Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 May 1871, p. 2

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port tb@&' ;ea brought apfoi treport reooL Politoui honi., sufý f aruingabou the",Naion#ý Brck iZ, bt jethe espoaiBreod: Marcs-elBrod ta ._Ja, G gt 2nd James Medslad, Ge8îe - ~Policy l a JO aim ply a ltle.P r ' treet, 1,000 ; D und s Street,-bility, with the C eupil, gs 6;-nd ams1t ko -S cI eo g elimnar Po-000 Base lino, $160:; North Word,, Afcet, à fe ,u'rtds froua Xi. Phi P, sud Ro!d.. Tedéestable conduet of chopolitilsius Utc laparring, in preparwirunfor the$800; Centre Ward, $800 ;'Sonth Word Ur. Cameron, and cth.e M'. enerac Pcirpose Fill7, 2 year old-lst, Who are *ds6ru~te nmmli, part, rad cotmtagaa lac 4 ad y.$200 ; Tifrd concession -lino, $40;-$20 chat if th. caunnit did LanetîgTeasMri. snd 20 eut f bllc, Levoud Tens -reehg! je';,ht FuI7, 2 years old-lit, Wm. capitliout of the murdeur of Thoma. 8oic Thii vPaper boxers fOhaase just Brock at., provided tbe'Tbwnsbip Counicil stable, a reseluti ic paae, mvdb f. Ba igeHrel ans- mmut b. shocking tote .botter e*jn r $ eekiug ce lmproe hil i sdsyug fWbby ra.da1.'aontiop torige - lus' aide lin , $25'; G ordon'& aide li ne, Douorant seconded b , f. B y h l c . P i g e n , C e t D w s !iairutioÏhluklg eTail heousofe Ove- qtahei chor te eklynglacoeàorNse»Oul f Bae line,0 $30. , In mittee hiefcouscble o inatatel i ofâc& J. P. Pàwell's spcial prie fr -Scle hiiug crelosl brtalluch.cedue cfevr c. orp. o c. dluot NaiOuona f the wbote. HliaJ., m é o n W h o d r o a ; h . m a n g e d r e m a l u e c e o l c y " 1 r P h i l h t a t o i h t h e O n C O U R T O ? e o n d e ' J . A . C p l ae ia l p Defort imordoed, dsd fmot nt gterock' St.iras *1,000 t nre motion ur, Philp, A a*y baséca r' o h musro ded rou ch gave su de.- Thefuslet cia f ~l a t wachwocld b.c eu :than $8001lfttebe.éx. 8rD 0oa, ch. fcllowiag yore naméd as best Entir, Hlors. of any cas-l, t. ersciugiy psrade cham -bofor. ch. public th .political sparrer cf ch. Rejormei cr7- _pended, lniamuch il there wua aver forming ch. Court fRvsisleprésent Beans. '@i(Oth lPseO on atqty n40Coe>te' Ë0H4êUa s "Mr i)r.Cr isinlt year'cf $219. yer : Mesars. MoMillanitt h ovsn, Gor. ' 'ui. y.,î, r.Claka-Ther, vas an appropria, don, Ray udPil.aub ,bac dld Ur. Bush. oars &hat Scott vas Gibbs's organ.", What on erh a-ch. tion of $1,000 te' BRrock atreet Ilut yeur, dnilp ura, uged-l;.sc tvm. Jeffcry - 2nd,'14 fouily mciurdr@d, vue h. luroduo.idbils Reformr? Mr. Farewvel*& ppert, Mr. out cf chat $400,w ' ,I'k E30i o sotteare xrended on aide. E ALÂ *,W .Wil cox ; 8rd, J, Mitchell. walko. l'ho dame expendicure on aide- The Mayor'ifre heui iatDGrae, 2 esrs ld-IGst, J.Foeat IA i*slull n lu c .ond a sr .o L o g it , r e vll' s t p rî ess s s d y e , M , P a e alk s w o ld n e t b e co lled fo r ag ain th is h e S o licito r fo c t i. T r uae af th e d e - 2 n d , B . P . C a m p be ll ; rd , A . M c kÇiu tiei s t Li i. farcedacatOt.w el, ecipecand ctie playchiug for year. fHe contended therefore, chat ifhecares ha spoken te him àveral imes Ayrsbira,» sged-lsc. Thomas Guy. r be e swu lebring' Seat'. murdertesthe moment cf a vicIent luttle Oshawa $000 verequfficient lat year, the dameaotc.hnigoero h 0oo ysir,2yasodlt e heili bc as htte suile hypé e MOarbunthe aningn nr f th410000Aî hie 2 year old-ltJcn d n; But 00Dutgo ougbtthe restnechathrd Jd ureOsw. e log co ýembrra..the Golerameut. Wbac D1 picli1l,"1gentlem en, ycnr liccle 1Mr.