ONTAIM PAIR XI, ta KIF7. LOCKUZART# * CAERO k AC»I4E1~, TI &oaish. o., Wistb yC. st' c#. O0&,,,0 ue, O 4J ÀnarL.m n ARRITERSAttorneja , SpiptPrs o B &8*- Wstr anoe il.ug Torot, July 20,1801,. ls I. CAOCRNEY, L. L.B. B oe, io altoRgi tr uo r ýtr *-a Girofot Whto flv oo-t.Wit ]REORE . WIASN.- P AURISTER & ATrORiNEY AT LAW SoitortuOhanoory, &a. wlaitbjy) O. -01.11 9qrOmtarlo'Sank ~ Mid@. IBARISTER-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR tu Csa.ucery. ChIauber-JO Toroito48t.. l Ã"ronto. 9042m JAMEs KEITE ç'pBppf1j ARRISTIE * ATTrOXNYY-AT-LAW B. Sboicîor la Ciiauceq, Convoyaucer, No- tary Public, &o. Og>ot-!iext dcor te the store of B.&J3. Paiupbeil, Brook ët*, Whitby, Ont. Whllthy, Nov. 16, 1867. 46 $Oj>1r04 NOTARY PUBLIc, &o. &o. 'W.@ neDILL1NG@f Ilrock Street. Witby,Jan.2S, 1802. pilARtLEs C. KELILER, A TTOI6NBY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .m .0la aacory, 'Jou voyanecr, &.Cuia on,Bro.k,U. W. A TTOîN£Y-Ar-LÂW. SOLICITOX 11B .MChanccry, Notavy iPublieconvoyancer, hbo.0 Wilatby il. W, * iooau,ihl Victori# Block, *o 4~~etr~ ' isouBreak 4tre'd.. 48 JAMIES LAZON? ATTORNlUY.AT.LkW, SOLICITOIl IN Dundas Street. £W Thrce îloe;a Wopt of tie Put Dolce. 1 J3ARRIOTI£lS, ATTORNZYS, CON VEY- PaRIILP 4y.pap-Uylrz-Uppouîte Town ~ppy55fl-9iiOU-iSOlW'5Brook. 6 9. CocaiAn, LL. B., 1W.- M. Cocunx. Couety Crown-Attorie.y. Port Prry, 2itIS Deceuiber, 1868. 51 Y]I1AN INPLIBI,IL IL ]B.. D kilL8STkR AT LAW, $oîiitor lus (j han- I)ea.ry, Convoyaneer , &C., le. DRU. CARSON & LAW, 0Oc-BnyEON STUEET, 09oultatlou of Puitershlp troc of charge. O.A. OAMO, X. D., 1Wý. a.L',.A, ., -Wlatby, July go, 180. 29 R.HANCOCKY »G15 NLAND & TOONTO.) OFVEGEONI, ACCOUCIIEUI, &C., EzuaDaacxu & OrnaIsX-at ILv. t udgo'u Byron Sttact. SI R...GUNNO,#;$ p. L1URGEON TO TIIK CQUUIY UAOL, >lYroudStreet, Wltbri 'De ej'EMitE]M, in. à ). BRLOUGHAM. car 0"102 loess-8 o b0i. m., and 810 S p?,o)pok, p. ni. JQ011N V. HA Me - NO'IARY IPUB3LIC. Wlitby, Aprîl lth, 1868. TMDNRA$ HUSTON, mOWN CLERKitTHEAVUIEB WHITBY T Omfo-TZowaIall-liourg 9 teo look. YICTORIA ERp'f F!L. WILLIAM SCOTT, PIOPRIRTOR .(Late W Win. Boy nto n's.) 27 gair Dressing apn. Shaviing ISAILOON, ___ onis B1WCK tb?., FWITBT. gauBà xx ,Mxzi..a A W;stby Ja. 20 'de.8 EOZUTOr4li BOTMJi, MX1.BOYUTON begs Cc 'uform the lu. yVhabitants fh any rVictoria and c1trromudIu hstoLa 1.4u opened ici h trtlo illiainiStreet 151417 ocufied by W 0ayy.4,1814. ud4gari f h ÇIOMMERCIAL moTrEL, BROCK »T., HB. rpmRE uubSOIber beg-to .snuoupc. to bigs ..fr siond thd îLe i., that ha bas r.-1 4wiPcsseauiou cf t o aboie -weil mcd fa- vabiy kuovu ote - wbich l noy #t4dluý Lu a upeior ianbur, w~ieeycue 'rslslaOmulbuasîaîl hnoen 1h tgsfrUxbriiig ensd 4ea'erton leay, *GEORG9 ROBB80N. whitby, My188a' * ' GEORGE CORNAOK. TUMBEIIMRHNT lrsa.,Sa UNIDE RTAÀ ICI N G F NERAILS fuly alippliati sud attenacd' bond. ar£Hearstaeitre oaiberaitfraps. Èrooklu Drug- Store. "BALBERinDrugiPaet IdiI, orW' Wlnea sud Liquorso ef boa b lt forM edîcal pu rposes. stul 0m . W,18i (argaaUé 411 