Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1871, p. 1

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J,4"EÀ**y 10a TUE OELEBRATED SCOTTI BOYÀLc (ltitA IN Ifl. WIIALOA'& IA D 3K WAt IMerble Vork* or JONATHAN -I J3Y W0LFEJ'£DV4, Dauu.a-gt.. Wbitby. 17 .&ETKVg iCIIIWgO, 3A. 1)AVIDSON, '.R. ]P, 0., ONTARIO BANX. W]JrnY 1BRANCIJ. Royai Collete Yt'Anary Surgeons, 1<. . LCKITRT, BoizotO Inforr'itii, hihahitanto of Wltby MAot si e nry4otlnitig diomticta, tiint lie hlogis tnd 0AXEROIan OOpiltxatvler's OutarinloMtel, Jrock CAJIEROR MACDONNL,, aflwt 2Wliitby, ahere lice :dt liwiys b.»cSu- RRIISTEILS AND AT<îNy~w ulwâ l'y tlie ati riimg 110 crvicea. ..tW 8@l&thoo yoatet Bti k et enie sv Sept. 28, 1870. , ~ cf Ditaile, atKIN 0i lO0N s No t~ry 1, m~ E$R.vARS & LAZIER, Wlt >y. si iiavintr stouerd theo mipvfimlit for tige Do- GEORGE 15. m'nutIitoferÇ~anéa i rd the United $ta- DAJITYELJ,,texu, fur ti. puicationîofet tese ~AUltbbTER,ATfTOIt<Si t;4.e)mNNVYAN citant., tog..tier witt lîmorod .00..pr,I)OPÙtY ltegj,,ttrur, iu',in Extraortlitliahîi'gritîîîîi e ata cf the ,.yat exmîîrîîis Iuiîîcel'r thm . l310in9,Red d& Black Orderis of Motsoury, 17 ofîttare. Ofice m'ic-at. Wliibyre une îw îffanitg tlmoii fer ROBItIT J. WL8ON. ront i pritnmeor liir su- B AIREU i TI'OJiNEfYAT LAW tiorized ligeltt. 11ie &wu plait imies o, ato t Chfier, &. vigt . CIeM t $2.50 iiuhTmî .h'lred at 3,00. The 0d..tw - g'Eveny Momst ilould s-cuFre a set. .M JAMlES ICEITUG(;OItDUMJAMEs A, CAMPBILL, >flUtrlu (4ltauvùry, Ceiveyagicer, Nc- N. 1.-NO ex iîspe liais bec" o.piiedloi the ai.1-.Nexa door te the Stor c f IL. & J.ii i bc fii<i ti tt Ien ý43 itli riifiireiicii note% Pabpb.,Inoc oi.,Wlitiiy, Ott. frotta tire IiSîle gîven ini tige inargiri. WIi lv 4#vUq~T.4t6 Oct. 25. 1070, 43 ,SpIWTJ NoTiltYULIC, &a.it&a. T'mgA'"D LA1IOIt 8'l) C. A.40~LI, - THE OSCILATING C.AtA. VA IIISNG 1MA (.11INE, llùi eiKbvoul lus Otilce te ligt loor over the P ATEN TE D W!Iithy, 4Oct. t, t 6 0 OcTE1', rdL,17,B - ÇAIEWELL & e3IcGBE, WI L LI AM MATHEEWSON, fl RulsrEIsA'TmLNuXS.PSîLfO!- OP 1IOOKLJN, O2rT. A.> 1, i)l« tm>VEYAN (Elis, AND NO. .- - [SR ()rtrc-tie dori umuinîhuorfthue'0-%t t)lee, Oshauwa; nal Mtm-n' diei hola ýÇowu Bail, IUlîowuuimailIe... J. 2. isrL.R lG. Ci ARLES C. KELLEIL, -ATTQILN --AT- 1,4W, -$OLICIT<îll IN oIt Brockce w. -. .tl Clauery1Notuiny pul, < (unveyalaer, t outia 'If h'omt ilil't.49 J.> ory, ;iiVci L r,îc.ute 4 40 - JAMlES LAX.MlN, - CONVBY A N 4,E 1, LA NI 1)A C-ENT& ôrmlor-Ovur Aniitînng's Ilotel, Malin st., --- Uxbnllge, Jure til, i1q . f-2 DR. HANCOCK, (rmtOeyaetîs.uî& i-oiaioNT.) R.J. G'JNN,IM. 1D. >i< 'rN O ru utCOUNTY f4A{L, &'iIPJRiGElk..WNT1 -~ '>flmu-'ruima iuuhl oua u,c 'dck. site *.liel', u ilhca.- istc.e r InmeoeÃŽtrept Liamrd limon-m onthi olibeOniltario Banik. ai't IPBOTOGB.APEI GALLERYt 131100K ST. WHITLeY. The 1% is~uutlîow pnepanpt o uta uke Pi.oîor';u- îiurlioli 5 c, iiitunal as 11<.. Siseaial 'lir- ua'kei witlî elîildneii. %IVluoij iu toi'», give aCi. JAS. A. CLARK. WILSON ItOU-SE, A# WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. bs ietca tiff i.ee ulcw Iiatel iîiîc ;evillage e! Au.II)Iiuini, fuiii. acthe ioiî orum tu e tuirai- voIlilig ruuuiie. 'Vli, muse ia il-W. ciii tan ntiea1!Iliro stluiiuiemLil iond quns ami 3igss cftime Bsst 1ifuîlwîîyoç-kept cui ffloual Stalliuug mmmiii attenitive Oatlenisil).i 4 . WILSON,Jnr., torietor. Asîthuin, Mlly lo, 1869, tl- 18 Grand Tiunk Railway Hotel. AT iVUITI5Y STATI[ON. WILt O'NEI L ligviatar parchased the butel snd rpretiaii4e% ktowu ai tueUnui Trnuk lietel, %41 lutly>stationi, tii-gi tulimfolitu fl»s fiemisunî"Ãœ ti4 the ligIaieimtho bais lltteil mi)tlma aaiind s aîl siem ifi- t. elasestylesuand by mttel tloti otii lmaWst itpii tlioaae vmiavor hiîîî s-hmtiiein pstroiiîliste trusot tattîit a