Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jul 1869, p. 1

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- 1 . B AREISTEUBS;Attorney, soIchor..ý, &a Charol$trot,Totouto,O. W., ANGUSMOIIISON. - J. A.iSAMP8OM1. Toronto, July 2î~î 8 8 .COCHRANçg I,,L. B. fOU-NTYOBOW1N ATTOlC8JtYFOIZ ON Latrlo ,Ilrriatôr snd Attornoy-it-Lsw, go bierlOhcncery, No'ary J.libuic &a l NOw BUilding, bunSAs GEORGE IH, DARTNE1LLk garyhdoxtiiiie(sl Ianeory for t4Couu- y ofOntarlo. OflIo. Brook-ust,, Wlitby. RLOBERLT J. WILSON. RÂRSTER & AT7UNY AT LAW Ve0*Yr Ontgrio Bnk, on tho Kortb pide. flAERSTEI.AT-LAW-AND SOLICITOR ~1 u obanccry. Ol011 cs-Jo ronto-St.. utc. 9'1 m lADIES J4EITR (.ORION, B IMS.M. ARANKS.-LA SNLMI OTANT YPUBLIC, &a. &e. Oshawa, £W C. A. JPNUp, Barriuter, Solcitor lu Chaucery, At. Mas reniovod 111101500ce thlt floor over the. Oxruino Bàxi.1 Wilitbl, Oct. 1, 1868. 40 TUES <LYS, 'SOLICI- TUES 1t1C. ThNckI<w A»D NU- TunBl)i, Bownisîuvilie. e , .. E.FAISwELt. B. xMor/s. j t- Altorney.t.low, solcltuns in Chas. bois on oery, adsud Iiovesicy, &c.- sauge Jmiaîtg Mr. Jaes lIolden*s Office, Whlitby, wrk uiCagre. il.'noi. semato, Q. c., W.J w. OLc. Fkiiby W. il, IILNs (i'cuA, us MCM. Um'stiz.ce tot sfem,. ATTU11N11Y AT LA.W, SOlICI'URIN Du, Brook, U.<V IA TTOBNBX-AT-LAW. IIOLICITO1< IR tod te LICheucr, N.tary Public, Conveysiien, luwegi e .,Whltb>' il. W. Uirmnus, Byrn etreet, Sont!, of Pot Office. 4 CJIIANE & COCIIRANJ2. J3AURISTERS ATTURNETS3, çCNVEY- sucera sud Wtarles IVubtic, &o., &CI, 1'ixn 5Aas:Oîc~ poieTown B l ooiuu, LL. B,, 1 W. M. CocuràÂXE. Couuity Crown Attorîîsy. XLYMAX ENU-LllîlI, L IL. Bl., BARMOITEIL AT LAW, Boticitor lnU (hau- OR, HANCOOK, (710K IEOLANJi eumo.) O(JIGirt, ACCOJCIIEURB, &., n. J. GUXNN M. D. LIUMOEUN TO TiIE COUSRT GAUL Q Byron l5rcet, WtolCby, W H-..L.AW9 8, A-9 M. D-, PhYgleiu, Surgen, Accoucherp &o. OWNLF.tK&ltEAeliF11WIIITBY VICTOUi. »O'EIL. E»OlYHTON'SIIBOTEIL, M.BYTNbags b 'lufirm the lu- habi*ufthe Coiut>' or Victoria and SllfOIidlu tJuntu, hois opoued the liti on WIIlIe trbet letel>' ocncufd >b> jalWotto,. u bas b s id t ittced And crnitl- encé. WlDes, Liqawas ud £issy-gf th. WELLINGTON -MOTEiL 19-1>' WILSON fnou si GIiOR0G3R,'B8ON. Cn fiIlîofler à ae a ttendae b>, IaORI' 865. cl T UMBE AP.TC renter, sud FUN ERAB Tlyau KIdndGttdo Broocif Drug Store. -Ductu t uedclue WInlesud tlqneresor Ce beet quallt <ir edlolpnrposax. Horge *ClIMdcni 25 soIn CROCI< ER'S II TL, (LATE PLATT's,) NELSONCiN T. TORONTO, KorfI pI P ING 8T., B-4SSETT & REEBLE, - Pm;i'Jtcgs. T~ EIF propnictors r,,sj'cotfnîlyanuneucs .te j. hori rieido, ta dltane, seWall ane er hienu, ha ist >' have akeic the. aboya premimes wiîîaîî ar,) ln ever>' refspect conveiuleutiv Suu, cont'ortebly fittedl up for the sccomuîodabloai of gmai', naid Cie ravalig publie. Tieoy will lie ioiîîjd li constant parseusil atieuder ce, eud wili Iea'e iotbing aiid(,ue on ttilr pert,Co rive sstislaeitiec, Lu ali l whe uny fevyon Cl ancwitb e YEOMN GIBSON. COMIISSION ME!?CHÀNrl INSUIItANCE, & GENEBAL ,AGENT'. Wliithy, Jan., lôtil 1866. 