Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1869, p. 2

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!q~ Oa#.j i, Good.. job, Q~% $& ;iTpPèdt ire êIIUOiW J Skinner. ~ ~Seatrbcrot, àarkUm,-Uibridie '4 cot bai giron,.tho111Ray7 y-l-abvstl&4 third t!M .. ,~ 'L'1 osiug, aoà 'thstthii e etles ves be- Of~t~UU ~& Xftl2t I'.lasprepared.. Tbk" 1pîf.sîg laor.ationg" ail thrac,pagpr learaed 'a~smredy WIZ1Y SLO O~TS ~TEAlisad, la tbo casote eti. le and edr gare the. wied forlntaillg.acoo la Menuti. Whiby Tinnday &Pt,, 30, 89. liti.sme rdi. i'he!ànscpb eta. ed voald consider tbf. a cooie., J'a.vnctal ExlbItoa.*ud curWi'ious a 4blieu fLt vcald,'b., "Woa~a ; ~if the. "pleuslng lnoerméion" vie. ot ChioniM, oeataillg a fan, liai t tii.e â omilià tbe RaIlway oflico la Toroa.to, pvlu avrd.~ aIthoProvncIl Bhibit- and thon baendai! loto the- novapapor effi- Ion; the. Presdet's eadrul i an- ~cess u ead 00 daly publlsh ed us. .*scett bs*péecedinga. . Orepatue fon>sr ho Reception' et l rince Arthur*.- -Whbitby 4<- te Se hoeered by aÀvdoit trom Primes Athbur, on Wsdnesdsy, nex i t 'of etOcteber. Ai-aà isater cf loyal engl crvoasmen -apd to vnsomeu tfe-crs aIl ou0lime qui pFnte 'ceiebmate l W.a évic eevnt by cngi'iylvl »e aer ti.porms, -p vi i eon mrom thé report ocfthb. proeeedieg, thie Town Ceunail bae.s.ppropjWtlëd *ý200. Tii. lieu veuld be maie ;oq'i'ds iasitead mailvay QÇoVApSny have goneêroua ier tak on lie langer siame cf - lie f xp*n». TisePriceIl s -axpctewil arrive clii. Grand Tak Station 'aout baîf. *1lii b. scompaaipd by t1is, Govonnon- JobsA. Mcdoulj, on. John Saudiill Madonald, and etier membens f tise' n tarie Govevumeuî. Freun tb. station tie Princ.'a part7y l proctesi t e cgrennds vbere tie ceremony et breahiog -;lt4 tiret. .sod o eicWhit by sud -Port, Ferryii.D vay lahte place. Thme Itoyalciegs -escerîssiby the Karkiam, Cavalmy, yuliI proedircugi Brook treetme fai"- a dqpeuufiald opposite ibe Shériffrs réidence, *eaasaimeblb pltlorm loaev licourse et emoien for teccptlen of the uPrinceo.' forms vilii ala. be eted -for Jdsud, -oiildm.p nd (osfr tkWtrecepuien of tic uluvlted gusert hieRaiîway Couspay. 'Tic geyor vlili it emsdliver tbhe adrea et- ttie Corpe>rallo. Tii. silu'pr spade. 'sud vsll4lsed viseelbarrow, -(the vomrk cf ca on an, Mr. Walkey> vili nazI ha --i broughtioaeréquliiin, aud 'li Prince -Viii naugouratheoe aecy cf' "tumulng us lwfirut saci" eft ilsWbuîby sud Port 4oinpiolédiby fiseleti party,- vili atet.- v ards pecèesd taTraftalgar ouhi-ii$e ;réidence et ShiffRYIeyuld-acd -par- takd'et luucoiooi, 'nd' trouths ie .vili, s~n S ucerted by mie cavaieyt' reop te 4hi station. Thse 3-Ici iataIo-Col. Fairbetk-*Ill ciao be tussid ont for the, réception -cf tie Prince, sud vilI recelve Risf R. ff. on tise grounida. Arahes vili b. pas - op st loverai preminenu pointu, and va ars te have "iphîzie;" andi torciligil processios '- dnrIng tiie aflemcon sud areniaog. Ws 'pablisbinla elier colomas* tis (ail programme. The, Wimdon et tha oouîty bas asmod the Couuuty Council, vs lotirai fer lb. purpese cf pauiug ubeir respects te the Prince,. Tiv, yul, il Ual lukliboed, b. s- sPee&Iuas esigu, and au r - crossprassatedi 10il. Royal Higinues, by Mr. WigIt# tIhe Wardon, Ti.IJOUats. Agm'icururqîBsbltio Tbis Euiuiten Ibis yoar, Jo tiie namier of!ecuie, as veîi u ail lb, genéral, sr' vsagsrnentsulampasses al i tprodoeeors. ".