Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1869, p. 3

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,g umotiîy J i a, 80. - go. pa LAZRUm0111 c J. lott'y ana es, buga, or insecte. Apply a anofstencd piece of ual soda,'wood, cigar or ieuehea. Rab wil oi la. À Pittâfleld frtmor clala a klnd of po- t ate "Just llfteen minutes carîser tissu th. Wbilîby, Jaly 21, 180,', Fail Whest. .....40, 90te $105. Saptint do...... ..80. taOe ý1 W$1,s l3arley ............81,15 te 81.30, Pou,*..........ObcM. lay .... ......... .501. F'crk.........te $Bit' Eggs .............. Il eui. Botter. &... ...14 etu. Potatou.,,10 as. NEW ADVgRTIBEME ' TSj, JNiOLVENT ACT OF 164-ANqD4MEND- li t hé mater /Lb WJS ROUO., on xotico lae oey given, ths1tlot ode? mandby vlrttiacf thse power vented ln a. ea Augigesa et te abov t s snenoWs.tt u#D a ftiser tise PMroiin. ol tioe ueld Act 1li 114, rlged î4il eofoe-fr Ioi s * t~le ucuoop, ai uMy - ofliee,h» the-Tova e t iiby, Cogisty oit On- ,tàrlo. on Tu.aday. the Sud dey of 24',Voobsr, AD. 190, out tiise liut- ci Two oc'ock. la the *ftornoonail.thie .t# leiis tle and Iuret of thse suld lssoirue. sa isi u the loilovlsî prepaty, via. PARCL 1-Emng artof lot nniheri twealy-oevcss tln tise second aotestossin of'tise Tovssislp otM'bitisy, lu t ii. Ctsnty of Ontario Wud ont apon a&-MUE or Vis tilîrebf, us lova Jnt auniber Avé, lu Bocc 'At' on Dands. atit-set, veut cf Brook t-eut, ln tisé Townset WIuitby, hrs aeoce ntiseabovo-twov taro uisis lope. l'51RCEL IL#-Be0ing aàpai4 cf ictnuusher tveirty.ueVcn listisasecoud conccosisîs cf thé ofns p t*Iisly, listiseé County of<)ntarlo, LaJotsipon mnap or plissnthe-reofs lova et numihtr six, isn b" * A.' est Dussdau street, veselt tBrook treet, llndit Town oSWhltl. Tîsere ln frecd onu tise abois a' tvaîosty tae baldiujlssa'u41#auStores ad dvojllsg ]'AECEL 11113ô îelsarit of lotnta itor lwenty.soosslu nth, 's conit oonmonon f tie TownmlshipforWily, tsn tise ountysi tOn- ttil, kfiowst snd desclbèd upoa Il at or Plan thisêt a'tiltut portion, cf lot Stni'b.t- Ieeli bock 64,1 wislCI1 iî u itawt .lis-tise ot-e to ismber four Avé ad six, lu&4si1 ~iookA ' oit t Esot tet, ln tise RaidA Toliu cf' Wisiîby.Theolau seod ou tise sho'.,s ee loty amie biilag ased su a uivelling. PABSCEL~ IV o-3è1lsg a psrtt of lot tam. Jter vor.y seosilu tse s osticisulois oft lis sui <Wnisl c W sity 1&iovxani!de-. oril onesta liait thertof,ade ty Jsfhn' 0isiot h. . S.1 lov lots usnleru±fty. I V e , t ty s x i la sic ig h ty .l v , W e s t f B r o c% #M W eet o n a isi p lai s., T b re loi ro oles o n t ie jaoaa large Ivo story brick buildinog, natta aï 0 dweillusg. V'ARCEL Y.