Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1869, p. 2

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Ollhu OXI 01; hI;t page, $5. Advertiesro fwi b e W54YUdtu sl e)g. ýo'eAiiii W. il. nîueie, KeWÂtverilsements' thie DRY, Comnpany Order 3ith lattalioii. Im Tden. -ic o fiy-Lsww4.'-'i<ou'sbipot, Pickering., Calla on Stock of P. W. & lP. P. B. R, Co, Notice-Mdeeting of Storkboldcs.-P. W. & P; P. 1B. le. to.-Joseph igeiow. ra euil pogieion.-ilaffllten & 0.0. Drows Vkrliy lait, -Oahawa.-E. .1. Dre*- Servant Girl IVantecI, -J. Il, Rame. Special Noticn.- Gooda ut (.ot.-Tlurtnitton C(.o. ONLY 50 ~ CENTS A ýYEAIR WhIitbY* Tiu rsd4ay, sept, i1ù, 1869. The Whiglbrsud Port Perry Etallway a fait accompli. The contract for the construction of the Whitby and Port >Perry Raiivsy bus been lot ta1,Mr. Dambie, of Cobourg, snd li suadiato operatious are1c, bc comeneced. Wedneedy, the 29:b mt., bas been sp- poinud for 1"îurnins the iret 'sod." Inu- vitations bave been forwarded ta the Hou. Mîotruey Genersi, snd members of the Adiisîration. Han, John Simplon aud thîe mefubers- of tbe counîy for thé House j of Cotumous aud Parliampu t o Ontario,j bave âJio heu iutviîed ta bc preseut ou tbe occasion. Gangs of mou bave airoidy beeu empleyed ta go on *wLitthe work, sund it te proposed to do aetleoet hait the igrading Ibis autuma, lealicg 01417 tb. vovk At the Rldges t le hagou. hrough iu the vicier. Fuiler dêtaili cf wardiugtLe ouîýrcîbave resebhed ais, wic at Ibis âime k le noitue*elseary 10publiais.IW. ouly now hope the& sftwr sa maùy long yoArs vaitinq the vork will go bravely on'. lu the report on tLe ssttu orîte Militis for 1868, wu are Vreseuîsd with th. fol- *During tb. year, tb. Act of the Domin. ion Parliament, 3t Vie., cap. 40, respect, lng thé Militia sud Dafmne of Csnada,has beau esrrled imb effectiand the organiza- tiou conteniplaîed under Its provisions, bas asunisd a prieorai n. RyI bat lsw lb,, lîilitia consisesl 1. "Of ail tb. male- Inhabitants of Canada, of tbe &go of eigbîeen years and upwards, Lndunuder oixty.--uoî exenpt.d or disqualitied by iaw, and bein'g British aubjectu by birtb or naturalizrition ;" but Her Majesîy-may require aIl tb. maie lu. ]habitants of- lb. Dominion, capable of bearing arme, to serve In case of s Ievey en ia muss The maie population go hable ta serve iu tbe Militia, ia divided int four clasas The 1irsî Clans comprises Ihosle of the4 age of eighteen years and upwards, but1 under 1 bit(y years, wbo are uumarried. ori widowors withnut children Theo Second,Ciass comprises those ofc tbe agi of iiîirly years and upwards, but . undo'r forty-five years, wiîo are unuaarried, or widovers without chiidren f S Tise Third Cluse com)prises those of the( âge ot'eigbîasen- yearo and ijpwardo, but1 snderforîy ire years, Who are married, or( vidd-vors with ciîildren ;g Ib. Pourti ClIe§ comprisOes lhoae ofi lthe aiç. ofitorty-tlv yeusra sud upwsrdsr bus nuder siaîy ysars ; Andthelb.aboya e lb. order Iu whichd thb. suai. population yl b. causiedupona ta serve. invisloil Or U ITà The@ iii is divid.d imb Active 'nt RasorveMiliti;' 1Tisé Active Militia consista o! 'b. vol- unIsewMiltiu, îthe guhar militis, andthîe marine Milisis; Tise Voiuateo Milis lcemposet o! Corps raised b>' Voluntan>'enlisîsunet Tha iigniar 9M 1,là isomupose of o! n vieWhoutaintr>' uet &:oserve lu the samne; or et mes hllotedta1 serve p or .of un Whoe voluntan>' enisit toserve vuthoh ballotîsti mon, anti et mou baloîtedtat serve j Tbse MarineMilitie. la eomuposeti of sek-, mas, salons, sud pensons ceiWo"»aiul oc- eupîtioa i4isupon- su>' spteans or, saiisg cruff , aiga4tiug tLe waters o! Le Doamia-, rité -Reserve Millîls consiste o! tL. vboia o! tisa meu vbo are isot sm in a tbe Active miliglu oJîbe tin. hing. Tb# fons' Proviapo et vhh me Domis. l20 le composec, bora -boecs<daivdiet mbte aise MilItai>' districts, vis; esc oomprss- lug tise Fsrisse.0!NoaaSeotf. ; osu aocpwrllg tLe Ps-cinceset ÉNev:Bruns- vicie, iLs-e luntise Provine of <au6o#e im4 ifoer lu the -Province of Oatarle. 2Tisupe ateejftary districts have beau te, b e loibeda4 s -md ib brsec-loàsdi armn t, aVe4uippe eaf 4. Jy1o , take'Èi fleî eti #hors. lotirI; -' nlo ~ ~ .w.:of tb, Union,,f9"li hibeaOrganisations aifrts ietss tLoîiyf' tbihaDosuissksn, ectiou 9 7al o!.