Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1869, p. 3

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~,busineiss aie' IaYAL laps sa'z wV n. leBLLNUF1 ZàoVAL. t, loisne' buiillî, rst_ door SocLth of the IIoyAàL 1iOtSL. ill WbltbTr,NOV. 94, 89 14 QTILYZD frein Ii.prOmises ethOti.Sl. tim >Lue 03" ln, th, Gîh Co»u. 9tihe ~LnMof Webt Wlttiysix Tettrgil bavs( teeudi(ut,miil uiefuor*) (rofed i bIsait o rrai,ooooibruvu mwliiiîiar kel white. Assy puicOul uirig p< ititInformationt go «Iiu Joad oi> uhuiir #eoryIli! tic mulabif rswaded.C. STEVENSON. WlibNv <,1860. .,v4 À 1 Law tob stabliloandi lgaltl:e a 1?6iad ulklèce tarorigle- tliai eat kaif of Loi Nor. 18. 14tCoén. ,ina-Me.'Town-. Oi f R~iu, lîtoll laid oufut sud-r- "> !rkrd bv'A.; O. Thomov, q~P. LS., .*ulieu utA te oinuidroud cilowance ,4jfwuu Lom s 18 ud 10, in,'said Con.,' gnd bto tmnlfei' t/I. sdd orintal reizd 'au#urance eIo r, lumm a ckoan , tho T î hAlp, of Ock n iu trWg owc he(fIlaJcrndi' waç otot îAtov o uf f tl t LeonOi towis- a le rem, and wIiren t liqllit' itacx-, ,~~etoi 0 cuicii eortâc2.îowný11,l j't p a p nd tbl l ise i hglu 'eteflltiol riati loa'geé oUbtWdkn LIots4 fil aud19it l ud t'on.,, rz: coritnocint aI' a pinttu UnNorti sdeoftlie Toviinoie btwocîsthuîîtti.îîîlpo lji tMtue ani huwnes er6ttite.t Ide ut LutI N. 181là the1jut, ,'28 t o Bu? Dtti ueie tlt' w'IVle do- ié MI1 gfmeud ldot,$aIlxt qae a' f tii tii teas , ï Qty foot t liwetto rty 11,014ifure,tuutoài ne hâ rosi elorieu rIId'ii.ittilt 'ttauîefurrond <o' iruice .,îsmnl . ofhton.ipof 'Bréck, yec- s7noPtuf.1sGfaii0aai *»gA4IN -AiUavi. u as mth.,".e yrap:11 <YOT "-'PruvtuBir,") P!ip 'huis9.AB P87 pinblet eu ]DIX tba oi, eora s ,o r r mlal Estate.él t.bàice e Ordengrtlof hCouoro hotuit cfLLY<>D vit. LW.bwming date re%eptivley th lo lt dity OilMÙi, 1869, ui' ulteetith day >of tW*ub, 41800.tihe uudernicîîtl>îîtd vîiiuaiie rppert4paw11libu rput top for oale by 1'unbic Auctih, witilithe np rotiation of Audrow lier tilon ilý, ltsqelrue, l>stUr. Ordliiry of tiie *m,4uert, ou Batrday the l8ih Dac.,,1869, YAIIIBANKS, Jr., Auctlontier, nt the iRoyal Ibtlifiii Téown p f WItby, li.i Four L4e. ; filv LOT, No. 1. 'lite eWéhlait joué! Nurtît-Fusot itrt'el of l'à eigliteoîîl iv the tiit.tptwss"#Bwlor, thi Towligmiip of i'iekcrîig, icotitiLiio,îg 1500 icruei, ifo. res-xetinR 1hait &au mure, More or Joe, oId 1e liaiinuîlî Matile s, à iquarter tare eho@v orJiltly tigoigilig ta Clieries Thowpaion, s~dî ioar lrtororé sou 10 V Ilioebo YeO- iMnl, 'and a a at4<r mere sgried eii obg o<i4-to TiioîoaitC. Iiîrrmrîl Tiie aihove ia a valuable litrnMajoinilu thé Viiiee of BrouFliatn. Tite tti te