- -Tie total bDaèbev et mairies bas enomtasod -t oetipan 5oaando sud !a ailtish ,I*e a ors6~.1l. 'aarssa a h1ea jq4, 1iitutl lieÃŽi wili b gho nî »mesir. aPes lovO~~a rpoArt«v.M . F XvM ss l taie itIlegrap ' epevator,. 1 - < ýhe: ,l e8ousla ithe original City items. For s moamsat-pas- The Uztrldge b.oriisma c aviaiý beon 'Jou&tnov roii ird limne, výs j a motsago.Â!On au averelo of oCe emnià i'auepp~h* n si epuce4 "îbMa. 'Ihe ULbgidgo -byp.lav- bad bien resi a liirdIm "or 4<ilitae e'itbet lth.Uxbrid3e-- debeutcaos voe be-, lpgý pdnuted";or',"bain5 -si nd;or 1"merady f'or dellv.m," ad mc on, ad infi- 1 siiun. 1How~e*", attr at isa,'Par a- graphe -Ou the tixbrldg -,by iav, ,again ,hi on iGth Sept, lent. If si.e-Tôrogito ps- pers sud Niplasiog ,Dî roclrs save sîlî e,"pl.ased te l1erus' that tact, Il vould bea pity te dielumi ith. squanimily et people - ve aise"ssiiy pl4ue,"Tbey are 1 $1860,liey tel au, siplaumd telearsi" tlia lis. Scots by'lsv bas beeai ad 'a 'hbimd lime, The.-Scott by-iav 'has o2 yet' beeved a tidtisse; nov viiii t ýb., iutil som. botter ucurlîy tia bws yet' Fî pMn givon, ia bandaiov.r tou te townsip. p~-sl "leuigTuoraîou'bu bemu a ille anticipat.d. Neverîhelous, il vilI ý4opbtless y@& b. made do dty ;in the munîme, Omut Niisissgfrienuds mmml vwis. deo to hmmp tisir courage op. As te Suer. bore' sud Kakhim, ithe Toonctodailies asybe correct, but parbapo vore ail the would trn ou#t 1 siIav.oîîerc cm~~~~ a od olcfeîusiastia Narre Qeuîeý imagination. But tuis pleamlng information" justifiestheboroncto paperu ln tollivg isaitroadeurs tit-4At tuis raoî vo may ospeol theeCnstructlion oft ti, road aeîively commeumoasi ithin e short lime"ne? o. Let as nov, se .'tii. rats' lia if so- uaîisfaclomy, . lie Nipf.ig es psny vu chartered la 1868.la. Dec,... Tomonto pasees s bonus at'b.a~ ti lu Sepiamber, 18690,afier sthe lait -cf 0 nionlis mors - lbtdh enîmgaedlvm te tie Company. Thiil 1 iyearasud, a j for Toronto, te Move. &nd ibese' are the- ously. bonus debemsîures ao far in -the bauds- uf the. Nipisaing trustees. Thse Scaiboro' by.lav ls uaaed, but ne dab'enturas yet' forthcoauing. Marltham ditto ..,Uzbridge ditto. Scott iymIaw net jet pasod - Brook by.law net yet passed. BIdon by- lau' no et1 paîsed; Detly-no daben. tnmes. Souuemville, 'ne. debeutureu. This le &Il tise msuit feigiteen-menthe vonI1 And, v» are autel te, Lliave, tisaI a'-i "ui ra*te" tie roui lu e ob. "actusîî comumn- ce vitbin a short tdune"1 Tbe o Tronto jpapi.tr haire told- us scores of i oses, tiat si. roai wajusut about te be comraenced' -But bow?7 Wbon 1 Ont Tortuto Cou- $leumpcrrem have a a O' .uay et c. vivling et Conclusions. A dele'gaîlen is- sent cult to. tobirdeip; say Brook. Itlel, 'tIulySnnounced,»a thei.scityproes-vîti t li addition tiati "tie road is te b. cens- menced et euc."