Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1869, p. 1

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cd to luveet In1 1Isolsi1 alto aslai COUN LBLE R4ATES or câes eau 1 s tt. r ati &Teaw.terg, stantaoi i lot, Inluotà th the IcUtilu,; d antitng wiitor, ofA-.qitsîlî>' a tTg MARRISOX. 3akery mnetfilîi nCn dia UiOA5LJ. m- eiitorustIse puti nluaaeîîtulUli se -lot o S451Llt .ID Ianul, vill ieba a 1-riceus. 1 raluing, lua g ig, exceotiio l iuol a ail itiiter, uts tisusol. .C. WILSON,' Dgusrus-.Street, Nisîthi ba p;4en, a111 asti7 ansiprop liIN CU WUIJCYBrVJ BARIWlTEES AN» ATTONNtS-A&T- Am'dsit ?Oportio et$bdC of Ontaio, t'oDSJOIOUapon goodoeeearlty. Ap Up i t Ie Ueo 01 béAÉi, Court liese, 4ath Wi'sg B ARIMTES, Attomu,7i, 1Soliolter. e U8>OPCE-Wootern AssBurioeBIAu, Ck*re1uSCroot,TomaoDtC- W. lerout., ilay toi1001.*s £ Q U S T Y C O W N A T T O N E F O O - "sfioý,sarrsat* nd torne -4st-Lav S $0' u la cauieer>', 4< ary0lié L. -lu si0JoWî wl e41 0, Dna T>ÂRL8TER ,ATTOICUyy,coiNvEyANý * ury,aa.elll*lu Cligoery for thecon- 9 py 'otarl'o. 'Offie rock-u, Wbftby. - NBOJIE1T .1. WMLON.- T>AURISTER &-AI ZOXXEY AT LAW oitorîuChanuiry, &a. Whitbylc. iW Pis 48-i, lr On twri B ï4k à i î BARRISTZR.AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR XAmm KEITE CORDON, ~3ARRISTER & ATTORNIY-AT-LAW, 161lditov i Cbsnery, £'onvoyaer, No- &1%O-*ez$door to tbeSto1i of S, os J. 'Ctiàpbeil, B3rok bet., Whitbyq n;, ii: B. FAIRIIANKS. S OIITom NOT4JW PUBLIC, &te. &e. Os î W. . W.Hg DJLLINGSa0 - DJdClo INlx 0., *0.m Owz Brook Stre et. Whitby, Jani. 28, 1862. CHAULE» C. KELLER, à TTORNZY AT LAW, SOLICII'ORIN 'm I Irsuiery diouvyauoer, .,sug on, 1$ock, C.W. A TTUENElY-W£-LAW. SOLICITOU lU J OIauliosry, Noter>' Publie, couveyaacer', âO., WhlCby il. W. Omris, Blyron atreot Iet fpot 0000. 48 J&MEB LAMON, A TTORNEY.ATLAW, SOLICITOB IN Digudtsa Street, I Three doora West or CLORRZA1E & COCUJÀýANe. BARRISTZRS, AT"ORNEYS, CON VEY- autoera sud Notaries i'ublle,pLe., &e, putis AtssOox poieTown ?Or m- amr-Oniez-Btgelowu, Block. IL .Coeunaxje, LL. P., 1 W. X. Cocatenu ceuuity Creva Attorney>. Port 'erry,-26th ttecombem, 1865. 61 LYMAN ENULISIIIL L B.0 T> ARRISTER AT LA W, Bollaii.or i Chant- Ou ' ouveyancer ,L&., L&0. 0imooot-oppoolt. the iPost IOe, Culiaa. 40 Consultatioot01I'aiueruullp ire ef charge. WhItby, Jai>' 20, 1968. 29 PR. HANCOOK (no NOLAND & k gno guRGzON, ACCOUCHEUR, &e.? I1xr»zemk Ouîc-a 11v. r.»Udge's oïreuu Staset. a. J. GUNN.9 no1De '41RGEON TO TUlE COUNTY GAOL Bjyron Street, Wlslby.ï NOTAIUY lJLlCO Wbltby, April lôCh, 186. TRHOMAS HUS TON, TOWNOCLERK&hTUZASU]iltJLWIIITBY Uffico-Tovu Itail - Houris9 te 'jpo VICTOJSIA Hp'flJi. Wu. lioyusioulo.) 27 M. IIYNTON hegu 10 anforn itise lu. luutdpp yetl ois WIlisam Sireet latol>' ocoupied b>' 1wett,and a.ebli as ispd lhttsed tusfumnilis- ï4 cooe W lues, Lîquiors asid Cigare of the W £ausotentire eatjs$11ys ls-tendi #nosc..ypi t QO!WMEROIAL 1-PTEL., E ROCK 8T., WIIITBY. rrig s ubfevber blsp:avuonnceo 0bis 4Lbreudà aud the publie, tht lie bae- sîlmesi pom»salou of tise aboye wcil sudI la- yorabiy kssown hotel, wlsleh la nov fited up pa&. iperlor imanuier-,.with ever>' couveDnt- Puce for th rffppCýQu df .gp>s 4d the ra- nos. 9 easmodatiou, and cupenier delîquioms aud ciae ons. tbl prith enlosad yards, *Pl atCntve Otlerx Si- pays ontC.pauhe. hres lodot.. JWlbvsiu.14, 186. 