- Plp replied sehewï ttaï t e t lii wo dn, e eccocupate nW. b;Od eog gtn didl Mr, Boveli >cr$lbnbbitoe" athu . i lt ce. amount WuVa esa~5ry3, and the whoe 'nmtino à .Sprint Pair of ltis Pickering Agri. pý cas hnh.asgitc xtin vnougugl R lase Scen,.aniunt asked for wantin1g. O mtin f Alun, ouniolad- cultural Socity. laook cnhis restitucion tea thaï' o! theuie nouifi- t tuc leait aos in uil$s -The Mayor asokcd whetbcr the appro. journed for two veeke. &Governmbeuî, l referena. te onanItoba, lutr mini a prlatioir on Brock street would include ~TeSrn xiiinc h ikrn ni , t~~~~~hu construction cf ch. sidcwalk te Ur. Whitby flacea.'Th pti-eibioofhePcrng ' che Domninion Farlsmênt, le ch.elame DÂr iM. tg ro M Arnoldn'bouse in the North Wurd. - JAgriculcural Society, vas beld at.Brougliam, a . U. Pbilp isplied chat tho Committe Th flbving are thi.eut es-fer fcic on Wednesdsy, 26ch nit. The attendancu tiq efeYst Amr pelitilcal dodgo t'a place James Steak, cf Toronto, <breherin-law had net decided upon che imatter as yet.- D nPat n oiiýgnia a cacl saiern suulLi Bl dlna fiat position,'- Mr. Bovehi cof Revi.FPallherShea, the respecced Poier Ur. Ray asked what about Anderson aiinPaesu ouirHnIcaa cacl anu osa.uul WiIig .i iras impilydoiug th. dirly verli cf the of tii. RomanCtilaChrha hansd Thempsou'a aide lino, sud whether il already made for tch. Whitbyces 1 te the anfaverable otage cf tie veatiier, o 0 overomnt. Hobkev tuttht.Buake as net fairtchat appropriations for thernnite cuà'Tesowo ossu Goetmn. R e htbdBaeplace,> ditd -at hi@ résidence flu Toronto shculd J. inoladsd I1lie aise complained DOMINION PLAT.'adtiecaa.Teshwohrs.U vote fo ch resuncon . wold iveon'Sacurday lait. Ho hadlheau iIIfor cf the'amalînesa Of Of cI>.amoutIt te chu A. Simpson, by. et.* FearJNaughc ô Tnd mls vnarcevegeda#nn timbrage ce bigiParty Mlends, cheuges;asolbyJckc.B«rI)e', dam SirTeflcngaeh.ri.viur: pi su ~ch terbu, htifBaeg frouam a. !North Ward. y1fr. Ray hadackthe ifliues.ie-iness p soadn esstdies f M. Philp repllod chat M.RybotteTattndi an iteote od ba fBaevoeod 1iiý* te heart, and his médical attendants had privilege te moe.ilurespect te th. aide, ttnDhnS «gains! the >resoloien, he weuld have net bic hbla family unprepae frc- adlueos, sud dercnded che' fairness »ci he. J.Lawrence, by. m., lue, 4 years d, Rosit entire Ilorse, rag-lac 'imon- given 'agence te bils parcy supportera lu event.prdfr h u oter appropriations. by Tester, dam Anconeie..j Beattie, (Conqueror), 2nd JAînca White- bc TheMayor hoped the appropriations F. endeosnb - gld. '1ider6ais, Gnsk BdJsLwe (nt) Oncario. Bowie!! hu. pisosd Blake oin Tho Globe lu neticing-che decea.. cf this year yvouId' cffpt:bobtter state cf years old, by Kenot. est, 5 aid ties,( rdJsLtiari, Tit).w thhe otusof a dilemme, (sud chatrèvaisl 1r ca a.c.filwigeiur hinga in chu way cf the général improve- A. Smith, tir. Ih. Meteor, 4 yiars aidt James Whiteside.se h nt tdo)g attelte uto y met o!our streets., hy Thundor, dam out c'f Verige. Buceecie),ueal uros Jaese-latus h. ancd t 40> s cat i. acir Urc . H.Stock wuasataive of Lancashire; Mr. Camuren eoiýpîaiDed cf ch. unfitir. A Aîîewayhrir.Ch. et , Robert Mutch, (Little Saîxnmbl), nd s ch. Houe., l'a Oder te- uvadeéciie vote. 