Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1870, p. 2

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Tb#emaspslu..-l Cordqc.d-*. "Tise Emsesd.-Iz Booum snd S8h, g -De. pualet kIPS& bp5 soy Wsuted, Xeo te1debtoi se ad, toa.-F or, 7erm for Su&e-JoospkBiglo.. To Ootratc.r.-Pqbiie ,Worko 1)qt. Ont. q sote#eof Ola.W P. PRil.sVR o. Card-Pateut PloogisPloi.. H. Hobbs.c Aupliemrf , IýXleth-Wisitbl 3bursa Bible oeleîy. Tendon f9i; dreguq-W big hahort *AUCTION SALES.. Peryof M. O'Donaven, Whb- Crdasg, buggte,eaum d Velootp.dea %-L airbanks, j,.# Autonser. * Ona Thonday *sud tdsy,Jao. 27tb cand 28th, At store of Osité Fot, Whlîbv, Blootsansd eosn sud stock 40~ trade, -14. Whllby, Tburïdaly, Jan,,,, 20, 1869. SPECIAL NOTICE 1 1/ce terma /ir the 0"Chronit*f" am' pl0,~er e3., plqabl e atly M advance, A/'eer neizt tcee, the Papera of al àubscriber twelve mont/ta and zp- tIbis o liefrst vote tiser#,ývs 'i Il, ma X wu daca.d pro sud CM!wbistiser or flot tise Cl.rk (eh*o pnetded> b.d li i$ist 10 simfe s.ceallisA ote:'Tise Cien very properly," 1hItoI,ritud tbdeçW@ eh quionby bhi eudttg voe.t, Ivit bold; îhe ame of corral,, qowlltieo, tise ec clelahowed ik to-h. tiedaty of 1h. Corb u s ive, tbe .ssag. ivote." No. ve apprehenIss htittis i sot 1h. la., sud thet on Îoetenoceto<tbe ,.or, 1$ ,ili h. round thet ilt t th etruede.i o ýe mounl.tpuityAa ht*btc, esed fiel hiec tise givitgotfa ce9thPp, .6!l Dot Ieo Cleris, tinosaiof 8, goon 104'elton of ea edia Aftto i ivotse vi aitisa tse Umem of V'Aref Boulton vu moieti for Mayor,. &Pd l, sad tîbqagaintmnaid l alefer- vents liset of NMr. Harman&Ù9 isevu à#- çW!rdi eéoîted- b> à majorit>'of Il te 8, It vabih-ami vi - thl4 .ornioly- tbat lise motonpvas out' of odr-ihat blaing aaietib.ndispeod, oft il oomid ot b. brougist forvani duritm& the' sae seision, Ulovelortis $rs av# hie opiniou tise ouisen us>' cml edth ie motion lu orafi', sud, tise vota vas taluan vush the refaui juilsteiu, eleetlg--. Harane. But heti the olerk puriaidti h. 0ourse of reeelgiii c11he nominatiana <or tise msyorelmy, in chi frit plac",anti thbn pulîing csem tato h. someidlun b. origuluii is Itise>'hai ýbien s'îciredi the d fficuiîy veili b. Îot io4 asidvisisî eamai but b. 'couir aueni rregulanla>' .. aveau.«-c.u.6 oîuc uri 5sa - îoardsir n arrear w/lli e atopped, and J1saii. b # lCoattc>Cliou li tsettu t/ce/r acaoungA'saînded over for'col/ca or Wartioa 1it vcw i !w j4 aeaisud non,. No jurtIter notice wlll be p/tien. ,Sadrcribera imc doubt aZious thce amoucc of- teir indebtedrceua can recon cp t/ce nuMber of years t/tel" huVe C ela'ngictZIlt/ipaper, «t $1.50 per annum ; deduet tMie arnount pald, (i any.) and rm;it t/ce balance at thce rate of $1.-50 per s'earr-toget/cr titAj year'a auberciptoicn luadcance, -i ecse /ceir yeoers aub8cription.shail bcave tcrrntnated. 1>artiea indebted for job worlc and aÉduertliicg <ri reepecfully requeaetad to-ima/ce a Ocetement fort/&wit(, and eaue ue tro tcl4e andeewna q/eot- lection. rcl Ire contemplate ma;qj improve-1 moants n lutr 0 Ch/ronicle" t/ce 'prea8âit Vear, lbut iu Orcfer t Prj cenY nt ç/Ject, andi enable uo to meet our en fqienienti, we must inolat upon al ico 0108 vî cI/t/crfng t/ce amocînt ut t/ec/r indebtednea. I14r iL IG GINS. (1hronkZt (0Tce, IW/cii/V, Jus. 12, i810.Ç #4eýiocaa Charge Againot llin, Mr. Tho- flobe of tbe ltîh t, bringe tb. gorious charge againsi fBon. Joseph Hove oif bating doit. bis big boit, la an anior- regîlan amd violmu'oi no tmus of ordor. W. mekte a prisent of theisesotion co tise Toronc. <iii>'fathera 10,dopt h iseraafies on similien proceedinga î ahintmg pie. Mestimhe va çongratulea t$acitigeneof Toroato on' th& 80tuu J 0o oa malor, sud ixesellonia' a -a Mn. Barman, Tas Hsspocz Louas.icîca F OLDahcI Cstxa.-Laet veels ve bai ai; opportult> -jC u ifortebie,' coveiaua~aafmlAiestJ'f tise easy 4ali -inv.nted, at thap esteabs.mtc Mn. Jas, H. Samo6 - ýms it are -at Once oombini UaIl otess malté oie p iie, ele- gauce, pertabiiiy aui econoqa>'. It c0cu' pied cml' atech, bodys hai spece whee dlosda amnetolumuamI lt- cen b. ,adjuited (a an>' anle ta ai ch. inclination cf the b~4 Itacap ho rangiti osoai te aswr eidiser for'a ionuge, chiii's col, or a bei, andltt'pus-tiitwg f44 caauw$ ont ; il eem-b b adfor $3.50, and ia eTer>' style to suit lise pockietand'ti'uts -ot emtomeri. Piaoaitm.