Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1869, p. 4

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lii IAIII VZG9K. --- Wetesrt, W all attention tô the atti.lIurui1889 Almlipuss.print. foryoù, under theo haa4 < "of lr'Igo" 1 têw prspurton, upon wblelm Our- Dr. .&ycr ,Ras loute l>i>Iupgge4, o4 which w. arc nov itroducing loto yonir mrkvt. Wheys lptrodneed, tho Vigor bauâ won t, alpprobation o*f bo$b ddlers 'and coimuxmas, an o iutyoivwlll find It a welcaouoAddi-, Con tO'ygurtttock a mza 7Ublo anovtivo foi' thl ai~r. ,We beg to. eomgiaad It W yont attention, vîttituotbrancea ithyotl iiilnd it more talfactual sud iloto objectioaubIsthaîtsauay-cftho mmiiolar pripatnno Iw iii i:uarket. T1* ubsnlba lasgbit for aSl ef Dr. Aa' JAMS il, iERiIIE S amnlty rag toral Wliltby. OLOTHES WA8HING nto L00à -à lllsagreeable Emplèyment I T iB 8UBSO1IIEIitflving racontly made T om aravuiuatlo* Ittprovernonta lus the art âflAWps IMPH OVED, WASIIING M ACHINE Foai hho hanasbtslud lattera Patent, sud f*or whiahho atbcgt'ta oI1ctitthe attention ortite public. t la countrtscted ou aound cotneots "oma prinelplea, d<me tê; work witit otito and tltpateli; Il roquires as0 oxtria ài1tsîe uoirtn oa L'IOwork, lna euapati vély ýnuioieme iti) t a operatian-n uatlia c itlt,s., mPeol<ssfor ltmeit by atiitîsa y iaickiu iitsign Kaior ilt, bounetis donu hiuwlcg tWken nIit ifloat vihen fatriy launcteai. It baliaittstlied utipiaumeo wherevar l iaositeicn; notla izg oeilapcu ltm tasrichiug pavera *1fitlms strna ceîaapsnioo -ot inla t ry' i r se but littie roôli lu thea btougea; Iin niing iilu ti ppeuaina; it lu ga4iiîag favor witlithtie Ladien s aubongtisa béat nor luaue. lna tnduag .purcliomeru vii o l,.well, before mtrchaslnig elsicwiere, to telid lis their aidera Ion Atrtat of-theabosu av ubiine, and one o! tîcanwI iiibe t iiprulnitly fer ltai lutrpome. .*W Coutt. nnd Townsmhip Ilighte -01l dllapomad of ou Ilimrtil tartaau. JOHN BilA W. Witby, sJan, l2tlit, l116. eno21 Landi1_Land! TlIE $ubsertber ofcro tha following Illmîof Tlands,, wltleh ha will meili ut a D:J-FAIR VALUATION, 41 S. X, No.. Sln Uud eoucessionofo, Beach, 70 gerce Ciared. E. x~ No. 10, ln the $rd eoncession et Beach 10 sgoces eered. No. 28. lni tha lOtis conicession of Darlingtoni, 60 serce clettnad. No. lu i t OU.i.Mars, 5 seras cleured. N. E.~No. 27, la 2ud oouoealoeu Whitby, ali carad.q 1000 acres ln Bomorvilla-500 acre. l Ilexley. 200 acres lu Laxton-400gece eal llunut. Apply porsonally1 or by ltter, poât-paid, to R. Ea PEUIRY, WuurvT. Jsooary th, 1868. ANOTHRIIWONDEL1FUL CURE 10FP CONSUMPTION 1 IN CANADA. Mitas. Yeemia & Ceissn.Srit it s dt 1 I we Io Yea, as Weil asl tte publie, la liferut )-n ofthe aniitdarfaet cure tif cttanmptiac, tace- i'emiplshed ln ci>'permet, , ythe lite of the irent iAbomloteeeetiîtdy andi Paît,. t coegited a greut .1,1 dayaîdni gli, expecierating large ititîuttitîea cf îaitier, s and a greaipsle about uny left lang. t1laad îtiid chilis eviey duaundt evere uiglit aweate evcry îalijht, ansd bstween the lraekstg cQuagh andrta ot ewcating, 1 %va aimoma deprtvsît if f ep; bytbCao .