Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1869, p. 2

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lu bre, ut eiraunusuesm * Pol tii go." <atl upis immodtatdo. MWu' petmmofaaouuo un- 0undd'have-dfirged tk.*je. i ,M. -4e'fq 4e..wa efonlg 4cxK'NuUD N of til,.s .sîafor MU, for iiels' CBUT ni, buLhaptid asU, oo 94 go. 240,(joue lSih)pNo.m(uvs> go. 4% Dee. WiI), No.4 si(Det, %Ub)w $Om gi saafRIbo%,xMoM Ita'Tu. &tg (Wadimisdayt.*#b.theCoui, ueetolaI nf.ruas o t. hiesouie, of Du. UM.G41in" * she ego s pise. bes placeoi Evoîlsr, me u .obt*iqd, 04- gofe,@(coUm i5O at5ili tgo-é.pply a reput Sef baploceedlngs ce- 'un Onocz Br-L&w, granhng a bonus of $50,000 te ihé. Toronto Sud Nlpiaint. ÃŽIliay, vois-vote 'ilupon on ToadoyIslat sud4oeald. We. but 0s" recalvedte' Un. BLAZU, M.É., AV0105? nis <ioi- lisis lxi WàérDunus.-Mr. Blaka bas4 made arrangement&a (ou holding a sories off s.atiedugs laWes% Daba., 'as whicb he 19111 add,.n bis îonsiîsesits. H l elo, togotber *wih sMr, MoLeod, M.P.P., to bc *ftie ud ai a public banquet il Bow *aerlilleon Fridiay oecaulng, lt.e ltbg lait. la ritaiions bave hien ozgonded go iBon. Mr, broum, étor Simpoon, sud *îher puominent e Biouus.s PÀ:its ýoDàa.-Wdatedse nezt Viti b. th. lltb >hao! eur aSt. Patijcli'o Sooay lu ibis pari off tbe world appeaus toi.m.thbiouma complâely disorgaulsd;,c neovpuepanaîloo,as hvebienumode op tao he 8 prsentSa ime for oelebratg the dey. c Tics Caisnse xc HAUTS.-No moedîgei havhie ue feld during te pée$ w.h, in *ornsqsqçe of 31r. lUowo's ilesa, KOet YS srroxs ONUn Vus YLOox. pois-A eoripondessî intormi ce (bai a voloclpcde bat' Den procau.d for the I toe gorilla; tisai a matchhau beurads P for ble ifaansi tis- to cosse orl0oa the 'Wbitby -couvi, sd ltahe VI1also es.'0 biblS. bis proflinçy le 1h. sauagoent of si ýb ahi ne buaai t.enuaelmusCaroth ibet QasigtaBlibday. if ibis le not s"gals" fe au it #*en will hbea urtuher on tue. mb- D 10 A I ,llxouc. Âtsçiious »Airains, Pî»pitua, f.-Atn i t l dile:a4 te iilause f t. bIe Io voutsld ader ibis bond lu osber.entamas. P From a panosa! of <beau ýlIil ho ceeu thit wilbout, bivin5 Oirsi puocared t.e cassatry )Ilense fou îhe purposa, aut. hable to a diissa1à of #20L.'Hawisom 'sd petiy-cbapwon ai olou ms stder tise penalty olaus ea u iii il pe ou s>5 a sacloierc ad boter tekbaPo verniiiff 1st icase of coivieîiosv,th r o#iy isepel'som paylug tihe penalty la Ég spvonsyf,.pn dais la giol, or M4ose...leust iatàa bapîu of tiu Ployai Aueh Msoqs>s fisabout tb, opai.d shortilyla ibis town, Ib. o qwite autbor.i ISI (rom Gran>d Chaptou bas>boa.. oh- r' fi ualwd. The officora uominatoiJ art Coin- ili pulbea Qwo JI,.Daruil, laiPrincipal <de Z., Cim. 'Yeose. Gssou, lad PrIsslpali 0G su4d Cou. J. F. Causphýlj, $rd Frin.Ipol J. #Q W. h op# #ue long tanoomu e W"4 'Peat" jlci4o pff thase aud ils. #emalntiog eeri- " 4 1-tep of Sb* MeV Mnu 1 ~1 j- i i y 51 7 s t, e l'% ta r e dlaare l, t 4 u thaîr spper<of bLJéeeaBeforn Pres or4uog is 1W erfstda-...epeehly, eluction line& bBuet beyoîd tat, <h sonatises u <o g.', ýUMaily vou bot ý 1 îu.e tla tie Msas asthong b "Sagl; t re Pvil. iéd, wharf îbrthaïe î< empespo a fora ýgoodEefofouns papar, 'îoli Of tt kWn 6, ttef d. A t sueimpontani peingsts bo.u l ny aa oipsi Beffoun piper stades-Ibo contol of somi non v*it a office (sons aitor tise Fedeuit or <las Lo ovenisens, sund <t ppt la dJiola lis lit, has§ýt tecary "A fev Reform oveag t h. Coalition camp. OPebhlaNe (orem piper 'la' oui> 'cuoppleqniîiag ..th@ effortse offîhe Courvasîi,>> Mie, aud Io o001 Off poihîilii onge4mnfîse bcn.il M,y decie0 a'faupeople 'bt osa vovadllj Couislercoîlve pipes' woud sloi' i«h. Ji Ji InJurIonsinb pl&acbef eng useflin lia R9(01 111pan-' 11: luàleabsus t sha, <bu papota aboulil b. atiowed Ie bave te d 10 thoel,.. ha some Jetpottat Plae vbeue thora Jlaampli ucoù, for an' lîde. Fonan fform ~per, l ns, swin 'et $mai conquinr no'ispî vo ask Be - ýforme.