-0-TEmSF'-,&JuT W h sit y, N o v . l b , 1 87 . P A T di 1'c ltr v ue tl yft e i U e mi f r C u u e O sasa£ 1OaioJtfl, 1870, Ur ' oI r -ns.BlilarTds ttaohe. The unesgist a nvmnfe>ndaf LI I o l O A Y PUBLi , a& o. XWI L I M A T H E W B O ' p il 5 18 0 ' es y fo a es e of FO lt's Oshawa,____?.W.__19.P,?BROOKL1N 072'. 'TRAP ESTAURANTSI-Ajs FAREWELL &cJ, Tise Patenées chsle-nirs uny éthter Wsmhing A ia i~Li oea ' Vr ÃŽ <0IVIIYANC£ERS, AND NO_ l'onany suc iis.y uay nomie. Tise Mlnl ' mo YYVVtàblcem ARU;wrlos, A'rT;RNRY8, 8 uLICI hlachtie nov u asie a cesisete a hunbi,( $M hopDunclasSt., Wilitbv;- or Ll <au TARIES P , la, h eau hsronghiy iL'teai, aind sod ty nessly ->A8* UA L SL I 10,0 No 1, Btkêhirn& Pras 25 Onics 1â-Ciso dnnn nno'tiste ti O tic iisc pftsCIPRlisholais assil lenidisg-fdrnsers is (81 & 89, Ring street lii ornt . Ti Lat 1 iùk-Ballonareesan2e. T u v uot-i, ov o ppoLii , e . sai not. e ob It t e x - o w in t T r n o . T cie . "entrm L a t ýi o n j r 0 B,. rAnsvssa.. XI. MoG£as keroliief ta a bcd qusili A câ i vit satsfry '0 - eteit NO a tten laaw uneven tise Crundt - ~ any persan sta nianitsç. MTs uat ai- qoIy elita lord LieyneWocossaiut ll Cil ountklgh» seàlacine firaie Themontelle e(u u phiro ltar ud y a , ail vîhi ha CouîyItiisi, 0. bssctscs ersal, -gant, s'puileu sud tisai h lie or cen b dà t l gin a fev CIA L uC K LdIApply ' ATEta W'.cemfoaunlaeces minuitai anti laceti ln a veuuu. larmes f ij n e lu e a " «Iil B r ek it, O nt tannantSthnt -i dJ u ti g aller v oul it s ve onBrook,_W.__________Sept._1,4,_1a7l lions-s. Wîsses- >JAMES STOItEy. J. RJIEIL GREENWOOÃœD, Gy0Ouri a L 5niaà evsryste. .ShliWhltby, May sti, 57-. a T T O I I NE Y - A T - L A W - . S L I C I T O R I N l G O * "U "G O M I T E ,-s i c ' u P e t e s n i n e r ,t e a.a a l t T s e l w l g s e t b u f r m n m r n .11 issiory, Netiany Publie -, Cenve> aiscen, i851TsA.ns -H.v. o L ., -fin at i ryaeuvsaatie i t cise orsapT in. Tomafolog>aretlonféas;nr & o., Vilî y 1. W uat, ly on tre a, R 'T B T O N Y ,T LtW O I I , fn e e ya' c m m da io n t e 'ra in a55<ilas- Southi ,fI>ciOfic. 5 OIp11 CIA05, A187oa~-~o, Ruelr I inue. As% s Bud allen, for even on LYfrfI GLIIIIL .JiNOÀY1 UpIn'Cami5 18,104B Be v seesi Bfuýior tajnyting w LYIA . Q luL .~,aeTit ueio,-., . W 3O e OV~ , ven Bey t' (Siglieit) E. A. Richardson, Joisa DARRIITERATAWË,tlrolhoiter n luhaissuOFFICE.....MCMILLANeS BLocjg WITy,-ONT.* Wi'i enuîtDsltCisrn ae -40 ,,.vaaaen. A MASN--]Proprietor- AM S &lO ,'Te ahoevhas been tisanogiy rnvti, giav r Laditamlera'h f yntssyila J ' ~ E N D a ssi 1 , e blio w li ttad e v ei y a c a mcn O l te ga tinv a , e o e a.O r ige u 0 Mi N D adteest attention, mire ever yei s et siiàd)Jnathsan 8OLictîeII 0CKIN l_ Cmictv , AT REtDIJCED -RATES. Aprii 18, 1870. 18 otisns s.e. y-"lt a. rvt tefm re CONVEYANCE1'tLAN 0 AGENT &a. 1-- tem a,9l aPoeigiepr Oa'a'os.