-A ý Publie. -meeting if bsld.somesicra sIse, snd, la giving an accooit fity'it i aSsed -"the, read -hle ~e omainoe.d."Th. conucili eta cor- pomiaîln meet, ad îo dac ai-,,th vcsd laote Se ooemecemd "sest i voté e - Saigon a by-lav, sud theo resis 'snmqe iobe é cmmomcod." - Tho. urne by iaw - la pta se W ùemÉmpuco4" Ani aillr Scott Io loft. out, - euiy boucer* te ý be moèntiooed ina cacher twelve. days tiime. Ã"îîbîe18îb,'i. TelqgMrp1s gays s d'th# bylaws of sbo'Mrkani'aand -Ux- ta.2îa t eadev rs a»gain iafommed- tisai th~townbii 8 "baive' pes o ir blîls, graîlljileOral sattbawde." Oni0.th 16ît,~b@:debsatares et. now boing pro- paradi," and-1viii be iband6d fbvev6'so-th. trusitees' la in â'coure",t fefw dayuv," And ou tis 28LIs, &plun v a estbA ia "thoeir debsuter.tee viii lune -at once,".9 Ânîos.v~days villex,.pims cuti. 10hil Oceer bo i Télegrap) "V, iii1toi tis tvoatiettilm, allad. ýte S&arbora', B£L.rlîlsm aud tTxjbrusge. Crany i 91 uagorgasis maibeîiaakful, fer, '#£IL 4tl9uru, i en lhe sie emaéu, have tebe mebaub, -se o '41. -autseil lu. And lb. publie la .p.et te eievs, tiat ailtuhs grapê" cntines. Nov fer.Brok- 700 aaUghîy Tà*ihp....oq smo "sîighîly» behiaiand à! t'"but vo trustt -ual o id tdoend, Malelu Qillespie, vie buasecmuai influneo la tis dlatrict, viii'fiiud'it -:. siâtent viii ils dnîy ta cogne forvard mand lendta boîping baud." This la rdcibey. oond muasome. Every other ucheme icv- las ftsiO oobt*et@Jb. pookdeben crise, as lait reoert 4"eauold, triend" lu public-. Il appmlod ta. 'Dôut làt;Broecti ."b.iind bani .11 Th. *Mount M trifliug, OUIy *60,000, Civii7 *d eus. oer f .'onous. sud'Iltheseed -verbal pimdges ef-this Niplsaing Directors. Coutid roosnabî. mont More ospeoill, "enOurli fdsniÉd isrobetter? 0f-course dot; Do tin silplng band" ad give es tisse deb#satummu' Tii. seeudity la a moesmat-. tem et tormc, "net et substace.t e 80long asIvs gel the debeninres itleisnoct et mach scnsquenso wietier Iy e <'s aroui cm net. But "car old trieusd" la'àteeavide as e ot01confidonce lu men, fsspaclaily lilvay -Dirmetoma, Mr. Gillfespie bas a public oyl eremtsdir.speoeivo cof .Npsig ire"r thîie Toroncôteo or s"Y otiior iu5uinec,, tat dnty vil[ ba performed, osoe a ned feitifully, le tis public. Tt viii eqaire more tieu éditodiale lu the "Tolegrtpfs" lu indue, Malcolms Giliespeso te coive bis Tevasisip. But Nipisuiug gentlemuen, if you tik otierwise, juil go on, sud the more bolstering yen do for the Nipiosiug the' moesyen ielp ta beg li* -enterpri.me. MzLIrAwR Outemas bave hein issd by tise CetsnlrjuCifdrcln . Sî Batte lien ho prooelta Toronto eaniy on Tuesday momaing uezt, iber. te taise part before Prince Arthur. It lu te be balpsa lie 34îh yl usake a atrong muster, We trust the Town cf Wiitby viii fur. nisi s stroug quota net cnly on Taeuday bal the toliowiug day, Theodlaers anudumen lu the grand Revia te k plae vie- go te Toronto ou Tnesday yl e. Caiene eday'u pay asd free *trassupemiby Rcilvay. -Tisey are requosted tehoIseve by lhe early train on Toady morniug, ans i vi b, entemtained by thie citizen& et T'cronte, Ail 'menuberseofthlie Wbiy CcuWpsn. las, logether* vith sncb elS uemberu cf tie Cooepauyneauedosirona et jeining la shevinàg icucur'te lis yoang: Prince, are nequested tg meol altélial111Simd apoa Monday elenins aegt, te redoive arma, acceutrements, ievetacks and valet bot tles. Lot tiieve b. a iearty respense ta tlus Cal. VALUIsiLE TOW29 PstoPoUevy Feas AND kup.