îifi.rtesaus..WeiliU as >ite lts oettppctite t9 wuto re- tiuced diti1icould liartll> sanilat, tie. iwtt ettder the Carorm aîî eigti, cf limea, btsntditgii île relief,tàtrlcd diaterenti recipte. but ait wiitctt nia>' 1ecat effetrg. tiqtira i'ttraîa, lis a lit, reo e0 eîtad rata, 10 use taeIrtat $iaomlietacaei ttealy; 1 preîsured aros botilaa mn once vitu thtel'il.; ou smi uas 1 cec- iîetteed ualatg àit begautu te elbotter, and wheis i hast fîtittsd ibis campteuttsnt. iî cugis, sexpectration of lnattar, pambout Iliîte attgs, ehili a veaiing, &a., loft iae id' v : ceatissuluia s nse 1I iccame traaîgandta tîsuyl énew ove: t*e axanthe silice t qutis the Reney, snd thoreIhave heICOn uta ymptem reathle dsiit ereturssitl g, sd f laava bertal aid am iîaew heni- tier ai hbtter ataonI1iiave been Ilr Maury yeus. 1 numi veau viUi rame thîs ktnwn thîe publite, tItitise> rmybo1jade Ava1o otheipeeuvar vlrtues 0e" Ihlm u> PETER C. V. MILLEuII Iiarcaown, VJo. ofLennioi & Âddhugton, Oui. "Torait ta vizul'ilt >' ceae.-This loita erti l aba I te.ben anslted.wluh Iett, hoe Peter* . V.' allisr t(m?., Ibe seoY.YenLnnd Jsablttwn sd a ce>'andtd sud Cretiib 0-e pnon; an 1am'>'a(c Lai t e mmily>'voueht (arbe inatof tie abave, ortiny ter éiammit Mode by bIts SU' 1EV. W. P. 0. ]hARPE E, flecir aI Bath. LIV ERY RIC~UNDERRIGNED DE83IIIE$ TO 1K, I i, Orm hM frfaudusud patrons hast ho ltmsagala îesmue.lbuiluama at thé i~ iWK7w2B1' LIVEIY T ÂL Latoly ocatiÀgd by Mur.Couithard andi Çreltenuibar soud 0 ituaud aliwJd4to eiantbomi slnaposition 1w. Iletethe mont a ahan orERTmea K. > fladCiieyne on tfaitilas Wo , np ttoi4aucea, a tw ieotofoe N. RAY,8, 100.0 4, Usbridev Whitbyi Je ,-y.........2 1 1 1 1 >1 1~ r 28' 6 $ ....... ... ...21.29, .12.. 19 .. .... 2 . TTIE MONTR»AL; I<EA -COM PAN Y 6 HOSPITM,I STREETî MONTREAL.. îTlE continue(' uoesor thisPq ny Jsociy ga9l4tab1a te thea aity and polty of thair TettmOverisr a ôuéh' à Ã"'f'ToaIlsou1ven sOot te difYrot pârWof1the Do- a' Tryn i oifrem ud amr I 1 Il Ooffe uZsdbb.T gai parltolso of whiola lo roaly excellent. anil*,Very ptakago wftrratated. 2Olbo. Tes sud à or lOibu§. Coffeo,hent B L A CK TEA, Engliih Breakfast, Broken Lest, streng Ton. 46c., 50c.; Fine Fiavaed New Sason do, Me. 60o.ad 60.; V ryiwtau~jayjnged do47uc. BoaadOaleaa, 45a.;-Atlch 54avuued du oL. . V.,Y Fine l. Zo.; Japan, gO8a, M0., Omet Fle a .,y Very NwceM., Fànlea lac.. GREEN qTEA., Tyook 0, m.;V 0 66 mW 76.; Fine do. 72c. ;Y ery s86C.,; sàpenfn nSVr upakfiâne do.Var. C0F FE E N~o. 1, soc. ; No. 2, 26.; No. 8, 20c.; No. 4, 15c. par Ilb. Tise Mcureai TW Caum'îasyaîMnral 85 Ozusrm-ta is ueari>' a jour litai. 1 purcbasaed the tirest ehest cfTee tram your bouge. i have purcbaaed unan> alice, md I1sum pleacd ta iform a u that tht Tes ln ever>' case proved muti aîatluory, as volt as b ing ex- *ceeduigly ciaeap. Vourm vair>'totaly, F ENE Meoittreat Tea Compasny: OlutÇTLE99t-"te Ton-a1 ptrehated o y onin AMarct bts giveta greet uaîiafacîion, acd tht flaveur of t; la var>'fine. Ir la veryaairatsge, itliaéIhavc beén"" drtîatggyour tot 1 aa he en lotte freutfrain beari- huni. wtaihvoul miaya Paitn utcafler breakfast. t îttrihuted als te the purit>' et yur Tua, ani att cou- tina zu stauter, Vur. rot efutllOFYZ li184. IJetiu ttrec, ,Montreat. ONTEZ-'Wbox Of 1Engliih renkfast antd Voul Hymen Teua wbich yen ment ume gives greatittfae- tien. YouIlr wtMy future Urdera. Yours, &a., INE. NOTE TILS 'AIDlEtt.-'fhe MontrealTua esCoartny. 