A, At MEs i. GEIE' Drugs 84pe, Wlihby. toene oUakrirper Bengloga'm ng at Loy Prices. 4 JAMES U. , GIFI, - i ~~ DMuget, Whltbyl - &pin 14 To É .1t.duxnuntLÂx & BSLLS, Pon;.. ,eag P. 0., Ounty f Lennoz, Ont,, IProviuce of Ont,"*QY eb. 9tii, 186. rrÈs l tocerifythat dd4 u initer c0 18e1was a tRouwlth a wealias théb obukas, *bleoraua1leAitrlug tXe 1 rInR of iips, sud 1 - beeiosuas swik that 1eébahi net wà lkï but vioo ciai to.Myesir. For about twe yeurs, white thia wmeonwonas ouilug on l mf t wsri1é l84slevo "ii 0 mo of<dfint idd, pec 'Fr Iiend"a bpt o eas of o 1 n1ttnuedtW 'WQMa, 4*off, e entAtheelumr "f iïC, when I wul Iduoedi te tty thé gret Shëeeion- eosa emody byjeAnie bcarde perforin8 fil a pamnphlet. M a t Iit h Ibd be*ut t MOcI the weaknousslu fiûy hauds; inu itct v alaneet hbelpîaS.; I be .taken i *o et h. Shoa s&ces Ioade-à ud 1wo bc*Mo<4Je pilla aud 1 arn entlrcly roptorel te lies t noyer expoted te: got botter, but xiiîupIjv tLla the edielu seas mosrt >f ferlern -ieo. j# oU0 et n ine wua i s aprivase 0110, biue, knevu te ait mrnelghbergasud froldu d'o nyoearoe das a wus, I tro;.it~îhe Sboee ne Meidy; i 1o1v't wil4oe ~von. tMARY Â NN7DOIJGHITY. A ~orn 14 Wors M-0 a a, Cban#, c 1-M #V,, itMah ayqtFdbmA. y, Woo8,.P. s i4ere Y.rt41 .thet *I have kuowu M#à .ý blary Anu Deuglity fer the Isat llfteeu y usr; mio -le a wvonnfepreblty sud truth. I have known lier bnfere, dcrurug, 6anésp.ier illi dme. aI bel hr s fnertoat ot eh a 11197prtIoi 1r.I ¶aueuvtijt whfl117be ifwe elsrd hoplesse; sud I1 fW thut esiaq iu iner recovery, alwayatülibuted lier r.ooery tw héie sboneu e omody. Wbatev'.)i aMay be the peouller; proportion et fhMa mediclue, oeething ln crtain, tiat lu bar Md"a, tbas iaoýed ailmnet like the Perroetmiucs t ulracle. *ÎnoftéConnty oe 1HaeUngs, IPrevince et Ontario, Dfil ef Canada. - 16 Noew Bak ry- gONFUTIONRY7 T nx uder"cqd,,repectfulyInforme tes Lpble taS 5la eenatxîhly pepsred te, e LA e i oderslu the at writht, rppnge, su .11 othetklnds et Culte, «Tarte and B113cuItaci É$'Wuit 611 indsInlusesason.' lec Leb, chrSriecoos Nuts, (4aîger Beer, &0. J. nebIcDOCLIL, Bake, Culeolenr&0., Brook e*t *WbltbyJly1,1867.,2 JOHN OARTERY, MTARIOs YORK &PFEL. RIESIDENCE-Là ot 8 , BIh con., Mr- athendedon the sherteat nettes, imi reaunbisterLas. Terme eau be nide iLt lýýsprà nt.4atthbe çroutiol e oifeefer Mr Â1IBPIÂNO-JORTE, &0. 12me.-.Ietruohlent ou piano, 0;ber The nndersigned in iâ finp taùcorth-le liberà Lipatronage bitherto extended to the old eathblishment, foê riry a Periôd of foty years, desireaie 5431.w 8 qhe *nd truats by proper-atteutioù, and motemtçe>pries o -8eme,ý a coetlnuanc o f public pstron3e/ Practicul uY«sêvng ýWrtuvëre r-atufted md UftdertaiÉ ghad "Funeérals falIy 5upledtgs heretoibre, gO'Some.pextdîd.apeeimns. of Picture rames, au4 Gilding. Rem IeriIhe ,014Stand.