Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1870, p. 2

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rs,' Iple Ch- lob th ell On ôt o 8, u"to'Bd ou.Wbiby so là" was, nwwiqguigýte on 'Iupiday, Yébrii*y 8b, 8101' larma théabondance- âe pvianda, or la ti siocb, &o., the, prýpér1Y of Mr. George god atopew'on' thb.-table. Jui McGhlieaL.~~b,!. Âetls~r. boing do «the godIlilogga PIý Ou tut 33, 4b (K. c Z i n Weou vidd, te ibe 1 ,1n )jo~us ve re propo» mI5dBy, Feb. l, PaJ "! i OIp Bdr.pne 1ýj i5 07sb.p Dcetns tS, ith P.r #ri 'ýYarî »OkOle -SlmBOadi "ine fw wsw Eairikreà en the occasion,,.wbi -- reSrtO5 Vaw.h $vsbot roomu <or in ti l5au . -The. parti, broe p botlui ONLT 81560 CENTS A yEA3 ,,R 'VîbyourbdaY y, '1'efr3, 1870. t Birmii 1 b f bhindic -c td , loop1hlk0 The cCours of C.1sancery. bsorblng la îÎr *,ê ini t>. feteresais b.j, se a't iL e.,* The Chaneery IIBI cf Torouto bave re. Mied ont cfthe commpu *ank "ef-par cmtly mot Iiin 60lan Bd have, in 00 questions. He waa-si>ealmlg on' the Ir mucred languagei brougbî under tos land question who e a s~ld >_1 'sotiée.Of the Judges and! tbe Qcveringnt, '-This la cot a question for part crtain abute# coneced wiîh'ibs'eonducî a, heanr.) 'l bals n06'djiction te IN or tii@ bnines(-of the Court ; »dan tbeir Mec Whouasyou11 h - ibme iiBV, muimdrene fiîinx for 1, but ilth-l.proseni conditio rep resntatiens la ciavetduo f lrsIanàl boildusay-tbaviipariy igÀ lhe incompêtency cf tbe varions officens vas an uptltelk.(er bi of the Court Iocaiod in Torcuto. Those 1 &ai , i a. aquestion f'tôt, eoýaclnî eificiat. Wê or en4ally appoiuted by the Patritistn-(Cheers), B'and eveny u Govenniment cf the day, wiîbout consulta. ahould coosr.aiu nea If the prosp.uiy au lion wiîh, or ibm approval of. th Judgss. pontise@ o e'nitd iboir pnI The Leader and Telegrapa bave mac!. ibi movomntotheL Chantir Ba'tbm Change in thge (Cousesof Traijte, toit of virulent attacka upon lhe Court ht. Notviîloistnding îb4 rapid lncreaae i soif, iu whicbi by implication, the mdi- ths population of the city cQf Buffalo, a» cary 486oV le, net spareil. The fear rp. the tmînnalnas i inbtheWestern trac! pears e Lo ât tbe judgea shouid, by no- the irade cf that City la d.créaaing 7 YO co lnmllfg, or enforcing. tb. appointint airJa.TsTr~ efw nr cf reaiiy colopetent men Io carry eut tem lb. pn-hssbjct attoi decrees cf tbe Couri, intetrfèes vth Gov. . or upcas bos. auimmenseBaya i ai ton heument patronage, anc! ceprive tbe Cabi. net n poer o theprivlegeof ovsen of breadsînfii, incident le a faL cet ii ove cfîLe nirleg ofprovlding rrt soie onorabl bnî u th epese c rund et htotal importa, .given in tom coforabl1 bith t te xpen O rondnumhera, t Boflalo, bas nueah tb. publie, for some elyoe polifican, or only 46,0007,000* bnshshs cf grain lu '1869, wora ont hack, -W. trust tbat the honeat agnt- lu16 seaant50,000,00Q hieléla18 efforts cf thie Judges anc! Chaneery Bar, te0 bul.Es aa aridbt2, rondor the Court popular and! iboroughly 1,4 I. ahi 6,863h sfective wiliinct prove abortive, b t ta <68 vovg t I iboere will ho sncb a 1weeding ont oh~m - ' oviga loua lethesState. in cocf *400,00'anThs- arabippingtaoftth- mrceîes oc! eaCortge-osntecfis ,tics of Buffalo show. tbaî ber largeai trade av hât licehtr if1wCut a eIs rvas dunlng1862, - he mnumber oe Ir, M111tIthabla U ii ihUYils wu au t .M îti eUobadaptiblicdùçty,tôpirfOortn, be efonsily- nlsae u speclai se;z Relit'batiks iore striving fprlb 0014 a ai1.sien. Thra as net, ho said, . suffictent aOcounI. The 'loya Çlanaatn ac loTun- si atentin P.id te thm dolàils el the accounta ti!lbh sumpension ofet l:%y ; a change presented ; magistrales took upjPst sueh tbetio, cf' e' bocaqfiicncessary, l-ond d accouitstaas thhay tvsbhed (o bave passed, lt ir as tLe enly reas;en for-chant lbthe. and ilu tact ubat ras everybody's business actihunt fromein l t&al totho, trio.! was nobody's busineois, and! the resait 'was B2nk. Semetime pderthe June àsrson, b great loosieneas in the accounîs. The lhe. Warden requked eight or ton thous- tlb * logiailature Tory properly iatciy providod and! dollars te psy..off certain county dme fj la for tb. proper 'audit cf.IL. accouaIs by- botures ; fiecouIld net obtain Lb. neces CV -n Bdoroe b.apointed byl te snry 'accommtodation from %e Ontailo 'hi Chb»irmnan et Quai tor Seiions, another by Bank, and ýms obligeil te go to the Batik r.), îLe:Oounty Couacil, one une wâite hoc f Montnea4t -Mu. Yarkor,ite minage, cf an )s a member cf tbé Counicil. *Bill" epontedlte'Batik idToronlo, 4toce, gave bîw the àBU mnsec!passed,. andi John HamlParry, Esq, desircd acc4ninwtItieu. Solnellmu acter of sud S. B. Fairbanks a ppointed'audilers tin vards t>0 eesurer reqtlired futher no- behaifoeth11e Countîy. ' çotinindatin te a Eal amaunt ; ho m : Mn.,Guy. on the final readiug,. sokoîl appliedte o e pazie Bank on. a note cfte wboîbor