<go reflouton thol uloalLinh ie eMot cf en aleetion. ýWhîh <vopaps reportiag th. meetings sud advocating tsi itime off tise Govenmssgcandidates, sud -so onse les's avosi for the Baform tickeat, the Refoun pot-t> vonld ble ai a sid disaivangage. With a good 'paper -vel «astbîlai heforlmnsi,oujoyiag tise cois- lidess.of f tise 1Bforna oleeteri, tise'posi. thon voald Se 'braveiy allered, 'The dileèreuca mighî bc ohlise dufèoseu - îvcen suceetsmail deffeat. TheiImporbasace'offa igood locol- pt-eu lu o polhsical point off viev, stoald mot canus <hou bovin1i ti>do viîh lisu nne- filent ta oveninols tisé Peso.ot iiifct, thot, a&(teu a&l tise pqbliishag of' a nevipapes' lf tus. a good mny coter titiage, s moitir off bsianess. Que gssaîascruetoff succesis lu evèty busie0nes s - os a i n usking >hi <h. isaton.st Off tis e pople le bestov tbeir cas- tons. If o man, produces a navspopar, Ji wîli h. difficaigt te forci IL haote aven 8(à0fo. oýuîoble M'aulaei. 'aio&ocl e0 pae1 'a eogerl; read,- ondnadir ozdinany clu- comenees odvertising patronage i e.ant to ffllov a gond circulation,.ÀAviel éou dlacsad local paper ta lubIle te <eau fs-on is ehsy costesupos-atles. JL 1114 h. <t no suer@ Oonuty uevsopar con compati vusg a p&per huLie eGLosE in h ie qa'on. flfy off genenal asnd political sssts given - but on tisa other bond, ao chsy paper eau sfford 10 pmy a nuet attentlio t the local îevs os àpasslosalar eoaas'y M a gond paper' putiabeil lu tisai"eoauuty ougt t(o do, Il ve ptnopltho local new. offoes-yr*, :uty la Ontonlo as fi7 ol s hi la prha<ed s> tho local papershs j ,ffwevootiee, vi eboslid Se abte to pt-lut uotblug aise, andl isouttld bave a piperaesaisies.asa-possible 'or geaserol circulation' titt-»ou hoaeb Dominion. Th isach> pressuad lte localet ors be t eisspective spiseres, end intire rdsy little vus'eaisob ser, Wi beliave tbtîtise &zlobe leaisispei atben &bn injureil by the. existenc ef,* 'Sod lcal pris. At aIliyisIil'le boitans- tiînei lah tboo .dusriéta visieetheislocal pres lanoastsoccesaffa., Wtihile t t'hbsiness off lsosi viso éonduotthn '.Roforsu Pro ff tisaProvince tO keep in', mid tis e aiacmpsiuiplet lvolveil ia pa'alebhii n nnoperi,. j' ja ýbeduLy of Lofformans to keap 'lu' nm 'd tise aima vicitheisalocal pres ai beigpn sons. Soppo -î given io 'o g'Sood neye- epîr fs Dot monisi>wstel, Aida <roms iuleal considorations, a.good nevepapFer1 ab qooil spacuhiston, for su> lova. it yreato o a sourabte, mnsisi abrosil. Caturpriais off a bssuiness, social, cisaritable. )r religions cisarulïe, as oUI s thos. off 1politicat kiail, cau sa i mteily promo il hy aàvlwead e' àlocal poper. y ibe tlso ff:<hig iiolns !esoa »IQ osAlpOd ihîsOisq>4<by li. S Wh- ( bel raomstsel Théa poor.suffrer as us- vey4itouthe, hâue off Mr. CaraegiWlsri bo>wào treïled' v-iiê tmoot iide. sud viteu.1.e uh roni»M-iu Dr tueer aunpitted aboya <th.ea n t o!iqjîrya lkce l4 raeovlodg ro0MIl. , :#o'eUlav. b. poos' folle*, Muano aei- lied home nid rio moison lesoap for tls. eonaifleraion off litensovolent. tuai trodes *imou, annuouculue other col- âmni' tt"I oosn- !a avtoriadlin !bop.. TqtUposoikanov . UsBysmi,,it la@ cnouut,10sel tbat bis dedasgo,,ulli io bfoussd sicoey;1 boe ah. de aouj, o, h ceba-Whaa, muetp ou, Fs-hdAy, the lOt i hst. us that et alis Ms-s. Wathla vîli b. ssslelad by go ol tho bust - novsd mnt popOIlar (esioeal sud aMiteur perfforneuc., sailed',portieulara villi h. givei nm aocsua ensLsgeo,-Mr. Law lmaù aiample sud citoico stock sai tionss daiiy5seliing vtolesolc uiad roto Hoe invites ttc atteistion off countr,mn oisost»sd tradars, asuriog teom tai cos give teon:agond aou artioeeand ai çhoop a igare, ai cous bcigot Ia Tori Ciseiodfluorol and le makiog large sd to or eloewivire. TasLa.'aOLP Euc.ssisssw, Fusxsan M4*uyAçocoa.