-hn a 1 country like: ceuns, vIser. thora are tisop.i.o yeý remember theo pivudiens undi iconvcuteuces oi thc settlens, cime men>' meclmentcal Improyo- monta anti lebor-mevtug nmachines Indîcete a pragresiuparaliliLtin tashaton>'. W. bave now mediclues tolIglten the lehons oi eeultiasiand.i evel-tInventions 10 Isacneaee thc cansfets of lif-ani 10 lecittate o muniuiicationi. To lessog nortalt>' anti itop thiseroad&s 6idisese,1 Ree th Ie gant hsbouenes Rtemedy j for tilacamo f et tisolnga, liter, anti ki nets. For silete b'alf Draca its. bondeay >, to hîisg about the presênt sate cf thhnga t Red JUter. If lie-If tise '<Wauux as' Mv, YoaKt.9i-Tbe von faca, se gcirn theboGlobe hi correc- Is moltatendedto te aer to e vitiated enmiu nfii fontlitcontemporar>'yse imral uemtim.mc, bet -rallier to 0elortee -bnovai l tise umus i of tise ground on Ise standard of moeialil, moag thé vo- wnisiablh. stismis lu maklug tise assertions mon of ch. aid'tyàimâiaion, by reisiug tise -the Bootet&sn, of tate for ch. Prov'lnces voc cf alano. 1lûiitaing ch. Ife of hems mach te apaver for.lne bai mot cml>'%tise bendien -sex lubiglasuamiloyr places, provai a tialcor tl a~adsa; iqt-he les mmong th. «ooi, tli ietadtdIindiffernt, iviolaloi bisoatho r4ca q a àminister of th ise n dhemc.poor, tise virtmoms snd cisc Or-c..Whou 1r. How.bS t a &tripdise vicions, tise tatàuasu»d h ti ukovi, po Roi River lait fat, I i iIb. ncallectedoti iscvg vice amdiintai, isappimeis -ati tissi ho studiomal aotddimmking publioc luiscny, tasijon antidclu, iregardas-tisa Ppeeche or ct be& ILvas sai t e i, Oacetoftise Enspîr@Çpi y of tise tUnited ami téhatlie nsit vs amnapl> lui the chaise SÎtatos, Vyul huafommùci oèthe tmost lutoesi tei of a privae gentleman. Novr, ho'Wever, anti vonik te Prosistio, 'PhitO"oshs, amoîlaîr don>'la toid, aud w e vii Jcttise Reformerasud n41ahiothen, baig t1-hogooti clob tollit. . -of, smciety et iseat, cnd aridg.for ici "îIsl, îiover, nov canine osat, anoifatiu. 1venhy*,41 o-juo rîisitonr L tise NorLi-WeaL are, with moro al about tise *c me l", 4fYLO eoris reunuce, finuluumg - Nis¶ Yonhbàvh ta Vanàuiutht lar. iail a> scmou ndmmi ovontise socit', Dot oiI -Mo ncaUs J aînanleam tnaillen und observern1the Clay, balut t (veyfi ps lae was genenil>' aappoed do hava boom. kos mtenîtatvs' cl ha oim ~ lic ra-chiai lmasSe speechlnutlueablia,-- e'maie up, u'î are lpfcmi, fpr citic-1.bcei« ordelm . er-p gv ~Acncy- hy abund;uico of taik, andtIset cf day. 4*Wcaio ' N avYoorbv, Sa van>' quçntlonable ortari tspiîlvate. Thsi pociot>', ami points cmi che remed, 'for es oroeat an incog. visa cousu asot ho pr- aied tpo pem lis noathIn lu blir, bas. tlgeia- gae fo, mcmccounsiat axircoaing gradpaai---- 1>' In, s niaëiamoumn>a etftrmuson eut! 44- rosi<0>'WgirristAin C BLB. o- affectienviacrever lie sieut chrongbsoti te CIs-nY.-Thc auniviseory ofthe Levaf ieuigd-lianal breadth of the aud. Au pu- tialstie- atinirer oflise - great .Nova Wiiby Bran-h Bil. Societ>' ta annomal- secton, >anxtassW fseitiMr.' [lveoa o aheld àetch.e' o~Cmêh n I puschs of tiseconutri' anti peoapîo s'pssible; Mouda>' ovemtng nezt ig245t*~ paut iinsl-andibiaaaove>essce ait tie pervJ9 f thec i eHou., tdieinPresideut otf B,,pooiL TaaRVs a-meurs J. M. 10v»q lb. Cetancil. and dmore hlm Lotibh iffereul ant il~.Watson voe 4 eclared oleeat . pîncea csf lctereml aund-importance lu tho tiio,~ebAcd of Fo-rt' Gar-r>'. Bal hi Sbciol Tnulea.for îb,9enulnoanti Sont# ton i minot carry Iliroagli tie anrasigeti pro- We r eptital>', o0 is tylait. grammne fu r listaaience go t ontirol>' ex- haustei, amidt aiut b.-declarei tiat Mn.' BSEPRATitsî801o9001i vai-M' Itoval couldive itelmîtround, butl chat jamtes .johmtou ntid JoisisBernard bave hcerlaibmi>' oudnot, bicanse - -i ebi eetdTatéiîrà 9-0 0% eppoupsblo Josephi asuacbtimg belter ienectiTeî~ô l.~ .Spr> 4bil n P14pI!pa co. Wlmal possible groami Sbhool of chia tou.-for tbi pnes.Isar, çouli b; baye baisler pmpg snch angsaag, bse lfoIy ?, Bocmnso bo la répreo»cýîf tentîo tae diemiesti toaij t.éâe& 'iàt or s aeyisg ýt Fi berovor lisp>' wFena anse *pqljo cale ennoaceti by Mr. 1O'Dnovan iîl vbàiaseyç'r lb.1' comveraeaf the bure ioncf Mn. tlpvei ta jc iriuli?4stion 01 Thée stock l r atei of thé bt ai 51eusda iant istaba1,o1silnge, ti eai suda finuilà »a4 vs evriucte .b ;xluorlttono 10 alltl mn e.1 .1t emi jst igiîst tise introduction cfitirt,. ot > uél psOI, aistL4 pnoa si c onset endiàco- pperation in contem weti r i n of i«lus,ii smpp4seumals anti bgob pffI jjsWIlng a ritti orh naccs vii kidi promptll »>p per. S»e a<Iit4 Mollit sud John lJasOshawa Jma RKtcçbeuCoumbus. A resolmsclon paied eppotcng NMiers. -T i 31.1.11 .ud John LOtil, dil4es 'W e 0onouvton of th. repruaeutattvee 01 Agticultigral Sooieleto bu1 h hold et Boy- uiii.et ounIusday, 251h Iau'y. tit., to ut; o pon e f cedl time for hsoding tise (ailes of lise mi"isiSoohetlea, s s s lost a Ilp woald b. bih oci th.eem'day 1 and oùs 10 -devie botter miai for iii. *p- poiniment e ffcient juigie. XMr. Wca. Tisompson Sgvecotlle tisa he1 Vould et tiose niaanaul motihg, amove ea resolutton for appolisn*bg la -mors iqtisfetory meuner, tise pia for hold- Iug tie se iitlom of the aoctety ja future. A- reoautiomipaiaid eppolatis t h. frac mseclug ofthtieireotors 10 ho, held -et tho Globe botel, Broohlin, ou the frit SoturdaylunFebruery, et mre oloois 1 îter tb. vsuel vote of thamhe 10 -lbh Prestdimt sud tetirimi officia., tise pro., eeodingi vore.btoaghtto1a eclose. liont, L. et Iluuslngtonon O l01elti', Tise Globs inmIts retraiityle tisibiits et tis he brueir of Bon. 4L. B. uating- itu, M. P. foir se5'rord i 1 The Bon. L. 0. BHnmttugtonm M. P., et as bell, sud ieucert>- gitv, lait,,eveng aunr tise amspce«ta(t hoBt. 