4 ON. VAR) implt&OTICA&LDontiît, Oshsawa Deut. Rouiso, diretly oppo. Juwet.&thtrdlooraorth 9f the Ontario tir - XPRESS AoURg' &p., albo-Agenst ccJAW&tsud Standard Ipigwuo. LCos. 17 co.rber of BFp$kk &D»0"»spee WgITBYt. i. . PPIIEBQN, - Po~lo ae t eh@b.Union Rotp-ehSppr "npnn» Mlboabe1toUý5CX9 ,Tam T lllen4o1bor bog piiopeiafs ciulaeea,Ã"èpoo tcîl hot fontre P128iseTowa, , *t . Tlsrhoavy Omnibus gale stthekWntéL i tise:;toges for Uxbrige andsi vesn ov GEOEeEOS RO»O 1 -Cafu 1 oflèlrs Aîv.i1 atu oe 20. *4EOIGE CORMXACK. LUMBJI MECIINT, Cav ntsr andi Liyflkid olnbUYreon , 'sqpan. * ___ __ ssi7 01 itssd. NU N)D9 IR T KINQ- F l"fl UNWI4 bî, dpleiAnrIattendesi Whtby 0elsi,18u2. Brooklin Dr gStore. DrodaJodielnet for eédlea "Ipomposes. h» o»ýqà B3rookln, Ce W., jeep* 18propared Ce glFive MamIud Slugiig les- "noa liunstcd flamber of pupila.. Aplimtieui te bemindeat the O0000 Of John L. Watkia nm u-geOeuoniste oVer -j'mes> Biste's Me'cal ehall, Brook Sit. Wlstby. CR0O1F ER't MOEL NELSON $Te TOR~ONTO, ;fiWFtl OF KING ST. BASSETT & KEEBLIE, Pxwues thos-elà tadi ly auniuoces te dsattet t itenee,unewelI as ear benCa Iae ,teken thse abovcirpse whseh relieVar>respect COUniuitv ai eomfotahiy Otoqto mts cou talsa Of gues'c sud the tmallullg public.Tie'ii bc tound lis consstns@rousal attendane, andl wllléV ieadnotsug unudoue oci, heili nge, andv smtimfsctl o&I£0al Wli me, Lver Chenu ve gali. y r is COM4fISSIo Ji MER CHLNf Wlitbty, Jan., lait 1866, REVERE HOUSE, B. PLANK, --- Proprietor. f6t4es toauîldfrem Wbitb7 ppll 4aily. Eve> stieenhiois pald te gee. carcfnl &sesI tten-i« tiIve otum THE IVEILPOO)L AND 1ONDON lIe benluiexstnce tlilrty-two yeame, sud duning Cat polod lia paid Loe, s oiepdiug file und ai hpsipmillion Pound$s sterling. The dlabusimeuiî c.C hie essornieuosmuni over a wIde ares, hou., ,»liouu doubt, coutnl- buied te Chu.eestahlix.iîmeuitof 0< ulultitutleup lu tue. conidenice ofPVuLus Com.ogÂroxa, Mis- Gtux», IOUlSEIIOLDXlsO, muid bnlueaonugea- eraly, whoever it la repnèaeuiîed. lu ia #Mt year, 1836, tise Pire premlun. atone amnuuted to,................. 9,9-40 lu t& lUth 7cm:, 1868........47,7ps '20th year, 1856.........L 22,2710 One year inter, 1867...... ....... £818,05à Tise Fine Renenve Fund 1lauov $4,127,464 Li$'o Ilssaeyp Fpusd la no 9,282,468 Trelé,Co is e ipré*utisl Age7hutao vhorn app stion for Iuaranco mia>' ui.niad. G . y. C. SMUJTII, l. FAIRBANKS, Ju., 4a»w; Wnisr n zzExu=ar Orne, Fobruan>'17h, 1868. 7 TUE 0NT'XOFA ilMEFis, MUTUAL INSURANCE ÇIOMP'Y. 'T'JunCom m, 1> Dow ful>'e asiizd snd .la pro furoilto acept risa aonkanps Buildings, aurd hir cets, Ceuntry' 5cpbP Ilousea, aud-Csureliei.TILo. laiuç lu sure, aud itbereby' opp ~ i surauee Ce psauy, luuve nov attetunt o f delnt as l ai thoge of anrospounil Mtul - OUtiruo Cmpyil nadas. L. FAIRBANKS, .7, HERAD OFFICETise Old Meogitry COc Builing. Bock Stri, Witby. HOTEL & PREJISES FOR SALE. TUÂAT olsi ettebîiblhsd avlI kuovuHo- tel, tise CENTRAL HOUlE, EIPEOXI S3pleod;d roums stbliug, ansi drivingabai, t& e lier, vit eue orCm-o"s ot eland attanis. ;Z5.amni'a;b. dosinesi, aud aeobloin~bc lIéO-lat.Tsàe e uetCmo m-e s v go= putma and eseeleut m-sr. Th Tli imole m-lt e moisim> a banrmluu t au OaU@seofr t' oite bhance isi lsp Pouniton foatselve bukine on,. 