'lu Eqgland ; lhe vasbore in 191É, sud cescf gliing $30 te 'Mr.' Gordon'. aide by Repo>rter, dam Sold, k. . S.ucnbîrg, s irClnCmbl, r aitltcil ch. pretended u>'mpachy for $cocg emigrated vici bis parencs to Canada la lino, while, nothinË asgvn'ecu ea O .R.S io, (Youiog Mosstrooper). cnt ou th. ereithypocrisy. The wreugs 1830, oi*iso vyc ak eAnsadCmrnade lin, onthe north A. Allovay, gr. colt Rainh.w, 14 years Twe ycor old encire colt, gcnéral pfr- 'sie ,osuccScttem ltieshreudth m-Mr. Clark. otne ha h ae N. Battant by. ut. (bld Boy., 4j Brrd Robert rcn lio0ou0bvealrgraprpitin1O by u'ip. Sir Tattou; dam Flig Enire herse $utilté or Carniage-lactre> tiebywhchIhseptiicl ielsveesiderable fortune. Ht. Stock as various sud aaid chat there vwu ne aidewalk on Childers.. ao (rc onanMrgan),. Jno. sui, actuated. As fer che part tie vurgar imes held prominncc publie position.sin il west cf Break Street, It neoir hboit fa C0 .Hb.n. E De ysuRitaer, (Riinbow), 8rd Simon Beattie, nul joker, Je. Rymal, via put forvard te Toronto, He vas a membfr ofcfthe City fait uiare o! the appropriationsh ali I abm iaDe er,(rn uk.oo f play, hI only neoded the ribaidry of th. Ceunil ; h. vas the candidat, cf the and did net receive justice. ,hosio. , by Jacki ch. Barber, dam Waggcner. Two year od entire Colt, sd01. forto bui'oon tcouat.theiilut diagracoful lsî iea c l ut86tariitepesnapproripion d s thal oth B alnl ab. î.Fu e,4yssdoaraeîtSmon Beaton, (Cleveland), tien bu Parliameut of tie Hast Division of aporaio ha i.onl u hthdb en,,dmLpda.2id Warren ilastinge. auer ce h.memrycfSaot.lihe isie- ce ity.;su mcth tmo ! I.dealiî~net buen eut dovu. Andgthat, ou che . A, epper, ch. M. Galety, 6 years d, Entire herse, Canadien draught, lot J.. att on the mémoy of Scott If the disbn- the citcontra ethitfhade bfeisencruatcedtfroua t$100 bbynJacreuecierBîrhoorydack5thr Taceon.doSaSinutt(SiraWm. (Sir Wce)Wallace RobertRo chu c r e b o e s e f c et c n l d cr y o n fr ni a s P r e i d e t ! i. T o e S a v i g u tes t y e a r te $ 1 5 0 h . p ré e n t y a r. O w e n & C o r in , h . g . K ig h t o f S t A nà a , ( t lo u g h b o y , rd D S : Ik F a r la n , b . c h o r n l n o u s p u c h e , n o v t u y o u d B u k M . S o o k v a a e t u e t o m n U r . C a mn e r o n a id , l u r e fo r e c e t e h u P a t r ic k , 6 e a r s o d , b y , C a n w e ll, d a m ( o s r o p r .le gs !cci, Catiroie, but adhered firmly sud censist. Base lin.,gthat; ch. road ce ch. station Kicly (Io. CTTE .n proy, lu eharity, <ueoh loi sud knave, eutl7 ce chu Heform ecause chrougi ail ifs froua Brook Street had -hecu se much J. Maishil, gr. g. "tr Davis, a yeurs Best Bull, calved hefere Jan. 1870- stea Gîte poece. snd reat ut leaut beyoiîd t1ue «rnve, vicissitudes. He vas tvjce marrid, bis treveled chiat; ifvas lu a bail state nov, yStar Davis, Jr., dam Fîeifoot b lo John Miller,.'n John- M. Bell, 3rd -E Do, 70 political ghouls sud hcI t es, n hie eing eldest dangicer o! eur and chat chat, portion et the ruait alwayuJ Heoh ile. u tespected felle, citizen 1Mr. John Sh.