Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1869, p. 3

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7Pro- )art 1 e Gan; risq fer o*~ htitidti,,pttYtielt ttr'ýerfirtrafir rrews Win. Cllen,¶i'ŽQi ; R Fritnnii4r, Vis 40 *;J. $;îf,30 ,,Illnl!t(ygi & iM., $114,13 ;Wmt. llrnr -irr14, 1 0; s.i . lryti a, 15*r.f ; K. is, 2.0Jrittr hcclridgrr-, t7.Sr ;A. CWilian, 82.423 Wn Donkirrv, $8 45;-4. Jl loienr $iý;'1. J. MrrcdciruIf, $740; Wtt>. I'îmtun, $rd. in ht yor ttr eitrrrtcerrtt l' a 110e rtnrilr ; a th i..irisonreport cof!sir. tt.prwia. tire *4>er,iqgrrd livti trr.rttir~tieltrrmiri't 1sf dliaily cf )rrrro tuti Ir31tI4 ilao r it, opugty 4 iiiio)»ond 9 fttiairit, rtîrrkirig asu âtO 6) tirirrrt'$,elcygititt . ir 1oi, vru atr». T'itrt .ie ttli.iti rrrb thre ttrl lrr ligirol9 tnrr'att.] irlrrtr1tr),' Tiî' e h it$?Uretrrrtr' rîttr rrf îinym irWikiî pr I 0iCerre wr ttrptrtigrrrrl irlitwarrt iet- IrinxtPotl p6ilri.I 27801, blirrg arr eerrart'ver tire lrt bialiFycrrr 01 350 days,; anttrtitat the toti est rrîeîsdrhr id tIntri .itl,tîtlt4tn $ti2581. w~n ttr tte of 10 errrt.' re-n l mlipa~îr uV feeehprisiinur; andtIirt.1idtlt-itru u', a iri it rrittriteatn1 i rtoîte rick jrri. ex$tr iinwerioe, frrmrnnting teta$2,60, -mtklitr" thfie total eert of rerporrt tif ,,riontrm, edtrritrg the aboya penri cf 7 rnirntlre. $110-40.> Lth. 'fliret yrrer ctrtmitrire oa hit irit. tititinill aiià d te igrruîr trrt iii rrrv irr i -pioil illteril oreh Mt>îral f tire tor.l;l--f h aâir, wiio u. etverril nriiiro mUc err orlir.ttit attv-ltptrd to e îrtrov leorsoe. Vtr crrtrtriittre a uridtilterrrlurit te. comrrretrritiret tireWarderr trrrkrr ioirrelat application ttOutireo'rvinrcial Sr'nrrtry to 1IrLVe lir eraittriuoli-rr. u tire Lrrrrrtic Asyitrtrr at ' tit. 'lit rai ur carittitltrirtrî111l trelcrèrtierti tira prr;ltiîtr f iirrhrrrt Mrrîrry, 0Geutz i aei a ti dirtec r, itrr irigthl , tttar -,;ie:r, cf -Scott, irerrîyîritrar lrîljtr i et' n werihth andtrd irr- Irtea lem 11il tr ,01.ftitior cfflac. ilîro, and]'kti. Iriilur tIrtîtru r1,11ilu tiraI yeîfr cffttnrritteci A 1tr-l.i rert' tr-rd rof turty crm- reaerrrnr(1(tatrd t r bcrrr glu ltri>nrrtre rrrrrde Ill tireme offiices durirrg tliti, ,eearutr cfr tire crîutci. durfl. Tirrt yeur cerntriit4o ha ierd urrder ,%thir eotrt.Ieerrrticxr tliu irîlinttrent cof a curyErirrrjrrr tiru vrirr'er rrry repti. es tirah teiti01 rtrirardcouttilutertd e rrrr a û tira 1rr llesreqrri-r'd for tire gou rrtd rîr itrre-wilric - ir rrr cnrrittee ree.,om- raisriotttd,eas farr as jriliticrrire thco o-tairîed p <ublic tettdr-to cîrrrrcm >îrr e inirrr rrrri alletr ltItiday et cf Fe.i.. mit.rrrl tr eil~- 'ýt1rrrra tu tire iltir daY Ortf il) ,1870, Yorr Colrimilicea wcu1Iîthl0rfrr rurrr'ritiret «Jlribirier Eq,Il Li', fie hrio~rillterd f-ethrrî offec udtjite i1, r-strrrtre >1.