coijiitui-e sol tier cuxtotn. . W l'artieasi takitmg hie trai and iesvuig heréses viii tiave thiemo wWoltakeu e c.Of tili their retîînmî. Whtby, Sept., 18M8 PORT PERRY, ONT. IL i OY, - Proprietor. Su perler seconmodaîtion. Goodoi tsbliug anud sibea racua, ud attenttive oistiers,. Port Penny, Nov, 8, 1849.,4 PORT PERIY bSE -PORT FERRY, ONT. JAMES TIIOIIP$ON, Paseiesve, Th. Suhacniber vîshes te Infrta nthe com. ---muulty tiat fi pf$iesare giaw eieiu tiie jmeblie, vimene h. 1wuI)relpâred te furninhaago<,j uwconanuodl"itamîun as a ethe Cucuty. Il. PLANK, -- - Propnistor. 8= tesoBîud .:ofîWltby ezli daly. ven, Thei, Vatentec taihenzets any otiler Waahîll ithieclihîme iow in lisa te comîpete lagauio)it b for aî.y suai ta,7 iuiety aine. The Machi lias; l'eî,n tliî.naimistlhy tmostial, anal oaci i.> u, aIl bie iriameijoahl i-Otels mina icadhiliicfiarnîurs tuie <iniaty, wio proiîmiiucai.tue he.t nauv se. It will sabfri-ouaa itasIlti juuchmt-imuî Icencliiefto a bed- qiailt A tnial wili amatim aîmy person mis to atieit.. Coaîîîy Itiglits ana litechitea qfin s ala, AppI> te WM. lmtATHYiMSION, hinooklilo, 0 JInou-n, sept. 14, 187f)..1 N OE yl - j0 EY 'rm ibme isat prp te LOAN m(NEY, Farm or, Town Propert Il EA TES TATEÊ BOUGIIT. SOLD, ANI) EXCIIANGEIb CONSIGNMEN'lS 0F flOODS 00lieited. tiitti.ifaetory retereu)ces furiihed lwlieu require'1. JAMES WÀ%L),Aç'I, comi-i-111î & Elcul Eetnte Agent, W1sithy, 2thoti ct., 1370. 43 -FA$1iîh)NAB»lF ANi> DURAILg lino hit ieVtJilrieJtiej tohttnnull(e e \i um ail u-xtuie l iV s le ti o f .i fhra-lamia E~ ~ ~~Sox -o hotsuiuic Llmaies iilil muid 1IM-MD OifK AS UU. JlrPAtIi,.-Alh entiers attended ta witiî puna - liect Street, U)îrogiue tue lti'yuiiIluotel.) sept. a, 1470. 3 Flair Dî'ess:ng and Shaving SALOON, SToî h,, WIIITBY. f-: gervtor i, HEANE Or hlOaNumsAL. w HiTlY IPIANO FAÙTORy JOSEPH RAINER -o- The subscrihen, tin netuunu:.ing bs sic- cen. tliîuîkia f'thet uumsîmy fnieuuil amd uàiçatomn of het tua luy PIANO 11ANI'ACTORlYe berst taatito thutiue slm uai' aiea<n tue buigh tuRmie ml> u~lui laowum icono1A; anims- lui mauu . t1illini. naens li- ltu i smsaune theun tliat iutuaîuliagmIi c jer 1<i tu u n im i.part teu.i'e saiafctann, ii ni sppliu III UM»e Oit ATà ;Fqr STYLE, dc PdTheacelcluraiîed ew 'paternt and ecrss -scaîhe pttern OSIluisvii ll iveiiuu uauullctuned as bentofone. - kfr Alil endo ens dwthPopttd sud dimpatela. eectdwt noptua JOSEPHI P. RAINER. Wbzthy, IMay , 1870, ly.18 diate C. Daines'I,.) WHITJ3YON'rVA1IO, A. ALEXÀNDERF-»-Proprietor, T lIE anhisriber deuinest Ca thealas te Glohohautel, 1eIkil du t il îaue ieme takes e asluminte anîteeluce ibîî lie bàs lseaPÀl -bave l iteei eitly nîmdetwth, pr.itisessc "u r. - ug titore <aecmtiua ,ua ieeanmltii sm emcroasiutg tii.esnmiucr a mlepiig reolt t uesnly amas hsf mure tiuan (enmarly. A liri,. e6IBililard Parler initia tiare.tsble# hugs aIse beau atIded.' xteUaI'niveadditiel u t Ch. Sisbliig, llleds, ljoaitBeyea; dc ceealise boeu utéde. Ahi onahlmmg tuea uni'er»igleistot oiler tshMa Oid Frle,idensd hpublie gio rala iltaoi ut jtd1r u erliorbtel , l tbco P .40 eoldi etila. eaa-». appy tu WÀUltI, lDs. 2, l1854811r Or SmiPERtOS 17- The nvdraîgzne-ýk e.aaffmo, to talerm ÃŽea- temerm, tlit the above itiaat un l'eLt 4.22, inî tlii0W, e càoaaor eý frowusltlp ert txbrldie, are flovwu to ut e netaip -ad.jith pi taitycd Lumber cn)t fro -»uto t 0fuet-l ,gh JOhliN WEIR. Septeube 9, 1~'O.41 Isrne& GnrlComsInAgent FýDnnda, street W"tby. ý-PPOViTXt ' TH,&ROBSON .HOJ'3Z. elsuc tnmomderato nst4osh, rallble British, Caiîidisn sud Amerieitloffies., Pire, Fimiehiey ad -Accident Branches. Wbîtb>, sept. j30, 1870. -40 L UMBIERt f Tie. ondcraîgîieîî bas on band, e i~IAI)'s m I.,LL BEAU A~inuRVt#,. A large quanithy of Luinuer, wbich h. Po~SALE~ AT THE ILOWIEST IAUIkET RATE L-W Bill Lcmb ail kinda aawp4 on AUIb8 totiace. RB, ithe -A. B1. CAMPBELL, Br1iiJu 7th, 1870. 