îf1tË nov lav proviàde( or thir orgusai lu tLe vorde foilowss;:- a.3."Brn>'Voinulees' Corps dol>' a u- tbosizeti prsvionsly te' sud existing, on the day ou vbich, ibis Act sball cona into force, incliding the offilcers conisissioneti lisereto, aL.ll for the, purposes of stiss Act buol het bLeoxiitng sadnsil &lbc cou. tinneti as oeeh, sobject to tLeprovisions o!' ibis Atd;anti. wilhin îbrec monîbe aller' tha day on vbicb ibis Act ebsl come intO. force, ail sncb Corps shah bliemustemeà - b>' thoir (.1sptaius or Commanding Olies, -lhe provisions of thub Acti hah ),pexpisin- ed tg thow,, sud sncb ot tic men as have not previously given notice o! iheir 'd eàrme le b a tieamged, shail taise tL.Oath boreinatter preseibeti, sud ho mientuolleti os Volutesr Miliis, aud ceuh shah stgnaa Muster Roll ; asdti tereafter sncb mens o! Su>' Volunteer. C'orpi, lu an>' Roginiontal Division, as'comploté ibrees jean. ýoui- aillas ervice in sueh Çomps, or comploea tbe er . ialsdsg at>'provionsus in uoum service in the saie corps immeamate. 1>' befome sncb incier, anti. anc dischargeti af1er giving the rcquiret notice, sinall nos b. hiable te b. ballotai for su>' perioti of drilleor trainuing of tLe; Actiîve Milîla, on'- Ail ail the other mkninluthe, f mt, second anut Iird classas o! Militiaunen ile.,îLh Compan>' Division vithiu whiel. îLe>' e- side, bave votutered or becs >bulloied, ;9 lus entier te a Ltter oudemesnting of tLs actieu îsken under tLe iav, il uns>' bq observedti ibalthe re-enroluneni o! tise Voluntser andtihlb.enraimuet o! tlb.. Bs- serve Millîlu, Lave been camried ou lemn. uuaneouily. Iu the Volessîser force, aM.ý,gtood ou thé lu October 1lat, Iheme wvoemas>' un ube Lsd compietedt beir pariode o! semvics, snd others viso dit nolt eniro lu nî,,urol, thé, men viii have the hbeeit 'crdet under tis a lfoi'j.provioaia service,, sud tLe corps Le permittedt t enrol other men s Volanteere tu Complot e . tosglh lea eaeb instance le tLe negalaîti standard, or in tLe evant el <allre te uainîsin as*Dob complemeut o! une smu>' bcconsitienet ascessar> fer eficigesscy, or if us>' corps becomes inemfcest, was>' e diabautist anti others rsised l insati. The te-euroleu of tise Voluteer Militi.s Las iscen highly sati!adtomy, anti in addition te uhe olti corps prevional>'il exi1stence, man>' uev ones bave been ad- tist to the sîrengtlinluparts o! the countîry where sitIocal organisation bat previons existence, tise list o! the corps o! Active Mlilitis, vitb tLe nominal strougtb as IL,>' ssow stand smo: - Ontario, total or' ail arme .... . 21,816 Qaîebec do ... ........ 12,637 Nov Brunswick do------------.1,789 Nova Scolie., do ......a 928 Dominion totali............... 37,17o Then. seemn nodoubi tisai tLe present total anîbonizeti unmber e! Active Mititis, viii be naiseti sud maintaineti b>'Voluntar>' enroenut is e several Provinces, lu pro. portiounues lis>population ofe ocicompares vils tho others. lu Ontariothe -quota la almeady> comploe, anti in the cher Provin.. ces, the deficiencies so being rapidi>' -filuet. As regards tLe Reserve Militia, freon vbicb sncb numieri o! men sma>' Lee. quimeti for drili on for active service are te b. taken, tLe follevins- plan le contemplat cd b>' Ibo lav. The sevensil Ikrgimeutal Diaieons wvih itL usfinîexceptions, are idenniicâl vilth ie eeoLai divisions for representsiiod b>' membens o! tise H1su@e et Commons, are dividid int compan>' divisions andthîe olllnrs 'appointedti ieroto, ansereeitieut vilbin siseir compan>'limite, tbus senniung te, a large exteuî a personai knovietigeýofo!the meu enrolleti, sud aIse beiug a guarauîeo tisai 'lte- ballot vbeu calleti mie use, viii be condtiaeeai ui faimueïs ant i impartTality. Comn.sixza-rtuy 8sra'g.-On Frida>', tise lOîh mut9 Our tovusman, Mr. a. H. Janieson, vus mate the ecipient of a val- nabl. tea service, Learicg se appnopnsuîe inscraption, troun Listinsiansd veil.- visberain WiLy. Supper vas served -et the Royal isel.- Over 30 Sauss ene pesn,-.Mm. Thomas Mooti>'pnesitiing on tLe cecaios, anti doing al, L- e honore pleasanîl>', wyuLbisval-kovu -ibbohmie asaigond faste. MmrJmsn' et ciizeouaiip anti kîod>'- anusr. hesalwàtys doears'et vohi o! hi. fninde.-.td fillevl" I$w0vnee. Tus Càîr <cm tha sual drill yack o! tLe 34th Bull., vili, I9 fa- Dev tfitaiteil Ixati, hae nuse soalis-veat ecnrrcof:lot No. 1 in fatise eat cou. of l£ut Whtby parade' grouat, X. B. ceaser cf lle' , i tise 3r4' cou, £nouasir 0F A Wnivu Max Lusv.-M.;r ,,Èsbemt White, oftOtshuw, vino lia beau milé feorei,ise tbrcg moasIi4 Y beqos de 5a:.a tin aJda i a"i th»a .'