-Over Annitrongigs litel, Macli~t. sm nov repftned ta loai anv smssaniof - ne s ne prg O 1eb iy.a ve r Sin uee and i l x > n i f :;.t n e ~ l a , ~ ~m O I 1 0i s s 0 1e n t se e 6 e yst g a t a a i n r . i l E A P H N I X t a n éi l s l a bi f i ti. e i n , aev r s t , s i Ubýde ne tlo.t- dnictavs I 'soperty,, aithle vsiposcibie J) 'j, " aatstirSS E CIO,, - tieidandamutiter ta iute e tyyb. Appréciat.. (FAUX SINOLASi, & TORONTO > lstleasîo i iOsan, rpî yyer3leB& DTRR CIIIOCROSS, veb- lueaIeasm d aia d t ts Sevosal 'l cultiv.sted Pas-misuantiLots of natrs e ch rnat h use, ovst e th S<RGOÇ, COU L'Un, &c.9 'wiIFI Las rsaesle oiuet.p. ntr fte19 udl ane vrp - R. ~. G'INN, Ma Investmliîtu iudrisDoanturcu, mos-ignés9 4 adotiertiaeus-htibg. .Irhir' N l7 IBGIIondTO T'WitI OUT UOL liersa reeisbaeks honeitsud selti, GLEPMM ESSRe. WJILSOy & DILLINGI, S Byen8î.eiwiî~b. " ~ For funilier pas-iienlsn, appiy te' GI1,-PBMFFÀTT &Co,, Agents jer Bssiir oce- ~£leey T % ~ f~ ~ ~ t K cWIT BY J hF B * OL EN, JAMEF3 AV b(NManager.- a t Rie,7 ubi c, Zwdo.,, o' OFII-O li ocli, flneeýBrk stnee, FS PE eltLOSb IRE g K, WH%'AROBI I TB.a O , N . , V A R - s ,W l i t y . c l o L O S S Eo t i > Ad lon t h e s f e r n Fo t s j ' a - ca i s , 187 1 . t H OpRc'JAl) gIh,0lawas elitembes- Otis, 187n. a 14lu8LEston. tcuteoscot hel r P i so i t. i IB o o m s , d i ti n c ti) o p p . YlnM A N O u R S O ulteisel'sîume....uinraneeon GL O E I O TEELApNilBnitlgoe ],REZ ~DWELLING HrnTitES To ÏENT iuuoteafte thiritiaenortîi fhe Ontario RO I J A IAM 'S C RE . Ai uss de Bank. A AEY CR ÇL À R YvsJAMES ]POWELLo Proprietor Flou r & Feed saish eaeceL Rut Moerate. PIIOTOGRAFH GALLERY Pis S es, 822 aST 1.Wbitby lyB1oONRMEEq. -~~__ ST UTY-OESO-R -J. OS U N i P SIIEPPA )D Or DAILY LINE TO Tisa tndeasigned tii sv repss.eii ote akre ~Dosines tealaform tise iuliabs1it I ijh niVi tîu, lnt tia lus onaceeae ta > tex E]j lire. SPeciel 'as-e uskon vusti ilitren. Wtseu - hN Y W L E S JAS. A. CLARIK. PJANOFO.nRTEHNR ALEs lai t o v s, I s e s o il.' ~ ~ L t A , , C . B R O O g S T R E E r , -W H ] T B Y , Nassunher ll.~~ 1 8 7e. ' RESeiDENCE, - io l O n r et, W irenho keep constantly o andias, TsStebNvLb 'pntt c W IL 8-0N ilt ou s e (eslopa, A l I-. ioar,Oataeal,,Cornmietun atTeapr e LIO.Uprtt gi Txssh.-..4ssstnt on Piano 10 Tloey horts. -Grsanc mFiotin, & ,-Steamer, A WILSON,Jr., - Proprietor. et Muicai l tgiiukoli, &o., $,5 . To ,Assi everytisng su the Pocit tino. N O RS.EAN ag' Mr-. P'ýtet 1,,a Aw'elieristoak ar lest io -f a fo aînily use. ilverythlag n nyn -utetSEsM À N be,.ý.LO811nutio.nt hHohueaau ettheMowonu-r et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~()"g-O sale, anortsediOsulesatiiaa ts t'- p POITPRROb'T. - A.OI S,-ResQtau su ad -Bilard F&rlorS,. ______________________r IL- .OA, - Proprietor. R A R K - -1 lgStesEse ORNO.FLO SCUPFLBRgs, Klg ______sg OXIqO snd ,rOni, sud mme,n Goej' tahlitg LLKNa 5TeBrsppotvsCsocBrna< an os at te stiv eîtri. w. ÀL I O-TeiBLar 4 sud CIigas. COicerrae m negy t tia dusemeeave Eo Sb P nPi s yll e,8 5 0 .' F A RI s z I M I' l g L E ÀW E N Ti i. n ilie e ti ltyt a d C i a e.e. e i e ve A M t .t I ise Us e rc m POt~PEIlty '....< Rw Pntcla Dining sudLunsi ouasOOMFdkis o,'Csaoad4vc Jem< PEtiî, ' OL THE - tace. NoMeal ehoui.