26. P-UOFESSOR J. POST, PIANO -FORTE, -&eo. RILiSIDýENCE, - Byren Street, <N o-gapaae MmfIeold Rirk.) Trav.-IatnctiîiinaPiano, $10. Thiccry Of Miltienlopusitioli, &C , ta, W lfMn. Pi.st haep* a ttmernal ft oc Nlno4c amaI l Ba-km,, fr mule, pud wit§lîcs a cuill Wrflliî ihy, Minci, 2, 1870ll. 9 QETIIL 1OTEL, Jilq;OTA3h JOgN JMAILEV, Proprietor. The. alnve iintm.l lias benonwly lhtteal up alli firimtiial. ogîltstiwilih Simd cctito,-tabhe ace»oîiiinudhatîon aud u tieita.n. Geomu roenîy stîuiing sud attentive ostlera. Juin. 28, 1870. 4 p H O T 0 G R AP II Y DOMINIO-ALE .18, FOR Notiim0 but ttooil wou-k llowcd ta eure tihe n(Ooîîus. Ail ki'Jiu-114uuijai siZvu,*.froin the 141nutil hîIi iet C ire tu h1le aiie, tai flIjeJ lu Coron Iii uî,I iîk, dela Witer colors. Mr'Willsn lavery sUmecssftl l intalring iiidf#aà'm1portraits. le- s1occiiîi ateî ~ta Clengymen. Old Pan- tnism.uycopied. Wem iai l io.it hippy ta ,'reetneviuiti nt îmîy ime, (3vrn it bot do nuitvaut pieriane,.) as w-e flatmerîurvts tue vis§it will wauhl nepay Yeu fer tue trouble. B A 0V. Ic,1870. -41 Ibgte retnriitlatitka4fa the liherui patran ag uec efdo tweil îtpoîu nie, unI toata- noutuice euîae Iart prelumltetu dct mies, oitîmen lu TOWN Olt COUNTY, Aa-7 an store or. AfATTIHEW COLLINS; W Gdcsenst'a sud Cude' ob amui ShOees l gi«reatyc, sd es'ery style. Jnly 2.17.2 OOMMEROfAiL 40TELO OSHAWA. Cenetfcutl fttmi p acnafer Ceaimer eIhtavsr. ihisd~ataed. - -: AprIl S, 1874. - 14 AND» BILLIARDI OO1 (87 d 89, Kiag astnaet Euat Toranto). THOMAS CARLISLE,. -Puoraiaioa. Tho moat cIe- -gant, spacieux sud cortfortuibie Pe tsttnt i- . tsl.ia Mesaxsupplical ut *>~al Iours. Wines,. L:qce» nd uI igur, e! ti ifSmeAt brandi. Shtl ud Cau Opstera lu evemy style. SPartie, rioitiug Ton'î,tto far j%'day l Sdeery acceunoutiou mt the Terraipia. amios 870, I -0- A. M A SON, - Proprietor. 'l'h. aboya liai been ttîcrcaghbly renavated, sud the public wili floid cvery soucmnmodaiau sud the teslt attention0. Apnil 13, 1870. 15 SPHoeNIX - FIR-E -ASSUJIlANCE C. l.1htBRD~TEET&cîAllNGCROSS ESIBLISIIED IN 1782. GILLîESPIE, MOFFAT& Ce., Atteuto for JAMES DAVI.,î,fN, Manager. NSUIIANCF agituat iOSf( hy FIllE arc efetedi tlt lua iti-hifavorablheteriai, anua LmlS$uiSu AIl) witiont ra.leue cta the Board iu 1,01141011.- uittemut, Wlaitby April Snd,1?.88. YEi'IIAN (TBt)K,. WILLIAm DEVLI 1N ORINARINTAL PAINTERY' flrock IStreel1 whttby. AIl otnmattemaîdite with j>uîtmiuiuaity anal vîr Aent t'enbeuit 1aumplc raieni pater. N u), 2, TiIE GttIMAT FEMfA LY . uI EE Y; Job Moses' Periodical PFile Tti iînvaitluhMeicrine ia anuiling inte cure ail tiosu paiiofui anid îiîr-a ilispia-a', o iweh the fi'esue eiitui oti il .>0ijet. S in,'uaalcc. cnd reiuireailt uanuitiatin a -sperdi rare Mai' te relies!eo. To Mmmmnmm.d Indien, i n a l C a q re f . i t ( a u p i t i l A f fc r i nls s . P a ie s lint athe aîîîk i l.îui on Puiae lsiihi exerisn. 12aiitamiion 4if lisei..ar. il î'tria-. sauitWhiue, tn.. p11115 sill uifi.eu alcuire.vlliiail ita? ilieaui, h ave (ail. 5dr;and aitoii a poserb reniedr. io sot comma mon.ieuuigel. aumîuuumîuy, or uimytbiuiglunifiluelte coq. P'uul aiîrciits lit, iumatlpiaroguaiteuuka;-, t ltOSitil. NEtS'tYOR{K, :SOLE ,PtOl'It TORS Il0 carit 121 i-rutsfIr inuliae. eaclopedlai.North. sue L.rviim Neqiriau,<iugeuicuui aeums f..r Domnîionî. wiuulîiars a t.ettl,, eenaiiigoerr53 - ty neumîul mil. oruale h>- Jaunra, nesandITi. <imerrue. Whiby; P Atkiri,sand sut l,bitisoa & Co. Oshawa i J. r,,. 13Jnîokiimnais mteaiciuie dealers. ,mu. 22, 1870. ti Top i te. pulis. F, w' Dus 0.Jj~u Ir Arnugemctia for salie, con hc mode n at tii. t'fiuOaaICi i 1e.or ut My Ocvi ce, Brooka strect, W Ilitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., etlic Wfle litby, ayl, 1 ,AQ A VOlD QUAC'K.