2 uANCMBITI cjt . W. B. PLANE, - - - - Proprietor. Stages to and frm Whitbï cali dali>'. Fvery attcntionî puld te guestes. (srefulme.d ettisa- t1ve outier,. 9 1860. . 1869. TRE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON A.NMMQLZdz INSIJIANCE COM1P'NY. lise been ln existence thirt>'-two yers, and <turinig thu: porlod lhautpsid Louis» cxcocdiug ive undi hall Mail-on pougids sterling. .. Tise dl.burtiernent ot hie eniormous isur,, 070? a wldü tires, lia, witbotnt doubt, coistri- buted Ce thec cstablisltmut ofthlis Inetitution, flu tie0 confidence ofI'uB3LIOC onroiR'neue, IBru- oneuice, iloucoLuxit,oeand business men gen- erali>', wherever it lu reprc.tquid. lu itu-flrst 1ii, 1836, th, lFire Preuilums atôuc asmouuned te.. .... . .. .....£9970 In Il» lOti, yenr,, 1846........... £47,703 4.20th 70cr, loe ........... f22 27v " suh yefir, 186,...... £7932 ne0 yeur luter, 1867 .........£1,o Tiso Fîre Rvserve Fnnd la now $4,727,464 Tho Lifisliemervo TFond lu 00w $9,282,468 Tiso Coic;jptiin e rpresuol tdtrongýliotit Un- terio anid 4uefite, by inlissential Agets, lu whossî epplîcua*ioii forlisurace nia>'b.c made. G. F. 0. $MITiI, L.uTAY FAIRBANKs, J Aciu<r, WîîîTUr, L.> Bîoî7Y Onuxz. Fbur'17ti, 186.7 TUE O~NTARIO FAUMERS' MUTU.AL INSURANCE COMP'Y rJillsCompany le now fully orenlzed and 1. la prcpsred te accopt rio;ks on kerm llulldingu, snd Clair contents, Country Schoot Ilouse, and Cbureties. Tiiose wisbli ln el- sure, sud hroby support aàIlonie fusurance Company, hâve row sn opportunity utdoIngK se, Liy ' plying cltier et t llcad cllce, or te enly 01t lce[agents. Our rate» wil b, (c und au low su Chose of any reupouxible Mutual lu- oursuce (Jompiiiiy lu Cenads. L. FAIRBANKS, Ju.-, ]JFAD OFFICE-,Broci Street, WhlCbY. ILOTIEL & PRIEMISES FOR -S6ALE.I T BÂT old etabllahad sud velI kuevu Ref- tel, the CENTRAL JHOUSE, ECPEOK, SplendId r neentabtîug, jcnd drlvîag sbed, tce aler, witic oue or Cwo as esi Iattuel- asuma>'b. deulred, aud a'fiu ou en iug rchurd. Iion. are rwe voIe wiîttugeed> pns and ecellent veer. MeN'I, whola yulb, *eld et alergelu, sud lao eur fthesot chances lu the Deniuiulo to r an a" "Ive 'Us'",se ueu WiII b. exchad 1ereni p p1; y er ternie, dc.pp> ( ylettor, pîu-pdli) -Oct obby ez Oo-o. 'Ayors,. GENERAL BLACESMiTiR, AND' PIR$T-Pi~ZE HIoRSE-8UoER, BlINDAS STIREET,- ýWhtbY, 19, 1887, -y THOULDONT. A. OO~ _Prop'i etp!. Ailmhnne ftrack taken - 10mi sc AKKSTRoNGe's H OTEL 1 (Labo Pîank'a,> UX13 R ID G E;, RIBR ailfiteaupand coin cd gint-elao eCetl ,Iad eeliîtgret Creo o! Ch, publie and hIe friands, 'ie -hie sd bja uplied it thh be# Geod noomi>'stacb- - E. ARMSTEUG. llxbridge, Jan. t2* 1849.4 ONTARIO MOTIEL - (tata C. Dsvem'.) WHITI3Y,ONÂI. A. ALEXANDER - - Proprieter. ebowed uàcon hlm while proprieton oi the G lobe boîte], li6reklin, sud et tlh.esnmo Cima takps occaiiqn te anneauco Chat lhuiaslaged Lhe above weli kuewu bote]. large addition, Lave beu recent>' mede te the prenîlse secur- ing mena commeodbeus' sconuodatlonansd eereaeng . <numbar etelocplig reoInu C Den'eeh Isfumore thon t'enueriy. A*bit. lese Billard aleron ith tîcra.tablas lsi Is beau added. 