- PORT ONTCL T MANGLE & WRIGE LSLEMAie, ,The Subsniban visses t t, n'nfci,~ii-, Debillîy resulting <noua Typholti anti otisa munît7tisa oraté t.mn uf tre lt heannysud hmJs e e nrla hfr as ie oti oc éindnl usensboe Prc i sgtr o yo publie, wvist hon'else ear o1 c-ru ta tise ed tSTRAW ,ant'JhfyAcrs ooot aui..,r voly.n. ails, ornoe, envous iestallîîîK a1 d g0j@0Pl cul r îoaasily voaef ndy- Tis r& fLtu luisist-os ne acusomm :U a lPeatioirset.M0 amyrbmNr léF«tblil as ti t 1, 187. UfDIProfflmoneciedewn' Ceerted ts.IaniéOcitu0 .ia 'n rW ting é . mesieÈ ssDUOaa jorLYV~ Clrotlutlt hiâ maautuctor>.h eg O N$ l.OF I g W TBr- Lou ofia Chonaisor Si. tu""ýDac to &yma e isatsde sSsi ues* of thse Llver, Intru d'n - y e laHta e5libledte ta Csent . I'-tisaland làb il,,eiedu,.weul i f gando uà'sat;an fhenis RO II r, -eters vIlt visicisho mrz bu tu#oreo hemp.ne odatiif aar0cajpftlsPtw4w, R9air Dresing and Saist -a o vr iiontisnite ag ue- e e'SU 7Z;sUcesesnlu bo omerxfil és led4 tesfaîa4Ead.w..,lit SA 0 1,teV t-ft he sssrsnibip i té 1 ' J.u i sonfôlvrc-....Mal owm0 BRO K TIW" Cron ant Lutue tkeu lac 5X istW1LKW tbyI 'r th Whitbl, Jan. 22, ?68. JAMZr(cJ<fflQ, F F %ilpaL th p787.50. Wht~,Nov. 22. 1810, - il1' W . tby n~h.La itci.S > 1th5 __l NOW\ýOMPLBTE F A. M. CH}SIIOLM'S, GIB8S' ~LOCK OS1I~~WA5 ' s~~~n C e p a r e l i C o v , o s , e y e e o f t h . l a a g e , , c a ài u ';al o o r G r e e n , b a t n :o a v A T 5L u D B T R. fsstened on ber ' a n ominous ezpres W bêa.Ij . maî hav-fallen a victi te thse ferocit !)f tise Convias'.I os«aà Mion ; but butore h.o oeid - drane onea inegaItASniss1atmp -t vsu towardO htiseco f the. 7.1v,*tep ltowards be, ~thse crack cfrs' ilà l *ubd t a slest ttmtt 1850 that ise ship 'Grey Bagi.' arrive& atlriude hogh h a n msudTi ser. thib ames. No bamac ffoirt cool xugu ded-thro gh he cbin, d th 're arroe .lthuir progress now, sud by thse, igh Calcnua, *yu an aaeorted cargo' suiled lCo vas colsconviat tise leu to éuconuter, yo hieancern . ail clmse, froro tihe ealtby mercast te huart &sait vithi MI ao gzd o a frthe bura"of tise I sgud crleagt the, loW6o,ît pariai.h. b asWUaafine Clipper Isa th ie forai't, we baîf f h ahip, vin supersor suuumouauionsîfor maideûndu i suaaered wvus borr:pas 1 biis u ~ eltowed over ih. lIffleei minutes thse vor vas sccomulllhsd,.aci passengers, anud the,. favonrite ihip .of imagiaed ber, in the power of the desoturate tise steward vas'ooon standing by intsi s ang, vho veià nov yeiiing &sud ponndin& , l ewyodjIbdeAy @olo idet A middle aged gentleman, by the.namne at thse for;ard.cabia doo,'rntfoc' stoe wrelbdAmcoetaith cf Greenu....aptaiu George Ore.,ne- à'otraceluist irin sudfrce s oe bconld find, uhilu thse stevei Commandid ber; sud.I- ýforace Davis- There vusno ime lot, sud ba5îitî7 -wee blu ouen i arefforts by Bhlled tise bertis- of firei Mate. Captain viading my arc about lier vaist, I led ber 'hearnug tise-dil roa of th is Dmeosa tiel Greene issd lnformsd me ti7at tbus vas bis totise trnnom, viser. Lvo good sized vin spread lu tise uarnow velis belov. At hu b e n I >as t t p o s a i t v a t d rf, s ua d , b i ng p l u f 'd o w ,i o p e n , d , a n d b e u e a t h r o i e f i t e b in e te r a i s , s l o g t i es e m s f t is e d e c k , h o - vii me, moni recemmend mue to thse Wtersý of the bsy. I told cer te remagin 'tveen tise tonemast andi malumast, sàna of ovuers s a sittàaile snd compéent person ýby the viudov, and, if,,vuret came to tangues of fire vers visible danin p of te ltks splace, 'for viicii I tisanked hlm vorsito Iesp mlotiste ses. But I1sesureti Wibr trrbl1aa iseantily. hàerîtha: uo har n >shsonld corne to ber su over tihe aide, drsg i 1tsfoesa(1 Tise cargo was rattled ont in a short l ong a wu asable teoiner a 1siot In bler topmssî, sud aU tgie th-ilatemai spaco of tame,sudballast.tabou lu; every défonc.