$100, Ip>. yerr, $~trrrrneWItIr tilic-Upto 'Ln ra clie airady {i cortgnît irtî'±ia iran brifora liti ieI)rreaerrrrîrett(of rit re tirîiJ ryajt dhis slt Ass*izem, rrepectýjr i lirartrtfe igtnieu t tire gani yardt, Wr--rtyavri rimaî.trre iavr r emocrrr-I irriir ir r rarl , -Ii rlirr i) r tira grrtrîg rttii itei n- i )wirrnii.W.e AndriCri4 capîtît cerir tir e aiiirri ýjjl %î-r r nn-rrrrittce wuiri tilrurirretriittt r.]rrid gruirg te he rerarrrve'j rtrr ntiraà -trirî , erq1ie'rtiorr, iti.] awgilte î tfl rrt-tutri riu niisietcr ahiei sii bd lai i iîetyra truia rcit tits Jrrrj,e t.edmili-r.Ail ut wlricli rl eriricftiiy rbmiti- Isebo2,86. Chirimrati '~~ A ettr <om Mr-. Fairbauks baving $nrit0ived îeoderirrg bis realguation as .-j!ctOr cf weighto rend- measures tire - uueuder ibaât head vas struck eut. lit. arbanks oppoatrd the. appeintment 0f4itsoe1tty engineete and that case u.va ýsgiÙ**ruel eut. The Item ef $22.50 te r aou $18 et vbieh vàsaa ged ice wu, 10 O tPstand ever for furîher lu. fl " ý ibas ameuded the report vwu SAT, LOCI. Mr rMseCot'ded Ly rrdeim wart reqnested te roini gomemenxt -te rebuitd - ui move tire- d0t e clerk do )f 1000 o eacb et tire ,the, i4 'ravi cunuties iu lie iutg therth ringhe matter ounnils over rhicb tire>'pre. ttu was abi>' supperîed mti Orir - , oAuna, Bre- '&ý W t, Campbell, Muilfr qâio rwn o;Soxion, A6 goucw fer Adjeurumert- until 9 eo to- morte or, morulng vas adoptod St~o 8. oocil adjourved. -EIGHTH DAY. - Wednescsy, pcb'>'. 3nd, 1869. The. counicil met at 9 eockpursust. D eUrumet. iMr. Campbrel; deput>. levi Of Beach, vas vpt*d te the chair !a ma ce cf OreWarT8ÀDeu, - IES naineThrAit, apelle ting oftiaor log, fthéot finn. g urpue debeof ure maor , thv'rmteeg. r.o Eaiiwal companI,. Mr. Draper aiplairefi that very DearlY the a'q4red aum of $10,000, the firat lrutalme,of ton per ent, bed beem, ludged inockanIsd ibat. the pent weuid be iedgid in a dey or tva, sud the requireruenls cf tbe Iav otiterwisi compied with, se as that the ralway ccm party vouid t, in a position te reoeive th.e rlehentures cf the tban, the.tovtrahip of Reach, and the toweahrp of Wbitbl Bt once. (tRÀUAJIMAt NOOL TUEZ,*I Mr. Drnpen vwai, on m otion of Mr. Philp, acconded by, bfr. MeýMillail, ap-. pointed grammair'sehool trottee. Tac T3WK Bit LAWI. On motion of Mir, Dr,4»ei sonded by. Mr- Pbilp), Meésars. Kfllan, the Mayor, CsmpbeoiThvaite,%nd the moyor veto ap. peinted a pecisi 0ommtt9e teýra vise sud repctou th.e<crin by-laîs sud ibaie th# aâme prinîed. Areaouiîla.ed crderlng paymnetof #4 90 I o Mr. MeMillan, for -bis ospenlg te Toronto viî héfbe poition agairisu the' curiailluentcf the limitaécOU.the tomn.- On motion cf Mnr. Draper, aecouded >'. lit, B-riwn, bave -etr-absence for trio rourba vasgranîed -Mr. Campbell, -Who, it wua lleged, w rirs tcedeiigto Europe, and ricu!.] bea bsettat langth et timte. Coungeul ajundforoeek. Tr119 MAI30XIO FaS-rîvtt.