Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1871, p. 1

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te,- itoyd- orarylbup oaamîmine UiSUeuJ7 r rt*ou #y O~f Otario. Oto. Brook-t., Wbltby. BMARISTEIC & ATZfOlNZT AT ILAW solictorCuhaco7ke hWibyC Wlfç Uver nai Bno h bt JAMEXS KEITI! GOltDON, 'stex et oor to théStore 0f E. &J 0Vumtbell.Brock St., Whftby, Ont. .;Wb3jtbY, Nov, 5 88.4 OLIO'ri)i NO"y UBLIC, &a. &o. n AltusTu &'ATGBIY#3, SuLICI- .8> TUBS to uÀVEYÂZWMit, ANI) Nu- oi-01e10 cr uorth 01 thé Poi -Ofie,ï Qihsim; and Itoyeet.rus Blot.x, opposite TurBalto,ýBowm»fillê. J. E. lWi*&xat.. B. montis. &'«ONEYAýrLAW, SOLICITOR 15 e-ch rock, <onesue, eW.nun A TtORNY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR 1IN .1 hacery, Notsry Publie, Couvyanor, 4.,1 Wiithy il. W., Ornaso, Byron atreet, Slouth filrPoât Office. . 49 DARU18lIITEATIG W,So1litoîr lu Citan- JLPceydfouvoci. 4 ho&. 40 AXES LAMON, uxbridge, Jung 1h, 1889. tf-8 DR. HANOOOK9, (I780k ,nOLAND h ToiiOtTo.) SURGEON, ACCOUCHIEUR, &c.. Ra j. GXINN, M. D. S 'UROXON TO' TIIE COUNTY 'GAOL, * Byron dtret,Whiitlby'. T m0WNCL-tItJ*TlEASUMll, WIIITBY oJ. Qff ,Towliit - Hoursoto oiock. 0. N. VARS, M.DICAVTJ A L Detiat, Oshawa 1Dents 1li<ooi, dlretl>)ppo- a4I.lto teloW1ce.-Ent rance ou Imoe8ire.'t third.loorltorth itths Outarlo Ba nk.' ]PEOTOGRAPH - GALLERY (OUVR sBINNRir's dTCRE.] BýROO3K ST._WEITBY iýj!hê undorsîgni.! lu-n ovprepareil te taxte Pitoea.pitsl, Amitrotypes4, & c.aturel us lire.'ý spéciat lave t.'ken vitit lîlidren. 'Whou lantovu, give a eIl. Novemuhor 12.?187e. JAS. A. CLARKS. WILSO-N-HOUSE, A. WILSON"Jr. t - Proprietor. t'Rnu SUBosOIIBEt beys Le aunone te hia j. ficubda auJ the publie lo ureliy, thet ho bas opene.! the aituvo new hotel lu the Village of sbbarii, fur te accoinodation of the tra- vu lian pbflc. Thei e in n lanoud fur- iulu & mont thoroagih an4 coititqrtable mannoer. Ouests viii iinld every conveulence et the àbove"etahlsmtt. Wkea, Lltjuorm, sud Cliars -)(the béat Brissida al*âya kept oit gosnd. i ca" good Stablilngaud attentive Ostieta lu tendance. .W ILSON, Jr., Proprietor. Ashb ru, May lat, 1849$t-1 Grand Trunk -Ralws4y Hotel. SAT WIIITiI'< TATrION. M. O'NEIL havlng purehisued the lsotl sud premisea kuovuase the Graud Truk Hôtel, -W hty station# bîga tu ltorci- Ihib. friandsà sud the traveling pliei th" b. has ittil !u p tIl. lins.sud mat tbles lu fi rZI- alams yle,ud hy ateuiion te Ihe wventsoci thole vWho haver hlm vuS tiîir patroliage trust» toeuierll ',aeoctinumeofettheir cuaiemu. IloPrties taklng thi train an.! leas lu1 heôrsea viii havée teom walltakeat 'csacfI 'ROYAL. 0ANADIAN " OTELi PORT. PENNRY, O1Ts Re FOY§ -. roprietor. superior acommcdatlcn. 110odàsiatilln &asedam ous, asateutie oJtlýra-, g9 Pot ?rry, tiov, S, 1969. ýý 45 P O I.