tlîi% lot liad laeiy boee quietcd uder LOt ku. È <ra v lu fixAcrec%,onidre orW' - prt' le lot nuei" i'iiriy, Iilte $3CC71id lComcemslodof itie Tc sngîclofî ci iiitby, deaccrlboul me Parki bits 4 7,4É, 41110, r,1, à42, b5, mi 81'8, 50i, 40,01, f62 alid 6.3, i a ititrde plan ;inade >0f 4uill k$lleri P. . LS, Thi* pfoperfy a pn *lusTowut f lirh, iI Colii aiie art- Misa ýBrick Dweillitoglue lit gootirupair %ÃŽthbrtitablû itiidog xolutlostoy aUu1l.iTwo lîreni, riîu Uri.ugii t'i'cprouutce VLOT Y<. 3. Parte ci LOts One andI Two ilit edroit ier of theinat douberalgw of Lotst Fust or' Brook âtre.tlu thie Towiiof W1ilthy, CorAîIeiiciuag aitiiheNorti.west #onleliof DL'ftmTny.eix,' In tllIiti Firet doit 1o f lie Towunship of 'bithi.ilea t0crt1i 74 legremse Aost, 2 eh iliO 'litîks; tiltu fLii, t groetê ea 108 tout 4 lnclità.si othe l, li74fdgreùu U~'it, 2 ehalîts -4 lloinki a or et±& tU aie 4gil"uiof' ltroek irtfhmt lb' Nokth If depreea %*t '108 fcetî4 lue04igre er lt h i it 1-bgliig. Telarerty lS Conedored thle uorur c ii, ~iii Tov, bitg ut theif aossemf h topiaip jIeUThe. T ii.bd-' '1lo uedas a sDry tuoji, ooeryq atIlard- laigie gore, mîîd oet7 ilied by Teciman ibemon, teotr,JaU"Ary auj Aprîl lu uacoh yeit." Lotatweoty..seyéiiAU tweuty-eîgbt, ln the leOMti ltier ut tii. fi nit 1>c 15ofLot, i 1 TwetWhithy, couotîtiîg itaif tant T ohim t7lm tdteato urib'ire Streete, ..0 re onlLtoryMda lwgin mmd a. lieueaIS Jtrem , beà, rndlii'Çmu x.iet ~~j~Oilaaeythe lm 814i wQt./J*Q an. a 0 d lîrctti- l, -l&W %ral rq , sîle ii o O t glétusn Furhhur thetcal:îro iiii 4Bi 14 u os nes ictit and our a l'ilium and ld itri teiiuraot lu0 îlt r cli k th4 â« towit O.aoo r £ratUrdo&cftlef'1d Cul . N. i te I,,11. Furthr paricalrd ald *n GR On eacl met wîtb st cor alad gE Wbitl)j, D#cember si P.' S-J{e1 u" cointa re;maining unp dodging it. If k- Ootton. IlAn JXUST RECEVED, New Tartan Dreue Goode, Reavy Winceys,"al coloru, 10îo 25C. per yd. New Tlartan Ribbons, i3est Brums e <Pou,,peiýyald. Ran nd'Germatiý,iMinkPFuro. deriinster Carpetsl, looi, 80c. Imilatlion uai sudlaffmb Purs. i'Union carpets, 60 and¶ 65c."- runaeld9onets and llats. I1cmp Carpetu,, 20,'25 s20 IAEW4IADECLTiQ 0.F VIL'R O.WYV MANLTFÂ CTURE. ýMeti's Canada Tweed Snitsi *10 to $12, ususil price $13 to $15. 'splendid lo fEnglish made Top Çoata, $4 to $8, Worh double tho mosîey. GROCERIES -fresh Te&, Fut ans mnairttnâ -an. UIC1 indÇ. 'Crp&a5 Ulnion. ToweIlmgs. emp 1 uggets. îWhite and IBrown. linaen FP~r s. ~linnen Bagging. 'i in nFn otbs, 1 Cfotbs Dr-u G- <Hosiery. Yu Cap$-" Gloves 78, M& Yney oolGoods. ys -U'derit ' q ~~iIks -- Ladiedn Mse o~s. . IMens anti Boys Cape i rosi Pers Des., Lamb', Otter4. Boaver,' Seal i t; ~~Marti.