Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1870, p. 4

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econd to no[ l~ Mr. JAS, JoliI Aabu ivj 4 1 0, 1 , IV.U CENTRÂL flO1ÉI R, lvollAM ,ALSO .4.G0O Bilk M1ktureg, ad ouest$ iroad Clothir apJ Cents'- FU raim ROYA ÇA~IA BAE iGSd ood de unp lnlatemi .4 ftorihe oeil or ton per cent fi iJworbyniIIâ on.m .ue.ii %re of the saItai stock o h oty <i!n4laIn Bmnk, enbssl>,d.1W ah14 .lot baat, rook IL, Whiltbl, Migst 24, 1800, IM lU,uioil ta b. 4aîbu. et the Hu4MA So. ofrh Bn ini 1ntToron go or of elay ofthu A4@00 fies onîthe ,iv.e4Idiy of YhuaIy liest.- a>' ordr o e ii Ioard. TIIOS, MoCRAnXKEW, PROF. #V OST. EAT ý Tuuxu.-Xýnstrootioni on pl no, $0 theor>' et mnie! compoulitio*ge xtra, $0, aoismino'rof aoto, 'o..t td urltui noù, vwtJby, Murc t , 10M9. 91' j, J -L 1 ViE, R Y ! tWttadntoho ,ME UNDERMIGNgDýD.F3EAYR TO IN, tou-i*frogsk10end pstrousi liait bd 1HITY IV STÂPAILES fiaviug ere.UI theilîimnbur sud qlisuIfy ai tihe tuc!, sudAIA aiosddod t0 and !1 1 proytheii colisvss>'uncc sand roisk'ics an telig premline uhopetà b>'balslut n-#ponIion te mueQt th@ wynteo 01cuestaocystgouerit a sbire e1 public pafronage, SW CUARGES MODERATE .0 N. ».-CVarod cosnvcyalseei for famrile& ea &U rdors. N. RAr, I'repviefor. 7b s nîslroeid=99bite ttoiit hecon. t1ceo e fa51îsutscture 11 RLoot, & d& anr Dil, AND ÀLL 81401 0? FAIRMING IMPLEIUENTS CELEBRATED-0HUàN, NOfuc! ÃŽle onO Of tise iîst ertiiex Oattise kInd lisannaacturssdiii ti,,, eoutity, asic bis lispror. cd 8BItA W CUiT rEis, se aini>' werkod,sud soa upéona iicr-yrecpect.j IliSvi ~proeursc7tneOutf kRICE8ON'g Cca- 1brstdooLf)tlCEi lNl,$ut lisismanuuliei ticeuiteo-li prsicrbiits uiiislie iuay liefar. aoei cieaper, asid itis greriter eupuitloi tihon hitiiurtsi, iisd la ghssrsssslec os'ery ustiutue. fiasigoc custqmere fl tise qulity or- trio worlc. Imauslp sud gusstoriiil. errCati asic!*ce flic nov Calorie ERugisse At CORDWO» & TMOER Titelnluxehangu, aud Casit Prscu siiowcd. JAUIESCLAYTON. Wiifby, April 27, 1869. 17 TO azeur..CHAMBXLA1S &SILLS, (Con- esaY 1P. O., Oouuty of Lennox, Ont,, Oanada. - bl"e ousufyof JIsistinga :1poiooecf Iuntario, h. tthl 1889. 114t Oli it dorinq théuei 0 r 1868 1 w. f.sken vitisa a ni esof thé sricleos, whieil radualiydsiring thé SprIug af 1867, ,steuslesti n>' line, ansi onunp teésuy isipe, suc! 1 bucoome a ok tîsat t coula inust wihk, but wue eSnftssed te u>' ycîsiir. For &boaut tire y""n, whsit itl slsin ires coudag on me, sc! trwrd,i sssglst imédicail advuce, umloyne et différent fîmem, tisruadoofrs., anu1110d JIuSesOf' difeOremît klns!, p--àswrlbea by fniessde. but ai Do avait. Icoaitisiue'î ta gut woeeasd, irure, uitti fise icusmer « 1îi8% wlien XIvaselatluce.dte fry theise a hoalsic- ea lfeusdy lu>'readlng fise curge erIarmceI, lu, s4pamphblet. -Afthlàtitei ais id begun te MOI thé wuskne.o$ auMy iaida; bu tsct I1iras Uët i amotliipe. av~e!tairon tirao boxe& of fui iilli andamd I issuetsl'yreatarud ta housth. 