sainte' C7ure4, wMtliY.) T8 prepured to give Music sud Sitgluîg les- .4 puu Io inled nuanho f papisï. Awplaaietontolà made allihe Oflpe cf john L.tcatkil, Surgeon Dpîtiftfve la 4fps OROCKER'IS ROIEuli (LATJf PLATT'B,) NE(40ON ST. TORONTO), NORTU OF RING ST, BAOSETT & KEEBL, tprzo. Tib Jr nientis, ilaà laitanlce, ae Wel ait Dnt homo th at thîny have talcon the nboye promii, wiiul te in éev:ajrespectcocYnîçe».tjv sud QOu't'rfblyfitedup otoeaec0omùtfitoà bel'ud lis'-cct u 0turýuPsula ttouduîrep, sud s1leiasou oarWo layuendrtomWi, Cali. sa8 YXONAN. GIBSONq. COMMISSION MEUR CHÀNZ INSUIÃŽANCE, d& GENJIRA~.IEN Whitby, Jau., letS 1868. ?!4lcRugas, 0. W. B. PLANK, Y Propnetor. istogea btoattd (rom WhitbT7 oeil daiiy. Evory abtenitiotn paid te guens. Careful azd atten. tive &-atiens. 1868.18 . TRE LIVERP)OOL AND LONDON IN SULAN CE COMP'N Y, ls beon lu existence tbirty-two yearti, aud duriug tisut pcniod 1142 Psid Loue"... xccedicg Ove and aihait million poande sterling. Tite dimobursemeut ùt th lîleiiouu auna ovor a vide aria, ligs, wih;lt doi4, bctitri. butad te bte eaatuihnoui of ttis Inostitution, in rit. Cotnfidenice Oi'i'tLIco u..niAOuau, à Mxn ae"u, li0uV8EflOLnEB u;d buesines mon gtas- eraily, wbercven it lu repreaenied. le lia trut ya, 1880. tISe Yiro Pmanîums aIoe amuunted te. ................ £9,70 lu Ias Ioth year, 48.........£47,70'8 dé tît yetsr, 1880 ........... 222,7Vg 6 80thayeiir, 186...... ...789,882 Qpp yettr lister, 1867 ..........81,08b TeIaosreFed la nov 4,727,404 Th lY eicerve Fendla nov 89,282,468 Vi~e man e ,ropreuotted tlarongisout. (in- whoin applicatiua o n surauce mnuy neonm.e. G.LF.-C.. MITII O T IR s10 e F AtxIR ,M)&TER 8! -MUTUAI, INSUR4NCE COMP'Y. r sasCpnyra o a Tiaue wahng S u- murs, ul'arb sppr 1aUp?.[ssrac âimayise tevanctip'tfut ld seAI- MAy -1-ln lîtrateilcefcr Il 'l &PREMISES FOR SALE. T BAT oid estsbislsed sud well knowu Ho- tel, thSe OmfNTRAL HUE PX Splendid rocly sabiicg, sud driviomg bed, 27 ptlie Vi yt one or îwo acres ut land stoh- 0, -a be desired, snd a du onbeor. ln rohor. 'lere are tvo wlawt pum Aud exelent ws.pr. UThé ehole wfli b. aold ne p burgln, for an active busliness man. -Wiibe eXchagéd crform rcocrW. For torins, se Ip i ilmyetr, pre-7pud) rctbe, AND FISrRIE Hoilg4.HoERl DVUN4*0 ITBEET. - re uauvioj .Unr rRallwuij For partiulars apply to WilbNzov. luth, Suc, &.Wlty Ih à l t4ttthe la auosManufor pictures AT la bepaseli p 5tiihest Gsller>ý lu CL hJut. abu more .Patience vilS oilirgu 'than auj otlier ÂrultIlîlatL.he utaty, mcd euu Coà ; uty.irmu n h btWwe0 dou'î ,b. BROCK IST., W4IITaY. LIO(,ENSED 4tTCTIONEER. ONTARLO, T 'ORK ~P!L W'RESjlDENcrtpLo5 S mh cn., Ilarkbame..pcsî Oiice-uîiosvilîe. SALES atended on Cie aborteat netice, sud ou nescunable termes. Tenma.an bc unade sd kýlspriea ttie Cbronaele 0f eforlMn. Varter.17 WELLINqGTON MOTEL, -MAIRKIAM. ASSURANICE COMPANY caipital, $40OA00, 'lI unerigud hvlg bonappinted I Agtent fr1iea y aPai., a Ilraed o Inurefropy ragainleL Lt>S8By E , on tifho Is vorabletcerm. Apply zb, . EVI FAIRBANKS, Jr., 2-î2ios.Agent Whitby 1)ARRISTEr, ArTTGENEyo, SOLICI- j>TORS, 00 Vtyà liCERS, AND No- TARIES PUBLIC. Ornas:--One door otf jeIs$OUe Ooubawa ,- aud MoFeteri, Riok, opposite J. E.FÀrn~su~. . Mcis. JOHN L. WATIKIS9 tiuRGFiOds EN#TAST. Ornto.