-: - Pz u yt .1 0 U8a. PORT FERRY, ONT. JAMES' TUIoMP9N, Û1 QTP -Thes ubsoribor viahos to> lufors i te OOiti mDunity tfltl ieifa D Oox ±n tethe, ptublioeitre llaprop s otrlasgood, aecemmnodathoi etsuy in tte Conuy.> Sept. h, 1870. - 8-7. CLOTIIER ANf» DRAPER, GENTLEMEN'S QARMENSN u!. up lt. lie hetaity le s,î.l latiat foshicu. A fina stockof Ciotlas rouiuhilch to emake a seeelon for beutlemn u*o umet suite. Onsava May 12,189.- 19 WI1TLL lA DElVYL IN ORNAJINTAL PAINTERPI Brook ltrçeekWhltby.l IAIl ordera atteuded te ithl punctuàllty and ,orAent for boat samples rOnt aPier. mars8, 1870. 17-18 TIlux AND LABOli SAVED THffE OscLAT[NG WASIIINGMÂRIE Oiva vo 8=oï OL?, 1870,sr WILLIAM NATHEWSON, OP BROOKL.IN*, 072' The Ptene. challenges an, Otîter Waablng Ma&china flow lu nuete compote againat bis, for 611Y su'» ti;eY MAY nane. TiieMachine lies heen thoroughly teste.!, adsud. by rsariy aIl the principal boue and ieadlng farinera lit die Co nty, W40 pronoun e h the boat nov in use. qlv w h ront a malin pocket-hiaud. kerabietto a b.d quilt A triî&l'wiL t stlfy îhly poison suni# jueritsi. Couuty ltights sud Machines fir mis, Apply te WR. MATIIÉWtiON. Brookln, Oui flrooklii, Sept. 14, 1870. $ *flo Substrib.r la preparo.! 10 Farm or Town Propert 1 L 0W RATES OPFLYTEREST. RE-AI, ESTATE. BOUGllT. SOL», AND EXCIANGED.* CONSIGnaiMETs *O'0 GO seliolteci. Suallsctory rfue furisaito.! vison require.. JAMES WALLACE, .1 Coanmla.alon h Boa! Esifte Agent, Duadus at., opposite RoWen Hotel Wbltby, IOth Oot., 1870.. - 48 F ASIIONABLE.AlqD&DURABLE BOOTS-AND SIIOE*S. - 'Mie undersigne.! haga to fitnounce the receipt Wf an .rstensive ntw atock of lst-clade Boot,. and Shpes, for Ladies Gentlemen sud 0h11- dfen'i of the test- majke sud latent stylesq. iT>ME.MADE WOiIK AS USUAL. BlrÂîii.-AIi orders attende.! ta vîtît puno tnality, Blrook street, (Opposite tbe Royal btei.> sept. , 1870. se6 G. YOUNG OMITH, L L B., BARttt5T,ut, ATOR?- AT-LAW, 5OLtCt. 7 M IN itCUAtCEiTY-AIID IN5OLTINCY, NOTABY PUBLIC, 0, 0 OFICE.-NCXJLLAryB SB LOCK, mBOCK aasI'Z, -wvurur, eONT. 2 W ' ITBY PINO FAOTORY JOSEPH -RAINER pRO PR]I1E TO R. Tha sub.crib.r, un ietuicing ith alu- coesthauka te the man>' mronde snd customers oitIhe Whitby PIANOJMAMIFACTORYU ne... solely upon hieinowti uccïutn; andtoiino-' iicitir.g future ordora So boe to ,assure teui iliat nettîitîg vil ho loft uîtdone on he part1 tu give saifcitlu @suppiyln 4r svv or suraitîou The celehrattd novpient sud cross s ule pattern et bliidvuî inaven.tioun ianuuttired- ýau leretofore. suio AIl orderas xeeuted vitix promptitude sd 1dlaspâtàb. -Wb ethy, ay 8, 1870. .-8 ONTARIO MOTEL (iatêCo. Daves'a.) WHITI3Y 4NWARIO A. ALEXANDER .. - Proprietoiu. T uécibr1eirs eret n kt't OPPOSITZ2'P 'RBOBSOY ROTEZ. Insunes at moderate ratg,l raîaiîBitiah, Canadiasud Asnarlonofflcem Llteý Pire, -fidelty sud Aceideut Branches. Wbthy, sept. g, 1810. 