Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1869, p. 2

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-yiOmbidim va. uqa ille at pr-?4.-S 'Oýà blsMlleaon àC&Tor t uoliOaahti mel nBills tubeOP ai. per a 1 eoesgfor Finiva, &o.-Brovu 'tha goi 111m0,01a.oLou-Jobs Shier. hwv "mr. ORLY B8160-0t1 ENTS Ak VARBllu RerMajsîye flr,-Jy 4ss celebrateti la Whikbl fht. juar vitt a i ttwaunai deaaonstràtiong of lcya>y andi p* lotlam. ris voisîqtoers auomWd tit'ue dril shed sd paradeti on the AgrI.eftatal groands, soti lred-Ïbs oqtomary feu de joie Tihé MeiebaciaInstiuts lqî omalîte. hati a apleuditi programme onu'.th-Agrolatiarat greauds, audntÏatae a large atteodsce. Tlh.erace, bowerer, voie thé. greatasorte, * ion, andt boneant floke t o thecosue.# The racial; vau ecculagt, Wo gisepar.q Iloulars aoder tb. propor heati, Maonck EoRd, Lond and nameroasarow» oml4te of thebouttiers àaloog thbprposiNuts of ibisaColonsation Sbàd, la çonnequence of theapatbetd oilff#r.n4*diuplayed and total look of enorgy on the part ocftthe Gorera. tuen04t w cmblâti 1e vpk commenceti ln ù06. ,AÀnambor of ~ron@,meullotion the lino of the Monck r .116vte ez. pectation of is being upeediiy opoet pedo anti Compieoti are apprroitilydisappolt- 64, and eau, murnau ain naltakabin hange, their disapprovai of îIbe tardu. noue wblcb bas luvariably characterizid sb6e fforte of ithe Crown Lauda Ddpartment. le tbis moit important roati, whicb vil! be the nmatant otet of #ueverallarge, nud llosrisbing uestlementsaaouîg tbeAurrveied lin.o!froad, bis constraaîîed at the sape raie, fit w1 i. la b, u"a telale ,okb'ut ton jeanu more Lo Complote the. balaaee!f $Me40. 'IbêTis je re4111 aoo bad, ?z id1e ai2on o! dia Oêg.ario Oovernment la uerlously retordng th. prospetiol of shat section o! counnry. *ntprtafonesl.olitiRo-tiaiona, toc seli docs boIt, vus givon by tb. Mechaniot' Itîsafat. on the nigba cf (heo mea's i i- day. In &a irspecu. Il vasa moit teelii paceesiTb@ roatiiags,rcials se anti»ag,"veosucanh a seltionahoakt fnom:amateurs, asti versitteaetto anti vacelved by a very large anti !uibonablo --audience, vit miarbo tt lention anti-'ap.- itbal. Pr. Tueken eertalnilatitistteo blé uiuaady voli establishe otirpqtotiou e.an a *ibqpitlonisl. 'T'h. var4lag 11.66eis a woemihgi, gDo t.Ladies annt sGroia - bendt,platietallag the o naunboiy fate o! '$Mr. Fergusoa's Thomas Ct," vhiob canas 10 an nulmell endi hy hentiing its bock 8o ssckleusiy is a nighs parade 'a. t break the boae, va., b, ail, -6e slia splii. ting uhins 01 the. eveting. Muis, andt Mis Jânet Wilson, blis Lavnie, anti Misé I)ynde, each sang witi. gooti volet anti qnosî pleasing cfect, anti tho touhing 'lit ltiiotieos ,so osat, rontiorca bthîon; elifited bo»ny encore. si vas-m appîas. W. qça-pacgratlai. ihoso ,onng ladies aupon tht easoy anti aaasu$ltug mâtner la vbieb iluey acqtati uhenselves. Mnr. Luiwnie madie 4 moi favorable impression b, bis thorougl veil gong Scotach sopge, Piid 14r-.Pliugougfl dit ample justice te 6O.i. ha"la evuipo, attire, " athet pdtu. woyoçgg tp:imen (fnmthb Grammes- Sehoti, meas, Oilebrist anti Phaw, atideti mob to the epaetaiamseat b, tboin resdiage andrtti itoasudnt Prof. 1[ osa piayed tii. accompatiitqen$jq or Ibo piqngo oapon 000 otf Linmr's ver7 quperfor Plepoq, q4 vWasllMo iaobolce seltalons of! miulo, Aliogealir, th. aortalawva doeld'-d siicms1 anti iii , b.cr po pariy behieveo,) sa uan lu indigent circnstances, familil-y known s Btaobsmitb moes@,1 residena ne Bre.eý' tovnship of Mare, pitempiteti w cnt bts thbroa( wixl a razon anti ont an existence ufuiclabât ovitienil, bre m htefual u>-61m. The poor mala 4appoud toaravebeau, laborlag coder an atitko! wompunry Insaitiantibook ad. vantaitofo! is glors, momiatary absence, In 'lb. yard t.. commit ah. tespevato sut. Dr. Brldglanti's urvlup vsre lnmetiuteiy i!qisilana andlti il« bswsilikasova prfesslcnal silitai oul v as rpq4irsd. Tbrongb sis ear.