11xtentve Additions te Che Stsbling, blieds. -io00s Boxes, &oc., have BAO imeu made. Ail a'nabling the. undarelgoad te ciTer ti his Uld ï4liends sud the publie ganc- raIl>' advauoegee eurasoed b>' no e littel luChe aplace. dle wil1st AUltucs be appy te velceehie eîd friands. Wlcitby, Dma 2, 1859. 48->' Q u ery I *hy leha i ht tleîla aneh e araor pictures' (JLAIR'S GALLERyo'£ IL le b.cat,, lie bas th, est Gallonry lu the Cont>', sud lis smore patiancewitlî obuldreu tiie nj no tlier ArClut lu th. Couni>', sud cen do quite sgood wonk san>' etler iiuln Ch. Couuty. fI» lt', owbt's Cte nîtter, au don't b. bactiverd about couuînlngfward. 13ROCK ST., WIIITBY. WhlCby, Noev. 12, 1867. 4 - .N. VARS, ý4mP AC'rJCALDutist, Oshawa Dentu.i Roonidract> oppe. site thop 'eOtic -utrance on. lmcoeStrept Cbrd loornnrtb of the Ontario WN EXPRESS AGENT, &e.., alto Agent cidept sud Standard 1nsurne cios. 17 -VBTzllRINY SURGEON, G'rraduate of Ontacrio FYetertuur ol4igo and lato 4uisant ta prof, 4 of Tobronto. P uer. BUCBLAND, iPnvtoenet'«Agriculture, 4 - Trouto Puer. SM 111,1 V. S.,-Pnclpd oet'Ontario V. -collage. u.IWIU 1L Trouto, JCOWELL, P. S'.-M. WEETAPPE est" ho ooupnttoi iprofosieiull> et hie resldcuuce, Breeteiu, et ali ouri. Breotelin, Apnil Id, 1869. 15 HENRY GRIST, iggTÂBLISHED telm.) PATENT SOLICITOR ARXD -DRAUGHTSMAN OTýTAWA, CANADA, Tranmaicta business wiClu the Patent Officeasd otîcer dcpartmeut. efthCIe loea- meut. Copyrightsand the neglutratleu eftCrae .Marks suid Daulgue procuned. DrenpfguS3Ctf4U an5.cd pth Doumeiautues Se eus aSI Iamovull, prqucred ce ra - ful im/. Gürand.Trunk Railway Htl AT. WHITSY *T&TION- WM.< O'KZIL bsylopg puircbsad the boCal sued premIsas kwumtse G. rand Trntc HetlWhltbY utaClen, bstc, WIjforin lie Mpindp eund tClitrsvelng public tbat lhe boa fittod aptilie bou#asud oatablas la fret- clamé style, 54by. sttuon Cp CIIthe, anté et thoe *bc laver hlm wIth Chir paronage trusta nen&6mrt aacdtluueue et Ir? ustom. SSW»Prties tteklug Ct rstu snd taevig bermswIll have ticm enill toke, sereof Cii thoirraturn. WhiCby, Sept., 6las,, 8 wE W LL 1TAKEÏ BQy,4L VANA»IAN JBASE NLSO ~lu ousw%r eppps Moy#, Plowp, 'm s, ,, 13ROWN dk PATTEESON. Wliltbyr, 1Ms>' 9tdi 1869, 21. 7gyUSE AND LfYl! - whiiy, mrolisi, 81D N-e'w Bake-ry AND rrfzEudegnou nespeetfallyi iforma tCli a. publie thet bh. le constàuoiyprsedt <ciwt rompitude ail ordqrs hi the Bakiery and 'Juecinsyliti.. Fruit, Spensu aIl othen kinde e CaeTextgsd ,iscatne tCehlest qualîti 80 Fruit-" aliuds lu en. Aise Lob. etere, sardines, cocea Ruts, Ginger Beer, *0t. Baker Oouactincrle rock et Wlitby, ja1'16 86.2 FIEASSURANCE Co.