-A victin ef $Orlyin l- iimiretiou, cmnaintt isien demiiiiy' 1>enistune locay, &oc. ivitiitttrie-I livain eveny advcrtim.e'l rtmeiV, Luis a siiaple mia o cf-eineo, anlich ho viilscnîu ires te b*islu- io-ifecs A-imlnese J. I.LTTTlLE, 78 .Naisan t., New York. à.]LMING IIIPLESCENTS, &a- Th-neogndbg o -t ttb continue, tu manufacture Boot, Seed,& Manure Drilhs - -WAGOlIs, Auto ALL KtNDB 0W MANGLE & WRIINGEI Notexesuorfthe best artile e iclt. kinil sntfatuiid li ii i. uuentry,osud ihl%'lmpror- e .ru $TCW CU2TMLS, s50oausiy volkeil, sud se sumpenornrieverf roesc. IlAVîII prapsrail n'se o f ulO's Clebralsi colonleKiigestlI macntAmry, ho0 bepu to gay lteS b. la ùweu- enamd toe eioý aU P APER J-IANG1NýGS The onderignad hegi to Infonnu the public tli.t bejiuas Ou i ha îd the lungea sund beat stock of Pupen ILatgtaga in towu, al of the w hieilie ciTfera for sale, veny loin, for cash. gý- Falttng, iGraiaing, Gltuzîng, aud Papen langang, exeeuiteil iii a womk manhlike sud expeditious otanuan, am titaal. A. C. WILSON, Dunahas Street. Whitt v Wlithy, Api-il 21, 1870. 18-1f eJUST RECEI VED, (n7e pureat and beat burning Oul in the Mizrket.) soll et tCte love-ct posoihhi, puceo6, et W IIULeSAIE anîd liiTA IL. JAS. H. GERRIlO9, Wbitby, Nov. 2, 1870. PllDngto. GEORGER.GURLEY, METUIIANT TA11LOR I -CLOTJUER AND D)RAPERL, hé d T4v , M a> 12.11869. .19 1MCN EY- TO LE Nb AT"REDUCED RATES. lam nov prepanrel tà e le cuirameant of mamie> on Cime securitY of geel Pansu or pro- dunctive Tovraprepemty, au 'la. lovese possible rate et iaîtercty.. u s.sand nmainer te suit bo.lovers. prncipal cen b. n.pali by ieurl> lastalaicots or lu oae Ruuu tSeverivelu7 celtiratud Farma andI Lots et wil4f aai for msie "eP. luvaututectt sde ia Debemtarea, Mortgagas and ether $ari"l.- sitver sel ,(4reecî,sack* bourbe. and soul, For fuather P!ulrtla p piPv te JAMES BOLDEN, O fficial Asafqcoe, lidiey 1Broie, uc 1iÇRMeIluI~st Bock, Brook -srÉA. la, e ysja oesl set v altonb leuti, toit the.-ehiliang indamue oet. rie, er ah. emoO, ou t ofsorts, acd Pt flading tanitviiitii. eebldrel nd v ldiag tbe nurse, by-v*y «6«eseaape- e to ber u ua for ebod ng . T o dd . bt demp tbat ajemied uîbrovu opon tii. 'i Of us ailo the, co»ehmcn tout his y1 sud, for abotamii., e.nld fiade man beiiui wiose aid h.ecouil invoh.e eêt ns vigbt, t be; vea, .sp. edtoae oiager to diffet him -to Mr. d'eam ewta ai mi- & immlistelyi seulti sa abd cone beideratanil ta she is nt related ita yen tu sn e oueaeor eiea e- bIne, chamber for ber ove use, iie being 'Net as -aIl,' replied Emily,, biJe, afthe. toeeris gai, ,givt'e nl e no qbJect, as ah. vie clone, sud <bas betI blusii overspread bor paie feaetres ; ibut rti. 1,o sslions. elta, lt athervbonla.- the pretileaiblok-ont. Nov, s1bsdering papa la vos, partial te ber, ail, wb.u I rtra'o Lnd tefa Ishil r e DOW'rueo -ve bcd arniveil afior dark, 1I bongbt Ih. complaiu et ber, alvale taLes ber part.9 1aeopa 1i atly io - j oxense ill.ebso, bus I sav as ti ta I i nagaceo t-vs..A s Mrs, Daltoi ug the Elmorss, ne doubt, bail ,ecret design» on tempteil bock. trutb u! the reports abot thé -hauited thse .18 getlemn's heort ; sud hboi.di lie lt tr he am obÃ"eingvss ts d h - ham ibe r. B nc b b e ng th e cen , I îtb o .g h s by, eoa $i eed f" u r , sud d elile te ate p- h t D l 5 i . c m f l s e l a u s l it ath r cool *heu, aler sssi taig ther tiens, widuce bia tom rr , ber ; and- and mlu e s the h e m om 4b" -1 bai gr oen c am b r te te onuegr >,eDiidrea, « vii. knows - perb eps d i i r t .bi i nce spe595t 5ri~thin i e Od.7f M and the yellow ebomber 'sol ias BuIO, dangte. B u, of e rei 1 ept my_ 1h RRAPIN IZ ESTA U RA NT April 3rd,1?661 4 lairALITV. Il Ji 1 . 