ýur An immense piller of âparba and i ame tiig Was ln restiueds aitier toeteLcodari-i nov tnredMY attention te tise doons, sisot up towards tise'dark, ioveriag aky, veigis on Siceivi suother freiglit. whiel the couviats veor. tnyiug to'fonce.' I1'vorked viti ail tee' ryo Oue manuiug, tise Captain informai! me Tii. stewraid isad1 madu'a ,strouJg. barri-..tisreateuied vush certain deathin l case uf tisat bo had secepieti a charter frei tiie cadie, DmIeîyfhu ptiec pnu.falrsdaistst tesaisciua Goverumeut tu Iland a gang 09 Couvicts lu way. I1_strengtbened i it as weil a" I vas completiug a safe, subîlaitial raft, 'rviich 'igprreceiviug s liberal pria. pur able. -Tsking top a position niidwvay be' floateti buoysutiy alnidusce. &Aîopgai. hband for eais one. tveeu the ivo cabins, 1I avaiîed teck. lant staddiugsaail boom anîveneti for s Au iron gratiug hati baion, made wbicis Sutideunl,, viti s CaabY, is doors fei u te vile atsnpanlin paased multen for flîteti exactly over tise maiuisatais, aud in, sud tise biak bowling acrovd, fet ,l vus bolted îecarely to the. combinga. tisruats ver. sîruggling butfor. me cnt- Amysa inl t 1 , ai Am, a semeauvisie, had- not iseen Tise for'and isatais vas fasteud secerely, iug desperata efforts to ciamben o'ver tise lau.; beneati tise aiqlight sise had aulleci. andis ktieanisr ioed ou *top. formidable barricade. 'I COulti icanceiY ed a qussulity of baai .beeado &,vblçh Car aOd crev, aailor-IikW, badl desenteti hearmy ownu vords front tiseapeailîag wveu iciaîy pass. a n hed9 ck aimost tise finit nigbât of can arnitral, con- yells vbiah sent tise air, Witis a uniteti assseiAy eJse o ts ok sequeutly, s native Lascar crov iadti 1ho isermistisey snnged op, gihiug veut te re ud 0eiu *su aio viroe rles nd lo ering à a i se bf a râ oveip sisiplýed in their placeos, vit i s seraa3g,' or anti rage at bains lu long baflad of tissir tiese ide, I threw 4 luit fasrveli glance 'tiatiel,',as-a sort cf beati manc or boat- prey;4 sud vitS s teady aim I diachargoilaou iefafisen' n U i svaiu. 'tise contente. of ai, revolver' into tiser tise ide for tise lut ime. Spreadiag on,. Au Eilgliuh geutlemanua vitioven, viLS udit, aud six :blaek bodios lay, pileti sali,Lise steward sud myseîf sisoveti ier bl is ang itri'lsti also engaget passage acre. one anotiser ln front of tie d;oai' a5o S ud y i vu pee fbo ri i u viti s a, prefenrnug crou' ie, comnmodions lise more sisôtÏ ehll remafuet lu tise agedtie10Pl, ac e îs distance betveni tiip-îe tise narrov, aunflueti auts of tise rafle, sud riiuà Ltoamio"iecIau i e eyve steamer. Our topîsils veremastisestiet, fired tisree tiset in rapiti sucession. Tise AMY borenpadrtsfafu res the sacisor vas-bore short, ti senagers co acui iw tood apple a s as at ud terrors fts iu iun vts a f n. vone on board ; veconly vsited for out i segiter tisey bati encouatereti, vaverngtdtsesrpsd