#,' LOUIB,&IDSTBEFET&<OHIIÀ=Ug 18, QiLLE6piE, MOFFATT &Co", Agenjte for 1(Canadta. JAMES DAVIS(,N, Mugngger. fSPACE egaînet LOOS by FIEE arc oen.uost favoratbletotunusd LUSSS lAil) wilheut referelnce Ce h.e lard YEOMAN GIBSON ApnilSrd,565. Agent, Witluy IMPROVED FARM To Selle Dent, or let os Shares, FL'ARMBU te ,llvauet, or tet ounlaa-ct .U hlf lot 20, lUt concession e0' Uxbnidge 100açSom, 7 acres ctsarmi. Appt>' (If b>' letton, post-peid,) te WunvayP. C> NloTiCE.M1i partese are fcrbid auCans o enomving tltuhur xved of any kiu4 whxep- ever, from the abeve lot, sd u=y>' panee od doing se, eften ChIe dataren trespassare, and Winte bctr«etd as suehl', te-&ILmatinut Cho 1eV, S.FILLE.. Wlîitby, Sept, 15, 1868. 8V-t BOOT- JAC-K. <PAIElNTED.) Tic. Greateet Invention etr the Ageo Pstented iiy J. W. Jacobe. Deipinlou Righte D. CI JACQIB'SI Mxi aE TEffmNItUjis. D. ROss, L!IENÇSED AUCTIONEER, ISAILIF? oftbe Bluli Divisien Court Â'ldress, BEÂVERtTUN 21 Ã" SUA WA VARIETY UALL 1 IN TiTI 0JD POST OFFICE STAND, Tieicplac e Ce gt greet bargainu lu GISJlver sund Orolde Watches, 100cluekand JewclryLet aIOl desci Iptlong, aise, Stationne>' Bink Boesand Fane>' Goode li great vaniot>', Daily and Weekly Papers, PE1910DICALU 41VD RMAGAZINIES, TO SlmIA» AT TIEN OBHAWA VARIEY HALL. If yeou tnd lu>' te leege a ye Bo sue sD4cai ti et Ai E TT -YIL Oshawa, Ma>' 18, 186M. Y.J RW N. 1.-AIt endorst'onrfBooksae, sansd magazines, pounptîy atended te. F. J. Dl SebeoolBoýokeq supplied ut vcduced rat«s Gotd sud Slven Plat nicgcdone teondtn. loeculti ed examineounr t/oodi and pnieca belfoopnrcbaecug olaeiliere. F. J. DREW. OzrCITY IJOTEL, Neoi. 78, op 1suad 82,SC&esJoseph S treot, Th. enliscriber blise eud he beve I11uSd t'or the accencodstlou elthe travelling publie. Ita octnodatonp tare cftLb ast klnd. It cou- talus 7 rooi, wlth 900d yard asitablung fon 60 hwos.. Térnumoderato.' CLAIPrepnleten. F Ali ]FORB21. 1682' ACRES 01? GOOD) LAMD, vilih comtertsble houm sud comnoiedms ont- buPldînge, bpsug art et J.oatM 21 sud 22 lu tChu ftb deuceeien oetCh. to*whp ofetb>. Term literai. Appitt Yerkville P. O. WÂNTED'i. $0 00 NS ~AJ? 111 m0n'ý*.NEY. Tho utdésrlgi bas îeivod Instruotleus te invcat e larIgounc et Muey,- Ro-payitbleie Sum r by YeaIyt Ou Iuprovcd Y an, or productive Tewu or, Villg rpny u,ýr~0 ~Cst 8par ent. Ne'Camn- Appi~ April 25Cb, 69 otîcit 1r, & c., W bitb -'é ]PRTUWI-IIT13Y R. 8NW, - Propeietor. Thé asbev b wl-i~ ôe ia *beau tho- rouglY t>rOnvsted su nevi>' furulebed b>' bbc ECUptl n#tificinate of repeIn, Bsod ne- tblog liasboeau teft uuène temet the retluin.- mnente cfigusieta.1 'Me Table la euppll]evlthsventhlug oet Cle boit lu meison, and lieu but Cllue hut brander of WJnes, Liquoissuad.,Igaj kept et Ch. Ban. Ir R . SNOW. S'NORSF-M AN"91 nu mcx uXuun a ux Vm"'piv "ma NORTHK SHORlE PORTS ]FORT O0F#hCCRESTERt, And viii continue mikng dt7 trlpu tlenvlog .boret8 e. ni. ;lPont Hope et c aC . ni. Cette e ,narwhitby, Osiera Dariligien sud New- eec.ttc Wcdueuday scontlrîe; et Brigliton, Thurpda>' uoruinpu u4CgIberpp aen>' merniîîg except