Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Apr 1869, p. 1

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1 j . - , -".W . J Aulra... K.?. LOCHART, . ept. b AMSERO AhNAC£ION $.T.D ND'IEECo Notarles, ha., 4o0, Wbftby,C.tOtal, QE IL. . CAual, Q.O. lB. oMAngau.. TUE aube« Wmoney tooin Upon oarity.AIP.. i abuloeaia adjtl, epfult WABRISTEES t Attorneys, Slilamshe &. coti'o t.llo .D o FICE-Wotomu Assurânec lIg Ieuaof Qhacis$ret ,aratoC. *thedoor oveufp ~s , s elr uh n1lliei liaise ý, 1,11:41. 0,,tboe1ver JAS. E'WS KdictaIHLl U iork wauwatod. 'cawIZOUl- O#t zeô,an4ufIli o Town. , a7Omnus amols A;l ilsn nUxilage sndýBesvoan bae# 'yniorulug. crg ISdy GEORGE CORMACK. T UMBEli MKICCIIANT, Coirpeuler, sudi F UNEICAIStIUII ppliean sd alto mdcd shogîuaîle.. 'a nek kepi consîsuîtl) WVA learie tfeanl.aînm GEOEIGECOEMRACRt. Wiltby,Peb. sbh, 1602. Brooklln Dr î tore. EBALER lu Dr 0 auine alan;e IlJ Palatst,Olhi9,IIye StasE, 'Confection- g~Wlneî sud Liquaniat14he besiqusily, foir Meileal parposes.. gors, tfCattIeMedifdned@alwàysa ceahand lirooblia, C. W., iSs t28 <Or7anie4l À Saintse C"lroh, Whtey.) 8S prepared tla give MissioanmudiSisgisg hm- Aplc taon habmade AItlise Cifice of Johsu L iskis, Surgeon DoutlmI, over James Byries Modîcal Mai11, Brook St. Wlsîtby. CROCIF ER'IS MOTEl4, (LATE I'LATT'$,) NELSO~N817. TORONT0, NORITHIOF KING ET. BA SSETT & KERIfLE, - PRuREaiusTîOi. THE flEroprietori rcstpeotally muuouncem ta thaesr lrieud,, natm dioktâsîce, asi l ilsasear imboino; tisut tise>' have takea tihe abovc prensins visaisare lu even>' respect coivceîiv sAa couafortably fitted up aur tise accommsodiaton ofgaeas aidlise tnssvlilng publie. Tise> viii bu fuund iii counsat per»baaaat attolidatce, sssd wiii Icaive iiatllig udoise on tisir î'art,Io ire maiitactlou la ailwhvisa t'faivor 15m i lS wta YEOMAN QIESON. COM!iISSION MER CHÀàN iNS3uRAlWE, &h GEEBAL àAGENT. Wlîitby, Jan., lotis18600. 2 REVERE HOUSE, XANZUIBTJZCeB1. V B. PLANK, - - - - Praprietor. Stiages teosuud ftra ilbl' cal]dail>'. Evor> attention psld te gueul. a. .refui aod atten- t1ve ostiers.9 1868. 168. TuIE LIVERPOOL AND. LONDON Iliaieets lu existence îlslrty-two yoaims, sud duriug tiat penbod lisapai Loises exeeedlug itre sud a hall millioan pondas sterlinsg@ This loarsesîent oi tsi. cîsormunasns over a vide arca, luas., vithoul doubt, coutni. buted tu tise extabliolsmetsl of tisalsssilation, lu tise consltcsceo!fl'vaLlo CouasossÀToxe, Mis- 0suAxT, ilosiaoLsJXss, +1i buties, mon geft- oral!>', visorear it isn epremscstod. lu Its lirsI yeu, 1880, theatFîre Prrimiamisione smoued ta ......... ...£97 In lts lotIs yeas-, 1840...........477' S201a yeaîr, 1850 ............ £222,279 so80h year, 1880 .... ......789,882 Oue yesr lter, 1867...... :. ... 88,Obb Tise Fine Roaarve Fsisd I. nov $4,727,464 Tise Lite Reserve Fistia la nov $9,282,468 Tise <oruî,assy id repýreseuteai tiraaghosst Ou- tario sud Qaseiso, by iiuutsis Agents, ta whasîs application for Inssirauce uta>' te msade. G. F. C. SMITH1, ExiliassaSxosaTAusx, MOsSmA£L. L. IrAIRBA21KS, Ja., *&OENT, WLisssy, Os.» RstaiaSMw Ooa Februar>' Ttis, 1808. TRIO UNTA RIU FAÀURM EUg' MUTUALi INSURANCE COMP'Y.