-Blag a part cf loI namisor lvtwsvts I îlue osecondgocugmoosiaof titu PaId'Xovwusip of WiIîtby', nova ant!teuerb- ç~OUA pian-th ro-of,uumode b>'JohnisSis', Of irois utet, on sai anr. ieh4f olis et-ectea *on tiseaboie asinai ue osloryfîsmie boilltsuset! au àdwollig isoi. *PARCEL VL.-Bolng a -part cf lot n- 11er"lv'ity seîclis tua eondcocuoln cf ths saidt levaiiot Whitby, kssovssatst de orbi on a plan t5st, ude by Johnu Sisl'tt-, lo, bgst fetuput. PABcEL Vie-IJ,-1Aop;pqteoflot-p. or tIvuly-xoien, l Inse umcend cencasetn of %hOu uId lcvisiilp et Whithî>, kîtcvn sud de- eoribet! on a plan lsteo ld b on$ilas, Ftlit-o.k emeet, on mid Plans. Jure li ereoted eon lte si. a largo Ivo uîory' friqie building, viedl uorat-g, P*RCEt VUI..-LBeiDatI0etlot nomi- Nir tvcnl>'six, lss tise ffueeasiceneauou Aite suI4 locvimsip of Wiitby, kaevsosd deacrhut! - napilin lt-eof,smde by Joisu i-Olbo', q,, P-.L., t ts ova lot aSair one hundrat!*s 'vn -onmt cf Brock pjçsut, pua io ln. 'VARC EL IL.-T 1h isbltéhf Ot nit- bot-eghntis h q5soaaon ot lise leva PYItyk0,T 6211oh-lot. e t-57 » a ss1ScndiopiPs d.liucsvstattliait< J A>JVU IIO.DBN, OoeelsAsilgiie. Dated etWil cibl Ohla ti>'of aÉrIs, , joj Io, S M-Pt. BT QLT i ilested viii I i1 uaim, &.TOR, â4by. CAP&. Pu.. e OPTIGIAlIS,& OCULISTSI, Jiave, viii, a vlcv te tacet the lncrossed de- ssaad fer tht-lt- rceelbral.d PERFECTED, SPECTACLES, 3. H. GERME, lWjugiby., As thaîr Sold Agent for *ifi PlaCe. Tisey bave takesi care ta Cive &-Il ne"ifol liu- tructicisa, sd mhaeconfideic ncetha lb blity eoi tissir agensei neaet tisereqirements et a it dusi 10 procure, uai l limes Bspecuiee Iinequsiied by amy ýfoc ihoir toirengthenustgna1P sungQafy -Tac mnohgaanot b. sud ma tehir Superlo- rlty over tise etdinar>' glisses worss. Tiser. lu Do gUnsqs~f4ffs f tui ufglsS, diwuu. or ottier unepl«I s it uuaien, but aonlihe con- trary, t-osatise pecaluer eooustructlon cf lIse Laisses, tlsey arceMinq aOs eudpleaint, couns! afeolng of tietetievurt-asdpreslus pcicas'as diîc Avssioiaslathse »atq; isoielîlyslglsî.. Tu rct- tise osly ispetacies $isîîî rcservea os voCL l us sslâtî,tise tlit sud are tise coopesit b.-ceàthéites ail lvys losi'tis-susyycettevithoes& olasigo bolng ne- cusury. Sw- Wl ZMPtOJ' NOmFI1ZDzzBî,,0 cÇAUTION i Woewn vire, 'hoeise Geld-vlsee maliois vaine vmCsscsiliu .1ny be4 sud Isord vlthcus u>'Jnut eose or 'réoua dlos, mildrefusiet, rturnba ir iawti itoe, 1 lselly caution aIl pet-sens gsaastglvlnftisé 0ui4 lisebe credit anni y acicut; Asidi1I hrs- 1>7 ginotice, tlua i ii Dtm b4reoiponsibie 1cr tbisPàpysaiut of uny doiste itue tas, eciitroa JOUX iGOULD. Ercssgis'a, Jusi7 1511, 1849. *Siisal, us titi matter f e.tEAÀL1S OAMFeO(, « BJeavq~tpn, ait Jrieolrz&t. Tise Croditerx of thé, Isisulvest it,-re nt lfed lthâlis ho nitiode an