-qntiattention ihe mmp la- si talvq-4laogth liasb ýmade o ecrc rmq>*srteb. Tbey werv ~upKale Allen ; Ms.Br od. ylemald; XMs. PrIngs, ý'PM r'. barles ZKlanc;Mr. as md~I e arr, Toit,. Pré, tsmder #09kr theonfrt:bea; ,wiîtb icarona Jngtk; Nsîsoa aimost lapping. ZK4 Time, 1.54. la ah.scondi boat, Blgb. landi Mai1 vuo witbdrava.. berose b.9- tîreatho otbor tirsh aa ol'iw splen- did orne.-A. blanket'migbî bav*eîovored thona for tire quartes-s reuath le cOarse. Protondir @gaia vonith. boatsuantithe rae. Nelson secouaI; Kaut bUl iTlaaue F~fledo4ar roL4lure Ifivo, mfila beats, oa o-bora.. hai eor von ~sbie esne~ buesW. Yostor's Yoms Deter;A.Y. lm% -blal boie -.î Tb*e bal boras btob the partéen. laire. iùstrbt beas; Eiaily s"A&la aIL, Time !~ztu'sglùbeiumade bis-t i"9 quit@ a dampes-vs bownon, t o, rMes by ub thmi fàe. f JÏao, iswletu- f ng this norinîiiag allpp d È-ljer44% hbas- selfse ebh iat soilot diq 4 hora liqai .oantito o ise ber oaId oppeqenas, WlalabRookb antid ît Ryoàabrui, anti man, o! ber admlros, ve ratiy dt l le a diu ipi1. on be'r porfoammc. SEC~OND DAY. Mal 25-Tii.races to-asyvers autso taRgeîy atasioeti as otijuhuarai Tb4r*~ vas, howver, mach butter order on tie conue. For tho $100 Provfnce *Purge, ah. ents-itu vore LiaIlaow Rooe,ti*,, q~Rye,. sud Coquette. U114 ~îk ~tâétiiel, ieat, and or course the rase. Timo.e Trotting pure-$150-lhn. lalà ite.' Tb@. ontries were-ioonyMoore, Rocit:- ingiana, anti Mzeppe. R*0!hl.okb 4 8. $a the favorite. (om bis glitij, aqs . i.th labirateti bors. îivdwelu ty b~ tu tho Sanitary Commission eir a; ses. anti thoan patop ai t i-gro ofo-.:$8,000.- He look the fit-st boat in wat ouascon. sîtorotian easy go. The scond boat anti the tvo mcosasive oses voe talon hy Mazeppa. Timoe-2.38;j 2131; 2.97; The acxt race vas the tub o! -ivo miles-open to al-$125, Rni-es- AiluaIlary Man4elda, CZa -à"stilu.. Lise, von ifa8.4t ; Mary Mnaelsecond. FOr r e>the#. $0,tri doro bestbroe ontrfs, ntiody tu sam .o the acore - Si. Lavrence anti Young Des ter.- The laiter vain boah este andtihle 146 Winn4 op cf the miât hngçadi conuolaf on persu, eontaitsedfer b 0 l .Ryi andtiCoqautt. Oil,.look i.- Timo 1,50. And one ot lb. Most sne. ceaaimeetingsef the Cluab neelits for- medion tornainaued. The Jatiges vero Mr. Foster-ant- Mn. Jakes, same o;asyoeuai. Chanles Nelson, the favorite o! aie fiald -aftçr Tao, va. parchasetib, Mn. Bal - aiti t h. cosclnsion o! *6e meeting. goMe isoniy foqr ypgn 0e theja.ai l, aaake anti4 breoting o! a.joti horstbat wyul yitgive a proper acconut of biniseif. Re vas bni'b, Mn. Nelson Qabes, sineti by à acti1 the Barber," Who la aise sire of 6"pr.tieu te,", the vinas: of the $300 parue. - 0Oqf- M9,6aà àjrl It. 4- 1tvithsîanding the latae froisa. the crops look Wei. Os-sM proiseifflho o ecelent, Jatging frona Ps-osent OeorgliJalaiu.,cuh the backiwatd atate of Itoheeîh.hr bas uqateriall,' rotas-ted opsiog oparadogns ioverth.l e s beedlng l làmno» e.oin.i PâteI jal ibea look@aýprotu, soit ila Pomeasof o!bai esisa 0». oltibe led 10i saltipsfai ar rowtrn front- b. boavy cnop po la lut Satuaq. Station la tirsoiedt w ahe prospectas o! thit MWv CoMpsny, i othen colamne. Tii.j aimesa v ii 6 esare blgiy irespect- of tb goodkti f of the omuipay sttiil.s k Coq stivertise ta e aouay osaiu f the aovs rebl.la inezebao for Pq A friotti Mir. tb- K , i,.a"e i fý 8iiIdmwoe0 oi #n q iacsnl)ser,'Mr. Du~j &à..Masdond-a pAeteiin vios oae. ici»s to vn -t"lbcllay of conneefinj himuefi publieNt.Compan lanortie efîheir temté more ihan big ova ost"e ,the.r 1>0 ;nermté pthei r idit aim 1- effet thoIr Ï010. We do Dot 'Iko. boai a itis poison'rose ln a <e. yoara <rom 