Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jun 1869, p. 2

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1..tl, tisaI, aitsong5 bly ai <le lût momsentf $lse Goornmseut, wbo bore heu goncg Is blind, hibae usmade to open ibeir *ese 04 lait. la tis afacomplisbms o ihtia #wattB lb. F rose.of the cony bu dose geodt servIce.Ïl -Tb. Jouie Seulon of b. Coany cous- fil sheved onî1 a soiltry ebau;gein the pormo f <bat body, Mr. -Batu; _bois Mr. J. B. Csmpbeil'sý old placetaà ou of 0@* Depsty Ilcare of île tovssisip of ses. Mr. Bates appesred ta b. ecesved mSt eotdlully by ail bis brother memlsrs; but vu board our «old genial friend, Mr. !ampbiell'. abues regrateedbl msuy.' TIat Mr, Bat.u viii mai4 a capable sud useful momiser lotis stownuohip, tisere4 tise eat espeotatlou and promis.. Tise War9s's addresa, as viii b. sees by tise report, aimosh roemble a state document, Pd #@ta forth, ciesriy asd explicitly, lb. *peehtion-oftuho affaia ofthîe Cosuîy. Thiç la as It sonid be-lu tise nature ofa mes- pae-sud vbaî <Ire importance sud re- qairemeats of -tise Couasî demaud. Messrs. Robinaon, reto eof Tiserais ; Mor, dépsîy reeve of Beacis, sud MeDormott, reye of Rama, Isadnot arrived lu inleir jilaçes, sd tiseir absence secesaitated tb. esriy adjourameni, of the Concil ou lise £nts day. Os tise second dayutheir early- ---preseuegave tise county ciarlol ubeela. the proper Imulse, and business nov go@# otesmlugabend. tnlersiy floes-. Among ties ciolas,Wvise ave@ diati-,- suisbed iboumcîes at tise recut examina- tios of liseToronto tUnlveraity, île eoz- papis of tise Wil Grammiar Scisoal bler,àapromineut place. Ur. W. Ballas-A, af the second par, obtiaurd a febolirobip la Mastbomaties, sud honora la Natuns-aI Histor> goe&slo étood bigis la lb.e ther smbjects of oz- aminsîlon.-,' Ur-. J. G. Roinlson obtained louer la I IstOr>', FrenchisudnAGermas, vuS a bigb standing la otha r surîjeets. Ur. James Wala"$ sîced gli tsnthe ft'clan la Prenh, slng for bis cons- petites sane ofth<Ie Seat pnpiis la tipper Canada Collage; hoe tood second in île lot aléas la Germen, sud iret of Ib hovs id not compase frrbonore l aales, rit must b. gs-tIf>Ingto tise masters et tb. Sebeol, as veli as Be tise frienda ef c4dscatica In this tovu, to inA tisaI eus Grsoer Sciool silhi relaies ber istia- - - Buisised position amoug kiadred instits tioni. Tise Bev. 'J, . Mackenizie, le- Ppectos- ef Grarerar Selreoli, niited ube aisool oomciaily isu satuida>', and &fier- a proloeged examlnaîiou in monu sabjects, exprossed bis bih sapproval of ise vois; stating alfa that he found a ceutiened improvement. Tisa Drill. clasevas' also paraded, anA put tisreugis varions mole-# m'fnis isy Major Darîneli, vso lbu coas- m naA cf thé orgsnizution. Tasi SvlsaB9LL BllOsu C i<îx1Q 1- FàaavaBLL Toua OF vs ALLtnlilir.- Qvung to tiscir engagements la London and Edlabés-gis, tletroupe muaI posltivel>' sal forISagiand Dcxi veois. 'Tise>' ylappoar boie on Frîda>' onieg, (nexi veek,) Jase Ofith. ives-y one viiilus-nraont (télear1 tksLb. - The Bell Riagers vili aIse appoe aIt Prince Abert anAdtTxbridge, Jen@ 2arA sud 241%.