- lu etier culumua ahIlb. fonud a l'us% of valoable tou 'wnproperty farmos'scd tends for pale, by Mr. R. B. Pemry, eft tii lova. ;' i. tvuroperty ljelise meut -i4vou 1rahly.ealipted of-s' n-isistic hécor- peiîatlon cýf Whitby; cssd Mm. Perrly's vell 4qqv oarfnlasssopvcct:câl kaovledge oes ui.vleo euproperty, sud lands la ter sai. by ffiabave besa veli selectei.- ta apiats iu g foj 8 r ' -àiuablë lc t euieluTe- - Talc 1= 810 -anaei tii. rethltby, Ã"sliaw C e m p e n i o n Y b e r f ' Y i .îo z , r s a l the procession, vhich vas headeld 4by 1h. baud-t th S4î' Batatlico, lai- unsforoe end, pr.sntedl a vory loeposing.ap p.auaaç, Baverai ofioirs lau nifor; s mons' andI ai.mh.re of thiii.Bttioni, ats.nd.d, dld, ais e i.amberqoft the.Ost. Aadrsv's hesded-byibe!r Prosidont, Dr. Gnon. Mr. Bain vu a native of Oremarty, Seeîiand. ifs wautravelling on businss orthe, Oro, and tooh sadd6neul,Itt Ba&rris oin Sn oalghî1 and vas, a Corps* on -Wedn.sday nmorning. H.evas 44 yoars of cge, and leaves no tamily. I3fAea' BANI)CCSiTa.- The Brasa ]3éad -cert on thus <Thuraa) .venîng comizot foanto b. agý_rand sueces. The. ,Programmlu Bs n excellent on$.; la addi- tion te vhich the favorite voeist-Mr. Lainde,, viii sing sa namber cf songs satir. Di 11 vBgszwseQ.-Gazrwoon, Sept. 28th.-a&A molanchoy1 accident occared -att ti. oidona.eofthteiROTe. Mdr. Put- ton Wbutcvale, vbiii recited inthe deaîh ot a Young girl aged about 15, daugiiter et MUr. Brook Knbbd4, Bsoogbam. It appoars liai ah. vas wonkiùgng se b etor:,and byusom:reans ber dr.:s leok, pleoly onveloped inu hues. Méedicai aid vas at oco procured but ot 'ne avsfl. ilb. vas se âreadfisily bmmmd, -liat ah. llngered eutil an early- boor Ibis moroing, Wioa deatii put au end Io ber sufilrings. Tac PAT LenY.-Madmo*- Drigarde, tb. ceîobraîted-fai lady ia nov on, exhibi. tien a t.v doors. sonth oethis Office aoi iwnsedîately oppoite tb. Ontario Bank, 8h.e scea& sthoepoderous wéight cf 664 Iso, montures T febt 9 luches round 'tho body; 27 inchos round the. arm snd 39 inces round tié omit cf the. log. Flot beight la ouly 5 <set 1inmchi- 8h. is nov M6 yosrs of ago, ,ury intelligent Cnd on- tsrtaining in ber conversation. NoiaTn's PITENT Daux arA'va.-Ât- tention la requeite4 to Mr. Pceddlar's ad- vertiiant under tbis bead. Mit. Yeaxro,,envse'ýrTi§s§sboots and sices Cheaper tian iii. ciispes:, eud se- licita a oll (roms bis friends. -Port Hlope, Sept. 28.-Tii. Rochester Fre. Muons, onmbering about Ibros han. dred, acompauied by Hadley's splendid i braabani, svrived heur tbls morning-by the steamer Norseman ant the invitation cf the. Mascue ot Ibis diâtrict. A Comnpany of the. voinîers nov lu camp formed a gnaud of honor andalutcd :bem on their arrivai at the. wharf, atter vbiciiaaline cfj procession vas fôrnseci, ieaded by the. baud L of the. Party sizth bettâlion, aud marched 1 tLe b.tovn a 1i, viire an address cf welcoaiw u presanted. Tie, tien seperat, id for heiur or two, whéâ lhe ive bauds Uited \andtf he Kight Tempiare trous Boches r appoarsd iu full dros. The. spIendoiýot their régalia attractcd- ouci I1 àîtentio opeyer baving been setebafore, 1 end wiitheir Port Elope bratioutiey nareiied 4 tii. camp cf the. Fort!.sisib bat"Iaioný A grand 'banquet bus beeu prepsrod fto i t the di. rill shed. Tho prmcesioi va oasefthbo làeqt