Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jun 1869, p. 4

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1! nul i .ie mu .une la Mr ila, lai JYP wu ' ttiiâg almost lhlpis..Ihvabaieikn tvo otties of tho Sloalonce. ltamody asud &«o box& of Lime pilla anIma m entlîely els.torcdlta lmaltlî. 1 nover expeotsadtote etbotter. but simpiy Ie th te oed llne a"'A sort -of orloru hop.. Tiase0or mine vwaxlt a privi.e elle, but kiievu te ail niy nelgberp'andi Molndeu; mud te a>'ont ogficltod a' aa' , 1 1 bee6vi ii cure ven. MAI1( XNNDOUGIITY. &î0016tobçbrsnu t ci doc, Cbua4e f Ha . laguo, i'de na"tli oc/F.Ã"ruury,1069. A. y. WOOD, J.F., &0e. 1 lereby tardl 'that 1 have kuovu Mr#. Mary 'Ami »ought for the hastIliftco eara«; mli, ln à wonan of probit>' andti th. -1 lbane kîmowim lier belore daims,, autdiointe ber 111- mieas. 1 battisoeler certlllate te bce unl *Vary' particîlar. i knov ithat wite Iliilitn duan odolaroti hopeles;an id ilrcow uhat, Kilo hl, ils ice ler rcovery", ailwaysattribitted ber nîauvery b distepFeiouéeec ltmedy. Wliaîov rYa> a cthé pecullnr propertiom of thils Meicinea, ot tibtigilx Certain, tiiet lu ber M"s, It habacnetadinoat like lte n4roiumua et a itlerl. TAKEN AT PAR, --AT- McoMiLLAN & c0'S. The Cbeapest Goode iiiTown are t b. bad nt M1cMILLAN & Cos, LinenDustera nt hait value At McMJLLAN & Ces, Aldwell & Oo's. Celebrated Al i packaýges -!dO,1suad 30 g4l, nt MOMILLAN à Cos, WANTED 100 Fe"$inofetButter, for whicb tbe bigbest price.will ho T., ifl, pIf #r ~Co, 'OSHAWA, beg to announco that bis stock of SPRLNG AND SUMMEfL (rOODS, 15 flOW, complote, consisting of A.y. WOO, J. P. A R O D of Untarn, Doilnioui of -canada. 16o fIatlgpoin Y -DY ' - 'S UJIIITEWALE WOQLEN IIAt-ZUY The under #I' nd havisg resumned operniono aI ibe Wilievaie îV0oien Faelor>', wilr CAISII OR EXCHIANGE U001)13far an>' qnnî r- GoOD CLEAN WOOL, AND ÀLO DO CUSTOM WORK. IN ALL MU BRAIUJ8, riz: MKANUFACTIJRING 9CARDING AND ËPIN!IYICAIWINQ MOLLO, CLOTli DRIMISKG, &c. NWooL nulaore, i lto ifwemd. pull Olohti Batines. Wbta 13 iLkot . umeiannleto, Dia.. and Sjhiflin!g Funîce UinFaoi, c ag tc or tihcac oo.iw Il hc hep: coneanîI on band, which wi li ld chesip fr Cash, or excben ed for wooi. A sorion ottlb.mnciln i III lbe voed oexila- I uvely'to Cumit4nm plnnîîg80so hal Ihm oleaving their 11.1 tu he Carded audI Nuama a> depend on liaviiig ia donte Weil and iKticînai 10 piumib.. Perdes (roni a dioiance brlnZiîîg ihoi wonl ta bc Caided itc, oUIa cao, b>' cminv ari, have It don* 1 tu be hsbok wluh thn.Cloîh Drn.ht donc ln a supeilor muanaci on short nulle. Tihe nndernigned would beg go sel', Iat a -th@ W'hîwvaie Pnuîoiy je a vr> hl arg nd liai-oh..as hibillinelli, snpeuior îo mn1>'fit 1. tisnnîl., or Ontario fou hYork, and theibmachtitery equai 10tu> a l nbo Dominionî, the. 6roins c7nnîunity andi Othe t la thos. cuptimîe, wlii liait itgo Chair amlvaamugo tu avai Il wllh theiîlroliage. T. P. WITE. JONAT9ÀN .LLIS. M1> ii10. Wltcvaic, 11h con. Pckering WlIIIi WILL BE > OUND VERY' CHOICE AND IEAP. EW- THE MILL INERY DEPARTME&T contains al the lateat totyles mimd novolties in Mati, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flovera, Shavia, &"c, &o. ~'THE TAILORING DEPÂRTMENT contains the fluest Scotch, Erigllmh, anmd Canadien Goods, whicb wililb.mde te ordur, ini the latent style, andti t l ovest pice. Hb.rdaahery n great voiety. '13 C>£> IW 14ADIÉ TO ORDER AN» JIEAI>Y.NDE. N. B -The subsoriber intends retiring from business, and of- fers Lh. aboie Stock-lu-trae fer sale,, witb a ease of tbe promises for a term of yeam WILLIAM