Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1870, p. 4

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1 rana. 4WO d ce Pleurs cloedIniIndiaà b ur iekîîg c,'l rei' fratý Frîats ofaitIl kîii4sg alwya Itanci, rest reductlon ln iprices. R.C. WL8& DaOniliea lGallery, Dandas t Wblny1 OtVRS >86v. - 48 R. BA PA WilALIdR, ai &itltl>nn, Ont. Twi n -Plough, AND ALSO TRE DOMINION, IkLOIJGI'IL- - atonie uatiatatsimig n a large oceo. tl,]a TWJN' & DOMINION rÂr Til ey tîilLIibgstir it ti eIl maoie, And lhe workilig irt qmaat i tir flri,.woaltldu well ta motd le thitr onkr, withoatt tly. taititlty.lilglte jfor majo. Mhimsîî,, Nutaîtber 10, 1802. 45-tf PRFl 5. 3. l'JsT, TE A CIE R PIA NO-FO0RT E, &C. ItNORCrtaitaai,IVNTa I*P1rîeAT 'raout Trnxr.-Instrtat-on: opi ita, fa;tleary et nîuîii .lntl tpotioti, &U.. extra,$. g~yAtti el rti i taro tait Il year entlîl. trîfteea lartt>gittrtttieui' it iîld Wl ti ., NIrau i.tImt, 180 . 1> LIVERVY T IE u DKlt8ltiNlD DESI1US TO IN T lils r rlend i d ptroile, itthlie WIIITDY LIVERY STABLES W ' littitiu ariredleht taîter entt 4qitîiiy ai tuilettwit, ialma a ddeti tu id lui- proict iltIi. ui:eWM UWIa atti itiie ait ilite Il)-ertiima1, lie litîlit>i by' belit:Irlit a pîael'tat ta iltît tifie eiltàatii tittoitiirn ltutantt a liare oit pulptragte. ODTE N. li.-,Uovuriid Citv>tîe fur laittllem ati lotit.. Itrutit ttatdLitnct, am lieralolore, Wlitb)y, Ayrii ,111. F ARMING- IMPLEMENTS, &C. Thue iîncdtrsl 0(ll iîc9ta state tltttbaon. [bot1 Sc-d & Manure Drills, AS WELL AS -WAGONS, -SCUFFLERS, AND AL I iilR OF FARMINQ IMiPLEMIENTS ALt'U Miti OELEBRATED C-HURN, Naiedtila o, nit otlta lutet trtllaicaorftiti, taIl tutti i ileat iltr-i '11,Liii t.itry, ttcl iii liniit- o il lAW tUT I tilii. ca oaiiy warlaud,ati maetiilit)ii l- 07Y rbmlu(tet. flariiie lîrtîtt tru-o iltu' u LtlC(IN,'S Cela- I)rtti t> lt lt10 kNtb I NFt.$uttiiî Iatifitic- try', IU ir tia slyt tlt it lt & ii;tt'tr atitili t ii 6-xtîut ti 1111 idat %i','tliiwhilitlie itla e fit'. orait t'iîcatier, ntl witiî er3iter taxliatltîeti tbit là t',thutu, tii iitga îi>' fuatu ti.ttiiîitiitul tuîittIriîl. udiylfth uk 'ifisii? ll C alt erilia îc 1. rl iguee 'Tekei ilà, aXcarge, andial nli lrtit ilawed. JA E11U LAYTON. Whtt,2p i 7, 18n9. 1 To MeUrg. CUn3îzniuîuAIN & SIL8, c(on- Poy . 0., COuiIIy of Lennozx, Ont., Canada. iProVitiu icjofLiititu, Fub liii, 1802. rVIj2lInlata cernltititit tiinq tiiewititer et J 8ilSWil tua lint itiitqutWinkilitcuaf tte otîikle, wl.iaîgtultli l t he tt lpniga 18117, axtentuld ta iny huerè-,, tuud att np ta att' lulîia, aiîl 1 haaîtiita St> ttraltiiitttt i counditzot wuit,,lit wîii atiiiti tt iîty eitir. Fur aboutt tto yliure, Wiuîu t1ilstis ctk>ull ttsconatinuagoit oiuiluyllitlt îlll'iit limtets, titrait ttnr. aîîdîumnuic, i f 1uet'it itidn, p.auiilîî' loy frîeitia. butt aiutta ttil!. 1 ciiticeý ot t itI wira andttworme, tîttil til'iiHuiir tcn f1868, wluil t ii1 liitliiuti l t t' thua ureat -.8 lasuait cona Ieuuîcit y reitîlutur ticeair.'e tarlrataj, la îut poriulat. At tlitia tintioIttl i igni tot feul tua wettktueue, li t ly itttisi; it tact i w'ua nirîtiiiiait lstiaOijiica,. 