- T IS Compansy le nov fial> orgafalzedisud lu prepareai tuasceept iîks On ~arm Buildings, and tisoir contents, Coutry Schoal lloaa., suad Cisnrcis.. Tise wtahiug to in- sane, sud tiseroby support a Home [usurance Company,.isuve nov su ppontussity of daing do, by atppying elîse nat tise eoai offiee, or ta, an>' i tise ocal agente. Ourratem vil b.foandi as loy sa. tioso of auy rempouible MutuslIn- Duango Company lu Canada. Sa. COCHR&MB, L. L.XeB. OUNTYOROWNÀTTQUNEYIOR ON- loltar la chanc;, No'ary Public h. Dfie-In Bigelow'à %w Building, bandes GEIORGE 11. »ARtTNEgLL, iarymd 6xanluern coery for thecoua- Igg OBUT J. WILSoN.ý BÂ EIM 1~hAiroÉNfty AT LAW O o.~veOnt Bank, ontho Noth ânaiTlgu,ÂT-AWANDSLITO Toronto. *2 JAJESHETEGORDON, D AREISTIE h ATTORNEY-AT-LAW J> Solloitor lu Chsnory, COUVOYaucor, No- Yumvw-Rtxtdoor ta lb. Storm of E. & J. Compboilt SBtok Ott Whlîby, QuI. Whilthy, Nov. 16, 1841. 46 S. B. FAIRBANKS, SLICIT#NTARY PDBLIC, &..&e. C. Au JONE11, Bafritlatv, olictor tu Cbancary, Atm torney, &o., &c.o rcmavd lii.edbies 0 ta lut doar over the Widty.'*ot.1, ide.40 FAREWELL k MGEE, )ARIOITEES ATTORNE~YS, 601LICI- L'AlilES J!ÙBLIU. ox sc.-Ono doorunortlsor the Po..t Clce, (. an sd, lfcFooer's ilock, aopposite Town Hall, BowusaivillIo. R088, LAUDES1; IMULOCE & suivi, W Att.rn.y..snt-law, 8sleltors in Chan- cery, and Iaaoivency, &c. Ou.-McM liban'. Block, lBrook-St., Jdiulu r. Jan, oldan'a Ofice, Whitby, A. W. LAUIIER. I . Y. MuIT". W.IH, DILJLINGSr Sir (uieix1% oItu'îLa OKe, Brook CHABLES C. IKELLER, AITORNEY AT LàW, SOLIOlTORIN ÂTTORNEY-ÂT-LAW, SOLICLTOU IX AOhauo.ry Notary Publoe, Convoyauoor, hdo., Whllby il. W. 0,1w,, Byron êtreal, solC of P'ol Ofio. 48 J &JES$LAXON, A TTOBNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOI IN1 Chisuoory, &o., d4o., &a. Dandasn 6treet. W»Titres doors Woît of Min Patt 00L6.. CCHIIqNE& COCHRANE# 'ARRISTERS ATTOIINIYS, CON VEY- B .1 sucera sud Il oarles Public,, &o., &o, pxi*oa ALUR?a--OiiaE -Oppoite Town Pol Punsv-Omax-Blgolnw's Block. S LCooaa"wg, LLi. B., 1 W.X . Coouzàzîz. Ccuuty Cravu Ât4ruy. port perry, 261h Doeor, 1665. 5 BUITEU AT LAW, Soollar lu (Jhan- &o. DRS. CARSON &-kPW Conultatiou ai Vltuerslsip troco aicharge. Whitby, July 20, 1608. 29 DRt. HANCOCK, (no nul GLh doToUasO.) SURGEON, &CCOUCJaiui, ho., a. J. GUNN, M. B. 1 RGEON TO 111E COUNTY (4ÂOL, Brou Street, Whitby. JOSIN V. HAM, NOTAIIY PUBlaIC. ING~ t'liy mildo J i 1 ti.sr il> E 9 r. ssîlKt, na bis -Irandes ,lIli Aisutlrai t 1, gsd or ta li" tiiiiioti GsýA-aît<aop 1cso ÇAIîgts lu a'a- srsrt,0 itan , tifu Il. aDît, iriatosa iftitiry l flt lasoese colY 84 1 tl il çaVAeRie latarlo Agent 17 ri~msim 4Amu4i.mV .E57 ALur ux -&cou AND'AMENDMINTS ?HERETO. Proîince afOntario,>lethe Oouaty Court of ,Copul7 of Ontario, j.the Oaty of Odari. Notice Io beroygiven tisai'on tbe .tventy- eveth diy cf Miy:aem1, ait te" the.oloo& the laonoon,, or as soon an couasmi eau b. -heoard, thse audeýralgîaed vii sleytotho jadÉ of tliii. Ildnarable or oadihraaDer ,thga ad t !" or?= g Ds cdaICnnlugtou, In-thseConi -of On- Uila h.10hdyfMaroh, Aý . . 389. by C. c. Ktelior, bit attorAey a4,iIésa ýWhItby, Mareh 25l.1849.. f VETERFINARtY SURGEON, Graduate of Ontario, Vterinaar; C>lkgd of Toronto. P'ur. BUCKLAND, Prouea.or of Agriculture, Toronto PROF. SMITH, V. B., Principal of Ontario V. Da'. BOVELL Torouto. P. B.-ME. SWEETAPI'LE cen bc aauultd. Profeiuiouslly ntaielreldeuec, Broakilu, sI *Il houri., Broolilin, April 14, 1509. 15 T RIE SIJBeCRICElL boge ta iaform hi. msany Custtomers sud the publie generally, tisaI ho buas removed' his Tiiorlngug aablishmenl ftomn Brook street taecrner of Dulasansd Byrousbtreotç, oppoaito'tisa Poil Office,,Whitby. JOHN FERGUSON. Whltby, April 7, 1809. 