woman's attre. and ti ave luit anc ae- urity and hndep.pdeuw.e Ob$ did, hsd 40r pex n ho prociatrnea belor. ail loraci aMd the. sîp. Tbere are a good many Tresons PrT adopting male OQtuine liratiIt is the moit convenient drosi ttut coin bd, In; Vente4; second bi twonian coud u4ae ,tlwages wil mnfor tbo awowork; t fird, a* çqpcoalmnt of the. mcx, wouldý trtect Or Young girls (rom thos. terri bie outragço -froua brutal men roported ln ll Or dm117 paper.., im iv110Logan, pre fontrciobjects i toto to tiie propoactire- corn, cd'doclares thero are phgiWogIcal renions why wonaon muet lways wwur ilb. shrt TIie man who-did ithb bg rigbt up to the bandie," muit iave ben in1» pilk buuhneuqan aî t about that, porioci ps St thé waterlng place. AÀlexainderT. Stewart réturn ip ii çcme forasols cf Sl,019,218, upc» wlîlcb bce paysa-atiax of upwardu cf $t20,OO0. Mr. Stewitrt slu adtocb. Lerichest 'man iniite world, who bas made bis cwn TI. regniar weekilv aniunt cf a ccl. t» :tii vaut cf til arîkofFrance las in- preaued 11,000,000 franci ince lait Weelc. A new workingnien's morcinent la con- tewplated. Ginerai -Butler ja sail tq aji- vocale 'six houri' as a dell'a wofk la tte A çurterwvu «mcd $10 by tho Reçorder g(Môntreal for il.trcaitng big Itores. Wei çould ggot4@ý Rçccrgex 8clme aiiilar wck hurs. 1 .Moni don't, aùd;*on't, and can't, love a veman tht dcfn,t lcck sweet andi happyr. Pow ça» bof I at rai. 14 Il onebaif the girla kr'ew the. preifua lit, cf the mon the>' unrry the lât or l là ds would b. wondcrfuliy increaaed. Bey. W. M. Punahon will prcach tii. -edctory scrmon, nt the ru opcning cf the lYeloyan (Jurcb of Goduricb, on oday îbc>2gfli Imît. It lu etimate4 that thore arc .1even P undro".iurdorers at l!.rge o n îwuscg, I'icevlice to lige in. .Seenien are desertlng tlsoir ahips ini , ontreal. Whiby >Iarkrtts. Wluîby,4gut 5 89 Opangle .......... . R.... ........ pork.... .. Botter. .. .... wcol ......... 000,Do O$109 $1e 15 05 CIO. et#. ilcm. gPCIAL N.OTICE,. "BRLIGGS' ALLEVÂNTOIL" The'«reat oatarnlu, lsulaeiîc, îîeuruigia, and ;iuiiversal inn remec, l isauquestiOSunIily thp puusspsebio and c ~cioue roinedy knowls to modem selinoc. I& raicies ail pain Iistan- taneonsly, anti reduicei nlammuusation with rapidit-eretng a liecutily actioni of ail cils @esd organi',eu#:raliziig #lai olîun effucta an i macg a ra;iitad suitrficîii curo of omai taeiflissesadih.tîeloiiîg omriiallî4tsou wlIch ;na»kiicd are cuuîjeet. Briggs' Aiicvantor la polti by> ' J. n. IEBIRI, Agent, Wliitby. fiel t-test t-i'pnuk cfILt ai' yoni îd 1-L. 64 1i1ICd.g' CUItA'IVE,.t 0 à nsuroa4aru relîaty fur cornuînbussions, n gri gjili, i ostieut, cuti', bruins, bUrin; c f e, tc,;* ui cscid or pctuai,' but n poliîine, hé lnaiînutinet, .Soid by (.