17111 Ceoxchadugs for Cratpropei>'. Foriemuna, L. pp,&cjetr repl toi, ('t ~ YJIT-PRIZ9 ~J»"FB4Hoz willa CII bAls îo Ra~al o .,uh te.laird la twoilIO 4Jrli xW aueheisetr on the contre road. 'Ïuibe tiumbr for'Raliway For partieular appIWto Boerit eWby. WhIlà i tut'th.iuauok r8ux»forltr OLARICS GALLERY? ha. «Ob utti u ollttItbe Conay, n,& " nore §-i'alte" wait lIirens thsai u, Other Artlo i.t Iste Cousity, muid ean do quitieamgod w k asoher Mulu the Tia. à ap ieMat+ur, $0ojoe' b bie r tbu, emleg forvrd. '111CR ST.9 WIliTzgr. WbhikbY, Nov. 12, M81. 4 * ýOHN CARTER, LICEN1M AUCTIOeiZER. ,'ONTAPIO, YOK&PfL UN *ESpJCE..JI>~8, th Cou., SALS ttuded outtie sbprtpiaî îptiee, and Ont rasemble ternis. Tfuu a o aea. biloprlued ath ise Crnmul osac ae *rAfr 'Cartir. 00 frIfT WELLINGTON MIOTEL, MARKHAM. J. R9UF.BOTTOMU, w-loprlcîor. 19 1>' ASSURANC~E IMPANY Capital, $400,000. r 19 onderulned havisg bhua appoiuited ..a.e. orIl& boyesColupan>', Ila 2-12oeo. Agent Whitby FAEEWELL & ScG£EE DARRISTERS, ATTIJEN LYS, soUI.ii TARIES PÃœBLIC.AID1- Ocriz :-One door north of the Ilot ilice, Oluave; and iMeFeeter', Block, opposite Town Hall, Bowmaiaulle. J. R FAWILL ~ , kG,, JOHN L. WATKISO B URCEON D ]ENTIST. Brook Street, Wlsitb>'.BRZ N'Ifa M» Alm-rk varratai. Famnesia tendesi At privai. realdeuces. TEETIE EXTRACTEit W- WITOUT PAIIÇ, .o BYTTIIZ4ISE mr-2 tendýR i ayR t ATr .WHITBY STATION. bu àM.Odu 'Lling pýnncbethe hotuirn oAas style, AM db>' atteotu thie veut., e Che vise favor hlm vlsh ibeir Patuag trurts komeit à%acontinuaresO ft,,,,uaen Mr Partie, tmliluiçibe tralisuand Jenting hjors.. II vii he ieWall taketi canseof i i ilicir retum. Whhy, Septi m. 8 Faumlir Greecer, Wîsue & spi deftier, No. 29 NIOHAEL'SBDLOOr, RING ST.. RAS'!, OSIIAWA&. CROKER &GLASBWAPCE A WELL SRLICTED STOCK PRESIX TEAS, G11OCERLIES, Arc. OF ALL KINI>S, W'As Cha1, ne au>' houa.elualJeppoIa. .f May 29t1i, 1861. 21 c. A. JDN.20, Barrîster, Sellcitor lui Ciancemy, At- tomue!, ,&c.f C lras remoaed lia Offe to lot iloor ever thse OmuvAaso BANIs Wilthy, Cp. 7, 1808. 40 FOR SALE cHgjkP FOR CASH i L<(Y 32AD 3, lt CONCESSION CF C. A. JONES, Bsrristcr, LeC, Whuîby. Nov. 4, 1868. 44-tf - ]JUNDSFoR Investment! .--- T Il£ImrUsT AND LOAN COMPANY bave fonda fer lnvcatmeuit, ut their usar ratas of intereat, on Ch. a.eursîy of loupmovad, Rosi Zotale. Loasns mde ferfludxesiprierta, or repayabla b>' anuinnutaluseusîs. Fuftben aud <ail iniformation pain le bai b>' Kingatop, er troun L. YrAIRDANKS, Jr., Roicetalte & Gesseral Agent.. OuTXCs-Bnoek Street, wilty, Sepi 16, 1568. 86 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, NITIIOUS OXIDE LJAUGHING "AS, JAMES PRINGLE,-Popso. OR THE NEW__________ ____ LOCAL ÀANýéSTHETICf SHIINGLES FOR SALE. ,ATr W, L C.&IL>p DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS STREET, rjIJTny,-C. W. ROUMS.-Cve, M. 1B. C»Opela'&Sore. Whlty, Jane 26, 18 67. 