hIÀaaarS o ux]U4Iitf i55tîf CAME0 A»NEt E ARISTERS AND AITORNEYS-AT (s fà dthse fopoîratiou et sbo ;lotjsfer Ontarlo, GOS à L . I.Q*uussr, Q. 0. a . J. mAOOOWZLL. wMeue toiesnu ogoot aecurity, . b $ly Ottste i iihe Brun, Court leu..,-og 4e.obwitoi.,Tot 'io, . - th- - -- or ___________________________- S 4 'bas eay S. 0 . lu Cs o Cry N E, Le. 0.- lG r, M a 0all6rInu Ohaueery, oary ublie. Dund-eUMBZER 'OfleaIn lgievs 1ev îidia, Dad* J,TrGl tery,'Sud ex Cl I r u a 1,ryer'Ce a- #y ofOntsr'o. O0 ce rock-nt., WhitbY. ROBBNET Ja WILSO & KISE ATEOMNET AT LAW SetiChanoeri , h itlby,C.n w R ~ Oo Css'oBeau, on the Nri Aide. B ARISTES-AT-LAW AND SOLICIT<tE lasOlbsoaery. (.hanbr-19Torente-St.. TorosLO. -912 jAmESmE1ZTH GORDON# DAEEISTEE h AfTOMEY-AT-LAW. .U ollitor luVhanory, Couvoyanoer, No- tary Pabt-., à e.tdo i b Str3o .& Campbell, Brook Ot., Whlitby, Ont. W!ltby, Nor. 16, 1867., 46 .S. B. FAI19BANqKS, SOLIOTTOIC NOTARY 1PUBLIC$ &o. ho. Darriâtar, sollitor lu Chancery, Atm torney, 1cc., &Ce llesromoyot lai Offce te-laS Ilooreverthe Whtby, Ot._f, 1»69. 40 .FAEEBWEILL & MeGE, ~3ARRISTERS --ATT(*,1LNËYB, 9SOUCI. » UES COmTJlYIicEES, Ati> 140 TARIEs PtIIL[C. Orraca*.-On. toor asertliscf tihe I'e.tiOlMon, OubayovlA;namioFceter',a Bloct, eIpositO Towni 11al11, Bewsuaivillo, J. E. Y*aawazr..3.MOZ 069LAUDE, MULOCK &-SMITHl, Mtoernoyo-it.Iawl, boollct4pesr iCh. i6ary, and Insolveuaey, &o. W Onca.KoMllsnu BiokBrook-St, odjenn r.ano IîeaOfcWhltby, tiastaio. j10K.I. 3lOami , .9. W. nVLK. A. W.#LAnDIM. e. y. 0aXInu aOIOTi,*., -Ac. (.,ase4 u lîU OiLLa' is »w, Brook TOKYAT LAW, SOLICITORIN A.ThUnor! lovoaner &.,Cannlaag ton, AUBrooEE, 0. W. ATTOUNY.41.T-LAW. SOLICITOR 1IN heo., Whitby 41. W. Uîawa«, Byron Street, bouth eorl'ont O019c. ----48 J&BMES LADON,9 ATTOENEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOL 1IN Patndas StreeS. W Thriee decraIWest of 8h otOflice. 16 CtCKK]ANE & COCIIRANiI. BASSISTER$ ATTORNEYS, .OINVEY- anetors sud ý tarles Publie, &o., ho, Piaca Laa,-1lOS-OpcsnieTown Pouvr Pziuy-Ono-BlgOIow'O Block. S Il. CoeefaÂs, LL. B.,J W. M. Cocauà xz. Ooanty Orown Attorney. Port Ferry, gôtIt Deeember, 1865. 51 ASISTER AT, LA W, 8olciorlu Ã"hau.. ou* coS. CARDONt &, AWo Consultation ei Patuersblp t reecof charge . o. S.CAsatN, . 1 , W. U.LAW,a. A., .»., Whitby, Jnly 20, 1868. 29 PR. - HAN 000K9 AJVRGEO4, ACCOUCimEUBR, h 4URGE01qTOWTEUUU1TY GAOL TRO0UAS HUSTON, mOi'NCLIa.E1c TSEA$UEII WRITBY .LUffle-Twn aoil-i5ers9to icoleok. VICTORIA MOTEL. W ILLIAR SCOTT,PRU.OPIETOE.(Lita W i.lioyotoai'L) 8 iHOTEI& UND] F UNERALM asoat ¬i hand& Q'AHBel Wilby,F.b.à rc.w. or. Towis. oalhuaall.as tlthe .talassd Uibrldge aud Beavrtea basve OUOEGE ROIBON. SI Ilnlrawyls atttudante y. &Iarçequa. ai efl imbarooustantly on h*aud.