-IL. Waîitt 018(&o., JIllusîitotiî, ht., gars- cia agentsitir tiie Iritiglis;ueaiOî. . NEW ADVERTI$EMENTS. JOfT WHîI.B Y. Iile underiioei, iîvlui< icasjo thtueON. TAiIO 1STEAU EJ..VKII)l, williî tore- luouiscs and tcgta ucd ttsîicl#,* x is uo} rentr rcine, atone sud aiuip ail klidn cf GRAIN, PRODUCE,, &C., &c., And ment rcspcctfuliy stligcg its ht re cf hat- rimig frein umcrujlland ud tlier.u wio uîîay requin. auoinuîedttuei. liuviq Ilut1 nuany leuru cxpeuoce 4slpïping muid pur- .elailt., alitîe naybo liiecet01lubu-Ilscas%. utiâtnuîd te Iis earp bojiig doclui a satisfaci ;qxm ucaîniox S.(lwboin, PI'notlneo caict, Wiliuby, humîo. byOro', Ebi1. 5t'sst.i>rupejrrC, MsrdOujbis de ru." 0 Qsiiiwa, Aaso uls,£cî,' ueMarchant, blau- tiliittur.' j.Y. ILueiciisrt, Eoq., Manager Ostanlo Bank, W lislli>, ,ArtllsrIitilisarclsoti Efsq, Manager Royal C*- 84. Thée suWbainhr lias for soie about 100 buglucîs pi lAu Wlut, of the lfcntuiucy itige J'roof vroti'. la a white bod isoial ud yildn vweil. A siupileetcfIt csu bu aicuciat UM,%ns. Ilausiiteu&dco.'e store, WLIaby, er nt th ussb- ;AMES XEIT1H,- Io 8 utcon,WJliltky. QI Q RE WABD 1 Strsyed front Wkltb>, on Saurtay,40g- Çi A*ED 1 ILCHEICQW, pfflt4e hth e sand uttlpoft 0 cr, idéainip, en.neek- Auy prsan bringlog the saine té jite Un4ar,15u.ed Till rgeplte aboyear- .,Ageunt G. Ti I. Sttion. Witby', Auguat 23, 1869. 4 Notic lp hgeby iverjth*t tth piration of tvent7 dayloni mthe dà dae iusrqor orcoon tmrreaiter ase outasl coui be boeard, applcationî 1 oeb he undenslgQod$, Agù"L ex:t ieusige 06'tii* înrogate %ieprt of lb.0 Uunty e1 Oîstarlo, tà ihoappoint Guer- tisu cfThomsa Wilson and .Luues Wlise, In'fant ciilicren of Aioxauder Wilson, deceaset, lstuet>the Towdaslip cf Whltby yecuma». AONE8 J. wLu 1ON, ]hol1er Attornaya .' L.J. Wîuex. Pat ~ 4Wiultby 26th day of gp 34î .~ AucusI 25. 1889. 4aii (,Ihnou,, on entatning l'acte, Vie* E».îîs and lti si I»ong$4dp il i.TA- sunu itole lauwe (D. *")Iù 0oN A, Auguut SOh, lîu,. 1 e 1 W.AY ANT D IA ervme girl to di, VYgennai ions wor. to wlionI lbeval WMg0 Wli i gi~ii.Aply lmeitiiutly #t JOHN, ;YDE $O 1, 7thcon. 'Whltbyï CO4VEYANqCERlANAEITc Ouiic.-Over Armstrong& RIiutd Main dt' Uxbridge, June 7th, 1809. t-2 Wt A.' L'AW? Landê Broker, - Accountant,- I.NULfWB OMB'RAL .AOEN. ,94 tf. STOUFIVILT.E. ONT. D AWES'S ITL -(Fotir mka ccitt of Toronto) Thoeolubseriber Legs to untorm lîli nsny (rient tiuet lie liait' oen.d ibuginott fili tihe aLunve prennlse. lwiilî lie 'liinspiaced. ln a thloucugli i tat ofoinepuian d Iewly, renoviitcd tiîroîîglieut. Coinfôituile aýcourodaîio,.good stabliîig ati tetie tleui' C. DAWES. Tise Conni mloti erw upointed te ronixtruet tiie lsîtcrcuiuuiil ]tiy fgin.