-E year hem esniere-lia 'Vhilby; ba conrase orsupiysgthe a ,ý p0'& it foot sui tp! hvo eault,, nii lFeat Àalmss e ay, abouit îversyive -*I.t Sunda>' Scbool, Osbawa, l Ilahintnnai Pic nie,$lin1Mr. Iucfî's w oodo, thieWPie-nie vms 10 bave *laken place oaù îLeprevions Wednesday, but the raies prevrentet h. -The' cbiltiren soaeut a pleasa n ie sud seemeti te greaîly.ujoy tha good tbine pruvideti for tbem by tLe ladies. the Ilev. lMr. Bell tWl-esaperinteendouî of thse s doos it Lis' teoi teéplease aIl, misai vl Leosneeedd. * own Co uciî Monda>' evesing, Sept. 13. TheCôouncil *met- aI îLe nsuai 'bo um. Presen-rMis Worsbip iLq, Major lnu Ib chair?,' anti Meurs. Draper, Brovn, Tbvalîe, Pliip, 'illîu, Beium'and Blow., * Mr. Draper presentedth îe isncuIal te- fonl, vbicb vas Zeue fie leincounuite, ort6 *L bole, sud àadopteai wiihout atneeid; ment. Tb@ report ebeve thaltiha large insu cf $13.446 giibave 10 ha raised ibis yesr b>' dizect texation1. Here are tLe figures et boîL sIdee of îLe scouns Fstimsad Expendisore -Counu>'rate, $1239 92 ; Sehool balance, 82,53800; Notes'ou ýdissounat, 84,600î;MBtien's 'esiate, $1, 150 ; balance salaies, $460; on lumber, $100 , priutiug, $100 ;Bail- road debenunes, *3,650 ; market do., $3153 33 ;, drili sbet,$2901-$14,474 25. I(eceipts-CasL ou baud, $550 ; Muni. cipal Loan Fund, $288 15 ; dog tas, $100;- poil tex, $0.; anoîbar item o! $50;j andi tban 2 1.10 cents. iucludlug ecbool ntes ou *663,160 10 mako uop tîL eica'ider. Borne $malitems of amcoat for psy. meut ble Retumning officers vera pasedan sd tba Concil adjous'nede The Provincial Exlîibatioa. The IFrce Ps-es. ess, ut 'tLe Exhibition grounds tLevork of preparilion la steadil>' goialg on, and viii ha compiased in gooti lie, uowiihsîanding a aligisI auxlet> tisaI somute îa go existedti ILs it vould iLe backvard. Tise carpentr>' o! tL. interior of. tL. main building Leing finlabeti, a stmoug force o! pointers are nov engaged lu c'>iouicg tL, val& anti eeiliog. Tbis s roundt 10 ha job o! mach mora diffi- culs>', in eonsequenca of lise damug.d sud leaky condition cf the roof. It Lad adt mitteti valer copiouel>' sud cased asins wviii is difficuit to orase or cover op. Mr. Booesmis oversesing the job, sud vii no doubs -gel it posheti forvard in ample lime. Tbe Agricultumal Hall, a pèroea- oui wooden strucure, Las been complaeit b>' the cônîrsctom, Mr. Joisn Christie; anti le nov u inahebande o!r .theîbcvasbers, Who are brigheng up the inicnior lu at- traclive style. AUl tise cattle ebetis. sud Isbeep sud. plg pens, baxe Leen put to, igbîs, sud ready 10 receuva Iheir ocu- pansé. The hors. sud catIle rings are iu place; ail tLe stables repaimeti aud 7hite. washedy the poultr>' shet eecleti, andthie varions oflices in conuecîlon vitL the Ex- ,bibitiou put in order. Tise conlracl for the construction of the ben-coope bas been let to Mr. Cmaig, cf 'Bathurst sîreel, Who wili Doon bave iheu aillie place- The water la accuunulating in Lake Homn; the nulees buildings are-mn course o! rmooai off tise grounds, anti 'apple pie orl. r' yl reigia more by Saturda> ' ight. The lessees of bocîba yes.lerduy begau.to drive lu tineir stakres snd lako possession o! their plots. DiSsiious Fiatz nx SsARÇAî.-Au extra of sise Sarnia Obserner, o! Mouds>', Baye:- Our Iovno bas again badl another visilation of the tievouýring' element, vbicb, tinongb forsunatel>' coufunedt teimuseti extent, bas esultet lu tLe bas cf a large amount of propemi>'. About tvo o'ciock tbis moru- Thne iop &ndbout# stevartevu pvce- lu galiserlsaglu lb. ibundau&]No,' No dëc5tion yet lu' tht i Siwanuird ome at Othewu aid ùe claie te samu orchisdstiroeghosnî t4 cotny; diisasuctse w atat ,nah.t teearaie s nos thof'âïs cogusected t ilS b.sepeatlol, tisaI uîcaifip be rpre .dct~y D.'a, ovu *iâiél e u isaI ilt desnudt l volvenny tuïèoévidence ou ýLady Byrop's Ilisteat if direct evidence, Misa Stoee bas noiing tle. commannlcate butp Les recellestions o! a -conversationi 18 yeos ago, sud ber Impressions of a manuscrlpl visicli e.states tiaILâiîy Byron» it tiat Iime gave bfer toperù1aasdvisucis according to hem owu sbov1Ing, eh.orcac Suder ver>' great excitemenc. Tisa 1clircumaotances probabl>' accounu for several obvions errors imb visicis Mmm Stoeebas> fallen, sucis as aaigning two ycars inetesti cf thinteen 'niostis as, the pçiod tufinK VhiCb Lady' Byron reuiàdt under Ihe saune roof villi ber inabanti, sud aimilar in- accracs1 te- visic>; ,for tise presut pur- poe lis unnecessa ,r>'te slqtie.