esslgninuont of lbis estule und e$94 'ei i e isanvvo AGI, thme, lisp onadtîrulgud Asslisie., uu4 toy ire rsqaire4 te furni h i e, vîtisisi Ivo inetitis u t-cm Ju1te,ý vitis Ines iolsu, pecifylssg eh*etucitt -tîso> hoid5 If uuy, ssnd thvacisav l,I, suidIf none, staîiig tise (sc. tise Ilsele sîttsed i àer catit, wlth tise vîýcsos, lnsupport of iuch * JAS. TOLDEN, Datsd li wiltjyt foil Asigne.. tis 9th aY c0 i >', l1dM. 1f -gin.?$, D18$0i..ITNON 1fPART19ZR 5U1!P I Notice lu borehy gîvosi tisatise parlntroisip Iserelofitre exlstlisg iîtveen us, tIse aidet-- 'Igne, John 'fiII11 si Juatie Il. Ogino, as gOne- t-st fut-allur e selr.sider el tpyle ami Irtn cf 'Y. TILL* CocIlbatbeen thin- daky, di*- solvesi. by mutuas caienot. Ili delii due te; elle m-aidparttssraisiis iare ta ho paît! taetie sais James I.Si AMO, uîindaIl dobtu due b> tise sud nota viii bc setlîssib> hlm. '4ite isasius of tih, puld t-sa yul, la future, he cerried on b>' tise sai! JamnaIs i. S n lsis cmiaime, At tise preailuos herotteaoccuplidb>'tise 5ra, iu tisa Tovss cf W itby. 0. A. J ON if, . J01114TILL, winfe 1JAM.S LSAIIO, Distesi, Ji>' 11h, A. D. 80. 51a-28. D OMINION TELEURAPII 1ÈSTITUTE. TOROSTO, 0NT'. Establithetl for the ýpeial psu-pos -of, .qual(Ivino youno meadim d men 70? sittual for. on Telgraph Mum a. -Thsis Inustitien sltlucssgi s ctablisltet but a iseort ldîn e0, bas ait-onsty beceme a pet-uns., nas Iistittion. Tis eisolo Dominion lu nov abofit beîug Iraveraet!b; acaruploto not verk of nov Telitppiiuaviien wviii e11ffor apéclal luilsicement le oang muanatut! vemoen $pCon- guge iu tise plasai ay tsud incrmtive bai-. lieuE et'toegrsipis>, Tioutaisd i e i-ouu' ncv Meng cosssîraptet, sudt! iuecrete o o vili b.opunet!. LIse -l nstittse-lieuait-eady sappiieti a nambot-ci0fbet icavtis opera-, vfisoe.average lime lu lest-nia g wvouts tht-eu mcnthis,p,». te gitnggood ststuon, - Energio Young mosas duisOwen deiroui ei guingîinto a pet-manent bausiessi Teierupl cÇst-sinlucemessle'R hbci ara ýune nnliet! hi> un e0tiss bm n@*mon dny usîb maAt e.taa O>0y pe iout-n O)perattor. For lu patticuhurs, usidress ¶Toronteii-une 2, 89, - H-lf R0TAL-CAN,4Dl4X B&NK BiL4. 'Tàuie t t-, lfs' DRY OODDSI, A.t JOHN URIVNNUE'til Cisep Cash D17' (fotis ltre. goAb, .'9, 1869. 21 AUCTION UINS tisa1 interit sud ct minklng tant! for tise umi To it tLoiuau4 » hetreistter aien- îit-u.an aqtad assisait li ansi futir.4ftls fneras si, Ilis addition teO al 1. ha e0j, sd lit lubesribq Ensctot! ,bi IoWftlse Corporation ýottiseTow4 W loua btise utiseorit>' ci tise ManI- welpai CtpOrÏtion acta, and "Tiso Lilwat.j ActI" in relation thereso, tisaidt iod Cor-ý' uOiileoftiTown of Wisitisy, do sud ""Isl pubsrb for, ad takre "Two iiundl r- ?eSisàri*Wofthtie Capitsal Stock of thÏa Fort Wltby -xîîd Port Ferry-EUtdwy> ýcûmmuut, Rmninîisg Idton .