DICICIE. A» Oesbava, May 19j,--1860. OfFF1ICIA L ,ASSI-ON E E GENERALAG0E -NCY OFFICE! LIEuneri dhaiu reeiedthe appolillntletf Official Assigne. for North Ontalol prearedto gr.'n",ptattention 0 &Hilmatters la Bankruptcy or Inalvecy. Proiisor Noes p40ccoumnts aPee4lY Collected sud remittances promptl.y m COMMERCIAL HoTrE L, j rr L -,&I OSHAWA. JAMESI PRMNGLI, - ÏPropretew. JOHN C0ARTE'Ry LICENSED AUCTIONER. IrSlOlTR OOuiiJtio -ONTARIO, YORK & PF'EL, SALES atonderi ou the altortest notice, ani on roauuiabio tornsa. Terriv cou bcme raoali bis prlîated attito Chrnoirl office for 1fr Carter. -17 Dit F. BU R KE, Nfo, 20, KICHAEL's ]DLOiK, . KG ST. EAST1, OSHIAWA. CROOKERY & GLASS WAEE A: W ELL 9SELECTE!> STOCK OUGARO. 0K ALU KINDS, or~ As cheunAll ai' ouse la' canada. . May ilthli 1 M. 21 FuNme FOR In-ve stment!1 TI U T 4U AN LOAN COMPAN!E haro fandl for iavs.Lnuent, at thalrutosta fIit« oat on te a.eurlty of Iuuproved CIem otae. Loaom on d.for lix.d penlodot, c«repayable Ynrkhsor abd ful l formaion caon be 1bb lgtor,êcdoobdu ote C m oaiulonarusut McRel t.oté Gneral Agent. ,uCrzx-Blrook Street,' WiîItby, sept lot18688. Tumx..4nstroodoon upano, $18; Ilser> olmubical eom»dplfln, &0., a'us $6. 1W Awhnu exrtme Mro thu 19y.às ensàbluProfesser Pot to-gnmrm:be lthe rsapd adraucomant of puoplpacod unamlIde ultio Wlltbljlrobilt ., 1869. 9.1>' RO0ME On good farne eurity at 8 Per cent Intereat. 'Special attention will ho giron te Ltme negoclation of Loins, and borrowers ean rollyupcn baving theirapplications attended to promptly, and at amal agxpense. Ais, Landi, both Improred and unl'uÏroved 'ontan tly for sale. Insursuce fom eln Ibo-Ontario Famera ptgdl Insurançe o pay OfficiaiAulgau and Valustor. OFP1CE-Blgolow'a Blockn, neit door ta ;bogoyo1 Candian Bank, Port Porr>', D.omber 21868. 4 ZIST41bISHED 1867. 111E MONTR.EAL'TEA',COMPAN.Y 6 LHOSPITAL 8T1EET, MONTLEAL. T BUB eontinuai! %noms. of thid company laooui>'attrlbatable te the qnality and punit>' of thelr Tenu., Over a lundred Lhonund bore of Téa have baen ment to dfferent partg of the Do- umîion, ad npwavdu of a thouîaaudtestimuonial» caui b. uhowu, bearinx estimoén>' 8 the qualily andujprît> of t*'. rA<Àt'est sygeavoui b. ef4.td b>' Pvarafiz itii-ct lsom ni, catuz-4 ot ô and 121b., and upwards. Every packag aruc egv aétaou. Club togethor atid #oud for féor or ivo 51b. oatlo,, wlilcli vili b. cgent carrage free to auy Baliva>' station ln the Donsllots, The . noa eau b. colletied on dollvery. go» Ti ont'frash <round s.1w» roaateed Cou,,la 5 sud 101b, Tisse and4 upirardu th.efivomir Of whIlhfi roally excellenît. anàiovery paokn« wrranged.201b»..Te.sud bor 1011>. Cofue.ut te a>' allsy SLeton arnae fee. iMSllver ast par, BLACK TEA, Englih Deakinosi, Broken l14m4ticpg Ton. Me., Dp.; Flae Fiavoed New fleamoa do, l9c,5é0. &Md66; Bon= FuiLvareal do, lDc-j Soun4 Oo1ong, 45C.; sick la lvoured do. Ior.;*,Vauy Fine 4~. 14P.; Japon, GREEN TEA. Twaka. 0 .;YOUZ ren.M 0 05 and 1e,; Fine 4q. Tic.; V.,>' Fine M6., Saiper6em and Vary' cilie si j, iùlupo*rder g.jB m ÃŽuSpsîline do., $. The. ManirsaiTea Copa ny IN&Z.L.M~160 otv-l. neu'ar y ar.lnce§Iwo1parcbmae , te e ai o<Tcf(rom yeark<muae. I have pachaei m>' oeedlaaiy chos mp. Fors er'l>, Fuiw Gsmnaxam-Tlbe ami puro0bamedu es vSrogi notice wfhh luiven gratut uiaton,&Md lb. la pf f ls u.uro mbo large amouai o(Tea lta"i va han for. ver> las. tlaverd y age, but a#nwm I bavebea iwa4(o on Iodirena u il fie Double., aadI ulkamgyoanlm t aes 1 he#»cape trce(rom ta wore lhiMyea aleea alilaral buta, oueuverilwayupalhi s fir bieak(ast.1I W.ple.oa.yoar SamaRre mga isrfml<ei awUbm d m 1 iepui'c omTmndahlcn 'oui of<the large aana osMizAed w. Ibaveon> nss euwmor, ,-,-1, .1 ba"ocealo slam one box, W"Pb >'eirameaa 1 '.. 