-This oldtalsbin stitl continues te douriait aid proop iTise préenetiMr. Wn, Tiltieubi sucesi (tte business, mdvestises olaàepîi did iLools off beautiffal volfiDisiseiltfan lare ,pf tise naVesi and sosi smoderm etyli wb'ib hoilas eling au temptiogi> td Dot li, ced pro- De. Flot ries liti ror- ofnt loas lai sr Ca, DV off t.ahsarinea, vos ttochail hili on lis vay home 0 ou Satutday niglat lit, kuo ckeil towss, boston sud rothoil off $309, Nzv Boovà-ANDiSEou 8'roî.-Ws vlat te iriuet apechal attentieu -<o tise ailvertia.- MeutetfM.,Cati. Pox-tis. chupioma boota site.ho@maher-isa otier counsus. Thei lnlguras'top pusned op. Jmnjle,,tho Waa* iugton cor-repondlent off the Nev York News, i&mnsp lits acconst Off ila. iassagnuation corensonies Msfollovas- Tbis aguraihewýa vs a ignifieti dis. Pissy, Iaehhng. oiy ini entbisauat Tise baIl vas a inu sig. Tis. Cabicet appoinaient&& apuzzle. Those <raitenes se eommnsuded pub- lie ateisnos toat no ouher tophe croppail ap deing te veS., Criticelaet oUthe Prues.on Presieat The inaugural adclresoff Fresideal «tans, is vgniously criîised by tise pion off te Uniteud Statis. While W la gonens>lIy puasscdby te Bepublicos abding nuanly atik i1 forvardi kleh1denoançed hjr lisp DemoC-rat portion oi tbe pre ai scul- gar andudnndignified, full off conceilad :slf-assune. Ou;i' nlcntial jcssraal soya off iL s-0"Ireïsidînt Grant cannot en- tiuoly !ay- aide ,'i b abil of coinosand. Ho le not old enougitile chil office bo knov tbat'wtîle a geuetalIf h se SiFerior off bis troope, and bas a rigi;ti order tbesp, Preaidont ih only tb. servazt off tise peo- pie, sud bais*no ulgbî b sue orders 10o eiteur tise people or ihoit representaîlvos in COngirus, Or tise S:ate liegistatures, especiali> bti telatteu. Hadl Gen. Jack- mio vvbo wai oves> loch a king, prosumed suo 44y lu aéliter bis inaugori 1, Il iiitnp uoufre tha&tIbe Leglasatuiof t emoral SiAtes tajrîvttraUfy théi Consiisu- tincal asmqàmet jast snhniited 1th ens' he VwsoI * us', , wçpl4 btký e en ibools. 04 by <tho doging ec oton m'eh ed mne sore sa thuai s e. nmon wltos>ov mcj trais.- îW evis. eraig of F rtsînt 13iit-a mud"rstii o- etb,10u,looks nigbtili 1k. t.he oderrsi ouC-a Titi Or&ugevI. S ums, a -joui-al :IikeIy à b. p IOl iolnforusd, oya tisat Mu. T. vhnatoi, M.P.P., fQrthéLt. ay off Coud- rali la *pbout (o reaigo "bis ceasInl te id jý K. eoMMau'I.ve> Far bly ospos p f *4 çoddoe<o tl hi T'îGôr BanskbosW.'Iotre é j ý M e I se*#Bak of ýCëosre to u Cona-.m rsi ow to h ite basimais viieh 'tba Qori es aboioeipd lu Wuodsueok oad 4jpeo. Dzrnsp ~- wivgil bay', pas oui Tie <tre.. met on TeedSy *esi.ý Preaess the cbirraï,'Dr, 14ser, Du. «niua mai Msu. rga lbaie ladion, Tise,, Per,, !ilog <ia Drape1ý, Tise bonati Uer-preteate labie montbly ropoit. -- Tho cosnosiîee onseitool, nnîgeýmei rugt la a ýrepo r c mpsda -ii tisheocigs plsb eeaisaucfor tise pregsut, viicivos'sdopicd by thse Board. Tise conasuhîueon figassebrougitiihi à report s-ucommeudis>gthb.,ayomas1 toff cer-, tain accônssie, wtils re <icahiedinl committsa ff te b91w oeMspd liareport adopteil vitoît amessdsint, À reâùlatiasn vu pused for 'te gr-al-. ing off ondes-s for tise ahooeuîenicned s- Thse iovncecancil *m- requesîcd by ue- solution to'piaco *1,00to wtis edsOt of <ho Board, .hials ttaon sjogund. TJh uusdyý ,5tikh 160.