ý mate hiro enllberaltermo. GEOBGECOEMACK. Broolin Drig Store. lr,%9ALlt u D 5,patent UMediaines IWlae and Ltoquors of th boast quality! for Modloal parpos. More dGatleM.fn..goaa o .kaud Breeklil, C. W., 186F 25 Z.m m. f«VW .T .za (VrgafisU Sainie,' £aeroh, Whfrby.) JS prepared te gi.lnle and Slagng les. neus, tes& allglted namaher (etsils. Aglcation te be matie at théiillsoffeeJohn 11. allais, Surgeon Demtit, oer .Jams Byrsae'» à ModicasiHull, Breok St. Wbstby. CROCIR ER'S fl'fEL9 (LATE z T', NELSON ST. TORON TO, NORSTH OrINU1G ST. BA~SSETT & KEUBLE, - PuOriiiTou8 laemo, liat tley have takec tiie abuve premisoa whaola are lu ovory rapeot cnvesaeuîlv ani oousfortably fitted- up turthte acoemaiodtlaosa of gd.s a sd tise ravollsag publie. Tisey wil b. reound las constant î,eraeraal attoadarice, aad will bcave uetbingaundeue ou their part,te gîtee uatitation u taâal wvoi»ay aver thsons vitlà ,a YEOMAN GIBBON. 0JOM!iISSION IMERCOHÂNI INSUIANCE, h&(IENERAL AGENT. Wilitby, Jan., lOtît 1866. 2 ]REVEE H ]OUBE, XMRLTua, c. v. B. PLANS, - - - - Proprietor. Stage& b sd (rom WbltbT eall daily. Evory attention pssld te gueula. (arotnl a:d aMien- tire entier».9 1868, -1868. THE LIVERPOOL AND 101NDON INSIJRAN CE GmblP'N Y0 lias been ln exiatence thIrty-tvo yesrs, ad during thst poriod bsu paid "es excoeding Oite ansd a hail million peunda sterling. Theris.dursemetsaîcol tbis enormnona auna evor a wlde arcslias' withont deubt, cntri- buled te tise enatbliaasnut of tbla Institustion, in tiao conidence lossvLae Coubouanoiasl- elsANTa, hIouss<ssI)OLu, Sud business men gon. orally, rhorovvr lu lit roprestot. ln ltirt year, 1886, thie roPremiama aloee smeunted te............... £9,970 lu 1le lotht yelki,1848.. .....4,8 2Otis year, 1856............222' 0 8tisysr, 186..........£8,8 Ouo yiér luten, 1867,.........::£818,0»b Tao Fitramasrve Fuaut la nov $4,707,46 Thse Lites oere Fend lun nw 89,282,468 Thae Coin .sasîy hiropreoostel hhreajliat On- tarie andue îcboa, by Iiscontbsl Agents, te vison applatioln for Inourance May be moto. 0. F. C. SMITH, EK*DJO Seiiar, MOITÃŽEAL L,. FAIRBANKS, Ja Aoxsar, Wusaur, 'bil) RExesuvrorn. Febrnasny 170,tS4 8. 7 TUE ONTARIOU FARMER8' MUTUAL[ INSURANCE COMP'Y. ,luldigsà , ,ud tisoit oontiutsCenr>'Sis l te. u ira',eS.ilss lh els aur, sudt tiay %support à aomîles. minuc C1sn any. have u n o pprul> tdl se, b'apllgate ttise ifed office, or4t aU>' 01 thé1atoagents. Our ratas ailiS. fond wsas a tisefs ln>'reepeaslble Mutuel lu- satanes Company las Ianaýda. IEAD OFFICE-Tise Oid ltagltry ofie Building, Brooka Streat, isbitby. HO0TEL &PEIE FOR SA.LE. T Âold îstabilaisd l uknoovu Ho-. CENTRAL HoUBE, EpeoX, Splendid tees>' etahllng, a it ýditiiig at, >logesaerilis oaaueor tave acres et landgt4#=h ectu asm>' e duiô, esjafineoungboat- lssg Creiard. Thora are ivo velfs witlisgood Tise viole viii hdaiî t, a b"eis, suais ou f tis e bot oiaaoealu tise Doms We tera sotive business imass. WII i xchanged for ans zpret>. Ecrtermi, ho., appi>' i