Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1871, p. 2

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in soother colomo, addressed by Mr. Glen and goodness knées,- a speciality of Boys' clothing, well worthy roËw bitby, aàd Por's Perry, all have Thire are remonre of Prossiaa.interfer. . or anot g out g • g th e e eetu r av tin Fr: morn to the editor of the Oshawa Rndidtor, of the Town of Whitby. Another change the exam:nation of parents. But, without . enee in case the Consma'nists are soccom- &ciprocity, is very much mistaken, and Quebée K But, with every respect for that gentle. in the jersonnel of one elelo body could enumerating their gene:al stoek otgoods, Cuanos or Benotaar ao Smtaa,- .i also to the efect that the repi-esen- does stot understand who he is dealing An act to amend the ac188 Vio,, chap Riddäll lèlgÃ¥tT man's opinions, we most say that we wholly searcely fail to be an i or even mentioning the Grocery, or Boot Abraham Duroche, Hiram Haigh't Witt tatsves of the United States, Eogland and wilt, a ter 40,.respeeb ihe settlemept of the the hôtel yesterd difer from his pumises ane conelosions on it "E""""" * Shoe departments,-we may say in the White and Abraham .Faoikner, alliam Italy are o oil urging ribe Commune to We never shonid get Reciproeity at all am act p e ing t n atithorized fa aldid not differ tbe subject, When Mr. Glen says : 0 It -Whitby and Port Perry Railway, fewest words that, lady or gentleman may Uzbridge, were brought bef-orÅ  James H Americans the f ooressof he agave the by the Act 82 and 80, Vie•, Chapter 1,-for Basseure y give o d y ane indeed if the Oshawa Notwithstandi g what the eroakers aníl be Ã¥tted is everything Ofront top to toe" Gerrie, Esq., Mayor, and B. Bentin, Esq Town connest. ed oor markets to them, and gave tÃœm ti é Inrp Bay ans certam som to hotel, deposed to ha and oorsqlves con har e an Cowan the enemies of -the Roadsay, thers isevery thout leaving the store. In fact, from J- P., qa Tuesday last, on the information Whitby, Mond evn'g April 1'l ithe heries free, If we get Beeiproóity, An net further to amend the act res- o in be steel, Å ard were, paint, oil varnish ete ' assarance of the lins being in runnin , e eradie to the grave"-from the of Thomas Broogh, on the a charges d e result of the National Pohey, pecting the sm ovement and management what strangely. Mi and at the samti time, have a protectio order early in August, The irod has beeE child to the- bride and bridegroom, and From the evidence it a tha eThe Conne resentat the osoal hoor, -all d he all one S ery moe Ma onald of the harf rrther to end the act res- hat d he board uty on all the goöda manufactured." he shiþped for the entire~length of the track, .the-mourners' garments, all can Brough's house, in the towd p f Uz- on • all doubt a renewal of the old treaty pecting ßshing by foreign veseels. . - times ; he toldtho k begging the whole questiop on which and is expected to arrive aboet the 15th atted and supplied at the- Dominion bridge, had beén entered oti:the night of Of J. Hamer Greenwood and nearly 100 would be worth at least $5,000,000 p du nsaet to amend the acts relating to goods clerk, and, m ree Traders and Proteetíonists differ. Our May, when the track-laying will com. arerooms. . the 29th of Mareb, and a gnantity of pork, other ratepayers, asking for a grant of year to the Dominion, The Anwricana An aet tò íneorporate the Sault St. s e fu conto, argoment le against the the imposition of menee, The contracts for the stations Ot» No, 1.