éuTisoussi Ddllsys, and tisagtise. Mayor 8 tishe aisd 1ov-cfWblîby, ?t- otlisr peoonuatiir- ized bythseà(4tjrneil, lie and bo la harois> 8IÀtk&ndý:isrectad, 10 ibscrilse forÏ &sud teik.oi-behiIfif ftii. seld lCer rration et Ifti Twn cf %Whiîby Tvo I tndt-od lisit-euof tis asait! tispih.I stock 0is afere. 0. ThIsi ial ls wful for te Mayor er otiseor s nisrze! ytieCes oi,1 i" y v 0a f lon om ausn pot-son es0 pet-mott, ibdo' bo culespy rate, visu Imey léIeiiiîsgto avssnccthi.sanie apost tise oredit of l i c.istarcu horeissiftos' iseutionesi, asusisi or s.nussm'ofmoeî siot axcoeeiss>g li ths s vsait, tisa suai of Test ThonauiDollar*, uni te causelse seu«m te bu p wsi tu ntise osdcf lihs Tressas'., eft tie sd Corporations for tise ptrpose sud witi tise ol.joot aboya rocited. S. TisaI1I, the all . Jiui for tise astisi Mayer, croIser pero'santiserizusi by tise Councli, te cauààsït.seoreqitite musabor of Doben. ta , 0Semodeur snobis suas ci Morley au 'nia>' ho Aeurd nti ls theonmuis Déoeture-t shah ibu seolei viîttis sul ie, iseidu'corporations anud si net! hy tise aJOt piotte'joseti ur zod 1)y lise Counei asisai conners'igned 1>7 tise Te- sut-aroiSo corpo.rat!in oforcilsad. - i; Titat ttise #s.d DIsenîj-.treu sllait buemode r:îabiu is Twasîty yenrés ai hlsars-tserast ii te day Jicréailr wialosset fer flse 13y.ltt-îboie tgoy~, M'cs uutatlo Bank jo lta 3riit or Agonply elilce ut Wlltby -nd isit have CouponQO AU&A0î4 for tise payaient cf1isitoest. I.Thtutîiîesait! 4ebessIureus agibear Iluiesit et sud teilotisetîe or Ssxp«r cet. sr sassusa, <ton tise date thereof, visichIr.o tut-est isbah bu mido payable hi->'casly on tise $rot de> of jstiv and Jinuury lu guais aisudet-y yesr, lils, suit!Brassaor- Agency cilice o i teUOntailo lBank At *W Ititi»' 0. Tisat for ise po-poise et formlng as maikng Iunstiorthtie payaieut cf thep saisi Debesi tt-rc%,asd for tise payment cf tise hntreut et Iite 'aie alortiaidt lebocame dusefisere- quon neqasi pawlsdrate et One illmusi t'vqr.fttils artés cfA' ill u latise dollar, ,isaiiaaddtlô, teal lfieot- ratesi, is riloeà et!vcjesi ansd coilectesi la esch yeor 9 o ajtsll the rstlablo jsroperiy littIsesuit! V;iëlaltL ýditrtg te ooiîisinacu of thie is oie besîurocrin>'09 om in ri TuaIt feir tise ant-pose cf aking titisotcu et is* .14 Mpiciptal Elcters or, Ilîlu Byiav 1 oei si, bha oededaccrtig te ola lt, Motlis W lit tise"olaist,'Wtltst 701ou is ffi ay or A4pgst issulut 'ftit cf tise eock lislishe f6reoon, anOUÏ j 91 >ooho#o1j, lis beoe>'named oloae&4 Eetealsg ltor, and luie tise votes ln lise maud W&OjstIn latisa iepIroWatt!, pî tise Tevi ll on ito ti1h tay