1 havue takaut two botleiairita0 4111itOeiiiît'iliiiudy nutuL turo boxes of tîe jl itlitut 1 tu it i ruraoreul le hietltlu, I nover exlutot t u gu ttler, but sîttîply tIeul thue îciiclîî u t lmot -r sl orlarn hJOFff. TItis Otîae Of'uttîO ue t11t0t a pruite cite, butatluiowi te ulrî- liii.,ttiglubors u, il frîontis; Adsud -0 ny Cliouiffilcuetias e Wall,I baive uly toasiytry tlIShai>outtm lemody; * blievo It wilI cire to, MARIY ASiN DOVGTTY. kuû oar sbçir. me it tiodcitintg 'lta- *sg, tUa ute/e ay ijFtrtear, 1869. A. F. WVOOa, 'J.Pý, &C. 1Ilien.by caritllthat I bave Icaaw» Mr.ý Mary Atmn Doiîghiy farillie lett lfteee yeri; alîie u awoiutfprohity autîtuth. iÏliare * knaowil er beofoirs, dti ngtundtinrce lier iII. ne". 1I ielleve lber certtîllate te hot. ë is avory patleatar. 1 kaaw thiat -wblle IlI iir - a i wude.ltrAd liopoese;0,and I Intiati luit mitu hia siiilusitemreorvery, eiwsyoi îtttrtblitei bier rêavory ttat-eIti Sliloites JOeiedy. W itatev n easy ha tlittpeaittîlar -praoertles ef thismtlellim, ans tIin lx ceartiluî, tualit tber eau., It lionau daiti aioit lîke the perfoiualince -~~~A ytsia! i . WOOD, J. P. - Wadnof theîsOotrty etfHsattiga, Province e<thiêsnlio,lDomlelo of Caaas. ".4 second it Xtr. A Slenaid variety of - ,ente' Furnish'ing Cood, À .6WVA4Ys ON -UA NTD. Goods made uip in latest styles, nt Iow prices,'for Cash. ALEXADR PRINGLE, Brook st., Wliîtby, August 24, 1809...... 12-ly GRE'AT BAIlGAINS 1 GREAT liED ZOIONS i IN ABOOTS & 8SHOESI -AT- - IR. J. Y A RNO LD'S! Notwithutnnding tis. Shoemnkér's trike 1 a>td4,herisein Leather, h. l. -Prepaicd ta '811 «first'.clnss Boots and Shoes et and under,,theo ad Price ior Cash. Men's.bhavy coarso oos;Xip and French Caif Boots ; French Caïfsewed Gaiters ; Ai-tic Overahoas. Ladies' high ceut plain Balmornia ; high cnt Goàt skia Belmorals,,and Vt.lveteen and PrIuneIa lleelnorels. Misses nnd Clî)ildrcen's Velveteen nnd Prunelle Belmorelsi Ladies' end Ibi issus buttoned Fëlt Ovcrsthpes, Trunks,- c Fur clîcap goads try- R .Y ROD Opposite Ontarlo Bank. N. B.-AiI accounts rcndcred lest October inust be paid withont Sfurtlier notice. WIiitby, Dec. 1, 1860. 8Ma-48 E CO ' oe...d MN HOUSEHOL» O çj2 ~i. su ai o O O ai -. -a <12 ~' e~O Q ~'URNI TU R E. -t Imm PHI'PPE4JS., BROOKLUINB I will soul Sofas, Sofa - chairs, Secret i, fo-èes, Cnpboards Shelféers Wardrobes, Sida boards. Wash Stands, large 1lancy hanging Looki ng.G lasses, at great*&sacrifice. .Mly stock 0f F'urniture la very large, anîd nearly al my own inake, 1 en warrant it ut give go aifcin Now 18 the tinie for great bargrains, corne znd see. TERMS OMMtaSIt. FLTNERALS gttended to with every attention and on. short notice.