by tea, pie-Pdd) Qo, yors. <iu f Qalo, 1dit51s CA.n7 01 Os. JL Ptetl revutisaeS on e Tavent. sa fretelé teMd oaplt th atrogeuille o hulsrad he Iargndir Théia uad DOMINIOABITTAERS, PriSlby. MUTnila i terney: tsint.. te lis, publa esuled ous.trio]a illIa'b- sartste vtins iotnateb.u odreaath Monioturd nd o. WooaleMandUX& lJldgt, a=n. ,u.4 WStby EsK h 4, RRIL 12 DONTAIO BITERS 111e lated ouo a apl. gllu iecemmethe pbiéftise e eon la. *%lcoutd Parie,, anti aeaitor ie ao ta, Gthise ely r eanno b. e s udaalled. i uh tane twi tissu imIuerts t i ba ese thalacare wt ann boscld. oIale adiE..n bave be' Srog Sut aee thprWises r lo Alore odalit Lt Mr. mtlisonanai utenronsin h nerent sleingaiviirocoite Wisltiyllatch 24, 186thee abls.at lt e fiatg sed. C.uDaBares,.,)aeas T 112 smode e ir eablte aturaigdsanat '& te btisepulic ordt epbliéi ptrn- rell'tavoutagt sol re pr o fierohtel lu , apl«. ei 1s, vue5tie nse aim e wakoe i oeeald tenoae ht aha eae Wtis ahoea iii kuv hte.lageaidt ingy lact be oemmedlauasnoan oatIen nd Cnaiy.cao ha more ltisafcmerly A birat- beon sdd te.Etnive addtud e tau effetç e uold wFr as sd t pubiengnte rally weV adsstaessup Msotty e, # eo ieoul itabpout. Zvlltigfaie h .pyt Wity,,Dec. 12, 187. 45l 0-ARK'S ALLRY? lsboasie h sthe beau Galie-Enrya e tissu utrsy chi A nrtî t l is oaty sd nti C-o XBan AEN,&oaloAgn bcldad Mout enslntus. 1 an . l N. A VAattr.sit D f otom.droypo altetbeKNDPo.ileoo-oEudtar W EX§NIRESS AGEPrnTip,aise onAgent D»a e 4Cnongte n lathé. Ceuntv of Oit- tailo, Shi. lOth it dor et kareh1A. D. 1lm. by C. 0 r < ,hi t«""dNn Wltby, Narei 8 , t. TO TEACHRS.# the. er..ar Sehocsi et Usbrldge uene 2Oth ýand ,21sit days .of Kayt coflOug at 9 e'olek, a. lM. -Appllos.nte are reqaire4otitpraeut patbgwa. tmr testimonia»eof ed m<,rà l character item thal Ynpoctlvenmin toi.; andi te bc ferward s thae emmaaoosmont.1 ÂLL iCEETflCÂTEs ,$ZOOMthose hiueu4 ainc May luat, are herelay By eider of tise Bogrd, E. 11 TOINTOIi, D. D., April th, 109. SeetsyBP..1 AUCTION BUSINESS' -e- THOMAS MYJI;RS. [T ICENSED ATOTIONEER for the Ceuaty of etOntario, <loure. to Ini'rm lsis frletitsI sud the publie tiseS ho la reaady m. iserotoforo te rëcolve orders; for @aie of stok, faim Impie &ota o., and that &iH citera loft at the =ia ax.offilo. viiib. <latuOed te. -( jDays; cegaeappoiate& and terne madie known on aplication av the Ciamowuofcoe,« or n Blaki hote, woro books vitit entrien are kept mnuanai, TO. Whltby, Anuat Rtb, 186. tf.84 New Bakery pbe etho la costntJ pepaetl o and Confectioaary lino.. irait, $penge, andi &iH otiier kisads ef Cake, Tart. and Blacaita oi thse hat quality. WF raitoetalkir.doilaueaan.AsoLb stqrs, Sardines, Cocon Nl%,nti, Unger Boer, o J. McDOUCALL, Baker, Confectionor, &o., Brook ut Jbth, liy 16, 1867. 