VW. c9dsy. lte-tuna.iugleusvoti Port ot I$ochcster diii>' et 0' p. nM.,dexcupt Saint dao, wliou Oie laivos at 2 P. Mi., droct for Poert Hlope. Fes Fauanr-Apply ou board, on t C. Draper d ,wbitby' James O. OJU,>, Oshe: va; J. M ela , Danliaon;*,F. Nicholson, ~WcestJt; A . ohmns and /eo. leiuiel,, I I1 M NFY1 yNEY i Tho oul.nilgued bsrcavdInstrctonste CIKR"T RATES Gor INTER9EST i Priuiclpaikepsyable -in one iuni, or lunniento Ne coanu4i4uouieluirgcd, Appîr Ce JAMES LAMON, main street, tlxbnltge. Ornccz's'Over AnmgiroiiglsIbo Uxbidge,rlnî,c7th, 1800. 2-28 D .M. ly fllLLtheAnly, huc. iJtTRIT&.JEJRIICAri ASSURIANCE 1COMPANY Ci4éitaI, $400,000. I'IE doraig d havlng boeen ppoiutcd 1Cs or Ch.e boyo £'ornpsn% le ni YI1fE,o ',hemoist 1vrbctre ~B 4ppty to, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 0-l2mee. gent Wlîltby TEEý1K EXTRAÇTED NITROlJ8 OXIDE LAUGIIINO lAS, 011 1VIFXNEW LOCAL ANASTHETI0, ATr Iw, m C>.&ELr>'B DENITA&L BOOMS, DUNDAS STREETi 1100m.-Ovev M. IL Cootrsue'.s tore. Wlîltby, Jaue 26, 1867. 25 COMMERCIAL H OTEL, BROCIL 1T., WRITBY. T UlE subsoriber begu Weuuànouuce to bis A liUnds'sud tlb, publie, Chat ho lisre- .umied'! possession of the aboya Wall sud <s- vorablý' knowu hotet, vhila . pv fitted u1p lu a suiperlor inanner, with oeai>' onveni- once fgr Che roception of gucbe sud the re- veling pnbli#. ji' But asomnodation, sud suprior vileSIqure udcigars, Oood e*JnIg Vel 061, rclss.Charges Moderato. iE_.% in AInW1rLY AiJOTIONEER, ' dividui ÂDDlss, - - -- u mBI, P. o. vnie vltlnd r a for sesloft atChia Ofice, or 'aud su t r.du Chntte, Mbe t~iyl agvay-i pY'eIply i>' teded te. .. Eiedî,ev4n,~s,48 Whorp iîp'oeheed $hi i But'ieh eetrudges ou Craving for profit sud-i fies friend orbrothcr (ci $0Se eoutstrips hM in n No' 1 1 gauw en o: (Th'OnglilOreauheur the wMe te. h.vot'rles e ft' he -And si. Cn Osces like Aafd juneoouce. ohil% l"b adeercio4e That lcsd t, affluencar Tbm. wontl i 1live, sud i .ud....u...c. Ch. ..cle lai)'.e.. .ap A 1'rviopc rfl cd. SC unuresa to pil O>'bIefè9t) wiclc dotti q -lcn - X fbioid imo utcblaàs ould ht I could le, coutry lads, content. s, aud shpu Che paths sera' b st fLydia, vbet maltes yen look so ecnieusÈ? Mcrcy 1 yon bave hardi>' 0pened your, lips since va lett-Mn. Barbionr7. WhaC liif -auythiug Chat I've donc T Charles Murphy snd bis wite had jnst outcred Chai.r ovu comfortable home, etter haviug apent an, cvelig et a part>' -given by eueetfChir friands sud ueighbera part>' vwhich lis been t.he sceneoft ail sorts e! social cnjoymout, sud tewflii o ly se- lect sud congenial spifits lied beon'iuvited. And eun frieud Murphy snd lis if te eem- cd t e ejust Chea sont te aujo>' snth social occasions. Yonug-Charles ouI>' Clint> vhila Lydie vwas tve yeans ynugr--both et thoni baudsomo, intelligent sud univen- sali>' rcspected* sud beoved-, aud Chon Lydias youuger'suCter lad'came te ive witb ber, sud ijute .anda of Chîs sister e cIud cqldeChie cane et ber chuîdren wiCh