> ThecPîckeuing conneiil held a speci4il r cti ' tbis da. lis'te townhuoit Mcm- #,aiprmsnt. -the followinÏsgpeuaona -bavlng pititioncd tbis counei pyr!y,6 for &e ciscene 0kcop a boiel withsfî t i* towshaip off, Piekcring, and the luspectors having rcpgrte t LI. cowseil tuat li s sls pus h e > Wou. puopet pesino ent. îsrwstcd wvus a licmenss, his Icossnosl do resolve. tilat the revo oand clcrk bo and are hcrcby author- ized to grant tis o nemeusry ecruifi- cate, vaz:-,Jamnes Cooper, Chus. IV. Mai- thcws, John Bailey, Judiths- Sterling. Owen Doyle, fRichsard Leorsard, Rtobert Secr, Elizabeth Penhîlli, John Fisher, and Ths. Lskey. Mur. Grccn movcd that whercas thse [nepeçionoae a.reported itbate-Andrew Mason, Âmbroe qtvswçll, losn. horion and Jas. falls have iboneear c'so dation and arc prop er pîeona 1b ok ep a botl is>tis towaip. Il, t1aerefoi' they or either or Lieur petision ibis council for a licens. the reevo and clorlç bjnsd lire isercly suhorlied, 0-ogralit the reqjuired certillcat. Council adjourned iill'Sattaràay, bMarcli It l iii e isplian-a to 'ail Canadias, sale. thseGlobe,, telest-n tisaIPrince Aniser, lise thiril sou offte Queoms, la a'out,1 speoil a yeori' ntise Dominion, Tie Prinace vas bora on the laitoff Ma>', 1850, sudihi, tises-uffre,, iAorly_ 19 years off agi. Hi bas iseu regularly 'adgpç4 (dor isbe pro. fission of as-mu, sud, sý th. Queraies ais. yull Urervoor'ajear lu Canada- isS it jle Rio@e Brigade, (tise Pzinc onsorts Ovwu' part off viich wyulogusequooiy reomaina ha tise Domiciau suothorr 5, Lad bh.saton ed ha Meaîrat. "his ni.v order causs tise (olîoog -o ,distributinof tise It-ocpis -.- liBattaliou 220d Rogimsent,(fs- ens we Brunsvick tle Esilani 4tis Bataio> iosh Ride@s, tuonsNov Brunsvick îo 14qgrnd, 7thHighlopders, tron p datg Nova aot URegt., frons Nova Seotia Le ,Zng. land. 53rd Regt., -front Canada 10 Bariadoce. 47th Begt., <rom Bashadoes -te Englaad, 2Ouh Regt., (rons Canada to jausaico. Ist Battaiioi lôtis Regisuens, fs-o.t Nova Oucotia te Englauti. lat Batiallion R. B., (roua OtisA toî let Battahion COtb Rifles, isedqaters and ôi conspanie(nons Moatreal to Ottawa, remsalilor fies Mosîrol to Toonto. Tac Hsecoeyor PasasEOis- imQsia. - The. Lisîory off tie uev PreaidenL offtise Unitedi States is tiss iefly given in a Ne'w Tqth Journal: ">uosideuî Grnis a47--yeara off âge, bariug been orot uih. 7tis 'of f p 1822. E Bi tiace vas point Plumaînt? luo, -on tise Ohio River, îA miles alsoye Oiucjraam. eantirgd wept roinî; Jly 1, 1839, anti grmdteitiun tise ho thoff t [sans 1853, vis o te uasihabis 221f&jf%-. I [te aerced a asort Jime la tise raégnar uns>', anti 1bae tereil civil li(o. As <000 ai tise raeIlop qiç4e ou'toffreti- ais services ta Gov. (siov Soni.îor) yoteu, J of Iltinois, viser. ho tison residoti, snd vas - appoînl.eilAid on ith.GOnveno-(s-staff,t ush tise*posiioui.off mastering zée" of 'ooutecsu, Ho sooo densaai leti ei i- 'lis,aç otappolainttio 't e,,louele' s ip*,ciiîy roseu te l.:u' 6f bajt-Giuua, fftrprty(b' pecial set 4f Çongrs iaasuQpçl sl uî>(my, spepial *pi 4àéoit)I.îe Al, ith tise eonsmanoff aIlt 'i i e of tise lande tou tt ebe llI p#e, vd is8 inloi. -se. bas sov. otered uspon s>ao*o!i ski vickwili requit-esilvorb»: l tee couppu-> conuil.. s>intispantid 'ou1> 4.ýljeve tisai teptsblio confldeaç hie~upi bis iminisuration. - hltuIEx..L Tbrî usoytséeas'loods là ýoS. Cork,, os usubt L0, kepl7 ý9a_ 1501. se Il i bu mteiy; f- < seb-Weooditon;àf -thea- bridei rqol st lép Mse, vifprbaps, the ibost a»6' a bien..ý t01 Ol1 TS bq til of Otitarie fouîped aa>s,- bapstrts purpOée o! dey ln gome az y wJo,'.y jey a soclese shtoso It tmusi g,14accotant. 'cosgregatiosss opurprogreu>sag lbeen a bi tcady, anîd - o liàýe lysa -blcssed vilS lSlliriinsity ass4 iore 1 PJer. sud Or. Sie, - .-tIîs.aMY e,s> iu the naine Off- tise congregatios of DI - bartontnd Dufslire eklçover' tvieh 'r f6jjélidë, to P nù otj~u ith. tila, buts Y, addre'sa' sd ialio with tise covered Bug left pn your pronmises a foe day.. sa ing 7OU 10 acçePt itas ai;a âluke fr gr ii bciýg -the spontafseoûs-iffî ethée. "cp, underf youvnisoe;and 'humbly'pray that you and jour belo ,,pertacu. ,,may b. lo ied te go, out à lu aongat un, sud tisai we May' long on Uyî r s > i ns i t r a t ! ôn . ý Mý avi is. sutp.