--Over JAS. BYRNE'S Mcdical Hall. Brock Strect, Whitpy. 57» Alil wrk warruntad. lPumiliocu attcuded at private remidencec. TEETH EXTRACTED gar WITo'U T PAIN, je, IIY 'pIIESE OP iviTeo1JSOIDE lýAUGIIING GAS, Olt THE 1NEW LOCALAN.LeSTHIETIC,. AT DENTAL BOOMS, PUNDAS STREETI WHITBY,C.W. ROOMS-Ove' M. H. Cochraelo' Store. Whituy, Jano 26, 1887. ,25 5O ÇTOO& &FINDING30 .ArC amntensrtmem cf sthe Isteat pattemrn cho Tee!., 1 aad acflse Thre.dmâ Ace Ble. 11, Shoe Pets, âhce Bail., tes nTac"a, keoli miaiTee PIsbe, JLYAN ArOLIVER, 12-~y 114 oezSvazsmToito. AmerlonMaiete Tubzemuid MPointa cfolii~. Uquateu, curved Imu, Stroigit dca 111 .e Iron, Rugi mis d 4Auaaeà Cuyà , leed- ;$.IV Japoters cf£Wmdwmre, Vouge 81., Tatout,. TO MACHINIOS! Stel lidsStol quasCentreUage#, Verpý videri, Miche FJio ilTéolu, Patent 4 1erio Bicot &o.'i kc~jbr "mi yRNk JI'R 12-ly 114 Vouge St., Toronto. T OCABINET MAKERS < ÂND UIO]TERERS. 13auir tg, Celd lf mlrTw, Sots prf8 u Twine, Chair w@bh1 IitUn ï, ctows, in es, Lca Tack iu;aGu i.rmUI a 8Ir Flint .1%P ora arwaemerham, 12-i t Yontf st, Torono, $Y&N& OLIER9 114 ROGE STAIZEET, TORONTO.- ' i tiu TiOR9]ýP ONT, cc md (rom aliTrili,t.ine i o n 4 BliuirdTlables midgod .y aeeos amiptaRlfoa~ .r Jipcunle . A 47 Ta ud premainevu as liü Mthe Grasd .ru»k Rotal, Wisltby.uîatien, Legs 10 inforin hli. friiendi audti.traveing public tiiot he bas fItted nP thé honte imd staà bles In Brsi- cIScs style,Àatiby attention te, the e wsutid of tics. vho laiver bus with thaîr Patronage truststo mertntniuuacoiseuer cnutom. W IPertios taklug tise train and les«'Iin horuos *111- lave' them wènf ashl é ppttl tliai, retenu. De Fe BURKE, Fa i rcerj, WluIe & pii PNG ST., E-AsT, OSHAWA. O.CKRY &GLASS WAR A WELL SEJ.ECTip STOq<C OF ALI. KINDS, 'As cbeaijîs su ay houa. lu Canaada. .~ May 201h, 1867. 21 C. A. JONESt Darrister, -Sollp;t!or I Ch'acery, Atm torney, &0?? k&C. Iras rumeved lus Offce te lut PO o Ovtheb OJITAio hA14E. Whltby, Ott. 7, 1868. 40 FOR SAL E *CHEAP FOR (JASH9! L OT32 ND 33, jet i>(eÇS5ION OF C. A. JONES, Barrniator, &a., Whitby. Nov. 4, 1808; 44-tf ruNDg FOR In vestmie nt!M T NE TRUS9T AND LOAN COMPAN-I hanve fun ds fgr 1iuycuesttii, ut thairnouai rote, osinterpop, op bbc socurityotf hpros'ed Rual BaState. Lonusimode for fixed period.i, or repsysible by aunual instaluientu. Furtier sud fuU informtiiont, choha4 by lotter, adîrewma'd 10'tiseConùnissieneorai Kligston, or froin L. FAIRBgANK:S, . Real Estato & Geuc'ral Agent. Orzscz-Brocle Street,, Wlsitby, sept 15, 1868. 8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRJINGLe , Froprielor. SHINGLES FOR SALE BUNDEBSIGNED lip# on handnind offers for u@ale cheap for caih auîy qinn- tity. of Sawed Shiuglea, Barritoun'a inako..