'P.trieis's Roelt>' at 'mis-traah, took *ocees',ê* t. ie- tiver-e sp.eehtaiine efo f bis ove loyal- ity>. Tise hon. eei.mmat;lthm amodee-ý t>' tbet doos hilà bh rediti, - 15.111>'asi micoed Ihat O'Comsiliba. cbitter,:capq- maini-or langua4ga thap iicaseifbhi qnottng copoly j'ïà tro h&oerlcs lb.h. ebot tisatibis v amdiinîîresced icyaît>', ch. rosaI> cf jadgmeu nti pnmiple, not <mnean, suda îebjeinefiefP.real <«i;tist boyelyvioh, voilâ equsill 'maimîmin 1thée 5e17 îot tue tliïwd;.ami 0nmeroew'of lb. peopli.9 All ver, fui chia, bml visin doranmg the lait quarter of maiutaiuul tis e' is f ts hoe a Mn. liamtimugtoa 49 soospltly toitis ovu lamMvidâality l lis. cemtmplaclom cf O;pat Irisllaichtb orges bicis adomit tend visicis autiagtounI01 homo snob illusiomin - .acouns >for -tie aus4cv- of droar>' speeches on lcdepedeiice bnsorate oyaî> Qat îhsîori télatin'. talind kythi feet chat- vlsW, tté imou. ton hefant halidoatlanoyetyInh. -n O &Cbu.llidisI eau O'c k. -ataOb di thiase -it ben "breO'oni or om ;Ïis ioymltya <The greet objeet ot bts eIhfid >aeibeau pus, dovo the meouvwso- 'somgbt to ecxit iienion antiud tiiloyali>' 'ausomg tb. pfopi. Uùiëà,aïmd hsnrmouy1 6'troes, t. «ruaI ipslifg tàlo.tuo vilsis ho4 6(O'Ooudell) vial t. cgeea'àppled-to tht1 'voomi. of bit country!' The itemoft !.bo Hon. a. 14 Hmttngtou pntttng dové anyboti>. Wiare li ch. '4=uwiti tise sont of e mouse vis o vB7.old for more>' <nom'thliaO'Conneil cana Rna-tlaio hcnmP1 orecor.,Anti 'ise vous'4 of- 0y, oountry'ý too t;-Net tic Domialm4u vit Cbbati suret>';ý young, trsh sud Ivigoroma, vitb. egc s a ch as a scratchs amn ueeough to gîte a oilai4 ton su .011n tp amy- boty-er If she bas a vouni, 'ils a stmb lu tise back- rom men visose conscience ta just affieiaîly 111 at eume to il dtbfm 10 (YConn*iI'e public speeches b ioro. a ebanacien. C 17 A MASX WAX" 4 Bo"ns or Wp;sagxt lot litai ha>'it ,amidlakoit home like a mmm, ai o n a ,Shomewvtlb'e bottle of <lttîcral"or «CordIal" aud ,reisn that itlta moe . If ho.,gant,4 a lop Ihla ta nunthimg bidten, lbElxa etenpprer> stimulant, lue shoahi gel aàIspîthe cf Pe'i. qian Ryrmsp'(en Iran Touia), tbafi iil vitalizi tise Isoot, i4l#Iael udnîngdis l ta e ystous. BooTs & Beoza. -Mn Camdile FPok an, Doncées in otisar colune s ntuention ta rumove <onmWhithb', antibu iiucteil fIn. .Fatrbenks w 'diajiaeo of his stock iin traie eniltools ad-veryin tieiso ànti $boa ine, a et 6ciu, withomittmev.- Goosi F421Ji rlm SALOI-10 acres Town-, aisip of Bcngag. [Seo aimI. Palaoct AeTuua iii 1a beave Montneal on - ise 2Mci, ton Ni. Yurkp,» is 'njtca ise Unlitue 9mes.v - " Rocarroan TTc no TaîgnDqacAtu - pIrnc#zxv «ix Pàits.LThe Oamber i decitie ta tgrant tise demait i s ah.i1Y- inn piomt fan tiseeraailmpt o Rcisefont, by ap everwblaepsipg maj4nil>', ~Thts yole stooti $99 for, and 04 eopinéstth prpose- entiom. --Theison agnerit exaiteqýmmî- mmd popalar.ieomsscrecloo f.syMpathy vith Rochefort.- Jan, l7jý_Â teniblo toiwâtio4;.#ittttOpise Citjr' Staiomi ou che Lomjvila e &4 Noah- ville Rlve>' a army tcsita orning4,m ,'v.b4ah 1>' kili, inciding'Wih.- ek 'ïan ibs, temlit, consieimg cs,9 witocnd Ivo pjslinip, ami eboml 18 pprsoni vire maoéer lmi A: ÂGzsuî SacÂlS-aiIllrien4 pf ours, tise otier daythandorei-ott noble apavon toc piostltenmussjun- '4Y1[aue>'cIl ion, fo lise dt>'obib dhsau Ianti if je se our agi>' face befone-Ih#t day, l i orp 111 bave ta10 the.receipt. trotn y Our pu niorL" . - - A ~ ~ ~~l 13oo >eai. a-t. -'Cthoin~a recontl>' deltyrpti a ditacourue on tise tailnoid -hoperdui.lp>smtncolg M is ccxc, "PFur ie engimue; pas timnk an' de brmkoma u imîtiin/' s5leho s iatd voulti h fomui "in 49 - <os 94zebapte pb ;oeePisU memb4c lon.l West Jin ilD5 umoth r. maedpn.ll, Who bed ot th.elBoerd foraenu ad experlenceof I is vorSi eid ho wonl'ijv ve y bise actin ef th çpum t- asupet Mv 1> s4in 4# tigapmnith. other mm e4e f b.camasslttea, m4 dW4red-, ad thememjierf thp.o -q, « dpy. oiue wint e p,.