1 1 1 -i - 1 - 1 1 -- oadot raeanet(esstores MD'tldOd iýliglit d4dark - But tba eev i:dwolisli r titres Nover faftlI ires orlileae By C0010lUu, hreaide.or iaccs 19 d yoraol, -And t1)&yonr dre"d) If )'en*- ha -, lauwaeme gS, tlacd6ocve f 'f 1 eàthat darkle ]~ m t li e e t Isu n a ed a o ittg j fore 191 a ie gemi thalt aparale9 M19ake Dot. bAand-wMe Ioiig: Leeecerel nlsoit enideavonri 51a ve nd wtiL ardime grâce . Baudsome "i o louda' emnbrsure ' h;inOnefacte.et4h4aven beyond: Theï. the golden ved i tii. zure, l14er.0the crimiouPdo the blonde. 80. tlîongzh faeae m love un,. Vei uail theighe lngtracêt Tii.ymuet !image Ih in abv.u "ft,,. wn .b Odeefc, liondeome facmsi Se'Ith feelitng WVitiîct la 9Miîguae, eaktngevovr; '""eiîgib lî, rreveing, Wonîls rt lestilu lu endeuivoar; Faces tlirs impr or e AiloemotieuM, tltiuto, or gramea Kin te ia ti. loy d che- Vol) thiseare bau fue"a. Ilandaome fcs i 0edvarda clgbtiy Show. a oe, thiir il diouse lace. If carisale tis t reiid si uriitlily lu their fi!i bl ïl~iaceo. Tuera ey ip bk el foveidlvluely, Witlout = an iragraes; hiVle the h l uîdwel uJiiehy, Net giviîug bandée 1uea The spectre oft he Rq Ç 4bamber n uttent 8g0,. lbn 1 iived governeaa in Captain -Dai' n'd famiIy -accompanied Mra. Dalton Ji the cbildr into the country for chan~ of -air. . T capaimi vasunavoldably a nt for gaz weeka, baviîng te g0 oêimland on bun ces; but before we left be oncluded wi ,a lteeagent for tbheluire gif a readyfi nisbed bouseinlaeeof theiaidland conr ties, wbicb, froun the dese qption givl appeared-as vbat bouse d nos li agocî's bands ?-to b. bighly eligibl W. set off for 0cr destination the @sa day the d' ptsaisaried for irelacd. On reacbîng the end et the railwe jocrcey, the cbildrec :feelinig ired am bungry, "c rested for awbil, nt an lai previons ta perfotmng te remaining tf mile, across the conntry te 0cr aeelnde borce. 1 sbenild observe the.the botu hired b, tb. Giptain, tbcugh complote tiseîf, wuvas bed ou tuoanotber lubabite by t be calmar- 1 -I&.a imi -bu l formed butecoe large meusin, but la mot modemn da>w it bsd been divided into t, bouses, siatpiy by lochink ail the doonsc communiicc4oc and deadening ail seand b.7 green trace double douos Evon tbai eacb portion of tbe div.ded manoajea bu ils frou 't scd bsck taircase, setibas, i ract, it w " os, i ail inbenta and purpeses, self-consalaed" balise, ns tbo Scotch ay nor coutil ge communicaie vitb tbe ila matea of the aiber bal of the former man ien wicbout going oct lito te gardenaw waliking recudte their fioa door. Ti ancb j, reqcusite - te etucidate vbat ilat eollov, end .ill at tbe saine timme expli bat, Owiug Io ita qcaiity, tbe bouse wv gepl lu order by tb. proprietor, ao thb wo cc»uhd arrive and Sund'everytbicg ready itaboct deeaacbing any, servants te tii possession endd dean ont tbe promises. Wbiie the chidreu, walted upon hi boir uurse, were pareakItg of Domsr.ee fresbment, tbeir metber ia rociiaiug oc asofa near the bay windov atthie ethi end of the long meous, and* 1 oat taîkini witL ber, or, rather, itatciug te ber mna ugue, ruerely putting lu au occaaiocî' yes,' or à'îcdeed,' as becoutea a Po<, goeruess, wbo le nos expected te bavei ;cul et ber owa, tb. lady'u tcaid sidlei uto tbe reomn; and walkiug op tai Mn Dliton, 61 suppose, ment,' aaid age, 'wE iusil sîop lb. uigb: bore 71 'Nousense 1' replied ber mistresa ; lyou gnov 1 bat. anas. Beides, vbat abonid ve stop for P '0f course, le oust b. as yen pleast, cem,' obaerved Sedlev, stili hingerlug Mous ber *lDtressD person, undor thb >etence of amnootbiug ter collar ; 'oui Iv besuf very atrange -thiaga about the 11-re1- ira fa.o i. smtoa 1 ýý 1. 