ý fltbcut for a mo ment'cCoe!ceting Ibaf bIraet>we7s narrative coutaiu,& comploe uccount'o! Lady,Byrofis' relations vils lier busbatid, l#o must protest sgaiust Il 0i t'.fog Profesedly-first, a mont p-osa breacin-of thé.trust anti couififince atatcti le bave becs repee in bser; -second, as inconeateut vitne r urecommeiation -lb Lady ,hymen ,an 1d,' finirai-, as au Ignorant violation (as letut we sisali, in chant>', eupposo4rs Stovetole bcignorant) o!flise expres 'lrma' o! Lady Byres suaI yl udtestament.. TPiret, a reatos to a breacin o! trust, lIns Steve states hal asieovisa consulteti lu an 'interview viii, 1ta pe ie br ovu vords, ,'hati slsuost tise 'so1emify o! a destis-bed,' net as te vhelihmeh. ve ouit undentake a reduction etLsd>' Byron's marriet"lxhistory, Lut ouI sly ote .pell>' of pubiisising sucb a -buiter>' ai ail ; seconti>' lra Stetve, on ber owu md- mission, netumuedtot Ladr Byron tbe bni emr nmpapen vbseinh&bat been eou truste olier, vith th.e tatement e! bem opinion thaï 'Lady Byron vonit b. cen- tie> utfable ln ieaving the trutis to Le dicloseilafier lbertetsurco- méietethtnt ail <mts necessan>' eboulti b. put in tbe bande of soin. pensons te be so publisiet;' liirdl>', Lady Byron dit, b>' ber lest ylsud lestassent, execu t cd a few tisys orsi> belon. bier deease, beqsath te tbrae persnseastrueiees il ber msnuseripts, te b4!Wtestfinsi sasied up, afterwarde tepositet in a banis in, tise uses of, sncb trustees, sud sie tireetedti Ibalne! on. ciao, isovver nesni>' conuecteti vilS ber, aboulai aapou an>' plea vhasaoever Le sîloweai te inspeel incb documents, vbich lise trustées vire &!oe.te mais. use o! as the migbt jndge te Le bust for the lulerustsof iser p-sud- chiltiren. Mmi Steve h- net eue oft tiese thrano, Hem paper la oulireis' gratuitous andi unauthorîzet. Il in. esave have sait, nol consistent vitb ber ovu counsel; it lu an effence againmt Lsd>' Byron'a dyiug vishs, sud the. anîborees Ls. vritten lu ùt1ev dismegard e! the feclinga of those grandebiltiren c! vbom sbh speaka in s vague, <sason, va>', as 1801 ef tise Lest andi nobLisa cf maikinal 'The appearance o! tho elsnsabout Lord Byron b>' tLe Countess Guicciali is allegeti b> Mirs Steve as the. main rcason vhich inducead ber te piablisli Jier 51cr>'; but l! Lady Byrliî's descendinte, ber per- sonal andt tusteai toiehis lib is country, suffer the slanderu of the Coustes Guiccio- l te paso uncontradictid-fo, te use Mrn Siowe's ovri expression, ef' vbat value vas tise enter>' o!-tise mis ç' 1against the wifin -tbeir silence a ould surel>' bave led UnrsSteve te beeitat. eeve giving to tise vorîti a statetuent visicia, bonvever il ma>' affect the 4-memonries cf tise dead, muet inevitabi>' inflict mucb pain on the living. 'Lady Byron'u ovin statemehit' is In the possession o! those vho love ber memor>' ton weli te mais, a ras ni o! it; ad if tbe vont la cvrnte leavu 1h. mrue 81er>' of Lady Byron'slilfe ut viii b6aru it trosu 'it veulti bave Leen lu letter tante if Mmm. Steve andthie Editor oÇîifmMillzn',o Magazine bat'- imitatbe 'he heigieus science' which the. latter à# mucb coin- monenl the case o! Lady Bir on. Meau- vhîle, Lady B>'ron'a descend4ansu anti ne- p reuintativea abselutel>' disclaim ail couintenance et Mrs. Stoe's article, which bas Leen publisbed i rinth15mei privit>' and cousent. IWe aresir?, 'Yleur ver>' obetiient ser-vants. WHIIT -fi & FORDS. 'S, Lineeln'aî-iu2n-flelts, S.p. i' BANir or ESon.arnDainuîns. -The eu ilepridipi a 4xWighsfa, 't T. Y, l iease et s S ~Pagrel ChaireS, Londton, vas flid on h Tssrèa fon psuffleg ali~ebyssalulgo, Th*nev.brickgligsaboiâis t lsegr- r~~ ~~ un cosii ý th&u wn i goua., * leOIrt à tepenso1 -eknoirà*Y 1nerýIW g çan big, work-7pgbliçiy allaîéd ,lbýltIi.he t o.ue Canal would prove to b. an bortivi- wrote, siso, bto 4'ug, l, an e, 6I t nothat sucha hn el lt dlnayr te bat uîbin~ics b..ff ,,"ç een byth s otnl d e 0"ntr. of llme, sud lire, md snon yobyond 'lb. formation,, cf aa stagnant d'0ch, e ee obyealmosi bld,.