«9 p .g% 4le a, pe-eq5sl ih. coré;,m j Sm ' Ils. stboasnl .o h. crue;a stifie tosbttaiý Il. luawè.v', à. "ePort oà cj h rAsutea > Ouï motion otMr. Brovn, secon ded 4Y ,Mr. O'DonovanR. E. Leviervesap point- 04 Aqditofs andi.the Mayor nmeuçc49110 Jobnaon As th. second Auditor, Mr. Browsa, secondei hy Mr. O'flonovan, moved 00 .sa aelçc çommitteeof ol hap- pointed b>' ballet t9 repotl, tpstanding *Caissergin eç8statnems. Tise bsllott reeulted ian fayot oS lçaa# Draper Oetmbi1Q'ooa, oiln 1and Pbp. ,pel oos1n çi4, On motion of Mp r, p ev, * Jor loft ijq chair for 14 minutes, - On th.e fayor swsuming ch, chair, 1Mr. Camnpbell v.poriçatIse follawing %$ th# standtng cam!mnic$4s for I870. - *Finenc.-Melani.Drepor, moMilgo, O'Donovan, Oeppbel1 snd Phý1j9 Stroets and lmprovçmeuts.-Meira. Phl,, oMiltîn and Draper. Fis'. mu le'-MIesro fgay, gotti ami Clark. Prntnn~.mssro onoyap, 1Qtti snd iTown ilroporty-Murm goillan, Oampbolimnd Camseron. Appiicilions tb Ofice-Mesara. rovn, Caonbnld'Cemeron. 1 . . LicenséOommttee-Th. Mejor, and -Moeuss. Csmeran, Phil p4sncbOtnion Mr. Oampblt qIPQove4 dotiolo thse kepc6. 4otoqo Mn. B tnin &sndaiecnt, move.t b. on. An Authon. behng uo, 64 t,'~he counci vent ijito comumitte. of ch. whbol, -Mr. Cemerca Iu th. chair. Mn. Bown $:&i bts resiapi for dering. to bave h rport coniderei fis commit.' mittle, votdi on, sudi psaoisepanscely, -and hot lunhbmik. The firit à m-the Funne comdmitc.e -vAs1 àpi st'witbut, objection.-'1 On otas for Adoption cf tsi,iOdmit- tee on stroila and - improvbieiiMn. Brown moved 10 stnike omit the matue or Mn, Phpaid have thec of Mr, Ray fuser- ce n td. 1fr. Draper eaked. 1th. reeve 10 give soute reaaomttfor bill' ïendusent. ITtvas not, hoeau ,usu*l tb poye 10strike ont tch,às pemo Pe uember of a omdmittee and fissert tl ici l u hsnist.lsniii'is sti, vathtart dencig sopuereasson -fon dcrisa rsom - - MIeuekid tb.e reve è1s.VIvo0 hu vIKsofsw;ilM D,) vben tde pro- per time caune, vould hé propaei 10give 1i opno pnv at-vs ion, hy the "IlolnUcomanttte antsreets1mà-a- yesr, .ani to showbow tlhe iifeorent members. f that commilbceiscbargecl tbetr dtiie. Mn. Brown ssii thaltain aVjmg ch. amseniment, hl ie d go vicistheho destre that t4bpqueaclIon ofcismnatea Mi.hî bel considered ain>' ana aqnerely. sn ech comnite. spproved of on isa smeniti. He va pleaie i viitathe opportunit>' lima sfi'oried hlms of expressusg lita own,,opin- Ion. Bits domirn t he patter vsthet tic aeverel comnittea abouti be-struck for the besseli of tb. whole. Thon. bcd boom e feol&ig uspon th. subjectýot appoint. Ing the conmitteosllait yesr, &ad,, . ii mot din>-,but- chat hol1 nme O"tnt, sharedl in thaï feeling talmasîf, (dê"te dii mot believe thoi ami saune of b.tdi'ienis li been- deait fairly vitta. lit- Umeon fon4caoirlog t b tpîpto e he (fMn. Rey'for-chat of nr, Ptailp irq, :b'elale liked t; -teo ch. igit mon ih #'<rtgbt Elàco ; Il vas an public graaîuui'.'Sor ha belleveti Mn. Rey tho gentlemata hoat queifueti. lie a mgenieunncf experi- once, amd ti l ould ite finit disnebho vould bave the banor of heingeierman afitreota pn4 ampravementi. Tbnaugh- ont buia',bate ixuricipal careeéf,'1me bad heerd Mr.'BRay prgisýet, maie snd ont- side, ai anc ol the niait e oient, ipen on lIse streets 0onsmittee in trb. 10wn,>Those vene ltse roasqna vby boproppust ch sttue os p o f Mn. Rey. As 10 tIse commjttcs fllisis;cet le wass il-Ie (Mr.. B.,) couli approve of. 1144 hg, 1ho mek- in&ofg aistpppIf, it çopild ual bho ioeto tati iii g . b hd besp" peî4,-Z piside, Iliet h. (Mr. pi) vaptesi -bc, p cisairmens ctf that ogsaitto.]lut sucb vas not the case, Mn. Draper vas'e gentlemnqn pi abitit>', vel acqueinto4 iritt hp atateoS ttae ï1nnceà, of the town, and a Songeuomn an volqualifiadi on tho vork that bai tafs (Mn. B'&.) nome heen propoaed ho e vo4 À , sk to have It vitbdravn 10 givo e - 10t Mur'I Draper. l, vuiins44t>oe cacnijl thtthlp coMMuittie on atreati ami imu- provemneffig vas epimportant one; thuil tiser. voniti h a large exponitune of mono>' chits yeoar, snd taoecfao, thatcane sbauid hi laken c. p;"ceth@ ver>' beac mon on thaç ai; voit a,# ons4 t-he arn- Mr. Draper conicaed biee4Lf o ci ltat stT n>' cose bff l té iraloet Merchi lVmpuus gave Mr. Dumbi. nooe te tlia i eit, ho vaboudnti la oppi.ee h irork grithin &ix natso h&tisXaqftor. idecect e vant*'nfavonod ch. Companmi>' Liai c. tlt tlengéîrea lu e poultioni 10 talle acvletwe cf cl4'a;anse; ta. roeni more pàncieuwasr te ru t 1 O1pjýet ho jfixsiay get - i o tmli o mpans' fearet thoy vomli à te10 omacuetet at hair eva oxpenbe, ami bediaetuly obtilmet povenfroun cie Dominilon Panlisuient forliai' pmrpse. t wis. lawver, tomadti àloeso~l vork, suaithe,. lonal Gev. @erlnl gsenoiqaly roipoimed' ta 1he apoiel et Mue Comppany rid t! #proetepW 21,M110for ithe rrotliailoclc..Tii, pieacni reati>, lie wonk laid ont, am nd mhoriýetthae toroma mcntverae lutratn.d chth e look@ Sgsoli b. onnuled b>'thl 51hOf I net JlapSe. îe1 mentioni tilg' m inet amtlq ni; oiÏ oinact more fàvslnabletii. oii9pzipfscie Company' won nov tisai h tten ctonatract