î'î'~ Faney Wolf Robes. îcýy Cobonlg. Fanoy Coon Robes' , rocris;L iuos nd'Wines. A~ LRGEAND WEL A SSORTIEI) TOCKO Ropcfly Ikingteatuon f the public, assu ring thein that; the present wilIl amst,,favorahie-timetoprvide forithei.wns ~~innan ~ ~ Yý Ladea1uDfWhtby, Novernber 17, 1869. CRQCKER Y, best' Wihite GraniLt ea S'tLý conplete, $.0 GKODELUCLI SALT. -,WhiLIJy & mànchieer1Noiî 241- 1869. ~ ~ ~ )H1UHtTON-&..C O, Beg to intimbate that thlirît klu n of optcnitn fago telection o Mi'hs Qcocis, Grey Colequs, Bod(1b Black Lustres 'White Coton,: Beaver andi'Filet, ]Black qCobouri, White, Shiiïingu, Tnes Black Ri ppit, Grey Shirtings,Do Skinu, French:IMerino, Canada oBlankçts, M ens' anti Boys, Wooi Scarlu, Plannels, Fur and Cloth Nubiau, ' SAewht, 'Cape and iatff, Jlréaklut8hawuo, ilosery, Ties,'-ý Mlantlesi- «loves, Braces. Ne WMiIli nery,-Hats, Bonnets, Aflneeaomn t of Ladies' Mink Furs a large stock of Rea*iy-mnade Cloth. ing, madie ro t he best Inateriiliand workmansbip, ail )f~o at reduccd tprices. - 1%Now]Fruit, ne-w Tons, new Groceries0, Wns &àLiqiu>rs. m Wb Sy;qv2, 1869. > T 0 , EP .-'To lota& furuishcti poloràad b4- drootn. 'AppI th 1 '1, MS& LXELLER. Whitby, Dec. 1, 1661. - STIA BD I - i Caine m inate premnises ofthfe eabu.rlber abouit Ils. ist of )"Kt mentit, a 2-yesr oui C'âe rav e prrtpexpeuI hses ud ek.te abou tbe20 o No. 2&, a b o - GIRET FiLT* oLT, *-ri IOdiýt't Tii. ovuor lai requestedt-et prove property', PlekestngI CS* ' 0 Y A L 0btLehA1flW Olt E Li sacu~tai npa, id ttotveoo tins n T0 T'111 RÂ~SEY~S or las -'TOWN0orWHITYI1 The anno)uneua*e~ cauitture for the Maycrafty oit =_JmitaUai MuIa l Ehction, bavltg placetime ltua very tioatlth otolt sana e fore you, Wlutces quenes o!thie eessltY oef, uzý,*kUawltlg froan the, contest pr.viowa lotot e W<Ut~ u duce ue zfla4t t olciaiu n bu obieoll*'for the ycar18. 1 e, rp5é,r hÃŽ'ully te outaoehyo litae iwWb.easuiiàdttoor hMem yor thyei. Town of Wisib tort-fe nsityer. Your cls'î servant, -J. x A. ,PBELL. Tik4.os [xi Tu H.' MoMILLAN &Cou MANUFAUTtrBERS 0OF ~L~Ç BL~~ CREAM 'ALE PALE ALE AND PORTER. Don 1Brew yTronto, Ont. 0o - As the proprietor attends personaily to the Brewing. ig regular stock of Aies and Porter can aiways be depended upon. Fariicsdeoiîous of having Aies of uperor qîiaiit;y' l'ad Preruao any irnported,'aro' respectflxiy soliciteti to senti their -orders for iatnîty lrge or omaii, andi try for thenoseiveL. With ,thç Aïd of our increased facilities, we are cnabled to prodace an arti- cl alteyçar round) second to none in the Dominion. N.: RB-Ordori left with Mr. JAS., SA3IO, at the