thora i Wl4 saaarjy pttiç0iîd tehms n d the Warden; -but Itiat not rat 1th~e t- eis~.ine" d sufficient, ho uns tbld thaI Ti1i, Cp~ e1e~ltora was 1. kthe it L as açcessany te obtain lte nimes of daJ -lau gave Ibm auditors $à a day cach. evcry mémber cf 1the finanîce commiite ici wil iu ItNMENT Ori BY-LÂW Àtrunîrme av&eD- additin, anc!they couic! bard the mocîey id ~ - - Theb Treasuror thoaght t ltI Iis wao ne- Jet 10 Mr. Gibbs obtalnedlotira te intnbduce a ianBangu iniîgto agac' ho1i ylijtiansi "by-law te amend the* by -lau sppointing aa ai cigaa p hperation, ho IL ir Oouaty adtr.Bill aîc! j'â,pa. a Pplied 'thon. anti gpl tuie. oeccssany pe audiio.. reorted ameuntin the ustgl way iriitlte signa. e- d, and naine cf'homeas Lawler 9sbstitut- lare et bîmsell and! the Varden, Titese B b'ei o R. ' . *verorudLr; eeortme cf the vessons why the accoutt rd OwNsuh'mL -,ws cdiittàâ.' was cbanged.',Andl-te Royal Canadian îbe Mr. Uuy obtaluedl'cave te Introdace a bei ng considoned a stable institution, and foi Ilby4au Àt catiîfirm 11-lava 206,-907, anc! hivioig giron the 'neccss'lry acccmmodg.tîon PI, n208of (lie lqwtsip pfEastWbitby. 'Mr. hen wanîing, he (11r.-l1rowf,)ccnsidened 'ma Wbelen obtaîned luire 1ioitrodAce a bpy- itoniy fain audjust tliatatabatit should nas, dlau te continm by-law, 851-, an, 58sd hold 'thiot eiî cf the cotuty, -lie sug. 8, 59 of 11e tovwship ufUxbridge. Ko- geatet $bat t'ho. -amii té -iiee antiobtain pei 1.lerred te sttanding coriamiftelon 'Roaide- bave te aiBt again - to-mt9rrgw, '.itan the 4ud bridgeat. By-lavsemnequently re- eppotuniîy'. ci - baarîng Ibm' Treasur en -cmonnoinlurepoti of jaid commite uwould bc pnesctéd. '- n and çenolmed. Mr. Giba w.iantec!-ii toLé 4istinctly a On motion cf MI. Whelor, sccondd by. Undcrstood 4t!i Lu éddt 4 u@tiori the , liu. Grabam., the* Waudeni left, thépitair l-solvoncY ho mas tld, 11.414 îlot kucu - util tir e ocl, hou tulle xl itwas-tit tkebmagcnýiy ctthe One * Royal-Canadian Batik l-WlyWa Of1 *#TgmNooNx SESSION, about boiog discentinued. - Tii L7ounclluesmd at a quarter $tgtre. ivr. Firbainks tpokasmiirvir te cest ~ c'cIeckh - -ta etb> Mn., Giia;,eho 'Woiild, ho and * - - NUOÂIO. saic!, 'ike te see tLe insîrucio - ethe by- Str 3fr,1474ge brbZht law payiedopt. The'o 9tty euneil, lie - K~ vy4 - bobt up the repgri*o( insitted, iras tLe preper bady vrith whoîàa th b itde (loinnittse on Education ce ipoiio f the cotunt), roastet- Me' *vbich -vas dopted,.as lollows i a d, and alIse the. reguhi ltion cf t6xir freas- Gei ~ tp~ow mi jn&KINqcexxo~,aou PCoÂr~tiren's 'bariking.naccoinit, jn sî fea' ie e -I. 'fipan ,ces et the county luce 'cnncerned. ons! ~bUtXanr4rcl f o ik Cbits o 4a î- Wbile'adiüULiug thattIw"b.is ~ h -#5>-- Treasurerweesuflliclejit, aie Tnat loaria, -Tbp standing Corneitlec on Ednoggton 11og Lad been sustaiîîed ýb>'h tlîi eny'lyltéIa leai't1 repe~i ~ -' suait."sien of lte RoyailCanadiani. ho os- ac L1 litho vdcanfes annuallymenrnlng la senîed-that-inccnvscnieîice .arose, and thatan mai $eiîor-iuoftitis Colinty, yournr ilieail ras lite dty o f the courcil to e rd fe recmpod tut ppouýqeùt bcinado asfol- agîtînît stîciterenlîxalities lenlte future. lai1 11 DroaMlr. lBrown lîeld- ltat »f tige Onitario in ci Esq. iii& ibtdi, Batik coîxîtinet afford the m itîy ef in Je Uxuridue 0.baeliuoe-J 5 w ~ Ontario lte seau sftîout o f occoîtitooda- ~c ant-i Utett>urne, ls.~IîlU e ion requineti, it was utîwcrlhy te lîold fr,,ro - Iiehbrdat,£Esq., adb.Oikiey, apd REr. te coulît> acecunl. n, Atei. Mtiîi.10-te tltthee1014040- of Mn, Mr. 1lmiigitt sauc! lie Letten wiiy le enîdig (tsiiipboit, -doecaeee; lPortlPorti ï4booili. ail coonovtcrsy woul.u le te itear te vas I1. E b e, iEiq., andi Jameis je-v'tt, q 2. Yoiir cn nilteîonltnnrec withth to p- Trcasiprer ;, id4 out frmmhl- huirfan lie iL restîtltîsai'îieîferot îlîlcieîîîo ~dîsobeyeti 807 instrucîlonfi andi ubether Pd gi te the oppoiltueti i', ol' sç tperiî4tdeiiaho was oct warranted ie taikng hig oncire ii wouki roýoîtiîîuiïid thtiitiey bei iide a 1oi- ourpe poiler alite cjreuistatieco. boid ïl .îe-A Crl.Y ,> r.Wee siicacipasdteac YWek1tv.#.conne M -n WheToronatliancotnpaninedlte ac 41 n ItO-tr .A Camibell. WadntTrntadcrobeeite Paa. DO Deeittt.tuIbuin îutme pair,.-a -- apeîdy, effectuai aodc ecpleto remody for tLe suites- wio mýyLbchbiged eta4re.' course teais preceduno. ~lsJrWamllace cund tho Rted River,. At tha requeet cf macy cfbLis trionda, - 2ljer WuIlsce Lbas conseutéd te drair np Ilotes cf ligs expoiencea o e bmRec!River veasela nnt.red sud ceaud Bt that port 0wa1,390, Ag;iýtl u 80.The receijpts cf gr1ai t Toledo, CIevelauiY ,Chicago, and other rdti"t v, veio 'ed dori,,g tbe -l"',ysav', i a ratio propor., iionae-to lb.. deorqA#e in the trade ci Buffalo, shoving tbâtt Inde le beiqg gradualiy dlreçted lnto nov ch&onala, o tbhe beaefit of s'ms çities Bnd the equal injury of othors.