25 BEPE TOULS & FINDINGS. Aeounpeteaaop pei asetlterma oe Te[f.1 ti,,aimue'lnad kMacine 811k. bOhoc 1e:aZ Sue NjJaSbo TaetuTi., lleeiandTm. lites, jar WJOLESAILE AND RETAIL. IAN & OLIVEU, 12.41 114 Tein S BrsiTomsse Amierlma Suenrs Trmuers1 md Pointaef ail izea squae e emedlRirs, trogbs t g tave la.N f, o, i li orthe s ul'Mdl as leweq; Tro MAOC-IIPUT8I sia ldDuiea, Sledtmsqa, Ce onmge-, Venuier Cal ste el Caliperuies, Cie qurs An, Uiveasl Squares, self neteistr.g CalysersaMW D. voco, tol Ft * TwsPaient 4 Shebet ERYAN &k0OLIVER9 1 l-Ir TO OABIJbIET MAKERS Tu Ha (urStig esi m-min 0 To ws, ofa isem rdm;Naedie, o ev70 Collai ,ha Caivvos Toofo, Extenion Up Amez11, 12-Ijr114 Yeuge St, Tornto, Ry,&À &OiIVE, et, u usCnl an- N. RAY, Wlsi;by, Oct. 28, 156s. 43 OCash! Cash! 1I~HE NDEBSINEI> iii psy tIse igisa J.~~~~~. alsri.frts'quaustit>' el WmITE 1BEANSI IPOTATOES, AN -FLAX SEED. optober £8, 1808. 48 ýi1PEF.IAL - Mire Insurance ('o. or LONDON. capital, £19945OOQý, stelg Yonda iuvein uCuds$tl JNOURANCE sçogfuit ipb>' 71ro effctu onti m tfsyeprabift tarts. Aliljoua' psid withueut reloenuiIo0thse Jioart lu Lonidon. Agent. for C.s6 JOHN AGRRW, Wsnrus, Agn frlWsth csaa J3m-manvili. -YKfER RQJSE? OPF~ITEBOWA. H~E 4 '74i Ât5 anuren,à,e Ame, l t41, e'Atmge, huut, or hall eu lteyadegeteio ÃŽ01 "Aias 1 lirwrd xndUeu l a git lxe: eu Ip4wLspetLy aeo A41sîr le toi, fne, AnIui in bnitfl Anrd Mim'l vn £Pd Fannuy ia baby nalno. Iliza h§0flot Very' (-1Oicet Anid Jate hIpromd and el Nerthhi»osowýlIat aorojv'AI, Anid jUry blur.t end bôld; Anlia in t00 liglitsd'gay, Aurd Caroline la vrin nnda »l', U n arsft nd ot; But Alico gougt l iâbite, and mock. Anrd larrici hi confidng,. AdJaFra&ve and uIlJ, And Emrm isaffcotlote -And Janet areh aud WilJ.; Aud 1'utiene in expressive, Aud Gruce in old anid rire; And Frances wmrumuind duititul. Anud Margaret ftunk and (ir;- And Paftiu, aund Hope, uid Chant>'. Area iesveniy fianfel for hIters titree. llcbcpça for a J#wccs' Soie for a eouîtry ,eIle, And Agnea for a bIuaiin_-ei, WiI auitkexeediug we 1 And Plîibe 1or a tiouaofrlfe, .ioanua fora prude. And t&th for a nwUbeland oison, Auid S'nmu for a milor'. girl. Ruie Graiy. 'la0Itaggie goe td etor em- [unerVI akosiàa utile eaîensly. 'Not that, duriuig, bui yen asid I bave baril>'boan miachs comipan, tom ber the ilut isre usouithe, bave m-e nov?' '0f course, dear, I m-asi>'l jesting, but wilI he iseva>ver, loug?, .'Tbrýo meeks m-sa1h. -ime JMra. Pel- bain mneitioet, ansi m>fatber is quille agmeostie, tor sise m-maalva>'. a favorite of hWs Ppgobe sis lip dem-n bore, Rail., extp t sathse evesulugu ; of cOur"e the,'l unise ever>' excuae tor n «gageamue asid you mut cornte p t. the Hail lutesi. , WbaL la viae PalisausliSe Il zIakesi. 'Net partienierly bausisme, 1 beliee but van>' tsaiuating. T'aey say »ahu à neyer happy' onle s ie mus.evor, mas plie pipels ln lève m-ith ber.' '0Oh Ciarlie l'audmy sbeant failed mue. 'TYon deaniit joaloas Sitten, dou't put oup your bacS aireai>. As if tise lovelloat vousan Ali"e coullasbake My' 'liegiane 1 eou I Wis'yen are tie ver, dearmst tbing in tbe vonlul. 