Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1871, p. 4

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-.nomv IN8U TH Or TE ROykl E0jOL. J AÀXES-- WALLAO0 Isrce&GeUri aI ïumlslou Agent Duas Sroee, - 'Wbftby. OPPOSITE TEE ROBSOX HOTK. Insu? At oo-.si rlalzub Ienun ai mrt ear aUabmmLieE riar, 'r en sd miden Baches. 1% unerskugî lb«on baud,-'a% MEAD's MIL' BEOR A LjiiS9 â1t s-AI LOWEBT MARKET RAT] W~~~Î BSLnbalkinds mavu9ou shortoa4notice rPRNXeawbi esgnn auatrn .1. eh$uàpetflantawotI &,'§ O u$, i7snd WCw il iveg sA, 'gearanto'viii ach licdlwarrantlug tem to b. as Weilind, indte 5 o sic~0 esymana- ât rin thédres in on PAXToU, TATE à CO." Pey.st., Port Perry, ont, mai-oh Smot$ 1809. 1 Wht7Kis ulO ing Banda, adapted for Boir..,i'l'vrEulXcurlous, Quadrille parti.,, &0, ., viii uoppry thé but s"d lates ut la1, Oun »Monabie ApplIcatlonu muai b. do lhrprsl Or by latter, (poât pali,) te J. WQLYRNDE, 10~iy,0 Whltby L-1V ER Y, la iaiviàtg ôonosd tire nimber aud quait»ofethtie stird, sud aise added te sud lin. - proved thre ouvoyances sud» sehîcles ou iije Promis.., ls hepes by boing lu a position io - Me'botir t etciusiomars to moit a share ef public patronage., W- CÉARgEs O9RT.,~ N.Be-,Covred couveyale.afor familes sudladies. Prompt atteadanoe,sirog<,gor. I'RAT, Ptopiletor, Whitby; Apill8, Ise8. id Ita TNVFATED 1UNDS ae.110086s 11. DAILY INCOME exoeds .... 1820,000 Its LIUE POLICIES aa-s0Sue Protection ltn the future. 5 -.It. IRE POLICIItS, lsnuod ai Cumina, Ekms, aford ample Protection te the Marchent sud Kouseirlder. Alilfaitr daims Psexrir yPàw, snd théeut- most liberality îhowu lu tire sdjustmenî e1 Ide"d ONevanada mranoir, Jiontreal. G. y. 0. SMITH, Omlet Agent for Dominiot. L. AIEAUKSJe.Aezur > . 1'ai Whitby, ôut, Whiby, <Tu9th, 1049.80 ErookiU Drug Store. orW 'dlcox nd-LIqucnsol th. bestquallîy orMdolpu rposes. Hors* # 0àllM.ddcfmuai una cflaud COMMÉRCîAL MOTEL, BROOK ST., WHITBY. biumed sesonoti boya vel sud là- -oribly kuovu irotel, vhich la DowvOued ID lu u peila r on nur, vtrvrcuel ence0 for ti r cption of gunetta sud itrs- e ~ot scoumodtion, sun&slpero w eilu. xad iar.God od tabliu witfr etlosed yards, suda atoutive Outiorssl vays ouitberpromW»e. Charges Nioderuse. E. M. GA2,DWÉ]LI. lUZB RIDE E.AENSfTEONoo - Ppwrte. 11,9 8SBSoxuïBER Les44M usd om L 26. BOOTS AN D SIIOESJ --- IF TOU WANT A 000» VFIT, A 0NDiJATRIA 'ZEST 0r WOBRANSMP, Try tire store of NATTREW COLLINS. W Ldics', Geui's sud C]lrldren's Boot sud fhoes lu greai verlety, aud ievMerstyle. Juiy 2. 870. 29 COMMERCIAL LIOTEL, OSHAWA, Oonveul.uily fitted up reoms fer Comurer- ciel trarelero. Biliards Attacireai TEnl8 17.1 BILLIARD ohig (87 &-89, Ring atreet Ei Toronto). TIIOMAS. CARLISLE, -Ptprm, Tire metioie- gnspaoions sud Moisis suppiied ai Li ail heurs. Whiosl aner sd Cigairo of tire lincibrad. siroil C>yîtens lu or-ar-ystyle. vVPat ê.l-sting Toi-onstoforaà day mwlij Inua Or-ory sccourmoaiat itire Terrapin. Aprl 3, 1810, 14 p ROPESSOR O'STy RESIDENCE, - Byr-onstreot, <Si wen gposi ou el Kri.) -o- Tmum.