Vanits in Whiîby wiii, receive prompt attention. Dec. -1, 169 4 MAT SACRIFiC E. -G1UA~BARG!NS IGREATRlED UC TIONS I IN BOT SQIE$ ' A T- IR. J._YARNO0L D'S -Notwithstundiugthe ,Shoemaker's strike and the mrisein leathery ho is prepared ho sou firsi-cLus Boot-si anïi <-Shoesa ah anti under-tho olti price for Cash. OOMPRISING M nshev course Boots ; Kip and Fronda <Juif Boots ; French - <uf sewetiGaiters; Artie Overshees. Ladies' biglh cnt plain Baimorals ; high eut Gout sida Balmoralu, anti Velveteen anti Prunellu Buimoruls. M£iâssnid- Cildiién's VeIveteen-anti.-Prnneiil îmias ais ad Misesbutto'notiît OvershoeS, Tranks, &é. For cbeap goôds try- R. 3. ARNOLD9 - Opposite Ontario Bank. N. B3.-Ali accounts rondeireti last October unusi bu paid, wîthout furtbor notice. Whitby, Dec. 1, 1809, 3m48 NEW GOÃ"D DOMINION WREItRoO(S The o-"--pasce ju the *C ty _~he A oice asortment of CLAN TART AN ¶00OODS, (Ian be 'lad. They have jua. t rèe , ved' snother 'choice lot -Of ý Tartan Drçss GoodiDre -Trinininngs, Tattaui àtiai Skirting, B ash,- Bonnet an&i Ilair Belte Clan, Skirt, Mohair S"wteheâ"I Aaio aa oze.lot of - Lai.sKat1, dia Jua, onsazi EýYs, gaitiaand -Caps. N.EW W/INTER GOODS AT O1L DN. 4mbang ail the Dnow and leading styles,, among which WHiibu foti a largo variety of Plain & ancy r00 Godi, ahawis, Plaida,,Gioves and H1osiery, woI Jac*éte, ontagu, Coiiaretts, Cnffi.' &c. Ladier Fur!,.Mons' anti Boys Fur Caps, .WhitneyCape, elk- lats, Buck Mille aud eioves, Bluffalo BbsatBl.Timn~togetber -wîth -complote'eesortmeut of eow anti seasonable goods. GROCER >,Y ,DE*P'JRT EJVIÃŽ. The-above îs newly suppiied witb firesh Fruit, awRiisnwtirn. New Figs, Prunes, &ic., Green Tee, Black Tea,_ Japan Tea, o! the flat g-rades.»at' OLD NO. 1. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 100 ,'jÏoo>di>dressed Hoge; 10,000 -busheIs black-eyed înurrowfat Pea; a quantity cfPoruvian Blua e;' also 4 ti nnity -of Champion o! Englunti Peau, for which the highest cmabprice will bepaiti.' YEOMAN GIBSON.' N. B.-Mr. Gibson would respectfuiiy eall tho attention of thoso indebte4l hi hlim to ealu anti settle ail accoudas due suùd past due on IorI beforo the laI o! -Decem- ber neit. Wbhitby, Nov. 16, 1869, GRET.R EDIJOTIONS ATJOHN S' KINNEIZS Flannels, Tfweed 9 Over (4oats, Pants, Co ,ttons, Dre ss Goods, Fançy Wool Goods. ûJ Tisisa encri ale adgreat. bar- gains ilh ffrdfrcash, - Whitby, .N'v. 24. 1869,- JOHN SEINNER 100'Cor& o~f Hrudwood. - 3 T.