- h 'e e r- I -nd is advconnuea araongthiniosrgents. landto ldtiliver tIboi oe.a W .' y Tua BR5ITISH MoaITRiu, aiMoiraci, untleoc. ToîLe. ibo wsh e ibieb anived ln Pfslrj>pe¶ Harber vitl audene.l' tbseWh wab(0arrivelat termi B corettuodersauuîing of 'tL, coursem of te e aof lbth e M. reseo, b h recamit oyants-in b îLotar distant possession Cmecao htctoIik ilb pfîiue Bnitiab rovo,aswmoUf ts te uboseo be Aisudy ic Amoricam naval officers galbez, an. edesirous cf cobtainingfulitin('emaLiou in ed ters. - - ne ae; 1. lispct esaterriîorywibc, aouter .or <0% Ameicani bave an ides (bal oui lite, vli trintbe"Gret Wut' forIbe- a su poýeu6ion lt pe.d aud 4gbî lati, wll friathe"Gret Wst" or heîng qualtes to anubiàg afiosu, ad! bu Pioneer@ of civilizatioî-îbis wmli proeenBOthbmStates cf arpa avlpvurt cppnnniuy cf gratifying tLeir vishea. W. but ihîrd cis. - liep. ahently te annouece tLe day and la foot, vith al cOur binstin ahtip!àin ber nov>' bas mon ibt'pe mieh venld verj place. scen moite an eac!'of1 oui- lov'liug moni- lht- liniioitl îLle'Diemety. ions. We bol fs-si dnning tLe wvando 'iiltbv-ausire bac! ne navy iê,ccaîend igainsi, vu The anoieéoary ofthîe 'Wbitby Brancb buil ibese fioating battenies, tramt uhicl lube Sciey ts o oncd uthe. land verlis cf tie reluis coula h4 ai. BileScity ashLdaid, cue, nsuiied. Ibe apiendid, costly, sud lofty tLe W. Ml. Citunchith i Iowa, Ou Mon- bualecf msiled shipg, like ibose cf Eog- dît, eî,euiug, tLe 24t1îtult., anc! irs cf a lai-d andl Franc%, veo enet reareti hero. very' pieaing anc! aaisfactcny cbaraclen. .Oi r cvn Miaetoacàmab, mwbich bas goes î M te asene f te rtirngpreidet hem Peaboc!y ftenoal, bas -ont fan prevalre littueaiteoc cfîLereinin prsidul more detfbtive to friands than <eau, sund (i~Re. S. T. Gilbs, who- vas oway- Ou Bsa as tIobe careolly vatcbod lest absi caîssioacury tour,) the Mayor wtt vcîed ta break avala>' og caneerng ai-enu the chuir, aoc! penforined, te claties ci his 8111009uthemaineihat boussber evu fgg posiliQn iL bis initial gond grçice. Our fie a eak ethosiauically oftheL aaliioz tnslitie oe b.Mcnarch, ibm Eng- 'Thi e r. T. Goldsmiit, cf flamiluoti, ls mntoitrs ood vi o bitndred travell ing Agent of he Ãœ.' Q. Bible e- miles a day oaiily, Miih wind alono. She gieuy, delivered an elaîquent ant i electi,. cculid bring ber, îureoIg ; !0oaction, aaSYS apiècob snd very auîprbnfattaddees Copi. I4açoqth, cf ite Plyncnis la gle were givon iuy llc'c!s. J, T. Bynne, aocnd ooIcui!nteetveriam~.. -Gtray', aoc!byfDr. Gon, sandMr. Jes.u I 18AN ESA 1Lîmnvn DPAC1, ltaI (Jeu - Iloiden. - Lv '1T. Costard bac! ta relire litisumrption cai bculredl; bat l isefer.beller a a orI'Lur on coeuounf theJlaibs of te j,î'ernt thlie cruel fItseane frein fssheing 14re. Cuefuedî. Tiie proceedinga ono on- iseifeon lte s>sîeen, by tite :boelr use Of V irceul by severol piaces et excllent Imu- 4 rOmeti> like Z>r.WiStet -'sB.11am Oe! oie-b> lb cLiret be burbirb ne WÃŽcZCherry. Thsstandard prepu rauioti ceivoîl a voie if thanits at tite close &S eviilI smpIycue.p g tgrcolsud ddc!*fo tLe lady colectons, for Ibeir very pmn OtUcleýti services Ji; raisi ng fonds ton the - ... $OcWotl- lie7 coilected- tLe Landsoneo Ma, GOICEonnraWri.-To vw:11 cf lte tom f $.09à9 oin e2659- atirncelaieteuo. J. G. Qoadhue bas boan provedi, sun f $09 9~ ein $2656-u îvîu ansd tbm peruenal pnaperty aven -cuder. cf pmdsuusyoar. Th. iqoetiig, tbaugb $450,0000, exclusive cf ihe inn cf $172>000, better sîteuded tiLan noai, wmas stii-mncb minet bac! beau seuied, previeus to his bebind mIih e i lîi leie Jqregard la desîb, on blicbildremandîbeir iue. The numberu. wid!ovof bis son Gecrgs bai also been - ~ ~ ***libeially protided.for. lb. propenty, vith mit. C4tiaittt.-one -'cf ubm mcst lau exception.cf $400, payable _to"-rlatire hborngt ntihostleaconsof tinAncf he'UntedStates,Rsli bequeasi f *2 tborngh uýdbes-leshersof te At of 00ot.uhe Sustbnts'tlou' eiltd of îLe, Dbe pouzoansblp, ieeoniling ote Leexcllent aso! uof10n'ndsoc! t,5oo to Huron' Col- testimonials la Lis ilor, adre 'o esons logela islofti le l#chidren, elui t tan 0plsetre latLe beontirel ot. profesoor, annQulY i S'voof Mro. 0,oodbue, 'Mea5n5, Cam pbel sserieLlat hLeco au s eCi-oy ula ad I. C. B. .eetr are the sole maeteexbCate o $0traities. - vorat potnan viîa a goen baud lu a ter cai, 49 leskous;'audfrtrm peimons ira 'bave seaun &iIOu-i55i MitIou AUj éMI10 t4; ane reýso10 It dPpbe Lis vord. AobrIeic f~quJyo b l~t5çs ~ part cf'&a vaal 4 ua r irecrded. - '~5-5--,-., - M. J*mes Ianno*, One o ff lew jerk'a IDîVRutCouuS -iv doubt te pro- nlionalnoe, Proposes It, gfil 1tb,4l Iy Pniel>' eI-aeîy estblshmnut oet lis kicti hi.privuteitra-ip "qlb jor ibo-Doinion, an dearacstly bcpe IhltTUited 8 Late. Thécolliection- icelodas à netticg cf this nature milii be ntvedueoéd gr-iew variety'*f rarel ii - cf ibê, unîil the people bave signlifiec! ltrou' Im41ble, W'fî,eîbe N iat o. ea jpuee nnd fteir bcPneaentaîive at thIbm' thaon a»Y,às'bàuIn t'ioonty. As a -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ta - moi !n01 l.W elv iIsitable .