--What shall we say of old | a piece of ,ilk velvetsome surgical instru. $40 to the Town Band- Dr. Carson- sente ted 6,500,000 on our productions Marie Railway and Bridge Company. said to Mr. McLellan, proteetive doties (improperly so called) in have buo let, and they are to, be som. No, 1, the gne old, establishment of Yeo- j ments, and wearing apparel sioles there- Of James Cameron and others, to repair We ,",tos a luta es on a the yearolf a Trt0tyae re et ng n officers of the nndering at the ti m any shape, except u 's revenes tarig pleted and in readinne -by the grpt July, man Gibedh ? We can think of nothing from, the house having bees ransacked and stead sidewatk on the Base line west. oar exports, showing that not withstanding An act to incorpor.ite the Isolated Risk a a hde ed wbieb raises many for the aspport of the ' better than to ads i Ba and boreaus asd trunks ,breken o en eremish Long for the opening of the duty they are our best enstomers, We Fire insurance Company of Canada. the right ear hdound n Got We' h id Moyal Canadian Bank - p rns' eelebrated . P . Byron st, Both referred to street com- did An act to incorporate the Montreal an'd tin bee ernment, o protection to be a - * , lines in praise of the town of Ayr-- , Brough (who is a photograph artist), and mittee, - _ not export more than 2 000,000 bush- City of Ottawa Grand Junetíon Railw 'renes were blackene monoPoly designed to aggrandize the few Within the past three weeks, the unpre.' Old Number ne, now house so his wife -were away at the ime in his Town soucitoa's errytor, p odue nat last 0, 00 000he American company, ay e r e - at /b9 espeMe of the many, But it is sedented rise of 20 per cent, has taken For goods to snit the lade and lasses, travellir g ear, ard the honalwas locked - The opinion of Mr, Macdonall ~ with Portion will hold good of most all the 166 act to amend the Insolvent Act of and the masto d p oce er.necessary here to discuss the general Place in the stock of the Royal Canadían Yes, and the old and yo0ag of every ep. The premises were enterid through a reference to the petition of Major Wallace articles we export with the ezeeption of An set to incorporate the Confederation a u l'; at question, West Mr. Glen wants is, that Bank, It is now held 'aal'il0, and is still deittee ; all can be suited at Old No. 1. " "do". All the parties clarged are as to a market building, which was to the lumber and barley, and in lomber Chicago Life association- ' and there wa a a people sho'old endorse Mr. Gibbs's vote in going op. This is cheering 'news for The stock is the largest, and earpasses in young men-White a boy ol'16 or 17 egeet that althoogh the Town council alone received nearly 'twice as~ moeb as An a to arnend the Canada Act. :hemorrhage. .The pist Torof retaining the tariff, Aed why i stockholders, who, in consequence of the variety and besoty any introdoced in for- Doroebe and Haight were ábsequently one fe the toarrangement it would our entire expor and of obarley we did Pernbroke Ra i ay Co anyKingston and bÐr Oldwright esamin en et was a • Netional Policy'g us past depression, were very much down mer seasons, All the lines are fall and arrested at Sarnia, whither the had gone, aarr-war resextraxa eighth of the amount they consumed. It New B u to e t d to the Province of found some powder, s h rmination on our part to protect oor east, and were ready to dispose of their complete in everytising. The double- information having been sent to the políce Communication from Mr. English ask is simply absod to suppose that our small of the Legislature o t a Provihe et caps, with a letter fro . rie ' and thh "National Policy," he stock at a sacri6ee,- The present carefel warped French teilled reversible lustre authorities there by tel graph" On their ing on the part of the Taostee. the banding surplus can control their markets, As Canada, cenaerning the Synod of the dua"Ir ter share, Engla contende, ha ranited in the "Joint High management of the affairs of the Bank need only to be seen to recommend itself arrest they were brought beef to Whitby over of the instafment of $10,000 deben- - well might 6te farmers combios to con- ChAureb o England in Canada- o'ielock on SIstarday e Commission" I warrant& and has gained the atmost con to ladies, and satisfy them that it is just and Doroebe informed agains White an' tores. No action 'taken. : of the market of Oshawa by withholdmg BanÊ s. to incorporate the Western h era after be comm i - To talk about the Fisheries in connee- odence of the stock-holders and the pair. the article for the times. Farmers' F:eld Faulkner as being accomplices and caused Fass aNo WATsa, - egr efoo 3 0 po0ople e o ez or b t Ba act to sneorporate the Metropolitan k the tion whh the tariff, of course Mr, Glen lie The stock that in tendays t'au ap and Garden seeds, as heretofore, their arrest Mr, Ray brought up the Ã¥rst report of exceet to control a market that consomes - An'act to incorporate the Bedford Di the faa was paTe and b knows is an labsurdity ; but ha only drage ten per cent, most soon be la the twen.