ês Csimnxsd rcsd.-A.s an expression, of tlisekindiy 4 triendl> feeling, of mny people, Il coi not do othcrwiise*then sifordeimc plesui Tlhé npprobation, or gond dpinion, off 15< viso w.polesund love laâ ever: e 044câs"l graifyioeg. Bal lb. exIrm faoursble, yes,,lliltering terme, lna vi alligi la mode le tn' iisibie étonts pros-polte hesoralsssid spiritual veai .Lhesà congr vations - sud -thecommuni ishamo pnd souro, because my endeavs to do gO*sti bave been se ver>'(sr short whit $bes.absouS! -have' been uidsu' bvben 1disîligi tlô loek ttck,"ù n (bing tisai mitigsttes tise pin of ecli4 enu tihe fourceon years I bave Iived sa laboecd amongst you ta Ibis, viz: thati fur as'I knovr myseif, 1 desiued and ei deavvsarsid t do, my, duty, noteekir oase or my om isîterest, lu apy way, bi ever wixhissg ansdi myhng 10 sdvalico it best inîcrests off othiers. But usy vel lisaiked succesus t flttcd te suakilsase fain lian ritîsishumiliation,.'ilowever, tiacro one tact ssacnîiorscd in *the address fi wbîca neitîser tihe cossgregatiort non I ci b. too tlsankful, v1rz, tisaI pouce ýpd hal Mony bavc obtained in lIe cengregatic from its origis i (ii nov. For tbis 1 fat no cuodit, but attnibute il eoieiy te il good songe and clînistian principlo of >.a 1s rgard tb tbe elegant and cosly Cel cncd carniage rccntly leffî at my ucaidenc, 1 votnot wlsat t a 0 0 ns cleiuly t10 ;5 dicate liow hsgily: 1 sppreciatc youn go: eioshîy, and to express my regret that y< sbould bhave put >rQurselves ta sucscoi ýon my aiscount. Tîsat you hayç tdonc si I :Iiceuely regret, scciag thst failli) bieaith bastise hast 3-car, more andi moi prcusscd homeon m uy mind thse convictio tirât nsy taisos asuongst you are not Ia fros a close.'-,But ha that sas it,,may, flssd tist Iesainot nov vita îroltriuty, d4 clisse 3'esangencrous giffu. Iiacurelo gratefuily acccpt ,it, witb, , te me. h glcsoniy conviction tisai I ishdunet lSe Pc1 itted te veau fi out, or long te use it. ii yossu service, 1 deom il but juxl tu 70 to state, tisat, Ibis, and youu saaany valus. bic gifts te me in fouiner ycars, areu cxkpcdiptits in cover n sd apologize forj psituy and'ili paid salary as te sosnctlmec tise catsc. ,lI y. alar lias enablid me t lice 'lowir.g. no muris anyýtbinag" and -ali 10 ive asu>disnat teamasi tbu ,ol11111, i and î»y san>las.becs. pal( wk h a uegularity and punotuaiity scarcej exceeded Lsy the nisirg assd sctting off tiii ton; go that there la mùre truts Ihar loculanity in MI frequesnt boastt e mi brctis-es-îiât T'have itae*mott'obéauis ad tho kindest peoplo, in tbc Province Liaat tise>'beaur vitis ail >uy shortcomingsi pay sny îalàry wisiaost a grudgcnor gruni. bic, ati4 burden me wiîis bencfactiong bsile,_1 Por ail youu kindiscos r tFaý'k og, and Psta' pIaouîce s iseretofono, m anicates spiritual jiripcnity naay be jours in, the futrtan ad beg te asssure ou ual, asnosson as 1 arn mus youC, 1i al s ek yeur g"o ElormugNT-ociey fii Quelps vis sttmanil on Saturdoy lest, by tise roporsed elupemexa of a young lady, daugistèr off s newepaper propriomor off tisilova, vils an employé ho thi office. YessendayLishe nut of Lise ruiner vas vcniflcd by tise aa- tual appeariruci off tstparties'iluc'né of the'prisacipal isoteis of tise City,viser. tise> eghstered sbemseivee as man and vif.. No secrecy on conceru vas observable in tii conducs. Tie mnu iselontise lahuis- bine off 28ommers,-btithLie bride isn hall1, claer uIner.The fsctj,ýprocid voue, îisat B"brdsoen ad the mnote., gos' jplyd~. ugetl~r~sa-absense .of tisé Wty doue rrisliay k etisct'a isole, lnsj lowîe e To i!?uppettroit teeoied the royal accent IL a qoesiôi W46a' S» villi 4a ppiied foria PeOd à iftiu yeaie 'hl.aetf to g a at - , t ise r o p é r ty o ff t ie (h o r o is ysj d ft ei è b e 'I s s o puventtcceii,>off o' uiv iDtrT 'gdiIî iif asti.