Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1869, p. 4

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"1-f. -~' 4 'k ,~ ~- ,, i4~, -.' f, -t h ~fl;- ~-~ç'~ LUATION4. $rd coneession of Bach inceosicueof- Daniiugton, ira,à Sacres oiearsd. lie lic lm ienealîtomervlla-60àaOO Bily » iwBOVluiinLztcrn-40 o airs;,tmn *pply pesoiiaiy, or by Jetter, post-picl. t Janusarf ftb, 186, CANALIIN G EN 1 uJs! nie Oroeatest Labor-saving To0 thé 1 Ladies of WbÏftby and Oouüty o! Ontw4o I 'Tise New Dorniuiou Steam Washing Machiýne I Cart's I eused ln any oiler! Only FTour Dollars. tionoffr, ar dr .an p rtr o'i. nnbrsy ponr'vi uo;î te ci t Ian oe4 iottbrg a tie abri, with tiotouisino rapidity, cioansIng At perfectiy wIthont rubbing. Itlite. becu tberoughly tebted, and proîîouneed nîîequitiled #A isa lothcesweber hy ttiose *who hâve used it. Ait, abrie, trom tlue lffOst lioces to the beat blanicuts, cat oncW.,slicd pcrtectiy and with ase, Wltlîont the witb'toilîr. For fiannelis it In invsiu4ble, aito rabblng, 'iolliin and pressing proces. mueut r.ecessarily fu them more or lent. It h truiy a Jabor and ciotlîes saving Invention.- Wabsiîiîg wili nô longer be a iisrdsbhip, end waahluff diy a torror and drcad te bouaewiveos;Tge-invention cati b. ued liaisy huiler sud the lnwpe.e-ti article, $4. places kt witiiin tbe ,,roch-of anator>' Jauli>. Thils machine han basi, tred sud tbcrùugiy tested by digèrent parties, front whtn ,testiwoiiiis ihave beau recolved. TE$TINONIALS* Vrun .- l Hnck, lirs. Jat. Hamilton, lira. W. Il. lliggine%, lin. Il. J. Mlacdonaii, lira. J. IL. Greciiwood,-IIrb. M. ODonovan, Mdr&. M. . (Cochrane, lire. Jas. Byrto, lMr&. J. H. Pary -lMes. L Fairbanjks, Mie. J.Agnew, lirs. l9. Il. -Cohrane, -lra. 1M. Harper, Mrs. Dr. Eastwood, lis. ECLuidweli, lire. (ouit. OAUTIOPX. Ail machines moîde or muid ln thé aCont>' of Ontario anîd Durhîam met have the proprina- toril stemp, bcatri.îg date et pateton an d, hie Initiais on the bettom, an ettob cand cvery In- faiîgemeîît wii bc prescuntcd to e ull ex pt'ot t the iaw. Solé Agenti fer the mmuiaeuro sud sale lu tlii. Cunty of Ontario and Durhamu. Oshawa, Sept. 23, 1808. 88 CURE 10r CONSUMPTION 1 10, at> i uwe ayu sWeillas le the public. le i,î?orm )1.0 Othie InuIwnderfui cure ut atî,nmp4iln. sc- compllsbmd tlu my perlon, l'ythe use ut ibm ral tboshoîîees iteinsi>' s d 'al. 1 cigbed a great deoltday spd ,îlgi xpeutaing large ouautihiela of siasîer. ii h aa graisausboutniy loftlait. 1usd cîldtchillis oer>'day. sad savere nlghl $Wstes ery 'tighil, sud lbtwootee Mecane ougb. sud grat olwealint, i w.. sînioitdeprived ur sîcep;9l'y ilfe ilafosrie us Welss ly fi e ai oappeliet w., se- ilaoed thaï, i Couldi hardly cad I *a. .. umder the caresof a physîclan tor a lenut ut lima, butl fading gaea refler, I lrted dlllereai recîpes. bal ail wilaoat nu> goud affect. ilquie PetenIonu,-of Saab, imomnie' mei.ta usa ibe Great lhosf.uîees Remiy rpruceed ibarue lhoales ai ilance wli t a tte-, ila lo on .it lc1 -m. ilieiiced uslîîg Ifi liegail l ottler, eud wben 1ilbsd - t-a-bcd ;tis compiamnt liasceugis,,expectoratonet ,e.stasr.pauihî abtilai 1longs, cbills. . ratiu, &C. e,.tf la5 1 aitt yv uoaa,,iug lia use I bocux royslrugand laaily. Il lo ,,,,Woyrr 1Wi, mafls silice 1 quît alea Rainai>, anîd thers avliesbecinuosymptuns uorthIe ilîstaasetrtritisg. naudlI1bava beau, sund am now fWliol hlai si't brter absu i havm tees for man>' yesi's. t rusaisalwil alle Ilsiçi. iaa Ioathuib lie, abat Ibe>' gases>al'else swars otibe pectuhr digtues <ilils Irai> PVITZR C. N. IiL Bsrussfewîa, Vo. ofi.annux à Addîngton, Oant. ~l'aaIllu owl'om Ig mn>' con.