1 nover expocted te. got botter, but simpi>' frIsc! théu inuiou a mort )f foriaru Jiepé. This cmseuof nino Wrsu mot a prîvatu eue, bat basa fn Il ni yueighbars suid frlundà,; ansiteanysu>'asffictéc!u a sVos, 1 hsvoui.ftsaay try thésb loaucca IUeauaiy 1 boflve it il cue rVoit. - MAIW ÂNN DOUGHTY. &otrm toIler, Mo ai Madot', Ceuni>. qf ia.-. jugg, ti. ig do>' f hs'ue0, ,1809. 1 beruby cwntiy l litS1I iisvekuira ifs maiAu o If u te lut efan es-rI1 knoworh nbefoe dorinaud nouée be- 111 Pb. wî.llu orenflictet IotraO là' *gwyuiateuisr. 1 kuow I i te rbl er u' iu wu odeOlfreaihepaes; sud I1 sîev tlîss ai hall, salmwho .ovo.ry, aliweyettristed len nsso0ve.IyLa fc is she1uoees Itmesl'. Wtsufvîr ou.>' bc thii pacuibuir pra>porties oet tbli rudsioine, enu fAliîg lm cutiu, tflsinlober MsU, If hait se u4ýulMW4 Ilika thieporfoit mu oft slu -0.. .WOOD, '. wsrdè of' the Coiuit>' 0f llssbîge, Poosbnce e(t rio, Doilenefoa 1 s 4 e 4 )D ASSORTMENT 0OP Docikins, Kelton, leS 09v.tIND it sylo. at ow pice. forCash ,-.$ ËI' lA trIJICEp ProPared té'SO"IllMrot..lasee Iiots at hesa mon@ heavy coaruBoote ; Kip'and Frencý Calf Boos; French 4,f i~ishigh eut plIain BàltnaI. 1>gh outiaVtskin,13 horils;, and Vetcn and irunella 1aiwprJ.. Muses and Cli ildrWcn# 'Vco'tccn and' Pikncelà flaImouals Ldi' -Xca isýço buttô»edIfiDorlo, ]n1c'tse ùIy-. JOR 3 YÂRNOLDf ~' l-Ï ccounu's furtiior notice. - Opposit4 Ontarlo, Bink. rencere lat Otobr iuatbo aidwithot Co> REAT BARGAINS IN Ro ,USEHROL PUENt TU ~ E. I will uell- Sofiusg -Sofa - Chairs, Seeretarys, Book Cases,4 Cnpbosrds Shelfenèrs Waiàrobes, ' ide beards, . w.nmsh S tende, large fane>' hauging Loolcing.GJasses, àtgu'éht sacrifice: -MY-stock of Futrnitura is ver>' largfey and nearly ail ni> owninake,-I eau warranît iLt t ,give good satisfaction,, &o-w lu the timo for groeat'bâizains, eoma'axsd sec. TERAIS CASgI. YUNERALSattended te witih evcu'y atttention- sud on short notice. A t aS-I H e ore n, fitted up %witls adoublea ett of P1nmçgcmpoe anuuvmonr the place. Sept.ý29# 1869. N, PHIPEN frooklin. OF FICA.ASCE En GENERJU AGIEýNCY' OFFICE! ¶peE tnenugedhviug-joçived 4 ti.ppaintieut or Ofidiel Asiguc for North Outri, 1 pepaedtegivo Prompt atteio siFijiatterunlu urufor Insoioncy.W Prwlaae NoS., su Acconts peedil>' coib.eted sdrmUuc paonpîyuuude -s ,an s nd* -tteye Oc god snuàbu~wbt.t pieauu Iucret 'Spesfl i tteustbouu mlli b.givon ta ti =eeesion of Loans,:suit bariuworasa gsy io>' tav8abng their SpplJcstioustnd te prouipian sd ut umaîl expli..ated -~As.Lands, bath Iuproiedend nsimfproVed congtautl> for Basie. Insw'uces 0ecuted l tsi LOnario Paumers MutuaInssincsico 7onsy. - "'r *~'. - E.MAJOR, - ltart Perryu, Doombur 2, 556 Bsm .48- AND IEST MNUFACTUÛ4E, ~J j p~~~ bo founid suficientyMf l IIt I Try the New Establishweot of Wht1, . O'DONOVAN, JOLI191 N K NNER, Jan. 12 18~'O.BROOK STREET. 