sosboe for a long timd., bara and Ilîma .Agriculture: Socty* The. Dîrectors cf lie Plongbling match colmittea or hie Tovushbipe cf Mares ud Rame, metietthe .Wefiigueu Hosol, Atierly,"ou Séup-4-àythelStiist.luh absence cf tis.P a leut ;W. MoPhoe E-q. Oliver Ticus a vaclled te tb. chair, moreS isy Il. B. -Di, d secondeS by Tico. Wbipps,- 9haies tise hirvesi bas provented ment <tic Directors ahîendiug icSecretar, nojofied ,thon. not presenu, toeoilect fucndsj cnd report aI lie nazI meeting- Carrled. - ,UMr. Wiipps 4tstedtI 'esrBoa te-b. ivut s rit prias, sud W,:H Movesi Sy 1Mr. P. -Murphy, asdsccond., ai y A- Dudoniefer, liati séio mutenbers' of PIau,,lbine...ai .,.u. "s.--~Ad e..PL Mn theo prairie a isesit iJtioiie c U iit ,il the.tel~s>~ô<d t thîcb ve couldse numbter cf amatilshantî, £and ingy tt -flndliusaud-belfbraads. Meatingsevera 1,haît-bresa n due w4>'weiacle enqiiirj tor" the.cornpani is forCt t vici ve intend ed 'te Tepleuifb oîir larder 1freus théo Cam F pnny'satoe-kept thorea'bïtt-> otifdIsgLrs we could pt 'get a word of Pmiglisltrou eue-e then; nohuillgte our cuar that evcrlaaîingý "long longues" t. tit French~- Bpt eor llowd tboy ýseemei qultoas uauàcllpéut eut et belng ýunablo t< makeusudertan thusos we voe h J not'beîng, able te fiud lut way 1;y whaî tlaey saqiî. P&gaing, on- a short distanc( »wVi came lu algist f the. fort, which until ncw, bai been conceaeci frous by clupi oftrco and bîahes. Tiser. la a sort et sqtochade,' ccutsliting vithin, about 15 acres, ju whicb a re buuît of luis tihe dwîlltngiiet the, employée cf 1h. (iosupsny, ,as weli asi store enci stockhoàiqes for tise reception el <tira and tis utwi h is asotsn 'O the, ycam. are Dieàrly cily. The viiele Jisuruounded byook- tiber pianted up- right in, the greund bse i ftcen 't iàb with pondeïrous glites. and e bo!ition widuýt loop, helesilu acocrner.'iTtla flot iii geod rep4ir ;'ýmigiît kisoeut e few, Indians il net tco prcs ' iug, buýt ef course usolass in case cf artiliery. We wcrc met et lthe gate of the Fort by a Mr.. Msstiswson (chief clark) a native of Rosashire, Scotlandi,wbho kiudly iniritad us in that Sunday iuerning, shcwing us thse greataat' 'kindnesa aidd givin- us a geond deal -cf valuable iýnformation about our iourney; and ta crevu ail ho prescuteil us with tue .standing-,bospitsuy etfnmort Sooteimen viz : the-wliskey be.trile. Bumt tii finie il vab ffllecd witii brandy, and sucli brandy I lVWhy, 'it wes tise, beat 1 ever tasted. I.nced scarcciy teillyen tisat afler 00 long sjouriney vo alil"bArr ing my, sell'~ did iife justice te IL, b7 cocuplyiug vils a press ig îîîVitatieu te vepest Our it cloe andi, will yolu balloe,. ne, beiug limeol)doattuii, tii. bos iinsiited 1 shosulci lead wvIciclii hokoduse, altlicugi I did IL tiîscî Ioften Ilîlit of tisat splendid bran, dy yCI(; iiping to mieut Mr. Maticson &4 I retumu.>,:Leaving %Mv. Matiîewsor i th our beat visses vo pursucd <sur journ-cy, whcri' vo '4-Won tise rigltcnsnth prairie a long whmite paiuîteil pea4t, whicli cf ciurze as unsuui Basigit,lLied us te ex- amine. We foîînd ht ta bu muarkitig the ln- iornumîîonsl lUna. Onctheiinords vas "il. i0. 