40 L h u:::agued an on-isnd, ai MEAL'S MI14Lg NEAN ÂASHBVifIK ,. -A large quauiity orfLunanei, witlcb:lii 'LOW $T 2Ajt T & v ul uut al hindi awu oute aoretnotice. Brooklin P. 0 Brcokiin, Jue 17th; 1970. 24. p ROFESSOR J. P O 8T, PIANO -FORT E, 19981 IENCE, B Iyron Street, -(Xearlpoppa. hé du .B irk.) Tzam.-Instructlea nPiano, *10. T hoory of Miusi«ctomptmition, hoe, $5.!,' :W- 1Mr. Pott keepe a generai stock cr Music sud Borika, for sale, and vistes à sila trom is usalnifriendâ.. Wlîiîuy, March 2, 1870. ÇENTEAL fOTEL, - U~A JOHN fBAILEY9 Proprietor. Tii.ea"ove hotel haon beau noewiy fitto.! np ou4furuiahled. Guests wiil Sund coiniacdablo accommodation sud attention. Gooa roomy atabllng aud attenivi osilers. Jeun. 28, 1870. 4 P HO TO GR A P H W 1 Llà a msa DOMINION GALLERY l, pou iroihisrg but god work alio-ied te icavo the reoius. Ail kinris and ali ses-, front the âmal Jaocket picture te lite minensud iîiahed lu Corbo,. Isdia lnk, 93epi W,ter or lu 0i1 colora. Mr. Willlsou ln iery siiccoNsful lu taking Chldren's portraits. i Speolal rates te Clorgyueun. Old Por- trat îeatly copied. We %hallho e nit happy te receive viétita nt auy tine, (aveu it y ou do net vagitipictures.) as ve ftte.r ourse i ves the viait irili weIl repay you for the trouble. SNov, lai, 1870. M.H WILLSON. 44 AUICTION 'BUSINESS besewd pou m.eidteau- Iaghrice tha eampropae to couduci sales, TOWN-0OR COUNTY, AT BEASONABLE RATE$. 5'Arrangement. for sales eau te mode etiter et tige (ý xgamcL Office, orsit My owu Offie, Brook asireet,.W iuilby.--' 1i *.FAIRBANKS, Jr., Whtitby, July 8, , VOID tTACIS.-Aviotin of sriTy lu.. prematlro decaýy, ho., vine trie. lu vain evey svetlsd ruady atats Imple *moanî of self-cure, viilhe àwiiseçnd tree te hi.. fel- low.anfferers. A.drées J. R.- TUT'rLE, 7s Ysaatu ai., PieuYork. FARMING IM)PLEMENTS,ho - *The uuderslged b.gs toestateit fieh, Roct9 Seed & Kanuro Drills,, 'JARROWS, 'J I a Aonn 1 ite1Te0,a14, WHITUN, -OffT. _0o - A. M LION, Propjrietor. Tte shovelian been ihoronibly renevate.!, sud theitêpbl.ili nud' every scoutumodation April 18, 1870. - -1 FillEASSUANCECO., £SI4I3LIBIIED IN 1782., bILL.ESP12, MOFFATT h Co., -Agents for zest Toronto). 1 iou .) r ' tayP. W. pmitom ' Wiltby, Lotit!br, 8l, us 'toïei brandi. SBel ry style. - - Torconto foraaSF il r!it 108- *PR r INSURAte agth0lus OBS beoPiRE arc i oSfEet.! PIbe mtotovrabe ttemaan. 'uLoSEndon. iturfeeo t h 1er YEOMAN GIBBoNm. April Srd,1866. _p APER flNIG ,he underalgnd lbeys te Inforra the putble ihait heubaon baud -thelargest sud but stookckietPaper Ianginga lu tevu, aIl or tige %-hÉccbSeo.uffers for sale, very loy, for cashi. £f5W Pal*ttug, <iralning, Ginzeng, sud'Paper Ihnnyîingo, ezecntel lis a vork manUlkoasd expuditiona mâtiner, as moti. As C. WILSON, Whitîy, April 21, 1870. of P ALOII ALBIJ Mr VIVE QUYARTO VOLUMVEB. 1 Price..SO0pur volIt.