6be. Inlg a second.eisss clerk, omopliniw a bigl oteol in GOn4Cinp1yuobne, 'u rw* lv~yuto Parîlamoal. Bat vo de knosu 1- uballaproportion, as le rose fincially, - sot'on'ly bies speri6re a office feU. bnt the profits of di. abareholtiers deulinetidu WeL eil.Ho ocieti hinaseîf Vith tthe Canada LiteAssurance Compaay, anud b.. 0805 ho qcoutl nos baie' bis ýwaly in lu 6managemtent, 6eleut lic -work' godestroy Ih. He look, "more r'iecentîte 1> 1h.Royal Canadian Batik, aotappeared tbcb.satia- lied u'iah Jas direction (oecapyinut, himacif, the p641uio fce i-Presldonî), aiitil big fellowpsrfttorp rqfqsqd tu anid hinm ina gigatiq apaulaton, vhiob wqnltibave dravu;èlOO,00O in gold oq% i th1e co#.'ro of the Bank-for an^ iovestmeal, which, tw May Lb lest, vas o1an au zîremt> bavtrdonS kinti.>,:,, ,, Baalketi la that sobieme, .bieb ,wu ysimpi, audentaken with a vies -taenable hlmt top cs n ieretib te Meisis. Bbaey'ael o ntract for eompledinq the Roosseo Tounnel,. ' ib VceP'vadont of the 4o0al Osastiansust.t vgF o ub sit the amnagemeni ýof thse-Bank- preiuly* la î*e ~rn wa, ati y .ploylpgii atàm. age.sivcf abuasho le atidons in the eueste us CaqaiaLit s Ãœnanqi, 'CO. Riifmi QA'bie to, puaot oiws o readble najieb oge bcb.employeti in bipth cases the services of a New v ork professionsi writerr-, anti .116 bis aid ha ocatiereti brotidcaat over sfio conntry circn I*rs fraçged for the or,', purpose_ of de. Wivrji.g tire iustiîuliun wilh vhicb ho vas eonneot,?d, andi or therehy gotting ravengoti apun ibone vbo cd ub vartti hiis illegiti- mi.te upecuiaîlon. la lisleut circalar. whbbua jus appeared,,tibis bilih sontedl ýbaik ofàfi e iscompel 'led tb admistt hoh qarreted vili bis Co 4irectors n th<le question of aaia.g the <antsi t ti.Banik, for bis owa oasi -anid atogetbor oîtide or tieliae 0 of iiiaîebanking oporai- jtinraq.Fdr the urne-and 04qY frr tha as <ulIy believa-the ex ciork o! dis Canada Coqngsu, Wo rose upon thbs auclil dectiue cf Ms. Prealerick Wîâder,' baf, bis.-rovongeg vbich je bis ariampli. Les net se nov iether there are nol, mon honestiy committeti to ah. fonînnos of e@tiygonn enougb, 10 take the bail by the borais, sud re-adt tjsU fars of the, instigtion on a basi# vbich i ili dofy gîb. troeery o of anmios asIbis Sonator (sate tb. mark 1),ol the. Dominio'n, anti dol, at the aame lime ah. open andi pro- olalmeti bostiiay of Mr.in,; of sto Bank of Montreai. One cf the largest anti iroalîbiest aharoboldera yosîertiay piede birnasuf go double 'bis sabscription t10 ah. stock ât oceantiaoiters are ready ta fol- io, bis exemple. The Batik ba s sffereti iosse-beavy bisses, ve admit-bat every eîb.r lPsnk -bas also saffered, and: sufforeti uoleoly 4qring gh»,ppst niais monîhi. To dey, tii. poéition of the Royal Canai le not'scb 8to cuand&D, alkan té (lie doposiiors, or ibe boîtiers of lis noies. las tota liabilliin, ait viii be iseon b, the. fitatoment cf th. Direotoro, amnlot 10 $1'. 932,432-whl i ils asutseouer this, *âuti leavo -geariy a' miilioq a0 ila bal( to spque, amo aiaig, sa lbey do, t ta 1 384,154- i f ote muilliona apti a bli of the. notes anti bille discoaied stîculti prove bied, tber. voniti stili be enougi to meet oves, lias- bulity-of the Batik. W. do nos soi ubat uhese facto atoe teormine- the.abulity of the. Direciors 10 resaiuebusiness at once ; but aheydo assaretilyprovo that viti fuir tramatrom ibhe pubieo andti hoother banuing'tatitai ions, the Royal Canadian oagbt-noîto 'bave beau 'obliged-to 1osa- camb. h ha. b gone tbroagh an expor- lonce. tinic aboheProvincial COcverniment salfererslkei.