Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1869, p. 3

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O o u"1leî of Qeotebea' mate pOa au esi iuopgo a liI bas lWa111u4 Msa.d, W»asosubjecttlo a dated loth of April, 1961,A Iloiden foi '1804, payshle im bot meutiaed is vit-i 4e811L asf. açailli tbai l88 The.' si# opton laayiglV lncrfgeor alovlig taé 04 charoe uponth$ iS m.preaula The purebaser viii be s.y At tiié ime 0f1alae 10 héuei beýr *,dup"i.t lu thé. proport#q Phu, LoUr, aaltaoia ud ésu Dsidtiec lut dsY oApil, luoi elw. ii.» TELMstr C.O.9 uu 1ILLU.VsanUU'moleil 41n-14 &.il. CoCl(uANE, Agen us..... a1 D u«dhr .eraua bc Urnte lu c, every parttéglar., 1 kuov tiaat Wh 4le 111ber es meevp dde4ndhqp.loo *a 1 s k Iltli ms hbs liai, lé mm.ber réooî'eryalwsyi# sttrlliated ,~ber r eovm y o tis szëoulauas o udyï wu Wlster ir mu>' eîhie t pllar propertles ef, ~*thinadi das, euetblaîg lisiceitiuia,thast lu ber cmoai, It bhaisa d snalm it,hie pirfoimanée: & 0f nlarcl. A A. . WOOD, .J. P, ru'Wardeu cf thze Oouuty of Butiliago, Provine. Sof Uuhariaa, Dominionaof cauaw a 1 -Early Dw arf TOMATO. li. Zograph ioon, NEW PANORA1IA or vils "aIwo or Jllu nerf lyd,, Tboaaasd ,Jsk's alta.lut. " lam,, jiiu.si#pi ed Ohio Riverso E;uyan's TEN N IORTS IN A BAR-IBOM 1 sMd wanyother trz et lulgs CVi bu exil- Tbursday,,22nd & Friday, 23rd IMit Doms opeusi 7 ; to commnace at 85 oick. Auor.i" 190rVed sent», 25 et$,; ether parlé oti e hall, là ci».-,cliidreui, 10 etil. For lortiior partie Diai. nue descriptive Pro- À 'pàa mgi5ad,. vtim *i lab« hat.i«1onaPriday Aft.raaos. aNt a qua" teiotir ut-ok, ».heu ablisdren yul bu atd fur ton ce ats e. April 1mis, U6e. 15 18601, THE SUPEILB NEW 1809O. 64NORSEËM-AN" au csepssaet saswg XORTH BRORE PORTS A.1ý-£o1 FoiRT 0r ROCHEOTEK, And vilI ocatinue maiug dai>' tripa, eaviug Cobourg__&ail0Sa. M.;1Part luopo a&.9,3£ s. nm. Cals a Wiltby, Oohaura, Darligtê oid New-. asaille Wedueoaidmoruiu.a; antJBrighton, Tlanaady juoruug, ana Coîboru. aever> moruuag except Wednuday. Ethnraimîg Isves Port ot liestsm dilly il >. p. i,exest oSlutdayaas, vie sit4e lstat - Sp. nm., directfor t'ont- Hope. Fos F5»sv--Applv, ou lourd or 10 C. Praiper 6&<Co ,Wliy, James 4. ôy, Usias vs . X Loln namringou'Ï Nlfelilaoau Nosvasle; A. ocelrane a&d dao: ealedrmmu P.)rt hopé, C. Kliott, Ochoarg* J. Keter, Colboîi;,inus 6 dtButler, Bngï&Q. April flot 1069. *l ,ÇQURT Op BEVISIONx. THE COURT 0F REVIBJN von mus TOWNSHIP OF~ RAMA, Will b. hsld et TIIOXAS LÂWIENCEý'â "HLOTJCL, Front £Zebumt,eon o Baturday, t ho Sth Xay next Rama, April.151h, 189. ' 'laS W.s ofr, sr plrg, plaaaalmiàghaotylo i>* Traies, a FIowo1ng shrnbs, IIYBII» iEBJE'AL ]PB 1LADEFLI-IHIA ft 4$PB>JRe ;PJtAL-TS; DU ai'" P. , - DeselpU mçg"lhW*. dr "T T 4Ifarlffit end 1,egt fisvaod'Toaso ve Turaive yet tç»led,-auàd vcry productive. amil 25 CâloPter paeakagei5 "SPack- ageas jrel 5, face bh Wl" G LrLELIE *,SON, ToscimoNtiiaixa, IS1541P Leslie P. 09, Ont.1 in ()haneery. IUP'rAXÇT tb silorder orfle ,court ot Cliawnery, mseite ott aaer ortheia. <tg:pof mLitisîn 4thmpb.il,abd 1la>àacupe. WCBipfxv*. HI