49 par.," andi on lhe aouth 'U. S. 49 parulici.", Til; 1 was lutorsiosiince ls net the eriginal boundry lina but a pest pîsintesi there by tife Amuericans about a lcur aga, taking lu about lijmiles et ont 'land atiJ'a11 heOensi'buildinigs ut tho Part, MwIsicb viii no doubt formu another boue accnteniion vwith our cous;ins acras» tisa line. Attor examinatien of thisi *ost wq tenir eut pesition -rî thu Forèt «stàrry side lioisted. a sm,.til Union Jacki on our front waggon and avo tircrousingc1ivers for out grant -Do pnioni.Tlist ag, Sir, raised our spirits inutheo ildemneS, as seine of the bo3 s saidl, sud Idarnsay it dicii; lut I am, r.4tler inciined tate irk that thse effoîs tq ftise fisse darli branidy haA notjuet thoen ýc lt u5, and it 15 dl>ubt- fui ii tisora was )ot a sort .of fia and brandy Ce-, opere, ton, lie tisatas it 0Maly vo pasd crn, ie ping lied river tea<sur rigist, but aI ab fi tinie-s a couiple ôt, tuilesý distant (rom it. l 1ig river is the guidfef tmavelle-s ail thsa vay ; yoîî kriow n,.i É 4y ils woody banks and musi net get agit etsi-;ht of it. Tise ron.d tirousgis Itue prîxLui ria n riearly straiglit andi toicis ut certain Peints cf tise river whiclî is vc'y circuitous in ils course. Tho peints art mny, crie, eryý 5Or 10 nilia., Tiey arn usc.d ai; csampirig gs"ouiids by trîsvclars, as wood and water cen tic tounsi st hem ; tisey are alt§o osili by ail s;orts of natnio,,sncb as l'Crarie Point," tihippatia Point.' andi uiany cthers. 'One of thccîu 1 could linci ne sae ta, and i tour the liber'ty cf calliusg t "&Adventurers PPoint," baving *dreanit tho niglit provions that tise Whitty litait- way isyllasv had ai csd by a ns.ijority cf 20,000- Ttvas a dlark lesskirig point tisaI va fntorided camping theru tliss nigist, lint 1insisîcci en paîsiungit, and wre sud fin. The rToext goed camping grounîci vo made mas at Scratling river wlîore tisat rivcr enters tise Red. Tisa bridge vo as, breken lovi sud wo had Là cross the huai uay vo couid. Theoa a very Iittho,,ater, but mud or dlay cf tuehe uwhert kind, vo had ta double cur tessins, and tisen ,.bad enougs te do te get tistougis. ,Up lut tis teint front lthe hhst thcland vas excellent un in seine places a litle wpt. ih wos4Id sAe excellent pasture lend.' 'lie .r.ss - EL wa--vcr-fine, al-prairi anS geuhi1>'avincs orýguilia 's, wihnrur d le, be-placeS tira fer'driiuago In tounul ~ 2 tros ito 4 luhe et spnd round boeusIl, WýAi n-xcôllant Clay eand asou. T valua et mQ*sci - linS ld Catalian fermer caniiot be càtr,%fgd, and Iais .surs as acen as aà aumvey la malo mauy-o et leu '11- aveu-miteunucives of c, ,tew bun!drod acres eft h. Thse nezi- p1lSo. f5 ci '(n') toey -beye, "geob the¶1ýàfl'u vt decided na "udor wvisdom" lItic t -éeitizeue are noitable eolisagnet, anail pFcpriaîfe -amu.o et tiâ w .w-bf iëbc tîweé vii . bit 'o'eltj plyfor ivo -inchaugUtB h B.s Oira:e9' en uowho,, 'and îry te Wb iîby, Seplember 29mb, 189 'ro lte Eior of <Me W1dlby Chronicle, 1 ', S t, I viable ,correct tise talueý s ftatamant et your speclat cotreapoudeul - raspectlgtb'savcr,i cempaniesoe thIeý 3h lsîtioen 'an t eir arrivai at thé c la, ntise lhsl placet wsis tq tql il Ws net correct tisaItic the o'm -COns-e p sny caine on tisa g ound vî theut rd er, I caine 'by couvoyatice o eodriven uqar tise qqarter.meiter'slent, ise efllcos;being -ý