ae'Ntansme living freigise,visich, atlast came alonamitie sud vaciliîatiag. le neetietibut anamr sa' s in tisree barges, guarded 'b, s anu mber of shot te sendtises bhowling asud lag tu esrcp e erlopng, vearyinu eseof ati Sapa, soltiiens. Tisere wus about saisan- tise forvard part of tile vessai. ' 1- madie Digist tise ng, e ar hon i ht o isti dreti ant i fty of tiesaltogoîjior, sud ss gooti use of the raspité, anti aeladed My îess wves, @se ibrank alose to myaide, lavage, vicions, villmsuonîlooîang a gang, vespons, sud wvispered a fev encourage-. u u satbe o iepe nis as I user aav ,colikticed Logaîlser. Tise, iugvends to Amy, L kepai a abearp look. Ramuviug My liglat fiannel coai1I vere matie up of Bengalis, Hindoostanis, obi' on tise- mkyligisî, axpeciag' every vrspped'it about iser trembuiair forai, and Sikhs, Tisagi, Mahrattas, suois a 'revdof miaute tisai. ise vouiti make uatataci sisieldeti ber as vel As I Coulti from, the otisers. Each oiae Wva iaukistiîeanreiy, 'iu tiadirection. Ai lait a fiercea.nsd'vaten sud coiti nigit air. anti astise7 filati osai tise aide, veto coin- prolongeti yell aànunuceati tisai bai pelicdtu t deacendti thie isaîveeu'decks, anti infernal prajeci hati ien ahatasu e s ergiiavéuèt aLlait, ud toizonu vhich isati beau prepaneti for tiseai. &tie fertile braiam cf thse devilisit tirons. T nrItns ý, mîlieme8a Tlie arter vau at lai gisea te hessu With straineti cars anti . distendetioe euaprahnadi poe oh n np ; the eavas drapped iinnhge suosI, 1 vaicisetfor tise deseiupemeuî cf the: Ois aptahe ug tiEnrve a 'i n glsis gubosîs hat sbonntilu foltis frois the yards, sud vu vere aooa uewvplan. Lookiag up thongis tieseky.. those wasters. lu tveuîy minutes ve ver. gliiig dovu the river towartheis Bal of ligisi, 1 tried lu sain to Catch s glise ail standing uafe ounlien decc, sud mut Bessgal. o f tJaptaiu Greene., 1 conîti discosor nu-' vus ail possible attention fros tise offle- I isatirecaived snch au Impression trous tig- of iiaaloftà. 1' fait that I v as ors, Wvisaympatisisad deeply vithtiu for- tise avfai expression tisai I isati atice o ou lse, suain si neiy ounaiy ovu remO'urce, tise dangerg sia iifontunase, uheti en- tise aajunity of tise Conviais, face,, tisai J fer proection' contereti loadAaiMy *esalver, sud s rifle v hicli I Tise steward fisati loket iisel inlubis Tise commaander resoised te lsnd as nt hati, capable of csrrying six abso. ,Tises. rooai, sud, vas eltiser tiruai, or insensible Pen~ang as-moeua possible. andti tiso go I snîpentietioser tise head of ai, bâri,vitis fear. Inlu earci of tise escapeti convicts. We viti e qnautiîy of ammuaitlon, luncase of Occasionaîîy s savage voniti Oit pust vers but a short distance frons ibat pont, usei. 14 1tise skuiight, sud s lad trîmpling, oser- o, uolafonmnetius, sud, Atanù eanly boue - Days passeti ou, sud va reachedth ie liseait týrscted my atteutiaiéi ou conisaeîlÉe noxi iornuiag, vs came te Rocheror bey Iu safety. 