oii»y "thei, Ct>4IIOf* < lAila oCaam;bllI, laeoÏ IL tuvaa.hip ef Tliorial, lit tire îiuaaty ot Ontario, wlao died lit or abiitt he moath or ?fovenîber, 18688;are on or before lhé Piret Day of May 1869, té# Pend bypout, î're>slal, to .O, C.Keler, cot he VilIaou ft<laaiiigtoi, tin solicitwof uÇthe Ili'iaauit. Fergulsar MdeBuA'aa; ilîcir ciria:*in n bruia,,addrgauend-rad aecriptioni, the full paîtieulero ut their aims,- a opttment or tlîeir aceuoi s'd tIle nture of the ec ieno (iraiy) lîeld by tlaemi ('r ln aiiglît tireipïf tlmcy will bc pûorc'uaorily *xuld' i ront te benedt of thei. iiid oa'Jer, Eveay urvrl.tor iholding uy envunrity lai ho pre te i mnii belre mi, t my Cligiuhai ut , te ovil ai Whkby, Ol t 019 ElGiri DAI tkFbAY, 189, oit ten o1eluck ln tiie toroiioti, beliii elisne apiwiiated for adjoffdietiuu on the Choliîne. P.gtetliit it 4h dgy of Adril, 1869. 0£0. Il. DAIC'LIELL, Muter. Witby, AprIl 14, 1869. Id. FOR SAL E. Cultivated ]Parme, improve4 Town ]Property, Wild Lands, *o., &o. IiIOVED YMWS.i eart of spath-,si, let 10, 4»i cncanlon mam, adj>lIulag Ltae VILLAGE OF BRECHINI LûtIl ln lu 1h conicessionu et Maraé;-20 scias, kZn outhe li eNEhL FPAill, about 25 sacres eiured. 1.oi 12, lu 1111, couceion cf Mers, 200acres, about JO acreu cleured, * Ncrti-U Lot 14- 101h concasaIOn Of biara, 100 sces, 12 tu 16 arias olearod Lot 11, o8h-oncessi',on f Soui horhlia, kuewau ais" Sotcsul'vst l'it," ois ake OCou- clliclig, about one mile froei lhe VILLAGE OF ORILLIA, 04 scrcs, siloiit 16 acres lesred, balance of iLupt ieatifully voda. liai.,, vitijont- cx- ep loa thsel ,butsituted proprty on "a Couchliicllg. 'lhei'ievexeudiug lia. viole diauc.o the Lake, »ud emabrucng the. INDIAN VILLAGEt la Rama, Lbe Town of Orîllils, the lNerrowsai.1Lalté limese. TOWN .PROPEIiTY IN TUE TowN F rWHITBYq Six Lo u Bron streel, dircoly north aof lie reliece of 0..11. Coclarnc, Eiq. Y&r privaI. reaildeuccs, pot exce11c4 b>' any vacutipreperty laU Rva.. several plots, frona tvo ho six lots, feaicd, lu lime îilghioi'Lo.,d or gtue aewliboquan0- liaolleu Clinra. TISIEZ 10118< fimacd, iuovu s 1h. old CAeket Ibid. TW#.> ACRILES, fucod, vest of Cricket #61d. 1 U £ACe, t.uMe, vet of Cntcectlild, 6 LO)TS, teneed, Iet ,01 reffidece of Jas. H.carrie, Esq. P, LSd' of r î Mez«ceeof Jps. 1 ACRE, faoud, pouth-vest do., ao. & CRE,wvmat oirewildeufteof J. Lympoi. 5Lj"; fejied, vaîet lapdmi Cigthreu, Un LOIasi elei.J.-J. Ilarpcor. 10 LOT, v eutporry-se., potlt of 9rcwo' à lITS1 nrti DanuaSstreet, eppomlhe resi' diaom om ll;s. ].Teéll. 10 AvCgU, fon Brcgç shieet, uort4 tailva>' g Alai. #«erl Village 1.04, la vations parts of lie Twn Te vaçant ; oh sdj 01 ng oves 6 oe Paw, B2oo" trÃ",98 " di<e <rotu akf . êph à*c est - Bratrk #net b9venBoya laBelIai lllu'Bal~ ,4ý <tfirout, WILD LANDS$ ;fata, p00>1114 1$, 151 cmn.190 acre», ]Remet rt Lot' 10, , $d 4180 " -' 66 et , 1, ,4t" Po0 e-. RU GULATIONS. Tl- f Tbrsecré horse ho niak3a aOl En- IrAnce ton pet cenit.,.l'hii. smoraes te b. tua seerdiaag Uthe truleaof lic Club.Alil eubhia to b.mcade lau vwling a&dunuder seul, sdhreaie o the seraL' ry oOr bof oie satur- day, the 22ud May' &Ail ridera ili Le rcquIr- ad todiSie-luJckey atylce. Eery p"rameu eneigabhord. 