1 dea'i bolieve if tse far- <auesssrpent et ols i l fii.DIscomii 1u litefe aboulonsitisrn Bm-a>'eetheugisiof usine trous yon.' rois, Charlue, reall> ' 'Yas, roalî,, yen sianing. But 1 ans forgoîtiug us>' tîer'c message. Ton are te corne op ou Toesday assumet Ieus at disuner asidtise rocter tee.' M>' hoart m-asfuil oet nsgiviugs. I1isat net sufficient confidenco in usyseîf tu teel secure etfas>'ovu power, ansi I lovesibim me dean>', ab?' so dear>', littie usotson, tise tisougis of lpping biqs wap deatb te meo. iWgar ,oon white dromeu sda rose lu yonr bain,' Cisallie m-ispsmed t. me the da>' m-svere t. dine at tseHall. A piuk rose, Sir 1 you <ergot m-e bave ne- minter gsrdes ai lise ectony.' 'WVell tison, little kiion, tIse hoait shail got one, for heauty. 1 sam- a perfect gom in the censenvator>', avd viii tend h t.t Maggia'a romu., I neyer rusesi t end long aitun>' toil- ette, bot tisai iligisi I sd, ansi nover 1 tisouglt it Cl a lou is sfauto>' nruait. Ny cee ere palo; I Crpusble4 m-b s ervons- nus. YOD liais dom-si>' iing, I1sais engril>' Ca as>'raflecticu zunlb.eusinier. At tise Hail 1 touth ie lovoliesî pinis rose veiClg; ue, but aIa lus1 nmil iremausn eagerpeaa te arrange ih, I suapt tb ise Jlk off short asditIl oulsi uot mi a>'auoug the sofi limp tresses cf us>'haïn. I tisink I bosulai bave onbad vuSh vexation, il I ba net beesnmsaaed. Thous tneunsliog, I telloires I aggie te the 4ravbîpg reom. Tt m-a brilianl>' ligistesi, an4 abniSbh Ire hiaueis the china>, thro-ing s-gîpu> of hrightnu over the masmes of gilsii ansi aniserdraperies -1h. usoitdisadvan- tageom bapkgrogno inustse vomsi for me- a gldien picnure tra-M<r us>'rival.i. t, I <oit ht ebt aitisu Irut gience, hem- coulsi iï 0 h. othr* is? Irens esher ber'tme véýlà tisi eveising I1ousteresi reeliuig luigiil luas loi ssI,>' fatteuii, ber fao;,ait.'ispi héer mplenind ye., miasesi<rom tise Irîeb>' &,large black tan. bsedropas-i lovi>' u^I case tom-ansithe groupe*ispi si14 not3 ' Tisis Ratiof,sàais M. caîveri, cons- i ing (onvarsi ansi k!mg us. 'oanitiif la Cb7arie's.$te . ' ' - fbjio 4- prose sod put eut 0ousp piond To4 avréa wîtljem-els, asiausiiesi.it seeqspd tesiazthe ya.a k intig0of tI lldausiuh ner wulfred, eonartoep Miais- y sun, ;ot au &top% ef mith eerta4hnl;P timi motsep b eIsMeyabo e b ut tin t'sel o, the veman eucae for. 'Ice t>ôome mon; be[ng cris> abu ie,'Impca.d ti niysjetf ,iàn aneafiervrard, pd tibâuua vilsi .Ieuugis to e b.wrshipped argesi UPiMYboart." Ne, tisai vasnet foriume., .1 couldner bav eanuIttie preittyairea sd_ ,quwimuè carcesi and piqued thons bhi taras;' andi lovesi, or Meous id love, Lhaif a dozen liv quiîc é uCe imon. -Nôl could ùoui 'loveý dean, and, ibeisd:lv uiIonl ce: Peihaus keen>', aud py ocbmm ahie sae laefte yI ou. si m-s (CHl of tact, nsikem- Sev t.inféeset sud fltercchs. Sho'àeeei, e ead iliir tbenggbimts-o:diviie, aionce,,,bat anau hm csmd Mmr. Calvert m-sa vus hem -houMgg-M watcbe» fier m-li oudis- guiaed adration ; Oruaan bol ghtiippj vis e h.tai ohiusaudjookedu,aigea.s gerad iîerta4tisu Ibaid ever moon bins beéfore. ghéis e et ipoke or loleta Cisarlie -if hisedidii it -a' Wîl sprou> app«ealoguasuner, .i plgzn o îutrndiug herseaI ome one.,te visons &ie Lad ne rigist At dinner asheled tise- convroaitio ; afitÏromaideaisesang 0o sm-eC, voi l 'liitened îÎibmalle i ie tmars comng lisoui.,.ec« ,-isiM-heu aise iost trous the piano, auteiy, m-liS gliouring, "res, ber neek curved in btie iupe!iouc,, dissisinful uaner pecuuiarly ber ovur, andi .