à.kifeor s ~ ,M *Teeposaverie10o L p Oe poi, Mr. novelîles et-tuil atare rhouid' bc leated Ln rpse oic abfdos tbemt of030 00,ý r oa-oiuIf necesay Lefone aoitien, sOî,bat their uîlity rma>' u i e vaàlbe ~ e Oae qr,4 fenoain for-per uflnieli1km the groatbbocko f land iÃŽte bc bvted -t e t>a - - $benees lRemeody for Consuomption, purpos.? 1.T6 abtusi i» eJJ o e fr.Ier Voriplaint, 4c, Fur Wsal Ue12las the lÀnox Lbruy àq, itff ýWLIee; prugelâtsi- ipaaa#jens of USem tiktiîig'.p~v.'W. Iles. â litxels & sdngas-James a ird, Lq, fItOutt-tie.rge Abiabam, Esq. Tiîorb-ltev. David!%'tetmoui. U>Zllige-Rer. Jalinea Dôlngleso. V. ith7-.ýlo. K. Mtciîiai)i. 8. ur cotonlttîiep reeotpipn'1 tltapaymeil cf 86 dé &oteve. tDr. Thttot i ~ a>IOUier) &oî.. tlu rii Bad BorticfPuiltftllueitu. Alowit uti atlonà,optfuel), oibtitted. JO1IN itYbEN, A by-law fotîaded upon te aboie rut port vas then iotnoduced and passeti. TUE COUNTI- IINJ.XCES. Mn, Gibbis brouglîl up tihe report cf tL, coetiwlttop which mas adopîed ivitbeu atédet u asfeilows : »AM< asais. TO liae Cou,îi f tGe îretoif ltus Gifa e) Otario . The Ciiminittee on Finâôatindo Asseasmoi IieTrentard'r reports ficinces cf lte cont, toe îablo bfil te iteit al ils, laîbitict iee ai. i Mal, --.e, And tint lie witllu a op~dition c 1~titi le ido se titIliicNt Joue m lot,. ie Andto.. lrttonîtiitio,' have exaine' the, Treasnner's * ,,m-tauî~ie tt uoi"i piioinulthé ."ma e crnempo*!1I4 Wtt fis boeu tllutaFtiey eann.t o 5,,tilit alfuit n& pont 10f11ite i0141roAiipit fond for -t,, e Meis. mmii s eet fl 'iii Folesbare not ,ttO rot'i-i-t'ro nmthe t tlh p irkîs. Y-bur -eoniiiitieu woutd 'reô'.îotseti4 Iett h- non-iciiiJett report by ,auditorï bo doterfbd tilt Julte sOsiO 1 hy-ttw te coîtitioand carry l.îto celteertite ri. coiotoouatiou cffle eouîmittlca pji Financei Mid o! #ssaemut, oethLe 21.1 Joue, l'ild.* Ati cf110 iblisluresPeifnttY aultniited., W. Il. GIBBS; Cliatruiaon 15A'TPPOF 7JE B2à bfr. Gibh% introduceî a by.lair ioan- e, apen the cuse et the AbeV epn aÙtotînziag antd roqniring thLe2 eLnýeasy- 1kepiýte accoun t it Cont>'l'it Ontari iuk -lerîealsitof slrnuany, Mr, Uiliespie enquired whetber tbis wct4d, not b. an iftnterornce with the OCcurities of the Treaisorer. lv. l3rO*D suggestod '-that lb. ceunil go Into cOmsPitteQ OP tthe iby-law wbicb ,was agred ýQ. AndtheIb oznnedi vnt lit cowuiittco lbureon,-ur. Swers ln tho chair.1 M4r. Gibbs atAted IbAt ho haie&larnçd (qr tbe firat-tlie on Wedniesday last-thAt 'tie Trepmurer hid renioved the accont f t he Couny <rom' lb. Ontaio Bank, 1Il. bac! Jasunct Iis accideqljjy frow Mr. Lock- biart,.mnage'oî the Banl whom he met !pi was very spuch surprtsed to-flnd tbq '4YPAAprer disobeyl'ng the express wishes ç the UopOPPý &:ty.p i n iét;,f ~pkeep 1the acSnt 'iin 'thp poIloe»a i d ,thtrefore brought in the .by.laW -inorder thst tbe Treasurer niigbî éarr-qý h inalriiobsof the Corneu. P 12 Binld.y ctj ne 'luursuay and kizios, oi seoua dveel iliowing Provincial Ehiiiiion ; and! snrtvrighî, on Tbqneaday of suqmo week. WhitLy Lnd Zope cq the 4rîe Tqoaday c! Wqinesday cf thr!we.k es uboýe; c! DanIîugten -on. Ibrada>' aud Fni.do> saunseweok. The Socreiay, mas instrauied to coin- snaèis 'tô the bIarkbaand Sentib Ou- nie AgnieultunsilSocioties teibm sLae an- agemont,, aud oqnesîtAhon '10 dx tbm a7s fer thein shows z0 as net te. interfore iL ibe 4ociéioî annivd îýt b>'delegales. The question cf tho appointoxunt cf dgos for, the sovena faire vas nexi, cou- beroc ; -aoc!,aker-some litti. discussion, l fciicving rÃŽesolution, movad by Mn. o Ite, s econded -b > M . Bick ll, v a 4 u- 2ieonsIy adept4- iiTbsith îe opinIt on f tls meg*ig, ieubt mcdeocf secnning jedges v iii Le, weaëb of the Boards cf Dinectors 10o ap r $oAtoirn eigbring Social>' seud as îuy 'judges os uhey 'May reinire aI iteir epactive exbIîbitios-îbLe travelling eq mies te, boepaid b mte goçieîy uooiving t said judges.- Tii. Ïuneral of the-* ute r. D. EL. Ma- llan, ipock piitce bere te day, atd vas te ef the muost unacimnu denonairationt, 1respect eorn vtneseed bib tis section. oe fîineral corie# uap g'boaded' y a pro-_ sieiin cf the medicai etu ci tbe district, Id tLe clergymen residing' in aoc! arcunti raibrcy, Whàibfcuiowio'g tho romaine ias imSense gatitening,' eomprising the, emiene cf îLe St. Audrow'a auJ gt' arge's Societies cf the levu ; tLe mai ri cf ue corporation anti officisais; Mes T. Scatcbard, M. P.