- Reserred seats are nov fer ase st Ali'se bsocost Borl*ud!s, bséot-stores. Tise X, T. 2Hun s syaof tise 4iiehns 61go ho tiroirCosicrti sud Isaltjqnr Cirlîdron. W. wlsii evesvouesho ojo>' lisppleuipre of jiarlng thnai:" eutoielsnscrt a ld iurrvalous." oCsasCms-We ara Sied (o lurd- tire alA Ontas-io Cricket Club revived. Ai a inpatlng hl asfew days sothe folovlng olOcers vere lota. Preidnt-J. Y, à&%'. Dent-4. R.5 1p D Wbo compos e . atavolilng belt, inheunce, or the substance of àssbscrp. Bren liai,) ylt as lelanre anud occaion per- mito a u (ois lnsiscificenca nierita, bave tboels cae. pop.rly atteuded (o. PJaluly,, HOG raIe lhwdatlned tg strand ibis rsew lied lgig, vbre c su Y 'Of is prdee. sons Ut@egons before 1,, on thb.ha o t forgoîlen momory. And 1k. tise Rqorl. er#,Tvs o omekg 7kmn Pre~e, sda oles Gazatte, of a Dow scarcaly remembored day, #bc osly wie ci loft bobiad vill bb.isomebody -ezelalmlgï lutlingeg b.atory- "Turesthesa ul i10 too tell for shool- "4Nevoisppora InisLd hlina f 1oi . Iudeed ibe vbole production,. utenude& (le tbe mark 1) as a leal édi toia article," le notbius more'or lms.tIa one of île.. steretoyped attaeko ounihe edicor, of tbe CuonowL, bai oud #o gra.e- the- colamna of the papeua b visicis v. bava jasi elaidd lin blir day. Bst onr tamaris, ar directd soitisrto Ham Ho.Wedeulre to addre. ourselves to tiseratopayers, sud bave occasin t write Ibis morfisg rauiser, betriedly; en passante bovever, le a Bne sayieg l. noted,Ith" Swie art sot &loue tise filtbiest but the most uugratefsl ofasi- mals. Feed tb.m, @eor so mach, Sud after dinner lisey, vould devour tbeir mmî- ter.- Portia, k vas, ve Ibinir it e ould- find tise charaters of birds sud beata in tIbe écautenances of .men i vhy not isl stndying tbeirdispostiousé Well, a*&y vus srnprofitable discussion of the Iribe cf--Ham ud 4beir4Ubyssîinisk- sheet, aud le niatters of more immediaie concsrn. Wba, at, r, wtili be the end of t51. state ut tlImgs if oui' Town Couneil continue (soir disgracaful ps-anisé?; Soea et tise'members actuail>' appear ta attend lise m.etiongsitis no other pnrpoA-ba to qua-sel vitis on.anotber, or tb thv ar tle major. Tise mayor, luaiis capaeli cf Chie( Maglstrate of île lovieuld leb asaisted sund aumained S>'thosegeais-y, in- suead of Seing opposcd suddisadges-ed b,. tleni a et s->' lune. Tb c>' fsil to recolleet' tisat the mayor is net mes-ely s as-A dmom. ber, but tisaihase iselected b>' the people et th* vlele (ovneas ikeir reprcosulative, virile lise>'(mambrs,) eseis are simpi>' one of tisree members o a ward. If torbesârance arnA dignit>' as-e mo thue questIon, and ahi sons. of decos-nm Se lest, sus-el>'(ber. ougisi to be some consideraîion for tiselan- tere of the ratepayer, 'b>' the mon who ba4ve olsntarlly takea spon tiscaielvea tise bandea ef mansging tIre affaira cf Conacil ? Tle aext (bing vili Se an Indignation meeting of tise ratepayers die tn SWlaavietailut may Se arosps- eA uo a uses.of dany, and lai. tise upahier into Iboir ewa bauds S>' asiing thoe procions membens to ;resigo. Âireadyome et tise Seal membens 'aI tise -eonncii board Ibreatea opeul>' te do sol oft (bir ova aseord. Wc lave ondes- vering tu diacias-ge a diaagreeabie duty in- tryiag te sisanse members cf tise conseil int s proper sens. of tWsr. Yet lu is fer delng tisis ve are aseaiied 1 AnA sol aMon@ by the paragrapisists cf tSe Gazette, but b>' otho re osoribbic iying letoni, lu Sud Euglisis fan tise sanie iseet, suùd bave a decidedi>' persoasi inLecet lenÃŽssirepre. s.ullng tise case ve maise &gainai tise ouncil. We have a vend cfsadvice te give o " <les>itg "correspodent" wvise shlter tisemeelves behmnd enonymena sig- natnres, Loi theni remember tle lises la eue 0f Ga>"ï faSisis.- '-Tironeso luInquaunela lîrterpos.a "Mont oftenw1tpe a blood>' noie-' Witis Use.indiniduals parsenail>', tle Czue.