vi. .,rd Imto wîlh Mr. >qublo. lic e efrreind t time Importance ë? be Itcrtiirn lumber crado; thé. great niionrees csf thattirai.,in thme nmer or etemicaota, «'-., aim.ed lta, audIdl Liai Pont fHope ,aosbi imgig, h*Fla ondar be sce anti ne rtaîn 1tILeacf e h. uecenit>' or pr,)mpt nactojon $ise puaI <iffiehé omapsa-'tri piemne lime fomapilotaqn. -qf lie rogi; for If Llmo. ianiberrtx letrod Inc o useot. viti clxi FoA lb nnSborp' Iî tai rai. itni l o et, c. ch.eWlmtby ropi, simd blmot esly;taun ou a yer;,but Sur 6, or 6or 19 y cira 10 cemefcr th. ipaier ina, lie âsai, *esild bu bomut ta 'enter in ýlong date cauisOts, othenolse thi p!oha îtly- vas chat cia orot Hope 41ti %Y Comipany vauli notai. ta, carry tcuirlamsior etSimeol roit, anti soeïop -i l tm'. eutunlog kiloe côutrmaeto. 14,iV':-iimier th' ctipsn stances tf/st nogotitioinîimmi i.beauntna i. te wttcecpsatnmuc'onfont le eenly ceunplmttua ofloI Seui *Wlioh culmîinaicd tS lui a rq 'Plmlagn'el bt phre tii liste apanqd - 4h.ý lSl i edly. Tise Compe a me mldovmm lai th a ciîtet omgt <.li.pw ocaune!, la>' theoý'tado 0f « îmtheau bo a thean. Tlay Ventai ihe ncil teb imposit ci. aous ae- boutures& tua tlm banufaib huker Ma t rau- tuégin lu ondân b>' tiut muisedo ffe4lâieh paisas. cf lis trop for tise roui; tie' lits et iatiiaî nd colicy cfltiumseineon timc Iren ce he liaieti eyer tgobtie ~ u inscnit>', ami vimIch'luiill-oplisipa1 idi - k.e, 0a a botter amiîttichait wica thetom mcDo ,h.ii- ior che coîsapitlon cf, clip romi. lie ;iemlust aie cs aooisal Je iesino: buts i4 timé coulpes, Mfl'ou i I ratîvra>'lioa manioc viii ijiuag '0o1rt'ae tct fenMosely aetlucsrii ustec, ciao poncnacor voalt ýJun. c. wà t oui* cliii -we,- maus ourei a sftiié,tise crier bai beau «iis,. 1 .a ie pumlt n luiu7ndcr eitatiluýigaa« encs lmCam imyvulu b.aiiluae, Lime delta. t nis n a lveis h.fono tise Tnmmiteoicf bth. down vouiti ho reqairedte c.bond tisam, 07r (gr thlap. lie chnilierci IdthaIl heh bonn ientauna ya cceityi 4tne- eor-rafor the pprdicua ,0 miclis Ofion vhioli n' Mu Itani of &bouit ,1 da-eql muai! voulut b.L.maon e n o:1eTU auhl Wtitiy samat Itei obaud cier thireurdt oms Lures, aatdi lli Unulqthé,ieareunstatacea li beltcvoul ihere von i hé- Do 'dtpsculhy 'u is- tatagla it f ho doencpi renlo'noï hlieda orer, ho »& Sii ta bi wvon i .stral.k St tie tiiul. sum itra£fielathtisec.n chat11i di t t4k4 ten on ffltouyéen c. Icovr Io.Am - lisylug-thihe np.keisnol os*a ~eIaiWIv» dinect4or, l'ut M85 stovmeaeawfo 114'Isys- kepc iiié Itias 1théi tb avatrit sund toré mnos la vivw. - Mn. Ilqsmisi. fullov4 lin. PenI, reltorallng hallma8eu~ons. qgln lmIitfri'ent IUap. cl taitotihecontracta or tu lumhior ion ch. creen cof tue tInde veu eleet c t V-c WlaittîY rnds for yearà teodoss, foi It va Dot- likel>'- thast Lielormuen vomi1to iste, cemancie for leoàn ss7)eirm. Ho roforrtul ce h. programs cI ii. u>1a7.~ atesbeinx nov graiaed, *tu"itisaiïtiea wid'60'mlian27aaal nt work Qa cth utcimau. Liat 000.000touit er lisualianbai hocu obd.Sied t o emcima cf goem, tiQ0wa nowov uc, sudmai atoil tsé' iiiaitithraî Wcre 120,0O 00p t, tanlaeqauaatity ofiiutplspn oi attue gad &. andl usi utheloe e Ieê 0 a largo oxpontiits.unon tic ine. Ilmauer tlim. licsamtu e oeli. h i ld net fielt juâtLioloistamgolg ftam Eaglm.ai sud buylru rois, li 34l4sLioil tuai tiee .nliabilities ho lied tuapnnol, blun lueçi4laee ie a VY demi> am d ch9souces f paqsoit. rieepeutytoL Lh ie h Louy usli eindrudaplo, ila utamistou to tise jaumomnt of wark doîmi'antidIbiitm u esanredti la.tovu ouiti sohbve .ssonnlt>' or tIeinon. Ïil. rgai rompt c tion If lt-wi ducire toayvitic. rudopc-nod by cll. Xlii Jay.t it -popti «sicabout t Lira natia, 10 t hotàddïor eirbiaus lg eiCOUmfumnfa.- anriral te lav 1, a ibid witi ivery a&eaiýtaUce cime yCouti «ire lilas t lwosli4 hp qifnp y .yit hé c.,e-utnucmr. 55..ftimlin <al u~el ît irpa tiasiams maie by Mlei». Ferry laid Djmiable -igil, - hacon.idercid iumogpiytiy àcons.. balu ls aulid le îcegmber- ad sli.mrp apeeng Surn stl. lered i i i uoumpcael seqt ng lnth atter veut te re amced. ingu-$5. onqi,. pa,igae ulme etagil ue Ooamaymp*e is omi 4ecoendedmtm. wamf ie ba cua- Selmget fi bmmal wlulnuuswn hotd.-liad sf bo çer1aa ucor oeib<o me. h l yd mrogner houa eu)sse ',#urý-' d iebe4ygSinthe i.billiit b aiiond ahecusi u nfo i.tciairra 10v, i deici(iar i.e5 'Siloilfb uel.e5o ai fbc bond. oia the &ecuiuyetfmhp Strai, àsîa5 .èuama.ig1 010OeOfureria ,ashifiiaau mfthae rinmt' t'lr ieMn iana ma r.,Chîmlf. weresinraigr orcf =g jccsiu -5#cory'. s piqi.Uom-im it r. Mla a nqirend vlicaiprI ah. dobegta.es Foe imaed orerili bok iumrceîuya.utd hucomlétetd. 