î, leok no mnch e! chu apprepriatinu Ihere Bstmllut. -'ne auay180 tb ?et Scott'& munes b. peacetul and at-rest, and leavos a vider'sud barge family -tge wu i5 lclo Ift for the veut aide. lie urged W. A. Boohiesu, bir. Ih. Hachevu, ag D n t Bul, elved snce nun1 870- d to b.on sec longer seok te termeut them viti dîplor. bisio, that ns a région wbhem ar.vasne aidé- b7 Alsondae,, dan Vevindero' Srd John Iluler.N 08,walk on t c, .- J. Kerr, tir. m. Cra7, 5 years d, b w ulcsCerrSe-s.Rb.mci your slahecng cant çs parcy trickyU ~1r, lBey s-4li. thaï; ch. relaulto SiTaodmPit Fbr,2dJs*iou" PuîrsNo organ cf chougiicor -action eau b. cher. being tilO idecvalk lu ch. vesut vSirTtotdmPlo.FlC,2dJo.Wlo.G MR. P PB AUaIS. AND SADOLERIT ecuployed vicient the. assistance e! tho -vitI> the Ceunceiller. o! lb. Word. The C. Ray, bir. m. Bay Roue, G years olOJces e noglect vas theirs. They neither uscd by Jack tie Birbor, dam D. O'Conuell. On Lighc llorses, su d Seeds, George cfo establishment ha. been remeved (te th bloed, sud ne organ cdanlb, employed saf'.. ch. mouey sppropriated them for thu Fliser &-Carson$ by.; g. Siorm, 4 yeîrs Merdan, Alcena, D. M. Docker. Pickering, bine proise nec dorto he eya Caadan y o vihicpn icj iout a snpply cf building of asd.walk, uer did thiy vhen olO, by Thnder, dam ;ady Frankîlin.. John Ellis. Biîsaîn. lRail, Bati, viiore ch. groscer space at his healîhy bloed. Wich ÉoaItby blýpood cie onuevas laid dovu for them loek alter it, H. Divis, by.-m. Flous, 5£yoars old, by Ounluavy Herses au4 Bulle, ID. Lawson, commaed eeabi&S hm to keop au eularged exercised ergane beome veoi developed, 'or kecp It in repiir, but, on ch. contrary Jack the Barber, dam Sir Tacton. Dnunrton, Wm.,,Blair, Wlîitby, 'Jantes allowed i tte go to piecus, sud ch. plank .Bocnlb.m 'b etedm EI!iu. Pickering. Alcx Waddeî, Pickeringtî stock of hiruesu, truckis, whips, &o.. Ur. ahîcher chey b.iumcular er intellectuel. ct e btru up sud cîrried awsy. 8 J.Botck r .c-y Tstr dmTitomasànacrni, Picktrng., t Piiuip -hiespuîeiicsed lie exclusiveror.îgit Bi tie use o!f ellovs$ Componnd Syrup Ht. Clarke, secended by Ht. Camero, fr. t. Gogeoîkl. d Tsil~'~'a for tii. love sud tovnshilpof Wbiiby sud tif Hypophesphices the blood lasup.edily meved te encrase che amouettle $200, tr ec pigpi.Hn but only the moyen andi seconder aroue iun ur -Las., towuship of Pickoriug, fer ch. manufacturo vitalized sud purilied, ISud se Made caPs- lavor o! th. motien. ENTRIIga7019 TES D.)MINION RINOtOP. Ti.piu Fato eAgcltalbS of ilThe excelsier lisaiteand ip sîraste à ble cf preduciug a sound smind!sud a souel 1#fr. Ray, lu refoeccto 'aiere manku h pigFi fth giutrb 8 novsu uefl uvncon orhaneuan bdy. ' ! r hip s e te cprericinste C. Bay, by. m. Ella De., 5 ysars olO Mr.1 -00ch. sidelbues beucficing thu North Word, yJciceBredmWsgnr ecdityro!chAbtasipn-c eac, va2th og oeetcat ueods euly te hb. seonte r.eem- DîysuT ii.. c aa ê..rcfîîsd te admit cli. truth o! nsue nb N ab.g otBy easoO eOa rneAhro mooud sef Dc..