28 FIllE ASSURANCE CO., LOMBAIRD STE]CET & CHABRINo CR088, RBL4JJBLIBIIEDIJN 1782& GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & Co., Agents for cannud. -JAMES DAVIMYN, Manager. NSRNEagaunat LOBS by FIER are efu n dts aotfavoîIleoteransd I.088ES PAID without roforeuss, te thiseUerd las Loaden. April $rd 1844. YEOMAN GIBSON Agent, WiiI&y IMPROVED FARM To Sell, Bout, or leS on Biturrs. FA"bi te sel!, tant, cr lot on gliarea-Weat, F aif lot 26, lut aeion of e Uxbiidgo. 100sot,7 e actasd Appi>' (if by latter, pot-pait,) ie $. FULLER, Waurar P. O NOTICE.--AlI partiea are forbit cnttlng or removing timber orveet ofet an>' llisit- ever, tiens tho 55cr. lot, eanasy poison <oued dclug se, ster ths date, are îrespausenm, assd viii Se ttoated as .uah, te tise tuil exteut et tiso lasv. tWhistby, sept. 15, 1868. .8. FULLER. 87-tf Li VER Y!- T EEg UNDEBSIGNED MEIES TO IN4. Aferms h. Menda sud patreustisaS ha ha. aanr mtbusiases autise eol WHITBY LIRTSTABLES Lutely eeupled b>' asisr. Cenitisard sud Ratin eeth ie nimber aud qui c etSfî.a d aisedded tesud in- Pr" dtse oteyUaAanud veiilos on lie pressais., h ic >by bilng la s position te meeOt tie wat0cfousstnora temerlu. siare of publie patroage. W *CRARGES MJER11J ATE. .ai K. B.-Covoed Oonvayanaesfer famsilles Md ladIes. Prempu ttaitanco, sa.hereteote, te aIl eiders. N RAPreprseeor. AUCTIONBUSINESS. 84 "te#, *sbout 1I8'serea elesiei, ibalanceef le ~ beautifsl vood. Tii., vUtlsoze. ou utIelwti o sltatdprorty ou inke Coeoial-Te ic tov etaDng lie viole dltn o Ue ieLke, aud-embracug tise INDU.4N VILLAGE l Emn tlsrTwo*! Of-rilia, & TOWN P ROJERTY IN TE Six Letason iia tree., tîrocil>' nortls cf tIse rouldeacof et .l.Ceebrne, Eaq. Fer privas. es eswu , net excelled b>' an> vaian" pnepetty tiun Boyoal plotis, frreu Ictet six lots, foncet, lats nlhreof ethtie nwo matenssaCa- TOE &CBFJ,'fenuedi kun a.mtise oid Croickt Fiait. *TWO ACRES, fenod, voet Crlckotfleld. 1 U ACRSE, fenoed,vwest cf Cricket fiold, ô LOTSl, fncet, voit "of ic»ldena. etf Jas r Garie, Euq. )f ACRRa kuso etis of roSideuecf Js. 1 X AClE, fefa, sentit-veau de., do. 1 34 ACRE, vent oet atidonce et J. Lysa.. 5 L]JTS, foncd t ot itisit Ciaurcis. 2 LO)TS, sentis renidoeo ..J. Iorp:-r. 10 LOTS, wcst Perrytt., senti cf QrcWe' plauing miii. 8 LMTSnertis Dundasstieet, opposito rosi- douce et Tison.. I>venill. 10 ACRES, eu Brook dstresS, sPcrths rslvay bridge. jw Alto acterait Village Lote, la vaitens partso taheisaTown. Tueévacaut Lot atijolassg Love. k Poell's, 'Brook mInat, St feet front, 98 teeSt de te a lass.. Tise vacnt L.ot 'ontli- cf McMillaras Block, 22 fooe front, 98 feosot ee. te a laue. 5 -Uts, ea.