ý Whitby, Oct. 28, 1868. .48 Ocash! BEz UNDERSIGNED vili puy thhgs ti T caria pria. for sy aujqsatity ot WHITE ZEAlIS, POT&TOEB, AND PLAX SEED. .JOIJN ~E~ThI, WBIBY. 4 1Ocobcr 28, 1868. Fire Insurance Cýý. OF LONDON* capital, £1,945,000, $tgri~ xtN$uxà AiCe ogatuast louas by Fyrp #.ffet J.on the mont faiycuabl.f beu7.th. £1Mio,' isidwlihbdt r~itmibe é hd. ie BartlaiiLoluden. BROTULIIERS, Mcntreal, Gqpero Agenta forOUAad. JOIHN AGNEW, WEMva, Agent for Wlsltby, Oshawa, Bo0wmaoulo, snd urro ndi nig c outry. 8 344 OPPOUTE ROYAÀL XEOwEL, P81001 8TRZET, WHTBY.- (FronI, Timple.Bar.) 'But 8mappose,'l "id Capiain WçlIely,ý a ensie pisying rondhbis lips'ad juslt icý- ibies undérerb.carueof bic chestot t thit- Ingtead or'me the. cher day ?l 'I sbouid bave.4ied of saan,,'critd liellyp iui pétauousiy, 'ouiif l'haï,i dedo iL. pain,,toco, 1 aould not lave let hi"m Conci me."The ite glaed op aI him, wytb s udden mlogivlng. -'ohno1? h. LAngboime Uaia'I lasîbit f ine world aWelI tbep, Mima Ne'y, we w'nt talk, about bim anj tporee anly do r7 aad thini a littie more kiLdly of bim,, for y aie, won't jou I' It vould -be very aveet to do sujthing, for bis !akeî thonght Neliy, aud, After DU1 ah. Ls bainogetul peaouar.ity lowardi ber ueighbor. 4ad sc the Yonng people chatted sway together, sud the lime apeti on a viftly as it elwsadccc v/heu orie tjppl fsa bave il lag aud linger, inovjng opa&H thse bright, glati hued fOowerp aittiquici I-lci. !Pg efpibl ansd grindipg glowly aud 'paiq. fuliy oyez tise pt!o wlforropre cf Pl - #nd *0 1 . , 4 a isiipastsîeven Il cried 1Welly, earting urtatlasiaferaglane atthe little g016 tcy banging by ber aide. saI mueaî g atonce. Gcod.bye Il ah. aid, stretching ppt a uitile, nngloved hand; 'I don'î snppcap 1 ahailever cee yo a au more." AndtiheL lovoiy, innocent ejea, aIl umaaed to conceaîmnent, grov quiîp btunid attise tisonght, sud thse red mouth quiverol perceptibly. 'Don'tsay tisa Il1 criod th. yoqng man, viha quici fas. aYo4 vpcu'îlbeao cruel, Mial 'Nelly?7 Do glu. me aometbing to look forvard to-ouly "oy yoa'll come again lo-merrow.' 41 dore not,' mnrmurod Neliy, wi:is frigbâtened ejea. 'Papa woulR nover ioT.. givo me, sud cuppose mome one saay us andi toldiin I1Ttiink Le vculd chat 8me up ail l4o e nemof Myj jf0*ui 'But lie cauuc4 tiini joDi are alwaya going lu atay with him.' JI dau't suppoe.ho thinka aIail Uabout itl saiti Neliy ;'sud, cf courue, I ohali b. au old rnid'-;isquit.etnmpbstiealiy. 'Ois o Inwo'i i Y-on are l ppi00p avoot.' 'But 1 nover aee snybotiy, exeept papa sud Sir John Swayue.? 'Who i lie ?' aaked Captain WelleaIy, jealously.1 '&n old bachelor, with a wig sud faite teetis,' lagised Nelly. 