1 , 0. 4 etJoin tr.el, Keatreal. Nmuger Ca'alast xPre.Co, Ogm.ycams-riubox Of Ensihu Bru%"lnuand Ymg Hysm o e i Icla von aui - me ns. pl4tat n-i il"m. Voa nmyxuça'Aas rea1orli. .UIUR Pedh~u drnoan cr mse, or oelg our To as. l a %pi, ul Ng ol hing leu BOOTrS &SH>OES, 1869. THEOLD,,STAND!I [ESTABLISIIED 1833.] The undersigned in-retnrning thanks for the liberal patronage hithert ezetended te i cth entabilsbmeut, far neaniy a perioti of forty yeara, desires te, amy that ho ha. nov on baud a large aaertmeut of-Ch. most moern sud ciegant styles of, Ir YTlmIV x KX 1:Ylm l And truste by proper attention and moderate priées to secure a continnance of public patronage. Practical i.pholatening. Faruiture re-astuflei anti Undertajcing and Fimerais FulJy Supplied as heretofore, W7Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and GUding. Remember -trie Old Stauld. Whitby, M~rcb 9, 1868. lD.Iy 18698 18-698 Sprng Oampaign Begu! AT THE FTJRNITTJRE WÂREROIYS JOHN ILL # COUP. -Will be found the largest. and most complote asuortment of well.naade FURNITtIRE l im i . . ofImgrainducenuents te parties about' to furnisb, as vo BUT-FOR 018H voeau zsocae r than any other rotail bouse lu the trade, A ciii te inspect our stock la soliclted. W. bave aie on baud a lar'ge and ý raniod assortment of And some very flue GILT CORNICES, whicb we offer vry low. W. are aise gents for LARARD k KRIRGHIOFV'S er UNDERT.&KING in irst-claffl style, at moderato ch arges. UPHIOLSTERY of all kindz done with neatness- and dispatch. -Our, motto will TURNS. , _ Wbitby, àMatch 11, 1869. be SMALL PROFILTS AND QUIJK Me JOHN TILL 00Ç. SL TuE TH E SUJ3SCRIbEI:, BE. BOtJT TO Croekery-Gla & Ea: Portirni ëf bigp busineoi4, from tbisdai AT COST q(0 "H-- Jusot arrived a splend id-stook of ,$Spri ni SUMMEIR TWEEDS, &e, TVIE GENTLEMLEN'S' TAILOR: AND FURINS IIING- HOilSI Gentlcmen's Furnish.in'g Goodls of description, embraciug-Shirta, Collars, Soi~çs,- Bri4ces, NO FIT NO PAY 1 1Brook st.t, bt'by, Marcb 24, 1809. ALEXAIDER PEINGLE, 12- GOL &SILVER -WAICHES,*en disl Jroochoo 1lored 4n4 bright Gpcd 'Rings, &c., Wedding Rings, Spectacles, Iman h oms beforp qrdpfra p Pof ls,.0 liberal 1< Whithy, Oet. ]BEIiiTEII UuwD Ball, Bo, OSLAD Attorueja-al t cci'. àn Puairio. RON. i. ]nom A. W. LUux W. jar Street Whieby, ian u, n. ock, C. J. HAI A TTORKZI *e.1 W bitby «South of Potit I ARISTE1 B&Ber. a pouTyCrowv Port Peni', 2 B 001, coul EON1 41tre I 't 8-Day & B-UIour Clockis ingreat vaicty. Ilopdtring oarefully att.oded We. N, Wbithy,i. Wbitby. RE 'M Wldtby, Mincithi, 180, Fire Insuîý PIF Leti voeu e - !o, Jouati invamlti lu mlii. Corner- 0 1Hafr, Whitby, &th, 1869. JAMES JOHINSTC Brook Street,- CARJAES'9 BUGGIES, WACONSI PHE Undersiigned takes occasion to announco that ho bas T penod a brandi of b"s business at UXBRIDGB, where will b. loua,ÏIn uggesrrd anl,,Pen, md otbhr ehicleo of his own;manufacturegLu in tb. lat. n est style, mand alwayuse nad. Asbeouunes noce 0but bbe materi mnd =p one but tb. beatwokeeu be iqus1mty 9bis work ceau bc l ways relled Upon. oeRepairs executed with promptitude and- despatchl. A few second-band QpOfl and covcred buggies 4tt the Whitby estmblishment for sale. Eveythngin the way of carrnage m1anufacture, and-repairs, att!enddt at Witby as sa.4wolwart'J WhiLby, May 18, 1809.îAIE LY. 20-t£ SPRJNG STOCK 0F' BOOTS & MILTBY 1 Liiý 10-ly Whitby, March 9, 1868. 1

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