'alll ho required îo name hls colora. Thae J ndg.sdscisouto b. iliiaal in ail son, eid Georgseocuiswa * TIIOMfAs flL'5TON, WlaihyAprl SliSreary &Tremarer. Six-Potoket Billiard Table F1roor .q p lrgr tonne a44., apply te BOX ?Z15. WhltbyWltitbyil,.lu. Whlb. prlTC89.. E 4 10HEEEBY GIVEN TIIAT THE v0uRL 0OF JIEVISION ]FOIR TUE TOJWNSHIP OF WITBY WILL BE HEL» AT TnE Township Ball, Brookliot O1N MONDMAY, 3rd of JMAY, 1809, et 2 i'ecl, P. im. Xb. TI ÃŽARIZUSO.N, Cicrk of tbe Court of llesi4ou, W hitby., April lbtiî, 1@69. $iols 1 hercby varianuli person or parsons flot tu trust' iu rett,, argaet D aii; uI viii »,t b, cnulaiile for say deuL.m »ho msy con- tract after lisii.date, 9 1 1agapa, THmAs o.,DUNJ5AM. BrcaAprl 14, 1869. st. GrZ*eat U11AUINESS SALE. Tii.amserlber vii 11 'o? o Tii.lbulaneofo!hia STOCK OF UARNESS aI grn.t duccd y.ricee for cula, lu crier ho aleimfor pnaig eAad Snazîpar umaufac- j 0sets 0of Siaglo sud lDouble Ilarnost îIit.idlu; pureliasr. iiido mvelito a1«40 the lat 1Wbittay, Aptil 14, 1869. J. I. PIJILI', 1 Brook Street. elu.15 ntANDI Lin INSURANCE COMP'Y 0F LIVERPOOL 4'LONDON. CAPITAL, 2 MILLIONS STERLING, virm ai E ES axaixear.. AzVYUAL .T.NCOJlt, £800,000 sw~.1 VeryModerato ratle» of premium. Promarpt ad luberai aettis'm.aiîcf loiss. Lois sudidcnasge b>' explubion of gos tuade *good. JS t-large fur policies or lrani,<ere. The, foilowing orre amorgail he IhupQrWaul atlvaiteageo i FUfYMartby tlii Cmp Sret e cnrity te maa isa. moderato rates of preaium. Large pidcpatiun oh prtl.-tbe bonuse b.isg moîîgàs the. lmafc4 Iaretolore df4ur$4 by a fî 4. iad dig ced avery klie y.air. li Pl.o ogsmatfrpm ia iaers 1 ,p. lsiti of port- *lilniulle ptrt!'on prcor0<duaita. i;bersal aueIc ce oer arreudertd polcies. It'urciurc of, polie casiot taire place -irom niaatluaai a-tsaîaeut. No ettarge for p-Olieles or assigumenfa. Medical < « e aiby tti. Coupqloy. Tables soud lormai of aîlîei i viA li iâher inf(ormuallso, ceu bWublalu"d by ap.loa- tion M. - FRANCIL 1 IZ AD Xmanger, Torqailo Bramaba W. B. IICOL.-.»., MAi-l5& WbiU>by, Ont, W ANTED. boni i *pivl ApmlI, 150, -' AT THE STORE OP Children's Slippers and Shoes-of every' descr'iption and. lats sye sito band. &>*Ail the late,$ styles ot Ladiée' andi Gentlemen'. wort.,,klmmdc to order.« Whitby, April Zlst, 1869. Tilltms 'l3îoek, Brook-St. TIN, PED-DLERS W1ilad a large stock of well-assorted Those making a business of Poddling sheuld talte 4dvantae pi' our stock se favorabiy known tbrongiaout the Couitty. Persens 4esirinz te uakO arrangements for the season ahould cIli et once, as only a lioeited number cn be supplied. HARDWAýRE,,HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels, Hoesï, Rakes' and Garden TOOlS now on haud. HOUSE BUILL)EIS should note the fia t t4 wo Jbaye on hand a large stock of bouse bilding materilti H. &t B. have on band Engiish boileti and raw Oils, James' Genulue and other Palots, Soutiaren Turpentine, Japans, Varuisbes, Glass, Puy, &c. BLACKSMITAS & WVAGON-MAKEflS fufl-suppIied vith Bar' Irbn, [Tubs, Spokcs and Dont Staff, claeap.y g 'CQ4L QL41) ALSWlQ~EALE AND) RETAIL. 