* *On broati grountso! ofecia] anti Bnniti-oprosI thé saspension o!f1>6e doyal (h.naidlian Bati lamosa deepl, 10 flbo deploreJ.l uiwmanagement mal nos haie biwoR nniforaniy prudenti. lis ventures al,4 hite sonwîimeo beca ruh. lIs dicipliuei na certain cea sep ebave, hen toc lai. Bai ne business manbohem viii don, It i hbus ýbienqoi asetai institut ion, that st bus oiveu lusgi9am7r eom a u 4.964-gof les~)~~cl bave foacun ,Auch libey*1 tregitune eUe w.tum; "mati Wt iî 6.14las cvit teuru- g.nôy a ain c ombnms;op of hostile, !p u J e is 9 proi pe, bis, plieofor 00 peroruOiS a uWý sud anti lal sotiansaglag w an 1imporStai r iqsbdtàtipoas.- -W.e bsIt b. prprlueal U1, ~ Tboarh notçflrl raaully, Mr. fDonald McDonald confessei Su uo hasi t b circata. 'Tb. jrsl; la t,b.psý.~fOr ; oridiiif'$100,000 anti vas rofsid and 16e na tatalh. offeredti oliUelÏJWaj0ck at par, andlh1> a te1tr<5541 accede bits terme, '7t' (ill flios -direcioré W-bat ni.a nolâal opÏfçseti tormineti spon ab aseretatlm.'wb61. go lnjariouslyuiuteo boasantiu of! ino- cent persons. *,JIanlil llin . seýbeme b. sadtienly 4iseoveredti bai te-b. 6mb bat maode 8avy 1iosséb; abat <lure,-vat mli manaueuent andti orrapti>n aî>uoinsof tbo agenciezs; andtbat -the boar tvre nà« ail Angola. IU b. vas Vigbe lan "lig thes. eirenMatanCe9be buis O! la -sirong aitoick - îqq4re bau#, dmisbe, 'T e a. -yul be 1.14 iescuable fur holéing bis toagne gc long? If hb. 6 e b.bark bat saffavd euirll ,hy .p n len s enting uatyt'o ibi'deolaration J,!"a divi-ý t end at the close o! the baîf yewf,, Why, diti h. so'long'vlnk at aIl th. bat trnq- actins- vlà ,uih. nov w rdsiasIl h. b.d obtainof 1aev tigha aIl o - a Meatr Anti If tb.,anük vas in sncb a 44atp t tiid it mo&t ecar ta'hina "that b4 is liov- directors ud ottiaSbavre boen- joSdïidth ioanlng fo bina, aven viîb mdeqaaàt* se- cnerktyi', 1sdb.offereti î-.wbicb ho titi Tiiere labut one aolWtsîn ,'ti h;ch vo can coano on revievînil.ts he lo oi. ennauances, tt if Mr. Donald MoDonali -b. be8 -.mmueodt sapeculaae ildlv4 vith tb. ýbuik*s inacans bis ioDane volt haro been silent. Tiiore wolti bave beea nons of ahe, visitp te Novw Yurk ;,no tiating of circnaarsfromt 'Qneea s&tract vapsi;" eaîd nu aiasecf tb. rapednir pru. viloge loserve the bat purposes ai! a dis-:,, appointit mito. We venture cainil £0 asueri abat snob troecb.M as aat 'à iii ez-clork the ibo aatiCempstiy bas, no parallol 1. -hose Provinces. f h h an, saisfacaioni to bina to know lu, ho mal bo ausarei hl t îtanpapion o! the RoyÇl Cana414n Dock is .hoiiy dii te i. Bat for hie rascatly cireulare it veau. havre çqmj velu îhrigb &slil@ ia rntstlleir, Uc bas hat igi revotige. but it la ah. revînigo of lb. aed mase of <Ibe foreit vhs> carnies offth abo aap of an ono.iir. W,&sow not shether Mr. Donald MaDoasiti is fatisiaud nt tis rein wihb ho bu% htsaght S haqL Nord flddled White Rime bûried(isaud -vo -are not sure tha i k voallt ..ie 0;b. yondth ibele oassri uaL oas80 o idulr ont to, isam'nItouasoats asdieheanaor of the. "prlvate aa4 çOîlDtâiî letteisai voalltiook on vitb e ghaslly pleasqree t the. destruction vhicbh e vas tbo meansof Cîrcuiiar 1froma the onpblere. TO lm£ PU13LICt - ~'be.Doçtre oheb Ecyâi Camadia Bai vc4ret liiho thaction o e! g lon, (. MeDanildi, tan lsing e cirtWkarho tho ulsaneholders, hbas sth e efleet of siuaking public confideno. in its stablltr, »ntià lrge výialitinaval of tiepoil , '#Sh'e iiaisance of a nuimîber of otbrr Batik. i:avinbecai tsoquht, buLt ietined, ano éther alternativc vis loft tethe Board, tian (o suspend specte, paymeni ýin tb. premeat..1 "ThcDDrecotor% voatit urge apot bfill- bolduars anti depolItorAs mth 10b. uineti, as there is not thee shig hteti danger o! b(a to thera, strong bopes being eniertauncti uhuat witiin q cionu tuee hic business of tie Baenk .111 ho reaumat. "lTic,' na,' fonîler state, bnvlng hast the assjuts careflly estitnatnl, aëd ail kaovn bosses tieducîred, tior« us aîii a surpluas over ilie paiti up capital inact. A staenisetofaffaire o! lie Ltisk wiil b. prepaiti anti pubhusheti as suiedil, as possible. B,' eenof!hiBoardl. T. WOODSIDF4 tiai iet.' L.rAT; "-Ter asase meting "oc!