- A Mr. Henderson, of Uzirid a this committee, whieb was adopted without 220.000,000 bashels, trict Banke 8- only was discovered in t t in as a make.weight for the "National ti", car Cats STo e of Mr, John evidence as to Doroebe's h ' ge, ga amendment, Tlie report recommended It is egaally absord for the free traders An~ act to comprise in one Act the fut ike a piece of tin fe Tolicy," and in ordel to establish some Skinner is amonest the best supplied with pair of pants and e i avgg on'ered a the repair of the Town wells and pomps, to claim that the American consumers pay ßnancial silairs of the Great Western skull. De th w connection with hís remark ade fu Loss or Ltra sr Fras.-From a Lon a good gennal stock of any in town, in. est ( entiled as the and the sinkitig of three additional wells ; the duty. If we supplied them with any Railway Company• loss of blood and a rther don, England *Intiing dress goods tweeds i property o Brough,) for sale it his hotel, one corner ,Mecharács' Institute ; one such.proportion of what they conseme as Arr act to amend the act incorporating The jure return a v on, ar d which absolutely have nothing to y , Papu, we ea a thar Mary The lia - I , , pr uts, ete, and his having sold them to Matthew earner Mr. Wallace's store, and a thí¯rd would enable os to ßz the price, then we the-Syn Insa-ance Company of aiontreal. feet that deceased cam do dith the meri e of Mr. Gibbs's vote. inson and her foor children,- aged 16, I ve a so an immense variety of Howe for $2,50. Allan Lon near residence of Mr, Donovan, corner of might compel them to pay the duty, bar Livn act to meorporate- the Bank of injuries infl¡eted by hi Their a et i e in his soina ng up, in the 9. and 3 years, met with a horrible fate gentlemen's fornishing goods. The pre- testimony: and stated that h giste similar Byron and Gilbert streets. « it is, the Canadian producer is the An et'to authorize the ineo orated alate of temporary insan last paragra of his letter which is as by being 6erne o death in their ruis mium collar een lie had at this establisb• Haight and Doroche dri k e ésw Stephen synesta axo ruraovsesyys, four, village of Trenton to impose and®eolleet dan o nee Albert, ne . London on the 25th March.She meat, each box of which contains a pre h tel th a n -tog ther at the Mr. Philp brought up the venort of this gír John A, 'Macdonald is in a very harbor does, and for other purposes, rook c;sarge of t e 4 'If we sneeed in getting a new treat e oèt at iÅ físód hithâ¼ENsis a gennemen * Jewelry °y,,¿,*y,, Ë•,. committee which was adopted withoot trying painen, The foni English mem- Ba k o re og to the commercial on a fair haaís, we shaÃœ owe is a tance wassoohathandandeveryefort made Messas g Whim Facika 4 'werngated how amendment. The committee stated that here of the commsusou are principally en r swick• , . TRE Soman p adom and ta'etdSir John A Ma to resene the inmata of the b • anton A co'-All who the house ab erban himsett h(d entered the facts did not warrant them in recom- concerned ja the settlement of the M - Telegenpn corrneorporate the Domemon Loudon Obsereer of the aid and his friends, in Arin i to ina but orn:og build, read the Cuaox3cLe,-and who does not- o'clock iroag the wadow, about ten mending an appropriatían asked for by ma question and such a settlement of the An act to autnors the North Rail 'The following stateme the National Voße , wbieb bx og - rward , two of Jhe childres-esesped. most be weH sequainted wkh the familiar took at n gbt, and that the two former Mr. Trull and others, and noticed in our Fishery question as will reaiore all drfli- ny Compan of Canada to mak a e -adopted by Na the Annieu people that a weeme d Mrs Winson was sister to Me, Fred Meen, illustration of tÍ:is establishail#nt. With, argical natra enpork, ik velvet and former report of the