14n. P.nny'rcplaed abat buo thiew esul.g Ita u.com- ;rary , gimatIthmieit w» vu i 4eascogwin s-'% rDraper pamumieDp ie mthénkýumpeuSe :pâ ana coas, aindciadeai sitsy a aam g it i u ulrqm iuic veayldie no difficlty is naat ais is Einchuamvg.uSlOu a$%id deqir*d tir ah. C f saptu Signie âery- amg th lb. S tcr,.lptbaime ".i S' sa4 Luaiepuiil saanbiina g e sic a>dtuu -ommjgSî 10e1iy; bat lie &nrom plies- Ping qnaïM asun epcjthoablepipIs e usbpa a tn mol heîirriter aterni>' opdASqm thse auntat4i,:adviceof toe t m avilcounseliona who eýhort the Iriah peopleo "10 exhume oiu v#otgs. to itiale aieçaW h-etbpiit oi nevengo, ani steel chair. hearta ageisat the aivanhz o iiendahip." ,'The O'Donogbuie thiuk$ It scarceJy>'_possihle to immginoe 3 situa n wlièhvicbsncb e programme coutl'oacoepted by Christian men. '"Are va"lsforcibi>'agika, I m Cno oai tudott çn et the-moimentvison, itle conla*s - k leoanî eggdcous; visa c-h. obils pahcgSou isvy r enas log ilf >01. grwi g inteltig.eoaa4 incie ne , s bttaare evea prepirilg. aditionel guaiantecs for thb. ait>',o- pcsputcr rigii; vhen che people ai dttaoir friends holi th. citaiet once in the ex- diusi ekeepimglof tie, nonsinees of an olir- TUE ÎXW TirOX ELOFEEN5T 0.403- nov ONE 1!ETBIISIIeD coox iFOILlO vUE aacor s A New Yonhi' Telegrans cf. luit igt givei tb. foilowini narration of the îick- oumun t.oppmont ee efonredti 10in Itoh.» coîniuyeatcrda>r: - TIîe clopomînt pIf lWv. Igorge, ook, -pMt.qr pI lio Seventh Strepc t fuhodit' chntcta,ýwitt mies Menthe Jolinaoucre .ateeg inteo*e e:çcibewent in thse cisnrcb cinelea of t4iscil>'. Mr. Cosok waa forpi g lt ysrs paico1r of * çhqncalà i ansaronrek, Wet- cheiler caant>', an4 pamo e t bscit>' ouI>' elist uonthsaugo, vben bi immediatel>' gaid4 ii usmenoup frnsa hybis kui n a- nord, eoaqusenci and" fearnnpg. * fie bai /eo nmernied 10 y>'isstpa s Iefit ote iw f#, and bteApvon:naPq'et Baldin, 1 ycrS pf agaaptnatsg lail. Mn. 'Jo4miaon, tlb. e r csf anche, ta aneot tho.:tnnsteoa of the church,.vîelthy, andi taii>'reskecteL< Mantth4 vas eniy e êeoïolgi, 4ejg apil vas about t/s g aate W dýv 'reîpnblic ochb00l- 8 IAtkjif cmpl1mhei, bojoved by h pter st*the andam reas erned b>' ier lchej. --more than oninary iutimacy liai been potioedth- t ep ber antica aio itebri, w ib tishdojeipuybeen reconhi>' ouvert. ef bqtt îisogirlirai alwaya 50 inâocent1 thAç n up parculer suspicion wui eronaed.1 .Tbhqvliolc sf 1laivcmrk Ref.,>borace Cook1 ýfeigncd asickneai On ThrsrWday leh en ~hrfauil>' ibsté, t o eidéàdaalecture, daa iro ee,,s ie.rpt.-1 excnsed1 isjpplfpp atria1, saeigckpesm. IL!, as thon t e .snt Il -trnla cp cf tge-pesinge. -On F4alis 1f b l hýîgie empt>' iandeti, andtIdIotib t fe h. wp»ul h. h 'ome ut thé' evening -service. Since that tins., howoyer, hbu ienfot bien Jftanson said i-ta a fridrnd -MliiDaoe-om laevtng achool :- 4o e y f rtis me Bait Mis Deve j-îs nthlai >'oui 'oh yes." ast i arîbu, and saylnp tIsaI mie jatned Mr. POOL. Since thon nqthitng bau been sapul of cithen part>'. -but the Pe- rcuta ofthoisegtilare convinceti tbat ah. dii nal viiiinglygp vita thse clcrg>'map, for all ban cioches ireo ft at borne,s alan ber trinketos. bceuot o# lu ber actacol drees, vrichout a chage 6of clotta- tmg. Tfhe cha~g ar9 s DoW 0 ep>'brought agaunst hlm'the ie asubupte tfip- ~r egaunat hon w iali anti dasirea. ,On Sitnndey, Miss Mantis a'a-cller ne- ceivedbthe iolliipg letton .-I love Met- lie; I vilI caao pi lir senierly, kindly, lovmgly, inronaiatent as i 4a,'apear vlth uiy premea e contac. Iamk for rmo mrybut amn rcady c. part vîihni>' lire ,foitberompp1 aiorî.P'- Poon Cookit - -Mna. Cook noceivod. the gmes.atten/on, a letet romaei eqiscreaul, ini ývhich lie gays bl Ïan 4.1at aP. You #ll inoyer 9pei, y'f4çepaîîn. fmfiope Batîli iIj hoe &.botter mnsq: tian bis fatian. " Tiso Pov ,woman la eo4istî.cied Ith. epli>. si Ianaeur tiat bralifoyer aa>'et la. aia Martha'a Isrctheru tIsnea ns-c.- shoot t -itnut finit aiptt. Sad leoien Ït4ii>';*"If ae inuiglat'assassin lie e inso nc. nbohane, I cenld have defend- anyscif - but thi aoio of mu> chuncta, th' ministen of -cii.- gospel, 10 stoal Sp> clid apon. tiin aj tup taumq." -Y- 4fhc affir crie tuccaîtse oxcitemgni lu Mcthodi$t ciroies, viécl1 ta ieightoaiéd b>' repenti"'bat ho lii- comiltadisuicide in Canada. lTisa, hoveo, la noat confirmai On-i cnns,u itea on, than pobbe AILbtloion the Ennopean steainer ilp Retarda>', usho Jetteraabv uctc~ vane pPaaed jm o i t>' pp Re tnti ôàz TEN ffl? 4PT Ti E OP M5ENT SI The Nov- Yonk pApers oft huvsa "euuuu t. coPapeoï aa Vi 8 t, giuet b. remembered that woivea emma 2cîd. IcZtcZ net cçsa1ond witla ber whenin Europe. - Brd-'.1 neçer viaited the achoot uutil thel day *o lefttheb.city. 4th. I wvi neier inan assignation bousq vil Ar ç ny one iAo, in my hfe. 5ttax:Np'paniel thieves" have b1ack. naailid me, end 1 dcfy and challenge any liin an umn tea aotspinal My 1 anister of the Gospel. 