- . it on EZOS TO DIRECT ATTENTTION TO 13IS LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK 01? A&RRIAGE>S, BUGGIES &C.e 0F TEBS ~E ~Â SOIIeD M. O'ONOVAN, WhitbyAgat3d 16 MAN1~YAGTURED AT 411E -. Agicultuiral Works.,- LEFPELI5 CELEDRATED "xE XOST Z oONONJOAL -wuiZ New lx vi thami au> other 81i 0C=- and we viii- gao ovit i' e oiwaruating thme o b ami l] mado, endto t ee gî o sod satisfacotion as amnaiu- factared la the fDeminien. tain lt-by addroalng - . PAXTON, TTE & CO-# - Peaýy1t., Fout Pour, Ont, - *... 81. t - t p tOSPUITUS-oir TUE -EXP -CMPA NY, D0MOIINIO£Y< 0 F aÂNÂ. Inorouated by thé Dominion Parliamt, si vie., CAP 91. CAPITAL,. ý -- 200,ffl, 2P000 ýý]-.S00 O n. r e- PROVISIONAL BOARD: ALxzaM,&Noeao, Ei.q., Prposideut. F. W. TYwex, Eaq., Managlug Dirocter, Tiiou Woonsiz, Emq., Týrtmurer. Axeu, MORMONo, Egq., M. P. Seliçitor. A.DaGRsia, Eeq, licautary. DIBECTURSi Joeoph A. Woodrnff Sheriff, Lincoln; Gilbert MoMicken Egq Wndsor;, 8,. 8. Mudouell, Eiq., Wu~e 'eehll,,Boit., Tronto; J ohn Forguson, Zoq., Glenco ; Ahgus iderri- sei, M P. Toronto; Tlmoe. Griflfith, Eeq., Te - rene lelrhIIy,-Ee.,Toronte-, Diiucan Macdnald, Faq, 'Montraitl;'John Walker, E k, Lonîdon; YW. Stayner, Eoq.,Totnot; C.G. Prtier Eq, Toruto; Aloi, Mauning, Aldermuan, loren, Joîhu Beyd,r .*q Tu-. rontoe W. AthurF., ~Toroneo; X. Ilct, M.sq., Toronto; J. . Et , Ei Tronto Crawford,!Esq., Tornto;ljinghMiller, lo~q The nepeuity felr a Conadion Express Cern. 1suv bas been long .fêft 'by the Mercantile, Beking,,iïd other futeresti lu theDomninieon. Te carry ont lu an effective mamuer, this long wished fer desîderatutn, a Charter for a Cern pany te extend île operationse ireughit the whoeoDflop io as xrated at the iaIst es- sien et Parliaiueut at Ottawa. It la inteuded te aeulune ha opérationast thla time, te the, présent limita et the. Ceufedera. tien, ands oucountry epid e poo In 1traoJçâutilIrnuafl expiandate 101ev eauuraaed, and the busiess ramilfication% o7the Ooipn pnirtatfittaleume.parte, wein" ltvlii oa-the mcasalk wdrelible imens oftranspeftrogthe AMIatlja té hé Fîéio. aebad iadthreugh ieod.oate -Ri parts of thé end. - Ntepaiest4llakind have proved luvar- IshI itnecesfui, yiédIng handoane preits te tie nfrtn1x-ie oes .tenaatom lu 4ht oMer -oith. iFrpv.alonel - oleI berto Mê.di &hasudi> onS. THF E 'WHOL0;MUST'BE S0LLOFFIl WL .BE -GIVEN. TON &L Co. 1AT CASH PRUCES, TO TM TSUIT TTI M E^St', T TLLEGN 0F THE À. vry lrgeassortment of Furnitùro, consisting of Chairs, Sofas, BeurauB ~Bdstads Tale~ &o, n and.,-Every article in the FUReITChELINE MIADE TO ORDER 'AND WÂRRANTED! AIso repatriug, mo'ring and boxing fluriidturo doue iu the best and most-oarefal manner. Undertaking atteuded to and Funerals flully Suppliedi1 31 Nos. 1 & 2, CjaldweIl's Block, Brook street, Whitby; EI~TAULISHED 1867. TýHE MONTREAL TEA COMPANY - * 6 HOSP1TÀ STREET, MONTREAL, T183oeuhu~eipocasetblaouaany leoui> attributeblo te b.e gaUty sud puri ttheir Tesi Usr a aanredtoa X..te etTa have beon sont te affrent part.se tofeDo- ininin, ad u ofrds thtougaud -testimenilI en ahown, briugtesti mony tt lmeqniaty, sud pn>eîePa ra