(lie Dit-actons lieott on Satontlay last ah viîich a vanichy o!fsuathers connoctetivilla tie Bank affairae aere tisiacod. 'the meet- imîg la undenstoot W havis bien niéri,' qq- atmoas in flic opinion tbat tuý a, Pap shouti ropen ,iyiuiinithe sut,'ti d4y#iaI- loweti b,'chanter, anthtecopinion gpipe greunti oubaiduetint tis Course- vili bui id4optiti. 4 fqî; andtiexpmloit atymçnhot affairti viii i4ematee ut' b, coaýpeCant audilors, for submisson to thb. vneva mnetiqg of abarehioldersa le be ceIlied jort, t,', amihi iipbçîieved ilistalie Dh%5tncrs avilI recommeadti ucourse. st ilalhae e Th. genlpral !cpling u ia htil s ouie4fCroe present Board cant e got nid ta! confiatînce avili b. restornit and, indeedtiiein pios- en= h ienonqe 140a- ba ck fipu rs<.The,- Pit*I; of the Bn s a inost ntenm d bu t i n s Alo v# J ge inb liquidaîfthi i ili enifer selb drains,#hal sn e n4 tierp mj âgement voulti viahore vhitt le more va5- ng1 in umonoypbi tclfne P.tss'r, Aciotuv 7o auAovasss.-.. hlnfio, ,Ms,' 1.-is H B BaIL qb11. pesntn Jlo"itbeAaZ; ie ilesst-evening, *aci, ea iyeagt bei 4 9 o bir eiOpeu-- àï lfi'le L stfikhi@g. arb ,qig olSb polnt o0h.d, gr tprobe faituti$0 popk d. se lefi i 7,;- 7t,4é:a -by tb se assigce tlaobtean-an -ordOr.fo paymon cof a obeque mata pu, ib1e th itie imnluoiv.at ardéé., 'Tis lnaolj.tis d4 ee nivocred tomabei diat sait 'amont ô! eqnusd boît ~~rnti $~~*ID~ as cmatiean_& aiStiei-moie-vM.dad4-thihe hireti baq4 vho -porformed the vork (gr maid cee *mlêaàting sto$287, -An czam'iai o laientet e -is -Honâv veshîtet'i. oiir:b.uing resetu". Ms. Bszas or i ii gage, Mn. Keller for Inuaivent. imnih.p41 Coets alMare.Cor-e Relgion@ Ponsuant (o Atijoarnaent tho councýI met et Pruadhomme's Hetel, on, Saturiey 15éh imat. ýPruent-PhilpUcBRae, reeva, anti counecillora Wmn. ItPhe, 'A. Moï Don l aij > oe s'.Mnai.s o! lat meting ouai aAapprov-eti. On m tion cpneilinluattentance r.ý Onlt o or tliree appeals lsrre pregented eauit the asme*nt nkt i vieedit6pose Qf in thi asual mantuer. iNo-fortiaur c-l o! theo sane ntheblgfotcmigl mae riay.ou b iainss. -Thechairý mns, (Mv.--MPhe.,),,o! duo -committie ou r"ati nt bridges hmntiti n'tîtelirreport rommentin-tesaa 6 71 cb. ex. pentiet on ronds anti bridges, $400oe vhiçt ~t'eg~~ P ePr o4lutfocJank r- uir tediiCe 4tsen$ion., TlppInc~le entidd0f thie voirins rcatiu n4 -bridges in the town aiip, ]Piter Burn et. Coq., P. L. .8 pre. publié, 'highways, thé!'amoun: teci~ iberefor vas $122 50 which he paidti 1 the; treiasarer. A fow Indigent parties appIied for relief, visicta ias granteti in propor- tion to Lb. exigenciosof ibeoir regpcuivt wqnts. Severni rcaoluiions vere pased lnstr-ootlng anti eapowerinf the clair kof -;he màunicipality, -H. . 0 Dell, Esq., tu nàti y ail pçrigiie liqving obsiructions on bbc hLgbway th removo ýthe sïaapç fortil- vitha. A by-taw vas passedti rougl&il$u vcrious stages anti confirmeti, for tho pur. poueofctosng p a portion of lime "old nino mile roat," rufi-.ing tiroughl ots 24 andi j4 in tkg p lsuhcou. On motion cf Nfr. fcRbpoe, secondied by Sir. MeDonald, ob cheilt. us> grânadtln fiavor of 'the col - tector for Lthe suin o! $4Q, o. r Service. ioen dered during the year 1868. Ne lurîber busi nesof sny aewaunî vwu trensacted. On motion of Mlr. McDonaid, seco6ndeai by >v. MePlae. the coucil aijourtidt Uatil ta,.9 30lo ny hn h~wI gi int aICdau' ~Uuo el In the Sonate, on Tbnnstiay lest tie Biever &bd Toronto Mutuél Pim 'lfàni'.