îPUBLIC EN>- TICE l,;tlpt lu:c>'U i.p10 ortrpiircdto i ncive Tceluii$ lur iVe u filîer saotiôuîs céf tiesai hu. Cotact No. &hviii ho iin tho Pronca of Quck's.p, uindcexteuid (rom tiue Emutoriy ceti cf (Xîutrscct No. Z,.ut Itinioumki, to a point iiur thse Mutin hIiver, atout 20 34 unie§n og. Côutrapt N. uu-;ilheh;l .ieProyune. of New Brupa»w1ck,iid extcuîd tronu fiue Easteriy ensd ut Commtc No. 6, tuwasrclstiie Town uf Buttaiurot, sabout 20X4 mile»an l sugtiu. Coutittet No. 10 wiii bo iii lb. Provinc, cf Nuw Ilrussswicik, it oextend muni the. centre o(;he (3isaVli lauitdroat, neuir thse Court lioo, ascw Catie, towards Bsathurst, about 20 Milesnilu iesgtiu. Contruiet No. Il wiii ho in flue Province cf Nova t4cotia. anditwili extena frm thieiPsstrly tut! orathe Euteruu iixtetitiuui lZmilway ho fie Wvnacriy cuitdtif tiecion No. 4, (incliicing thie bridge ucriist Ic Miaiquoid liver, excepht, ie vuaitaGrui>uuuibcuîaj l-aboîut 13< îuiles lu iengtiu. Cusitrasat Nu. 12 wiil imc lis tIsu Pruviuo of Nova t$c,hiu ud citent fronit fise enteriy cunt of Coitruiet No. 7, at Foliy luike, ho a jcîuictioi witti the éK!à tinig suilway ut Truro, about 24U4 luu i iilu Icrigti. Couitnuicts Noi'. 8, t9 anla V) to Liccomrletely gluioliihiefieu icfdint clii>'ot.ly, 1871. Cous tract No. il au bu cuiiitl iiihod tby Ina July, l87i,. poîi çîrtioni ofcotitriet To 12 naat of Fosly River t 'Yi ure tu be f.iijiludiot e rgiy lur layýitg tue tinck Il flaitindy of OcteLer, It,7U, frontrus 'ly Hiveur t a pinti opposite thIi, Lidcuntrry 1iross Work1p by tieJi. usry, 1571 enud tie riiu.iijisportion cf sait commeuit by thie 1eV dy of Jsul y, 1b7 1. I'lauin. ,us t fla,,wiuii i'p.cifleuuuitisa and tcr'i- cf coitract, wiil t4c. xthitut u lt Ile ut!!- cci'(if fli c- îniaioii sOttaîwa. UuîuouskL, Diitsi,I , b.Jdohîî, liaiitx ; Tloroito îîuîd iilbcc, on anid ifter f la tpic iu130à r 'îxt, ait uid o dii 'r7cuziurn udd rA.Pi ttofii. Counjxl s4ieari' uftli c iutecolotusial Mllway wili bu ra- cuiveci t ut hin .îllicu iu Ottawa up toe77c'plocki p. in., ou tlIs! h i~Oct4Iclffl169 $uretir.s %for lihe oumîîîton of, %lie cuntrqot Vli bu rc'qnlrct te, ioeui lthe Jotoe. Comui,etioioîs' lc. Ottawau, îrt Auguat, 186. A.WA.4I C.Ji BUYluiE Comunfisioners. A. W. MouLYLik, 82. C O 1'ENIEG FOR1 A COJUNTRlY WEA VER: To b pl suiet capa LOOM anti WAIPING MILL, lit excellent ovcder, witl, i vl uasiamry tocili', 0s*0a gecti tove, gtiier w!th thiegoud wil of tradu of thseunueralfg ueti. -4pvli te 4i5OPElT OGREELAW, Lot 18, Broken Front, Pick'lng. l'clcîî g l, u.10,f8n-2 c OAL .1 COAL i E; achooier 4" BELL E'now. unloadng, a94 reat> for telive.y, ahtiowiliart, A, CARGO 0F BElT 004Lf for liUq! s ne. 4pi'iy tgu 'wiittby, Anutit ltis, 1969. 82. THUMAS Bzir Bop ttinfonni the peuplo ofWitby eut viein- Ity, tua Lie lia", poueti a »Dop opppqi4 he ie Otarie an1ç Br9ck otrt, tpWhatby Ontarto, :MoiN 1 LOUSI KES, &c. Clo0e ant i tcises eoeane insdrpslred,, mis nieudàs ud covereti, s 8ev ýn. shs ud ni st, mud ropoirodt*e.