-.lstrntlousouonPiano, $lTioornye et Musical composition, &o., $5. - Mn. Porstkeqp. a geuea stok Of )À»rsa sud Donrks, for 0a@e, and I ishos a eal Whit>y March 2, 1870. g WHff 1Y, *ONT. 0o I No 1ult ---aydo - --TF m, v..lik J N.éw Putnsdo New Currazits,;.lNT OrWÉms andid Peel. INTH ALSO A. LARkàE STO(uK ý.Op 0-72 BE8T COAL F AM1 L Y CROCER lES Whitby,September 20, 181 Wines nnd Liquors of the boat BWands.' Whit'by1 Dec. 14, 17.. O T Thirty Days ASale c~w NEW DRI AT THE ~CHE.AP :CASH STORE. In order to meet thé, 1deinands of thie lIARD TutUEs, has'decided to havé a 30-Days Cheap Sale. the whole stock reduced in price. ', We give this sale early in the season so that our fricn'ds and patrons can have the benefit of the whole season ta wear their -purchases .,We are proud to keep, up our 'reputation. '1 'HE "IOREAP CASH STORE."9 o~- Prodnoe taken in exehange. JOHN SEINNER. u. - EU E.LA ~ LVU. Li ..4~.JLN.&o., in tins, Syrup. Sauces, Pickles, Flerrings, Bloaters, Table Sit, Soap, Starch, Blue, Apples, I ancy Biscuits, Lozenges -and nrixed JO -H N $ U N D E R 8 Sets, Scrubbing Brtshes and Bro'om, Twine, &a. , &c., &c. çlfe2 O Also Oatmeal, [Jam, Iacon, &C, (OPPSITETHF ROYL OAADIN BAK,)BEET SMOKING & OHEWING TODACCO,.& PIPES. 'V~"PU*UAil goods soid at the lowest living prices for cash. B1roek, Street, -w îutiy On t Give a ciil, and îry the new Provision and Grocery Store. W.H. S-MITH- Takes great pleasure in announcing ta the public, that lie bas 4'4 WbiLby, 2nd Nev,, 1870. Dundats street, (Arnsil', new store.: received a new and large stock of BOOTS AN» DS UO98, for Ladies, Mens' _____________________________ and Chiidreus' wcar, which are offered at extrcmcly loiw prices. Ilaving pur- cbased the hnlk of1Idha stock before the receuxi rise iu leather, ho caunot be ~ df nndcnsolularattention is direc ted to the Thom as, L fIVICS «à .- 0- Home-Made work donc in the Shop. MANUFACTIJEERS 0F Boots and be of eviry' descri ption, of. the best and latest styles, madle to order, and as noue bu't first-ÂL ~ -~Wà B~L~~ cl asaw orkm en are em ployed, a s r0i u u r n e d ~ ~ ' ~- ILaways on hand. nes llit ne QUA3m W I ESA LE-& R ETAI L.7%e cf eîernted new raient ind crogs4cale e beIiséie 'pater ethisowninveation Daircue n-r 4 a*heretorore. .neai ts - ~~~ A il ~ o r o r a c x e u t d i ith p r o m p tit u ff e n r V o n i * ~a n d d i P a tc h . lam s s ii r d JOSFPI p ii~m Jeon ddecL i EffP ALN-E P.. Stabling.i W1ýhithy, 31 ay 3, 1870. ,lY-16 beeixinrad'e. Keepsconstantly on hand, and in course of manu;,JMFORTANT T > mIIralyadraits fa c tu re , th e la rg e st sto c k o f nd rs gn d ee rn on ta tl o b u4 LR.dies'1 -Ce nts' ,and- MiJsses' F A R M1 NIMLEMENTS, fWhIthC71 :9 > >M U. sMM C M e.3 JO1NfTON ELF'ILAKE, Ns 8 Wood'aç Sof iake, Ohio Combinscf,-and Cayn- Examine for yourselves the excellent material and fine Work- a Jnnr Movrer,.aUullnaufactured at Bieh- The subiscr manship. Aiso a very gi-ent varjety' of plou's. Riirh- Its acoiena 15-April 13, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brôck st. mond fli, OIhawa. Wbitly, and Dominion tains 75 rorni troni MIU, Jas. M'aliter, As5hbnrn, alise Gang foz 60 ieraf. Plowi; ' 4altivittnrit, Strawcntters. Fanujiug Miii,. Road Scrapers, Ilorbe