îîT. t-B Rmr éie.statement, sud held chat tbhevîtole satin by' Kennet, dam LapiOit. oi.Tee a i eyfi Tueda 25 h r fig~ ues lire. very desirale resideuces co Was alike beuulltted by tb.m. W- Weedruaf by. ià. Bay Jack, 6 yeans and a good show o! horses. The folle,- the A T us PtwoRAMA of the FnooGeaa let ect me' CrrM1r. Clarke torgeil 'gain the unfaircusa olO, by Hairper, dam Matilda, log la the lât e! prises. it hi ver vs exhibhîsd et the Meehanris'Raill, i e!-- 0o giving $30 te Gerden's aide lice, in Ficher & Carson,'by. g. Storma, 4 years >oset erea ou g-oda an Tueday ut nd -was We are ceus et incimace chat the crder te accoincuedabeue individuel, g o1e by Thuder, damLayFnki.10gr -we ec1eîcRyoudTueJ.ylaT,.ud asrequeulsd nlsýinth egleet e! chut portion o! th. road uortb ad Fadli. Blood Stnllion-1 ; lac Chas. Paynu. tYper very chservedly alcenOcO by large sud Rrof*1.Byn it racil h e 13Iish lic., and hlntad chat it vas raft Stoillion-3--_at James and John sanme appreciair, oudience.. The Musc and Ceugrugalional ,Church uexc -Sibbath, Joie becatîse thora vas a frieud ln court. FUSERAL 0F TItI LATE Ma. Sr'cL.-Tah, Gordon;- 2ud Gco., ickiiîgboctooe ; Ird frein Mr,. Gordon 'exPreased tii. delijaacy of fumerai o! ch. late Mr. James Stock ceok jas oli ell. cOte cluulng cf 1fr. sud Mm». BorOvell viiimrigsu vun, tc.ana or.bis position in suppertiug the appropria- place at half-pesc ten e'clock yesterday General Purpose Stallie-0 lu0Ju and t viili ii.desniîles vr, ucespRse objecce, "Lb!, le osacunt,'" ad 1"(nundu inn? but could Dot helpi meucieniug thu morniugfror i te résidence, Slîuter 5t.'rect, Rnel tdReetDbsn 8dJ55,bore1 vot eeeleu. Ad ec heleuto! hoip." great disadvaittag.s unîler vbich tIi. and vas vcry Iaî'gély atceiided. The. poil licHillan. igi ati wereexcllet. , An ýet te 1aitparty residing ou th, line vas laboriug. beardru ver. Lion. Fraunk Smith, and Saddie or Carrnge Stallio-8; lot E. ]y mi sinouet teL atractons erethe pésenet vas lhe onîy roid bu had te ch. front, Mesura. T.ilecCresseu, P. Rughtes, Archi Niajor,;211,4 Jacel,. qinn; Sme Wni 1-bb amugt h. acrcccu vrsrhope mut - l'a ons TaA...-.Trem ci.eprésent whereaa chu others nortb bad s cheiceofo!halO Taylor, Lawrence CeUsee sud M1atch. To5lie. ,Lockj glien 1îvay. isei" laki, sued mia. aspoocte!' affairu, observes theonteureml nuada. 5h. road vswu& ,na bail state, uo evu. On tbe arrivai oetch. corte§ i a s St. Tbree year-eld Stalîen Genieral Purposu chine, Titoupson ebtalnéà a setofchieesioci, Star, lvudso cabi es ad bd hat at vas ucifit for wagons te pas. Micbae's Cathédralch. remeius. ver. -4; lac Robert MutaI>' 2ndJse Oiv' -amonet te over gi1 itiue.Tel twudoette h os rd vRt taken into the edifie, whcre issuss, vas 8rd Jos. Bryant. AOJa.ngly amogu c. the gfc datibuur, heusfor iîhi preseut, sud vili ho for tie next Tii. mayer urged ch. justice o! addiug sal by chRov. Ht. Jamot, assiabed hv Tlirtý-year.eld Draft Stallion-2 ;Ut feu oL panraa udeuralmoc receil f, veka aimait ail. Tfie -réseu girou appropriations fer Thoînpaou k Ander- thc Rovs Mesurs. Rooney and North- Y. Ellioàtt; 2nd lcnry Binge..night- geel. fe .r ibis is (bas .rce- are te hbig, for 00,'aade ines, sud atter funchen con- graves. -The churcb vas crovcetO; sud Span Draft Horses- 1 ; lut. S. Lamb. Ont prce s. idenable discussion, Ain. Philp sgreed tointthcio nuclusion o! the golem,> cerecucu- Span General Purpose 1fborses...2 -lac branld Ton Quêtra guELscTîowo.