6 iloupital Street, Siontreai. .KIE. C3- ilownrecfrPmai and ruiners using aur turne, or oilbrlng aur Tea ilinaunal packages. Natbing te$& titansa canile .oid by téls Comnpany. 12 G R EAT RUSH AT 'wJIERE Ë'Witt ËBE FOUND A SP LÉNDID ASSORTiMENT 0F PAMIL CROERI1ES! 6 Caes- Fresh LEMONS & ORANGES just re'eived. Mortircai,Apri%1869 -To the Ilontreal TaCom- Ipany, 6iHospitalitreet, Monîreut--we unotice wtt picasurg,,t4e largo atueutat cf'rea tbat wee have for- ,wardetd(er yOub ediffretit parort f cDominion. ana wt, arc glita 1usd yuar bubines, 10rapidli>ncreaming. WVe plesume yOur tenu are gavlatg goser ai atisathata, aas ofutthe large amoant ferwmrtied we bave 1nl badl ccasIan to returnaaebox. wtict ie suidaratnai vistscaiout îlarougii a itilaake. '*0. CEF W-. . ANNAX. Oua door aouth of Express Office.1 March 24th, 1869. 1869. Spring Oampaign Begun! FIIINITLRE WÀREROOMUS -OF- JOHN TILL,,& CO., IN CALDWVELLS BLOCE,- IVii b fond telrgest and most complte assortment of weil-mado FURNITURE i honty. Wo offeIrleatinducot.ts.toparties about to furnish, slwea BUY FOR CASH va e au sali cheper tian any other retaîl bouse lu the tnade. A eall.to inapeot our stock la soliciteai. Was have 'aiso on isand a large and varied assortuient of And sore very fine GILT'C.ORNI.C'ES, wthich we offer very lowr. ,Wè aUre aiso Agents for LARARD &À KRÇIEÃ"1IOFF'8 UNDERTARING in'firet-clas s'tylo; 'at moderate charges., UPHOLTF~RYof alkioue with neatness and dispath Our;' itiýotôo wiirl bSM&LL PROFITS AND QUICK, ,E-F Wiittby, rh1 89 JOH-N TILL & CO. I OFFCIAL SSCE'E. GENERL AGINCYOFFiCE! TH~ nisdrsig 1;dhailn eo[v-th'p rNit te è1veprompt tize tute0fà Otaira luao-tkruptc ~i;~i;iW;';ial' uryNtew sud Aceutetsspoodily COîîoCtoanid rmita ~On good farm aeunltyat 8 per Cent interoit 4ecial £ttonýiWj .m9iY a;t q $Ui toeoiýo,ç,ononm«r a ey odhVigterApp ications teidd - Iti8ra-o Comnpany. E AÃ" "OPFICE-Big l lockie xt doorte Uic Réyol Cauadeun 1Bnk.a Pornt Penn, Dacmber 218. * AI No 1,n (li Cornu, m A CflCE ýSTOCK Or4? ALSO THIEi PAXOlUS MARLY ROSE POTATOIS. Croceries, Wines & Liq uors AT InEDUCED PRICES. R. FRANCIS. Whitby, A4pril 'tbi 1869. 14 '69. Direct Importati* s f9 Re & Jii CAMPBELL BEG TO ANNOUNCZ THE ARRT'VAL 0F A PORTION'0F THEIR SPRNG& SUMMER STOCK, PR1NTS, FIIENCII KID GLOVES, DRESS TRIMMINGSt MEN'S JIATSe &c. They mxect the balance of their Stock forward by the l5tia, hnving becu pureha-d by o.e of the flrm in the BR[TISII1 MARKETS POU CASH, they wiIi b. able te show the laîgeat aod choapeat stock lu tho County of Ontario. Ail are invitcd to eaUl and examine their Goods, ns rare bargaina vill be given. * R. &J. CAMPBELL. Whitby& Mancbester, Aprl 6th, 1869. 14 TIN PEDýDLERS Will flnd a large stock of well-assorted Those making a business ot Peddlirug should take advantage of our stock so favorably known throu-bout thse <ounty, Pensons desiring to make arrangements for the soason should cal at once, as only a linitcd nutober cao ho supplied. HARDWARE, HARDWARE. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakos and Garden Tools now on hand. IIOUSE I3UILDERS should note the fact that wo have on hand a large stock of houso building ruaterial. Il. & B. have on band English boiled and raw Olu, James' Gennine and other Palots, Southren Turpentine, Japans, Varnisises, Glass, Putty, &C. BLACKSMITHS & IVAGON--MAKEVRS fully supplied with Bar Iron, luhs, Spokes sud Beut S7~f chcap. 