ît.u seissuqarel. Let Ibew 4 P carefusl sot (o pronolie oPey for tise>'na>' s-st, asnred thd ise'VIIled Ihýneitser piae. sut non profitable. Our difaérenela vuSb tle aonporauion. Ont cause, Ibit et tisj ratepSyirp *isna lb.badouduet cf cr poratiuioi~ailo. u'Wilvevî itior-'syeogbsîIl eut on i-iie-stl tisu proper recuil yis appliedi sud v. "set' ngfor s grassi w rebellA (lhe Ipoki nt aorutleo, faanriug tbe prope vol ceve due mai eration. Ois the 21.1 of >sy Lise oý'o1 Canadien IBank, luîW "li ch isClaupty,,sonut vas C14, a -en deA spele pym.ni. At (bat limne (b. osnl# làd psparerordisgotnt smotitw te *7,000 ouild ied s d.p.t ta tire croffit .c isp4 euut or 224,4 Tise snrntioLIrhe credit cfaise Coantyiras beents aiud lu r.otins Canty' pa ir ! udtIre.is n rder diaant Ai th ,a Maîr M"7, the paynassiof wbleh wvl hàavet be pra"vdd for th. pressent seors.n For Bbc uon-reaident debsntureaatniting ta $8.800- net lnoladiug aial àyear'osrentasi isî'tell due anA.vas payable on tise lat lnot,,-and Dno provibion lor tise payaient ofvisicis lad beau ruade At Lire Jannary sesion oftise Canul, I vas tordo amaearrangement, for tise Pay ument., To muset tbis enreseue(5- stae sPphl calions ai the' Ontalo sud OL ser ssubka for a discounît unssneeestnly--my applicastion at the Ont., io l ankhvlng beun daelinedl by tis Presideni lIais. Mi Simepson. j uezt m:o sppication a tseBa f MmonelTo-- bta, te tiseman4er, mir. YSrkggr lor discont of Connty paper to tise areount of $9,000, viicis Iame happy (o Infrre tise conneil, vAS redilyý gnauted ta meet tisa couniy'aDie; tbgede-r bouîtures hoing rnl1y PA t tsa aaid iauk, aMd are nov lsoing hsélatisera for redereptIlou. Attse preseion session of tise Çonncil lu wili ho nuesry eitiret (o provide for psyreent of tisa debionturea or othervisse rea4 provision for (heur ronyafi. Tu e s deipnt evcr 'ii aiiy Issureor lsehe , isofthe.townsips of Mers £141 Rama, Rucoir, anA tihe tovu of Wiltthy. I am, happy te repDrt tisi t nibtis dagte ail <tonty ratea, due' by tisa rinor reuniclpaitia ta te cousît, Jiave bea pidm-a dasirahie position e iflistherto attised iu tira manageo- ment of tire eonîy affaira for ma'sy yesrs. 1Tise Wardul esîxat brielly reuerred ta tihe Mfoit isnportanst d uties ofther Connéi tihe prasg- eunt, *esaion; eÃœnbr"cng tise eqniizotiou of the asssasarent rolis, strikcssg tbsrcouurty rates, &o. Rteterrlrrg te tisa eqnsslizaîlon oft Lip aseseuti roi1, irhalo ~ltrust tise snbj os i iiibe ap- poscod lu a fùr and estsdsd um.nner, vsth but cua objeotlu vieu-tstat of acting jui.tiy (o tisa vwhoiaa nny. AuJ l fing tisa monut ta is raissed tiisyarr for Conuty purpose, vîrle Ll I* dcsebile anec aIl due eeosomy 0051p4tib1. vrials tise uterostoà of tise county, iL rMay not, nievortisoiesa, bca vldoi sthtisapari et tise Souciil to strike tire rata so. 1ev au (o forer tise Oonail luttheb.borrowlug isystere anA accont asodation trntira Bani, trlthexto pursuod-at Myteilu rey apirlon, eoshiiy taO tire mprii sud lattr of tise municIpalliav.,. Tise Wardas rrst calleAl attention tisthé lae ilsanges Iu (ha Aaa.sient A0,4 60 lsiy o, ura portions cf the Aotgsving poer te tib Thé CoisstAndlforol report vas nexi efr- red te. vîrlir tis a rgen seld, Ioggldshuow tise »tsta or tihe eounty finances, sud go ireforo tise furtruceocormsutee -aise lise County Treasurer'ai epr, ioin lso estingresna sd expendI-ý trem f roots eent ycar, tisamanit of tiset atter of wsirlite Wai don t.ld ha vas bappy le state, vas ooniFiderabiy leu. thon for semae years -past. The Wardon nazI calcd attention th the changa su tis a 1evraterriug te bii, marrtp- ab and deathm, tire new set no% reqsniringtsome eatusi. formarly mode te eCounty Itegittrar, oa ie trade ste aCirk oflste Peate agtr thei fit o J uîy nexu, as inucis0f tisa duties vould In fptnra devoiva