1 o ucal m iata ~d rk s a uf il icpoi ber roied b y'U ti, D dI o t«'a -& , g â.p tilih.iit , h1 U d ,a a m r4 -. bro*lw hon Ive at lngth etcped befor à wali6d ber ma"d tu sleepuyeaw ber, 1-vwsagldeaoa"sa iuua vm e sausee ling. bedge4l1 by llgb obligd t10igit y"1f tumy, at 0f dtr Misràa iiature ca~ine» ,i C.55,Cia> 84 &a~w LÀhadpDow thae uriosity tu open oo 1b walli, sud 4arkened, by -&ofiiph00hlng Cleérfily sa1 eould, Aftorth.ebhldreasi*dop fIhB~. iîlerto bnlaiodi, ltýbadeonel.Jed4.-nt- th.e ouud of our lg.htaualgDalton <e1tofbaving uèbody else-oite 1.k briems t li eeyu aganatü the gravae t of thé ,Uofrequnmted toi, wu g l$ oftue) aslong an he pleaed1 h, ~ i1j e i.taf u d~ t t byroad, th. poderous <àôor' va oeed 1 theet 1.hih dson;sdsusudveur t. S ab1Jd tu thewlhnbme. mbme * rVepsek$~redu ehahr. Ii, oertaiialy ratlier asirmieg Idcs fd4 ' bhosed look solom aun sieunny'enougb. 1 e ,Uhuleldnorybioýiy l The ttbftéb'm eied _wold bave' gîtreb the *n.îd lied tp.m tgethr vlh is dangtr, Wodehalof of migh aetrteèrelev zh~~' ocncu~aiu nts u Ii~ > the man s . l'he eventugj -bing, e, ai the dark corteys ;',bot the ous via prprations they lied ordered a.lire te buo hghted in 800 uld te bave ao. modern an impreve- Wiat conta cil tbiajmna t hi stnap t e p a rio r, to g iv e le a m o r e e h e r f l m e t. , fte r s a r c h i g 1 u dl e r t h e b d , u . îu m em r e d n l e r t a ét d s a pect. Z .lin elbd is -au èé l..., m an, be id t b. tester, and ' extauding titi ber -e o e plot tbot i, behoved ~ .~ et commbunptaee tbongh respectable ap- rounds tue i.drmasng-room, I at leuguh attemPt t0u Grsvýl. - Prom tbencetorvard p.arance, but- bts daughten, Eàdaly, vas undrosaed, and cropt inuote atatehy' I detérminod I would aleep lu the ile be.d vbalmanetrleapelasa de seç face, leokiug body leeviug the door-of the iu the reselg roou, antd vateh for îhse m h e nt i e z, iy po e e gi ofreflue . dres i g-reotu vide open, se 1fel t that return o f h.e pha to l hom 1f wuvos w. men evdenIpmSëdngfrjm.a Cultivât- auy noise [e that quarter would frighiten edmn.g, FedhpdMrs, Dalton me moreif it ve he bt. - oovined Most b.hore des]glngperon ed md. inFielI hpedand, edherng te this neaolutioa, 1 îold the vas cot fatigued by, ber jo"t~y, sud t:11.: I ed scarcehy a that I do flot b.- malid ueZt daY I preterred -the. ýaleIZ @ beh o nid l lik e l e r e w q nstrj i, su d O ]le v e inu p a to ,, n o n in th e s ep e rn a tu ra l, b d. v i c re o tl u m a , I a e, forth. - - gene nily-; ye e 1 ca didily confes , that ave give n t e s r a t i h p s e t lt look&s distat or ,' olà er ved lr . for a ong vhile aiter I had in srted u , 4 u ag u s ' b a d l . ghay I Daiten. - -~~~~~ sender litl, poran beieen te haeeto! of e .dures 'O n ly th e e th e r , m o is i - o n ly th e th a t.d e a rte d w a s te ,t h t s e e s'e - F r o e n g b a a lw, e e ; u & w e ther Il said M r. F ield , claer agir . tretc i agý as the b d of %V ote itDe hf i ai u l b b f r 1a l fa l n a l e a bYounil nss îemorrow boy pieasaat- a cocld bear noebicg but the beaticgs of I board £a shight noise, vwten, jin5ccir-, place i lei, vben the sun la shiniug brlght. uM, ovD blisat, andl a kicd ofý dininug t ldeiotnon ! c, bivo l y . f b a l u t , d à g t e r s h o w y -b m a u s u ,oi n s e t , i c b m o d e m e î v o h n t a r i I y aâ e s ag i n g - g o v n , a n tS o fbi d , m y s e . o n a up.staers Il -pep eueot mi elnle, everY nov and thons eh. certains at the foot of tbe b.dtcd-' lira Dalton lookeil round ý-b.r vwitb a tu see whither auytbiug, real va stir. a four pot onee, aller tb. old fltfsion. I kinil of bel ples indecialon, as ltabne vonld Afier a trne, I sack" te aleep, troïn cenld ilhon percéle st, the deer of th. rather bave left the bouse at eue- - aeer faign, ; cor de I kuov bow long 1 iekt lu ýthe cerner via alevi, openeil. 