- once Company BBillastilacndaai i!ba bill vepecting hhd'4olittcAn d 1Bor tliier countiba electonillai iui(paaised thronglacommitte, -anti!was.r"pet Lthae sauneay in;ihe CJIon; P Jeohn A. biacdoneld niove t het lia use go IntoCommztee ta consider he nesolu tion hst (he salfty o! tb. Governor ÇI.ie- rat of canq4g 6e ofiget if9090 oge lon, tMr. flotita tted hewo'qdStp Ott Uic reuslslion, alubotugiehau W oteti oy a nduction lest yean, l ,ý lIn.nU. Donion (houghît IL as hc tiaa(y o! thc minlshry ho have Ativisetheic Governor ho sanction (ho bill, ante10have resigneti if h. batil nh comaplieti witb the ativice. Sir G. L. Cartier explainedt huit tise Goveracu' oçeaspicti duplicati relations; onc (o thc l)inaiaioa, antiue otinr repre tentiag (ha Qsueeta. The Goverameat lied ac.-eptetheit respoauiility, andi wore pt-c paret ostand by il. Mnr. Bo.lweil aîttackted di Miaistry for Ahuircosdutîc-lst session in refetrence Wt this quiestion. Mn. Oliver movcd, in simendmnt, tiiet thae sir,' batlixed ah $87,0i00. Ufr. Biake colti sec no reason for cbaag, ig hua; views, fle voulti volte for Ilac Mn. 2slcG itll voali vote for the reaoluiioa. The tan uhousaîidppqipçts carrieti b,'a arua aasjîsity-cur O(isi.iwmember, ?Mn. Gibb voing as usuel for the langer onaousi Kir. Thoamponthienembin, W1 Merda bnario>, «md sianseîf redit ati tas censtitajency justice b,' votiaug for the. amnament. kin. Dorion moveti an .ttlentimenht t 4aaf rpasîu¶ting offeaccaegaýii qprgon, 4pdîýtio ehsioas fie provisions for flogg- ingsipasriisment fqn g;îrrottiag anti sîher similar crimes. vlape the amenatiienh was lost-Yaa5 40- Tha, fqlovlng tuilé pasacdti urouga Lb. c sans mjîst8 m nru. uetLy. -Aiff Aci forbette,' p"otectlsa*Emllitary anti n4y#l storc&eK Ane7,A, t fer pvesr"aton o! pei'ces et Public Wonks. Aàhý Act npectis gtii;- Joint- 's(tèu Ur iqea , conporatet by lettons patent. O!uw,-verjpee4atitrsbAc Belave i.vaannttatio f the dhebtit Geat a' le- w n J 's 'i 'f n If T a, s n t il s B f oImprove fWWvOr Mvojr$etbe-bllô- 1ing resolution 1VT ' tb.ldtu aar bograInuidon tbs..differ,'nt rosd. and britiges in tlis atownýl i Lb, ae nnox- id nomues as com mîâeloiucrs té- opeau t la saine, and to lpov th~pcpi t rond beturen lots 82 anti 88-in lot con, $150, Jeiez Celliisue,: Thosi Laar4 ranti James Taiylor,,conmimsioners. On Paie rondi betweeën 83) and 81 in 'fl qi,$0 M. >ighswander and LIoiépb, MoUni4ouse., On side rond hwtwee 4 and 5 in ýth con,, $50 ; Syliestcr bfachccy. On àeide Ma. ihrcagh lot 12, in 40hcolpi, $100 ;- 9S. ,ýe Groen On Hlamitonic 1i11, D&h cnn.. $80; John llcauiitto 'aland ae. oQcsll 2nu1 con. rond, oppo@ite lois 27, 29, anti 29, $100 ; Thos. Barnard ant in. Tay. 1cr. On #-de road bctweyn. 6 aaîd 7, in 6v.i fr. $15; Wm. Criel. O aide rond 'Lietween 2 anti 3, in 5th anti 6th con. $20, Joln Lcwton, jr. On Kingston roati in frontcf lti5, $60.- Jiolin- lîigit; oàn britigo tn <vont lot* 9, Srd con. $40; John Ma h; on aide roàd betiveen 20 anti 21,, in front con, $8o 0, John lail;bt; - on sijjo roai bot*e;s 2 anti 8, in 2nd. 3rd, andi 4h con. $600, Setah Orvlit, lia 13. Carpeinîéýr andi Sylvester bMacecy. .." On vidie roai betvten 8 anti.09in, br., fr.; t25, WVm. Ul. Ricicrdqon ; on,,side rof a botween 24- anti 25, 2nd con, anti 2nd eon. rondi in front of lot 25,1$100, 'P. P. W Iuite. on gide rondb etween.6 anti 7, In'horth' hall o! Sti con., £50, -S." Itàakey; en SIda roati betiveen 80 -andi 31, in Ouh anti Tii con. $25,T.T. Whjti# qn -zridgeiiçi;- tween 14 nti 5, in rd con. $610. John $si t; on Brîiek rcait, in tîsti 4tlu con M$QQ Cusper Stotts opibe eastern town*- line, Lpitu thei &h on., $20, ton condi- tion' uaL the township cf Whitby crean Tbï;e'îuauree-vasorsireti _te psy the fol1owring accountsi, viz - 10 Wm. Furgauson $7, for burying a man lounîl deuite Mrx. Fiuller, $28.75. for support of I>n- muondis childte W W. 11, Higgille, $43,76,~ forpritii - 4c4*n, ySinuerL AdInu- "naujtDIi ""atary samsor for tic prousni -yens. Vounicil ajournedti 1111 atuiday, the 121li day of .Juaîe next. ~'Ass- .Nçna.. - / g',- i i'auavAvrafn IWVA50'< or orAîli ST BOYAI.. lITE. Miadridi, Mev 20.Deppatches, bave been receiveti ber>, anauauciug tuat about 2,- -000 of atiherents o! Qucen Isabetla, sonder Glusset ana lot'ls, csembleti ut Pa-rpi. gnua01i,', n e. O-nco nthe SpaI1411 fron- tien. At lasI accoudts (bey were asearly reatiy b cross thie borderý Tas lisiiîîCîîuînér-Dtublin, May 20.