& taile of cossions ,pover ou hem lips, 1 treushiei ansd hireresi. oi uyself, Ijm-s siluuut,,veigies dom-n -ih beaviueu;deeply, paintuliy ceuacs ous> ' yDva infrenoit>'. 1 searcel>' spoke ; neyer iunsDylite, I feu, basi 1 iscen, seo terly unattractive, 41ud an agouizing tcar. llasi me tisai Ch.rie Even I m-as tscinatosi b, Yolande Pc1. hains;inteusely us I tearesi ber, I couisi Dot bâte ber, net then ai lamai. Qed lorgive ail tise psoiodate anger ai heuri I bave toit for ber mince. * Day >' day I va-tcised ber ath ie paon trornbiing bird vatisatise suake. ,Papa naad 10a«I jm-a s avend- enfui judsge of chamacter for a Young girl ansi I lbisk I read bers ibrongs. Yoo m-enld bavre ibougisi, Ilte nether mise possessasià£passionete,, impulsive nature; ber mcd, full usoutisu aus plendid oe.e seernelto bide voînuse Af preoaoire. she bad tisai open, cmendiant gaze, Ion coutlsDnt bave helpesi bot boievasihem inn. anid bonest, asud yes tisaisual aIlu f o, iher, a lie m-mtais on a faim pp. 94e m-asass colsiandi meltgoutsinod as ice. gshe couid simulate ever>' feeling, ever>' passion, tist ai os.muen m-ormbip veuan, a"s yet keep ibO musatumten, ever 'bermeli'. 8h. nover knev m-bat 15 -sw gSel love; the ou>' caresi for pem-er'asd vouity oet' usaking muser m taves; tse>' amusi couse ai hiem beckmansi ,feteis sud'carry for ber like a dog, asid m-isg&hopis.bd doue euhtjemabecau'ts off like an elsi glove. Ansi you m-euld have beiovosi ber, ansi mien dii i leive bier, the softeat, gent, lest, Most loveable ereatoro lu thé vossi;, se depondeut on tien s a a ildseailoviug s tustiug a. tise pnresîl, uq» pador, -iseanted w mnsQd ever umade. 1Ob, niothar1i vi's m aIsenosa aliove to Cri» utaph is1e tisas?1vis, Mare melficis vauity permsitit le rogu imuprase, m-hile faitisfni, loviug heurt& are deapimed aeu conteussesi? Thene ivere nal festivities atts e l dorng tise mnsuitbiaitisbe Peibaus stayesi there, aud Yuolaude umade the conquest of every maen tisak carne. Tisey, R ailbug ovor ber chair, #atterai heu,sonugitilber social>', asidaiseesosilesifor tisa. ail; lber1 eyes vere isigbt for cac in u taroi, hem voice1 loir asdcar.m.ing. ,Im-s alto, Cher. too ; an le.matter ef course I m-sA i ovite4,audi coniti net keep ave>'. Ciarlie cause ver>' seldouns ' tise réoer>'; afuar tise Irai en days thare m-sa aimays corne glenN . mbois hi did bis usannermwus Ihitiess,asd lboibt uitile t. ce>'.Ansi 1-1 m-ce aileut tbe; wyb earti vsaul.I damesi nos mpeal. lest he abouti hteer tsts lu q'voie. Oh, Ciserliel m-hon I tb;in nom-, te-day, ~~~~~~~)t Ahyeloeneis. enseh 1> bieraitoosi stili outil she ti ic n - u a d e. p ouee tirated voiee. 1 *- 'l- - *5 ls g tt l% , 'Bis usuqtiai('I-miglr bavé youAnuU"tbpe âsy arm@,"lsimincueI mou ld ýpray 7"is, tueboiO m-e' nsigiiiboths; idij, tiai ne othes' >mais usigitisodyoomoaglu P - 'Rare 1 * sick , talôt, st geriusg" , I c ma leii fro nt T hie rmom ' tis rousan Clp.q~*~1th. e pD coisi sud le j tie darkoua sidhanse tlwtie oh drectior>' A glane ina Oi, tIai uuigis, .dthSuigis5 imbouli L I .