14. HENRY GRIST, PATENT SOLICITOR DRAUGIITSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Traissacta basin... s tisth t Offcew ad other deparînfeuta of thse Gavera- meant. Copyright.sad tise rcgistrtlooaf trade Marks and Desilgu proeured. Draigs, apoiaton. andl ptle Documents nde.- dary té soeur. Paunti ofInçeat.on, prSerd on re- "Cp c leM I .Inteaento. ad prdim- iuary searcu a, ? atm# fuS., card- Mardi, 1869. i TO TÉACHERS. T BAÂCIIEiI18 vithîn tisa Coaaty of Ontsrio, sud otherécooorned, are hsreby noti- lied tiaaa an cxamnaîtioas will be hold witisin tise Graumanr School of Uxliridgo ou tise 2Oth and 2ist days of Ma.y, commeaciagnI 9 a'cioec, s. ni. ,Applio.uts are requîreai ta presen atisfae- tary testimoniale of goud moral oharseter Ironi ther respective mînistri; sud ta b. forward nt tihe commecceent. ALL CE1KTIIICATES ezoept tis..inued lune May lant, are hereby By order af tho Board IL H. Tuar;Tor;, 1D. D., secretary B. P. 1. April 5tis, 1869. 14 IT IK A%», : 1'. IN SNOP!",","l 1h u= g o' a odlpdis. ,op ieio. a aee a stoYo sud lin Mhoaud~o matis, of Tiil, Sam'a Paru-- tare store, whcr tetibt May b. bad, aAaIl mauneraf Tlnimith'a vr oan'the illartst noîlce. 1W~Old1rau ,oper, Bai, alooaD LIueAE.g, W",olaliugî,ors.elir aud aul mauner of truck takeuloexabr.ge. W tbMarobeh l, 18689. 10 INIOLVPNTA«or 0F1664 ]Province of Out' le I uthe Couuty Court'af Conuîy o Crlo, the flou'ly Of Ontaio. S 1TO VIT, ta4 t.matter c 7oa fr an n - Scvetb day ofloiorpit i tton othe dock yn tise uderslged yullappiy :oîleJulge oftlis .ald Court lkorasdiaoissrge nder tise sali Ac. Dateai aI CaunIngtou, lu the o Ctty of Ou- Iasa, dii 101h daY af Marais. A. D). 1869.1 _, THOMAS FINNAN, 1,y .O. Kzui, his Attorney ad litem. 'Whitby, mareis25,l. 1. f ARKBETRONg'S IIOTEL, UX13ID GEV E.. ARMSTRONG, - Proprletor. rrilESUBSCIBER las it ted up sud cern .L pltely resuovatea thse saove oaid establîn- od flrm-claaIlotel, aud nolicits the patronage of tihe publfie ie.frienda. Thse table and barg gaçlied wils tthe best' Gaad raomy saas E. ARMSTRONIG. CUbridgo, Jan, 26, 1809. 4 ]PRESERVE YOUR HEALTHR STERNIK& SPURRILL9S DOMINION -BITTEIRS! T1118 celobrated Tonio e îpldly galfflug a world-viale cclcbrity, bohssy ssed and reSlommeatidaed b y tise assocruisnnt Phy4ioaiii vîserever lil'y iave isceusi iitroidued. Am s Biaod lPurifler, sud s recultar of Mie a pptite, tlioy caasnot be equalleai. Une tral is sis stautisate tis important tact. Maatatured sud molai, Wholoaale sud Ue- tl, by Srsnss-& SPVEZ5ILL, Wiaitby. gW Ail order. loft nt Mr. Stiths ,(bat. Spurrilli> Wes4tern Hotel, Dasadags treet, or nt tse Maasafsetbry, EBut VM lusor, wili reocve plompt attantion. WVitlby, Mareis 24. 1889. 12 ONTARIO IHOT]EL9 <lateC. Daie.) WHITB3Y,_ONTARIO. A. ALEXANDER - - Proprieor. T lIE sabiseniber desîires ta returu tisaulce la Lta tise publie for ti>c very tuberai patron Mec beitoved as ots hlm saiit.propnictor et thse Gobe hotel, Brooliu, sud aitishe sate lime take. occassion teoannusace tisaI lie lha. loe tise above weli kaowu hloe. large additions bave bsen receuîiy msade ta tisepreauacsecamr- iug more commodlnus aceoomamodaition sud encreawlug tise uumiser ol sleeping noamu 10 uearly bou. laitmore tissu formerly. A IrxI- clama Billard Panlor vs ittire. tablesliais a becu added. Extensive addail osî tiai Stailig, tbodi, lbuse Borei, ho., lave aua'o sea moade. Ali enablisig tise andermlgsod to offcn la him Old Frienis and tise publie gaoie- nali advantagi.aspase d b o flO aer isotel ln taplae. wilt st- ail tîmes bo happy ta velconse hlm olai fricuds. Whitby, Dec. 2, 1858. 