upos tire Citrks0of tha mguni- ci a ities or the o lu e> nu concluion tirewardon reteyred te tise uliowing aosnmunicrtious, wvil.ho bagged (oi )y iseforo tisa eonsreii Jrom tise Canadizin Emigrtion o<, 1;ug- laud, iu roforoctse ta tise probs5.lnumbisr of etuigraut» Ilkely to fluA employmient lutise cnty; frore r., Bolton, onmiuluur oft lins iarrowa 'bridge, iaksît f or a taruiser grant fer4 irsrisstrnctîsra ssd-onnsnitiîssgis report; <romn Mir. P'aync, eiitiugte be £la (psInspcr i of Wcigits.agid Iteîuares in ie potir Couitistrd, lu casetise office siouM heomae Thso Warden aise muid tist la avalled, iîsu seflf ortise opportntîy te cougratiite isengi siupo e irelstterlug .prosipecta fi good proî.s, sud trnatcd t hAt thsongi Diviue Providence tisa country mnigii Cos bleined wrtis ericaiendAebundani hais-est. EQUALiZATIOIu OF TrUE ASESSUEl ROI&& TUE FIRST 00. MIk. Fairbanks. occonded by Mr. Gibbs, moved tbat tihe Council do nov procccd ho baliotfor a corerittee, of aeven morelers, eo compoae tihe select comterue to eqsssl- te thse assesareut rola fi 1868, Mr. Whlscer rose to objct said tbat iscre, VertLisrce-of tbjreg»sebers of lisp 'outrpil, troustp tonortlurin toWnabipi, pet prescrnt, and tisatI il ould bc acarcely fair toprocecd vîitiste ballot in liseir absence., llr.7Fsirbsuks-Perseps (bey ma, b soe in à asort lime;. a tfcw inutesPer- sapa ; if D0ot,1Iamn aatisfied (o'ameud ti0 notion go, as (o meet th ise eyeof tise0 cotucil. 1Mr. Fairbanks tien moved Iris resolu- tion as a notice of motion, Là stand for ton O'clocd (o -wrrrov -no 'ufg RENISISION or L10855L Mfr. Wigite presented tise petition ot1 Jas Digby, praying for rensipsion or part f bris licaîso as auchioneger. ADIOIiKWET.r Ou motion oMMr. Fairbanks~second. b>' îr Mriçis (KW.,)thLb. varden 84 2 minutes to12Wt the clair ntilO o'cioc Tise Wadpn resumed Lhe chair 1'» pne4sahely<fiter- Byeo'célock visas thr Couucil* 1.4 ro-ssmbled. Urivaxor âucrior LIcU Ou moLianticf 1Mr. Fairbanks, -secoudec by' Mfr Glisa, a resolutios tassad, Te- qsuur ng frsun tise Tressurer a returu o t» ir icn grautednder tIe auctioc by-iav, (196,) toauctioneeraasud peddlmr ta Bbc preseut date, sud ai<ba thBie sai teturuss 0#810lise names ot (bthevmoral persons to vhom licennes granted, ad the amout receiied theref&r, alsoothe number ofliçenses furnisised to clarks ol miner sturnidipalities, aud (o vhou by tIrcm. On motion of Mr. Wbeler, sccouded by 1fr. Dryden, <ha councii theu-20 minutes past Byoe ock-djaurc4ý qutg toB- morrov mornîsg. BvmqOLtsy.-Wiby, ,lpne j .-Tse laIe 1fr. Z Aises bons., tisroe miles veat of Whitby. a present oseupied by Ira B. Carpester anAd1Mr. Vilfian Taylor, va4 entered <brougis-the isltobcn vindov b>' liieves, os Wedunedy sýgist, afuerthtie familles verse alolep.;-_ Mr. Taylor brongisl a large aM of pmoney frosp Toronto thse sea day, bat l41t b, trais for Engisud île smemer.sag. Ih h Ibosght noms parties foiloved bim front Toronto lsttsdlg to rob hLm. Tb.y rusA@ lb. Poeisete otfail1tise suolles île>' ioulA sec; but only succeedel linBaising six or seves dollars, altisn o a Ireas $200 in a eoat pociset b"Sg -lsa w5bd room, and also ins 1Mr. CrsIerVTest thera vas $40. Tisey tuned';(vo et the Poclieta inside ont, but fortunitel>' miasd the tbird pocisci. Some cf tise clethes ere ripped op, others vere taiesn avay. 4luioagb fourteau pariono were sleeping in lb. bouse sot ose cf tissasvate saaes. @4. bfeurc.4L Ceî4zoo,-Tire foliovlng isaa comeplote liât oet(ha eerebers-oftirhe Medi- cal Cýourcil of Ountario, elected on the Stir inil, aud tise Elýctoral Ditision viaI bhey represent:- 1 Western sud St. Clair, Oirsirm-Dr. ,Edysidi. 