çr be, bs- i fé rg oîit i veïi on foever like. Tità sgp d oeiý bons? :TsaulsQe, tselives ta n . ~ On6oÇtî so bitter are b aie mspais1 ! t s j e u g rie A h, Ge up sa y . t isa i i O h ,s , h e m - ef fe n , h o m -, o tt n . stil e t bi iij ýh av e j I e g e si f o r s h e , e n d ,i Jo n g e si P a o -' a e bi iig b a sioatel>' sud viali'. ' Paps a s a aay _trous borne; Ai tbe1Katie, e o.xsday u ma l spor over tise,-ire -7 '- Wbe , l I e ius h . a r,s e ui o , , t ie d eo r . b M aý t i opeesians Carle ot~elu. <Hecause up te bis mueas anai.but -I'sbrak-am-Waylvts -. soibecnae fe btte oraugybut h.- qf bigitis ceanae .kurevý, e agaeffqrt te u - inz- oww'1YOD Wn houBd longer h ovetiut..m'e- dof iaaa4 * 'R atio,' b > sais , a si iseish I ote' _a b otte , - vece' ail alrongîth uet ue, andi 1 huai h,.int. owp pn il bitter crying. 'Rat o,h.mid <agai *erp pvits so t i>, 'p eo r litle g irl I m-at Wh i s I 'le u p r Wu ih ouspiaideul>', 7um,-as m-;ping in p erisi? Qi--vim saiItode yÃœ4 pmido, P*u hem-es litPp9r' leats tp ,qSel lids Éisoss çu bis bnea.it, Sobbing like tise, por- oo rt oit, sorrom-tuieýsîlitC!e ebIlsi aniImoanéd 5rati 'Cbanli., dous't you lovoeuse ay longer Vr N J ee I toit isaqnicicatart, ao4 iloneW bu et0m i bois armes &round mnep asid kiamei1use, but geology 1' eumm-ereii uiutlsiug.lie.gn iknovit al1 Isaisi, lyimg quit. mdtli nom,?' for 1 knem- it m-satise lut tipip ii>' iesti .oqul,-p vý o ulsi over h. p ilo w ed tison.. Il beard tppe si ove YOU te-ll ber yen vouls i 1k. te die- vits Saja ti ber lu yonr arasa.' 'b. ~ -;Nou T dOh, cbid5 tforgiva mie, ' be gOned in broken vole. 'I mmaassââ. podtjsoC Tise bo knom- m-at I m-as aying.i m-astakoi 'Forgivu YOn ?, I saisi uacali$o'h Taon.,. aou y... I torgive ,ou. lim-anamoistake aIl'kesi tap ibrongs. Imvas uoî goosi onong s tom r ,-near ýti YOD, a poor liti e eouatry.breii girl liko ueck iadici mie.' It m-madon 'Don't, Ratil' e1'i'cnicd, m-ib a tifiesi-or eonaps mobl in i brolat.Eiî 'i as not chever, uior beautital, 01n11, IKenttckjr, lovesi yen mo ; Ivoulsi bave laid dom-n', e atung degi lite ton you' h 1 'Ratie, sirliug, oui, fergive uemoi sveon0 g . oa ued ; 6'I v*iii ev r ee. ber osg a " largf; Nom-i 'TesJ'y I aipi, sIovI>' ansiO IYfr-ise. Iii.. b;n ot tiso morsi.; 'yon viii mB" ber tu.;blov (rom nigis, Yen viliitel ier he tiYeuare, ro< rge lsse ansi tison y-on'vill take'ber bu yer anus eanghi ans ani(rgot.Rato (Ir>' sa1< is- -m aui A COtPI sudisulos luCh.phurci yad vs hm >oung ladi meiber." nom- conî'si Isethose, vends? rst' lb m-h1 disi tiey ceuse iuto ns>' uinsi tisenT7 Br Savw< 1 siou't bkom, huit I xenseuser s'ayinjg t1seus diacsargel me ivell.itiaeti 'D on't tlk like th sî, iCîe Ratio, it < i mhic-h dilji nt 114 l n., the mwsid e &'piena di iQOàd.bye Cjiarlio,' asid 1 ram is'Y otiers ver bond. ssaîl neyer me 700 again." store. ,Ratio, do yen mican ail to be ai an Aj gn ensi isciven usa?' bi iaked, topefiesi. dauàbiter ii 'Tes' - Go Into ' 'Ton emat me offt ' * ber of apl y 8.9isole nut ~Fervor' *'balanco, au ' T