48-ly LAND FOR SALE. -- T 11 UNT)ERSIGNED affaira for sala the Norts 34 acres af Lot 18, 811s . oattse Tovasatalp aifIBeachl, tihe ]and i;1,tva miles 'Nantis <. Mancisester on th. Centre road. Tisera la saute vîsînablo tituber for ltaiway Tics, h.-. For partieulars apply te W. if. DILLINGS, SossirIs0 , h itbY. Whitby, Nov. 251h, 1868. tf-47. LOOtu-laà21h ou lou ofXrOoei sbout j reset Mama, Lit t1t cnesilon cf-South Orilian knowvOil fS#eambost Point," on.Ak Cou-' ohlt t onsIlao m 'ùthe, - r VI EOF-,ORiLLIA 84 acres, about 15 acres OsemraaiIasceocf Loi beanilal' vood. This, vilsoat ex. Canebhlhtg. Tise vîew ex4lng m tIse vhce Ula Ramaý, tie Town cf Orill., &, tho riamows of Lak lo '1=1. - IN TUE TOWN 01 WHTY, SIx otsou ynansîretdirechl>'nantis ut tIse neidenceof S. IL CochraTne, Ee7q. - For privale msideoues, nat excellod b>' mn> vue"utpïapent>' lu tcvu. Seversi plots, frosu Ivo to six Iots, feuced, lu 154 nelgiherhaod cf tise new MaRman 0- Ihouie Chami. THEZ ACRES, fenceai, kuavu as lb.eli Cricket FPld. TWO ACRES, fenceai, nest of Crlckctfield. 1j'ACRE, foncea, n'est of Cnlcket'ieid; 6 LOTS, fenceai,,wenl [of osîdeuce of Jas. '11. Gernio, Esq. à AR foneuadsoalis o1 rebidocenoaf Jai. Illernie, is!q. 1 jy ACRE, tenousa,,oths-vo., do. 1 y ACRLE, Vest of roiidauoasof J. Lynes. 5 L'JTS, teuceai, Voit Metlsodi.st Chancit. 2 LOTS, sautis msideuce J. J. Harper. 10 LOTS vamt Penny-st., saulh cf Qose'is 8 LOTrS nantisDpndamtreet, oppostrai dence et ÏÉoi. ]>evailil. sieri 10 ACRES, ou Brook atreel, s'artis railva>' bridge. Mr Aise several Village Loti, lu vaions parta et tise Tawn. The vaant Lot adjoiaing Lcwem h&l'oweîl'm, Brook strect, 87 foütI front, 98 feot d6ep teaa lune. Tise vacant Lot souli et MaMillau'. ]Block, 22 Ibet front, 98 foot deap.* ta a lana. 5 lobot aiBrook streol, betwven Ryal notai allai McMilluu's Bsaîldîag 24X ti. front, e.ch, 198 tated clcepua slune, 20 feel vide. WILD LANDS. Meas, Souths X 18, 1215 cou. 100 ses. le a'664, lat il"100 66 Rama, Pt. LaI 16, Ord 411' I 46 Lot 15, 4th "6 200 66 Isle saisseniher huving elotermineai te closte out liihisi w ol i. Resl Esîsie busInes, tise abusa. proportion are oilerad ant loyfllurcs,aud on long terniset afpymenl. Appi>' te 1April, 1869. J. HAM FERRY, Whitisv. 8mon-IS In Ohanceryo PIJRSUNoe t ansuorder of th. Court of Cissncery, mtadoelunlise malter of tise estate af Lasolilua ipissil, sud in a cause MoUà auev. HaimN stise credîtons of Laohliu Camspbelsl, bat. of thse tovusisip ai Thorais,lu tise Caunt>' of Onteari, visa led ini or about tise mont-h of Naveaiben, 1808; are ou or beote s Firit Day of May 1869, ta seul by pont, rrld, ta C. C. Kteller, oi the Village of Calnuinglon, tise Solicitor ofthlie PlaIntit, Fargalsn McBuiln; their olîribthiâu andi aurusuîos, sddreses sud description, lIse full pnlleular.ai 'heir daims, s teteuseut of tîsoir aseonushan i.d Ile nature of tis ecuriti (Irfiksy~ iselaib>'thesu; or lus default lisereoï, tise>' viii b. premptorily exoinddait he heoît oati sa sd order. Eveay ureditçr holding sssv ecunil>'la tW produca tisasaune islore meaut my Chambears, ut thse Towns of Wiiitby, oas tise EIGITH DAY OF1 MAY, 1869, at tan olock lu tise toreusoon, beiag tise tiane appolasteai for adjudication an2 tise clims. Dateai lau 141h dey ai Aduil, 1809. GEV. Il. DA1LTNELL, Muster. Whitisy, ApnIl 14, 1869. td. 4Gkea,4t IIARNIESS S.ALE. TIs ubieniber viii sell fon Tise balance of hie STOCK OF IHARNES et gnestly reduced prices for cms. luonder ta îike rmous tor Sprsng maidSammor asasutac- tares. W~ 20 Seti stfSinge and Double Banns lu btook. biiludiuig pureaiegra viii do Weila usaI. lise tact. Broek Street. Wiiby, Apnil 14, 1869. 