>Ilsof good.Kay,- 100 bihels ofO$o. 20 tonseO ut Iron, 15 tons of Wiot fron.' la xoluange forHstrdware, $t~o voe 44 Tlnware, at 1&SATCH? & 9nROTH-WWAI loue Impression sema '<lo buîge'mdI ulgatail tthie suses. fiii. e of the "Nortit paâteztRt ie l ," edeIlup tbeausdelwLicl ocoarreti vith us on =a.1 terecîion, .ve du it ue iwh osfor an we ore ooncepç.d, thiconter- na e 1ie T e hcuuîaitae 's etxreli ,oàwuei y sUeOt, Ur '!uemfiencB ofpýh Ç&MOn 3work, ama ti al byniey mnineoune;-- etiin-vith tué appaeli il1or.iopraltu lc on vhieiî It 10cnetruoeti.. It len ow 'lit fül] ipuehiion, anduginUe4lmneats &0 Our outire saltfolin. h in'uouropin'hbo, for miut, &.euy-ef' Iatintr, atîi btaumei f fui. 'qoite in ativancýe of atj otiier, modie of heitiu oluea mseueai, * Sioo tueaccioma ecrreti,' Pbs a fMetr prouf of our imetiation with Ibi L eave goti t: erected lu ow rexl;vetive dwolling hesuit,' a fiud. mnafur me the. eaeongiveà ne tLa oapportu . ultitjudgiiag, slat it ésuite wcIL. Bo,'uzauv!ll., Nov. Sth, it:.. PICE - 1 sud upwards. »*. cgrdlingto.qnaity u< t atertati A descri)t- tI'iretiû giolaent on application.-' , -1' 1Parties thatare-desiroaxo' heatinmg their buildÇuim eeiily ehould i ee' hua houter, se 4ti le decidedîy thée hast sud mont oeonoiicudi gui yet-iented.: Thie sbderibor vili ho happy bo furnita peificatloaa aud priceeboaaîy par- Cetiestwiaylfar-.r hlm vith their a4tiree, statlng- the amùount,. aIseuat requi rut, etc... ,W PaI'rlie infringing or iunitatinthu b ibove patent viiih, rseiut aeruitu law. ~ H dreaPEDLAR; Box 100, Ochava,. soulsq Agufo'k curnUes of Ontarioaf& DuMic Oebawa, 4Sept. 29th, 1889. 89 À LIS ON STOCK 1,- MEU PORT WiIITBY ARJO PORT? PERRY. R47ILWAY ONH"MN. Publie Notice 'sle 'erei.y givon, iluit tiie Directore of tic PCort W!iJtby aud Port Ferry llaiiwsy Compety, hove tlhi. day mnade the. fol-, loving idi on taheitbacrubed tCapital fitdk of ssii Miay conplany, rIZ. 10,par cents payable, liait October, 1869. 10 per cent, pziyàble,4ilttDeoeinher, 1869. Siti colen mre paytîtie et the offie of timo CompeuYi Town ut Wity Province of Ou- toril. * - h- tb. 4c tay P . P.?P. B. Co. Wlîitby, Sept 14,e189. W fOUSE 'da BLACKSMITII s110?. IN TRE TOWN 0F W.1i1TUY, The iaubacrihar offera for saleie he -torvU fianie housse vicih hoat prwkeuto0uuiep, an i, aiso Lmsbleokemiitla iop. The hema. in rooni"ý snti eoifortabie; the be athshop' adjoiiu ant in 58%10x foot, &ud Ihec tvo or us. 'ler. la hait laiaure of land attaocii. 1e prop.r;y inssituated, eon Brook treuç iiitne heart of tii-t bsiesprcfltlo. The busiuessa vili ho ispmot 0fwit orvîhont tti oda, LW Apl ihepropnietor -JOHN 161ez Whitby, Sept 2,,1889. 89-tf C LEBtAD VE5IZOZrD * -cc-91Ei . Tlhe large andineýmeiusgaies otea Vp R J? e Y ZI m ' a ' ja -Heiwy Mu lits alsb to bani .1

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