cf Augànlxi aI Ten oet tie ock Ia tise foreuonc, assi G. Y. Smilla la robit'itnsedt te la eor tt-ssilîgomcr, tots sssetIse vote% lu theu saisi Ces Ce.eWord Jalte oSoqîsWord, ut Jas. (seroilla iscaus, veut of Xilci- mnnt! treet, 0quere tise bt IMunicipal Billeisasiselsi, <' tisute ôSUs daycfAs guet next, aI lua cf theelcak filth ie totre accu, and T. W. Clogg, luisehreby nao4 $ocsinI u luîrnisig iUfficar t-, iie s votai la ise it! SenBotis Wsrd. 7- 8. Tisattis By-aistv shaîl lke affect asnd corne Intoperayticu on Titesdiy, the tetîit dey cf Angual, A. D. 1805.. Tise notice, itsee bve lin tste e, opy oet a proposiilBy-law, vish ii iiiabo enlato pousldeatioi hiy tseC'cnact c iCtpot-. ilieo f tie 'l'ov of WIîiîbjr, afkrs'oe@ moisMi (rom tîtu t-otIpulicatlin lntsi is WIty Ciiiwks.xsid Whisitly-Gàzamu, lise dote DI wisioisfinit publication, In auto of!telb.a tonwàsl)ostro, wa Tiss-da> th iseegistîtday',oinJl>,'onetîtcnsnd elgist isuasret! And siiyu ute d: tiso liseîucss or isl einosf tiseasait! Mui ospîil>y, viii ba lton lisereon, on Thon-- day tiste flludiPy of Aliugnésse;t. il Tati 91 t aeclock lu tise forosicon, lus'tiseNothli Word, euths eeias fo-iaItr visics, L. I. solie id las liei-tti.giltUicef; la tise-Cente WarJ stit huTovn -Hall, (ci' v vic , i .nith lals elaring tSseer '; ln tise Booth sWord, lit Jansiticameroa'ui bouse, wast orloimôsud mt-oeat.isud-v*hère tise lest- Ila'islpoliectios, à ~ beit!,' for * vsul4, T. W. Cleig la lluratg- i;à; (le 'r TMuus;flutTdW-1 Whit'bydoons27 THÂT HE RAS JU8T eFCB1YED 801E t 8'LE&DID i~Ishand'Ganai Jiust the tuing' for ýthis ,wéather. TERMS CASH, Wbhby, JiiiyiOth, 18611. I~i'eat a n 4~ÂSTL7~. iox, CIcaribi~ sale!ý R.'~J CMPBELtL Beg to announce, iti-consêquence of MR. JAMES- CAMPBELL, -h&vwg tartedfor ,the, BRITIIfXarkt~s 10 purcbage t4# F~l Stock, thçy ofer- the ba4qne of thefr. S-ummer DesGos -ilnrS i Crpet, ,Window ,ýcurtains, ClothTveeds,,and hawls,l READY-MADE CLOTLIINGI At a'great reductioi, a it is desiroblo to eicar thein off, in'order te mdale toons for Ilucîr Yull importations w1ltclcs intendesi Lp ie on i larges' scale tisas before. GROCERIES. -Tbey direct attention to their Jniportéed Teas, bing mach under reulsrptbes. 'Extra -lnducemnsaoffured in Zmd lûllu. parcels, Ourrants, Raisins, Ries, Stigar,&e OiO'ý,Wanted 2,000 Tubs of Fitrmers' Packe& Butter for the LiverpooI market. Whitby à Manobester, Jaly 14, 186Q, HAI VEUT 1,0011.i HATOTI BRO., have on sale, Scythes, Snaiths, Cradles5 I3arley Forks, Hay Ferlt, Rcaping Rlooks, andi a s1led d stock of Rakes, &a. ý,ROQUET, a few sets at .Hitch -&eBip's. Olothes Wringers lromn $5.50 te 88.00. Factory and Farma Beis, l4oad raies with slcel tops. JIT R O.ER ,, bave receivet! frqn