Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1870, p. 3

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- ."0 - t- -__ WbIeb7, b O lia. I1'*,1 le, n'ion cass oureb t, o 6I SI, i i0< l. t@ uabpAt 1',IL, ta. Th# pubie m lse«né, iugt t "' . E IM IBPE sl LOPR9AL ONü. VPtyG0 Wu,à 4 01Vb'Obl t W L by tbr e oI. DWt.r jw, ~~Witb, 1'th- fa . 1870 OL0I e., y, M 30_ _ _ _ ]P_ _la _ _ _ _Y, _ _ 0 9 WSte,-f Juuil W h eaER gA __ lâtceaO rés ic , t A R D AIr a etefl o f O. W h M _____ ______#one____ ___a____Dm 1W #_ rhty l5tt8 IJiblh,187o. M 7 ON, ;y ,- Fe , r , s HIuIAK.p iD5 a us T a.R ola , M M I L U A . N C o .. .......... i N, t O m en l 411of a1,l41ld e m cr a, nIv>' A d IT -r~ Bute..... 0 . B rdran ta il aled by et. Qnh....'a ...............U.180 PN, l 1 nd epW.otg Por el( &A L.Yeitdo Pocd i nt adfo di l -a d ât mh or t he >0 elt pr 0 4iee aaeItýý ,rIdA ir......v..i.. nuov buildinthg o1 ,do» r ndibe itth oferm ScLonee l M y p e a u a l a l o o f l i e rI.e 7 Yhong blu m o ha e ad m eb e qly. - f r he pl SMI oi ave pur Te Imm îoqmpad a n chare oodMUPone- npoalI a-:ndroe h n tio anu dif ren To ene bi ldiong W D E I A , 2 r B . 8 0, J H oSera - good Indla.reous us. OHng I uth oin, tiate orpr. a dtîueri! 0 a an e, whlnh vii b AS A point B. fGIBSO, . K"teA.011111 (1 L V N IÇ D0»Pr OMINION fTilExoro.u mI CII. foiia asaj MCa WJOIYtb tesaTi, J oHN eAlIa , à4 l bé9Olr ~onr Ont toiba. ai , aioAruhponhposi. on ys Tordlfso t l > P ono l. S MOpééhrbssn T segtr on E SODu d tha U f'2 laie, tii, orte T o i ' n i o O c t 1 9 m a9 . A R 1 1 lR Oas i R T Y . w i l : y , T a r . 1 8 , 8 7 0 C l è a r i ngr e nB r u n.a t a d 1 nw l c k , aH Na d e x,- J O N M I I T ÀOY 10111à, 0 Or_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - u r e a t b-m aS a l e . L o w =.f a owerP O W E L Lo abw.W.uttwo mile.Y-W mm tot opr.lto as his iatlue,, Fr pa- il aie Snbaiha i 'Wu.SInul&î. Gtimr uE isi s o , blE ue tllfo LI A EN0 EA TKI I- taou94 U D«Ml*j 7ýrt.tà?n he titieoofPlaielthi Mer,. un N E o c t . 1 , 1 8 . -4 1 F R P O - v tiÏ. J a r.8 0l e , _0 ;_. G O TU Si.oLDYo TOb' PT inty Ganre a tbot 7 c'IL BOagS le, At PrAgnt$e.SaaJJofrrpe le 0t re ece JUIN ot VJITNGtti, a nogvîela YfWb y vo nl larWoelf' t a ndDO O Seafe4 lsj.èl u uteflii» and ot l Ia TC..'~ ulcl ee, oje l 00lllIjOlsuo uule - lu tari l; ceir,a d the i> mbas187 D , n f el nur~ isai . l iuid u irothr ulssu a .c areFr r, F e at h o rs FsudCoiamia.lonerLc e rang forJti 722 PIE lit titytuiticand- lierealdg:.5-AtGaderic Sa, Ti n hy S e a d Pate, w oeal a d rti, U T B EFO R' MN J>.T 8 hcrofef Oau tal " u i at m ov ssa it tak n ts g J, a 1 t s v ou aM , or oin jca a c bai t- -- thh bono»at l u bhtoli'itft l* àîuu S itt17tkyf -.