-~ first-chas Hers to îîire, fitted up with a douile sett of Plumes complet-e.- itememnor tue place.. Sept. 29,'1869. N. PHIPPEN Brooklin. . 9 ' OFFI'CIAL ASSIG10NÉ!ýE. GENERAL -ÂGENCY_ OFFIQXEI 'f IEundrsgned havfng received- the appointment o fiiiAsgeo ot rOnltjaElod, 8te peared ta 11,prmt tenin moail inatest *ui.yo insolvencyio romîssaory Notes and Accounts speedily colectd ad Feinittance pronîpîly mattetionde. On gaod arm secuelty at 8 per cent Interest. Specîi attention yull b. g*no the. negociatian af Loans, and barrowem- cani rely'apon bavlng their applications'attended ta promptly, and ut snall exp8fl5e. À£oP MglA2d bath Ioeproyet1 andi uni'nprveva constantly for sale. anmourances esfce 13 tgý ont<ï ariatners, Mutuai Insurance Uempany. B.MAOR offcilAssigne. and t. OEnICZ ;Blg.oeî Bloek, mut doer ote iRoyo a usia" Bank, Port P.rrj, »eemberSlS Luu trustsL)y proper attention ana mOderate prices to secure a mtinuance of publie- patronage. PrneU cal uphelsterlng. Fornîture re-stuO.4 dB îvered. raddrtakig and- Fumeais. Fully Supplied as heretofore, IWSouiie splendid speciinens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. emembier t7iS ONC Stand. Whitby, March 9, 1868. ) INSU RANCE1 The 'uia'âersigmed continues.to represent' the followinýg reliable INSURANCE COMPANLES: nu"D OFFICE, 1ËI'RANCIS HEWARD, s. IMPERIA L, Capital, $2,000,0o. aTORONTO*. I JOUX AG EW - Capital, $2,00,000. IIEA OFICE, . IONTREALe RENTOUL ]BROTII'S, NOIITII BRUITISIJ, Capital, $2,000,000, ]E BEAU OFFICE, - JONTREAL., MoDOUGALL & DAVIDSON, IJOIhN AGNEW, MAZÂGEIS J GEITWnn 10 1 E, HXEAD OFFICE, NEWIIAVEN, CON. - Caita, $400,000.] PROVINCIAL, HEAD-OFFICE, TORIONTO. JAS.,SIDNEY> CROCHER,J SCOTTISII PROVINCIAL, (LiFE,) A, DAVIDSON PARKER, O -Also the Coclonial Securities Money, at reasonable rates. Whitby, January 4, 1870. Agent, Wbitby uî oe w c,. <1~ w E JOHN AGNEW, AGENT, WUrrnyI. JOHIN AGNEW, Company, for the Loan cf JOHRN AGNEW J01N' S KINNER, 0f the 'Cheap Cash'Store, begs to announnce thât he wiIl hav until further notice, one of the (JI-EAPEST SALES ever offered in Whitby. The balance of the. * ~~ R LBESL ToehREGAthsowsok, hc sio RDIIESS oV VA UE prices thet will te.npt any-one wbo bu ready money. The objeçet of-tlîis sal isno tanike noey, but simply ta get the stock diposed o£ 'Whether you purchase or not, couic and inspect the gooda. We will not quote prices, but say a great deal in a few words,' -Wo Pl-omise to save on most of the stock et Ieaàt 2jpar cent. Whitby. <Tan. 26, 1870. MAIUACT UREI> AT TlllK '4griultural Woirks. LEFFEL's CELEDRATEU Double TUBINE1 WATER WIIEEL 'Till MOST ZKOsoNieÀL WýiIZEZL aow 1g ka£ C~i g-. b» I o» -.1 p Fire 'Proof Chimneys, Shades, Refloctere, Pookot 1Spring Braekets, Wiok Trays, &.