>. or DESCRIPTION OP TE ZWOK. TEPAR OIt ALBUM Iq daubileu igteasiex. gustaive Art Gallery ove, î'ablthaSd, anadby tho. Who bave examine.! the seversil purgions cftite worii, i bSu barn prouicoe.! "The Ciuna of Beauîy.'. Esci, v ta. ile 20 feU apaye Chroas ithntoarpbu. ln <alClr.4 ui puy. iciet Euayravaaayst. 40 fuiS puy. engmvi-neo vue.!. and 250pees 0< reading osatter, de.eraptive of i.theiutra1losa. is wlule snakîiny ecli volume about une haif as tiso, sasdmise. size.! payes, cf Wc'Ser's trgesi Diri1uiry. Eac lu me la caoplie e nioeifand wili tsoi»Wdupurateiy, itdeSired, Voi, t1i Zutd -Me Wi4* Amrican Bird.. Vol, If Connuens Wid Ameriean Animais. VoL liIt Auîeriencs ntm teil e!Birde uapi Vol IV, Forerign !tirda âiad Animal&. Vol. V, Fi. Ra.Iepilles od'Juaces. This woit 'zli ai once comment! iseif te thoecultu- vaaedAmoerieinpeople. sud onie lt.rary viil, Seruaçîer, lie comuptieewit biîs additlinto fils reiâtares; white ad as parter amusement iz: la unequali..!lit AeieriS. pisbiicttona. :AGEN TS ýWANTED. We wila vagentsvMlabemi ufermas <or aettiny th bv srbdpnbillestiuSà. sud vis aStsppoiant su ayenst ino rg o" n latIheCUnite.! S5tates andOtia.. isb i'ovinceu. dxure.aedttonia u sdaliie iihid apn dat one. n Yon on, aor gnyLedy, a, devoing a short finie during tSe dey orerpninys"caure saciuplèe tele, (rue o<expese, or. ilpreiha'red, weo valà allow, large Comstnmî,l.ali Cmi W.haive prepuireal a moust eaetsful Specimen Bloir toir Agent,,conointois îltle Ou Shbrouffl. 10 âScel Engravauga. 10 Itgtusgsaiepages of de. scriruive rosli g oysleions tram esetavolume, tegeliser wtt ienUpapur. .peciaueorfbindie,9&et Car Spueimen "lidtbasucm tns qulti largeS>-, sud wu do uflotrvisatI e ulko.!-persons vS' do fltlu- luidgo te aseagents. but tuuy ues vho vali mosto an eflor(t t procure gabieriherste Iseork. w. wilt.seud the à5pecnme' Bootr, pwiki. on r-eiptor40 censsute cever postaye. JZneelsesimp urrepliy aundaddoei. AMEIIiAN PUBLIIIr<e Co., Rutrr.an V. iealr,rey 2i, t57t. -SM.5 m~AB ICIAGÉ LICENSBS i THEOMNAS HUSTON W 'Offie-Tovu Hall. ltei.!suce...Byron Street, threu doora nortit of Town hall. ,Jan. 17, 1870. InTAT-LAUYARBL-YOB SALE. Being part of Lot No. 10, lu the $rd don. Or Bleoh, ompniainy 108 acres, 80 acres clotreti au. lis aeood sateeet oultlvation sued veil feced. Thero Isa living strrasin of vater ruuîalng trougit lte fârm A yood, uev' huildl pa is oeil su ad aistoru'. Titil ndsuable. ?or'fnrther pariloulers.,' ap If btyer (pro pal.!) t lb praprltor, GEORGE LYLE, -Msucheater P. 0. ea. 7, 1871. 8 MONEYTO LEND AT EUE RAE' i1lamn noW prepared to -aenv yaon.>nI e if olpue,luti ORxITON, P. s.R O PEIC~ LBETEAUX, Or for ýte nEsyTrIa F R S-E. FORD-psp otO eldItheir-spieudd! ycng Bull "0LO sAIRt," bred (rom Mr. Wni. Miller's wel liewn j-ow "Bèasxy L,$"-s»iter ho H: Cl. 01Olbne'a two-tlto'uand.doilar Cev "M 1?c a.