- Thç grjrd ,Iodge of Qrangemeui. of irelanti have politienedti ti Qaeen against <lie di&-,uetbliphuienh o! the Irish Chuncta. POu.avzcAL DaSURBAîaÂCrS IN Fuaàuc-- Londop, Ma y 20. -The otections iaîyr#nce 1ontioltudbo b. attecnd v, t ih more or lotàs tilsorder. Since the l2th I mat.lU&Q par- sorns bavo been arreueed'in'?a!i flsfotret- ing politica1,diAttïrbutpce,,,,, Itr jou içp ft4iy4iuoiii TRAE -The Oxford creur -bave commenceaiho practice for (heir content vith Harvardi. Tii. tou min selicitero,-Bmnsoa, Boe~, Yurbrough. Tirue. anti Danbyshiro, strakei Wilson viii probably 6e sie co&svain., Thec4oion .RovingClub'ihehve chai- longea the, JOI y4r4 Club tc amatch. ùîus bEb'blilg g#saah iv KIIârotw -A stabbin, %11niy,-ocourved -at King- stmon oit Tbursdsy ,afierioiton; vlsch May prove rather seniouu. A -Froncli Canadian nameti Pierre Sevey, wilia estatua of frcnzy front drmak. siabbcti luis stop-son in the abdomen. Tho son vasncsdcstvoir ing1 te ke fromt iim c loatlctigon. with wiuichlue vas tircatcning lis awife'ulifte. Sowey is moissing, and litin 'aoppoaed lie bas drolvacti luinoselt Thi woàndedi mn$ e5djositioli hais been talten. A Woaaz's PARiTAInENT 15 W 6ebe hlt inNeis Yonk next.lih - Amigthi tb.Cso 10 bc ditcissoad are ediacation, refornneory institutions, vcaaunis labour,' domestic economy, hygiene, anti political corrupt- ton. Tuz.Aouit Tiwo. - Upuwartis cf 100 gotti coins, nome tai theni heîonging te tie reiga of llcnry VIIL, W re retaaitly dis.- covered t i Jnban whi;L n.t iliopate vabuing puillit tibian. Tho-cohs are liti e gooti statu tif prcservetion. lu is raid (liat the valua c1 tise Fattlifis ebQut«8 Tfic Major ô! (iôrk ,liaîtexplaincîl aibÏt aluhoughli e ausedt ho seditiosus wortis uhat voie reportct In tho ncwfpuapcrs, he diti nou intendt 10contcy the ineaningascribed tc (hemn. ýTic Towa Ununcit, hiovever, were altogouluer dhastisttedtim'h bis ex- iIanat;tap, anti say tbai the,' nnty tieîny a formoi explressbon ci thpijr opinion bai- caselhpa ter iau bain t4ep. up by the Uorernaîeat. Bo many, radical sppoinbmenls baye been mado by Grant Irom, Galena, anti these have matie îo nany sai-appoioi- mentis, that ther, are five butitimét houmas .for sale aedt b vent, antiý' tiýdcmrha 'are expecting te carr l-athe b,' 2,000 - tii'go *eocf- having receivad la oo week a wtiih' d 'à . a-iîr' ia TIji virte o! a-niais did ail hdopoi In Cincinnati iues lithe wsaerof a dog for Many e good kise bacs been -,;nippeti in ýbae buti lya !our-yeev-oîd nuisance bring ing a ihi- tdýiâia ' " $20,0 viihaflrdrOea'thoetdamagme. lAyF#m-perCoper V» Itjoo a1100,elrîîun of tbeL3rl bflp3dmsn0 nov Bian o! Ginsborbagb;'la 1842 -4. Serai. F. C. Yiliiv marvled:Pnmosi , W. ta iaiP-0 marristi Lord ND'en 4 , î ýeEirl of Rmeobrjryi- ý1844 Lot,' WbetbWest naarrlim, r.1 , '.* C. Bastings Russeil, beir p ivmple t4 .' Jane Har; ie1.Bouvoi. marrieti Mr. Willial~.,nu rii , anfiLati, Ranera C. Paget marviotiÈavr# Sir SantifrOraia.n, Bar.; in 1849 Lcty¶ Mary ,CIOW fttf, Eowarti-marriet -Loi akwrtt redt FarnIof Bcssboroaugb 1 and -lastly,l ini 1851 Lily Adéulaide Paget marriedtheb~ "~ Býon. F. "W. CadOgan -Of Shene flairla-' 'R îbe Irincssrsierbazy, anti-Lady Ë. (Ira-I -biving u-imtaineti some yiars a vidow l a a i'-' KID Gwvg A pt>v-1cuo.