'Ah1 tison I achall net Le sfraid cf hiqI. But promise me to came again te morrov' sud she promiaed. Was it faucy, or did heo utisper under bia breath, 'Y'ou darl. iug 7' Mal7 c ouid ucî be quite sure, but se wouî mbt dinuer very happy. Bl ny a que le premsier pas qui cou! e ic scapieut apitoriin for viicis e are mecS indebted te our neighbours even tise vater, anal a furtisen corroboratien cff i was tisa,,s aasvont y, pacis cummer afternoen founal Kelly sud lher nov friand by lise bnook.side. At hast tiser. caine tv*o0Pays sp'd »lgLtc of pouring raun, visipla Sept tise louons spart, anal taugisî ibeanLoy dean tisey bLad isecome te e oss îier. Captsin VehipaIsy vent devu te the breci, ualtlaning tei hope, anal jeî unable b to av ay;but pour Kelly, vise veulti not bave mindeal lu tise least being coakeal Cc tiesekiq, cenil net invent auj excuse plausible eeuiugi fur pntting iser daitj foot optaide tise doon.sîep. geoase vaudenitdalbout ver> unbappy anal disconaolate, 1001sfng sncb a itof mim.ry'iliat Wilsoui feIt ft incombent on ber te' chiale coverely. But ILs 'isird day it vas f ne, sud even ho., tire the appointesi lites elly veut vus a Iigist floranad bonndiug siep le ieep Sone tnjsl. He was fintaleu. thoen;Luit eis usSdisappoinîmaaut I theoLnp'k fm avehleal inte a river, even go deep ana ctrong, anal lovera baoean absurd mania for beiug close tegeîison.' 'Kisat 'is à te b. donesal eti Adrian. ~ 2 i ati 'Obh11 ouippepe ve eaa CoiS jut as veIl herel, sasd Nehi>., ratienbliankij. aNc v. eaon'î, daniing,' ansvorodtLe, young pion, eMbolilend by dip4Sppp. I chahi ceme go jeu.' 'Bat jeu can't Il 'Can't I Il aut ia a mo!Pent ho bai jumpeal into tse valer op 'te Lis' valse pad il adp porpab, nalj pmneu.if a bim sai w i ng Is p l r a ug lije '& -ra er neter tinsf .1uutisin. 'Qb hovcoculu Ilja 1,crietiNeIly, n'e- 'tsoui; WPji fts e P heulai ~incai Yjeaem tp thiai s uo shPt' i, oju reo 'me er auj exploit I *bsv ,haurv ;shv lano. for- tuei -. W hj n t 11,asked M i' -auntiagdà n; j het Ws oud for an oexuP. 'bale aIready coaspltl 4Wiloon on < thà aubjeét, anal Ahe 1.tele, éjour wpà rd- rche li iu- perfect Wrdr." 61 dont, vaut 'to go, 'Papa. plesceï, câéà eIw 4piruly itis bigCesl ber eyçg.,. 'YOD ul -do a 1dcsire,'r0turned'1r tuîibg Onoternly tbà t"'Nelly 'daredl ne't appeal aujfutILer againct hio comiv! maud. t'Bo bhepoor obild vent iq> bart rpon o su. obbd , bi ttr j n.aIl that1 ui1ht ase, aarcely ceoe4 ber' poorsalleu ejeia9.kh could not lo. Captais W'.I.1 lssly bnoiw, sud ho would thlinial 'kin;dmi cofdreadful:thiugsocfher, ; hn"b cme btk rM berateful, misiserbl viait le Chat, Prim old maid, - Misa 31Sajno, Le wouid h. gone, Cfred of vaitiaig forti a 'su isewolnee Bée bitaagain. Oh 1Iý tise miïerabie ,bisai sud deartis î,laihoni li1e heqçpfoira lfor eyerprp, aler bi-î ing On. Ig4 ho v é vgCil aigh t lue made. Btthere vas, nc hslpforil;j go adh. mue;an;sdac'n'od ingly tis.e nexî C day, iseavy.heart.ed sude ivy.lidded, lb.1 pour cbild gol mb îLte carniagblensd was dniven off 1tishe arehes. * Te 4ycveu 'o, pa1 Adrien WelleaIyi groing every day Cc 1ube br'oolk aide, nidi neyer finding tise littiewviite roue vbo Lad1 &rciva codean to bim# a, asalmost bouide himaelÇ. Mea bear tise thvartiug cf-tileir ip love#-#O rnpob verse -Chap vpquiei thée la4ter occepî snfferng aq helr dcc.oui&D learu patience uotienongis. 