- Sles sneta, unapprosebabi. by large, sbipsý 1 undçr sny circü nmicc;" Tis . pion 1 ehad -formàed frçm ,ea.1p toeo. p 1ersonal ex- t tinetion 0o f . regýoi4 i184,'(. BuÇý the *or ýeily préîentie dp î'iaw agreal patience, industry and eucrgy, and a 1long purs.. Tii. coutractors M.. M. Bord eand Lcvslley, iiy ewploying noQvel miaîcbln- I r'f 1fpodgous pover, 1Vereablo, Twî- nin îl day sd nightbdrcdge sudtIl? néls than t vo and a hait million cublie *yards of earlb pcv mopth 1I By lb. aid, of a a steani pump,, valer IraaI smixcd 'itb' the parlin broaagbî up by. lb. dretige, sud lb. muti so formcdvaspouted ont upon botb banke of the. canal to sncb a distance aud ini sueh'qtiantiiies as b orns- bfigh , Coin- *pact- ramparta agaluat the sand-sbowers 1bloving lu rom tise descrt Ninctysix 1milliona cubie' yards of 'earlb baie lhuý ibeen taken -ot ;sud tiser. is left to-day- a canal'nint' miles long, 328- <cet v"ide *at the. surface, and sercnty-four feet wide aI the bottose, and lwenly.eix feet, deep 1 througbonl. 1 Thse barbor sud basins but i$&id sud Suez are marvels of engineering, industry., anad energy. To guard spinalt the fihliig up of lb. canal at lb. former point b>' th. deposita of the. Nue, great blocks of s com-* posite sione, forzne4 out of hydrinlie lime 1grounal 10 duel by powertul milis sund lmmced witb ssud, weigbing tweul>' tons a&&i, are sunk sud pilinethe li.arbor ot Fort Said, sud broad sud bautisome piers are eonslructed thereon. Three bundred f tbmaaaed tons o! Ibese have been ued i Port Said alone. rhe esaire cos o! ibis great work, bmw, beinuiabout 81,000,000. But toinelude lm- >provementx, wieviac b ii pphied se ex. panse. aay sgmet ve ma>' Satly sel the total Onm aI $95,000,000. 'Wbetber il viii ever prove a peut finaursial succas is s problem vbhicb Engiisb pipers' are nov earnestly discuaaiug; but one thing in pretîy sure, il wiil not prove "an abor- ive sebeme, ruions, to ils coulrscboliKY The compan>' bas alrcady advantageoinsiy sold iIts varions buildings on tbe lin. of tise canal, sud siill bas valuabie lande on ils banks, sud capecisîly lat ils ivo barbore It in estiuisted by morne anthorities litait the annal businem-o!flise canal yl amloui 10 10,000,000 tons sud Ibal ils grosa receipte viii be 100,000,000 francs. The low toi! of traffie-but ton francs per ton-acroits Egypt viii attract an enor- mous trade, and aireati> Englihansd Frenchs merchauls are building vessels ez' presiv for canal navigation. Ils preseut rate cf niovemeut ia about 100,000, tons per annoum, sud vben it is fnil>' opeued il ie easy bo undersland that Ibis rate uns> ho lncreaaed a hnndred. foll. Nesrly or quit. al lb.hesteaunmarine luInbeé,Asisîse trade viii probably lit once adopl Ibis route. A Ifoîxow EJiitATio-4 BtRitÂu.-Tbe Mormons are flockiug wcstwgrd on the graushopper principle, in droves. Ou Mou. day last. no lesIban four huudred landcd ai New York, from over ibe%ater, sud hastened onvards- 10 Brigham Young'm dominions, ai (Great Sali Lake. Il is saiti tisat lb. prophet bas eslablished, lu con- nection vits bis cbnrch, an euergeic sys. temn visicis oler-parties conc.red lu thp colonisîng sud developmner. cf lande, mines, &e., would do weli to slnd>'. His missioliaries in Wales, Norva>', Svedeu, aud elseviacre, bunt out accessible people, aud lu providing for Ibeir transportation to udor uew homes, bave filied up lise wase places cf Utah, and-made the desert bloasoun like th. rose. DzàEï rl FLàDv P,&LÎssaaO.-lady' Palmerston, vhose desh ine reported lu a cable disps:ch 10 have taken place inulLon- don ou Ssîurday lst, vas tLe daugbîer of Hou. William Lamba, the firet Lord Me"- bourme, sud Lady- Caroline Lamb, tLe dauginter of the Bar! o! Beauborougb. 8h. vas a siser o! tLe second Lord Meibdzmne, the veltIkuowu Whig sud &tform Premier, vbo died inl 1848, At th. lime of ber marriage vitb Lord fueb, romove eoneiitiae-, oeeet ,oei. effoelullyiha the meet, àpýd meirL. clu... Tbey-pr.vest-debihit>',-streugthaa dlgeslio, Correct te patiseaeîive teadeqn- eW of nirogeos foodi aven meure>, sad slwangthen thse pover of prodbetlve liber. paer rsne [iedIs umal.gis...Whaa Cadure ecaios tiai eveer«x tNtisge pI. ~~ .elkugsud ,j ii - e ,c 1b vltini:ý4i se ats e d usfs heple eibt. 19 ir s. le s'. Lv aI y an le r' h se se 51 nd t, off y se s, id çssa ~ ~ o ofoils5tao~se oe osmù --a rigbl te todo vhat lhey hiledt uthlb OvuPP , "n 191a.n i,1ke; King Leur, serren deredta10 zieu the irbol onturce, Pael _L Bu <o qalla4od tb,ï iren clg.i ' rauivmq., caalsp M 1c glora.,ceg sem'es~&cjbla~~jsr 4 rus or II British ,cpefsoennurisolv' ibtheërarcloniPia osèslons, .iuslest I hain se néiaùv~' uoas~ tc ' Ver Arg. aRonsost be, d.O!~lle"8 - li lotin.Atacvngyti.Mob f~on "ioîoui'.enconraged tis ePopl bf oun Nortis Amerlsuv C peist, Le nov about Ivent>'y wsh'euIfg iu Englanti, Is -come ,tbey shoolti -besoi you have cotrecO>" I-,*Oited, nhe l session of Pa>#pifPnt etopas~t wus passe guasre.nteî is. ptreSs.uoe . 