~~~~~ eI clsssis p ntatsfr '5an55.M Irelisdieuaftr aIo- . i di îàewitos< trated the ini fueibolil; snon.>' is to behso slo.ilof iai usd p m ameutL parp nes . 'T b. p rvijh a re < '~ fo u d - 40tabp îte ph la tf he sapeuss lâtés- âSidIttso impi " re z p ased l at yga n.. i t i* a gd ist i hot ,ncogni od ,4 tie ci ot'ts il ud people ni y desire lav * 'lisepq ice i ,0t<# r, roi iowi 'o uga niatil o r - t ieei el z at m on tt viic is the- vee about,, 0 .g ire lp, Ylua a 1 c ity, uo incb case te Qsue«, h107Contsal, vwosld <the>* ioiia1 r io e e tie ssaly off tituted, u li'u a np , el u 'bodhas,"ba voail Dot es-este < hou>. -Tih ehgt o' reuli wvoaId'be< the ab-tliîon off Eclosi" isees-fà .,lori ti emi ours a d ji a ii ion sun d ' t h i t k hg ce t r g ri g is si o f f b i sio p s - <o ' < ht e o P e iAr g e . A i l eclihstial eCorpor-ationi o'l-te'dis- A w,> solvedo and -thotheisdho"tibb"nat off menagaree thc Irish Cisarct oulti Se complote. pro'-ebapel, Livail vioon la mado for slsi airgy vito are1 ' c ag ia rà0divi tiffe aouaiies. 'Air ps-lesté iadoui fromblu don; m e nts . a r e to i r e n s t in t a ct' . T iti C h a s - h o n l r s l e I o h o b a n d d t o n t a oa s a c h i o î -, r l - i. e ' ; " ' l giosas ptnposee.- Grossis are praposed (tosi voposu avei tisspport off'su. ]Patrick" spdudev1eî13helalasqi bis oîisr Catisedrals, tsnstutrs en Opc -s > i8 reg4r4ed asmntioaipropeuuy. Obs-S pnsg pe builiisga no langer sequiruil Oii to.be 'range neet in isanded lever btiste Bo.rd off aI Wtrared ontIob s> pio .tar commun eni>, îcss sur -off localprjusdim.e 'Aillawïs-as, ilgcure .thisC veensvllyccive oMy" Kibol doutefou 'th an d A g u ct d eb l b as b een - o onlac bd , 9e0Y secsrlgtolus and ens posteri ty tlaunio, tise paymneiî off tis-picipil and hala eestl as e ;heusturs ' <Oia .'speid le lte acontry'qt;lave, must bcoprvi 0Wd, fou -To protect the isîation<af'lsoorýler mddollar of' mtulen idtsbtedic>&' Sisoa bre beZ pi Sa Id suiiiesotbpriis e e Me sM> ipuae t 1e eoatrsctý7,Lot- il 1 td upfio5od tisa o rpqdiator' offon ia pubihe place, aud it vili go (au toward t a s t r c " n t h c i n g a ç e d t w i g i c i ao ù ts g b t t a , I SÏtIse boit l ise wëýoniul, sud-iii'ultiaaet eal-us 1 epae ie et ilaMo -q boning'.eeihtereet Iiaon o Ta.' t this sacs4'4, Seaddeda&, faithfful cehiectisi of pf»Qisorenues, a stfict ocuuntabiitybi .rpeiîlu nlaevé*ydepsrîmnï ofilh mil igngffl oiyy'off lie-,country ov-vwii a.ten Stat setilli S: pent> fuom lise effect off warbust <oàn e neage 1 trust ii )tits ayiag capaojty twentY-f1ce yea gn li anafcalcîite wat il probbi' uWill hi r w:rsty-Oieyatplseusee,.,who inuoui cydollar tsei Swith more casge tianu vo nov pay ffor use, lesi sixur hieu? Wl» itlbois as ttougl anr Prov-ieceiadbestowed upos u sa,îirosi r-1 bove r tezoue mitais locItefiup in a i Ln >tethhe msuntains off Lie far >vest, Mwhiec le Meurthe veiy ontinzcîaceâ hat-are 1no1 .> *Ultluaately il mn>' bo aeeesauy le' is y ocos lIsp facilitiez tu e esi hese' urics and ht sngy b. ncemcary aise tIsaIt th gen !,eral govorsisuacalshaaîidgvelsadi secure tbia aeeic, b t t; htbould ouIj nu- is l i on adollar off obligationa to pay,' > t c u res p uec cisly lie a ne a t po f d ll r t u pqw, ae, not bfoe.1hittise quca LQ ion Or so ch a P ayu nnî 1i n ho g y nn thebb prudent business man i.. c-refful abS' tecotuacbingdebts payable in tise disaai ar future. T Isé nation shýould foilew tie anse 1ruIe., A pres'ttate comomerce into10bu re- le b u t, an d all duktnica 10 b ts e scoura ed. rc »0 >'psig men nof ;Isp çosntry-tWpe wlso ffrom biseir âge mistib%. ils rulira tvcîy- fiveyens. ience, have. a peculisu mIes lns suaintaining bise national Sanoe.A sinsmoets refecetion as 10 visat yl Wour l-cosîiisapdng infitenoe among the nations utoff these oitS in their dru>, if blie>'s-au" ;brue to;tbernaeives,' isould inspire s-beau-viti national pride. Ail .,.divisidos. geoffuapbi. es al p it a ns d rligionis, casa juin la lii comsnonasniment, Ilow Lisépublie Jebt la nal so important as ùhast a pliûs siuldt bu adoptéd aud acqtsicsccd lu. '4 tslusbc Jeltmiaaitian 10 do i voutb s'ore ian n divided cosancils tapon the mctbqd off deing; >Legislaticas upontliis subjeet May not St ýceesuary nov.