î Brook sîrcet, hoîvoun Etyal Boelisedt McMillausnBuilding, 24X B. front, assui, 198 tee& deuep teeà lana, 20 foot vide. W[LD LANDS. à Mars, Sentis %13, 12th con. 100 acres. Banas, Pt. Lot 10, $it id 180 64 bd Lot 15, 4th 66 200 di Tise osbero aving doierminea te adonc eut the wisele of bbà RosI Estale basine.tise aboe r prties areo teted at lowture,aud' on long toais of etpaymont. Appi>' te 1Aprîl, 1689. J. lIAIS FERRY, Wistîhv. Bses.l5 In Ohancery, PUIISVAIIT te an eider cf tise Court cf Cissucery, mnade la tise malter of tise estate et LasciiaCaspiseil, aud in a oase UMavsq. lilssaituthe oroiitcra cf I.oliîn Capbell, late cf t6etevasip et Tiserais, lantise Cennty et Ontario, wv ie dior Oabout tise mentit cf Nerembea, 1848; are on or befere tho rist Day 'Of May 1869, te sieat by posot, prepaid,,te 0. C. Keliai, oethle Villa eof Canni.aglon, tise o liior ef tise Plitt.Fargalsar ceBin; liit elribtian sud ie*, stdrsa and description, tise full Paticlors et 'toir claimsasstatomeal et theircasut asud thnieatureofethtie secnritiea (Iraq)y> lald by hem ; or JAn detanit thercef, tise> will he poremptorily oxeulaia frein tise beneft ofthhe sait eider. Xvery erediten iaolding sur ,aoanrity le te proiue tise snome belote measat mn1 Clheis et the* Towns of Whithy, on tise E GIITH DAà OF MAY, 1869, u lois e'lock is therouccuo, being tiselime appoisatet for adjudication ou the dimsu.- Du"td ii. 4tb day et Adril, 1s69. Muster. Whl&by, 4ptii 14, 180. Id. HARNESS SALE. Tise anbaonlbor viii salifoi Tise briance ef hi. STOC~K Of IRNESS Ait groatly reduoca p rires for oas. lu citer te make mcon tsu Spriag and Soumer menutats- tareis. W W 20Sets cf Siangle and DeabloeIUarnesu la Stock. Iateudlag parobasesa iii te veil te acte tise tuct. SwiiuYo, April 14, 1869. &. gpIIIp, Brook Street. 41a.15 ]FO $8ALE, ADUiRRAN BULL CALF 1 --4140. DRYDEN, Nil 1, 1869. snI S RE, DWECLLING kPERMIzs » Vert W hitby, i4 prasant eonplad lu>'tla 1I, o iintentei-tisera, BaToslffiot pate ye Ecnud tisa forbvtea place, Là igerinit a minte- , Vire ctot spirit. vte alS Alad ame, ubreagis laventsga, Angeli itlsia t Stulle, ano ver. Heol M.., Tiongis, visea cuber maltisstand b>', 1 usay doigu User ne rapt>'. Turna net tison ave>' and tIgis- mnl .dnôvers ban saiMU& 8Sil, sudnavet hsed me i bc Wios e nseue Ssal lie>' heuld knev th lf eu.'s iseatheat fatt ralowv1 t Deepoat love aveldetshowac- la tiie, and nover hoed me t g Laot eut isa, liko alta et nigbt. Ssnnnnay's lU70itraudveilwii, v Lire bat fer «ohcis ers atgt-1 Buffle, aud acter iteelime t Even If, vîti maldea rid, 'Pl I aseasid bid dm equit as>';sie, Tala. tiis lessen fer is>'guide- Ssii., sud nover-heed me t But vhosoatars an&t tailigit moet, i Agit tii. day la fihing svoet, a Alat tho isulettns>'cmné fet- Tiscu-tithion-mayat heetne. cc A Eemnrkabie Dreasa, T I vsturing tbe yoar 1861, l in'te b tbriving litth o tcn et Argentiers, 'near Ot lise foot of tise Cevennes Mountains, lual~ Franice. Tise day vu cbarmlng. 