000) o! tlii. udeon Bs>"Terrsldry, 1 order tisaI-il unigistbocomae 1a portioný ilisaI enormous feerli union unyselul Br,'Am, erican: st aleunanti b>' lo Amcrlcab"Preas tise.cneatv se alibougis tbey have' been greatl>' estoill lu Englanal, baviug long beendesignale * b. "*.poborn policy o!flis. British ~Goi ernunent. As regards,. intw.gr,,ily 'l, tutai tise coose la plain' ant i smple Tis&ibsbitnts '1 ,ultue lctaiidu Dominion sud o! Anstialia, bave ovei rebed -thèmsives, sudn&- muai noôW.'ps lb. usuel pana>' iflicteti upon eves greeti>' boy whe svaliows more; tisu cdn dgt.'> spnieor ratber bt irresponsible - govemumuins>'bave 01 baineainet ouI>', best -osessièofet' ibat belongodtate iemeosbuttunfai posswibln o!; ail tiat belonge t th I Britlis.eWpli,vwhoW'ise>'have, usorsove mate suswersble for Ibeir deble. Aut lu addition te ail -tiis, tise>'nei demant -not tbab Englautiaut h'be'oior ins sbi 4eqnuiiiibonn t yas leo 'say, een, fourtessa or tventylone yesr (t.rmnuableat each pariot bysither. party under' vbieb, for tihe barmen - "6ailegiance o!, certain colonies, Englait In te undea tae, at an>' eut ta proteet - theun; Lu tisaI al .tise viiotise>'cati in tin mond'a ey' esiseer tise>'*11 oeisl goveruomeut b 7 bdinolng ansd inde pendent nation, or vietiserlb.>' vi suborvieily join 'ise ionfosera o o greal foreigu nation,, tise Engliais poopli like ,iandlordsrkeeping in-repair exleuii premises fon êis<c the' "reiâeveo ini are to live on tise brin ko! u sutdeuaws tis uigisi ulteni> soin hem, simlupi>' t tie"t a people vbose. Clegiance stI ar mont, vilsithor vitinoutnoice na* t terminateti. - I delibeistely subsitîbalt for lthe benïel o! & aIlprtis,,tise ý'totul iuatispendeuce- i an>' of our coloniies abonit b. simnîtanu ousl>' accompanietb>' a total cessation' protection b>' linempire <rom vbwieh, b Ibeir ludepeudence, îLe>' haver viorluali severedti Iemmelvos. The lim, vas, vbea no one lester tins myseif criet out, ta our coloniâsand t Fier Mjesty's Oovennmeasi, IbIfod fait1 Iu the particular caseanunuder tlb.el tcrcd circunstsncesasiludta t,' I nom ceimI>' counsel Lotis parties ta "Let go1 I ain air, your obedient servant, - i 1 F. B. l"ix Croydon, Aîng. 2t. 'Qucince, Sept. 11.-Gev. sud Lady le lesu have issued cgrds for a bail te Prins Arthsur on Sept. 10. Bis Beys! Higisuem viii tae. p bis residence ai 'lpencervoc on bois arrivai, Moutreal, Sept. 11.-Tne La-cros match for tise cisampionsbilp o! tise Do minion of Canada, betveeu tbe Moulreu snd Prescott clubs, vas von b>'tise fora er lu tire. stnsigisl ganes.- Tise grest ismeachn-of proméise cae Sophia M. Orange, agaifisl Jas. Bernni fer $60,000 damages, ended yeiterda3 Mr. Kerr atdmesseelthie jury for, tisadt fence, comparl g tie case ta s ta roogi againat Pickvick. > Mr. Devhiu. for thse plaint!*f,- cinsactos izet tise defence se scaualous anti camai nions., TheJutige sommet up infavoe tiseplaintif.- Tbeju r eurneat aerdic cf $8,500. ! FRÀlies LULIH's llnatrit d Nevapalpe for lh. preseul wcek, -Coiains 'a capin' cartoon, enitleai 'Tbe Slanderere Vision, lu wbich lb. gboul of Lord Byronis rep. reseuteti as appniug le M es.,Stove, vi sils, iorror-strickeu -aud absaset, vii tb. poci sasystalob cmi niust.ring ange preseet nt lbapfirst Iuylng'o tbe toue-la 162 astest lthf'en>Sesusy. .' ý1 A flue copy of lberar», liai etilti-& Shakespo.ar..frMuted lu 162,-vissoIt la i auteai Ivo 1e mdaauid O>" - i Àî nio& akt .f., SIMD QaInth istui>. ~ b'M Âsawoeçleet~Ia0'1410m, sa 1 k, epai o tasfuS wLenPl, voodoeàD Laxa been brongsa of the ire lite àemva as*encoe Ume, n nevu slrOdbî!MagnaChata. Ha liis aov *'. ]PIuWàelphsia, prepartry to making _ lasc atît at>'.y The Qiaebec Okft-nfid4hba ut a pre-. ientitment e tfatie tisat avits tlistlciîy.- Spukine.oà thse sboollug o! a lynx lun t, Peter- street lb 5' --Anothdrs et tinse savage, tenizeus -of our Canadtsu vilis-i eea asaret lis e sb6of eta five ,nw"y,>pree 4ecéssùrcaclàng being depabclmet oppe- site .Chalsnsrls Hestelnt, tht s momnsng< I L>' lieson cf lbhe jyoprolor- lthe vol! kuow StPetr steeteatrerTheellinen Sbut tisrae oure bfe e.aubes! in quiestion proved ne excaption le, mg mmov im Imm -the gênerirâ§e- aie »Yen zota vers ired- * viiel petals~uanlpeareImneula bailIs bas.e~Wu b. ausoal Loitinsmof tisse mnrunnlé mosaid iib nai lb. bill te s con. animale lu bua venuoringiabeour*ew,Is tde À *ditnc, , t.hasbrM.lnve moeyunt Lave-sosie pitsphetieanticIpa- sîni aoor c vsylu dsbacasekepot.u'tiens eta ime; sooni' -e Mr. to arrive,- rnelsoeul air. Tasare lu ne d 'WstatïeLsn ry thsa minore ete once,>llynei lim senidu iaiwben Quebes vil) erasn 16- the condition heLa land rd.attok- ntnamnsteau insicin iI,*s."