- 2-Wbitby, Jan. 12, 1870. O) liq T fIIFSF. WIeelà w. tiesmo 1w manufonatnriîîg ciicuper thlti i îîy tflr %hpsitîie uaColna. tr', Di] wit Ii ivo a glarttec witl citai iNt';!elirruuîtit:g thèautotabituneweii inîttie, ati la giveeanegonti Jrtitfatiotn ay mari- 'actoreti lit e Doiniliota. l' rti sc e tia ri îtn u -Iler In fo n n ati an ian ab- tain il ly ad d itig .a0 i* , PAXTON, TATEý& CO,, Marh 8i.t 159.Peri>'-SI., Port Pcrry, Ont. March318t,1819 Lant0rns, JAMES H*. GERR[I &F»E Bm ill rgSoe Have decided to offer the balance of- their Fal rd Winter At and undert(ostprice for cash, before M, for the. British markets ta purcesae- their- spring ài anthiag speciel will please leve iheir orders betpre apeig4 attenti'on to the lalIowin9 chi Black.aud -Colored. Silks, PopIins,P Fnoy- 1 ,'Wiey,- Ladies Eur, Mantles andSI Pactory and White Cottons, É'iâi - and Blawkets, Ooakings Clothe and: T' "id"d~ 1IEAD Y MADECL GRGQCERIES.-The attention of Houseki their 'reas of thpir own importation, Speciali ces, R&J WJiiby & Manchester, Jan, lot 1870, il IGB ESTM ~AU KErpERIcE BARLEY, MIEAT & - PEAS, S A T FRENCHMANS .BAY Wx. WFIITESIDE Frenehman'a Bey, Sept 22,) 1869. 88. ASSUR~ANCE 1COMPANY rg UEurtlersilned having been- appaînteti drc T A ent for the abat'. Conmpany, W Dotw ameaedtibutare propety aai-14t 1.088BY Flltg,'on th i aittlavrabla terni». 9-12m. 1 .; FAIRBANKS, Jr., p Agent, Wlîltby. OUTUERN fOT EL 1 WH1-1T -B Y. R.~ P. CLARK,- Proprietor. JLAC KI s HO0TEL.. -ADELAIDE TBEET, TORONTO, laU lZéthéo loe, Z Manrket. AirV ronM% tanti romnefor, enîiiilt.a: TI.aprorrietar will'ondeîîvier to rive atiArnea. tiait tua ill wi may lvoir inii watit a 4ceIl. TrttNov. 22, 1809. hiro. Kîîowhoan n Mism Clark, beg, ta n nonilice to tho Lwlica of Wliiy and vicltity, thailîîy have Opelied butçileha iicullmnc ( , next dopr enst of tlie Grainnar t;ehaol,) wilere tlzeï, will lie preparod ta receve andt exeette ail nrdàmer r ioaiîaklng anti imon- ti.) lu a stîperir ii iriîier r tlii.latei.t fteittgi. Aliordeama atte!,iiecl 4) vith puie- tuulicy ittititle atictentt attention. Mlii. IKNOWLING, IiI$i CLARK, Wl ithy. loav 17, 18 49. de uJZNFAILING EE pi8U R CtLEi.iitATED n pJItcT£D -AND»- Ille large antidiccain als ithae * in ireprafftleienoririy.W. were sitlakdtituttht' outib. ppeaed lire anal tiatimbilliacafu atiolJbaltue thîeygîve la ail cnsem, ware tri tbemaelroan sa aptireulî ou trial, tînut Ile rasaIt CoaltiÎnot bc atluerwiAth,,' tIna Imme, i iami$ the emalaioption ai aut CELEBieATED 'REYE 'tAC 5 by h te ai] ùante ihlct iîyH. Willi a ful km/wlodge ef tue velu.f oftheaa.. sorlian, we caii thust tht>' ire tuemniat percect 0 tical aide tirer maîîufaatared. To thasie sieeti. ltgstaals we ifrd t l tintles ai t 1ppr. tiinity ai prqcnriagtlse bestan tn uoqttieâiràblo. JH. GERBE, Druggs,&. Daudau St.., IV hib 77îeir,' Sol. Agent fur tiMé place. Haîié lwayiîn n an a fuIl aaaortacnt, anitebla. liarrrdiffleulty.