preseut - It, vas'vainiug at hie lime; lise, usait ere anxieusa tegeludaI' canvaus,- 'and souneafet- heit wisobaï4 Indîad .'a. l -itho oxprased tlirniîd' ftreîy vilS o'- a th ie quarucilmestemb iciii4 y Yu apeci, corréeonden r àplisima ihe-* 0tiir cempenios, but if lise trutk vas teld I mcv Liere veuditi nt bq iuc prisa due ltasisoeoft hem, for iithecy t4talz elwunineu or honway. I wvouldImrber--I sate tIbut haro was not oene compleint'- crim~e alicged.againsh any nmelr et my Comnpany vimile iu cfusp, *alt.houglu lléy diS more duty thin amy ceuupsy j-,here o aud viseuitise Baitauion!-vasinspecteoitO Friday lest by Col. ltoI eu i epiuecât.d lisensas beiîsg equali tany, couspny bco lied inapuçled, in tise Province~-Tf'will cen- clude isy asin.- yout speeiluu correspound ont, vise ià a poltroon aaesniob, te stauto tise lrullf'lheu lie atates aiiQ'tluInj.abeut tue iu future,- - - Itcsipecttiilly yoburs, T110-5. LIOUSON, CAPT. Town Cequottsc, Wbitby, Sept. 27t b 1809. Tisa Councluaet ttfs."Tcmn - aIl 'on Mondây evcuilng lait. HI-Ils-..i.p lise Mfsuyor hock tise chair eh 8 o*,clock Tise allier membera reen -aler.-Maasra D)raper, Brovri, Ray, MoMlillan, Cameron, CaipIibeil, Bleu', BoîtaanS &PbrIip. APPROPIASTION FOR artcrPvIeiou , v-ais«asa - r. flrcvwn proenteci ±isoOtitilil tb(J. Phr sanS 164 etiésdr, 'praying tuat anpap propriation may bo mpdo fer tise re!- cetie cf jPrince Arthsur on Ia iiait ta ýWiitby on the Ocis October. Ocnmotion liseCýouncil *cýenlnecoMý usitto etthe_ wisclo tiroq_-Mr. Qeuncron in tue ciait-Couuntttei reporericiby' mc- selutieus, receuimcling. lis#IthIe sansof $200 be pinceS te tihe cra dit of tl ise Flce- C o m uin itté e fo r diae puîmîu, se. 1 -I. ,1 , I . u mtion o1f, r. Draper, lise follcwing* cumsttcasvero appssinc,ed.toe ço'Opersste villtis e Raiîway tJciwpany, wilh, pover ho. assolale -wjit ,tieseicvaa sncb. eof tise ç,itizcns as' may blie sirable and villiusg ta aâcl cu.tisoccasiiocs-îlo mmbers et the Council ons tise >cotnuitteeas to bé respon. sibiee te PCusoif r-t e prpurexjend - jtuire cf the appropriahien On arches, flagesuad decoraics.- Mýesçars. RI'ay, BetIs anS Ptsilip. - llefroshinens A orthtie' rlunteers, &c., -MNesra. Draper, Browuu anS Cp>eeron.; Processicns-Plesr. Wsaito, Slow and McMfilIau. ,Mir. Molillan Madle a irenous buit, in- sncssassfui cppcei lionte tise apîsmpritien, sud lri. Caieron voted agauusel 1h, Ijouancil adjoumned frorncis vcal. TAYILOR -At Witbl. 'on ,tho, 20tl net., thé- wife of Mr. If. -B. Taylo of 6, DIRD. 51400, t Barrie, on -ion~a nlgbt, 8eét. 22nd, las. 'Baint; of i. Fmr of Béa 'rdmoro k e in, of Tqrontpo. At WIitby, on, Sanda7, 2t inseu., Jan. P. infant son et James,. Gordon, Esv. WJ4ltby ftIarkclaé CJuuOxicLE (rrion; sept. W., 6. T h o g rain m arki t k faÉirly op en a , W eqq Coïncis forward islowly. Thé delivories of 19iré loy rêir tholuerase,ýlj rG oa bout six tlîonuiîdbualci, elivrad n Tus<ia , WOt!RTH'$'P¶<ENT Ecanomical -Dinm - Ueotor, ,W.Ù'tleheas bçsappiiÇgid any kimiti of Steve, pe Cook Purier ge; lýie, vurb uquet adv*ulag, J() ;rlp titiasii -, go;al, Wood or puat, eue'outsof- , é J ppa _m i r e a 1 rw e. ts r l ro îsm a cousigKuoIa, or ev,.n soins bennes eutse «Wu- Wl rortisly oleS ilbyûiumg e a f ies du -ý th but ouastove. Tie ventiation ls *on-, T-M Sertuitly nünproôv9l, as uét' hes$p -pioplyby-J dmuiare-,peeiialy udaLpted freiuta,- msoli, hiall, &o Auj autuantof- 0éic roi Th foeosus u haugi'<en Ilirequirad. 