nglantd a stock of £namè.led Prp. ses'vingzkcules on4 îtew pans, fromn the bout Eng sh mateira. BUILDING BARD WAR14, Loces, iutts îigeo,and everythi ngrequired Paints, Oila, Glass, Pull>', Varnisis, d&. MACHINE 011.8, we keep a splendid ar'ticle lways on hand, having sôd nearly Ibiu'ly barrais dot-ing lbe lutt Ive ut-aoni, vo cin siew gsaranîce qaality, ý ansi, If Dot s go auaalted~, va viii reluisit!the mono>'. hlack'Oil aise forsiLe, by lthegallon andi batroai. Rmtch & Bs'otber'a for Ciildroes 0mb. Patent Jook-soarn.Eavetôgs Hffaving , ecnred the Cousity Bight nt grat epeise, wo arc ps-epared te pat il up la an>' pstothie Couit>', beisig far uuperier te theoIt!d kinsi. Do net (ail leie sample before ordet-ing yenr Ircugisa olstewboro. AIl ldridt ofjobbig ln tho Tin lino dope pt-eaipty. Ciatet-n puisp impertet! directi from tto madufacturer, à large stock or iteii ont! abc-If Hardware, Stoyes andi Tisiuas' always on hassd at * JIATCII &fBROTHER, Wisitby, Jnly 14, 1869. Lfl f sso laI iêet ote-u, remuinlnc sa the Whfibi P. O. on Xst J aly,1869. At-vefson it-se h>ilnan, I;ebg# Adamis, liss-y. Arnaîl, J. Beli, M is. C. Etisi Bt-.wit, J. A. Bail>', MaSt-y Btst-shum. Titop. Bernes, fsi eMinais Bravli,'Mini Magîrtp Bimei, Wrm. lonte, Mlia Byoqzt. Mixe hlmrrle Brawn, Mie s . . # St, deagruis, cu-afr 0Hc4, Coflnors st-uf q!f) Cbzil, FaI at-b>, A. ml. EIliott, Thoti. Et-via, Job0; Flulsis John Fait., <4oc. Fiais, ésainol , Fuser, A. J. .For-oh, IUluaLunettle Visitas', Mis s tais Gunislol John Gersicu Tisc». Grtait, uiiut-esPros», A. A. ýHovardi--M. - fUgmilit, Daniel Hardlng, snuoJ lloiit!y,Dsao Ran, Mary -. sox, w-m.- as e teovsu, John e it, - Cis -- lia AS- 'NeIWuIu Jhn P.t.t-, 1114. 166m, Ja.portcrs;oLàEngliâh &A; Aericasi lUat-vre. Snpppret a>oipinid Ad'irtisementit catis tua obuitresi te cever tise cocf Publiea- tion, a Cadadiiu Dominion Dit-acter>',cern- p thLg ie ltrovlao oontat-ioiaiea,Nova ScandstNov Brau*Jk 't ~hioivii ha aponeltut- Provlinces cf N'.wfosniatId anti 1'rnc £isrd Ilandut. TlIseDirecte v iii contoin ti'Nameei rofessleniI a~nd - nemi suen,nuti eftise principllnabitunto in lis Ctlstw ta e, wees ils aage aniesps;f qeneril lfif'ormati'on, Inclut! 9Ap abetiastiDit-et-le. cf l'.; ti9cmanmd 'cuiuses ank., Goveronmenfal IL r ment. mnd btut'é., ilouseu of ,r1lamnt, lav Courts, Icucaionsi Depirtments, Cusbin Houa nt! tubera eot CuciaForta of Est' t-y, Tarira of (,ntemg, LiaI cf I~Its o f Iu- ventlîcas, -004s, BEuitvs, -Blivar ,ansi gto=nbcate Rsti it, Bouevoicul and t! lligsàus Paerlodi, dru., &0,.; aimo, Slate mentâs of It- port ud Z or46ROOUCYExpopffitt-e, Q+Wa C Iovf4 t esud4 1870. Tise ad Dirt-oty fer 1051-58, pabliset! 