-ABos Jî,_i5oEn .ton qMrrspoa~u fti icnat ina writing ol (ibêHfnrvard crew andti heir con-~g' tempitetiaco with Camtbridige âsas:" edo laeus. Bas., - oIý (3hicago, - atat Rico, a,! C. G. Fortier.- Oregon, are (mugi anti-hardy fellove, two Mtis"lWWýgD of nature's gontcmel, -butla i-frst t1h.,' o.,.Ar were ollioccti ed , bocause saineof the more aristocratie studeflte thought t(ho vonîti TuuuAaiuuj ý4_k1 ^not be j e at tho to breprisent anctont -J"î liarvard .n t. i LondonuAiaîi T-*d*pl nmong theo [.ondon-nl4d, - lv- - ender g ovetmi s in ett'Ont OfTu carry va l it place on their hantis. Thaiscemet ikety, vishtd fopr deb tec it nutplenaent division emong the-iil~oU atu4epte1 bqt niany of (hem ait<P i unu% Peri pnetq.o aitbsIt ~- 'Iaen, riiêovtbazt Unies au pré thé baýutth bOxiéai. ÀL ea ct I ional4d as ui lonitruSotLandut a apirità.d debaté, but it vas und'r'sioodby ". -ny poe a iluat some-rew tu nat go. :Thé arisicu- w1JIfurn iu cratie mon U lliy osa i iLas uffles L tu, otU -10 ;eWo.c sff setmà dée tber*e W 'an thiréat for Engliâb blý,ud, to use a war.like '(hein uhcroboti are alreîtdy in training tp htuqfÇ tn ýq"MQ l miles pei day, iàÀd'irrsim itoMir. > ing to have <lienta(toa or about the lot alu miyauk .Fp of July, .te Wet take place fi. Auguat. Ogre, 1asf Anothor aix for the s vp a been aetectcti, a4<u cnItetop~ wo Coîloge creva vin i. closea..uas o wc're t.nuutued oj pitw>beisaer Lui. t Bushpp of Natal cotilti W #ir9ght té trial P«MI 6. for biut allegati eeacldd .le.The holki*rly>d saiaiîîg (bastthe e bBisul i< Qîpeaula liu ben gàiltf-ofne-ýçI-las'ça-aa 400a,, tOOsaros o! th uchat~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~çy stp a1i aint rp.~r .Iary luit li trial1 apli befôÏ év1ý r iaikaaT' Qr oitunig Various aibrtccaaeU rie t AyprG for trying before any tribungllaédiste I the opinion thet no nins et pgon~ elx>t toedcde tho3ugjton wheîhr U43y.!I' in accortiance vth the- tiotrle elti,, tho Ciaurcb of Ensigl ;antiam lg5it jhd iii.' drs~lilo tNtlt-aébd~ tfie¶IV Tue RstU*ti s oF -DàAVu, Uxiuî4 Dcsa.a,, iMay j4.ý-The remaim, ô! DaIaîuqt,' O'Conneil vye tay ve'interred in the, cemeter, uit GI.snovin, noar stua day, vere a splendid mancoinn adi been cofttsuacae, for them reception. Tiie ceremonfes vex e- conutiatb, Archblhisop, àiléa. - cs-owvda o!peuple. ol ocetitbIc vem iqsî the lemb, su'nW14 I ioneItuaelodývpr 81990U vere presenuon lb. gnoats. - Tii' Lor Chanicellor anti sevena ai h. Jutig&s,"and' tie Lord Mayos- Aitosmea s$c aeici of the. City of Dahlia vota Preou , Cwaim' Nanuau.-Tb. sJeep, ibbn someof cfheb.embers- make 31 ;ertain i' abore la one kinti of bat soltio ni oalg b. flouse-the Wid-avakae.: î MfELANCIIOLT cus is OIr ca r os wo-ý GuuL»uz.-A littie girl, (vele years of- ln rean of aigasîpyst, oarel anti tainbroth e a i 8, jaupéd ian te rescue lherw~hen boti sank 4 *r dronovetid. a4v me,4110tu 4", Fit lWbut.. ot£.., NEW T YAL "Taleân t Par1 ~As JO A,# Wbiby, on lb- 20th d9 IIantaigurm Él-~i tml.y aS Yo~aag. atm. lima-21. k Coin- ait tlig itetoris làmrile sit havai5- p1sai ,seWo the ba.i- i5sNbtbyçtM Bons;-S; Th* e-, on ticirnîaîu, wltbonî ihq intondln&g W b. mn00 slukauua-loç NADIAN I9ANXK191LU for Iteepera,. Noyers Piovs, o - vcà-i(dtTinwire. 1rrL W-Ily kltabif9 Yîl(- hsï '0 ,hg4MÃŽ461 l snt i i it s a afi V5 paie lu Une.., sud l- a bargulifr rCul -Wbitby, lMay -Fer Sula, tbitý known mu The"-CA -ue atoni.; Il - feot, an& -ont"i oroctetl, ant al t clo-etysatt, Th, andljiaqsnp11omi a ilo 1,J, - ~ ~ o tle.-oî aa - Ant Psrius -il - m- W uen, n lOi s )lt. p fd i) theadmA ru - oieletl »ille, t.tit rtise Port les-n. itlud QGEEP SIUBA 'he tîî'nî Anr WiIi i-e Leld aai BATVJPIAM 'WIiée tIei. owvia ired met .- ecls W->st m tir! ri a4. !! ~ Hasroaneee captas 6y~.J SL - w -z ' - Ã" ic

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