1fersui PILI~2 -- ~2 - 7:amd sapwalrds. mn eorduîtg ta qcýitY,-et- irfeil.Àý.si tiv( cirosutaâr enoumpPlcin Pertlaa Idigare ti osruAà' - alh theirvil isuidus haivscId sue - tf4 isiea s hi lea yet tmveisteud, 'Thie mut-,critser will b. happy is r tefnmlilsjiaicotli~us auIc tslee tauy par tics tissil wi 1t a rt- bItas wlit tsim ad-cr ., ,,,re, at.kîtIt hliamnjîi t iut reqUiimd, sto. 1-a t~A1co-AIem ta iavitig, beeau piaule in- Ros fringe upon lMies rlgMte tjfl.ove pateuh,î,ur * lusets are requeted'te tairW-noiue liti lIme r i výorS &'i. l'ortimclsPi'asuu, pill8s" are aitscd te eqy lseey9rn £~" ardn -itfiugiugor 1mitattug tise r bovejwttent wiii b. ptesecnted aceetuiing W ccia a w . -A d sre s a - ee a ti - iuiava, Sept- 25t1s, 1869.' Sxo~ r: en- ÂNTEul~,-'5~ UMlNOit<WA ~ rate r ~ 0W - PWSIOW ELL. 'WA N T E -AT DOMINION WARE- A youvg laid of 16 cr 17 v'aarse, auauppec- lice. te e ry Glodsbusinosu. NoÇktIes. ierhty givan tlila lite pa"tnaruhifp mieued Petct'atid il cuvy Ftndis,'s Goeai mutîc'ra sud Fas'ueris., usuder tise style atud gfis of Peter Fratiis i kB ,l.,» beau dirflyod, titis 22nd <ci Repu. iare, -by' uutual ocu .1dAi d dtisets asdapoturteips o be, paiS by Peter Fraudai & Co., ju -ahdote clu Tita busineci fthe amifrus, wil, su fuiqro, bu earti,tl 011 bj tis mid Pt'er- Frcuuoin, I$srah Fraigolis ad J ames Frauda, suJierthàtisÏ.>la cf l'îlot e'ma cia V. C- Farm -,and -rwn -Pro erty, T ýse 'crih'sr ievilsg ditcled teo rtite Bain buue»u for tIsl pesusofsss î hi, pllie sema f tisa qc.t VÂLUA BLE PROPERTY unity"'g raeTy lobe suaI itti. ' Pusicel No.-1, côréWuifths f ie:coeuer Lot on Brook, asud DIndr'a Streel ; 24 tact trent oc- Dsuida by 90 t'aIe on Brook. No. 2.-TSho bictk st0oeow oocnphed by1. Frauc!%. ; lc. S--Lot on --Btcaic stracl, 22 foot ftant, s6oll ni Ontario Batik. - No.'-Los ohsBrik tc '2ê est freât'fin- modiall>'- .ettlts et ameelk o: a 'u'lparticuiars cf itsegruan lr.aii W . P . tiebySept. 29, 8Ge,, bu Subacriber ocill el.fol sfor smlaiaau-ps tCLitity f'twi.4 s~ - - - zfi vile cf j ireo1 hi 1 -- cnilivatlc ! ,s à - .50 ore. ., he rperhy J tevut ToWn f Wh bjiwuclin a tw îù or Ric 1 e pi . .4 - t'ai~~~~ dar-rgslnurposcs, laid aut. in tevn lots. 'Part f 1ots 10 sud I-,ý Co. 4, ila e'a f U> ae , a î, ,î i on lth PrneAliet; guh-<ýranh houst L o t 14, C n. 8 i e ol, C ,O un ,%Oacres cîctaered ; good log-hlo.xsa - EU<Loi 7, Col1. 1, pk, C. A c u e - W fI . t l o t . ' 1 - j,47 n.-,Mars' co-Ontario, V i d l o t .- Alec, an iante sud lth îlsvihsgs s -For furtisor partliersspplytln DEPAIITRENT O 0F W -~ ~ -o 1 'RaT,1-&P b e n l o n d e d t o e i e b t Ë N e e w l -paymets rqnfrd b tyile 12tilse Crvus Tinur Regusltioid are o cl ene't a ofLicencesare ta bW -aud isueat on or before tiit Scie L 0 S.Ti (Ajb ligimiobinAT. drepped on botIvoeil Wtiih uj enlimta,t l'i4limée aro lias $hr. Geari4'sBra wll ju.YAy iexpane thiaeon. Witby, sespt. 22" itl. vs-o WKEAT à Avr $5 (J/s -- - - 51 )1,0 QD y s daLles s<54 5- j-- 12 ÇATI 1

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