- e L O i '--vih futitilargeArotdof B O OTSeanlitHthe fori saleamuch below theis.n7a ]$Io, JiS 'ltsor ap itclnen a giter ng bnknouas bea.ioblial ero:o nr.Ihbcarder' 4 - ' OF - W A TEipA l . "a'a , au u gsu l ri e ctiieâtd Dr. gae.. Wulhandete, 870." I li i.6 40.4 w aaub iame 1Toruto.t îo a i s CMy ON - - e iheSatca pio pai.! a n Od pNQ. 1. D O N2 TOandO RDER go K tuY tt t iic.,taDkN,, Wbli ltb ,ofeB. 2187 . _ ___ __ laramearoroutil u fE? A i l i.ulh usa k.ami ar dreln Dott be rbor. ilefor gvuthîl 40.m O ELL& ROU, lsy obls 1> Tewa berr. blae iserebyea î of t PEU Dr. Sog» sels: 0ave WhtbyO et.va, - an.E 251h,) for romslvc otic pnruanc _______The _______________Oh__________________t____ uuuNw. '1t.dVr 14010or uîii's@odbuln*a, UWEWwn Cangf0 R nte be.th clarngIol Irisa OI90ai111( -hewm u hu Iiii.bte h iaa re At0fte rîîse tta4d.aac W Ute.h s gw aI S'eu t i au sas isssir " - Cffl A PEIb ol t a 11 ud 8 V ct riarCb 1W. 5 1~lej5ilaNaeaiedJlîa1 apoui mimi1870i; - .* A I Y A ! 0 Neataer v i ia iara p lea w> , dr4i b op Jan1 8 1 8 7 b aHarbor.. hoTel! 1, . , 'Y EOrM A N o~a ih, I&kute"ers, C O V yO OlP II8,,1U8k0. £I a <an 2,1 ..Ailk .,wisu M&lijlsss rbrise -ég q bu uuh e a titforfro Tua at t iia noeb auvnnati neral meetneie fU USoo tI ..a a BT r uf r r W r î ,frw 0 t n t o ss n s 4 L, t e c ; t lO u ali n t a n Ocoii room tuuut. i uts o ry iw ; .D AP « n" WW - s itriC r, ,fli O Las eve -ilathe n tvo-f.t lcug l . i l. Co. llvere'î, n AeAtuwrlcanth K* r W h 00M Part d iam îîrhro gnot i tirc a n, 18, K10, N U 110 of t hg E 0(t Mil.m(ide th es a DcoW c Vt Ofle-Eijite Th Wuna mod hecal'i t iuale. an.14,Bank,- n-e$ anci aiateof thhé NW R I ~ j j TWNSIn, 0F CU OG8Athallnnof weweo'locffontr.eialo ucion WI HO T lago otin of1887, snch c1il obee D M Cà T U N E Oe t lN o- - o n h e 5ovi o < u t A u E iu j B a i k o ttî e s a i T u e o gI uào quetiii a isitCisVis TugnoO ONut gcwgrmd othex(oth pg a to v aîl n u.g, onuala ng o, nalaLiroth N E W B J V E - R S E T T L E N s e rt- a, a r e de a1 8d :#iT hes g o n d P R O V I N C E S 0 F O N T A R I O O R QAEB E Ç ' a ots 80And re.lne llicon.nt nvile uoigigo I Rallu Faihetv-ia cu_-__i WIIb wahi J bo DS SiuaCÂL s.' rcuaru. a gon. e n it her u o s.ced ci i R Y G -_ - A'& 10 1- S le - SÉ ciaat ppoluia.J le onstr1s, itAIl1F*y-gtve Public Notice il ha lod u t-,rele ofer qedn egof the ' :l , 'aan, 4.80 Stain te ovinceo 1îl ha ln the P;ovilac o Ieâténti frýýei leEary .131 te Station 50, ah.plnt th Of the River Aaq .,, lA Lakei aboU 22S, ..U. -la -M aeinute province fNK,, Re.O t sation -o 639 'NepissagGt....îeaej, tvweive- "Il ha l WtIi.Provinceof sud viii entend (ro, th. "ton No. 15, 0 Lbhe t- aN.10, About 18% ,mlsin r tie, aboya secditIo e h ed nti ready lorya th iLof l>',1872. - la'Q ara aIso RlVC Public Notice td thie Contrmote t'urBcctions ,ara nov pnepared L aev Jug li'e uine. 10a.v à la tie Province of liw Ltnd, freinStation No,. 570, aonîh orfhl easigouûlsn 0-10 bu ,0feet South lu tho Province Of Nova sfrom S tation NMY; 2w,. ,ou, Ito S tationOli ,ou theidtge th tR.]iver Phillî,ada r'8ectiona Nom. 8 andtu, t batS ai-ad rend>' for Jay-ing dpy 0 ouy, 1871. F1 eext ld at flee 1- tgneer fl Otisva;.anti et ooemiiulouem lun Toroùto* Dalhiae, Nevcstil. St. >n ani afte.