'Hov ahoulal1 lie livo witbouîtuahi pure innocent dari- a iog l' S ho kdhimoeli s topsn4 jieso, r wilS bitter impatience; 'ibis itîle tender c floyer, Chat wuasa infiuitely cweeîer sud s désirer tisaujy oman Le h evr ceu iu hia life Lefre2'If she ce Id but be1 Lia ovu-alil big ewn A.iid \hy not?7 'Was lien gloomy p14 04qOIçwr c fathen ta chut uip this treissçre ail beri sveet ilfe long mahiug au 'unutterable i demIsh for some man vise would b. villiug i Cc give al L e poaaecsed for a Pearl of anchs i pnice. No!1 h. told isimself reoioluely, t vitis a quicerLbeatiug of bis atroug jouas i pulse; bp would gp taler fÇaî#er, s a a c ber at Lis isaud. *Wiyshoulal h. b.de-F Bied f, i Osplsia Wellesly nover doubtoal in bis t eva mind but that Mr. Huuîingdoa Lad a heard cf tise eetinge by thse brook, andl a lakon Imeasres Cc prevont Iheir aeeing fi esuh other agai. Hg piptone4 ho himaelf h s îisonsaund limes hi& poor ijt(e à 4il'lg, i vils won wisite face,uisnt up ia Chat e gloomy boson.o looking ouI viatfuîiy t.b wards tho pathS bading dovu Cc tL. i brook, sud cqjing perbap-criug 'bit. i Ierij. t 6I eau't ctaud il aol longer,' cried tbed yonng man, Soif moi! ii pain sud long.a lu;. II .ill ge tO.uigbt.'p 1CHAPTBft VI. * Nelly bati returneal frein ber ireany i viait Ce old Miss Svayup ,rter s duil formaI century of voraîtdvon sund iodions com. ti monplagag, dcll dinuer parties,-sud lusuf- Iý fenabie visite to tise sauntseof fogeydom. ti Siso wac sittiug at dessert witis bcr father in tLe twiligisî, hon Seati Saif tunned fropi te te table, sud lockiug viutfully onutaC. 13 yards tise beecb avenueo. Tise figunq cf a l mueha iusatm coupe into sigit-a hall q qtalvart figure Aa 84 Vw4cLpd it 'pur- t, ioualy. go iev pieu eyer came le tisee Bull. Vreaputly ber pulse begqp to quick- pu, hon inees ho tremlel, se efuria came a nean enough la b. distiuguisiiable. At great terrer took possession of ber. 8h. out quite stîli, unablo ho -Blir, ber breatissa ,pomiug Chick, ber iseurt heatiug quicis apAlt loual ibrougishlise sileuce.,-Voiceis in the ci htlI, fooloieps, tbiep # Odoor wae Chrovu Ic open, su'd tise servant annuyaencd- di 'Lord Liangisoime l' lu Nelly uprang ap vitis a irrépreasisile d cry. Pjr. Hnntiugdou facoti round vils a si banghty slarp, puA 4driau Wellesiy Leur, lu hoIMmecame fonvward wvus a uliis: fluch & âa hic isandsome face, but in ne wige dispon- tl tenled or abasheal. 6T muaplogise ,unformyinrai L. h tueanuS itter WvotheL. rproatbes bh L.ped'ca NsIy tL. neitiay when ho ,sut for bL.Ond dabc with trembliug 'mteps obèe *bhlm sommons. His cruel, o *ôrds eut hike"a kuifi. That iLb, a Noa- liigaloa, scaulal Lâeoclandest'ioe'meetings. vWith a paOauboyea li.sa-Laugbolieo-' ssha-L avesaffeneal herucif te b. wcppe4 lire a&pant gînl-bullhave 'forgoiten alike ber ove 'dignity' sundltat i hfer 'Iali boy bOitter CLtan je'Otract YOD again,' Le nid, villa lbbilterest'inSiee- [Lord Langsolme agafa, or t o o hp I tais e d tavitnesathat he beau- i a urue.vith vhicita fatiair tiaubranal à hlld alilie upoa YOD, 'Nov, gor. I bavebat aill confidence 'la yonenLoe.