>dctt. br t~o patrnage15 etd. ' 7lOm, BINT,. '. Whtby. Aug. Io, 1889.,f~2 Uw ii BiGirfs pou BALE 1 A £israte"chanci te make mon>'. TJPIR 0- 4Dk OLEGE Wédnebday, Septembor list, W 1-f n 11sst!sp r qlOgt anti' uupulrelnt, ar = rtiduiiiry reqec-tetcb pea ut.T le8oi for ti folbig day will b. gînen out by thé rarlous Maoters. Nov pupilin viii hob enralicdti tt 10 'clock, andtitiiiose puplis vWho fîciht epissa et1h. uilcitruiwr cxumnnsou vil.! bee reuiisîed '5t 10.90 e'lckl., i '< By tise reeoiit appoinhînent of two Assoistani Mistems, adtl titiitien are nov Of*se t t tlise is pi vueti ett efreahigslsilo partsuc.uts, lu whieli thçy., îro b hJy-f>rre paut for Maireusutile punauUîn1 eu t he ti Cvi', itary evie 'A special imiusyl alto Le forMectiadaptd tc, the r. nirmei inush c uuir b.>..reni9 eara 01 ego Auucupwà ardsa. 1y Tise ~ n_ spsIumno i ci Bonel eet Vio;wiflu thi, réceut arraugeînenita tioïti sy meo neefi rging iiie -aecotnsuodutiou vii Every biosrdc ,4k reqnired Io bring vitb limn acertilicati, of good coîîduct front tise master *1Tse0l U. C,iclp gExhilbitions or sabolaçe tiiilis arp ln f uturancauble citiierln thse Ooilegei or iti icuai of tife <Jrusnnar tSohooln of thi l'rotsîce. Tii. nuit exarrinatiuîî fer tiie.te Exiil billens taki pince lit June. The sbjectâ wili-beiaauedin ,Scptuir. ' Titition'fee, $10. $9 andt U ir terni; tuition andi lîord,'Iîchntiig wstiing, seat lu cluurch;, aussl ordinurýyccilieisi attevd#toce, $45.' The comnietlouiiiut of the neztit sapn pli Saptember lait ln tuie bcd al tiue to etuler Coliege; rFor prouijicci u, aipiAy tu e Pinipal, u. C. Collt!ge, Turoîuto. 84n JNSOLVENT ACT OF 1864-AND AMEND- In the imatter o L WIS JUO UCJ4 an Notlco fai lierai,> griven, tluîît nnuir anti by vlrtuie pf tieeîpower 'u'c'tcul tri me, un Asicigno. of tis boie i ui:t liii'oiî'vi, i suit uier lige proviisions t ftiie iiti Act,1, tiih seriut, viii ofl'fî,-r sie hi ylentlie Austion, ai My offie, laii lie Town of Whiitliy, Cutinity et Oui- tasrin, on Tuct4gais.s. tugeît shdsîy of Nsvetnlicr, A. 1). 1869, lit the luour aiT 'wo o'clssek, i tisa aftecooui, auIliie.cate, nittiti. andIntsiret of tîte il Iii'.îl;ltîI. 1,4 anîd tu the 1 folw: g uropertî', viz: PARCEL 1. -Biir no irt of lot nurnio tuweity-aiei'uti. i tue se'ond OColtsmiou of tise 'ruwuiitf Whisthy, tin tisa Cuiuty ofoutario lait! oui upon a ouil. Ur'plat) tiiei acf, flsttowui lot uînîsber flvc, iii lock 'A,' on Pintas i'triet, wpst ct' Brsck sirect, l lite.Town cf Wuultby. Tisanelà isreetet pu the aboya Iwo two Kuii -e hop$. 1'AICEL I.