-t, loti Tif rel Tenders atitite.aed tbthe lie utewrooi àtRai.wae. doea" vi'i bc ercivoti a; 'aMp to 7 o'clock P. m., 'OPIuptiOu ert hio otr miu Lbe Tender. cnrn - RD.B. CHA-IÇDLER, C. J. BEYfIW;ns. O, Comumiouccru. 1 EY, Proprietor. %ta vii aud comtortab~ ttention. îgsdataîostiers. an Paor cent la herdiby matie apfitsiî atck 01 the 1Royal rihati ainge lst j.!ay, puyable et the Ileat inhilc tu or at an>' o! tIe Agen- du Ofe! ua,>' net. ------------ EN arbor Comp'n L'à Act te ssutilorize4i:o0 Comppn, te 1leano or other-Seeurities [lent of id Port Wbithy flan- mti Oofimproviog tli, Rd oSier pnrpoa'Iie T. W. OLFG.0ç Se.,ryp,~J~ r given that Si.,JR r isuti Port Perryil-. d mai ls. hfollov. Spili$Vuekofal4 4Lb, eaI fun'te t )ni, 187. 51 ot Riliiordxon, Tres, jIý Lia eq-otvl, Wi.. tU1fbj Uâb. , i 97.f P11 1 wwiJ el L17.7corporation of the. W U ION MîEvat.î 1hsale~" during theWtU hIhv f N'Le2 TO ÇITATJS ~< WNlE 'iO VtII5RYO' ati ~<o Pnula~-Auctio sale 'Wcommun" lop wli bélont7 o'ciock, p. m., snarp.,i - Clieto -, -fr ..M HT4RO Co. mmE-.poltotbioPott 111et. -'1 ALUABlETNVES TUENT______________________ Wiba10, 1870. 2 otWsli lro 'W ll ho r ecv d tg th e 0 Of he un ar R LM SANS IT s E ~~s0 t e e TO Nsgnuti, lu th. F - - vv.euouzeroperty, O&a., UUtt e rsel,,G L T N OF WPORT WIYITB210FMRSALE. E U ,200 Per Cent in the. Yéar41 - O 19 ') the d'" 1ioutof ethe r e .o lie . srus. a ara~ 1adof tOh a lir o b x d t h> ' R o n F o r th e r et i o n tf tpef ono vT h e b l l d n de. u ' i m b C i t e le t u t l o a ý 1 b o s e m e n , i ih a e o m ,in e c o a r y t e s lA T2 8 P o n , b tmo v e b0 9Pt e l> o h o t W* e h eO u " , W h a r v e g , S t a b l e , r d , & . ,-a nIV ~ 04rnorm so fa &nrss«Darcufsa sioth# atIonal 11041, adr.ig the. barbou ; seL A fortWblby & Por Pery PHlwyl y r ot n te Ysr Te movq- -1T'nue vareiouaea)liae, fur tie put tveuty poit Pos( age S vlasea. th, or- lm ffpe argfer vt Àý0 rouND BEST MANUATR a80 aenta. na à barabdvifl it. oaont ýbhn any rarouxe on Ut ntria, T IJILW Â Ifd on Ilosse, brtek.M te ari.FIgol i auta0-un evbi ie huat Pý gt oa l e rchauu ff Si HAMILTON o. Wira lu' s a i ats viii hoast can M-- tnt Ne.tb.olteoowitise au"douulgued, un W B T T.- i~ nau o n s d s .--Tank' iP r c s - w i b fo u n d s u f fic ie n yB oc o v h t r G u , C e4 O R Ç U DeNt. - Woo . dviii nRfar toron. 10000thtlb.sudlanche oort1b, Pri ce Al ar , io pa 'unin a.7 l e m m ort i a c la e , e o e t t M â h e t m s MloSevti tatlionnbick. pe,mn . >'te si s i Mval ersa u sfah li aac o-noeat uttelm s ' am,Md rookln, vooi.W'Tovnship Eiabte 1t Ia - - qulainna uAtelsueumt,wlîh lnteretpaalneyi. EfKLD IAN PU«su OWMt>.oaa ao W aeusti &-T E N M, suiatclr o .Pg~e 9 0 2»ff ea.46 t . -- P NN ,s s Ti e a ta ean n I r 1t hO e r . . or G o e , W i e wa f é,W ib.Ponwh, a ndAeeri etAl wltetn fbue»;y Y t e N e w E sta b l ish m en t o f -Dr SL ?&H' Iin uf~ lnn.s l Z k .I s c~ T*undoralgnatt vîli Dot ho oun.f goacsept B. IL HomDi' fE J, E. DgoLi1070,avm. - &ifSbe-Jan.il120.1 BR- SR I.Jin, 415oo

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