-The exite- bayera#, snd ch. ýfarmiug - seasn havbeg add $20 escb for che Anderson, cal'rn e h fiaa rcsio eomdsdThomas Graham ; 2nd.Cbirlus Westlatk,. vasb meteerci as. lciosI nvcmeueporusci.iaydranghc sudTihoatpuon aide linos. And cie ne- vent ce St. Michiael's cîeery,te place Sqddle Hrse-8 ' lut John Jeffrey. Digit daiy ncra.ng.Ai secso! sua.sugheresviiliareludemndhelg rouîtport vas adepced v'[tbthone additions. o! Interment.-Leader 2'ueday. Single Driving irse-8 ; lac Douale. d l clecerîug doooAi ansorte so c t . Alcvsngbrewih.ae démebay era avbonit îe M. TV tPa ad élections# TOWN PROPERry. ~-----MKy;2dWn 'rat h Douevn dbnroduedoa@eporere-teu. as. MlHas Ail tihe Scats Drît Bred Mre.?.; luoAt'G tom Sisaglt.,muet .bcg.arà- &,go, oi.d~i -IMr. Mcuuhtlvray beidg excuaed Up. Chsnbiaa of the Committes -e-,àiutsilliy prserle, T e nc.. -are tO,OUO.000,bogheis o! grain tin atone, Goveruci oe! ManÎteba uhW aigkech r50,0 ushéls more thin vil1 boad J~o~ sr tovnships or parts cf tovuafbipu ira vhich ailibi, grain ton'nagein bothporfs.' the'alîcîmuents toe h aîf'bnceds @aal be We may adO that a large propertion of -- ciaO.,~~hld on su h oec lecu ha ii ri sb nCanadian acceunt sunds shah bc as foîbowa z-and vilI neach the. -ocean , oer teSt If not alréadY obtained, su accanate' Lavwrence monte.,* - cliii- Sp.T 'ceus -'shaullbe taken ,ce 4détrminét, u14 'u , ,15i numbe ofprsoià >won Drill mumen f-prso hovc na, be untitîcd Contradiction. tt. to participiate iW ti.distribution. The - -Bonus Deber number cf acreste -.vlîich ueach ma; i. -The !ollovicg letten from Captaju s ton- -lenti ti kabl also bu ascertainêd. - Tii. - Fraser, cf chu gunboat Prince Alfred, "ute t e numben u ares of undiviticd grauts- acldressed to the -oditor o! che Ot-tasva turcsq. oaving been ascertéinei, cthe landueleccedTi 2me, sets at rustcthe. charge chat Mn. fDnill Shed D by the. lieutenant (*ovcrnor Ion thé pur- AMcMickeu thneateued fhlm vida dismissal 1e, ané pose- sha be divitictiup sccertiugiy. if bu 010 net vote for mi'. Prince: -.- Bouta Deoe '17iketsshaîllbu prepar-eti. esci te condain Gj (o gAT "PitrNuariz A'isa," Pa.P.ren bemeon a d.eacriptiotif o!the land, intend * gAÉE.A-BA, 22nd Apnil,_1871 . No. 1l Pd to. sitiuty tic 17irticîtlar aim, fer' SiR,-Wll yen allov me apace in yotir July;utsr.,t wiha boôk o! record siall be preparcd ; paper bo contradict a numeor goiug- the debent iso, everything 'boiug preparei, tie yeunds eftho Opposition papers at present, Couuty lR-&te ckets may b. put into a box andti h. to the eff'ect that Mnir.Glbert McMicken, i ie uenaut.Governer uhalldrsv the nut t Chie! e! ti e Ont r>io Pelie, used hia et!- '4 at to tay , *andomn. ,(Jiaimants of tic age i! 18 anti cial position durng the. Rases electien <e J..Keîtti, woo rer shall -recuire their patents vichout mita. - «une te vote f'ey Mr. Wigl<'-aud R. H.I lbiba ucnecesssry1 del <ay, arlid minons on ari'ing agaicat Mn. Albert Prince, sud Chat lie Dr. lance it hat age. - (IMn. HMickcn) cren chreaýencd me vith A Alexuander In th.eastulement o! Crovu lands, nap- diadeisai from ch. position whicll-l ut Dr 'Uasun a )opriatoti publia I;tnis*shall, nltil funther present helO if I-voteti for, or