410-15 1a8lHEUEBY GIVEN THAT THE COUR?.#,,0F REVISION -FOR TE The Ciuuvebyard. Tt ILas a beaueil. ouaton. vils or Saxon aucestans ta' cali tise cburchsyard aaGodfli Acre ;" aud it ila ustoni iil11ob- seailuin MSu>' parts aÇ Gersnsny. ,Il oonis ta oae tsat lthe litle-bit of lan saif hou!>' set spart, uat anl>' to.tisedemd, but ta Hiin ta ihssomabmitise> havé geneé. Wo neyer had tisis feeling 8o0'forcibi>' impresseai upan us, as wiseu in Genman>', in< ise wiutemiihat folioweai the hate of- Sadowa., "Il isai beauna -wiid day, vilS licetin asa nov,,sud tisougl tise mssow had! cèed, lise Wissd-omliibien iceen assai erce Business nid called, us fram aur.,hotel, maid that ve migst, make a short cau, ve pas- ed lisrough tisegrave-yard attaciseai tatheý olai Kloster chancis. Ise édifice bac! béen buili luthe-miadie aéges, suai w*s hoar>' vwilS mgo.'But il vas uaoi ccupied by a, Protestant cougregaticu,'far tise people> in tisaI p art of Germnu>lWa, al;thtise m.of tise Réformation,. adapted tise Lathernu faits. As vo crasse4 tise -banlo;grouasd, oun aflentian vas 'alhracteai b> two cildren, apparnuti>' isIons, ver> 0' aly', yctsseahiy cmadin mounnsg gsnmntà.ý Thoayngor voeeafadeai iood; butt lader had'inu covorng visatever for bier bead. ýTisey stmuggied eu, bath halding an aId, tattoreai umbrelsa, visich wvas mîlf vilS moect assa snov, aud visicis lie gala even>' moment tirseteneai ta loir tram titain issnds, On tise an atftise cîder isuug a vreats, visicis was evidouti>' deatissed ta aiearate smne grave; fan il vas th. castom, khe., sa lu -mail parts'of continental Europe, thus to tesîify affection for lis. doa. 'Pon arpisaus,' I iaid tW myselt, tise>' muist have gene vitisauts meal, penhup, to bu>' the vneatb, TIleisfor a ftIer or motier-it nia>'bc bath 1, And; sympaîlsetically, I tailaveai liseni Tise>'seau came to a lonci>' grave, vuS.- ouI hamaitano or assy otiser monument, except a littho waoden crossm; ud hoo, kssoeliug davu, the. eider ister hang the wreslis upon it. B>' Ibis lime bath woee crying bitteri>'. 'Uotisan,' I hocard tise yoanger ane say, 'vhy.did yau aile? Oit, iIer, dean natisen, came back te yaun Gretcitan l' Andise vopt as il Sern utIle heurt woulai break. 'Huas, darling,' sali item muter, hardi>' able hersaift b speak. 'Maison is happy nnov; aheh ils tfaliser; said bath are lu heaven.' I vaite a viilei tise emation outhtis or phans had panhially sabsideai, sud thon, loid b>'irrealstible ympalisy, aicresmeai them. Thein star>' vas a simple one; non, mi" 1 vas it anemman. T15dm ftlis isai ienved isa ime in tise an>', as all Prus - siens are canipelied to, been dismismei miat lb. reserve, biai maried aud settleai. Neilisen ho, nom ais>' b ue s, bhid up- posed ho 'vaulai be mequineai te serve again; ion tift>'yeasshai pasmeai ince lbe réerves- bailbeau esileai outBut visen tise vanvitis Austnia cama, bath lise finit sud second rosanves vere put int tise field. He vasalmost dimînaicteai nom vas bis vite lmma. Tise>'isai tva chilainen, tisese litîle. girls, aidsad not =e enable ta Bave anytisifig. Tiseir vioodpeudence vas oss tise abor aftie tatiten; fonris. maon vas'wu- voaki', anai haifth tis ime ill. If ho vent, stanvalian vas imminent Woho eanswerod lise mumnions, him vite aud cilaien vont with hlm, lu the vilai hope ltat tise>'migisî persuade the cafficon ta lot hlm off. It was iu vaift. 