'i scarcely vwouder, lir. let;, siid she, b.d dozed, vben I vssudileuly atarthad Tss, ,vrkI ~avyudee viîh a faint $mile, Ihat yourl neighbonra by a noise, as tf o! the' opening eof a s as say the bouse in bacnted.' drawer . aud, mer e a,,lpacvaareiecvîhsaevs3og alarn in gwv ich I bd p laced en d ry a rtic les, sn b as F. 1 'O h 1 ay 1 k n o w th e f d , ' bh o r e - p e r c e i e d a lig bi t l u t be a d o i n a o m e d o e n h 1 , a , v a necn plied, in an off.band manner; '$but 1 cau'S 1ICoutil bave fain screamed~ for belp, but utcctdno h hle uni u rube gaylIeverosainytbiug. HoweMven,houer Éaban-mereseraineil mn. Beaidei. a gover-, pivot, tbus afi'ordinga ucpet-dm me brigbt lain meemto in ail circulatances- neesmin net rais. the bonse, uer guve a munfication vith the oeher part of the si- no I tehd the agent te let the Ceptain.kno ba. example to lber pcpiia. Sa I "aY bouse. The*ieaprto ï- mre vit b th e bo ue ba l the ua m e et ei pg ha n ted ; q uaki cg lu eve n, 1m b, vaitiug ilu a ki ud . * 1 w a p r t o c v e m n d j c antiocai, from thîe closet. andl, approc-- r- b t h a bei ug a sensible gentIle ma , on i, o t ago y what vas to com a uezt. I did I i t i d i c i e c b n t o i . t b e n- langbed, and bired the premisies- ail tbe net cevur my beadvitb the bedclothes, inlu ee uunoki (o adtre su, same, 'specially s I offerodeà hetu no the far that the tbing, or the creatu!re, the Le, on sbntng the lid), and Lote m- au cbeap.> whatever il vas that :erîfi d tue, migbi Mage in the dravero, frotu vh.ucs tà le. ' Iàsuppnse, if the trotb vire- ,kuovu, approiuch sud kihi une, and preferned keep. drev several hitthe packets. Me yon Sund it difficc:t t ee thehbose 'at ail?'l iug a sbarp- heokoct. Present, I saw . Beiug uow relievedfail trora. s id li s . D a lto n , l u a to u e eo t t e M o s t v a t I m u e C a i t a u a p p a ritio n , a i , in t r I t a s tuail - P r ra farandl grovu 'boîtIer fronthel. FaY gracions i u the v enld. w ite, d a ce t evard a the door, as il o v c l np nii n r 1 1 ad 'Weil it certaini, did stand empt, fer about te enter tu, rout. Wbat folhowed, tbief, wevb - lb. ih elw ofM a, some lime, oving te these siiiy j rejudicesl' I canuet tellI; for tbe icilescnibable 'ter- onozuigh e ieaddes av said! Mn. Field., 'or else h vomiid fetch a rer ehat seised me rcadcred me haîf-o e u ex, jcdain b hr ize anil mreds led long price.And I 1k. to e e letecanied, conscious ; and t -le as bnîas vgu n- vbih s y ereiie uigbtgoand pI ege ae uet noe mach fer the profit, bei because mîie of self'reservatiou ibat made, me vith stealîhy stops, vheu, te u t stelh.. la the viiole mansion in tee large for ns, so dive cuder tbe bcdciotbes, beceath vhioh mn,1bhl h etro -n3 l cd~~~~~~ I1nliigl1.acoed:n-'Iremaincil csconced 1 kuev not 1eho:w j eei hefaneof~Au l -d- 'nd p o tevhach portion ha .long.,- 'Mie ss lror& P1 Iexclalmed; in l ne sinlib Is feoehb seeniew 1g' sed Whou 1 venînceil once more te Pe6P the mecnfng- etibis luirusi'On 7- 50 lira' Fieid, baif-di#daintnliy, baýlf-uiasili. ont, the ligLI vas gece, sud ait vas quiet erpient;sdvstiIbsl o! 'te iisportion, nalai, 1iad bonest lu the dresigneet. Blreason vih egeled vit ; ub. p aches u t bic id& Mn. ield. yàaf aslI migbt, 1 ccld.-not get acy qheb.opod us, Oh, 8e yen tata care tuetot tbia part, more seep thée uBiglât. 1bail seen some- 'lis Elmore t' I reitmrateil, plaeîug ml ad and keep on the-safe aide jeenseif. eh- ticg-tbat vas dlean-I coni co1tai bav Bd, vhich vas loy -cold ebat momenti, lu served lira. Daltou, irnicali,. imagined the. ligbit, eien snppuasrg tbe oue ber shoulden. a _-Here Emiiy StepPed tovarda lins. Dal- pbautoun te bave becu a creat-ure of mi She ettered a7 piereing scream 1 Bbc Y; ton, aaying, 'Ailov ma te observe, madam, brala -aud as tei ns baviag been. aay one haefbeenes' i- iat e ave iub bited ibis pû t of the c em i g le t e play upon m n, a pposed u w v h i g l e i e , s d e n e noirabrepti, evekeacd, aeîed upon me in- bouse