-foutaitby' lthe'immortel »Aiethag"v4qý intheICM0 es. *nYuiïanceatqo tbeM>inialcr et Miitia fhree'- eigdeot1 seai nt-semi, tie mfurA' ÏW bunt«ire >oa&go. 'OnceLf tise tovuC lis gese. rd ,'t!>vork, sem utin.h gugvmy d IldolasIn essthséfllvi.11e- sn ia-pieonceof tlwe aimar nIt Jbàlmer's. lin 'routine et dm11>' toil. 'twbonrs vere filliog lb. ourlqsiyacutd for. Tiso ut cars fntisba t ikot«b 'inýh% ew 7 irgàddaiAlié<bW'fsttire intbiUa ofn -tise iuàen' plek ; boys vene riynglot vr îeentsîlee tiéns or thae i enies e n ýtis 1tb'tti *fh a whpry n ubdb i -n o loads of ceai te Le bolote t tetishenolti amy.;hal'bip>,sdvs14>'isn.te v&il vas noteealng ian ah.e ûtoussr vs visu tatb, binssai etdinuen. Ifo nov dico-- a. tiserutl~bsck et tise sipisoroslga tramn te ratèas tise vindev of-Mir, Chalands Reu1 et tamnac tel i en ueatSee eltise -mure o! stuat- tise dimmeiter tisa sai ocoerý ' ~. , -* it "Iu tise lit eofvisathse brave mon ahnnv- Vioutgearanigstbvns y' omto*os1 oueiljti osi~er Monge&thtie sisecp fa tise vi2int>'of ele e 'eus ihair fis! o omradscala os « r.e 'wviai flloved 'Whou thse tiseover>bmeeeville. U,'kuevu Irbm htise mineai tt*slIasmft vas-'Douait- McVene, O! Pisutegenot, vas in l sepdmmntrSh aiior of'1seOvekcidu . drovueti'la the Biie sais Caait OllAva, Aif liseinathie vielnitsr of ths erne ons Wsdnesy. [f. !edty wingvays moaato sviodai eotàm, e-t I es,>' nain canseai s fruit ýwi-vu tisa pOlsenDonagmseatOiL tho tiims is e ýilet ILsminae.s gW v ieta mmts nts velile Uresk andti wtievtr bottoffî o!fa. bst.fi aoni; , iseavi ooting»1. WY eba' rikyr ets le feantap uyn scvns onie6edCidpi Fe, galoisnansd oveniook min>' azsoMtiovvhs vre edubtràyeti.'.- t,' ,rdlysrv-t agoagïep to dainale 'îai-SoýAntémmn, o! Cornwall, breugbt sr 1"AIAL w f s i vrtMýiil ife -sud <mmii> teo grt Hep. vises-e t0 mine, sist>'.sVen appalwt but yat, ellactet 5fter about six'anenis' remdouoeho de'- >' mieg a, l &ivsIbm ro imiua e sl etesun, living ibeu lua mcmtades- 1. 'preeriation proceed e sn oes .10 bicg -Oae.itote cniin tismelvs l 1b veusspe.cxtidiniu . ' Il tisalisait ver*e ivodoors vileh iwema inetaatlyjvtapoîiDuasieotmrdy o! close, sud onùem trvieam el :à auevemd ta osted iuse a hyjénte otdeisldy-ý e- thesonpsuied tLera hlrts off 2 an IdppAt soae,Ïe'ja i jrig«M l oftise Interstice% but not Lafore tiefeartuldeonbu ck isi tisair bist p.etrated tir lutmtrlat-not Apat'oAeicnxu-unssfua C>' lu feues, isevver, but lisigâoileut imenglis rt'o meia xcrintï rn 1>' te, do tise vomk cfdesth in tes uemreg n-Treuiville, aati lu a tisgracetully, rv satint>.-' lu tlissterrible.chemisas- tiseirdylike madner lu Port Hope hast Salai-ý là lknps axiieaht, sud ihé' blassees "f dy t eruii nigbt elése,,.aré"dnthoInis., St i oSmetulli>'emattitisai tiesasrongesi o! Tvre'valoable' hers viekilleti on the, t îe mona- ueceie et IgLeursa aler G. W. IL, ou Monte>' nigbt, abopt a mité I..- tisoif .. -immursunant, . 'lise suppi>' cf vest e nneob'ts lhnn yr fresis air wviuelstiey looket-iWn'-aqntckly fPictn y h ihan x esîtaustet bytise brestising eofsisY.-.vein pair pe u.' or<poeabial uga'; -is ii thse 'tanae eai Bov, R.-Paliaer Brovn, e! PortfHope, visil., steve, islov sua moud tiseu, vas omittiug atepîpiug troin tlie steamer Atbenfsn, Moi- -tise deadly.misot. Mn'. Tiomma, osaetftheise ut ise vaier sud nsrrovl eae fret o o!imol elova. vise pessetate to, te is aM.p& point le seomin ettlise' mlseligmen, reprta ris vuldwnin-' -tiaialter bresklng lua tLe bn:dersd-ganiug i spbile ia layatcuv .1outrance goilhegangvAyvisan al lsee u h bs fa*lea hein te "$80,000a nd cannai gdt lives sur.ndemed te tiseKing etTerrera tishue eset l nbvrueo ieprT ce aiguli atmet Iliagaxe omplaely nnnncd ottg' - - , ah itu ith u l ainiis e weptlike àaHI*ulecit. Te Sim ofjaionrs seunsincrediinle, LuI sucSla lb.th ,d ler- iasmabng teribla Iu tise speetwl.e - nevupapor aeount. lin on eai Worm osde a eunsdes-,;Iir ce iesemr ivrSrylbl'su begnimeai facesvers famillian tebhisye', a Tth.S.ae ivr Rspà, lty s se Iroi tise danger of vîjeus isay vaeo tise vWin-th t larRvr b>' tLe propieliar 0- lima b. Inimset