-il sluerlyI I 'v eusqu4atmd whigî tbe above lPeter C. V. Miller. tsq, tusaansa>' yasers csud bavm knowîa hlm et. al'nwy lte ie atlS ieVsry jlgiîet reisimcialoiîy, aand a veiry, emaadd adredilldsperison sud 9. anicoutaient *MI 0 as asjy voua,.b (aube trual bcthea àbuvuuraay agiter slasngisé! mdebl' n> TI HM UNDZRIGNED DIMES ETO IN- Lforin hiis. rloiîtdâand patrons, that ho IWHIT13Y LIVE7!TABLE latoiy oecepied by Messns. Coultlssrd and 1 Bo'ilvlinOcrousod the. ip and 4qurYor'tll mid, spd aeado d teasid4lui- w.~î~ i..e îvî,nauea udvuillès ou-thé ipr..lilcus. I lin pOS b>'ybalig liuia poition toi and lâdies. Pîtompt attoudituci1 àasltiritotoro to &H lredrs. N.eA ,JoMe . GREAT REDCIQi M1 LL*K h O-,.havs omwsnud,,sud whols of hou rextenisve stock ef, Dry Gecds ansud Èadi-cd. ol«Mbug at 10 per' cent diso- ocunt au ieli bsales. Grocerleï, Liquoris & WInes. f100 bonas4 nw layer JE. K. d a.Hlis Dram,"]rg Bo isgsauats Il beits and Almnoids. Cs Branidy i, bupgelnhsu - T. _U' ISoMILLAN & C@ HAVÉl JUST REOEIVED TWVO CSES 0F> GRIEY- SATINETTS, & CANÂDIAN TWEEDS, Which wiIi be found very cheap, and sold at a email adçrance on. COat DRESS 0O00ODS. BHÂ-WLS, WOOLEN 000DB, FLANNJIMLSBLANKETS WINCEJYS, CARPETS, BUFFAI»ROBES, HOME,]C BLANKETS, &00) THE 3MJLLINERY DPRMN Contains e'verything new and stylish in BONNETS, IIATS, JACKETS AND TRtIMMLINGS. The .,Tailoring -De'part-ment, Clothing mAde to order by first-ciasa workmen, and a good fit gujaranteed. 1 î A. fulli-stock of Groceries, Hardware, Hydraulic Cernent, Salt, "c, & . « Oshawa, Dec. 28, 1868. --5 1868. 1868se "'MA, DI SKIE 1$s -HOWING A SPLENDID ASSOUTMENT OP' tIOTHS & CLOTIllNIG SIJITABLE FOR TRE, HOLIDAIS. Ladie' and Geotlemeo's Frs 500 pairs of Ladies', Oilidren'. snd Geutlomen's Feit Ovorahous &Rub bers. The bighest out fianne1 lined Walklug and Skating Boots iu tlýe market. A lai-ge stock of Faucy Goods imuitàble,1er Chuistmas Presents. Oshawa, Dec, 28, 1808. 01 No.on011t14e Corner, 1 have made extenislive preparations to su p- Smy customers qud the 'publio with everything in seaso ain Ozr.Grôceries, New Fruit and, Pu're, Liquors, Suitable foi th'e Holidlays, or for any othor occasin. As -mere w'ords ê'ould not enumerate my extensive su andd ~toIro.pecfly s patrons- to caU and judge for thom. Whitby, -De, 230 1868, lie FRANOIS. ho, 1, 011 tise CQtJlera 4, txbrlgo.............. ...21 ..9 " 7 Ahor.>............. ..... ....6.... Whitby, Jaznýuq Itb, 1869- .1.. 5.... 21 - Z. BUENEAMI. - '-4 . - JIIDGI, j) ec Pal ~ I -WHITBY, »-,OS T RE POST OFFICE.) TAMES .BORLAND respectfully announces tu thé ':inhabitants , of-Wh1itby aud surrounding country ,,,thatjie lias_çopened a General BOOK & FANCY STORE in thse abov*',placc, and& wiil b'é h'appy -atal lýimes to--upp1y the vantseof -il those ..who msy favor hita with7their pat-onage. , He lias on hand a supply of MORSE'S FOUNTAIN PEN; (whieh cannot be procured at any other-jpi"ee lu tewn,) sud la particularly adapted, for,,.the use eft ail business men. Alo.;agent -for the .Daily Globe sud fle"hra>, 10e. per 'week ; and the DaiM -Leader, 9e. pÉ& week. ORR'S DOMINION AOÇOUNTANT, a-work indispensable te ail tradesmen Ieonly te be procured at the above .Establishmnent. Hie aIso keepe on baud a general supply et SCHOOL BOOKS, IL8TXrIONEBRY, gSneallproeured ia a firet-elas Stationery Establishment. ~ PLAN- CIeTev'in great vaity. ffl' Your patronage seolicited. SWbitby, Jan. 26th, 1869. CUTTERS M SAXES BORLAND. S41 CIJTTERS O -N- N 'factured this season a large number of 0f very superior quality, style and fiish, whicÈh le'is now disposin gof at exce.edln^g1y,,.lIow prices-.:. Buggies, Siciglis, &c.