-uiuug s4 pat cf lot riumbar tweiity seaon. lu the iecut oc'oeaini,îof tie tnawnuilp of W iuiiby, In ah. Couuty of Ontario, laidt on a nis:îp or plan théreof ase towî lot uînsolîen six, 1in block *A.ouinDuntsstreet, west 'el Brook atreet, isu tihe Townuut Wiitby. Tue;r. Iis orsctî'd eon Vue abýèvo s two istry fristibuiltding, iiuula& store anti dvolliiîg 111A1ICEL Iflr.'inlg apartuof lot nui- ber lweuty-iuvei. li tii. secnd ooncelselon of tb. Townsuuà ip ofr iity ite Connty ef On- tstlo, kusowssi ad uit Iacribtt! upo. ta uup or plan tiuercoil an4tu't portioun of loI number savon, Ii iticak 'A,' wluich.is i'intutod lu tise rLar cf lotssîuusibe four, fineinud six, in aal.i Ittck 'A.' wt tif 11. ck streut, Ilui tiie salic Townu of WuIItby. Thora, Ili eroctet on the ahi,.. a two'stury fnusitio Rbuiig, nt!aa dwoi)lug. PARICEL IV,-Bocitix a part of lot aura- ber tvecrty nusi., nini the noit etil ouce.inuioM thue "Idi cvncliiî) et Wlîitby, kiown ad eut i- seilbet on a pi ssii uei'eof, mîade t> tcli Sisierl6sq 1' as., stoii lutel nusiers lifty- fine, kt>)-04iX aru ciglity-two, w est of B3rook a*trca*,u» ali plais. -Tera. un ereteti on Uute abone a large ýws, atory brick bqigt »oqgad e a weullcug. PARECEL V.4hsliga et qWlot' iuuber tweil -%eveu, In tte', pe-uf iccasoo of thue s11aU iec 0 i ip flî4kiî, rin u, à ideob- etf an' laitsret 'l moiti' Mon 6'iier, 2E'? , l' . n olt upubùr aelgi.ajfo r Wes lraL t'à st, a adplan. O~ro 1 bullîgiusda eteltilug ouzo. FAE.CEL YJ,--Boisg a Part e11P 71nura- ber t*ontY.scren, lui ti, ecoend epeeesfqd te sadtowoo.i1 iWiiitly, kucê n an&ti', e. sc.olbdn % ,IMageof, mie hy lphbahier laqýIl WL.3 il§ own lot nmbgr aieiib wect'of *Brocla otpat, m beWliuiYa! Wo.M a&nLoelp,- lyAEp1lj pVil.-J3ing apart of lUt aqua boet teit-uvcin, l1thecond tsu oesInq th,"ltyjt§ll.«Wbie>oY, kniQwusd-é . on, rpf ai.Iy~qc4lr Le,;.î ? imi , tow lot A,' inrmerVtilak veeofBrock streot, ou saisIpia orTel #yéated on thqe bcyo a larise t _ptoe *frs'flâi" bufi4log, fflâ fsq'stbheg, * -- 1i PlAD.CWL VKL-iI pà r$oe'uu tteAVaih.*lmIt ii. W 09 OU a , a. t4w otllIfmader.I mat saveu -oDa, ast t*Bock tset; ',oiùpIeu rÂlge, EL X T oea aâit 14lOt up- orxu sit! o o4tla~s4iiitp@ J7M BOLDEN, OlUiejmAaslgnese »>-,'of jâ F 4ibtY4 4uguut 17,I.19 . 'M 0.-OýD ONOANU BEGS TO DIRECT ATTENTION TO 1115 LARGE k OOMPLETI STOCK O0F OARRAGES, BGIS o OP TUIE BEST MAKE. A CALL 18S SOLICLTED, M.. ,O'DONO VAN, Whltby, August Srd, 1869 . Forniire orEmvc-rybody AT THM LOWEST CASH PRICES, TO SUIT TRE TJMEg, AT THlE SIGN 0F PE A very largo assortment of Furmture, consistrng of Chairs, Sofas, Beureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, &c., on hand. .Ever. rtclinh FURN1TURE LINE_ MÂ-DE TO ORDER AND WARRA NTED! Also repairing, nloving and boxing furniture doue in the beiit sud moast careful inanner. Undertaking attended to and Funerals, fully SuppliedI 31 Nos. 1 & 2, Caldwell's Block, Brock street, Whitby. DOMINION WAREROOMS, FpbilonabIe Millinery. D)OMINION WAREROOMS, Dress & Kantie Naking. DOMINION WÂRBROOMS, Tailoring te Order, New Stock of gEADY - MADE CLOTHING, Gray & White Cottons, ;e» Fa.ncy Shirtings, Prints, f'rash Groceries, Fruits, , just reeeived. - 'LOWS &POWEI~ RIEIQO IN TUE IlpBO0F FamIly Groçeriies fresh -Cheapr than