- forth yop £a eDOe dugi&onr'of ie il n ua pao neaiyt cevenring ana aliini la bèit tise' iternuugry proeùene, .anal vontho crybler poon huis b eari onu on Wilson'a lfaitifpi b'reaot'. 7 iHoaceal te horueIf; 'neyer hoar bis veice sialu; bbuIl shah thine-of -blita alaj., Eoy eculd .1 forget Lin, bore if Ii, volal But h. vili go LacS go th. vorbl-be vill $00 manj lusptiful vomei1 pu4 tiey iii ae Lin ferget me, Hov eoula ho suer Cro for a peer 1511.' ignorant martie iike- Dis1 Hoesaid Ivas preît;l 'andjtise girl uroulal go te tise glus, anals'handl Chers a long lime leoking et benself, sud miter ail ge qýway ,incopniod Bie, cealdti ese. ay beauiy iu t.evwhile sa , plean as îLe yolvet leavos of a visite 'reme; in tLe brcvn eyes, 50 o ald dwistfol pow- fa tSe full curveal lips, net rcsy "yj longer as they uaed Ce b.. 'Thona aise vusfaf nCe, tiik of han doy.dream long . ego b> ý5e breok-thai frat del that mite met 'tii»- of th. forbidie9n. asafou ýPp th.evasting pq4n tnçh 1t*.1101,dpadiaiqon wlth tise liii. on hen bressî andl ba ber bauds., 4ut tbat lut part veulal net ceins true. She toula nel dis fer love, like tise Vomen fin romances.; tise keon ?ilality lai bar, Yong framne voulalnet accomisteacsrrow sud beantacise. Nol thore as ueul 0* grna bleuir voa, a dreany ,vase tisai notsing uamet lfi pp. iRk bip sb lonld bave beau Lord Langbolmo afien ail, andalbis sud tlkeal againsî him, anal voveac bateal bim I1 Cenld »aie f ual bult vils Lita îov 1 Ne, h. vas everything Chat vas dear anal ;oed'spd noble9; Ciere vas not. uns fanit or flawvfisig generou hant, in poor Noily's eyeu, mor. tian lu bis frani maudmomo tape. Ifi"aecoulal only hear.of bîin cemetimes, ev vitere Lecvas, vbe-i t1cr bce ilIl tsouigit ! on a; but ispycua th informaionthat Le Lad, gýesavay again, sud tisat th. Court wv aatulup, ne tidinga suer reacise4 Pier. 7ýord y.angisplipi Lad vnitten a' verj temperate, aivaigitt.fonvaalletton CclU., lantinglon, bogging Lin, ho rp.eonaider bis decisioti, anal spesking vitS Leneut ele. qluasc of bis groat love for Nelly; -but Sle iuveteraie foc of bis hboug. nover avon veupsmafeal hio in aanpwpr i sud vus' a 4ero, angry iteart, tii Yong insu went Svay sud Itiedte divent hic thougsis frein the pain of Lisc uuaticfied Iougiug The dreary dasccrupî ftaùt uu, anal .utotu ie v inier y . th a duli atagnaion bhat tried'peor Kelly aorely; lisen, ai last, caine a terrible oyant te break the monio. aujy. Oue fred7 meîning Mfr. Huonting- don veut ouI niding, as nanal, anal .ites bouta hater vau canried bacS Cii th. Hall, Iead. Tlîp bons. Lsd sin m*bled y -ieientij, uald 1r. Huinlingalon vas throvu ou bis ealus itsobforce tisat ho neyer apoe again. ph I t% telrrible dajsandalweeka hbat ;ollowed, ~duining which poor - Nellj wandoreal about la an agonj of înry andl riooso,' upbraiding beis'eif Liierly that Le Lsil uet heen asboter'or more lovicg daugister to tse dead inu. oort Jftîle cOpi lais La dnot mucis cause fqr aely're*- &rai, ~p il ber uitie offerts'cf iul eu u o~will batilbeeu receiveal vus coldeu, Aud cf late asys evean