1h. afficer, issaieai, isad no dis- oretion. Tisossar.ds a!ofonfamtuies wene lunlise sanie misenabie conditian. Sa tise fatiser maroisea itiS iis detacismeut, aud tise maISon, Iakiug hem 1111le eues, vont home te aise. The incIser vent home ta die.'Tise blov vas laa mach.1cm Set. 85e atrag- glad outilîl aller Sadowa, alltise time hearing no word irons hem husbanai, assa heuce, tearng tisat ho vas alneady desai, but isoping againat hope. But v hon lise nevs oethîe groal battu came,.vison lisé lista cf tlise a iappcarid, 'lb.name .of lise Lalsern d suasanai vera among tise fis; saidmise neyer lifteai up bhaniea attensards. - 'a8o isai naboai> but ounselves,' cou- liuued mninaralor, tise elIen aoflise girls. "Tise neiglibauns ver. kinai; lise>'iunicai- au>' incIser, sud 15.>' id visaI lise>'coulai Assaih. broke dovu vil a Crest mo0b. A viid ory, aud bath cisildren -Were lu bis arme, veapissg, klssiug assa, sabbiug; 'Yosi i vas '.vovssded, ual. kiled1 s thse fatisen, aflersaton'. Sumried questions- lied bien ia8ked suid msvared. 'Han' ni>'mynaine gati mbtiste hislt of.tise doa,- Ican. ami>' explai inlu- Ibis n'a>'. tah> n ie bâtilo, manie of ni>' commados erýoabouât ba'yoneti n n At tiânsllaofficer, visýa saisqrnendered,vwheu li nter fereai; aon atter tise 'o fflcem's regim st came np, _dreauai,. sd -ook mast otni>'compon>' pnisouers. I vas aissngtise latter, bavlssg bcoa desperatol' wduided. Tiseofilcer,' !emamberng nim'-lutmerossoe, hai me sent ta the r, uder' charge ot bis-oavu servants; for ise vas'smass q mmnk id weilts. Up.ta thilime, aoforseveraî hourm later, lte do>', yaarmember, veul> against ns- 'I vas miles mv.>' tram te, batîle,-flelai, jaarsseyiug Ina privaI.carÏ- niage, vbeu tiseaiotent came, ma that ii ini tiss vilS me, escap eai >te crovai manai hur>'oattise fligisî.-My jaumue>', iu«lad, nover stôppea, i ltiI easc e heestatas et 10> capton. Tiser. I hingameci long vils an abstanate, tisougis nat daugeoaus vanai. As soan as.I coulai vrite-vlbch vasualo ill bang atter peace-I despatchea a lot- tInsd then n ssaîn, assimlii oCiers, anderissg, ail, lte viile, i y;luever lima an;anaver. Il mei >ous meceivea nasse oftisaniAt lait, I nwas eli eougis '10 travel.Then ni yfaplar, visa inistsd, tisat Ihaîsasveai hmlite, aidvisa-Sad. nen' natanneai ta hlm estates, emsnonated nie. lsbanally,nd I set forth fer home, riais, comparutivel>', as I Iheuiht; bat non' tait I fli 1Save lost ni>'dean vite, pon inaied.' Atter a 1111le, be esameai. I vent flash, on arriving lu tavu, ta oui aid houa., sud vaslter. talai tie naît nevs, sud irinctea ta vitere ns>' aarlings litre nov.' Re itad an arn amaussaieucis slie spaka. 'lta>' vare eut. Tisa peapie clown tlaires aid 15e>' haît ceebhre. I, bilan'- cd.' Befane I beft tise aid, quaint oit>', I1isai meen lte (mISer saicitii'iren establkmbeaiil conitartable quartons, sud tise fanmer ou- musse>' frnimiseai t>' lise .