-on oveus advieable, but if wiii bevWhen lthe civil 1-lis *mate (sali> Yrculored in aIl parts of tise country' assa Stede reguenai;i wossted channele. - lava. ill eusny 'endeavour tu e uteai las11good failîti te colbcet ail revenues d a s s elandt t have tiaci propeni>' ac- r ouuted (os. and ecorsomienuly disbursed. oflice Ibose only 11110 vi.i çarry cul ISis To rgard tb foroiga polie>' I ouid dJaa wila nations as equtarbie law reqiies isa- d cividialz 10 doni With eacb othor, and I oi ld proicct tise law abiding citizen, swtaeta off native au- foneigia birh, wîscr- s even Sis nighsearc jcopasndized or -tlac flg of eut countbry flo4t. I Wouald nîsact ali -nabionas, deananding equai rect fd r eut own, and if othens dopantifnmt is:r-uIe'lu 15cm déalingi wutrs us, vo say >'be coin- pclied to foilow tiseir puecedeuls. I Th~e proFge r eatpesat. ai tiseorigial ec- r cLpants aftIe land, tise Indian, hL;eone de- s euving off as'effsl audy.I isfvooa> bcouse. towarc$s tiaci, wbscis lensite tbeir -civilizabiors, ehnistia.nizatiouî and ulîlusate citizensbhp. TisePquasiiop off quflrag o A op OF) eel1 te likel>'1 aial ia uli 0last as a portion of the cilizosas off tise nation: are 'or- cludod Irons ils priciligos in any sate. [t iceinsto tue' cen'.desirable thaî a tih qiaeetiopebpqid bq-sçttled aow,and 1I eor-ý sais 5 tho pe and'ecîpepes th spcgire, haut itmsa>' Se b>'tise ratification 'of tise f- teonti 'article, e ainçudspeuî 10 tise pop-' White.! siIl Sa tise reSesse, bis Wolf tom 'a tl propgue iic3$ Lives-pool I-l'o dabl' in'te',i s-oar sud atoutsf . urma.ueeaped volfisnis arince ï% mal A4dnoaoî ar n IitiJbs dis- confuonteil titiboiepaq tws. g 'futile attcmpia, Mu, Wbitthngton suscceedid tisebe'd4;b~fr, udibu lasod <la o14, qattarsr.,-Tise keipu, fgi wýwdi 'medicail t-eatmemai. - -~ Tise- ipg.of 'Reçad,,&prodg&e- eo0, duet ~ "b '-ius aof otdisgut among bis mtetreq,'i i Iôude, grdsü taDcuY"lgar1 and asonebver couUsfirra'hy paee-, is CeSa ina coLItan tly conierable uib. Ste sai thebsti 'uusia'I'tiabt cVorving for Prëreeoaa'ioiS<is, ad knosuoao 'o eztoxi imcyîsesma romis'c, s 'ilOsè to gratifi The b.Kiu4sit lasaiilr basa-- Ceati>' sol4!o iýumter Off t, iioW<vali[ psai tnog-*iM'apirate gallery is, order <o meel tise incessat de9ptfs aoff bis ada- tÃŽroi. HiLîso-en w"aet nsî aisposlilsive> t "epir, bhut'- opu4les tesself 7hi A YOsUq Manansed i ram -Pt-sab, Whbo atouispsped' to céim-ita abameffui as-ý emit in trosel dayiigit palle persdWsot a idoi aseon MHisjeles-M; oiJas e but1ts ,Dviseevd bis ýorusrems anti 94d stis b.e bra i ppeP t e'ad The accuam uîato- oef'freigh';or'i40 : ?â'ia - e é*oiuaïe'n<'ai, ?Ã"s<la lis. $ai&o Z booAYnbeo sla" $otu vsry gdet-Is- iusesaossgitftt o !éoter cargei. Theobp&neisbof' tisa 4*5e qnjjveyva sud te coinpauy are building mddiiotud samers nasrapiilly as possible o,? ;w:w&t Tise bar.,qf péqeisio eîl Z, cou. 8 'Peel,' vas Issu>' i àryédb> fire, on- th iti gsiof te 251h. ait, sadw. are soinrr s dali bt.' ovluagthe arsa," Theia ma ru- ira rage be beitama' 1-1-- a' tvsiý SI Qfftisae a vses o ABp-Law 1-0 V ersandI "he Counci of the. Ce .here '1lat i tsili to foillnvs or p Cn or 1tuy ci: plgSecGr wo01 vwith ana>'si ad a -'0 "'m i lu-4ttis 'Cons :Jserobymenlies 'and tspou tla jlnpa'sed sa, lte ions. la gi for vlis l ai, Siase, sud as forets flancs - issue efosncbir u.Theise era- asy :-Foi eve f<or cvawy hons l ucis veà ans off ire t>olia r&, Tisitlu& sha AsselionerilU lai, Liceiss, AI et mLot mrs 15 cou>'ieto bof for tlis Cousis s- viT4 Imiip oisles'meas-'a1 chaudize fur S Iieens Oe lsta imot exobdfm victiuss befon. vitisin tL ml-e C li.Tisas alny 1p pua-suatise ad an tbta Consas tssinad a Lices tuoisfine hot Ë ou convisctions tls. Tliat theDim der lIais B>'-L osues ts-of h. 1.'T stail ria seha zc ecovl time offcuder's <vasat>' oua di ad > -a 46 sincb muis dh=.l- oa .s4 ytis~)ss1 ttem et' ailu lii.