1w>' ti et the inhabitants ver. travaralng the i isighaaj. enjeying tise agreeaisenesaofile tise voatisor. Aascng tise number thora ir vws a tai! >'Iuugneasa, apparenti> noS more lisa lvenly-fve years cf mgo. Inal hie rigisu issu ho cariet a cane, autnla bis l.ft a smatI caipet-bag. Ris gait vas0' qnick, atdfreux hi. expression ho apposiet te o beauen upen ase important errant. Ia tisis manner ho vont stong, ocaoasl>' clanciag arounca te, viev tise sîsrreundiag t ebjecta. Ho bat hardi>'gene nacre Sisaz a quarter cf a mile wison hoecame te s ' amal shreet, viicis unlatis uburbs ofn tise teva. Ho turnet ad proo.d upd Ibis. Presenul>', afler vstking but s sisert distance, iso ,artited t 5 anasn. floeho b sitalcal andi, afler vieving te exterici, ise suilaret te biiiiaof Ute l-0 lcving venas:-" ltsasiagulartbat titis 1 i. tise Brut inn I have smentitrugStuL s>' route. Ilever, I vit! put alp borMe»l Se saying,'be onliedthte. bildinsd hating-rogisterot bis nase, he va. aeva te s tocs. Alter crdoricg bis tianer, . veut lasSo bis apsîlsent le test hissetLa Mis-etter va. imsetiataly iospentet le, and aller eoting h preperedtot retire,- inteudiag te peteak.of a lcng and heurt>'t alcp,ý se tist aSnl>'tise next moraing he 'ggut visit tise varleus merchaatsofthtie leva. ITe aceerdissgly vent te bat, andt vas accu vtsptinin oumber. Witils tiss sleeping, hb astsatresan tis ait tte s slrongest Impression on bisa. W. viii givo il a. Ires the lips cf lise tresmer: - 66I tisengisl I bot arivet as thlis nse lova, but in tise mitdle cf tise evenng,s visicis vas Lelly tisa Case LSisal I batl putlup et thseulne inn, ant gene cut is- metiatel', a an unacqualutet atranger veuit te, lu ortor te es alover vas avertis>'of ebservation lanlis, place. 1 wasîket dova tise uin Street lut. anotiser streat, apparonti>' teading lut. te countr>'. I bat gene ne preaî distancevison I came te a cîturcit, avicisI Steppeel te examine. Alter eatist>'ing s>' curioslîy I atvasucet to aîly-patiswhichbhraacitt off fres tise sain sîrcet. Obeyiagan impulsa viicitI ceuit neitiser accouaStfor nor cetrol, I alruck lie Ibtis palh, Ihsugh It vu vin.t. ing, rougis, and -unfrcquent.d, ant preseaf.. 1>' reasohet ai miserablecocîtae,ïnlu liocf visici vas a gardon coeoratviis eodi.e I bat ne preau dtlioaty lun ltiss lut. tise gardon, fer lste ego ast seral vide gasinsu IL 1appîcach sit.an oit avaitt talot sotita>' anal glocmy In a distant cerner; and iocking dnia aso it, beboît, vitiscat an>' pssilit>' et mislake, a cerpuasicitbat beonl tahbd iu acterai piaceal. I countedthtie deepà woundand asut aes. Thora veto six.", At Ibis mmesnt b. aveke ailhis eboita on eut, tresbliag la oves>' 11mb, snt colt drops cf peispirsîlon betevlng bisfore- isead-swoko te flad hbisai ef orleh&y lu bot, bis aarpet-bsg lylagamer hil, ant tise mcruing ana bamiug Shrough bil cmitaine. Wbata diffeecel lgosrs7' (rom bis beddrosetlisslf, anasFto bres fut bja rnernig al Hovent s oiil>'intoe-Street, sud stioltet aloeas ie firtierto vent, Use Strouger bocametise cenfà uereoeîlectloa efthtie objectat alpresontet themuo1vo te bisd Onbeavetst, tillihoecae ste a cernarofl à Street cmoaire thse oe o eavu withoie us>' te es i2 a cusatWh .I l VU. es Ira dom~ beloe le vas on bis vsv, acelpauiodby se-twoifficers.Aler Iknecking et the loor, sud vaitia3gfor anme Situe, thse olt man epenot the deor. He receîved tisen aSaseviat uucivilybut showed no mark cf' naspiclon awos he.