-.Tie gutier. ing of tire Brothren te morrori <Fiday) nigiru promises te aurpass that nhlcb mark., ed -11e10tr o frmer eccesieu Thre veather bandkol te b. prepitiota, the. excellent ead f the lOthi Wyala uit b. inattend auce f0 discours. aveet muit, sud the com mitte. baîing charge of the'arrange., mente are asing no tri 1 ble to ens#ur irbe comiont sud eije> ment cf uheir guesta. Msny distinguiahr.d itions front s dis- tants, sud ether. bai. sceptod invita. tiens, sud Toronto, Oshawa, Fort Erîpe, Cobourg', sud eien mere distanit piscea. viii be represonted. W. bave no donbt tirai uessure aud profit vii lite me- tuai reoit eft ibi social meeting of friendâ sud breibren, tfiein sveet bearîs aud thoir ALLEGR O CNaPîaÂc T O DETRAUD TuI ROYAL CANK-Diày BAI.-Mr. Soalit, late manager of tire Royal Canadien Bank$' at Kingstoni.sud Mr.. Darneu, toiler, voee both 1 brengbt'befcre tihe police maglatrate et that place, on Saturda> lust, cbatged viti c otspitacy te defrsnd the Bank. lu sppours tirai some tîme &go Mr. Smali gave instruction te Darnes tirat in case a bilo ect ange, made by Mts. Bmall, o 1fr. Gardyen, cf Scotland, vas proe.nted, ire vas toa ccept sud psy the samne. Dur ing tire intenvai vuicir elapsed ietween tir. reneipt of tbeée instructionsansd th eir fui. filment, Mn. Smsii vas snaponded arrd the irsuirpia.ced in charge cf the Inspecter 1ibo gave orders te tire clenks that tbey vers Ie transset ne apecial buiess' viîh out bis (tire inspectcr's) inatrnction. Trio dsys sften tire Irsnoser of bauds tire bibi cf excitanoge vas - presentedl sud paid by Darnes utfiorit- lis beiv.g matked. A clique of Mr. Smai's on -tire - bank for $100, for vhich there vere ne fundsura elae paid after iris beli1ng foe1uud fanit vitir for baviug caabed tire bilt et exehange. Tis bill cf excirange vas subsequeuti>' sent to Engani,,but -,vas, returned pro- tested. Svri trrlittie Irregularities vitirregsrd te tire mauagemerrt of the' Baku brcught. outbe hopresent. ilotir par. f0ges are held fer triai 1 hall, having been accopted. aEvaeau.-Mt. James Campbeli , t oý firm- ef Mesurs. BA- J. Campbele leaves for. Europe to-day,, (Thuradayt,> 10 s&i by thre Netorian, lu erdier te, make purcbsset cf ,Spriog asuJ Sammer goloda in tire Enrepean marirets. Town of Whitby Branch Bible Society., Tire annuel meeting of Ibia Society' wu heid at.Ibote Cougregatienai eburcir on Ttesday oeeM'cg, 26th uit. Thé travelling agen t ftire societ>' and varions etirer speakers sddreased tire meeting,, vkiéh vas et a ver>' intertsing , chanacter, although; L1A 'rvle.bulinia ailfas, Whblob 4mit. $04260W, is to ho taben poasea. sion ciftbý:ibé\Domî1jicn, and NevaSe 'ila paid fur ber expruditure on il#. a 1 The E49ate'rs Question. GftEÉCE ACl»îS-TO TH1E PROPO-. SITION OP TE, GREAT POWERS. Londo n~, Feb 1. --A Ideapaîch ( Ato0., drsîed yehîeiday, onneuaqea ibsï a uma.JOrlîY Of the -Oreok'Cabi, ât ae de. cided geo gre. foUtbe propositions 'of the Paris Conferende. Wberi the 'question wus brougb: fo afi' c~ v Min aors gave ihoir ivcits forigning the jrotocl, ibree, inclodlng Mr, Bulgares, the pru.a dent Of t he Minitry, vol.d ésplnsî if. E&RNQUP1A TSAà*FMoîaos an'- FîS&citeo, Jan. 80. - 8everal oheoka of eaéribquask. e, e aBn rniro Tbursday and Priday luit. CneÀoo