22i COAL OIL-. AIN NAILS, WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL. flATCH & BROTHER4 SWhithy, April 7tb, 1869. Importons of Hardware, &C. DOMINION WARER'OOMS, Raejust re'ceived'fresà importations of:> GryCottoof ,, f Readyýlmad é lpbig Hats 4ndicapsý. Bon, iFide'-1 Bootmaker ,to tho1' -WHITBY -AND VICiNqITY., if j5ulimer Boots 700 Wlgh oIuy A rd hasitata vhich shop te try, JohnSBaunders can your wants supply- Ail Sorts arnd Sizes, And go ha ýtella thd rs'esou viy, Ho .Advertlses. To let tb.,puhlieunderstand His HxEM-MÀs>Do, om À ge madle ,y band, "Machin." sewed boots look lioandi grand, ButSÀvehuaa'Of oy arsudnaw; OfSudadTrie. WL sethegoodan4 scamisOCIITSer 'o rtbrift a d conifort te aisure- At Saundera' l'hop' youcao 'procura,,. B0oots Strong aud Nice, And -veli tbey look sud! much endure, OObserve JohnSauý"nders,ï-ear1y oppo. site the Roya anada ak Brook Street, Witbfy. W h itb y , a c 0 1 6 .' 8 l 0---- THE'SUBSO-RIBER BEING ABOUT TO CLOSE UP TIRÉ Crockery Glass& Eartlieo-ware Portion of-iei business, will from this date sell the same AT COSTr, (I0&OHUMB>UC.n Bargains eau be secured by an early eall, as the stock la com- plete in every department. Alivays on band. SrnalI profits, and, upriýglatý dealing is my motto. Try us. Cash paid for any quantity of good Firkin Butter. Corner Byron and Dundew Streets, opposite Bobsoq House.- Wbitby, Maîch 81, 1869. New ,.,Coods W E iii Shiow ou MONDAY, tha 29t1t itat., the ioliowiug Unes of uew goodma PEINTS, GREY COTTONS, WHITE COTTONS9 DRILLIANTS,, ACY DRESO'GOODS« tà A Job Lot of Delaueiaud Frints et liai! value. ALDW ELL'S Clbrtd Ae, lu paukagea et 10, 15 sd - 80 gallons. T. IU. McMLLAN de Ce. manis 24, 1809. w, 8t7, Miyn rlE udeoiuud rampoctfnlly Infonsm@ Ibm T publieo aiaeî lae.coostautly prepaîcdtu t 11il veti prompitucl AU iordera lu the Biakar> sud -infctoua --no Frulit, spog, su4 rai o Ila kind Cloko' tuzdl.co e n t ur i i l u s e a se n . A T o Lo b : stars, SnucCocosn at, GUager Bear, &c. Baker, Ccnfectiouor, &ea, Brook nt. Wisitby, July 16, 1887. 28 jILCli VOW POU SALE, NEWY (ALVED 1 Wanranteal good for Dairy purpcmes. Appiy Leumedia telytýo 13. ROWLAND, Foi t Wliibg. Whitby, Marob 24tb, 1869. 1 NWLY IMPORTED P A P1EIR M"Arras1p Ofa, troeki WiibSep SO0tdcaret ulIy b>"bimsi!, wbieh b.oblmon talc tVr Ro4taced Fraces. W Pflaisg, Grasimug, fMazsng, antd Paper Hangaugt axecutac inlua vork neulike aned expeditioua -nanner, as umual. A. ce, WILSON, Daue sStroet, Whili Wbitby, April 8, 1888. 14-tf NEW CAIRIAGE A4ND la proparsd te nauaue t order,aU kind cf CAUZIAGES, WAMGNS, IN LAMTES TYLES. g~Repairiug ueatly i pbomptly executed. W-" Thito doors Eu.t of Laitng'u, Dandas atreot, W bitby. WhiIby ApriUï-2sy. 1 Great Attr actions YARJETYST( 'NEXT DOOR EAST 0-P. MR, 'CROSleç BOPLAN.D respe.ctftiiy an.nolunees to the, Toroto. EBI taj'y 1'ubl't - t <WhitbýyI FA 'TA l; i ~J. E. FR strict. Wb itby,, *CEi J. -a TTOU]> &oc., Whiti Sotsilsof lp TTOR!K the Pot0,J onluyce s Fort Ferry 5îtcuryCc consuli411 Wltstby,t Tni T EOWCL o Rtc- V1' ILLyAI TJWi. lr) a f m t nOur establist 'hitby, March 3o th, 1 a cols. STILL TRET ---C,-O M-'E 1. 1869el MeMILLAN v7pli,

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