proceedings The colty between E-agland and the States. -ments for th lening, using and wer ng EmpmerormaNa as earnest. Mr. Gibbs never gue a wiser postmaster, at Greenwoo~d, with whom we out the est of the building of Hamíl A was not with them nÃ¥ k det, be-swore, report also stated that the commisses were' Phe American people onderstar.d that the of the lines of railway of other companies. rise to a variety of rnm o tre y p rioti va e than when he smypathize deeply in his aßliction, Co,, we would seareely ourselves, we,, eh t had b n done a ner nothing og th es was a of the a or a need a e il ne ore or i for th of por a d r he appoi ene not so a e n y ce am not much mistaken, the a io of he Arm, Acorns¤v.-Mr. George Milne, we abunt from home, recognize the col. were esammed, but on the serpets, and that it had been plafed ma clanne, and that the St Lawerence is certain prem um n kenor va ati g represented to be, but enders of the Opposhion will recoil on a respectable farmer, residing in the 6th amos of the Casoxicts. And we are Haight, who was con to criminate on the streets withont their consent, and to be the great outlet for the west.. They Mutual Fire Insurance Companies. y not eiplam his views an their own heads," con. of the toekoship if Pickering, while glad to be able to say that the firm is as The other prisoners d ebarged. contrary to their wishes, eent a o equa a e o ro su n act to amend the act respecting In n e give Mr. Gibbs the credit of con. reto-ning bomtfrom Markham on Tuesday busindse, and deservedly res. trial. Mr. Cochrane, Canty Crown - m Towx sm' in it, and are willing to pay money for it . An act to a ze the sale of the Oak been uutted that the he sisteney in- voting as he did. He voted night, the Ilth inst., was thrown from his peeted as it is widely known. This Attosopy, was an attendance to advise the MUdr. Carson moved for $40 to the Town rather than give as Reciproeite. ville harbon b ry bad îndeed; or ibe tariff, and be also voted to retain spring boird, and received sneh inferies as season their stock k sho-nousually large, magsstrates, and examined the witnesses' Mr. n nd th th the prayer et Sir John A. Macdonald stands as one to n sta ta hto the Provinep of marked im r e ent n h in this he shewed more boldness, at resulted in his death on Friday morning. and all lines reli and complete. Amongst Mr, and Mrs. P. W Élen kr.ve gian supported his. motion in an excellent e ould be held op n et ry si whan s :n force in the other or e ofno a y of the Mional Guar any rate, than Mmisters themselves, They much sympathy is felt for his family in , ear stock of splendid eloths they have another instance of ¿heir large hearteit speech whieb the Government or the peop e of Dominion• refuted by the at B - voted against the '•National Polley" they their sudden ao~d sad bereavement, Mr. nerodoe*d "the Marquis of Lorne tweed., líberalíty. They orderal an organ 'from Mr. Ray also made a telling speech in Canada can do it,- It was very unwise at and St ry's ageat the terederieten is very sesree, and that th bad thenmelves introdaeed The 14 Milne was 58 years old, -a besatiful article, that to become a the celebrated firm of 8: & It Warren, the metron, and referred to the this, the most important erísis in our An act m relation to the i bra of P and their adherents are an scare if have done so if th 6Poli y' had Accrams Estraxxxo now was Fusa popolar favorite only requires id be seen, dntres ebich las we k was completed t ayers in need by the heaviest country's commercial affairs to conced, liament. ry ar- a utot sane ion in ' , s anything to do with the strengthening the . **•-Returning from the above foneral The Millinery department is orieb and The instrument was 'opaeorge Chare Mr. McMillan referring to his eatine in a equiva ene or i I sen host of the e A y u the rr one benev be deems it ee hands of Sir John A, Mardonald onabe - the hone raa .away whh the bog y'in rare a assal, embracing all the latest morning last, by Mrs, Watkis, 4 Whitby, vote against the petition at the former sorry to see that the leaders of the Oppo of Ontario, the eve f th"eati openly; Joint High Comminion, They