1f asy body-pgpitlciatiq or a» n elo i- have JeteonraOfmin, W thomp ubliFh1-spm.A I 1hop* for Mercy -nIdonl hope f(or any;but oÎm. sel-neverythlng thalmien holdeacred oven the most deprared-I »Wear it iq Mi Agooiio UL0ÀL 4 S iàis OR o 17. .TiiUnA=oe.Brindie ceva disaovered, 1862. Hot waeor good for 'bile.,' 16,91 Joh, E1nitb, ItborsP, . O.Joneilied B. C. Jo6hn -Bogers baïk!bbs burnt ataie, 1504. Bay-Ratsp lirait entered, 1732. 'Oysier piâ_ invente&, 0. ire-,tafget excursion- 1802. liai and haitfArit ade., 12Ï2 Fnac aosake #ilIed, 4AO10(1Z . ~.Parseola Oirât plentedl 120&. Danned fools firit dlscovered, 9000. B. ChOien poxfiral- taivsttd, 601Jonce, bn ; o Smici,l dici î'2.Pepper iaceunvented, 1802. irgt mfikmâaid died,*1206. -Tes- pot cotera jaouni. 1272r Sncocih froi 4ug, 1818. firot . Por gis caaagbt, 18-06. £oath bruabea unvented,'SA§,. -4 It i týa gte d, in a Havane palier, Sq taoid th. 40,100 Spanuuh soldiera.Who bal been seniitoi Cuba (b fighit the r1evoluttoî areadenti of th. Island, q a - bgivê- Ace place a iltinctive and doinant span. Joli populaci n , Thins ath. em. eide" out NOrîhýerr d4ipali bat! during Our *lictie unpleqiantneaa." They vanted to kilt co ail th è nativea and plant the. country Wtt .meg ptbir own bresi. But.osthb. ttang did not work in - chat case, we do not thtný che Dons villi-bave, better 1çpcjpini chia. Âmerloan.Ppr Prictical Ptooh.Sobymy ini ân. of bis lattera, 1 ibave 1tld, fou 4 tbe gpenird 1ho la1wayjF put Ontatah rpectaa who"-îbe h.>,wai- bout 10 est, clierrica, that ttey migttlook Lbp bigge: and more cempting. lunTlise panner, 1 make the pcof .my cenjoymenti,; an4 tbongb I -do fot caI mMi ceres avay 4 paClk Mien in as littl, Conpaa sal1can and caïry themsai cqnvenlçeitly ai 1,-c&4 for nyseti, soi! neyer l.4Ct t.bq 8a9, Parr oncesaiked a lady visat sis thougtatm-l tatasermon.Rh"aafisered: "Y ipnloà a opraed ini the.Boinl fi vorda of Lb. sermon. tuilf-Enough en4 more tha;n enough." Hoevia ouit of 1hq. -mor for rietet of the oveninFp y'4lanîp Pable voi re lnforn.d ibe hl " Orv soseipl ecilaend noir Scockwpil, ' iol; b.ouo ged It l ati Geo. Peâsodyi, the aeiapre ia pade on tis. groUD4 tha% Mnr. Peabody vuau an lien, and noyer bien #stutalized àae.ubject of Gros Ien4 iu tîia ngdom. -Whe Ùoprs of pro. baie tiseeà" largropudi, 4 discardosi lover iu Louisville wriakeel tata venience by itealing thé trpuiiseocf tIse y'pnng. womaîî ltheday before sho was te marry tats rtv*l Thse on-, Mr. Qdodhue. after à lonq ainesa iedat London, ladi Tiuedsy night.- Çive every ien tais desFf ane l ia Moun- tainDew- il ho dlaimis Unifamiltar Qotation.-A ncaQ 4Y 3an other naine *1ud iïiloeo vl. 1IC4IB.4-îth. raaideqcp -of he- roJrinl,, Ar. .Wm.. Bryan, -Wisitbyi on th. 12[h imat., fue lary Ana Hickio, Rged 25yea Whlîtbr Markets. 1869 J-orkpr wt6 Batter - 1 : jc- .?ca.... ... flt. per IV. a .f 85 ' NWADVgRT~SMN Ontario, Jan.'- Tii. GomamiÉyti th. iteela.eis 40 Llost 250 Bmra Jr. 150 plattenal Putac4 Sa p-n , e.liind Vebblea«nbe,0 1 siir. l Ot 8Be iTende,, <Toueudesa." wil I Ottawa, up 10 7 Murai, 18;0. EXTRA. 1 TOWÉSI Part of Lots 8S1 ,à-ownship ov*sea5 acre, sicuttti s roll Whosb, Wict Fruai Baktim, anal indmani>' noir>. vil uone. Tic lunu Lest grain gpuai Fréo ca-dhlir jlevu, amdito bi yosns. it rcqaiaei -Ditecc, abomi Yur pirticlmuràaia - Or- Pen Penny, 17t elt TUE-ro, -Roy. T. Oolalsa lng Agem.othcf ie pactOtut oticr epe Jie nmeeting. -,A clcelcun vi fiuia. Meotinîg 1rlin Chie tolteving v t$ispetuc., la>'1 * J Fisctois, viti lo4lig-teaui Buggr liî iFîî oisisi ýaaieai«aisn u Id ] .eCoaah-ltmeiîdJut 1Fuitis, vidla ci .Ctlers ; l'anotis .cYte; ICutter, vuci top ; 2 Cuudl sale te coina pu ticelProise&.' TEBM Ail sini.of $10 aneunt, i umeuths nisbiag apprarmai N. IB.-AII thxea oalac varrsnted, l-uaicilor prvai biat widiî the intaui $!on. lu censcqai pvcretock oz llmSl jet vîthoml raer-ar 'w Lstby, J» . RWÂRD IPOCKET 'iîuiy; Ceuisilie (cnia vSai$15 had et Jigmne8 Anidrov ~Adams, la laver maI bottasad nsia villibha susic.iuy ïne lied bock ad col And notice isimere -cautlioama agahns ]3ooÉs. and Thei, li. lara cci, acLv PUiB -L 1 Phlp, ni si tcisak i .lme vias, i vouai ticvvin>'olfil; but thel time Northi Wari- r siombi have emodior $100. Mr. Brovn dlii m.c kmov bifa. tsiItIdvos nceary for àanC0 ghave s big votauieomm. callor ta qnshii'im fo cirman ofasosimlt- tee. Bqt Iltbnt vuathectse, Mr, Ru>', vto wu lctilsplaaon l theP(nc vii pei'. theor>'. M, IPnapin iula1ptlnmto illoviiafri.mi, tié réeve te nsinepaet at in a iS slmute menti&li'ieyur at tih# opqhaiiI hboard, iii, (Mnf. D.,j iltibcot eatee lima boamue Mn. PhMtlp m-adaà bjg pjcity iu aiculi bu umodeschoir- man. etaac0a.dli ns>',,%a, $iat the isitis»o nnmhur of votea poIlj4b y rn. Ytalp, sîmolret cha tla onisovuamiunrc