&uas'prince Ssd eumblea i hm ta punchase., I had meen aima a neat maimble-inonu- ment, visite as tise spolies.' siton, erecteai in place of lis, imple vaaJeu cros; sud through ailtishe moutho,, vinten. or munim- mer, ioving]sauclm dlcoaae vilS fioverm thse vite maniaIstes', grave; for tisane ii, uotîiig on. earlt hait ma dean10tons as that spot in "Gaai's Acro. Ailaeked-by au Elepisato A correspondent',ss>'s tisaI Dr. IHanse, au Amerloan nisasianar>' et Bangkok, Siams, hau been moverel>' lçuaeal b>'an elepitaut Re vas en hlm n'a>' te nn msio a twa monîi' jaumu' bein'g required - ta neaeS ilin oraierta oender meaical&id ta ether miasienaries vho hsaipreeàaai hm. RIe vas acopasamai b ', .faurnLnative guides, and, lisreo large eidpisssts ta carrv tise baggago, as tisroueh tise jungles sudi moantainoascautr> tius la tise oui>' vay of preceainre. Witan neairise essaiof bus jomn>, iilea .easming ana ofthéise hge becastsI, as hh uaîten doue betone ounlte va>', teanimal suddeuly.lamneai Upan hiu sud smate hlm vitl ia Irank, Iiyissg Sui prostrate, masi ISen vith- bis.greaI Iasks tomrs ises ashs a'i picedi-k ficoli lu a terrible niannon. Oune -thbisenatives vas an the neck afthlie beoatIl titis lime,ý aud:oul>' descended sud gaîuod central oven Sum jusI in dîneme la vetise docten i rons beiug tranipleai ho deais.. la>'à unden tise troos visere ha vwas atricken dovu, fer Iwa veeka, isaing Sinisait, hlm ont> pisysician suai urg eau, said ilS great tortitude sewing up iis evu vanas. BIe vas tvo das"sbaniT fronitise station, vilS Ignoant natives aàbout hlm, n'ith anl7 eue plut asuashali c f vater witb. which ta vet bis lipssaid droïs hie vanas, assa tise .thenmameter nt.,nineoty.lvo *,de- green lu lb. shade. -làsduse course of îinie .is. eçecvereai muffienîl>' la ha.carried 10.,ttIseondi etissjouruey'-in tisearme ai hlm fnas. Tiie Yaleoyci JehLomaplst. agoweil Iat sbaved lt-to ë af-v ida ex - tant. Adnltting the exlsîence'f a peransent open ses amoni thWý polo, lise quemtion, "Oaa il be noacisea by vessels-,?" is nalural in vien'of lhe efforts nen' ieing macle tûýý ameiiplims tisaI- objacis Sa fan, over>' attempt to pouetrale tlait bas beu pro- venteai (uIsless$ il vore achiualI>', reacisea b'Pn>) ,y ninpenetrablle valloff be. àaigtons isave soughisn uvain fo~r open- -augs throngh 'bich bisein vooseis -migist b. forced;- anA mon>' have heen couspeiled, ta > ltsiandon Ibeni I th iéesco-locked channelai visicis have clamed cul>' toc sarel> -bobinai lisent, .KIotiere a ,pommassent suad- fixeci break smnevhin ltIis be Wall, a tae eve orcs nsrrow, ever mc poniions, by witoi imace-au bi oblasaidta lise mys*onious 'Polar Sea ? As etpractically undociaied, tise quesbion fiud s me «visa belive yos, misaiotisens vso 7belis'eno. BolS 'partiea tissa argumentsta sustain ,tiseir -position. Il la an g aid Sat the tidslam ýich ise -aud tail lu tis epô Plar Ses COul4 cIoicSar uniosth-,ef oiemnelarge il tconi- massiemling vilS -lis, main aoosn. To tisi = a naereai Ihut the *sas la suffi- cenl>' arg laadmit of Ïu n sdopendeuî A LoNG VÊLocni-Pssis JorliNzY.-TSe London Timanof et lslraiinst-, Sas tisa folîawiug :-"A joanne>'onau bycicles trous Louidan la Liverpool, S>' way of Oxford sud Benlo>', haisjush licou ,cénmpitea b>' tva of the Livcmpoal-Valocpede Club. On Wednesdsy evauiug Ms-. A.-S. Peasunon andi Mn. J. M. Csv, tih oona sacretary--ot lte-clubi, motoff, froni tiesahiores et tise Mens.>' tam a 'prehiminar>'-canton' ta Citas-_ Ion, tam wicis cilti hs aarted imn oannest- aun Thunsas>'momniug. Aftcr s rida ut, lî» milai tise>' arivedai t-4ievni 'dgelz near- Wolvarhansptoss, ,visone 'tiese> tayad ail nigist. Ou FPnada&liste vel'ocipedians, Sav- ing lrsveraaai lise Blck Caunts>', wevona to Waedotock, a ,disanceo",,of .69 sniles, where'lisey miept. 