-u by John M. Bell's breuvwcd, P. O. February S,181 Ï UND 9RT AKER, Dundas Streek, - Whlby, Ont. ,FUNEJ3RALS 9ULYTIp PLIE D. Restaint aid ]3lhlrd Parlors, OSRing Mtct i, TORONTO. The Bar supp1ied with Choica Branda or n is Lboit msyle. Ogara. iOysters se-yod Mr Tirai-dus. Diniug and lunch Boom attawod. Meule atail boursiý <T1l9 1s to certlty that 1 have trie.! to b. filtted witb a pair of Spectaclesansd falle.!. irý. Meyer loue ttid. me with! a pair of Spec- taclem. with which j rend 14, luches distance froýu the elyea; I have nuqi ha.! any twread fur- the,ý o11 than ô luoisia sd thonu nt clear. IIIVING HAIT, D)arllugtou. Bowmauviiie, ?cb.18 1871. 8 »TRIEWORK CLASS-wea.e'aowP-mrt tare ai dae« vil esseinîioyiee.a t hue.sibe Wb. fth. tia.,or tew Be.... uinn,.ewv ~lsstd preatabl e redefeitteruoezeudi e«uaf;;; Loanrf Tubanrepcvedo=,rin ol0 pey for a Ttrni- cion Tars.lmlçm rcpat Rebwliah1e by I'*atalou, at option k cf BorrtemV o f her. «tM Beepood ortgae Pr chaaV-_:e kd ., Di ppiyto 'on -i JON ANW Wi R.n J o. C. mPM)iNManer, Trororto- ,for a -T tuo ieYen i Fop th7ai8le/lSm-O THRO8O oUStel nai, (4arzsourTusa' SOTEL, T~~~~~~a E a1irbr esiuuoel iovaîbe iTe io incidïïl 'ue, ýYet -1am quits sure ber lad b j, thengit by no mesa't iLady Beontf:17% very much a Lady (Iratefol, vito igsista on tiometbing being done by ber fvorites te deserve ber atteulioua-pertapa, a lle flalîery , .llough I1sot not much in that vay.- About 1840, a very young boy,Il Bo'neas, vas sent by bis master,-ship.. oWuneot hiink there-viih £200 te place lu lte bauk lo.lheir credit. As ho vent along ho vas met by a oman, holding ,& good obaracter, -sud folloving lte profes- sion of a acitotl masier. Soizcd, it mt have iteen, b>' the ver>' demon of ambl. tien, or perhaps Biel* or uubreching andi biîiingý-vitict seemo.! te do no good i te voit.!, as te people, voie all as bad notvilhstanding, as ho (oilt himef il, b. lu bis iteait, in- apite of aill the bircbiqg bo iiwulf ha.!gel--bhe el unon the boy vito, ho heal suspecte!, us lte bearçr f unoney,,by usheer forceé "k tle' uholeklo freu in o. lJov,in sa _mal a plade, ssd at noonday, ho coul.! have escpo. isý e otyster>' y nover iad cleare.! up, but irae - il loi ho di.!oise from* heut. 'o4Dot-' viistanding eoflte bhllabahloo tlit igé np lulte noîgibbaurhood If Ihê ha.!i taken toa&Dy oetlthe country' lesdingtonds, especially that-lo Ediniturgit, -ho wonId bave been seize.!; sud 1 havé alvays iteld lthe probtbili±y t. tatât ho seuct i efuge ls soesof lthe hou, diareputatble heIsues, vitero lthe inrates haveaatronisywpalýy for cualodiera of euhi, 'so long es i~laits, thereafter kickin them ont'; and! "srve W. gel, 'cf course, 'information';. but, after some veeka, t concludedtata the otan ha.! eitoer neyer coin. le Edinituigt or ha! quickly loftIiL Biscrime vas ltotre, itovever, uaakiùng a