>' ytoit bluxtbeyvished isearcs tia bous. *Véry avoli;-aa lt anda8on ayou "10e s*rvo aem obligedt te get our rater Zrolm a sprisag aboa squarter 0cf a mile allatant. Tbey sueaotSte bousebut diseove- td uetbing cf, an', cousquonea. etu- au ispeoelabie vacanoet leok14 sýit io enît noSt anderatant v by > vi s-r r -ig ubis proprt>'. ran-al>' the>' =rektise cottage, viiteout tlnding lany- tbiag t emiobcotteir suspions, !Toey, itovever, rosolved' te !i;apeètthte uardea. By- tbis limes a nnber cf petons lied colêe tetogetier cuIsit.,,itaving been trava te Ste spot b> tise Jalgi'of a stranger avilis Lavepolicemien. wTisevoe, askod if tisey kneav nything fosavweUhla thoe. paris, 'Tise> ropliodt Sie>' di net; th. ides seeedt teperpiez Show. At assgth ai cli aveussace fraai, tisas ing on a atchi. 'A aveli? 'sait ah.-'Io it aaveéU yeu are loeking fer ? That bas been gon., thesa Shirt>'years. 1 reasember it as il it' wote yestrday ; boy I ased- te tire atones Ie oiS juat te bhuititsuashn th. wter.' 'Do yen remember avier. tis vililnaed te h. l' aaked thse gentlemsan. 'As nr nsIoeau rocolteot,' replied Ste vesan, 'ig asou the ver>' spot visere yen sevastant! He atesly startet as if he baL Lieod- don upen aserpent Tise>'at once cois- asessee tigging p tse grent. Atabeut tSet> incites deP, Sthe>'came te s &layer of brie,, vhîb, being breken np, réel- et nerte a dTsesa vet i>' OOreva, Whotoahey bobeld'tise tsak meutitcf tiseaveul. "Il vas quiSe certain titSvsuSteispot, said tise ottavesan. îWhist foots 'the' vée to stop itnp, sand thon bave te travol se fat for vaser. A sonding tino, fairnisitet aviitb bocks, vus nov le ot lcvainte tise aveu-tse ctevt hart pressing aroundthliss, brethIlesl> bnding over tise blaok and fêeet isle, Ste secrets -cf avhioh seemot bitten liip en- etrable ebacurit>'. Titisvas. repeated, severai tisesavilisout an>' resait At. tenglh, peneîrating belov, the mut, thée bockls caughttilasometisingeficcnsidérable veigist; and afler mach tise mud effort tse>' succeetet in rnising i fros tishe ob-, scure isele. lu vas an ôot1ciseut. Tise sites and lid avare tecsyed, atd lltneedet ne locksmith te open il Witbin it tse> tount visaS Ste>' voesure tisey vonît fina, saviswici lledthisespectatcrs avitis botter-tse romains cf a isman bcd>' 1 Tise police-offiera now rusisetoietise bouse ant secutedthlie old mans. As te hi. vite, ase at firat couid no et hondt. But aterotas at-iguiug searcis, sitevas dis- ceveret beneattu s pileetfvoca, beiug snob bruist