ever- AtRaFR AýNQII' NO ,ON MT ~CORNER. whitby, July 251h, 1860. Bankc, Wbitby. Bol. -, TEE UNDERSIdNED BEGS TO INF'ORM RF,, HBHAB', JUST RECEIVED 50E SP,!PLENDID Englih an aadi BUCK- SINS. Just the thing Whiîby, J aly 2Oîb, 1869. for this weather. TEI~MS CASH. CÂS T L ME OXO GRE4T ,- CLEARING SALUM Coneral Dry CQçods, gW- OUIW LAWQE STOCK NOW OF'FERED AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! gW-Ag TUIE HOt4E MUST 4~E SOLD QUI, ~ ORIEAT BARCAINS WILL BE GIVEN. ]I1AMILTON & C3o. Whitby, Jualy 14,1869, WJLWIN$ON'S BLOCK, BROOK STRFET, WITBY. Choeaperthan the Cheapest. Consisqting0cfthie béat qualifies cf SUMMER GOODS,'and sclling at ver ~ ucdp4ees, mati7 *fehern be!cw Cost. Cuill and examine for yoraet JORN BERNARD, lighcst price alcwed for BUTTR and EGGS. lTbhitby, July 0; 1809>. HÂATOH &-BËO., have on salé, Scythes, Snaiihà , Cradies, J$rsrfy Fcr1aý HyFreBeapimugHk,U94 d aslendid ua±ocf Rakei, kc. CR9QUE~~T, a few jeét8;atHac Br'.CohsWner frc *.50to8800. Factci andJFSOM Belis, broad rules with steel tope. UetLrandie,,hum, AfnOd y, 1d T" Ut,, M4LT WNyfISKE Y.-' Paints, O011&(fias., Iutty, Dyn O neary thirty barre!s durn ,PO" L & -lu >JZS if Dot Au s manWcd, ire AL' sploîndid4 article in, ('IareI, goodýà and'eheaP59 -Pateùt là Butter, Eggs, jidF Want ed, 'j, f 1' -* T" T dh PAXTON, TAI Merci 8Mot, 1869.' DE P 0 8 1 T 0F The aile ntion cf the publicelfui new asud well sleidsc B1IBLES and TESTAJ vlti muid vitlacut the poalma lu ut *be ?uuud 14tUe éDepeAut5ry et% Bs'caul bltus £ebs.' 'Th0 e k*k stles or bulding, puaiand 9onnamentai. DerItory-At as. H. Geirie'a Drug. store, Wlitby, Jcuiy2là t, 1869. BOOT-JACRO (FATENTED) Tls Çwrçatçsl Inventionm or the ge. Pa te uted b7 -.W. .Iscob's. DominionRiglà fa s~ed ~yD. O.JUi'B"fS. J.ý B. ÇCA M PB-E LL ADDEemi , - AbIIBUBN, P. 0. J riors for a"les Jefta5 titis Office,.-or witît Mr. John Clristie, Maiateiîst, viii b. prom _ ysteudfd te. AUTJIQN ;BU$INMSS T.CENS D uenTII8for tit.C" L oppteo. desires to infonnigo WCa sud tii. pubic that ho là sresdy telievdtofod t reLesye orderi for aldeof s;oceh, fanaimpie- ment .;c ui that aIl oenis-l.ft nt, Iii Cuu c a rn . ii b. du lV lstténIecIt. I Dass cfmsaiappolnWil andi terni. madie kuown on oppjiqatibn 4 'the CafoxucLat 4e.; or et EIACW»sIhol,'hr bock» *I.th eut"t are kept*susai mIos. NxrIs. WFhtby, August Slth, 1868, 84tf Land I.Lanci~ T ES bse. r fis heolivuogls ef la j,,wîch lie vil sel! a>' 0z1 PAIR YVALUi4T1ONq 8. X, No. 8, inu-2uid eopeesson cf Beach, 70 acres lael E. Noj.,*b;e Sr& concession of Bach No. 28. !lu the >1Oti concession of Dà divgton, 60 acres cleareti..!11 1 No. 1, InU11hdon., Mart, 5 mares jeur4u. 1000 acres lu 8oniervile-po sas in Boxly 200 acres lu Lln40 ce iBhijt Mfu ar ;. 18g~. uNte wslgned, 8.8 &0W Engiand a stock ,cf1 esti Engligh makers.- stsf Blingis, and evei 't~ Al IL, 1 1 FFI1