2 Malahide aud Temuasets, London-Dr. Hyde. 3 Saugecu sud Brocs, tGuelph-Dr. Clarkue. 4Gore and Th neWcdtc-Dr. Covernton. 1 8- Eria snd Niagars, Brnhttord-Dr. .Payne. ô Burlington snd Homo, Ltilton-Dr. Jas. Hamsilton. -i" 7 Midlsnd sud Yozk, Teronqs-ýDr. J. N. Agnew. 8 Kingisuad QureoesWiiiy-Dr. Me GiIL Mi. P. P. 9 Newcastle #P4 Trent, Coboirg-Dr. Dew %ýar dRda,,.-r StQ l wqi ne ACaadui" , lnShop-Pr -,I. D os [une 14-Tre Iotel of à. J. Cooper, situated lu tise centre of tIre.rloge of Brougîsm, ; wsenterad itrough a udo b' tiieves oigin r4y ighior 1'o roopr lu tise Soîs,rli AthsaP.,e'tsoàf ll >fr. Cooper'lotseasd Carri aar alarge desis viici vas q4-dtas in nIf4 bed-iroom, but fortunately ne m1 on vas In tise beugeaitIthe tistq. The>'tise'pro éoededto thb&rýroqm,'wbere, byi' sp- pearmnoceorfthe dcaïteicr l-tin- rltg ralitI uiof,4 ecly rua; - ue amtouni reqnsi- ra ultthe rocky barries uBiarIe;yll not 'b. pore (rap $1,66Ã", Timsuaid Agal lbane lieprties aggnried, complsined of,(iris peioical onrïfiov, 'sut, no, combiued or streuous efforts hsavc ever been attempi. cd, 4tIaà e psulesrn, tao btsia th@e re- qarired ssistance fringoverument 1o, aid thare in tireir distresa. Tiser. is trot tise iligstest doubt, that if tire attention et the departrisnt iras reques Led,> aud duse repre- sentatios cf tise Iseta concrned, rmade isovu by petition or othervise, (bat (bey vould'grant tise'necessar>' asaistance to aid tisem iunrremoving thie greatirped- iment ta tise dcvelopment of a isighisi' ls portant siection of thte tounsis mention ail. 'At Lise loveat, calculaLiotr, tisere eau. not, b.. leua thon 20,00 acres damaged taeaircisan exteut, aste rentier il utterl>' uselais and nfit for practical agricultival purpose. Tis consista too, of tise meat arable lsand, Seing compesed of tise ricis alluvnial deposits of centuries. Thias h in tire vieunsit of St. John are veil adapted for grszitrg aud ahser erops. We learn (bat a îsetîtiou anil e4apcrl>' period, Se prerucuted (o goýr,,rnment ta procure aid te accomplisir bi importent object, thse accomplisrasnt of via is l bu giadly bsiled by tire settlers. W. trust tirat, se desarving an rirject srill Se prempt>' attended te, as thre incalculable bencflts visics vilI accruei ire of oqch an important cisaracter toes oarge sectionr of 'Rama anA Mars. Tire cienebas oui' Seat vishss ot ils ulti- miate suceass ; Let (boa. minees-- id vo-k vitb a viii anA there is no fear uta the UeresuîtW. lave devotedl ionsidereble space in giling an' ouffinse o bhe drawbacks tIre <armera In <Ire!localiîy srifer by reason efthtie eil compiained ef isai it seams, eau ha remoyed vitrout mci difficult>'. Itlia te be esirnesl>' soped tiret ti maLter wiul rceoive the iqrreiate attention Wbich.,it Isanifcsi importance demande frere ire departmeut-sucb an extensive tract of land lu (hoereidst of a groiwing settle- ment airould net be perreitcd t e remain en tup reduative vaste. IVe are luformed irs tire fioodcd lande, if rcclaiured, vouidt se vortr $100,000, tiss, tiserefore, lsa a (rang plat lu tarer of tire prejected drain- ge wiiaiiLis hteibe truateai, viilSe an eaompiubed (set b>' next apring. Port Hope, Lsudaav and Iearertos Wo are infermed, tiraI on last Saturda> evening, a meeting ofthtie ieading business mou and.otisera toek place at (le, 'Johnu- son Houso,' quite a number efthtie princi- pal merahants aud promineut men efthtie place vere pressent, and manifested a Iircly suterest in (ho proceediurgs. On motion, thre reave, Jas. Quinn, Esq., vas'aaled t(o tise chirand