pontecAassurauce-euuancaet love, sud good-*'11, and desire to phease, ou both aides--fer Ch. littIe pues loved Choir youtb. fui anut dcarly., Aud yci Lydis Murphy bad came home foiMrs. Barboun spart>' viCli s ver>' 1_0fîtd'uvegrsUd-ge. tayis,ilait anytliîug 1 bave douer 'Oh, Charles, yenia>' thiuk me. folhl -yen nia>'thinklI cm oversensitiro; but 1 canuot lieip iL. Wbm-nýy feelings ar burtI sufterpalu. It is net' hamy power te put it svey. And you âa lvays cor. recting me iu public, sud ceutrsdieting vbst I1sTt',asd making me fool ,se, lir.. Murpby Look aseiatChe cheer- lui grate as slýe spéke, sud covered lier oez with lier haudkcrchief. 6'Wel, well,-I'tt ry, Lydis, and sec if Icen break myself of tbe habit tbst gives yen smuch trouble. l'il ry.' 'Ub, Chank yen, Charles 1lDe Cv>'1 Try as bard as yen can,-I knov yen vilI.' AftenChis Cho>' tahked over tho affaira et the part>'; and at lougth Lydia asked ber busliaud conceruiug nis prospect witb Mn. Ualcos. She appnoàchcd the maCLer ver>' iridi>', for she seldoni qnostioned ber hnsband about bis buginess-matters. Charles bighteued up lu a moment. 'Abse, he cried, I arn just as geed as sure ot the place. I aaw 1Mr. Uakes's bead salcoman Le.day, sud ho tohd me hattCh. old gentleman-notse very old-ouly fifI>' -but Chat's vbat Chey callhihm-be told me Chat the eld gentlemen rcmarked te him ounte previons evcuing Chat I vas just Ch. nman for bu, ho toit confident. It, is a nespousilile ,place -chiefbliekkecpcn aud, coufidential clenk of se gicat a tuer- chant. Yen seç. Choee na>' iec imes vheu a mn in luMr. Pobuirt Uakes place vonld hardi>' bave bis loft baud* knew what bis right baud docti. Tlabolit vheu ho la liuyiug heavil>' iu grain; vbeo ho l pre- psnng eicl; viien ho in about Ce throw stock loto manket; on wbeu i loigt buy it lu. And yot bis confidentiel c[erk must kuow al Chia. Ah, iL lsas first.rste place, Lydias; sud thie liet saler>' I kuow et lu orinary business.' 'Obh11 hope you w;ll geL it, Charles., #Ncvc fean, lovre. AIlooboabnigh nov.i What Ipast eue? Ibis weu'do. We've Au ohd habit, freelhj«induge iq;' laâa strng hiug, F01r'eenie dassne' tvain couhd be nmorc happy than were Chiarles and Lydia, Murphy.' IThe husbaud vas careful lu inte use etf speech ;,-found ne fautt; and-allowed- bis wife Cecouvorse trehy vitI lien mater viCIent intcrposing au>' oftbis corrections. I 1 ÀAweek pasced ave>'.,On Tîursdsy evaniug Mr. sud, Mns. Cîsunceoy Raynon: 'vene et hoe.to'reccive Chir friends' sud ameug Chose 'friands - ere 'Cherlés and ,Lydia MXurphy.,1IL vos a plessant scene, sud as happy jeyous eccassion ; sud dnniug'CIe cari>' partet the. aveuing Lydia Murpbyw!as4;.piug the happleat etftthe happy. IL vas Cvavds teodciock; Cheehad - lco music vecalsud music instrumental, util Cli. compan>' vaued ne more,- but raLlier souglit'-repose lu euonesetioc. -Tn ana catnap wee - àmmll. ,ithon,fthe -ý&nu asw& iasen r ail bar ? idn7t belive ab ohejuntit almeet aman grownf? Lydia Murphy