end sommer, atIcad a saure yen foara, hbat vas imposaiblet seeiug that I viib a vehemeuce, that made me serecu d vo ere not m ore distcbed i u an , respect bail taken the precaution, teo c k the bed- lu t r.;o i-d a ei al e p o se is thon la the etiier bal.' cbaunber door. -coi ber coantena nce, 1 feaneil notbiug short te i1 daresa, aot,' repleil lra. -Dalton, As oc s it vs dayiighe I got out of ofo!strangulation, sud, -vbih, struggliag u .affeccing to, laugb. bcd, sud moade a searci ail ever the vebemoutly, 1 reneveilmu, cries- oir help., 'ls We wv'ore nov ahovu over the bouse, reont and dressing-room, bat eothiug lua notLer moment ail tbe :Servants bad ai vhicb via ver, hanasoutely ftnisbed, lin. Coutil I dîscover, noiles h vere B itti, ruabedi ito my rout ed hast ef ah -came Y, Field baving bougbe lit e a -bargain- exaugiaber beiecgicg te a fiat candI.- lira. Dalton,9 lu a great flatter, vhil. flnsî ie funiure -and aIl-fron a conco nie bau- stick$ As gbosts do cee carry cacillea, Emuili, thon lin. Fieldl, sud their homse- ken, vhe b.d miued binacl by imprudent thia veuld bave becu a conclusive proo! bold,;oared lu front the opeaiag made la i7 apeculations. The hargeat anilL,,est bcd- no uuearthly visitant bad entereil Lethe nsigro lae ronti, obvionl, the on. luteudeil for the roumi, but for te doube vbe:then tbe lis. Dalton aaked, qenlonaly, wa n m ater an d m istres a , v a s u .lis e F ield ex t îng u is er aig h t n t b a e ta li en e v sie l t n a c T - h a a n , o or luformeil as, tbe obamber seil to lue before the apparition et thé pimenten- e.iig lMr. -Pteld, v hy Le baildeceivé-d ber g9 Launnad; adding, boveven, vitit a @mie.. as1 balh aoe taken au inventcry o! te.b asaertiag that ail commuicaion be- r '- t a t i is a s o u i, o un ta e it co f th o s e rtic e s .c o ta in e il A n u th e d r e ss in g r o o m - t e u h o s a b d b e l d l u ai vho bid tecane i , antI fancird the, ladd sud ther, vas an Inian box, besidea lin . F'ield vas prosea:ing lie wàsa , ascuh an seen an apparition; and lheadit1g ns luto severel etLer objecta ehat bad entirely en- surprised as beraehi'sa as t hougbt cl iii. à teh.a joining dres ing room , sihe- aowe at cap d m n, notice en the precedi g Biglât. d o s v r o n e , v e i c c p ai s that the door et communication betven W en I made My appearace lu the An us rithiug f g nz d c n uso s 1. tbat anud the galier, dividing -te. ve morniu5 atter mn, aleeples nigbt, lils calietI ent, "il cm poisond t'-give me-a Fe bouses vas locked op. Tiiere was a saiitHelen ussaijei me viti a cumbon of pore aatidote-fen heavec'a salie Il Led in tLe dieesiug-room, lun which, as questiens as tJowoy i hked utquartiers9 White --Mn. FieId looae.d fbelplesshy nu tb e o b e rv e d . e u ee to f ibe cb i d re u c eu ld a cu d v be t e r I b a i b o a rd l a n y tb i g ; a il cf a n ai h m , I o d r e e t as e v n s Id sloop, or if lr. Dalton preferd# ber evu vich I qahed b, sayig,-'u, e 6eL sm.îilat aohnteti m a i , til t e h . C p ta in j i ti ed t ha n t in k th a e ,o c b e lie v e d i n î u th e a s s t er ie s , h e s , a d r e o f t o a d c e r 3 i I el lir. Dalton evideaty id n e1k the lin sDalton, lit your fooliah cnristy; a !c aveul. The vrescbed girl' died ig bouse ; andl aaid asile toute, abso'ihnde t4ye: the othen de, you complaieil o! atili eoetemdclmecni lrie ie vbat the Ceptain Coutl hob.t inki g o! te belng cahleil a chil Ilt'- tbongh noî belon. abe Lsd sontesseilbut ýY bite inch aý diantal place. t efio6ad lu eh. ecrse eoftii. day, lira. Dalton- bideous sls. 8h. Lad beeti eailear7orlug Le fanît, tee, vith a nuber o! miner detaila, appied te ibhe Fiells for the littIe alters. siovi,, for the hast- vo y-easte ap'elso. 1- l 1 1- 1 1 là 1 : 1 FIA

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