b>' tfi. alcç4ws cf che Coe r snIl# did not vautdtaon iudo a bcmpsnlaof othe Werala ; but If tisc wcre doue, ho va4 pruparci ta showOt if I amy W'arti More tbeneanothm raqaiuis anger 'approprition, L isci te Contre ÇWeni, viii Ita ta go anuiio ra nvelicd atti i set., Dr. Canson remank4d is smia inguar lat la laiekln>' at tiecnaupe oi tii meuniers cf-lie Cemmttle not ou. cf thux Wva a ncoieL et tie N4orth Wand; son Mn. MoMiliun lîroti la the tiendrý arand niMr. Drnponla c. Sholr Wordi. Tic Nerih Varti, hoaidi, vian "s- tenait. ltari, psitt a large amminasu 0f adi ivr4olim-nsîdovallis. mn, M<uM Ion lutcrmued tc isci-eon tisatu îvae s Norti Wordimnin; ttisi6' .1 e txIons wor. ta tlîî 'Northdarden; taihoieNanti Word biail I is ympqtlea, anti tiat If b. va dlot movi, soon 1ouldi iskakoe ldigu sud be areidoat as vii as eprupnioipr Mn. Clarke iii fovq4 chat It va the tint>'ao lie eiairu-e -ptan y oncitte 10-caoilt dise ch er usmoiere etbi t 'immte. Hlie oe- oti lu slag lits..But lion, e ro e t iugs snob Anliac making ot ggmuomeua'e 5ovéi hIdi. viti work off tii var qtsi i-<ia o . tlevo ln. lic vouili vota fonlise aemnut,, The vrotaevwulien takru cetic anucainio atter »Cne lancier remuants. 'Xta&-Maeev. Brown, Ray, Clarke andi Car-. NsruMaasrs-Bcau.Camspbell, Doxioven, Draper, tîcRlilandi a F»- utl.aeu4- an ent a; iél#reti lot. - Ti e t mlai5ca f tioe porl cr gne do, antitsiroppnt reporta&di aal oçpod ylt- C.lMUlIuCATirYON 789 -raz Uiaol<s. Oif', estivÂT doxrAuT.-Tascea»Non ESl J Tic Cierk resn icd >lo theea auiie tdois transMn. Bigelew, I'reeitit ai ti<it- b>' sudlrt Witby Jiaila'Company, ce tie for F on PO"7a uy. lis 1870. Piess Sp -Tse Di- neptori of lii. Port Wihy end Fort Fenny ltahlvY t'any &ee ndosrurir te antauge witi ciao pontrelor, Mn. Pusmhhe, teiooriplata tiacir &Iva ' he iilc et Augous malt1 lia- atn i th Jo Ybruer>', 1071, as prea <lui la thé Ceabracs ^1 iichangeocf îslul camaplutiag tisuTeati nietie ont, I boecomihn acenusar>' lor LImecondractor 10 îuurchehaaiiti Irncta occ. AecSrdixg 10o mecoucract sîll tie #Ugimmi Dalqncanes oet810,000, srt te bc uid fer Lb. p<narae pf rtrouqup5If disI parelaiec làîaov ta b. maie luntui0;t,serrl muaont bo îueo ng Il 'y ntauuplstad, It eSalim D e cuscan ctu pacs the, <lbeatunes lu sutdi s a pItiontLiedtLb.> osahouseti for tise - purpoeeoriginuly amtiui. Tu do tîlim nuestabuaiof ervice ta lie Com- pialy, ami ai cie unelinçe ise,-e.tcucned uccunats' to ecowan; on boibfroth heilpora of >irouanmIbeg do 10lgoil imaI oar uobjua- cpria lqe bandaiairer Le une Bunkr, tsa PY. zi agneodl upop, do octa i sîutâual trutacs i to Jasai aier lie iebesîcres 1tacime Cfibaaiia osa the nSiIIt aIdîiag lu train bclng asipp vihtt lnsauecoipoaiciei.atteolîi. 1 viii attend yaiar danucl un Mentie>'orem- tng acd o di% urtoisUeDuî o r Moreaia ail>' ex- plinumgte wlanatter, whuui iae pe smon urnangKomînutu ca s& mamido "ee me ct vC Ail i 1iàe In vicie, I*~: lthe car>' ple- dtio 010îerOU4. tm Mn. Dnuaaille's propositonfitac iaccpd. ed, vea' b lt "a teur du-i lofte L puiuu1etaill detatin, eni tboeefre hope tiera vti 1 4 a uneiaret Yeu coisucul on îap <la>' eiovP 1 aM, youns, <&c., 14r. Pro" n 6 ~aaian« lieabqject ci, lic ittan, mntiuod t ut nr. krry liai ireppeti indo is (Mn. Bn.) uffice, and nngcotta Smo miattdof the rpounpit L ips-et tir. ltigalov, vhicai voqldatsver Ai pirpo s Utetr. Picr- dcv vas eyidoelyunavare tciie 15, oenct venu naamj sq Dnn ncSat iCi1 Sastesi -of coemin;i. àP...Draper, 49 helieve , uudortkood tic obloep of ttisclorp, sanal ie repnamaltgs la uua aatogm rgne of clmasudiriug'ils Poilcs6t. - Ilti msse~nnal ij dial axas. uudeân iudlsat' ,W"umeauy 1 0k g retiereuici te ilqua L Lie oent*uacof 1Mn Ca 's lt.p. -Wlu4 ovin Mr. Broyas auay lhave>liaiden about tije mcttar, lie <(#r. 2., iadu4 onoWle<lge'f tIi 0pAtouat,» orf 1t. lonautilh licaberdiIt nord. coig ion ofscdtcgpe pa n lmnir traie. liTh ordMa i WAsa'<O- nuit voniti hi that fi eqri Radth, ' ya not e pmetadmu lame, onanict#cu onDaeeneti laLe wi is h unier mon b>'tise Plint LiCepeO O- ani li ýo ae mi st ;0 cie tW-;;Ir01 I>cr,, lP: $or pin>' ynara- te coîno-a ie Ils Crtn fliop.Col' ;uy voul aly eut>entr'!luca, coastreptfor 0,.nianier et yeea. Tise greel' etajici g« lisetuippar) yova ce sicrp ihat troif s s sua asposibe, eud recimhp pr- the cntlyforai-,le Qeratou-4, Vaslilet guan'tie tise cemplotian of dise reati la> J 111, If dae uccasarnii udsKere-fotipl sluagDa.tril urubr or 0do anas, sa-maiff ifuato tlîe dehaPer>'1 of thic athe Conuiil y ukot i4uplace tise dilainnes at tlitovpl Ls iats fe as 54e,.lf, edli. ere pprased ua metia lj Thecha peh ofi up Iniporiintter Palr- 1 ~cin $v ?elershonrg',is iectly 1býeti el! iJta eis mim tare ffl «- i

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