J. 0. MeMulian, Esq, vas requreitei t e at a secretar>. Tire cair- msan cxplained tise ebjeat oethtie meeting; et tise saure lime furseed those in atos'- dance vihrsoeo useful information aud vaiuablp Ouggestipns on tire question at issue. Alter considerabl îts 4qession, lu vas unanimously resolved (o invite Lts# preaident sud dis-calons et tic railç-a>'te Orllia, aud cutartain tireur durnkg tireur visii; aisoe hiold a publia meeting. in ondes- ta discuma tho subjeci of extenusien from Beaverton te Orlins, and of course, eveuhuali>' Co tire Georgian Biay, ou Lake' =uo, jls ustireate destinatiou., Anoubes- oljc f tire projeated R. R. meeting, is ta enquis-e triat arc the terres ounis Bthe compan>' vili irîld théoretension. A re - solution vas passet invite tire differeufit reeves of tise-vaniotra munici palities 'iitte- esteA, amd'also tise leidiàg business mon vise qre iupreodiately concorned lu tise COnsts-ucimonof ths.lips qf ailçvay,' taLthe meeting, tisus 'affiordlug 'ocppcrtunts te( diseurs.tic question lu ail ita beauinga On metiou, Bbc reeve and secs-clan>' vos- requrested, ta' ceminurnicsa' vwisistise prei-1 dete. inviii s ni*iu. 1f,,.. * Amémp. *e-. lu thea es sncb meso up, iisolf as a cern Mr, enmith Pré notice trua athue sexi """"'01 mcetiigof tbecouuc4l, hoe ould introdaoe à OU à bj" law to.etabisb a rosi! acrosi a pet Plsinti ut the, sortir arts of lots14 aud'lb , theLfondat, 4tir con., sud b close op sud sell a -part twe'fo of thre couceslonU lne opposite thereto; Spafinal and aistesb .54511gba road &cross tIre sml BUd of Thomas Trigg, on lotNo, 13, lulu i-tavr Lbe2sdron, and te closte piapart ter ads, aud b v." ophcmpin 1fr Trigg in lieu tberot, sud" for other - pur- UE poses.18.- 1 The foIiowig amcunt ere tesl. pa 8.- > and ordered to e b.paid, iz :-of John d% Y I RIay, building a bridge on the Sth i cn o fiue, $8 60; of W.O0. Ohewett, tor asa- CMU ior,$68388; Of Mr. .il Bioble 87 ~ for glur furuiahod te sndry indigent states < J= Sà L 191nellr, 0,) for voodxolY1 fcrs sý . TMclnaithe sum of, $4- 00 otLer 177niseof. aylr; Ir for tIse relie f fJ.Taylor; of $6> DO relief ot ra Jfwad;$S 50 relief of 'James sent$ Lb 'Bnr, pd$$D rcietrto IL greenveiL ith is Lthe Mu day of 4JuIY, tî0 muet At 10 0 clock ILK WlsitbyTIownsbip Concil. JlySkin, ;ne 8, 18ff. Maeisrih ail pissent. ,Eeev. lun lhe chair, Minute. ot bt meeting rend and approved. Thoa reeve proenWodsud laid open :6.tlae tbé potition of Daniel Hoillday, psayin« tisi the fosserai axpenscaqt $bdise laie lira. ies be-paidl *ho beiln i ndifet aeqth.nees seWtis tisp eir dastir; àao se spctition ofý irék, and 6 otiscs, praylng for à grant of mo.rey, or tihe Improverent Pt Lisp western (ove lina. laitise laton. On inioiof 1fr.BieWo seended by 1Mr. 191114%, a by iow va* rutrodne,ï andi gzsed, ta appoint Ac'am Dnff overseer o0 bighvasa, ln pieofcaeffWeILs. ý ~ Fluerreoe4,sooonded b 11, B'ok1,. ù4t tho reevo la hîoey, athorzed te rsit- Mis order ou tihé trcssssue. lis lavor of 1P iippen, for the #Càmo*7.9 ,for won map piied ta irx. Silver; siloo-fortisaus 0f $8 n fsovor of John Mcol> fur Vise support et Mis. Wiretner, Johsn Wli6 moved, m.onded by Jo«. Bar- ronghoa,*tulmtishe pssthmastoir ot rod divisiosn No. 10, ire reqncated-to shlow Jas, Wihion ta perforas is iistatnte labor, isalveen Iota 84 sud 4,5, la thse 2nd dmo. of (hi. manielpslityp asud t'bat the clerk ire reqnlr.4 ta avii7 mu over- acar oft ssage. cf (hi. reaolutiou. On motiosn of IL iie.e, a. by J. Wilis, a hylevuaabronght ln, rasA firsi second snd teirdltnie.qsu 4n4apsed, (otepcby-lsw No. 0"4. On motion of IL MDIale, sec.b y T. Fisiser, a by laww eppgroprate tise sonof 8900,-ý on tihe rosdaandisridgca Ibrongisont (ho townsilp vsu brou g hiiln, snd rend thse Irsi sud secona Lime, and thec connail vent Juta omrittceoof Lihe visole Lherein. J. BnisToaçhe lu tise cht.