shoold be which a giin Scott had- been riding A notehks. And their general stock all and as the evening by Mr. W. Carswell, meet:nz, said be conia not consistently sition were willing to endanger the iniër- An act relating to Banks and Banking' im rial vote in el a eens dared at least as good judges of the splinter of the shaft entered onder her that could challenge and ilvite attention, ne ament is beautifullI iisished and vet r oenooi rable d • ests of the country for the sake of sura yrpor the Mutual In- II , it is stated, will not d ee of wbat they were doing as Mr, jaw bone coming out at the eye, Bhe a he mí Grocery line, they pay Compaa om Cm aG en put to the vote aedesmon t motion abarraning the Got ament of the as I e enee er pecting the de rta rom F em f Mr, Gibbs's vote was wise and was badly infored and dkhared, o a pure goality of tess, pass of pedals C C C to C 25 notes ; Four negative' to secore a settle:nent of the important Canada. womson of The Parisians on St, Pat patriotie, then the vote of Ministers was Dr. Warren, of Brooklio's, horses also 0 Tas Lemes Lrxes, -This is the composttion pedals ; Open díalipson, metal D Yeas--Messes. Allin, Carson, Clarke, questions before the Hisb Commission, I - An act to make temporary proviaion (o., from the steeples of Notre not, If abe aesion of the leadne of the ran away with him, returning from the tiile of a "pome" by Mr, William B • 56 notes, 8 feet , Viel di Gamba, metal onovan and Ray - 5. cannot .bat think that the leaders of tbe the election of members to serve in the fish standard; intending t Opposition was wrow so was that of same funeral ; bot he succeeded in ehdek. the well known boot and shoe man f . d b Woo 5 no es i eble McG V a , McMil n nd am 6 (O ition will be principally responsible rnmons of na red the foi- ement in hi sten. Yet Mr. Glen, in defending ing them and ese-sped unbart, forer, which will be found in advertising monie Flute, metal, 56 notes, 4 feet . · assatrrroxs. It we succeed in getting a new treaty lowing address : - that the Kentucky gra t r. Gibbs's vote, eeks to eset all the A Social, . colonis, The poetie genius of the family Prmespal, metal, 56 notes. 4 feet ; Fil.' On motion of Mr. Bette to p G H on a fair basis, we shall owe it to the wls - spesen ritox vBE 'rðaoWE, to the altar the fair Miag blame _pon the Opposition i This is Parsonage and School ongregat:onal name of Boros is, as all the wastd know, at b, metal, 56 notes, 2 feet ; Boordon, Ham $7, amount of printing ace a , dom and tact of Sir John A. Macdonald Honourable Gentlemen of the Ber.ate, Gen the Nova Scotia giantess:- Marcely either consistent or logical, To held (D V -room food, w:ll be proverbial, Mr, Burns assures us that Beli , 25 notes, 16 feet i Pedal coupler; On motion of Dr, Carson to pay Mrs, and his friends, in bringing forward the tlemenofthe House of Commens:- earry out Mr. Glen's argoments to their eveni, b .) on Friday, (to morrow) his boots and shoes will be found as ever, greatly to th8enal. The organ Will add Crawford $5. towards taking herself and Nationat Policy, which has convinced the In releasing you from further attend BIRT H. legitimate result, Mr. Gibbs wooid be the J H •• 1st inst., at the residence of lasting as the poetry of his names k b Oberch. We est of the SJ, George's children to Hamilton. Amer:can people that we were in earnest. ance Jn Partiument, I beg leave to express- . THOMSON,--At Whitby only wise and triot' , . Gerr:e, Esq' Scottish bard a e, i e has also h erstand that Mr. Glen On motion of Mr. McMillan to have the Mr. 0:bbs never gave a wiser or more my warm acknowledgments for the dili. day, the 12th inst., the wafe pa ao member of the The public are invited. ' - osed hpore ased the fine melodeon lately Audators' report published in one cf the truly patriotie vote than when he voted for gence with which you have applied your Thomson, of a son. en a House of Commons, The ob. . . i? t e Church, wbích bs'intends to Town papets. the National Policy, and if I am uot selves to the disebarge of your pubbe feet of Mr. Olen's letter is a little too Foof Punot.s appear to be all the The Town Band, P'e "* 'o St. Paul's Churek, Colombos. Oa motion of Mr. McMillan to have moeb mistaken, the action of the leaders "s' The session has been brief, but M A R R I E D ansparent. He overdoes- the thing. rage. In the several establishments whose The young men fo ming the Town Band gat the claiDonovan and Betts investi. of e Opposition will recoil on their own a d I y n a o ebeen acco plished R AN J a N roe r cover of those side issues of Reci- advertisements appear in these columns, have been for some time past unsoccess. OnwaApr il 17.