1~ tlýs ouribet-, eooataJa tie jamas- cfi the i'isalalIibltta ts n'1 Sg ÇtiW,;Tevas1 =u!Vlin aUpperant! Lever Canada. Tisa Cliii* <3aa D0h itIv.ne'e in ,WJ1L BJ 0 IVENO' Tj4ÂMILTON'&' Co,' Whitby, Joly 14,-1869, TH IRTY- "DýAY'S 0SALE Twenty Thousand Dollars worh of Dry Gooato be solti, at- - JOHNI SlINNEIS, Fieprcent allu donBn 3is r 'tbrane for eaabnt - JOI1J9 sxJÇDRlfNE -Great Clearinig.'Sale, ut Goods offcred belowCost prico, aI 'Fpor one Month, ut JOHN 8IMRs -JOHN SKINNEWSý JOHN INRS JOHN SEINNERISI Wil sitp4 eclous'ont th# Wviojeo fogi Sujm.mçr' Stoc4, w. il! offer mach Iioste.- monts ns nover boloro Lave beesi"'ecn loi tiis port c or sin , s isI t-o rWC ayisvfnd"bd te10paroisauteFull Guoo, vo gomsqpsn" eqr . cslyl theeaucînot, et iI il l net b. toc lai40eât er be- gooss.AnD pportaustty - la nov offed, visîci ili seait!avili tleuelieu ef. cAii gcodu roduest!lnupri3o. Lai-Ã" rodzo- iloua lunaIl Dresse Gooda; 15 coul Dramu Goosis ra.duoesi te 1lOoeisîa, 20 cent drous g codae dtseed te 16 cents, 10 cent dreas gopia rt-ed go 126 cesisî, 50 amI dress geedi s'sdued teo 8ceaie. MOURNINOGeeods re4ui-ed 1fi(oap 10'to ;5per cent: Black Siiltarcýdueed f0oeil tprji6è. Grant ruduotloas in Tiweedi, 10 pet- cent offal Tvecdà.,Doeskinô and "-cdëlo-ixu d< ut-! goSd etutaltweed for 51)cents, tt-latllnig'n. dc*a» ojdedclions, lu Sisuviu eu t ak tabisek ziolisisLace Sbsais reduscet 182.00 oai, t-ciGrero n a w uvisresinoat 14*.00 ouish, Mia liai sud Jeoke9 oft etaet! ilgisdeva le couisit-le, 8111k Jacket. ant! Baque. rodnoed te m!ede csîrlc. 16er Cent ovtahihur'as lv PARA8QLSi il lseat-v1stylslobe end !aI pr col bleceaI, to cicar ont tia ft-s>teptle ?rcm U rO. niWUlte Collon , are retinet! lu pet- cent; Lnn.f r aL L àaDENXARNE! Thisînhpbitatt of Whitby an d fat-mers eofOOntario, will have au eppos'tasiuîy ef bay.ý iusw ssv oodu for 0 U tnE >NTua nqinuil>ly ptlo so, vo stviso pairohanru to ciii t-ail, psu s le is e a lorr11cîs o f saigis. - DIVY <300D below coeilfer 30 dayi, commiciag FRIÂYJuIy -2nd, 1869. Big4e.st prioe ailowed fàr PRODUCE, Wbitbyp Jane 22, 1 869. w 2~ WILKINSON18 BLO 0K; BROOR STgpET, WHJTBY. - Cheaperthan th.e Che-apest. Cennsipjg ef the' best qualities ofSUl>gmER GjOODsu en gil ', Vary. ris duced ps'iisos, zpaay orthem below Coot. Cal! sund exammne fer yeurlf. Highest priez »llo-ged fiy BPTTER àudGGSp Wbitby, Jaly 6, 1859. pif R.II. 8~. k suPatesi bst lt MsS. WATKif, *ORGUAMD2 ÀLL EI ia proparedt! 10 ivs Masio luiliulet!paibt-of Pt be Made teisbfoJà dus uIteutt Witby.- flue'. t» n nt-,,,is . POsr issit t1 lM Tise andei tklus tou LJquors&,I Tr egsîMadoria and Po'rt -Best MoKenzie SUperior Besi 1Fine Syruî 1 1 -- - -f- -r=- 7f7- 77--r-r 1 1 1

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