considerable noise frons ils pectsiariîy; for thougi dootinies bave ofteu vices, il la .seldotn the7 betkeîbohemlveà te Lte higitway. Wben- T -knov a mo'a. la nol under aÀ changeful viug cf an àlibi, he muai be gol of coarae-tt's .certain. Tbat'saa raie vitit me; but nevïr baving coligide- cd myseit omniscientl, the moment I sam sliazfle! s man ia net on my, beat 1 eau b. easy. But thon ot>'btat vas cerlainly a preitt' vide oue, sud lthe difficully vas te find ont one negative arnong seisUany positives assnme tue hlundred thousand: - and aomehov I amn Aitard toper, o, se iha my conclusion vas rattoer'a force.! malter lu ibis case.' - About s v eek or ten duys afler h affairI 1vas one nigit - aking a turpi along Bristol street, >a, 11111e io the knight. t erran.! vay, looking ont ftor anme pretlt' Lady Virlue, lu defence cf vlr>om, under tho .bratalities eofiter .ungoillant sousý,I9 migit i brak, not a spear, but aboa.!.- Ou tho psavent titere astood Ivo yeng i gils peaking, vitit their bonnetsnid,- i noddsung againal oeacb otiter, an.!pisokng viitt eycq to msclously fou 1of scandai' ef somo very capi 'vating, km.!, tat îvasi indoce! te stop. 'witat nov My lassos 1r ' 'Fine nigbi.' 'Wbere" do 700 belong to nov?1 Edin- Y burgit lassm-eh r 'No, Bo-ness,'ai.!onse - eitet. 'Be'ueéss h Oh, yeà nmust have heard of lte schitolmser *hé robited! lte i 'Av, anti just beeu speadin o' hum,' a mai.! tie-socon.!. Do yod kucu hlm r ase!I, just vItt si Lte proper, caielesneis. 'Brstvly,; ho bis wvit me 'beforo noir, .9 and I vedua Car. thoogit boewuas age fi inbis sin, link0lave, foi bis crueliy to, m e m on>' s day.' , 4Well" Pérba)ps may belp you to re- 0' sy in.'sd ;'oeegood tbru deserves _Titercpon - oc, siteoting ont ber face te a lehéeery iear w>' ear, aaid, > lby -,.her'sne ô4 eer.' 'Na. saing'; he's fi I at public- bonse bere,' poiuting vhit h hr fioger. "no p lter. li- I couse.' snid fiand nalanî l>'viled ilu-- 1 get imt a roona wlere lter. 'wuat I man, titrev My eve.over hlm. andl titre bj 10 bel te sci mys nce éagt 11kï 'Witt "id koi esd b" laio front itis rigitpocliet. "A I1 aud bhre la oue foi, me ai vesl, laking anothez fromin tlift lî an.! ere's a third for Ma.!am 'Juatice, tahing Lte reu.alning one froot lb, hebeer il Ibis honse,' said be, !n ring back lthe bolilea- l e s more.' 'Nerelwaacertinlyaltle takeoabak J ý Ti.exp'la-nation wvas eall>' plausible, and! I titoogitfor a moment my droller>' ha!' been tohy-î.bat hovever brisk lthe boer h, ha.! calte.! fer, my jesLe ha.!be mtale. > "Anidnov yen see,' .iaid be, profiting by my disadvantage, 'vihta you have mtade unyaîimpudence.' Btthen ltink I bave sat.! lbatVice ta hiable tlà infioties., Wh«<en site. gels merr sthe gambohs1. lithe otitand' rushs ute lintte candie or crovir1fi.kerite> cock, vh-d, geing on lthe itcp- t1p7 au. tbeua loto lte clava of Lb, ea91evql suever, but for u'tes cky-leert-la of bisý jubilation. haire, been 4àeo by- bis' bigM f ien .. Y e , o y reverence h o" eom m i- ted a mistake ;-mprobbhy titougithli aël net 1 von!.!have beèon p vith it s-' And";theu, vilt il the oolnes u ithe venld, ite actually tleclcp npeeof 1thebo- tles, suéd vrais flltli iî bis 'pochet P aWhat 1h ido t yen 1say yon bail¶ brougit these emptybailles ?