0 h CepCs tr, begs to announce that he wiIlf until iurthoer notice,,ene of the 'HEAPEST SALES lever offored Wlîitby. Theë balance of tho on URNt .The- uncsge.cniuto INSURANCE IIRAD OFFICE, ' OI N O FRANIS KWAD~ SQ~ J OhNAGNEW, 131 'PRI L )ÂNA~KŽïi A01 repese.t.tbe~folowngreliable COMPANIE S : ai, $2,0ilUO. I IIEAD OFFICE, RENTotTl 1311T11lf'S, NO RTH B RITIiSH1, 'Ca taI, $2,000,000, MoDOUGÀLL & DA' DSON, hOME, Japita~,~VxT 'DEADCapital, $1ri,50, YJADOFIC. WP II AVNEN, 0(11<. UIBY J9IN ANEW 400,00W0'a. JAS. SIDNEY CROC1tER~ T M OVNIAaIt J JOHN AGNEW, AGIINT, lVnry. SETOTTI'POVNCAL A. DAVIDI SON PARKER, L3J'Also the ,,folonial-Sceurities Mc>ney,,at reasonable rates.1 Whbitby, 4anuary 4, 1870. JON AGE-;,- Coýmpany, for theLoan of -Agent, V1itby Co i? E D. Ur.R Capbel - tart stoc .(Pris-ering rj -.~----a r. ..sîj.~.ss~scretucr rdrs efrathe 2'th.) The>' direct J DIao mn 0<oro 81kgPopns, ?anûcy-Dreso Goodo, Plaids, WinoesI dies Purs,,Mantesand~ akMînr 'aotbryland Whit0Cottons;, Printos; Plannelà, m~d. lanIcetsf,<Oloaknge, Carpets, --- - REÂDY 31ADE CLOTJING, G' GReýRT-.ThatentiônO8of Fousekeepers ià diree"ted bo their Teu, of their O)Wni3POrtation. Special priecs for quantitie. es. - - &J- C AMPB.ELL. , fomthçlsiihr iettop nrchý; 1t70i REG A.RD1IS S VALUiE. Toeh rwith his own stock, which "il 1now rod ùeèd to Suchi pricýs.Lhjat iii temptnniy'one who has rOady money. Toorjetll tusJ salé is not to mnke inney, bjt"XirnPly to get the stock dispouecd of Whether c newil Dot qiote prices, but saya great deal in.,a 1ewwords. "oiiet aýci oto h tcca lat-fl prcn.s 9-d-ft uper 1~gux,,iÃŽiia work =n 0anusd expcditionus marneun léw minc. MANVAc7-ruuîEuAT IE TilE JK'8 O L -A- C-WlILsON, B Jj > AIDEDunadSt :ret, 4 A gricu1tù.rai W orks. A -E AI 1 > TR ETTOR ONqTo, W lbA r!8 se 4 b DbeTUINE IWATER WHE EL. (akv 1101- Io4g ;FwMtl,) Tasvo EM O IMCAL MztNw NUP! bal'ket. Airy ' . nuenti>' suuîpp fere btat . cou Toront siwio, ms srrîiiîwtaaaîî " Ie uton, Vpal, Lamb, ork &o., T41uo Ilr 2 39 IX Praprly ndcsreguiy de nd dJointei t riNSOLVENT Ad j i eeescerass o sIgttise JOOI, O n a e ovin e f g) ti l i a l u i c C o u n ty i e ] e e , P o r k a n d C x T o g u e s Couut cf liiflI 0) . of iettro baril l s vu îlelr; sid!ee>iiî an Io-en. DowInghue kp h ade upi1 to Tnnoku l'Ptl )ID aiaoi sud IPcria On the, 5,IgVt'eShJU L Were& L't Irel, Ontr;iseQerIgisteo iu t P BII 0 euA' 7 JflUg MANN. of tf'âisd -Court, sit il. cio',, 16V clsîrgo usle tiîs, A f. -i-sk0. uIj fors, u* f i WILLIAmi!BEALT, R084N80rq18, * theo choyý a isnd lniolvoisf. flair Dressing and Shaving Tos f iityD -.15 186. td-51 *ox 'iFILIG JzBL'OCK ST, WIiITDi'. U LLI Wlitby, Jafu. 22, '68. LANDFI ALl - Tise ?Narfih ait K.of Cougessor ftis Loe N. 2, ilu he4th eh LAZARUS, XoRitS i& CO., T'OWN8HIp of PICKERING. sE3.AP cenlthsninsJz 1 aceTeeti cierf qssn. - CLEIM TE PisECeeti' Ot excellent crue. Th o 1 I ' gOnoi d weil sffd tisd t. Tc Radi en,,, gn ul Wsss (~ sl ¶71 f3 ~P Jl~ Il <7~ ~ isd iseic is îca it II site on tie pi5 J~!,~ ~ ~,~ ,~ J~ nilsepé ïArply tbp GEORGE I3ALLAIZD, -Ait»-on ths rme YOM t. DrADAM FULL4WEUN 'Ile largeo udiîcesig sles 0f thooe * Or' te W . .11. iLL cdG , PER ECED * SÊ13 olie tôr,< Wisitby la sreprofttser ,uuriorîty. We ueri - O------C A R T E R, fqtiftd tiattb6Ywouil bc, 9f JCciatrd lier '94sic lswlsero, ssasd tlsst tise r cs. iat ti boure tee ascltaesrerw or0Osé beasutfftUI loeeLIOENSED AUTCTONEER. Viz -,tisecaeusesud eonort, ieaairidas re is ul Y ssc e rt iin e d lm 1ra e nt o ( ti i, g r1 1 8 O l s u e snd tise brililîi n s.t nc tis e>' ie b I IhtJSSLOY O R K & PF E Lfoi cases, hwers In uthemslroeIý sî8 pa n ntriail isst r cut cculai fot-o otlirwine than i#th Co . Fl is, usthoI re scmt r2or,rlado tien of cr L E I E C .L t CEBttA'ED PEiFyC'DIL'EOuL5rkbStucou.,. by tise reciielitoq of this klosuity. - Usiionviiic.l Wiis sfssi kzûwedg oftis vausettsea.' SALES atteldec! 0.5tise ehorfent notice, ani reru'on, we laitîfllat tl,..>'ire t ssnsatpsrtect orsgisW.trs c i lu bc îssd e nssj ica5l aidtscee fr n t ils Car ter. g t thie *ofcChr '16"I-tuedITo*hse ec - ozcfrr GERIE, Druggist, &e,, CAL S TL - Dundegst.,,lVlufeby., ).IW A . r Bo e gent ? for -/ u l c AM E S P iJ N G A , . P o r e a liass ilusYs Onbaud a fuîllcaer 1 J MESstt, aulteblopreto for crer cdif ilculty. t -t, utbi t'tske 'O cso 0 nthautiîonblc THE ALBION 1HOTEL, '= Pedlorm, ssnd t to n Baoi sei.- et r1 e . n t..oeoubessfe re 0 rock & Dundas Streelp, Nov. 29, f 69. -*- WHIT13Y. JRRI MCPHIERSON, -Proprietori PH e IXa' Lfeifs Ullion Ilatal, Secramoento FIE 4SSU-R4X 'CE CO, ,I tby, au ia, Isou . l9MBAIîDST EET CIIAîING CROSs, C T O ' U I N S ESlàdBLISBRED le1782,, l GILLEFSPIE, MOPFATT & Co.,' Agoults fat 1 Casnada. SJÂÀMZSDAVIS (,NManage r. -: f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c lutc iani 05b ii rotu-taks rthe lb iei'ssipatron- dO tise masâtfsvorsbîo'etmesu d fOunce5 tiiaf t 1u ,Pr,et il ipassuei andiau- 9 prea to caulduct tls TE09A~N GBSNc TOWXN- fVp f'i"wT' .-, ,' sures,~ ic, ire sir te no suiri 'is'lsss'l ~ ( bcirists0li i ah ii, lw diuntsid i'ste.d's i lus rtiisir info'rmaioni eau ei a 'fru, AT ê C), maressrt 1869. r , .Portl'ci-ry, oui ......... WHEAT& FRENCHMANS &Y l'rencsuusn's Boay, sept. 22, 1j869,6e. DRtITISII ýAMERIüAN 8SUUAN~ 1I0PANY Capital, -$400,000. 1IE -uxn<erseigne! hsrilsg ben appointel -',Agenit, fer tiý, sbove Cempa.nY - it, 00W cîrd fa lmure ropftlgalnt LoSBTý Ea, cii the montavrhi ere Applyfto - * L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., lu,. Agent, Wlsithy. 0 lRT U E N IR TE L1 WIlI T BY. IP. CLARIK, - Proprietorl. AI uwliliitî., 1 0", Odi,rurnu li311 Wiii*y, C> A IT .- . ~AL TLi 0tforCgL Ëf A. W.s IL Oi. ilroc.ket-t A r rulINSia i, WisMyt1, Oouilgd u,,5mi,-t Fot*ry LMNa 'W~TO n 9 p JIr., laSE,. MI180 'j E oe w c, O w E Pire, Proof ChinuieYs S hades, ,fo -' spg:Braekets, Wick 2-W htby', J s 2 8 0 Have deoîded to,9ffer'thie bal, Faland Winteu" IAt and under <Jout price- for cash, befor'- TH E: E3 Ë LI G , -'U; nid 1 Wliltbye j'an, 2ojý 1870. WulTn.. IIRAD OPPICE, d6 TOIIÃ"NTO. ri -A T- 1 1 il

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