1On Sataninglt lise touriste;amniveai in Landau, feeling .nana lise varse fer tbhomIon 1g>rida. Thoîr bicy'. cles esaseai no lithie astaniahment. on tisa wsy. assaithe reairka passeaiby tise natives ver. usosk amiualng. At Sm ornfe tise villages lise boys- olusléed round tise machbines,,aud, n'Sen bisey could ausgist halai 'ofîliem nisuraiohniai-tsy vore tia-ed. ouI.Mou>' nquiries"wara made as otahie itnie cf"them qucor horiýs,"manie callissg lisent "vhlnlgigs," "messageries" su ad "vaiaparasos." Be- venWoiverlsaniplo ndasaiBimiugisaun atlempts vwememade to apset tise nains by lhnoviug atones. Tisa leuriasW carsled lisein laggage lucampot igs, whicIs con b. 'fasleneai en b>' strsppsu'g tisoni sitiso lu frontoanou tie portnianhean plat e b- hinai.This'la statel ta Se the longeaI bicycle leur yoh madein'tliu, catntïrÇand the niders arc cdl tise pinion that,Isad tise>' beeon dspaseai, lse> ' cauld ai ve aceeni- plished tbe distance inu cS 1es lime. besaîlfai girl, wvis ufféeeaiafféelalion ta obscurs t5e,11111e intellect ils. possosea, 6vh114la i tbot, long,_green Iliiug, Jyig ou tkdise abus bre you?" A. cocumber, ni>'belaveai Geargisa," rop lie'd tei man. nia, wilk a bland emsile of' approbation ça lierý dauïgblen'mcommîndable 'carïmit>'. :15Acacaszabon igracions goudues. s>'ydean = hns, oy extrAorduar>' I - 1alva>'. iagea, until I bis moment, lisaitlIe>' grew ilaeliffaIl,' Tva yaung misses, discuising tIse qnaii. lies at smne young gentleman, wvIre ôver- be' au 'tisas; 'WeIl,_l 11ke Chimie>',"but -hein aile girlah iSe bas not gatthe lamai lta f a board. "'Imay Chsrley las -o R.rýftb bw PAINTS, 0115. &a.- ENOicLIBE BOILE» AND Aw Linseed 011, JAMES' GENUINEB WHITE LEAD, At JAMES H. GER1IIS Drag store, Wiîiy. PÂPER 1IAINGINGS! Jail neceiveda afremsasonîmeul oi uev pst- ternus. Engtlis i 'par B astgingi selling at Loy Pnici. DORDERINGS, WINDOW BLINDS, JAMES IB, GILRIE, Drugglt, W bits>'! ipnil Tt, 1869. 14 Fint AND Li" INSURANCE COMP'Y QILVRFO . ODN CAPITAL, 2 MILLIONS STERLING, Viril LARGOE RElEBVis ide. 4N1VUL Iycoui," - £800,000 jSl. Ver>' moderato ratas of1premînut. ' Prompt sud liserali etemeut cf losses. Loi. sud dtmage b>' explosion of gai msade good. No charge for policlem or transfert. TIse foâlovlug are among.t tise Importent salvantsge. affereai b>' tisîCompany. - Perfectsecurit> teasasurera.. Modarate ratea of premîut. Large participation at prolitx--tse sonsaes being amougsî the i.rgest isereltfre dealareai b>'au>' office, sud dividle even>' tiiie yearà. Exemption otfsauneai frout liabilhl>' ot parto- ueshabp. Clilus settlea prompli>' ou proof cf dasi. Liserailvaewfo fr mareudeneaipolcie.. Pdnieiture cf polio>' cannastae.place. froin uninteatlonai m*-saaemenî. $o ohange for policlai ar asigumonte. Medw aifeal d b>' thaCoisp*n>'. - Tablesmi nomm of ap ictiani, vilS aU otheruufomahin, c o b.oiueaibyapigea- lion th lOaage, aroloBraasch W.B, -lICO, MJ L -me&d lExamier. GEORG" LIVER, Inspeutai. JOHNAGNEW, Agnt Sm-ID - -Wbltisy, Ont. BIL L.IARD"$S A IT-ASS ON.Ai togethon, vls eue0 or tvOaeares of bindaisti ed, as ni.>'bc demiredansd asip. ya4âasgi iug Omhuird. -TIer, mmec tva vells villg, pumas. sudexcellent Wa.en. . r Tise Visolllbc salai i st Rsell aue cf tisebeqsICasneIDm for au sacti'. buins man. 5' -- Wili b. exeisangeo lnfaim propent>'. FrtOnsb,4et.%ppt>'(lb>' elte,- pre.pj taWILIAM B3C510j Ootobê Ooo.Ay e r G" "BLAQKS NIr, AND. L%.oy , usii Itîstel 1, t. r-' ai 1, a

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