-for tlit tbeyare'cmp'ty,.',Iconoiued, laI s t le!IR nu-e, 'Litere cab. ne doubt ; au.! why' put Itm back jute yen, peekel again - b trouble yen hy eakingithem otascn 6Thars m ny busines s,' - ole con 'Au.! Ibis la mine,' nid 1L laking up c t pbker lu one han.! and! a botle 'u int.e iâlher, and knocking bte iea.! an.! appei pari lean off, viten'lthere" appeared a Picely relie! ulibondie cf notes, about The.'souod of te broken baILle brengit in lthe andiord. 't JueL iu lime,' id t, 'taigtbe min y the ceat and .! raiug hlmIforvard. fil 'Yýousoeà titis t-lt otay be necessry Di you lesti(>'t L. Titis bot1ls,-vhlcbh 1q4 bave italien froo this gentleman, la more bý vouàdfl titan the oee1Ihave read ofein lu' 'Tht Devhl'en Two. Stdcs,' fer Il contai-no £1 bis bundie of notes. Lut ns try eur-luck au again,'I Iconlinusa I broke lthe second, * amd iben the ltird, et reretaliug a sint-i-n ja bondie - -of n'oies, .antountng ail £0 ci upvarda et £1 50. - - el 'Do yen put pound noIes ln yoar gin- w, oer buerbotLles viten yen cork thieinotp ai, or salef '- à-- The otan Iaugel, even I ha ie otitst of it, lis bevilderment, 'The devil o'Wlthe ike 0titis 1 ever av 'ite-aSaid;- uhat is lthe eanlg ofit?1 Ah, 1 se, your a co- as j ern Kta tJeta' e,'~ aid 1, ow 4neck te aul insanat 4 s x. e 'w y'.ur trick., iW. bcd lalked mnie.tthan I habit of .!oiiig generaly'.I 1 vItth h roken boutIs and! mat 'These,' said 1 le tte Omptain mnuy-all bit fifu>' pondâl.ýL are thte boulet vitero lthe iney Titere woe enigmas ; be 1 I aptain underteoc tben, ho lnow' vbat àay>, -baîveen ' ~ugh an.! me restraiut hi #oprehend. 'Ah i naid -h.e t lait, 'MI] stoolti have a'paipil bore, wvi igitt beaugti by us, ai prech Jo.! bas maq4yvays of flnding s'ic ked.' - I ' iThte prisoney vas aent on le Li iloullg viti thétsnotes and broein and aftorwaisasenb le tourted The Judy. coumplimented me ban ici; an the offerers o e lb. tever gave me a Penny, The, io the girls. f di.! not begrutige. an.! yet, snmebov, Iboogil no-t mne>, for My humble vant, aboul.! have got a five Pound noi i>' throaî viîh giger-ber vhei uùg u ttc dovil. AClergymanr vas once caeg ais c eldren lelonging e im gation, an.! coming te a littho au semching -ci a roue, 'ai vit to knev '."t knov loti ' e l m o vb a t do 700 kno w 1epse." kuov vitere ti ird's n,sasi the boy, "bot tell0 Y for fCar 700 will stalt t y 1 - -.. - - . 'l

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