assistied lu eus.... ireacion, be oen fur sale st the rate of Mm. Prince's élection. Nov, air, I Wisb Dm. Gunu sust te dolîran acre.iu cash. - the public te kuoyv chat Mr. ?McMicken -'*"""'tasuad Asot prc-cutptîen nights, auy person novter auked mne boy I intenticd te vote, HeauiI; coi luig, dte tead of a fainiîy, or asoingle er hitctd in dthe naest remoe manuer,' thast - te te h an above the agA o! twen 'ty.cce yeans; I1 sheulti vote againat Mn. Prince ln short, Panerati expet rho btas matie ùu n anllereafter naake 'a h. cuver mentioneîj the eluccion to me at Ford, a- cctlewcnt in'persen on tlîe publiaélundi;, al; so chat chenu is net a'partiale o! truth A» C'ainernn1 Od who bas inhabitei anti improveti theiniiidb. vole @tory. - vusi iave, sud wbe- ha& L'ncqted or «hall ereet -Yoursurlyý, --- Owéiling tiereon, may bave lilmself ONK!R Atatpi Itencd, wiI itte landofficen o! the divi- Cp- J gnOHt' nceIAlfed." .- &m ouncpes ona iii. vlich - snca lantds are for- auy - Cpan ucot"rne ird" -nonepa uber cf acres net excetding 160, or a-Ai~ttpl jarter section o!, land, te incînluecie À a nie>naeund William DAvuo0n, em - luterest paid 1 îidence of the dlaimant ; aud being a ployed in tiie North Star Wooleu *MHlls Bnîeîî e iject o! Ber Majeisty by birci or %Iinneaipolij;, deliperatciy jnmâped off th- liateneat; apull îuralizaiioiî may ebtain a patent there- susp.ension bridge lIer. dais ;iôrniig- anti ce upon psyiîg ce cte Crov tche. pnievas caanicd Over >ch. falla cnO dnewued; atiCie o snc lanâ.tie adnauopportcmityt ae hîmm, i hefCi lhegarding hemestead nighbs, any pur- ic'Iile ini the atmcai nitngete. L.tr, bLu ,n vbo is che huas! cf a family or bas fbtaeds d or, bel. A.Cmnfoies taincd the age o! 21 yeanrs ebalu, a!ter New, Jersey ha.sa atrauge slony. The J. iloppen i tinat day cf May, 1871, hbcutitiedto tc dnher n oui.a o a T nso entered for'nneequarter section or a lns0 daWiehseado'iN.etwaBmu n i.Ittu ,squantcycfuappropniateti public *e hcied fNr Bnwick,,J. Lyiaeeo ct, tifor thepures0' scu rig wm- îi ihe aid aid o! chat gentlemnan'. valet, Il. J.- Mo'l)u tsi rittlpeuec hne. ' iade several accempcs co taie hiie hf, Ti.h.inni lice flic r dmno tho Otni u vic 0-peces" 8îeeJal constat icbec Battalion o! Rifles-nov in 11ani- s e e A, shah b.cudnitiedti c a free gnsiid o! Wm. MoKenai,s sailor on be ard che Brookr Street-, uarter ,section. ship Rosenea c,.a c ifalifax .e rgiv n hlm . Ditua Street, loere pense,> shah hoc untitls'd te self up for a maurder wihic he atas he 1Conre Ward,. 'ethan oee lomesatd nigbc ; anti at cemmucced oven 7 years ago in (Insoe, Soutls,,Ward,.. rtime a!ter the. tirut o! M 'ay, 1871, the Baaeoto,.,.. vernor înay vithdnav trem che epera ca ' - W.iuon'a Bridg 1oftheabove systeiu snd tthce! vith "" ""Blai','Bridze, titres tevîtiiiip& ou1eci aide cof chu A. utegno hbubeen anmeutec in St. Jehu, t)'Nsil'a Bridg'e then sauctionefu fr the Inter-oceanic N. - B', for eemmitcing a rap. oen a liotie Blai'. Sieius va>'. - girl, feu yeura o! age, wiom lhq gaggoud B art,... 1 « 1 ad carried i mie ssecînded vod, SigtImdy Espolîae 'odon'1 April 27.-Tie race fer oee , ..