flocs, and WVeder,, tiufilen,, &o.. and al,.o the eelobrated _____ doTesotaiJaigTHE1 NET GROCERY IR NIP DRILL, (L- - abnis e on iai thebe tiioîlui, GEOR. W.hitbh (Jiawa ind Dominion Pointu.s,Land- iîdes, SMulia-boards. Pi',w ILwdlra, &» lepars kepi o11 baud ifor tu io 411oo1d fflî TIIE ubser Rearperm and Jilowsrs. JT naisloatie PR VISIONSTORE I% Agent fte OtroFrea i Srt' & " li, es bt o1 Brooklin, on -suid-- huit Ostreoftht a The undersigned.begs-to eall attention to the large' stock of neW mile euatet Grcenwood- Adaroms,- Theital ' way, and fresh Groceries which hoe is nomw offripg,- ALEX. MACKE, :gt~eyifr1 em bracin g- choicest and best fitvored Aunoue, . 1,81 , 1 7 0vry Teas, Cocos, Coffeo, Cliocolate, Currants, Raisins, Fies Prunes, Spices, Musq T A ~Whitby,Mav tard, &c,, &o., &c- Loaf, Crusled and Muscovada-'Sugar, IVainuts, mgA,)D LABOlt sAv Flberts, Almonds, fresh, Soda and oth r Biscuits, T 'E oSC L T N E T DIENDIG AS USUAL, ON THE SHOÎTEST NOTICE. hitby, Septoinbor 28, 1870 0 E Or~ oe~ a.-, ~ z~c- Q - Q a.~ z .5 ~ U2 b. a w la9 PALEAL- UKAM ALRTEl l39-y. Don Brewery, Toronto,. Ont. ~" As the proprieto ted esoa oteBewing; a règutàr- S stock of A es ad Po rter a u a way be dep nd d upon. Parties desirous of hiavig Aes of superior qaity and 1orter equai to any -- i poredarc respectfily solicitedl to send their orders fr a'qantity largeor = mal adtry for themi;elves. - With the nid of ur ncreased failitiie, we are enabled.to produce an arti.. ieâ (Il the year round> seeoi)d to none in the- Dopninîobn. SN. .-Order,% left with Mr. JAS. H. SAMO,at the Furniture Warroors, g>Brok Stret, Whitby will recive pompt attention, Dec. 1, 1869. STHE OLD STAND!1 PA TENTE» 1 OsT« 18=-jeOF JULT, 1870, Br The Patent«c challeuaas ary, othr nWasiug Slisbunow in use te Compote sgainst iris, forsny suir t3xey mary nome. Ti.he Mcineu lio, peau tlioi-nghiy tested, sud umeai hy nearly i, th Idpicipsi trtaels sd lading farmneis in t h e *ou t y h o p r n o uO n C 8 te t i e n t u w l u uc iwil a r iorm îaiîu iipoeket-.ianai. keroir'te aidquilt A trks-4vill satfrfy auy poa as te inieritg. Couuty Eightmsaid Machiines <xi sale, Apply te WM. NIATIIIWLiffl-. Brookilu, Ont Br-eeklii, sept. 14, 1870. PORiT -PzRit y - lous-E.' -PORLT PEiU'y, ONT. --- JAMES 1TIIOIPSON, PaeWRurueU. Tire 5rSn ner winites to interm tire eom- ruuletythathbit pfemisem ai-e nuîo apen te publie, vhrc lie ie prépareai te furiiis4b aagee aeoommedsîion as aunv .r tire Certy. sept. ID, 1870.- 7 pIIOTOGRAPIUy DOMINION GALLERIY là WHEEî m la, FR Notli.-g but good meor r-oems. Ail kindu tireOmmmii Iock Bize send< rd to oe te li k, leave tire ite in takiug Olai Por- *Vigito% nt pltturs.)1 vel rorar INITiolIs OXID1 LOALANi WVv. ]Er DENTAL DUNDAS WRITU] Whituy,June 26, 186 JOHN ROI Wliitby, Jan, p A P E Tire undersiguj tirith. iran 1-bout stuc Whi tiy, April 21, J UST RFogrv sold attire i WHOLM Wuity, N 2, i-o. 25 INGS 1 lwý 1 1 1. JORN SEMER,-ý t> Froduce taken in exébange. il JIBO-OTS SIIOES -voil WUP fumm.0,Ralw Il -LIN 1 1 quaulb6 Ambý' Ammý, ý ý.ý ! . /4 1 A A A UR E AM, 1

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