e s.' d a u h ir baVÃŽ sut spop 'RKat!., yeou aroetriOing Pub me?7 areyoret yen try-ing to'psPijs ue? If Ion are, eil tiiesiIl ahe me ausi .mill'do ailtl usn mY Pr 10 atonie I.solyçes t0 Yen for tk isemrangIii bie, done. G4i' 'ho bnl une your laot anaver o". * meor te Bepstoi] Forsa mousent Iiseitatosi, looking up ssnsCa lis bis tfa« isptit m-a oinesi front s.' I~fr linepa [Isai 'mud a migu of love grpenuiernea Il55' Oi S o e r I vo n ît ha v e ib m o c u i u y s o ît b a c k i n t i se sa un e i l bis aris ansi said--6011 ta>' vitis gD., *<rvl dou'C breakfiip bain.' Bot ho kepbis 1!rgoau face avrentesi. veu tintho eu he bttiuaîysi Surei' usglitdinectei loi -bave boardl use ara ln us, voige whzcn I fortification âne 1 erosi bim tisiatur ine. ' TweSung 'I uni n ostllgmit >'eu. Ia g i P i ap Wiisi n e s- yoo -"1< li au m-iere , o w is ic u s u e n g l o us dot ind tîss d omersa si il j blooms tb ore alo n g -.tise ' m gg oi p tb a n land, sandltiai Gei'a son @bines iisiqomisoame>'thor ifeihng P ravo jaranud asppm4 ai m us i ng roe e cos a aý bout. Saii b. to the ýbab- q :you untenatausi pisip>' ? rise'ni etit;.' 'Tben ocie, qoarter ie lps gont-a 'Do yeou drtaui * No.9 > Tbeu on& hait of your M 9 D b n e a a d n i-'N o.' îTbn hifisouu quairemesof *s goue.' Bat preseuJth ie boat erend pilleii bots iu tie rivr.i Isoalisan, 'Cen yen :awlu?' b>n tise ubole of 7001 lite 1 il>' of the negro' Copelaniivboa s <ons joli ai Munreesion, nme m-cke ago b>' a baud of usa. wus toun4,Frida>, on sioen, Rir tbt plaW. A troesanoundth ie atasi tbai h e' b ad 'bo t sum g e t. obtosi ai Chhe vhether fienss itook bufrnsjail.' murus on tbe Shebyville Pik, *bave beensilitod' by-ýsbeep- s.Wthin ibra wekg si#.7 ep bave been dovoisred by thsa cafneus. ' A, fwdsy5 aSine. two foutdani dogsw.r. discoveses ater tie>' liad kiliil twsntir- ep. A' farusoy ltlleoouais>'a a rail- The othrwsspuruèd, ,ansi boundi, sud vas In*2l> I killeti by the iouiud. ie of hansosme, gilydrgssed lies-of Yeungsovn, O ,m-re er-ý 1', foe toaing a dreas pattern. ,,in.tha proceedinga h.>- vene d y m ço m t S e v era i pl c es o f y g O i4j pse toun a t tbesirl iis rercpt uerecbants identifie, hut sa;dosiesi haviug stolean ai>'e«- Ira'"a patton, ffiring &LÉat the re presanta -rous cirks in tie m#n a;k es un ld uman, for,, bis J in marige. Theacoswer was: Cisc ob'ëhard'ând binugin a u -pes.' Gaive me one jal'tI iber, an4btewp9'er liaIf OÏ-L, id ha t a ple oter, anéto te ple over, and: have one l' fi ithut cttingu an apple; 'sua d e i miJIing, >ou eau bave- ber.' tise quao»on. ilov tusin>'dit Iconterenpeo ake plaio e n Paria s-TjIial Neil -ansiAdmilrai, Rig- molulut>, andthe IbrtL-mativ7i«j Ct te>' have arrmnged thejr pant§ ration in the East, aud if isecet- oe Rbine andi in h. Baitio ýai; lers rous Francoeumention ht titits of uaterial of mar sarc con- Wging ovj,< the Lyopa- Riki ap, >varda tie Eatesrnanti Nortsertu rirdaS. itvnn emhv , little1' vit i ouc ) Vl 05S1e iD 4 1782j t,,manager. LLOSS byFIRER ttavnraellaterma inroores,%e to the iNo YEOMAN GIBBON Agent, WiI D FA RI )r let on oStrs. 114 Vonge SL, Toronto. 1 ýx

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