ý Comminttea ris.p. reportad, prograsii,' aqd askii iessve ta oit, agalu ai tihé neitmon -i Bise connil. Report recelved and le giron (o ait ampm nt tise nei meeting of tisa oanail. J. Buurughsagava notiee (bat ho vonld. et tise irait meeting ofthis cos.neii, introcinca a by. luw for Lire pnrpsse'of estaislsng tse nov trssvelied roadet) lot No. 22, luaLis. un cou. of1 lise towntihhlp t iriby a4 hovest tIsi ti- ~ia ii lovssnnoeafr roadb4weprIilots 22 and T.rFisher move, see.by J. WilIls, 'MaiJ. Burroaghs and tisa mover ha, sud are hareisy ippointed, a cornmii.ec ta tragociata [rtis pnrehase of gravai. Mfr. Bickla moe Js .b T. Fber, (bat J. Buarroughs Sud Lr. iuirar a L ppoisted core- nIintiotote e O xpe'id *100 on thse Brook rond, and tiret Jostu Dryden,0 John Wiliiis, and thse mover, hcsppoluted coremiaksloers ta expend $100, oside lna, batvees lots 18 sud 19, 4th con.;- aiso $100 on sida liua, betveen lots 22 nid "i, ktis cou., aisec.**l on aide lin,ba- twefeu iots 20 aa 21, -eus o. ; als *2Oou Basse lino, aise building bid eait ey'a mlls, sud tisst Tison,.Rarnilt be apposutid ta sxend $10 on tavu line vast, ZuA con. vouncll adjonrtsed tlii tse lit Monday irn raBOOATION Or FABLIANEar-TiiE 00v- Halifax, Jaune 1ý.;-Tbisahernoou,,Gev- cies- rDee'po1 gudtise' Leglslature-. le vas attended b>'a brulianisuite, anA received b>' a ard ef 'houer frer e r 78tis Iiglrlndars.The follosyiq&,la lthe Mrs. PraWe4nt and Han, GitiMMo oi Legiulaue ouncil--.Mr. -SýpeaWe and 1 am glifftth .t', titae'of 'publloic usi- ne"1 Pountls ume usqv Ltolow->'ou te le-à tutu toyour Ironi, om vificisvour lave Scon se long detalned, a ust fai vne must bae caused muais inconsa o.c t resu>'of yolr, sud I cougrattilale 1- - upon baving pamd acdrsu> important assmures durriug uSe session. Mr, SPeafr and Genl n q H~1 ol o? àuâ7tbhfj, 1- I tirank your'for tis spppiies vinahyen lave voted for the publie service, snd 1I auqure you tiratinIrexpendali ing le qims tIt8 ra ovided. eenous>' "dA otGiena>' Kaiesî Eu tivemi sue wtir*cuins. e z.. W tisaI LIe preseisi Administration coucurs in pr the rassions visicir led thse Seate tdcline ni ta natIf>' tb. tresty, sudsyas tbisil instuactedta expressathé earsest, desire to Ct tIre ý-Atuerlen evmmsent for à aipoedy so sud friendly ýremovsl -oft îh frs fl nan difference-b>' aIs-est>' via i vidojastice th ta al paries inu equestion open iü frfutur,!e ndrstang or complies- tions, ge susonsea u s resdinus.te re- wl ceve ând consid or vlth l'beiélit>' and pro- rel positionffer Mjesty's Goncruiment rus>' ilsi maise fkir a fun li ttlemetof the important i itrtei*sational questions ati liae, as Weil SP of (be claims ofindiridual citizens groviug ce. ont eft tise action of eitber Geenment roi 4atlngtIe-livar of rebelliozn. tir (Molxom irrx .PA&aI-London, Jane 1$. e.' -i-large -numbers o est its ere ruade lu 14 Paris ycaterday -,bat (ho Weoïr of Bbc JlP lateat 'déspaleisealareuaring. 'Tiray statat (bat contldence is returrning; UÙp-1 to midnigbit lust nigît pujblic, order remnain Lqi cd uidiaturbedL. Tise (roopa patrolled Lis e x streie, anA vere foequantly cleered es>Al tise> passed b>'. to Paris, June 14s.