~, À. P. McDl4si4d, P.,~ ~ È k.I'Mne .P .M~i M. P. P., N. Connie, Ml, P. P.,>soc! a e nunb-3n of the promiaieni resiaenis iofficiais cf tLe -conuy, iLir eerai m Leondon anc! 4distance. TIhe <une- procestionwvîthebm peepleon foot aoc! onnriages, vas fqiiy a mile and a bal, lengtb,,aud oceupieil the outino distanice m the-tate nesidence cf tLe decease! le cemolur>'. Afton tLe fuqerai a meem- v as bouc! in îLe TownO lali 'vbep ii rescive t t Ppep a soubsonipiion lis; for ereuion O.f o monument:te îLe deoas- genuleman, and freinthebîiouiaee i vbieh tLe piojeet basý beeo laiton of, it lai expecteà that Wil iispcn Lie atatemeel as teate uifficutv cf iirecuning 'Aclon, Jan. 31.-A bnuteanmn t ubtele taduPhit bieitinixltlehaivIne t enig ai a pleasant anti elegantaffair.'th mo faccu win frani ci Item respective reui4deoces B acd~u i is obnc au accotiatice fs-om lte Onirnio B'unk. freigbt train oýLbe Grnod Trunkitwaeilru>' neunceeti irqiîpetbiliy allerlif ceaseul saccu-. -godn tiLrt wet MoCubgief , Ie teliret i mt lte reere oetihe Towrenuipmeti Clint, iraskiltod bore lus t egLi. Bostono, l moatibu roidn m ltes of Cclipicîr Qioî, cf Wtiity , upon tieîirability cf bartogin eoei wudbtrdnit:h lniS, lte Cmuity Treasuren unceuîlrolled anti Eunopcnii Newn itîw at0b'seteigmoli etr l aut o ipred iesitti iwiet-vtiaL n -greal fafour cenltne mitemuai neceaaiy en cfAlencnmmen. a xiobtitinj; the besi tentasho couic! for the 'pi uu enfepç> ady ni Now Yüi , Fo. 1.-lam-G d i PtCoud>'. Rome, Jan. 30.-TLee xî.iGrand Date wmiiîîlte>' coulàth temaseivcs uppreciate 1214 iLne19- 11 fi e Gn ibbs said be mas cognizint of lte cf Tuscan>' -Lepol4tihe, II.-de pe.ur îuuauiosycnit ooei.k tact, ltai ut lte lime, neaLaîsk i Cirad dy ae 7-eas lt eoit ndo,- lae o ome-M iviitlte exception ofthe Bank cf I M don- 3 er.li tnuîo ni ie lae tcone9o a., trleul ; couic! imisîetiiaîely allori îIbo ne- Key West, Jan. 31. -Gonsala Casuarcin, Itt mpening ac, itroerftaythlder enltoa i Sokihavantb ls-ns î b camoduhion of ion tltcusand dollars-loti mter cf (Le VozgOc C'uba, wirbihostanding 'chepeilimg cacirep fftet>' owatkier on ità - - thousanutidollars in golti, ut tlue situue, - on tLe poneb cf bis batl, mes attacited cc leei efrn A [AN oves YVOIITY vo-lot 0-Ado IBAT. fui. Wclr aket uetier it Wadct svani Cbos iho peculn ~e u Leof lhejr preonises anti'evn tnfront cf I ISI E YSIX m.st. 5.mîIRSoas.t Lad moelegrapkd het a Mn.eCiba uslte viiIbnepitio openeaElncd iroao!vacatieLlots, saieatron heurs citer iL stops cit t'intee poeîtaMGibbasteîeet i peol.Ie eure er n cuoing. Shouiti a similian by-lao ite en-- foc te hriaiin nthecom >tec o Fina c, bac! wouuded ubrea of bis assailaut, .vLahn tereed in tit-ei, I îhink Mn. Euiior it Frein the Ouiualua Ileralti,,Jas. 8. îp1 il requeutiog lte assistance cf bis etitorsaîjon- on te Cotatl>'piper. ho necoiî'ed a abaLt ram the efleol cf irbieb moulu] fol bu ut tii eut cf plaice, cspeciaily Onu.o af Iemollt broîsi - crimes ever SPe au Mr. Giblis saidtheb qnymol!bcL co!l iivnmols Soea f- s t îae.lnlaitlaîis extuibit sucit reliiotaecy ponîuelnaîet ln ibis LeCiiofuî asCOmimediaf4 lte inuerest on ail deposiîa. . Lave beeo macle. îLe editons cf Keyt umcliu ibmia ie'ae rî es Lebrahaout mire mlles fnomli IV fteronidrabe dscssin ti'mat- West Despaicle in a cas-c! itbdncm tLe awameu oulti auvetice the intercala ofItie ti i y.o busa i Allen gontidonabl diectussen litébusiness &muînutyanti aIse regrrlesa s i>,c Iurl> ibu- AttLat net terasal oer i ode t tre eble wmas, mare tat0yer e inmsliavnluodrtea tâirL tearticle vbiiLe>' eypubliabed tbis moroiog otthe accitiîeut hicît tic frequethi>occan: cf aoe"e seute t hberllbor neyasean li Treasuner on the subleolt té-, l i'tiee ont Oc appncîcbieg duel for'îLe renson tLt îpr instancecoe vennglait .week a rs , irai haieulteti an rose, reparteel pncgres soc and ké-n ebave I teiaîments matie areia t. eccempunying - ' yurug lady frointttc Icat six nutUoce, -7 boaieu in -îLe mosi soi ta Le it agiiiiî te-monroir.0 y Te concliin of tte pnocceelingq cf The Comnency BilIla seogaizing-îLe al- iktngiu eIe'icîç niicmlgîc'aato ann c e esnviclaîti tAiti La nltha sie ms lann- or< ep artît slipp. l4y te he 4le doîperttogaug. Ti( lte County Counen mît ho girto ini full tenhiott cf îLe U.So nate, Mn, Conbeîîot ltiic' iimukq - ie-nTLrdy uit sM. so! Ins.L ,d in nexI meek's issue. spolite lanus fanon. Mn. Sumner mode a gnrub i ii soda violenuce, ta i sua mas mremLot- r J*55'" oug speech in epposition, andI deado!ilinsensible for a considenable tunie - I cf Kuho - mkigýpenaticua me retire, ter h Tovu Canencle tho ho ,ro injuqticm ta e e nts incourse fell aîscî, fon it wsimosiie te Ibeir litile o bm a ivd1 >'sx t me was i10 in 'masixon zp 'Wbtby Je. 8: l~0. New'Yort. le advocutaîl Lis eue pr- stand antier te cincumshatxces, Lut sus- t'aven saliers beiocging 1tompan>' A, a pomitionto increaso the circu!ation $200,- Laittetifers seriouis injuries ibsux tie lady> Second cavaIs-y, ire ore!Opa Lo Ttc Ccuncib zmet titis evociog, aillte.000,000. Ms-. S-Les-mousalîl tL. Liliim.,ns "un'u.io.l> Lt4efaî une e o ons o!ru o thîe