Ladmauy narov ecpe. l Comot, te nov boiug raised b>' tie Uoast- al vas lise toueling rlesdiabip lor-esclaéthet Wrekngcms lest nomeuls 0of tisair satroggîe lmcve usai uneli. John Nuese, aget 62 -yeara, diat is et tise sesl et lise bravo, sterinn en ue otuer day at B"schGi-ove, near, Guuipli,ý ot scoutidtise penilou asbafit le cave'11cm ifisî. tvou tise effeets o! a brutiallesait w vish coulai.lMeu yens tonailekedi u scS tolie'a vas neceutl>' mate ou bimb>' Ivo cevard- embroes; otisers viti ande citaetlait > sros Y. tenislves dovu te di.;e vas discov.asd. ngres le ealsnly areing b>' aepearosâe S Paugonas Th ise lae tore s cause tamage at il hans-i litenu ta is dyîng nequ ti. A fian rpont hDalbousie.' Tbe vater undermindet fcl into bus eteneual slesp Isoldiug Lisam o e tshW naierMfranv 8 mioas besotu. Notisins- sarior ans-ny vasobsemvâde bal ïer ueýe- a in tise feetumos of ihe poor follove. -Wklta a ~ing i baide. andl a ponao! tiefraue i pce of fert>' teet tise>'bat SUSl i elded op tin t ai1 Sf ivs, viasal> viLahore oiinalos md' TWo offialrso! bine 78t1h Highlantdei-- :1 ~ ~ ~ MiMI. s __i eev t i ls mesm nt eul eo eeatnp in a police station liii TiWod! apisa'sfl c 0F ' e .den58 và Haifas l then nerigist for tifsordenly sou. Ti'W not'sefcla ereen isi nlIidne'-nth -e un peamanea ose lefull ti bdueButsItmla merOaY pastor c! Si. is-' t, ciasI. ies,nelu to eai deSest in;W. Ta. - yceul doPaui .C. OhurciaNiagars, as borineiries; wnov dent b anale most î>'presenletivith n uattresanti a vsil.auoai - aSongotine lotaeof bloid exudnd frein tise noig' pureb>' his cougregation thL. otiner day; ~ nle, i:llei inîoip.Oin ortv n 1is.occasion e! Lis teparture .-fige- -over ',bmin moundain i e e bi'tna a tna6n. Oateof tiieyear's cnop. Lave madt ieïr Wse "aa'as Yl' ivon deion otseiseis, appearauce. in 'tino TSi.. Rivera suaritet suaiissavisetilt ouI>' ros! i fqmré tloi. snd seil aI flfty,;centssinnabeL. ' sud tienomea 41. thtisasonensuion et0 btise pLess cosuapletdw * Py ' ie n' y ailsa.riâaisng the tug "Norcrcu,» uow, smuîei t isa esorun lori n g P in -thee dtor o! a vestern. Ontmi paper lla foëï fig' anlsfr se n-_-6 of'her lrove home anotiner man'a cow' in muas iibèa »ia", le a tes-bis ovu. vondortul rsddsnesa bnt btena iod'., ofa et ai fieîae., itplesses 'smeo! tise -b>" A Upeebail'match, betweea Usee oapla4. àtandenu& to i il ' isil' but Ih lu not'attaSudsd es ocilLe Frsm Ps-esaundAdmrtiuar va byay a1uliook of thsesisand 1,8ft 1aseteotae.place yesterdsyi la Londoni. leS agiWine ta- ffa ettso>er h., hgdth -1Tinerouare f,347'ratepa>'ers in Mhd.R*- fras o lre, evetbéa mm "Tptin.- 1cu- sBer, lis s essed lvalue o! vise.preporty one eue usesè besetevas gSastlya*cd lt-vas Aa me ido he eayha.I havecesooStosedi - Alage n O! 5if soiteMec avo w- 6i was eaaire msu sgapmve looki=g nri-, îedat Sereilo , i a sdu S' ina>' ver>' vellbe tiai v se omnito tuemba shootigaîstBerthisr ia _pHo hmiuy ooeutrast vasgias a ormmsLsbus lu We But «rlg f£ Lspeoldif il" 1 a i eghing 62-grns, -liç t e he miglîs>' bdbis<Iscs-o.s. I bave anti ot ent dsSape -'vaw çeisfIyfeuud in , egrialul>' pee lnun Ssuikoiiufssbei.otmen the, Kennuuebci18;s, nr1'ésibISqws ta- s ud te aak fest astoflassi luis iiaauUuahesb sueesuusrte ay,1!ls>'Vat.isse n importaeues, luvolvlngffthesjlaj thppmrupmfo( mrril r uaPie pO a ehitenariui au Inisf4m lw !1t'i- ssKlay , JeisMnso thsojpo va II L.sie, li hbafore the Ment f aperU liwlc"ýà%LhI14L,-W-ý- de Boe" o the1-le m tisatà Whhtby, Sep, spsfsg doe .... Poire. ......... Peu.......... Poi.............. Ega..... ...... Bloiter...... nie _ire"sa eîirb, Inc namvsahùp sudreno. otines izne i tesol>',an reue filetnanai, en' ahi aaid Md» eaaugrti sîtt o J.s es Il.tEsg C.aIL ioti n&suCeot "ËICWI &DV-ZJ -C. IPORTs, aI CB. RATLWAY Diredtos qf betFort M B Wiv'YVmpauy, hava bovn gil. en tise .,nt sait laiay Company, 0penrent, payale, 10 percment, payableI Sii clisans payiO Compan>, Tewn ef wl Wltby sept .is- NOI . Port Whitby IRAILWÂY A oeles-gof tise Sto IWisaîby euedPonPe viii e L aet the, Bo- PAN!, r TUaE 'M - Tueiay, Octo nt 2ýo'clr, -p nfer aBado iectona fe V7-Lfta, Sept. ,If WANE».- A E tIn tisiatter of. -Isolent. The endutena of ti bss,tsofice et Tovwnsof W>hitb>', on Thuraday, M0 At tnhe ur oeeleves o for tise public, sxtanin jSd for tse ernis01n Dhaed M81Whitiy,»t wlnitby, September: Variety Hanl II TE lL WIt'0 art tho =il] . l«lf«n 16ni

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