-liepaýirsas usual at the Old Carrnage Factory, Brook Street, Whitby, Whitby, Dec. 21, 1868.- 51 Brook Street, ,BEST ,ST YLE A rge Stock of, HOMù-M.q urpassed for, qualit or 'tée place, nearry, opposite the Bani Whitby. .14 'laid£ Wbitl>y, Septembe , 86.38 If yo want -to:buy ,a First-class GO TO »~ Il. (COCH 1NES. AND CLOTIIING MADE TO ORI)E.R At -M. ýH. COCHRANE'S. BOOTS & 3HOES.ý OVERSHOES, &c,hap orà~ At 1M. H. COCFIRANE'8.»- Wliitby, December 9, 1868. 49-"T GENTLEMEN'S T 'LRING AND FURNISIIING IIOITSE OFFICIAL ASS CEu ALEX4N'qDEUR PRINGLEl GENELiÂL AGENCY OFFICE! LEuudersigned baving received tho appointment of Officiai Assigne. fer North T 'Ontarie, i l earte give premt attentien te ail matters lu Bankrnqptcy or, Insolvency. ' Pois Notes and Accunts apecdiiy clliected and remittancea promptiy made. Ou geod farm secnrity at 8 per cent interc st. Special attention wiilb. gî' ven te the negeciation cf Loans, and borrewers can rely upon having ubilr applications atteu'.ied te premptly, snd at emnail expense. W Alec, Lands, beLl> Improved and un'nproyed conutautiy for sale. Insurauces effucted iu the Ontario Farmers lintuai Insurance Company. E. MAJOR, Officiai Assigne. antd W4autor. OFFIOE-Bigeiow's Biook, neat doe>r te the o oel Canadiau Bank. Port Ferry, Decmber 2, 1808. 4 W ~ CHEAP woei GOODS Takes leave respectfually to info rm lis-£riends ind patrons *that i Stock cf 9&»INTER CLOTHS, .- a snow very, complète, and cf the very béât quaiity, sud that be le prepared to mike np.,with dia Patch, and iii the latest styles Gentlemen's Garmieuts. Whitby, Sept, 15, 1808. ,*rifore to i Toron twdedite. -Clou '1lte*ia d ciadetai4 exue= office, iie - .ohtris '- Offce-1 Bcer SOIS office- aide. le Reaoqf andect ales, or"o JNTY, Ait eau b. umode Camipbe oraut yowii Whii 37 - - To Jobbers- & TeamÏterý, .- - 1 . B -, i n- - t l_' , lu l ts t su"nit sppiicanta,tuieacuttatt ng s ldteauh dLrng t>. angulng viater, cfaqusnaty eg saw loe sud shingle boîta. DFor psaiculars sppiyto R. T. HARRISON. Brooklin, Oct. 1, 1868. 1 9-tf N1ew -Bak ery ANX) IM'H uncerslgcne epectfnfly iunferuns thi - Lpnbio that ho -tacoustanu>' prcpared ftl wîth preiupitjide aIl ordeusln the *Boat sund Uonfectionary hune. Yniiits peaige., sai all other kiùda ni Cake, Ts' animBWueuits eh tuS lies! qeahîty. W~ Fruit ofall k11ds inmcason. Aise Lob.- sters, Sardines, Cocos Nets;, (;jrager Beer, &o. Baker, Coafectioner, &oa., Brock esi. 'Whiby, Juiy 16, 1867.-- 28 NEWLY IMPORTED lAPE!Rý H1ANGTINGCS. HIndenaigned bega te intorm tbte pusb- lie chat lieobnu purcbeasd duaiis ré- cent stay le Enindj--a lot or SPLIIË Sclected caretuil>' by bim»elf, wbijuh ho 4~p.p sale at VeryRecduceul Pal.... WPalata.g, Grainlag, Gimaug, and Paper Hangsung, exccutedIna àwerk manlike sund expedutions mainner, as isua!.. .41,CeWILSON, - - -Dunda Strect, Whiltby Wbltby, ApiIl 0, 168: NEW CAEEIA6£ AND Waggon 8h TJ HE -sitbscnibe#. would beg La i*ntimate that he lu now' in re, vgI jceipt of has FaIl Stock o0> F R ESII FÀMLI L YGROCER1ESI Complete In every déepartment. Hé woul direct speci4 'latten-. ion, to lis large and complete assortmént. of -' CroeIkeëry, Glass & Eartbeo ware - Glassware in sets Ito matchi, Lampa, 'Chimneys, &c., ail- of Wliickil ho~ ~~~g -s 4eenlei-el cbeap i4s any houe lu town linll-"bpui4 dt to e od wdso4. ansd se. tu ~FLOTJR AND FEED j%&S, USIVAL. Cesh p for oèy quantity of goo4 Firkin Butter. Corner Byeoiq 4,Dy it$p Ikwf~QM,' rrd whitb A T.rl chi ttC., M -CL. AR] I3 ai Si.Co -cunty AjJ Cous G. A. CJ ByrG iUl mmmý IT ý', ', - ,

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