bouse aimaitmu uoeeîbenanscnt iatas rpcue Lbiua - - tuaetmiIiatitires 'u on Ibis occasion, L-hi usceapnu:ve1 mur c a d STOe hFCuandLe lme e!hoîae >ou mil excuse mue if 1 bave vstw npnii. titre ia 0 o! u T Lodon Tmsmay wiel oildoos) fibue fafrx- yü er ala 'don aoc! sa inexpacted, btb' i-ma r wn0.ta epescfon avi tth nexto pace. -'aud vite more aimost speechiess vwiiton- di nsading comnmittéo, qaon p a tti21 oicyf -the United Statea, vlib regard-tu sur-rvfr01'se offie. Thte repart recomumiendild tea ti'bi.'prc ,ix on epiatcsaî IIE. prise., Befcre Uiey Ladl se cpportuhiity te nef; uointfelmeof loe>iie Hnnuutn 1oi éegsQr. -teUîiu uureîlie cause oethîe violent intrusi-on, 1741 - 'fit urîit mas aticped,-auc! a tir-leirwn dihiiiiisîx .iiby- cb 2'. th îe villsau uips tIosl!~sia i troduceti anti paaaied aoptuihniing fier-y -e-.. - of th, madîe mauilesi. Mn. K. vas firast t L ilanuai as assessor, lut ar utb tfl 00., Trie Suas Cà?N4L _A o!Ibe Tue Taira Soustocc.-AcLiqtiuans a'- u. ot' e aît' - u- îtî aond R. 1-l. Luan n!Rs .-tua GonpieiSca> ws"al~.tu.~ ad acremach exercbae&rat, preseeLn oc vsasybyb aulorx, utah a lan>' et$10 eiclil. iluthue titatrue olte Iloys l octet y, Aleie, t tnis thte Irisht Sitmok.M iibih»sseaid 0sreh' rnnp~yeLontion.-Sir IR.MuaCi cI^ thet "T-ifolium rep lite ir FIaA<K NOA5555uNn. Bart,lunlte choir. At ti etnLard ajtcia ~ ~ieo rta, event bisescaLe butinof ail 1fr. Praper broagii ji lte reportloitt he Hotîgiton, mita bac! bertcitesen te repre- . Ie ,$;o ire hiok th-a'at îed'tyto prmettebi ei t sup, uhthLe Ya standingpînamijttoco n (niicctdutti ssa- seutlflice SocieY atnt te iugturauan cf the îla2i1 e leis ' ,a! ylemoc mn e'o ntebW..-tnug be>P ino.lt eporf reg.ornent4 pîymont Suesf'aoal, repontedthéttc evuits of bis otb- ver; i-u*hl et 0 htn,- îW.~ ncJot, os- -Lui alLuasphtbil>' u et fii" ignccaugsr'î Thu tieble Les-c! iti nott lliok poubityççl ,a~a estt 1. Zit 'ving bis lifte .fer tboî tLe rnffv îu,. eflets Sucs ana ciaor a ail LuiîLedu 'wouj Dnot bave besiîaîed t L.Il ehfilinIuniàtn. . mediatee efthe tite ueanaL L ,Of'n'.i $Lk0; . "IL zttihl, eunnip C ab, W, ~mt. t i e> ra e M Woc!SoneLlTe antuquarusne rer rer, le 5rielai titein f -- von Word, l, 725 asud-". W.Clcgg, $; ara", bat molitît! utinly devlop thie tttieof velu lie iy' e . ano t, stmiann dtetexmo *2.0k it npe-Iirs itopet tax'jyqFeuce pd tci ay'nà- mali iaidgoalle O->'tt1k> ot, at Ia u ber biba à,&cé a w O.~Ufrdîb. afi o w ment of the acoeunuis oeecd. as - Y'rail>', bd t ébt lte _tratie c.tFrance',act itP1 tel *rows ver abnjntiiintiy ie ibo vom is hon tushthe ft4 gof , rs bruLal e, 4 ~~ ~ ~ - ~ Englhnd,'wap iQqjar$e ta receivt; mach I riPeatrsvr> luiiii nfeicktdlefi aais m b îe b pc, Jvisabrta îoI porecien<~ant ut r ttiiseel b)-S,Pînik50doi.-i qr beJ 1f. raerierauiec ab> lu-otcelie er, n.Baeras, it epuen ndte illuare Ledo crn- I h rul>T ueg ud'ip in4ten teîaf9lier. 10,000<byeCrpDENTraieSDbetaus beeebng et i fte perfcation Pt kle ncisetdoeeae. o- vi;i nd i'loe4Jhea.l er ing-illuc aathonise ldoetissueuantietiehiviry tt aara-.eY. Mr. Draper.in-rddpceota be thal couehrthe-woite înisBatitem- - - leail:car ai tie il resvec ùoizee ise 5Oatt stlb. lIoitas pn lat a i to aniu î 'on e J<la', he f % I's a nt- 'tlarUfi 'val ioen fmvBSch ips~p oeoslietl urigote ia e- rs.9,abot i. - - -e ~azhauotooltsed ert'l a ous ic.-~ 80000 comiteo rs potetio Deents i nu~,s~lpreet c lcsçin as L kpiare ' -4 - ub nipê wb Ive 'a 1oid ' 'th e lan a apýruseelouveo held i stfaor'th cor-e;î dpeao ni ai proper puîn1 l-old otant sro licuilontryd.- Th oi>eendn ouge'to i ,8f u thelsbpiit-~ lt tbi t L e PatciL tp a gudigs Ïdlier Çotat 1Ã")i 9 ehat pl t11,utesi rîei rb a oeatousthedrasks iîi uIBti heinc ai- Ë u - PortTPereO"Bt TIwoN. - ),1-ta akiîajt'IWslates pitt i iseevn t on >lite seîi ytuf~or juxasebr-ct.Hsr'GOut eauhl-' cosue et- iLsi aflr ai nm n e :. an as ilTÃ"*e ita veP' es- o tit' bi- Lfhy , ep bogî t I~~et0 liii lmaig~ L onuiîouc < iauesc-~ enyn, besu etIhe a, srydply I we!dmeur'iolsaoc! hephrso ofI. h p lto > by-Iay e tO f vuqîran heby lw- ws £0o" taeoe~liuen whaT il;fi a c e 1$_of i chea snnpste tebcratai' Liat o p iai, beedslJaof ber Àa~~.~~ rea Voîra fnie, andp5 ornuemktueel.'. "i". islniceifet-1-buteues weu"àd -ide;lsbalievc!, bi' relt fo h"" lneuedrtcd- sd c$r- tae 1 .ase f r.it 1 -pryin, 'Aluiin.e. gtarno gutinit>'of lirbicit me cetplein jn (bu proceedinga of te-Board. A peculian disgretion inud (bey cxercisod in ýett1ing IJie moda in wietict oso moniesaârole Lbe distnributed amoglte masters. Thon. musItlie &OMO ver>' mysteneus adrantage in the positicon cf assistant"lu"inte Wbitby Gamiar Scitool, t4oktovint çlsemhiere, if titç prcsenl rfinal assistant yaoi$ies it at $150. Tht Board have boeon ali te g1nd titis cul. h Mn. ;boment tinden. iistrqctlqn îqs a papil inle ie clcol? 