Cnt».Io Im, i. -Chicago, Jan. Bo. - Abih vas' ,iirîduced loto the l be oua.e oftba& Illhinrois Lgiuiatpre, and paised by a vote of 78 go 9, sepaiauing the City et Chicago -Item Ihhiois, sud, cedisig il. tu Indiana., 1Thes Local Governrient cf Qnebec, wiii grant C4,000î a mile for the. new voe riihasy, idisiea'd of land grants. -Tue (Iemmissarieot Deparinent ti Kingston bave receired orders 'te give three tüenths' notice of -qnitting te ail oererof ëroperf7 occ'upled 'by _the, smii. t ary, it beiug the intenfion te reduée. the nwmb*w of troopa 1l0 Ibis Rarrison. Similar orders bave been promulgatrd in Moutreal. -TzRaihi.B Dîaà&Ti.-Darrbury, Congu., Fe l-A terrible disater, destrolicg a number ef lires sud mnch properîy,occur. red bore las$ uigbf. The apurer Kehausa dam, vhich supplies te city viib vater, eate -avay, forcing arrother dam belew.. wben the tic bodies of votetr rshed for- yard, carrylig'ail before It. Fint's dam snd, three brigea svers aise ivept -avay. Bouaesanaid &mai buildings were deatroyed sud carried off in &a-flood of las, rock@, irees, &o. Mr. A. Clark'@ dweii uri carried svay vitîh is family, coesiating of bimueif', vif. sud boy, sud ail vete drevu. ed. Mise Humphrey, lira. Hnaîed anid Mir. Charles Aadiewa' mother were sueo drowned. A nomber cf other peracnure mlaalug.- Itin. uppoaed, Iveive'or fiftecu livs ver@ lent. BIRTHS. CONNER.-Al, Whitby, on Monday, Feb, lit, the vife cf Mr. J. C. Couneri of a son. KING.-At Whiýby, on Sunday, the Slat of Jan., tbe vife of Mr. Chua. Kiun', of a sou. CAMPBELL.-At Whitby, on the. 28th nit., *the vife of James Campbell, Of the firni cf Mesora.' R. & J. Cantpbellq Merebanta, of a son. DEATH. ROWE.-At Mapie Greve, Port Wiit. by, on Therodey, Jsaary 28,'Captairi James'Roi., aged 69 years and 3 months. Whitby, Pub. 3rd, 1869. - Psul Wheag.... Spring do.. .. Barl7...... Pas........ $1,7 te $1,13. 1,00 te 1,03, $1,15 te $1.30, Ti5cis to SOcîs. 47ets to 5SOda. $7 -o $913, s P'ECIAL r<OTICE. "BRIGGS' .&LLEVANTOR,"1 Tlieren nat riirrit, irrrdtite, nrttrigirr, rtrd' utt-v.rar înrir rtitn]>, i. ttqr.iorsably tihe 1iit0recubl.e tti.] tirrii utrrrrpe.dy, kirewt te cflrljgltce. It rlrre alpain je- rtrpirit-creatiltg a beaitiry treticir of al dis. erered orngtir, il .utrallzilrg rti irr4uous r-liect anrd rrrrkisig a rapid itid radical cuenof sornie Of Ille most diatreimrfg ecnnirttto t which 'uiitnkiud are subijerit. ]Jrigg Iiaiirtor la sodby moi J. -B. EKIRIE, geejt, Wbitby. - GLt lt--test tl-# poad ef t il at . atiud îl. "-J»UGGS6el' CURATIVE"I 'fi a arise eid certuin ei'e.y for eorns,hu 1nions fil growlrrg trahie, (roged fut, ocuts, bruiges, bure., pcI4a, 0W; neorrid or petash, but ia elW ocintrenrit. Soid by J. H. GERBIE, Agent, Whitby.