b>' tho beiwjr legs aheve ber. B>' lii lme, nearl>' the v ole pop- ulation oetIhe leva hast oileotetiont lh. spot' Thecît couple vone broaght betoto lise preper authoritieRanmutseparatle xamiu Set. Tise manaperistet ia hi. deniaist- ehslinalely; but bis vite ast once confais- et tisaSaise and ber isbant, a ver>' long tise 4go, bot naurdered a pedir vise possesset a large sasse et mono>'. Ho bat passedthtie nigit ast titeir iscase; saditlite> takiasg attantspo cf tise ise' aleep tisS ýencespassetbasM, lbat atangiet his,after aviîcis tise>'placet h is betty lu a chest, Theo chiaStvu thon Ibroava mo b l. vell, atd tevol! siopped u .Thisre, cri»- minais bail tesson Se balievo tinsslies Usere lu isassaiislanst, avikcispioeaIs an brigit mai glitteriag an aspect as to suag gest- the prebabili>'ofet Iabeiag tassa!!> snov-coveret. Tisesens, separatet by l"and cf douhtfal extoasi, roacis font De. laitue OcSas te the sontit pela. 'On. cf th. moistsingular- fustures cf Mors, &uths prevalence of Iong-and w'int' aag minelsudtbettle naccrtuas. & Tise folusa re avisli>'distinct Ires snytbiug on our esits. ,-Fer instance, ffiggins lu- leS ls&long, toriset stress, exteatiag fer abouthe tishionsant miles. Bessel la. loet lu early-s Ion& and Nesmills laieS atml more rossikabla in its berna. On ont earit, lise-oeaus are tbree tises au extensivesib continents. On Mars, ver>"different; arrangement prevaili. Ta& the IraSLplac@,Ltera la liStitl iparit>' bei. Ãtaventise xteat ofoceaus sut continents aiïd Shon Sies. aremizât-up la Ue inut- ocmplranaaer.A trateller, b>' ellter lant .er avalà er,,ea viait almotstar>'f quarter cf the planet vitscut listing tise eliasentIla vitiiW b.bgan bis jeunrey'- Ing. 'If-heofeelute g0 b> valet' h ceuiti fosre>' fer upavardsofet irty tseq- snnd milis, à aslvin l sigist et lapa -gen, thal>1vil dnt stbotit iLdcs.-1n 'such, lut ilbyrmutis s ileaare tise lsand ant souýs c91Mars intertwinet. At s las. 'meeliagis Etlubonrgb, tse BEIv,Dr. Gath'il, toildthse follovinasg sc. dcts ets gentleman, au 'attooste ln, tisaS cii>' aieahail! ha nmelesu Ifh sd aw - antie, aviso vasver>' fend cf bis, sand sade bis ber pet.Bshe ne ta>' sait te, bis" 'Nev, Tamy>, avieisavr yoa are- et the hat of'tse elaua-I avili gita ycp isif a c5,omtn.5 Ateowav ys orwaeeleaelap. setfvison, Tasas>' aent te hie s aunianu etrefor isia atrreav. 8h.uket if hp vasat tishonéd oate cis, sutou luis ýreplyiag tissu b. vas,$sait-" Tise's yu mono>'.' Thon site put tise question avhieu ah,< asbond have doue befote-" BIoy an> 'are'lu tise chas? "Thora' vasà Iasaio tbote, butaise's eut cf lthe eue uc.y Tise-ginS tcouvent scandaIlai Englaset iabout, te crcp up again. Mi"S asaina bas fileta bi!lal In Cneery against lthe vicleo fltise una 'la uiltCouvent, witht a tiev cf cempellisg ;à tigtributicp of' 114 prcperty.: -,Thse genleman 'avio voent on tis teoai j.