1 TOl& ,BROTHER 1Wiitby, Apil 7h, 1869. C. R. SWEETAPPLE, VETZRJNAEY SURGEON* Graduate o Ontaria VèetHlrnr Collge an M Àmà Asitan t tCc rof. Smit,4, of Z1ront0. PZ«-. BUUl40J), 1'rfcaUt»yOfAgriculture, Tforoioto Pacor. SITH, V. B., Principo 01of Otorie V. Dit. IllWihI.L. Toronto, ifQWELL, t P -M.SWEETAPPLE eai b. aouulte'1 Profie'oxionaily At ioaireaidemc, irookdi, et ait louis. Broobiliu, April 19, 6.15 REMOVEDI1 T IF, 1JBSC.RICEIL bga ho Inform blis mimîy Cuittomera. sud the. publie genenully. Mont bu lau removed lais Tilorlog exablaibhmeît trima Brook atreet tq corniermof Druaisai simd B;yronstrectoq, ioppoà;tetla. Po*#, OigccyWliby, ïToux ]EnGUSON. WliaLy, April 7, 1869. 14. HENRY GRiST, PATENT SOLICITOR AND» DRAIJGITSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Trtuaaes bus;iness viltiithel'ateut 011le., and other departm.nts of tii, <overn- ment. Copyriit» saud the 'eglsrtnit of t'ade Marks a!ti Deaignaproeqred. rpt o t. mld tt aniif omnine- *!fa erJ krcJas nMetaFoai$O0,«« are- (tpmaie. TO TEACMOR. lÂzCngpRSvitisthOecunty of ontarlo, T sold o e ouoerued, are laer:by noti.- thae griupnr Splool ùf Ujbî'acige ou the 2Oth and 2ist days of Xayy 9nmoucltag aet oc6o"k .a. Applicmqts gre rciiiireil ho prenens sstifaie- tory tain o f'uso goud ma cieliaeter Irom tser regpectuoe iiiliters; sud te b. forverd et tihe ccaaîinactmeiit 1 AIýL CERITilr]C&TU E 'ept thoe lisndaslia. May lest, e&M ereby By order of the Board, S.H.TU eTON, . DP,L 4p« eter B.P. 14 5N~I5U 3Olp NY EW Linseed Oil, Juticved a frmeola a oit MW ovPet- ters. Ecaltmi P f B now g sop- .lll . 711., 150. Inipollers of Hardware, ke.4 14 INSOLVENT ACT 0FO186 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. Proaine, po utaric,1 Iuth ic CyOUrt Of C64utL fUl ro, he -out o!fnar, TO vrr. lis Ceitt. mtr e' RIOHLPP£ÀBRÇ.&, an J'- h'elca- as lierai, v given thst Co, hti vct>'- se-veuitli tay -o! MbLay uet, aitten of the eiock iu tIle forec o as "uon uas n c o n bà bord" heîudrigiiod vilIaopply te time dez Irhtiti loars,.Court for a lsohargeunde the. mald ut. Duaeel at Cauinglou, liale Conner of. Ou- taato, tbhis loti dia> ef Mirci, A.»D. lui9 RIttHARD PEAJLCE, bv C. C. Keller, lais atteeadcsf ite,. Wiby, Marcla 25, M29. tI. MANUFACTUBED AT. THE Agrlcntaral Works. LEFPBL's CEjlapATEU ]Doble TUR131NE lWATEIL WHEEL Ta8m sSxieosI vuzxL suvlx us!z .Wleels vo are now mmnfsuring .Lclaap.r titanu ny other *hop ln, the coni- try. anadiwe'wili give a g'uearaatee vititagcal cel wvurrutlug tiiens ho b. a' vetl matie, nu t i s: Pod uamfeionu as ay meu- SacIir1 l 1leoiuiniou. tate ella urtiier informatiou eau Ob- lte ib dianf PAXTON, TATE & Co., Marci Sut, peny-1., Port Pcriy, Ont Pl BAREOH4NOE: t-7 or g' BOOTS 41» SIIOBI, * TAIINKS5 TAJp~p AN» TJIATELLINQ DAGI. ~ Purobsama nia>' expeet greit bsîvalns Oua eomlng mprlng. Oeil md on. * Wl. DICHIE. Qm~ava1 April 15,180. 15 NEW field, Oarden * WINES AND'-LI11QITORS, -AT- R.IH JAN!QNS Whitby, Apri îb, 1869. 