-A arge umber of tIr pecu-t 4ocnmeutsj lssyitneerence te tise OP" lits distqrbasae, beSen, liacovercd snd a seized' b> île antiserties. Il la s serted o tise papers proie tirat tise movement 'coi vas agtated b>' paid, agente, Tisa ait>'Iola' nov enitirely, tranquiL. n P4rif, JqO1-leoea ffi4 eu b day nblielsun.m t a nisd explana- ~ tieno 0foerecent'Aisturbances. Itaserts tistaIs Government lad reê1ived aocirate v knevledge beforelsud of virai vas ta taise bal place, sud, vwu tlereb>' enabled ta taise 40 proper sud efficient precautions 'te preveut " - tire agitation frore aasuming a mosesersous sua aspect, - Tisaofficera of Justice ara ln uvi possession of tle facaoylticis ponoked eai anA aecompanisd Lise onîbreai r.i ib5ir li] dnty nov to trace tireiuthorn. ,Tisar Jora.praise treprudence. firmursses pi sud meodertion ,of Bisetroopeasd congratti. It t lates tise Gorenet on eIr suppressiori ud of thse Aisorile> vitboutl blocAiseA-tIns cor fulfilliug its mission fair t4o protection et ,ri Ou«EÂGEN iTorla ..-Coi14 Jane [le -A sirot vas'fired troas (the atreet on the ec. office of tise -Oonstitution to-day. No oua of, vas injus-cA. No luelo tIre porp.Lrators moi of Lb. set Iras Scen obtaincd. n A collision occurred lu Shandon yiéte- leu day hoetcthIe- police aud thse moS>; tht. three of lire former vcra injtrred. Severai va' cf (ho rnotera hbaye beau arrested,or Thee]Irish! ChurcitBili îl 'te Hcque1 the - toi1 L..soem»xJune 14.-lu tise Bouse of Lorda, ahil 10-"sihntticipatiou ofth(ie deirete on tire BrasCsrillii, (hoao as a full attandaneaS u cf their Lordsips, -ailLise sato on tis o 0-or fie, .piedg a eapa t the opeiring atoftis itiua. Tisa ggsiieisni* labiéeus wre eravded Witth no speetetoa, sMd on i s reeta lu tise viciniL>' mie a iBouses of Pariiami a agreet tisroug,6oCh peop"s as elieete., ir:e soHousse7 reýnany suei Re$ons vera praese trtse Bul. a ,urnv le tisait maved tisai the DBilpenn ta !tubet 1SeIond1r.ilog.' lic d.eised tisati e liedai the! wan thougtsi that thIr ishClisurei soiasaui aincrois-, sud lfileA toffaill ire "ilion ur )t vbioh It vas latended . (bat ti aà agiées lsr- brat jnituee andabsonlil ha eleglâaed on lu s reaaou. suai able, vise <'ud rud 'a - Hlre d ier ,bletôry oftl.SuuponaoryM lt yenr.and - S saii thire rcignatlon -of rIre Disrael Mitry oon stioved (beli. scptasia. 'f tise deelalor et tise aui country la fsvor of dlsesalsihmeni and dis- el endovinent. Atere.xpWaning tIeh~ yiusci eofthleDii under eonslderatlon, l rsanvilledo eonllued. Thse GoverrmnsiAid netdesire t4 ASe %Çïr the conneeooriatween te ijia sudhei ,lriahCbnrehoq. 4p yifl4 le»voe blseep*%pis= o4 tar.LIsre vms etiglas b.4 of Unioneet. toarovelt th pum. _e did nfot Vas Dot nuislerb» ; nok 4ïMI ta etïa lu tise wsjofs-muS-dom tien s,."a h lai.. 4-.af ,,,4 5eiud nAec. l ~., s~u marsaci Othet le uavwer V> tht rets. Le r Iito upon oar avwer ru meut ag ast isrýt l a t &va bieu lsrai i5d5 à burnfsgg a i caniiot;aa.ll' lasrassetiram, Miile iu tisémot vo ardyan sid our Ernanc jouére 1 And t 6 rrme. dà,a 1 - /us i129, 4 marpteIaBa Pali Wbeit Opting do, Fou. Wool ... -vastbedand os jbIack sudcot NEW -W NOT I CE. ,Wlth tase Diracu ils aflis, la he, uit., at néon,i for tishne e ,of thse iPLOad .Torouto, JunelI ROYAL( Tise Shaebal hm imbacriseibetý ,ageney, amr eZ ]PEIlÂT EvJ ,seould ire takere gaies or amherri ,anapýC!lleAbj Wblthy, Jae $ALE 0F BO - PUBLI INSOLVZJ in aqual>' int isueured saep treof tiiis va i&Ba gto le the foundm steilsa ucanada snd r là being sterted, in vork, more suse Bre comuinedi1 Woi fy of force, mèn au- ebe Lire snoms.ntun i assurod.mou>' nre wouid; soe, à 4ertain tlt~iis rfw. bave pot (ra e ood feeling w tuent, Our friondal lcod effismmsà OM i

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