-Last Frider two Cochrane, for sheep killeoisrs porrill and • Yours truly, - eet which is foreshadowed that in the Mr. Thomas Brenoso, of O suming the patriotie on and as- and whow p eialties we have noted will fully'seeking for a small pittance from the rit ur, w re d o ned e"tand A chy Me vue curer cowaras:-E- ax ex tar. - F. W. GLEN, theore i seas "s i e P i e of Miss Mary Jordon, of Whitb the Joint Hi b C ries an P stock in all kinds of own Cooneil, notwithstanding their Bay and Waubaushene Malla kurgeo" Mr. Donovan.enquired of the M II tent demands on the time of the members DIED, ommluion, he plainly has colors and material, and at exceedingly application he been backed op by more ron. The first-n amed was a'n ive if whetber His Worship had the Chief Cayor on e t a B:tave t ax D:ss -A corres wlsich they have done in the past. TAYLOR-At Whitbyo"e end a view-to defend Mr. low prices, thao one hundred of the foremost rate- yoN ihumi erlana, and w., staole committed to':aol without a wa eye wiŽi: t ,arQo:n n e o or me represe inst., tne wife of Mr. Malcol e retention of the tariff. W:rs Maansa av Ba payers of the town. The Band on b of o"e oi their boa d ge Co, as keeper rant or soformation, and for what reason 7 ed if he acknowled ed the vahdity of a afamenba, and traeir takin5 it'etr seats in The fonwal will take-pla c Now the position Mr. Gibbs takes himself named Da i tontor.--A man know better the i g t to a wafe and two ch: dang houses.sud leaves The Mayor, while not acknowledging cooneil of war. He replied :Ye<.. and Parliament, marks signally the completion at two o'clock, from her lat e is far more candid and stral htfo a e d Bariger, residing near . n app y to the Hamdenne timely fate. McArthuern to noarn his un Mr. Danow-in% right to make the enquiry was sentenced to death l'y some chefs de of the tanion of that Province with the 90. the Utsion Burial groond He openly seee is tb g rear . Brigbten village, has been committed for ' compos:ng the present Town Cooncil, the township of Oro, and wasa resident of replied that 0ameron wo intoxicated and balallen. He was then led out for exe minion, rhornton'a,) Friends and a vote, and -boldly main a se o :s trial on a charge of poisoning his wife. 9Mosie for them indeed i The strains oT r olin Gilchrist, plasterer.'r p incapae sted for doing his duty. h e he at nn hind a h se T e er inal, mil t a d o her sta are respeoefully invited to att sigbt and consistent i la feet tb A slight shock of phens eooid not st:r the cloße. Ao lon: it appearaccid t are brießy as foi- tbe oleonovan ate'i that he went to ting. Two shots were fired at him with toba, have beer extended to that Province. -ELLSWO1tTH.-'At Whf , at he earthenake was felt usinine roar would at once be no barued with a foad of two men em g especia y to snaae enquiry on ont effect. 'Cowarda l' exclaimed the The regular ones for the survey and 18-h inst M Cath goe it orieinsliy as a Proteetionist, and in Scotland Tuesday morning. familfar, and trie bellowin .of a ball re Bay in a crazy, delapi k at Sturgeon he enbject, and that the gaoler informed General, 'fire at my heart l' and,-taking granting of fands in Manitoba were model mother.inZaw of Mr o e fra a t esin to maintain so odious A Hm.