-....aua S uianti guineas gskes for Ctire. yesr -A man nam.d P. Regan, - feul froua6 SI eep distroyod flliesi ut Newtmtrkç,tet-day, resuited Gresc Western train nean Grimsby cit Editscoit. -( fellowa: -Baron Rothciiild'îi b,.f. Saturday memning and vas hlIid. Sabool Bd Wood, snd repaira te Townr ll lý............... ,17044 Purehase et Tovn Lot .. 0 2 50 l'nin*ing adv enug, sud Coaca......p...... ltetnrffing Ot!ceer, N. Ward. 290 " C. Ward. 21 25 S i. W ard.. 2800o H-' .cho,......... 42 Clcliiîtg tom Jamercu,. .....28 U4 iiîleetlng Jurons .......... 8 00 Soin iaîlcanîut, ... ascubu............ ~Zu~~aea5aeoAntiitrs ,fortc ceri' htcthe aboya !à s correctm OW ,'t antcesd ExPenudcres forn Naytir.,Lo ngee' b. , tepe A1 aon Orma' ic ern unoua b ofayon , . oess, biSokwl, n IoIrea, ir i'ý sigte«va i o! BovuDuchasthird. -Seoei daugicer's age'co a tenons enemensaton. tas rau. ~" ~ " Theeisteamer Ponceau! vas desbmoe.d by se treedmeut o!, Monaigticur Darboy', fine la tie St. Lavrence betveen Quebue Amcibisitop'oI Paris, by thu Commcîun, andî rdni nSt 4 -os$,0. iu ctus ecribeti by one vho daims-_m di.,e tudylst80, îtvc heen lîrescut vitile teindigitities inflicteti on ch. venerable prehîte:- MARRIE D.- i reachiug cie Coniciergerie ho vas oundeti by a baud cf men vîo strippeti HîCKiN(BOTTOM. B RTANT-At1 îbim ail bis cîociîing, bonnd Mai uiak. 'tie residence ote bride's faihor, on the- ca pîllan, ciut a wanti into bis baud 241h-April, by cie .Rer., Walcer R. Rose,'- boat hlm vwith roda. Tic Arcibiahop Jeie, aiceufi daugicer of' Geo. Hickiay- bis suifieringu viti caimnesu anti res- iecou,, Ec q., Pickering, 'te Wuuuuam if. ion.& Une pfi cie pniest. îvas so cruelBrstEqo!Rai iltreates!&dat, ho <spircd. t Me ais wasliledea«trdac - DIED. rporc, oy oingugcugnact üysome a-. tioy ulu nrinut., nry anti crushtie ti eath. Mii. bMarcha-,Bsy, vida, o! ch. lac. Wm. i ,elO ins, named i ndrew Diamond, G, Ray, 'sud mochor e! N, Hay, Esiq' )t o! a boat ac Napauce on Sadurda>' Townu Conilier, aged 75 yesrs, Thé sand vas dnowned,. funoral yuli te place ce day at 2 colýock, ie buntircd ant i lfty barnels o!' fleur, to ..h. Fnieuda' Buriat grouud, Duüffina'j ded Tontado anti Suovilaku, vore Creek. -- - :0d ashone ut Pont Bunvehi oni Frit>'.. Trhn,crr 0. T. Naitvsy, laave Wlulîby- ttà as ieluows 1 îmc VuOPia~eaPi 72P.. a' Express &0,18 a m,; Aecnumodaaion, 6O1 .in. JP W ib. pa. , p .;-Xre, Tho tâfu a VbAkiltel imà. iueh us 22 ,ýln turc as an evening sheut.- as EIla Knepp, o! Clhaton, neari Pres. Wis., acciti.utally siet henaulla ,fitý ince sud iOisudy - eimou vbecommited uicide on Sun- ý tirikiugîicdne 'o! poias at a , bar at St. Louis hos been itientifi.V Williaai F. Joues. lMs vidov bives :ttd.N Y.- 1Mary BradJy iivcyiug Jtiugg oampits,...... 5,00 ims of pestit, ILd Wisn.. 21 00 oôr cupaent cf aexa.. azi-u.... tigeutons lin- atate.... .... 500 00 OuaraioBauk, 142000W ixeculors Me- >uusrio 2.ak 18 57 SALARES.a i4cable. Bll- iceuse-inspoc. eOcf salaria. rllTO, ..... .121 SQ gi 140 00 20 00 tg 22 50 1,,47 5i tg 220 00- i-ce 150 Me AsD t, îcovzirs. ........ 705 3 .......229 90. 189 50 Op......118 24 us. .. . 5 19 Cridgc1 .. 0 78 ....... 50 00 'cus, .....20 16 îutlilik,..1247 15'- à, bydogg,.. Itatement ôo! lb tiensoftchueC tell on li Kay 2nd Brood Marc Jam 2nd James

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