%TmounttM VMiSbax is lb c h Ppsrpdoisoil i le il 'Io le, e p tced u ier tie etorg i --of ti ou <3uadiàca off tise poot-'«The Preibyterieî !y clergysear tu 1recèevkanouities n lies rel- off tie regiusam -donu mt; aendl tie BUnm és Lu C a t o lic , Ç qle g e I M a y o sl m t i t s <' Pre0b is et a ollèges are te -te g ra tes! it opitalizeil unasoff nny. Faribcr 'leg ict ation sat e ebaduila regard <o0- Trinit>, leCollie. A tisSe ressu ciargeviiifi f,f-- fée t and ovasere,.at tveuty-tw o and- e h.'aîf jear put-chue. issaeiluases are to in he eold, teanots isaviogoptiona. Tis. -' e p i t a l az e i l o f f t i se . C h a r e l r p e t a s i 000~u lie ppropriated te co.pesaaiou, edteremaitdes,in tie, oada oftie Spresable ta te tilt, is uo b. employçd fi fo t- t ie li sis p e up le s D at f o r liehé , j ii et o ay unu el n c -0i ,nyf« >the .eàéMbýi ha; off religion, bai l'r rçlef isceet'O iobligations laid, apon p>opei!ty On lt -ro" t of off tise POOt- Grant& il t-o a , <o made to providi (or the cnt-e >off lastis, s f or thei traiolg off nra an foer tise tl. support off cossnty iufirmsani' es. 'lMr.«l r siuqe procuseded at cousiderable lessgtîh, no 1 urge Ùtapnhie nouse 'a'tho ýgriot - resaits 1 w ic is v oe to b c e p e te il fro n t t i p a s- 3 sage off liais ahastre,, la tie ranquiitiy o f Is-eland and Lise gieaber quiqsaloenii, as& i, isoÉe'off tise empire. Mr. Disraeii-ffolowed Mu, Gladstone' aasd~~ apki9iel. csaid' te.,regarded the. pnticyofftise Âdmnistratiou ho regartd tte tcIrhishuiteS ai politicolly vuo;,' qsad thein bill ai 'ap a4ct'off oaaato bsit tie Qoveraiqeutted a rigbt tatht-ho; thée master beffore te lsea for full eil tonomagisdiscussiona, anid't ise l 14qniop 1po#p lise introducetion -off lis bt Thie motion made by, Mn. Qtodutpae *w te agneed tuo, 44- billvvu introducel; ansd red for the. firt t ime. Tie ith of- Marais vas appointeel fan tie second reàd- ing. n'h.noue îsea -ad"ouraed. Tie 7iuses pffWtilaa-jeuy-Tie -sha..frlie disblislaaet f'-the Irish Cisret, proposed y M. Gisdsosp, cpmpiibed the: tik, -end .tie Gocr- la asaidueeures th e sappo sioff 'Fs liam e t. TPz FUTVWz UOo, icoqtssto-The, folovisg otraeimslst ajpârioly ratien senstioai poff' Pon 10. 'g1ojqg lise rsoni l f tLie Gornu p vspap ers-. Its l sudtisi ii i(t'yaraSi. Peter-uiatg vilt'j .4aveyseil uo ees. -Thowhlî sou on vishit L aast4 lusia mipprceptible ik la trie, hast' vils foot-fat reguiat-isy, andl teq asiaition hm'cisbhon sna4a spa Ia'rieddôat sjq rv urte ( a ta u' e boing thm ss <uy<'-ioigtise - " h u e e x its a t th is m o m e n t , a l i ' the qpfrêowNa1inasin ~te'aled7. ep.c 'bceaolep ith'n<interruptios> fou-te latese' eeks. The; mecspowerffai siqsihsls ibave failed in rouela; hlm front tiosi!ti eoff eorna.? A terrihle accident Sefeli a voranlnts Tbonapa4oaq?gaw msileBiyIlsuvb4, '»ds oï 'ô' ago. -lia baodtin'î n ,h1 tis"o ffir, tousté' man aippail sd feu vwitt is ebresset sipiona circatar sa, vwiuel eut an qblique KgaiS atnsos;tharougis bis body>. AI Jaut s c e o u s u t a h o W e a i &U -a liv e . -, - -C olonel -Brooks, off YicIilbçrï' ïiïie te up t o avaîl o , oa '10! ans ,si teai .. Tseý *ij&ter lolgid ln' te 4às pfi Pis. cvery iiféut edUieW itt e Wremovei ça uimid! the datls M of O l 4 ~

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