4ill ho aften a fou Ipenltus appea r as a làatriculauîî at -Toronto, and Le gzetteti (as MnTir.îîey-was,) amnn îLe pupiîs cf the Witby G3rammîr SEcîool. Tiat wml ittfornme4 iudirjc!utl, utc b fai inforMe4 your cortespotidenL on 0go1000 inattens, is iitformed hlm Ilhtt an aspir- ing felloîr it"aken bis e4 .lt ani hieSctîo Board agairst allI 10wa4d crdar, aond cicr agiùtaisniacuiconscience,-ferho appoas lo haie a froggiamnt of tis pieful ttrticle -left.Ile is kîewiiigîy, I itialleged, lu a .false poulitieri. Sîînely aqoit a fellow car bo brought te bis senses. il id sitipl> fightful that te'nierai sens. ci so .lin. perlant a h od>' as*' the aclîcol Board aboultl be s;hcckccl by - the prosonce of a boid intrîîdor. Titone are Ibneo Iau:yens.o tLe Board; lot thetx1 deal witlh lite.cape, wlit fullinthonly le lbate tiie nuisici le whatever ir4>'theym iyn d ti!esocf. fectiai. Andtelot lteho nsrucled, atfet moting eut due puinîeut for ail cher offenses, te admîitiaten atdiîtional disciplinet foi the auspicjeî uiier:witi itie oIlend - inglndiridual. bhas comii'-u f aspiriiig to thé Chairtinrship of î4l Board. Whih- iiiseul isalute and his bodi' punis/ted, the opporlunit>' pay tic cnibraced ai rensinding li!Mnithat ho desenves tle cwcll licked fr the stupidiîy' of'nmoritag (int otheri,> i4col vague utc hîeld An office of Irqal. by appoiiiting Min lu onu cf Lotion. Tifus gîr4vb ý upu tSvsrend; seniors cf te srlioo'l Board ipt' ini b surpriseti if tt e public, 'fôn w in~e ac, itiottîti foot an ieteresl in t hein pro- c e e d i n g , o r a s e ' i ib o r c' f t i t a t p a i e n ti conslitueocy Should nfou upu $be asi la q nèI'esion, on offtu lsty opinion , for ihteir- giiidattce- or-obîuilit information for lm To 1/uc Edilor o cf t t-7ilby0Chronide, TtSin.>wlk,,- Will you Le kind eomgh te ulleir tie tu apprcîuriate e srtii spice 0f yaou valuottile couttnsi ta l>'iy efore yimn nuutncrous rendorsthe abselute necessit>' cf rnoigLt tiinvatI ice froue the, tidewaîki., nde!Li.dwnger te arliitp e4es- trains are oeposed, b>' its nan-remoral. Il il -coa .reeiv,,=i. I pi-mivse ubox h 8 o o p ie d m as a n îso m e y d e c o n te da n ' Lo.ng 'miii the Briishaud Anterican flaga &to~d Sure the Qaoen," sund "Yast i D o d jo" moere Pe for ed, and th o P ri n ; seene o 10 Lelvoî pleased durnig th Lqnn Lie speot ibere. ' A fin. lu Botos liqor, store, Fullc atreet, tok plce st a lae Lur an spreac! te Goed Yea milnianher cotab, t itahmout djoining. Losi probabi>' $100 PemnTicuk, eb.lI-Tbis mrine WB u sboned le by a nnrt4 casteni>' soow store i eich' did -net, bowver, intenfore vii' t e ga îeri g 'cit hîe- parti c;ipa ntu i l fiuai cenemnies cf the depareture cf il romains cf Geo. Peabody from Pontlant 1 'Vanious societirs ateembieti ut thein Load -qoanicra nuthîe nppoiîîîed ime, nsc! dole e gatiqos and ' disitinguiabetl guesî,se, thi Msyor'e office aI 9 o'cieek, aoc! al paît 9 flied i mie the Hall iii the ppitilishe, rorden of proçee'onptiirough b-Lcorridere The TL syden Agbceintioît aung tLe citent reýo x the M es e§ie ' a ond t e pray r'fr o; "Mos10e uB.Pt." On ceotioaig tb oeil piece0 %appy and Blest, from St P ei u, t I v ie s el r a fro m t L s M a li c j o adearned aod remeoed tue -coffin, aoc preceedeul slowiy from the ha 1l1, preceti b pieagyine, and followed 11>' i in tLe Furueral Car, te tire remainint pieces, 'tlteund *hottLe- oîarryh-broue.t and tLe cborus' from tLe tîHyme o Pruxise more - performed. TLe processiot tben left Lbe Hall -aoc! golloto lice. -ITL Peacrt proeo.dec! ernthe p resiteè renie, foilovaul by au apparecîl>' nneodinjp lice cf carniageq ant i uopnocasioiite At 12-15,lb.eibead! cf tLe preçessiion an- rired ai the depot, mere an emord wme drawmt n,, aoc!'the coffin piaced abean, re aàn thîe morners exhurked. TLî c!upon the drapen1 y cicr mie ccffià. Ai 'tua minutes teo oe îLe train etated, and et lb-a same& instant the Procession dis- ,uie.Dtting tLe procession tLe uiiurcl bolls toi!ed, iii. sîreets:werai inedviii spec laoos, aoc! busireas enlirol>' suspeodeti.« te J ce let in idt 5in fil b CI te ta adil ci! 5"]j 150K te a iloviag oîý se, parti- imne that td lu thý vas aise 2ý ed te hiave ras driven i vault ai ini tuas t a lighi t 'WainuÉ ace muffic4 animal ti<le tbouhthe 1avrit,;.,proc len lthe aggiqtimeno a ma&tresu iantd seve. rai dark blankets. The' îvaggon ialeted neanithe coeiery feice ; ltahe hrse macs iteit b>' thiedriver anti two mien meuttic lb valiioxnyn betmeen Ltem a larqe stick, Wel Iiilet. In a short Lune lthe>' ruerned beutriog ihtteen them amotionless fI-ure, slbrcttdeul leia blatîkeT.hîe figureowas ilaced cri) the utattreassand! in silecthe w-tgnias airiren back LteLite dity. Tii, ted>' ias coutrcyed le lthe sunge orcfa cool hkillul andtilearnec!atingoon, wmiee tome Leeon or e veexcileti anti Oxlitdt students Stcod an4ousy amiietin theani rirai of Lthe sting party. lThe liedy'mas uilacellici a