bowad lbenrlead a ltle white; sud once more lion, bsadkerçhief as drawu acrosa lier,.yes. At lanEtb, she looked Up wftb a strauge 1îght ueu ber face-a frank, truthful light, sud yot quîverng sud feariug, as hogh the fire Chat gave 1£ lunCh burued fitfully My, 'frieud,' she aid 9 'yeû viii Pardon me, Iknew, wheu 1 assure YeD Chat t1lied Ce viiena w> huaband refens wuas epeer, vnfortunate, snd unbappy waif pon tese mortel eshores. * Almost from Che heur- Chat sent, hlm forth to piay lluth. streeta wlCh bis mates be conceîvtd a liking for strong drink , 'Theappetite was -fasteed' upen -hlm lunbis ear> , boyhood, aud it grew, vit bisgnovtb, sud sCrengtbçne4 iwiitb i llapse of Cime. AU kiCnduess Chat loviug boants could yield vas given unto' hlm ; forbeenancoe -vas exton&dd until le- almeu;t becamo a crime;,tsrs, pnayers, entreaties -al], aU failed. :R. noyer vwasý eue with us lu our labours or lueurntutdies. go vent -eway et length-eand, b. la nov, 4t reat.- Heaien grattChat hie sal'erings bore ver sufficleut W. leved im, sud in bis fev lcidimomentshlivd us. Y.C he eas not of-us,-as vo regard Our peace- fui sud bappy united he'ueold I tbiuk yen wvîl ounuderatand wby I omitte claroncea neme;ïi thiuk Yen vili alése sympathise vitb mecin'my'sistenily Instinct te Cbrov Chevyei of oblivien over hi. un- hanpy lite.' 'Ce W48 lifusteaa vbp ÃŽe.ctosed; sud ber busband, wbo nov siw hat a sense- loua, foolish tbing h. liai ddouego- ght te offer an czplanation ; but the FnOUI? toke up without givig, blute beariug. Tt vas ver>' uear te midui1P t vhen the, ,lu ts.,began th deprt 1 a monb>gsutbe e to e we r e h r e s H r h a n b i net a word vu snid upen the - uubject of tih. nplesant passage; aud vien Ch.1 lied reled Cheir bouse, -I.ydis evoided It b>' spesking treiy, sud aveu plesantly, >upon ether Coies. $h. sav Chat fber liusbsud vu servons sudnes>', sud shoe heped that siootnt r4oitition on his part veuld affect more for ho; thon su>'- tbing she could se>' or de, More than once on Che followiug mors- in&, Charles Chougît fCeïof fish finit of the eveuiug before;- but b. could net, bring blinseif te the bumiliatiog task, sud lie- et it poui; but lie vas far from ippy. RaCher laCer thon usuel lievent-te hi. office, where hoehail, for Ch. paut SIX yemn, carned a respectable liveliheed liy cep>'- ing ; Crauslatiug Fncncb, (lenu ansd' Italien into Englisli; sud also o nrosed iipen parchment. And Chia lest item. Of -business bad corne te lie the coblat sbnrce ef bis incotnc, for lie vau an exquisite Peu- Man, snd long use, lu manipa~lug in th bis peu upon parcliment baed brongt Plm, te sncb a doeeto perfection that -Cli tiacings et hi. peu vere flot Co e c utdoe b>' Boy steet or oopper plate. At doyven o'clock the- postmac brught some lettons. Une vA- from )fn. Robert Oaks, sud ho epeued it llrst And Chis vas ihat ho rnd :- 1, Si,-Yon May net have ezpocteda fnal answer go seon;- but I haive e mind te lot yen kuow zpy 4ctermIotCop At cpo.