aighnbest~b irhn direc t itmni, ICta et à aud l21bs.sudu rds. Every package vatratho gIssati.aatiep. <3uubi togohher sud &end f for r tve Slb. caitiei, vhich viii b. seut-cauriugo froe te su> Railly E>tatien lnu hqa IDomlnLoma. Thé meney eu b. oeocted eurdoltveryý,, tw' Tryarrfrea greoud steaut roasted Cýee,,ilu5, and 101b. Tins sud upvards, the 8avour of vhlob la reda1m celeut. and ever> aokag eruudio a.Tae4o;iia e'e-Mqe te n> iilva' stop oeté g.!'rnIvrrappa?. V. ~eiF i~?~ ee~Tee. 45a., SOc. ; yneoivrNew Sessola do O6e0.ieaq -.8 Va~ ol s. itned do ~ ~ c Sc;Y' i.d. inaaps% me. M-,es. t offt750 7 1EN T A .Fit, = o"ewe4 Finedb 7r.;au. ~Uee> îOF E BRSIdNED BEGS TO 'li THÂ'1!REZBAS JUBT REOElED E ngishýa.n -d BuJCk mS Just the- thing for. thiz weather, Whntby, .Ialy 2Oîl, 1869. cA REDUCTION IN THE PR] GROCEI Family Groceries fresh, .Cheaper than e %ver, At R. R N I' No, 1, ON THE CORXERb,. Best Branidieq, Ru'm, Gin, Oldy,ad MALT'WHISKEY,J PORT - & SHRY WNES, A- splendkl articlein tlaret, gpod andcehe' At NO.' 1, ON THECONR Butter, Egg, 5 Wanted, Wbktby, Joly 22,- 1889. ad-Farmnerâ' Produce,' NO., ON TE CORNEM DIVISION COURT S IN TR COUN-TY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THYEAR 1869.. No.. 1, Whitby.........2 1 I1 1 ....l1i -l- 1il it ,l rlng....... ...I.... 1..8.... 2 .I2 1.2.. 2 " 8 Muebstr& rioe bet . j28... I20 28 .... 7 S-.I go 8 "4.Uzride.............27 .. 21 29 .... 8... .7I 4 Si ... il ...u. 18n I I f . ... i,** ..!.*j21 . .... .... ....rt, 12 j.... 19 .... ...... -O 2 ...... .... A.... ....I la .... 20.. . .. . 7 -2 'Whtby, January lGth, 1869. JD£ GOLD & SILVELIWACIES Colored and bright Goldi Weddlng Rings, Epectacles, 8-Dit1 30--Ioar Clocks lu great vorietjr.: Repablng carefully attende to. JAMES JOHNSTON,- Brook Stre.ét, Whitby. Wldtby, 5th, 1869. CARRJAQE S, BU~WES, WAQQNS, .Angat 24h, 1ui N. 2.-I amn a1s hIndi ef Debeuture Greenback8 bot qtwmtthy cf Silvâr TI2ttE haeripe cent sta> ln. Englaud, à TPER iL Solicted earetully by bi sale at Very Eeduoed _lw Paln!zugi f =niPaperHangms anilke sdexpedlitiou A. Whitby, Aprll s, 186i. BUTCHER FIRESH & rT'1 E BSOBBRIBERb Beef,,M <3QDe Det Poîk and Oi TO-guu elied in'La speie annér; sMd everithau in the Vienl coeeutljr Q baud., bug U gâr -Remember the Dow shep-bew.eDtlaa storesof M ""s. IHstsh aud Lowés «t Powell, Brookt Street. F'ir,e Insurance Co. OF LONUOË.ý IESTABILISi±ED 1808.ý Capital# £1,94,000, Sterlingt Funeinveted iCauadu..4105,000. tNi UBANCES aga iuat bas by Flue effeet5 .5 utomeut (vourablc ternus. Al l]ou*N -V:11 witbout reference tb the Begut in u Lod *IINTOIJL PIOT1UEBS, bMontreal, Oeza Agents for, Cnjis. GiW 1. A-genit for Whitby, OahtwP, Bwmà nvil aud marronndia.g Conutry. 1 TEE ALBION- HOTEL, Çorner et 'Brock k&»vÉda *treeth. CIIARLI X TTURitNE- A h Wiitby n POaRPmnir-02 SJL eom,4ur, -L )LYMIAN E UiL,-4 sla SURGEON, -LiýVlJG0W TO -:Py'uoôn S r e e , w-» ; tauS . O. MPH jar Lateo01ti oity, wwOlfea,, Whitbýy, .lso.llti i OEIl Hair, Drus LOWEST