rfcumbcent positi 'on cenlthe ta. île, Lthe clctlîicg utîlooseti, îLe Cihc'te- ;etidc-4autti an inciýion malile norle oft reins of Utih rn. At finît Litasri lrep of d:irlçc-loared bicoîl camne forth, ipi repeatetJicisiions aoc!' ni)iulationg of't'he biody otsed ' it aý lasI 1v Lnicklu ortt ore f reellr. Tie galiiio'batteny *sî applieti, anc!, horritîle andc! iderfl o elatnl lesâ thailifleeuiiiales ;the 'marna hiloti coi- oenceid te course Ilur(Gugi t ire luiiled ibody' ti! eit lt (lie eyes moere opemedi- lit tudents stocAi ppalueti antd cou!d luaril>' religa tio extent of lthe demnutration. beleri then. One cf thucri'iptike ta Kriel vsking ig hu, t"Are >'omi vensibie?" lie- eyesnnswered exprnssuelyandth ie lips penct i nellecluxalîyv, for ne speech c-inue f o t . S t ite u la n ts m e n e p r u r e d d o n t i g e it ro a t o Vet I e vu i ed c im i ltu tî, a n d i n le s < than one heuir altei h ac!heen iltoctdin thic surgeny, Kriel al tcp anti isked- hlittuu Wiatlirave you donc ? Ama 1 allie ?' lThe costernallîn, and e! Llie protes. anal d-ligitt, cf Lite eperlaiens %ras lidly cpresseti. TLe exponimeîît f a rechuesa c;îss cf atuients and auntUile 'xpeiuxen. ýiht tac! res-iute ii the rosucitaion cf ti non mite bac! been bang a short lime ýrerucas. ,!Sleps ucere, immediatelj tlken ' urea lie lite of t h e t»'ret hc d nîne. Jus. ce hiati hbcri t4î.fied b>'tp public; cxc- ilce, thuug i f relumtieti. Wt heold te>' deliver uap irat ted 80 prei'idontial>' kd monterfli> ben nesiored ? Noe cf S'ratigeraeigised! hitc, furnistebt ix th metis,.and by a i-Alît Otitimcwak cti tcterig, bat fine an nti reorable in s dennor, crossedl lte rLer antI mas asL accu by a mathtul, ilecit fniecti, mur pl ec r icnie on Lthe train l eavitig iy nur, loti., on hie may tcanue 411 o'ii laiopeti buiter future. - Lrd!Ainle" reappeaitsaten hie latin litatrous elipse andl pu'bishcs a rc ted S. L oais, Jeu. 3,1870, tealte et t- tai aIl lte Suas', articlesbu refrence 5hlmu anc'utrageos libeis ; ltalue ccl>' ont tmomîy. Ior heure in New Yrk 1er bis arrivaiun itoe Uni-teti Sates- tat ie neiteortej lienonmarf~i an>' yoacg iy thene;- tiat hitoe ecitlier jc-meis, 'r lc e, non pre i os sîcties; tha it hu s r e n l t e n a s p u r e a c d s i il e e s i u i ef- rd titet ho bas net tutea pnriie ,-e cf a i notl ocqliitlane miith Dik Batiford on ny otheucrfliiul f ltatdescrpion l -stutiion 15 ieesling, if ttlea s>' isteiou.: Ii Miss Martit i titn'L marry 'nil Amle, and Lord Ainse>'ý ditio'I înry M is arint, ubo ot cantitis re- inuile for li titis cî.tnuii6alhiuitir»r.' AL a ponfonmancec ime l"b>' Ell in Adc-îm ir. n asillon, iii lte alter ', gan're/eand> Q(,eicCiaui uaandi i- Qs(ceis h*d e oue tue scecery tîn ie tioh fùriure. îuente titrilie iveul fr lte igraveyard sceno," it irai enrereil tbat lte preperLy mian ail ;leetc-d te funal'ai a skirl. flirWcouI(l itlet say tAlas, pon bYrick," mitutoo sku l ' Am ay, iia ayy crie s J411 1a io tte nui stZ~ohecary sicp, anc! fromr iitto - Jri ig m e th e g n n in g , h e a -& e i anck. " .rTe tivo il8nLiiler3ymel supers" -he di trae ticaliy a ay , anti s.o en r et - itit an tire sk-ele'toilî bang 0 es, i i a rn y itig - p L a A d ,tu s v a id , 'I ér's or Yorick." fIgle. if yeni cao, lteO ear n c eo c f IZ t ec vm i ci lte jin finu g in bonus i nd lte rattlimg arîca of enicklio atingupen 'tli- stg- )antatiti, cries tito yal Dae,"ibis rado-on't you do liciter (bau luis r b"cries a Knigiî of PyIliia, iffb 1-cirait a moment," ant in a feu min- s. lte deparîti kii-trelunuieti mitît 'e eiqds sArtrl mth cross hones attai beieôging le a elgde near aI iad-aod graepwrilthe shtin boties, Coin-- indura cf piius. 411ipîi 04ui iii opeigof a jiqu opera ltoûsk. at fislecureatCitilli- - Sqd i dtrMee- , e>!utinio Ll. eeandi - a! nover iras tit M fid to raingeti inal for bytte -lTiei mas ltae the <ceo BL(a Oe - lCam icity 111 on Pop bofero i 'There ç presout 1111 eigIa ' in danki lfées, wl theie m meul ai Ihare vi named i te moi - Jalan and- sa Ivant, IobLy-ï q quartore lier t antagou raI timet coed, is undet y e 8le rd a ' Baton aj !entaof t inu'casa I Th1e gen Prer, att fer fucii £Ceeis La maLerfali iu the ne eufflcient enngi t mater as bias been Labi>', Lb. Ibis stem Leen nsed tLe Mont cf the Fn PvîlzenIaî ens cenut ont eitire e pur coali ~aiesa ilpen, te t Iit ; St( its Dame i t'bat valet difficoliy c sida cf a i -caunterbal cean macul .teo Leetop, are us cas. ppwers, or nons need pinime te n iii. E @hall -bave pari>. SI h.dies, te 1D escribi atitics at r paper uays a coolie an pmand usi MARSII lIer. J.I) W. P. Evar liam, OtaL,: - icumno thîe brides, burg, Esq., 11ev. 'Gulô)rg tJesate M Re. Dr. E ;Rural Dean WVELLS - cf lthe brc Jaua>' 3181 Mn. Jesse B. RICHARI îThUursîbay 27 Abiughtfen cf SCOWVAN- tp ,Ont Yours, truiy, A RATEPAYER. 1 ti

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