- I shah flot requfre yoensevim e y ld, and faiClifül, sud leugýt.ied servent, Johbn. sou, viii serre me lu Cli, higher capityi H6e Ébrank froom it et first-, but haliasItl> couseuted. Tnusti>g Chat, i>' ,ciosion *il bring you ne lsatlng dlsapp, net and holding miyseif ready Ce asit yen at au>' Cime wben sncb reouit id vithin m.# poer,I am, yenrstaly, -Chanta mat vith.thoe ttezlt is hapds stnuggling teoeap liscit i.beot-Ctas . ef disappointracnt thgt, yelle4' up iu spife of him, vhei -bis besot isudeest friesd& Tomn Marshall, oentened Clis office.-« A lite sihl Clk, sud Clen nid Ma;- shal, 'Chanlej, have you beanci freama Okes yel 'Yes,' burst <rom Munpby's lips. -Ho doesn't vaut me l, 'Se I bsdlieard.' &Look y., Chanley Tboliev. 1 arn your Crue frieud, sud se sncb 1shah Ctell yen Clhe rutl. It vilIle painul ; it viii cnat gyse;f snd Mn Johnson, knev 1£- besîte Oakes; snd I can assure -yen Chat nrns oabers seve yourself need even know k. Yen rememben bey yen srraigued yonn vitelut,,nilit he h. vbo as civinzae nie. seeing asile, wuSseneîy ed Chat euch gpo& fortu cape ber egaîn. After soe mo ouCh once more Cticsh vill moaet him, presohinàý treaed bloc vith the. sud in the maruiug bru, fiue, linsu, vhich sIc Cdîne betore;i but aIl caudie'burnu n hol ,strangar, if lio avoka she vas imakling bhW s fut sL asmnenied ý. ou, p everi-psuag ws u ien c tue catrne we'e dnovuod, sud viCli difficuit>' ahesved lier evu lite, for the veter nover ceae4- âoieng uutil Clie settinug of Che uns. Tee Mcuny Beaux. It by-the Ccrm 'prospect#.' as applied-Co e yonng lady, yen mean Che probabil iLiq et bWrgettiug sahbsud, nCýhou shevIiese aidmirers -nia>' lec clled T.gon bliasn- fluitivel>' peorer Preefpectsaune uWhous tnieuds et Clisopposite soi ia>' iecounte4 'on 6h. lingera of e single hand. Nov, la it rue Cliet ,verybo4y petrcný- he h mode sud fashiour'tbat everybody eIao supports, for iL le the euesMand mout natural thiug inuChe vorld-te 'folIe" the crovd.' But Chia le net te se>'thït yeng nian vante for a vite Ch. girl who counts ber beau~x b>'- Cthe çore sud, bu cenquests b>' tbe dozep. IL la truc that.evechclekon in a broed viii Ieeve e gd dinner, and ahi go iq punsuit et the saine oejecc, if Chey -se ouf -of thoir nuolijupoug sway wfth àlarge sizad crumbl, or etter au Im aginer>' worm. But ýiL la net truecliat e youug ma vili loreak. Ltheinodes1, geutie girl, viiese soet> hoc cenaje>' vitboÏi hvir>', Ct cipct with as cor.e f others for'tbe CeMpeny.ofeayouug 184Y Ihesp ppilauarp free te ilIe Ttcere la, Indecd, a class of meu who puy assldàeus .court CteClie latter,. Sliq ,geueraîly possesesmny>atCtlose-.7 this petofooMçty. $ho lias -a line imaru- meut, Snc4Viays tterall>. 'Pousibiy abe singe.. Iuftiably se- dances. "8h. li4 alvav& stiruonintd Iv Cheia ueut ofthe BAT, 'RE] :tovrm oul bhep la &1111 joint et the. i MAlN., ~OCo, j, uauanrol wiaavs, prepnleter. les I 1 lke

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