- % e takeoaaasion 1ta natify Ile publiaý thet WC anîploy nJu pailirs, nîtid ta caution theun agalutat preteu.ding to huve ont gootia for saie. FIllE ASSUIANCE CO, LOMB AIDSTREET a& CIIAHINQ ROS ESLIABLISJED -IN 1782.4 GILLESPîR, MOFFATT & Ca., Aot-o Cana.. Agua o JAMES DYAVIjsCN, Manager. mint pnaspor Ita INVFlTE Ite DAILY1 IsALIFE p for the.fnture ttLTLEMLPN'8 G.AI<mEnrs adé up n thet het.yle aii aieeg'Çiishîon. A fine stock aor(ilotils frow whiob teatiel a nletian for Gentlemnerjs bummi ie n Oshawa, Mfay 12, 3809., -»* NEWLY IMPORTED PAPER T RE inderi.ignet i egg te ilinornVe uk li lttle imparali îed d aring bIis ns Cent staY in Eniglant, a lot af SPLENDID P-APER-IlAN GIN (So Selectoti caroinl]Y by hiiel fwhleh ho hase. nul£ at Very iduced Palcesm. SPalntiig, Gralning, Ginzriqg, and Paper Iagnee~~. inuwork maulike ati eXpedttjuaî mariner, au nenal. - A. C. WILSON, WhitbY April 8, 18. Dada Sret l FRESU & CU]RED! T IIE SUPICRIBVR ltegs ta iiterm nton. ..ers aiti uta10taili lstIliim itlop la COU- etaaitlY ,,îpîtlie willi tL.e beat lemutton, vrai, Lamb, Pork, &C., prOPerlY and i carelalIlj' treacat anti jointet t ctI tîuîdeektcjîere§, nai fer aiJe u lit te lowst t'oruedý.]le,fl'ork an.d Cx Tongues anre ina nIllierlàa'r taner; anideronUtbiig lut lthe Viauual11ng ligie kepL e0atîýtaiiuy oùi bondit. i W liemember thte new Sltop-btweén the aàttia, id leair. UutcandaitiLotes <&Powel, Iimak Street. * -JAMES 3M.ANN. Wiiby, IMardi Sth, 18O. 1tI J 111N -IIO(BINSo(N'S flair ýDressing and Shaving SALOO0N,- * 111CR ST., W-II1TBY. £ OUR o 50 T o i t x uzor irrae Wlilitlt1, J'lu. 22,1'68. L ANDl fu.K SALE!1 !file Noruth bl! a! ofLot No. 12, la-the 4t1h TOWNSHIP Of PICXERING: cOntaitil In, 100 caesp. Tiieelet a-larga- quaa. tii7 ai e'xcellerntCodranti gatit lMurwood 09. -a t. Tualeaoi egoi iediwll -Waitered cpital Mill site un tige Prî GEORGE BALLARD, 0tee mis.. Greeikwoo, Or ta W. Il. R1LLIOGB - * Sliaitor, Wlitby. Granwooti, Isy 18, 189. ti.20. JOHN CARTER, LýICENSED AUCTIONEER.. FO Za oxsx ONTAR-10, YORK& PFEL. 1 -o- SALES atteidetion theipli,ebtqsnotice, *ni on rensonnele termax.- Ternis enu be matie a;. i 'ille printed attis Chroutîcs. ofile fan M Carter. 1 COMMERCIAL 'IOTEL, JAMES PRIIYG]LE,- Proprielor THE ALBION ROTELP Corner of Brock & udasStreets, WHIT-BY J. O. MIcPl1ERtSON, - Propufetar.. là 1-t*e ef theo Union Ilalel, SacranîentGb oit, allfrnii,- Whltby, Jan.. lut, 1869. AUC9 Ci'ONJ3SlNESsý 1869. bot m, 2,nttan.; 0 cotitinat sales, )IJNTY9 RATES. as can ble moide s, or ait.uty ewe ANKU, Jr., Aueriowxuz S. -. JAC. W tarristebr, Soli, Cati etmoek li- W!althy, oü. , TunlliCm BRrOse, 5.11, ehth et? sntito at oicM B cn Bal1u liawmîu AXSLAO ejgriog. U -wigf. n 7 SURGEONC, AI Strot. et MUAR Teiiëigdthe t. DiSeýtîtMosa.t tIflu et.theaemonvearib tenbdne. D. W Rgbf. J 1. 16 5u roomtudat Fo mri NO, Surg r- . i A L IJ E Whitbye'lan. 26p 1870. SR MER. JOEN AGNEW, 1 AGaNT, Warmy. Capital, $1,500,000

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