14 SIEASONABLE IOOB)SO Y. G. wiIl show in a few das a large and eomplete stock Oif He wonld cOnspseinl atteqUoq te bis Opefq #"L sJetOIqja«f Q n d Facy Dreus Goods of varnoaa styles lu noir marials an4 phoipe oi4grg, most sultalil Wqrtie Spriag suif Summner Trade. PrinIs, Olaambry, Grey sud White Cottous. unequeiled in qiaaiity anad for ceepness. Splendid value given in Hosier7, Gioves, Ties, Ceilars, &c. Englisi, Scotch and Canadien Tweeds Clotas sud Cassimeres, sud lotbiug miade te order. lNew Batsansd Cap&. 'The -Qrooery, Department Io snpplied witb alf*aslktlot f Te,. sud offee& Rare bug à-guis a FIELf & GRBIIEN SIEDIJ IN ENBLEZZ YARXZTYy auuilders' Furnishing God'lTesNsIng, Glass, &e-- Paints, OUMs, Varnisefui sotd ARmridsoataiwdt odr. alaso odPrime Wtr LimiesMse, Id. 1 bi g I. ICcago Cop Wbitby, April 141h, 1800, 'YEOMA&N GII3SON.- SPRING, GOODS? RAVE RCEVED TifEI N{EW DRESS GOODS, NE1~ CTNS, lIiIIinry I NEW Wl' NEW RIBBO NEW SHAW I h; Du si ift rms 'W inuor, vilrecetvo- WiLtby, Marchdi, 5.12 InOhancr! ~A~E TU.SWITZER. S um5uAliT ho an oricr iu lb. Court of c4r>' ylu lihénBuiler 0fcia.he ytte of AaX S*rrziÃŽ, snd iu acause MAmBsx aanat Svwnzzs iith redilca-, ot ADcÈ svtzIU, lato of the <Towubip cf Brook, ir . heouati>'of hiaeie, decenied, vin> died inS or about tbe moaath ci Jauuuryoe ou.c iand eilit iIian- dredaaadsixty-naeae , on or befora te Twnty-Pourth day of April, xàwÉ,oÇ ltb. Tovn cf W2iuliy, in the Conurt>' of Outaiothée Soiieitor et lhe Pliatifs. ]Bàxcx& Rime», lb. Exeutora of lb. de- c"m"d, thir C Vla a nd U nsmesi, sd- dresises sud description, thie !ui pusiulari et their daims, a mtatemeni oht te'ir aceounîaI sud lb th MOI0cf lb. secrites (if an>' hia by thom; or lundfank lipr-f, the>' vili bc p.remaptoril exeudd ftra henonsithWll. sait. orele Every Credior haoldiang afy se- cuitlla o o rpdqp tu. Pâm e bafore, meat m>' Ç Po agowet- Wbtby on lic lira: eu f**,oe tionsinal eigbt 1!odrd sc4 4fty nine, etteIn'elocli iu the rorenoon. b.- ine lb. dînes appointed for adjuclmeatton en the elainis. Dat.d Ibis lMi da cf April, oue 'Ibousanti dight iundred and saxly-niue' eWL>.H.DAETIEI., td-laPa18s ellr ONTAIRIO JIOTE L WHIMTBY,_-ONT.ARIO. A. M.EAXDER - - Proprietor. H wpbrde&ires ho rehau t lnp t« lunuepfle or tie ver>' liberil patron go bopdd Vmbuia1c blproprietor ot tlif h4.o0m t oe son onune hat lae bas lasuie. tie ibove vl Inovn ioe. lUrge addition* bsave been recendy lmadego the premiss acur-- laag Ere om-uMmoýdlnus ommodaUon u cti encrsaalg the number oftsleeping rooinx ti nealy on@e bau more than formerl>'.A lirI- clasBillasrd paulor vill tiars hablo iS laa'aa bom -ad"ed. Eteiii -additions h,,b, Stabrmg, bieds looç umeBres, u&o., bave siso been msde Ah pabiagla neaiudt effert3 h Olad Fr='niaMd the. publie gene- rau> itbgsph4o orpesaed h ne vOler 'lietel iu tlaep a ÃŽl evillst-all tmessbe happy to velope B% old friends. jyý!thby, Dec. 2, 1858. 484y7 LAND FOR SALE,. N ~EW GLOVES. 7-,rIJNW REW BONNIET&I rut NEW PARASOLS? &0i ,ýieraom~ rif by leller(po-pai) J o" oRSils P. 'a il' 1-rni THE

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