epouleal. Mn. Huintingalon loft ne v*iii; Lis f ro-' ber came fa tesepropenty,' sud Nellj ahaîl dis Il sbecni pal tgo han ceeding hitterutes. "OhSAd yen vonlal neoth. ce cruei l P 8h. Lad net courage enou tise drawing--rcom, but wi miaorsbly ail tisummer eîi ing Sio. blaeijea beamu i anal bic fruelskk14 vç$ceint otho caa, Por tie Neil Anal ord laugiolmel hsd lie veau>.r fôrgoteun aIl tisis Ciete? When b. entergdeallbga1- drawiug..r Pm, bie fL'c$ giaaipp vas for tLe mignonne visite faèj tisa vas so veil engrav.d on bis memon>.; his vus miuing. H.evasiniroducoal té Mra. iluntingalon anal ber banalacmealaugh. tees; thon ho spoke to al the othor peeplq fa lise roin-ever and apo'n -lookinu;if. Vards the doétflat oppneéo i fnejy, Lu I neyer Rattte h ie aligisi, bil dis figuire' bis eje songisi. H.sast neit MaLle ait aluner, sudase taikedtutohi, antiboeked aI Slip, and ho repiied alvaja eOUtqeon8cly but eisoew s f i oata wuno in'Ia malter. 'Doos jour coualu atilllhue boeeV b. ashea, aller a panae, viti s omreisita- '40 oq e a usu lepnr-peft pincle!g 'OS jeu, se livs a itit Depour tCiag,? 11I do, cotaehonriaeanto-nigisL. '9h po J, he pijr op e~su p.It is 9uc plii doesnet care alonîa ofot>., for cf course, peor littie Chie5 t begr edoatioa li auenrà ther- eseglecti, sud mis, isa'I qui-quit-' 'Quit. vhat ?uaà heal Lord Langboime, ilSt a utrange f1ash in Lis oye., sud mach a crions ring in ià s voiceChat Mable glsýnce4 gp quickij lit hlm.- pliedl-presentable l'a hardi7 theoýF- 'Hlardli 1- repeated Lord Lagbc'Ime, cnppnessing vih mie difflcnhtT thie rg that took posuion of hlmÃ.' 'PO Yeu knov ber ?' MaLle ased tvu qnick surprise. bYo,.1 Lave apsu fler aus!rPred Ler4 -Unigholne, rocoy.eriig bis hishiîuahijcour-- tee3s, intonation o! Voico. I ibeugit Sur' tise Most lovel>., elegaut crealuro I ever'. met in Myj hf..' 'Iieahlj JP cabal Mabel coiouriog, pAnd feeling inteuaeij gaorti#F,ç. 'WiIi abe Le h ie raving.room afteç diuaner?' 'O)h ne1 ch. iu neyer ceenu a 11)i'! ma. bel 'repîfeal upitufFiy, pleased iat bus dise2. Dinner ves aven; ite gentlemen repair- ed le' tise draving..rootn, ad tiser. vas- inusic anal ainging, as useai, befor, lise carnage.a 1vote 1pppo uuced. ' Lure Laog buLlpie vas standing by the -vindevw, tahi. Iog a -kuot cf mon. HBieart vas ce fui 4f -one, vopan, tisat ho Lad Dne mcli-* nation for tlis cioty cf auj cîber. ,91à denl Le cdoa quick meve ment aud setppeal eut ounlte tarrace, uouuevhaî it the sprpe of bis FempaUjans, viso ver. in îLe midat of a diasmif.about grouse- alotpg. évikdaasî,ly.te ards'0t1ise boIt o! Irees wbere' Le b3usaeu sewpethinig tiank 'iviug,- anal vas acou id a l n f r o i n ig b . - ý Lordliaugisolme'a inulin'el Lad nol I»uoleji fim; îLot Iiîîie dank figure vas ~Jeij2~ll, r~in& bitîeriy bne a? 'Ny darilug i' Le erlea, bis vef ce qitq breken anal tremulousatm ai fhît of hLand. puait, lu Potly,3o.9,284 Lob. le. -' uos.? ô bas ou lazia;,, s york mat. )Nf, Whitby 14-.1< *r Il kind 40.. Mdi promptîy RING CROusS, Aint for2 Reg 1 , ou 1 Aý 16î. »A. Cask