-On the express train going congenial to their ears. They care ab b e as forb i g Vanbaushene. ha := that Cameron was as sober as ever he blihat, e el n , e o on a the ser ene , and 85 years and 4 months. e other words, to tar west from Hamilton yesterday aft/rooon, having the town enlivened by musiel tante out it is surmis thhen some dia. To this, the Mayor rejoined that r. Thomps was nimself one of the violent to all, without restricti<n, who desire to a food of the people. This is a gentleman bid his pocket pieked of the What ineredelity. Let some friend of "mPerang a leak, and sunk, cona os baps the escítement of -going to prÃœoa rra y The t me I a h m was near sett e e coun and avail themselves. TRAVELLERS* G U amount of $900, the Band take tbe matter into hand and seareho a watery grave. Though diligant a salutary effect on the chief con- tacked by the French.' It shall be one of my earliest cases dor, a se r o, way, leave Mr Glen a very ingenions Jetter lÃ¥ ~~-*---. , bu been made, up to the er t stable, and sobered him'oP ' ' k ' be ereditable to him as as artful Diseases soeb as Consamption Bron- we warrant it that in so hoor he will neither of the bodies have been to 1. Cooneil adjourrsed for two weeks. , Hon. Horace Binney, L. L. D., the head pri ei e oeia e en p a.nr.; s cian, and xces far to prove the i ehitis, Debility from Typhoid and other ,btain much more by private sobscriptions, emptomen were hignly respected by their (th bar m Ph a lp ta, who complet tribe~s in Manitoba and the' North West as enterpristna Praident of t be Law levers, from eseemite grief, study or e ibose who can appreciate the easical soo. A pril 16.-The Nebraska Mr- Al:ibone that he would * malte ibe irerritóry, ín order to quiet their titles to P Hall Works wegd Ã¥ ,qually la bJoseph close soo8eement, and prostration of the arriees of a Town Band, than the som New Yoxx, April l'l-A correspon--. burned tt Asyluna at coln, was to yright of a work depend upon the ez r e session which we are now closin meets'as a member of Patliament em to htt-ows' Coxrnso refosed them by the I(omdrums. * awri ng from Yeado, Japan, says are sup osed to hate per hed in the ru a ri M , nney, •t t n t o ts has witn-essed the consumpsation of th [The Findicator of the 19th., has just a ratyss sooner than xovssa Esses.ttos xx Merreo,---An. , occurred in at eit n b si tra y a o 0 000 naebrainneed $100hi cell., fiset re to be und e a e tai k n a e ad p i o and ruebed e as we go to medy ever re-discovered. The et er rebellion of some magnitude be ing the resid no clock in the morn- tion thay hardly mbre available than that ensure the ademason of British Columbia ens w eininger ma another letter from Mr. ress, containing maseles of the stomach are strengthened,' ibroken out in Mezico, the State of Sloa- San ' a member of the h 2iski Quali and prefrie chickens are so plenti, of thereabin boy, who knew where the into t e Dominion. The addresses paned at p every na n, is reply to egestion booma complete, the abso b oa being the scene of the oprising. The the overnment, and one at oard of foi in Chicago that nearly ten thousadd of ship's tea kettle was, because he saw Je 67 Sengte ad Houw of Commons I __. es something said in the new psper sterted Ã¥le a Government have asked the Mexiesa distinguished and erflightened the os¢ them were fed to the bogs in' one-day." fall owerboard, an nu e oton Beere ry fot semisy by Mr. Farewell, of Oshawa. Not huing comes vitalised and - C.ongress for a large extra appropriation ire statesmen of hpan, was broken upo The Chicago Tribase arges the passing When Alexandre Damas died, he was and I treet Parliament will, its nnum tea ens a a e..my, yet eseo a copy of M'. Famwell's paper, sys:em vigorros a bthe nervous to goell the foeurrection, and the neen- by a band of armed mee who forced their of laws which will-prevent the indianimió. In debt to Michel Levy Brothers, bra pub- seested;- have the satisfaction view WWVÃ-fE9ttygo ire are of coarse, seable to judge of the allow complexioned beeon i sery measures have been adopted. - sy tand . ng gas e slaag'hter of game after the midéle of Dishers, etbmg we 100,000 n an acco:nglished fact th's ánion 'of en god ab ma fa t Mei ed he i a bn e. , si th el d i ss e o ed i ot, m i nd, ve tte ¡t le he il. erd a mÃ… ity. wi a 26tl nt' le er. n nt eer d w alth bal s dso e d t as mb e a n rief Dan he w I Ar , o of . wen y, on- m 'l e : 2 i cip end iby 8 M ww aca a a as a. s g

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