1 sav Set lstie' of thse tiseir dank forais clusterng round, andthle lova. passengergg1 they, vere ver7' prend sud fired as veli as I vas able. '.'4 Wo vers lmmudiatelyIstideti, antiMise eristocratie-...seemiugi, toc protid 1 notice A isoasy crash stantleti me, snd -g13u4- Cihreudon procoaded ti iouceto tise iotelP au eeo9o d bya asu ntigl ie irecie"o'f theuforvard cabin, ant I , net csrng te intrutia or pester ber or s cool' salutation- Tieir usses vers 1 beiseltia asesof ieasy spans, nigsn vs My Company, nov thstgise ve's ont Clareinan sd -tise ycnag lady, isho a etc., hich effectusily bloakat np the.a o cf danger. loft hon. The Englisis atbqr. very hantiseme, valwu troduci te me as îrÀncu. Whist the useaningb M Liss trangu ities wve nuforaieti cfthe disaseen, antia, Miss Amy"OClaiendou. ' 'manoer9 wu vasIcol! nos conjeture. tnong force instantly 4eopatoheft* te -huoat lb pis noens wvonfedtice sa i y .tiseTbere Agu anger te 'bu appreonded thé ~vîlîisj.. footi beiug hovereil-te thom bi uceaus of a-nov, l atntdirection, sud 1 vatcisad tise Weie yvr vr captuneti or basket, te whie - s 1iue ai attache&i.A ikyhigici viti tise je of a havi, as'teDf mual esy s ODatr solil ticor ile ra ttiiadto-ba openedhast 1oopisolu cf danger. h noImiuslteayasen fiI viii seetis rvdo bodtisu Ibsr isstiagigiOUuhu ao left Penaug, bitiufig adieu te tise'Euat In- whil 1 eneah',a- cowdPf boodharml 1boar tbm drggi)g 5m6ti, g dues sud a, profession for,ve. villiani velu vaiting toe size oul iL. tise decc, andti ie.uext instant the' -bigisi Oae aioruing, as I vas paasiisg tise As a generai tising, 1 lapernuteutiet is of a large haviser feit acîoss tise' siylgis:. isote] visere Amy vas ffcppiug, 1 vas pane- tof tise dtt iself .but as day. pais. Bigisi &fier bigisi vas pihetion, 'folved atartieti by iseariug ai, name calieti , eti by, .sud no oulbreak orn itiulbane by otise r beavy articles, visich tiesa- 5 8f; féminine soice, tisai sonatied >like tise isappentid.I gradually* became more lax ticereti about tisetiecis. Ini au instant mme'fhovn1unugqiîy anti canreless. The secondi mate, assisteti saw tlirough tise plan. Tsyhtidct dt shit îiatts indov, dreùs.t in byý thé carpaunter sud lsil-aiak6r, vere to fastua me deova behov, anti, as1 e i.dep Mouralg ho finslly sIliOed to bo eut fer tise velfare pecteti,' vôil eier scuttie or buauthe buockoned for me va:,bivaing e. ey anti aoaifor& cf our prisonens, wviii 1 at- sbip, heaving me te ai, fate, vil. tley caufeàs, 'isai 1 horetithesalitiy, bigb,. tende t t hie d tis z cf tise slcip. - e capot i nlu bo s .b o a m i e th al t e ar ur f a Onue'day, near useridisAn, 'a th. Captain 'IlWus s plant vortisy cf'thein infernalsbior butnaid notertis arie a rd-o r f anti aiyseif venu busy tsiting 'tise un, s iugenuiey, sud I iaformed 'Amy of Wicat 1 rj uto at Dno theasi nw yslh, louti, thrilling, aud. appslling, ruai mupposetwi vs iir 'lutention. bredithi V bpa i vumon i tic0 air, ailngled viii cries cf pain aud -1'am content to die,' @ho' replied - i lel adbu ies' pinai'r y oa ' asueÀl ots in lu ont vulanuage. .viii save mef tnise ladies hei badsp Turaing rpIdil rieure,'ibydo' Amû EParticuIar atteition bas paid in theiselection aOTE 1tiStG BLRCK àOOD SI BLAVK1 & COrD& CANjDIAN TWEEDS, PiFNTCOTS BRIILLANTS, MUACETS, .IMBROIDR AND MILLNERy VT COkOred by Cuniviots, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, MIINB#

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