ý tigori fer tre 13r:ii paetakrrs. M. HILLARY, 9 IUEL*.ND. Ltcentlate of th,- i: U 3,L , 1f'NG-1I ii os p1 T LÀ Lefel'. Ceiobratied AmeriensamrDoubie, Mrie moat yefigc andeSrnfeal Wctr Ilkuhala WC A7c0ttictrioy trtifcrrr.Who cornfr~ nintteumrnna -'Lr'4#Wlreri lu Urrntdoë'06 wiîll bu àterur hy tire fclr.wirig eertIitae. S.rrrLrOtitu, boa. 2.flhr, c1?63 We take plemr.rirc tinfnrmlrig trl'Onhbia or Osanda,,tir t ý'v. ie sI.] na n rrariiied, Mnr. yl. W. Gatix. of 0.mwa, Obtnirie Patterni Formats i>rrrwrrr,, ilOu, r d ail otittg Doutble 1nrkirie .'%eter- M l irrle itrveuitert by JAurrs i.xarkt .-and kujoi aunt4Ire " ffei Whel.'t Wultàrveoaltooblir11te.]"url, s t fnrnloisli tireme <aiitè-r-rfrmt i te rhe d'themparties tu Canada. Witiotrt tIre ltiferustiii rira havé iCivuu Mrt.GUE, rie e9re colrt aecefiy el4evWlieite, sud we - advie prtie ln Canada t !cprirha cr tr:ci;if-iaUS'tire 81urrrrir&t , w] - e fé rrrnrte actitil. >.e ti(-r4ea nurrrrer.r lrinti t..,tt tri c i rjrfrita ia utttr eirir.. cortideCùcr,,ic respect».rq i ts t to, Ormiw. ('ëte, AMES LEFFEL &Ct). IVAlitANTY. Ourr 'vier-1bire rirevcrailcd te s% ck tri aritirri satisfaetionr, if prrrprly prit rp, rrrrr, rtrrd rnkierr cAre of-îrrul (lirir('tire do et tpariortri toi tir ertie .al,.eetr, f tlirapurchraie'r, iler rauuitt f-berri Gui ar, they mriy tetunra tire wiiee]r, to n.e, and] 'va rut pay ftrilt, hotir wsym, and teftrrrd 01ani e>'nradehtini u îlîaeon. Tis guitrirnLe 'vili rie tricriy aid- irerd te. Weacmli e>ip-eial attection te car srrpetiot Gourng of al kiardirfer atîeufilis igrrtrrwitl mradle ltlrt tand adapteril ite hitrir rpieiti WilieIl tirt wlirea rnuti. We cautiion ptlitren- eirg argitimtt ureimrg ltcti'vy shaffirrir aird gearirrg f W r' eirrn rnîriiitiîfrrturn tilt kirrda cf 9awe. amrd Florrr Mili Maairircry, itIni!rdtg Slarrrrr JErrgirertrir ilii etéa, Eiuiot.i errd]Atirienfi $rrw Iligre, Ufrigliri andri ci luiiîlrg Mulrr> ew Itiga, (4agrirr, tniliaftîrîg, 1Pitîlie, and linbitgcr., &c,&c. ATMo B8irlig leirteoan rrd Jrlitr- erg, letirrthet rirrrlrrg Machiiri, Kiifre G ritic- crie, Mruer iciirirrirv r iiliitrirr trd Prtrîtirig 11resses. , QrriJit's ioa.>uar,'a lo', <tyiiirrctPmctrr, arr.]tllakc's l'atott tcamn Juirrp. Upit i4eollltrjnirrtilfîtInormatrrrioni fer- trioliti rtra t il fl lttttrit». F. W.(,LEIN, (>lsiwaOnt. 'Oshawa, Jan. Il. 1869, O - ln Ohaneery. SAXIDERSON, ET AL. H0OD G 00N , E T A L P URI;17ANT te sar2eereo Id the corint cf Chienner7 mai-e l tt, né aturie, beairing date thir ilirday cf Deceraber, A. 1). 1868, tire. 'iii be neid hy Putblie Ancin, vif-h tire approbtationi et GiicrrE Hirriy DÂicr- iSELL, Errq., Mastcr cf ttte Corurt e Cro rif v at Wiitby, hy 1.avt PAIIBAriKs, Jr., it Ii. Ogiece,, or> Iltcck etteri ti tîtTuVu OF . WBhTfi3Y, UN Wednesday, 3rd day of Maxch neit, at 12 o'ciock, ticcr, thre Irllowing vealu ahie irr.] i trprcvýerlForttr, baitg tira tot-tir unit orf Lot ertrber,3i. itire 8t-t ii(aifia theitt TOiWNSHIIP OF DARLINON, ite corîniy cf' Drririm, exeeptlirait fna n e'I id 160e0rqîîrrafri-tttiol rtcr-ao.]ryie lute Julrr Iidgtîon: Tire abaeIit-irlire lritutiteîl abiourtfouritriiir front ti: e s'lttnetiiilitiiptoiton -rumrile riiat lr vrlletc (cf (t elr W,; Iriracirrfi xcelrin -ttqi~ titid âv irrveecf- r toiriiritti dweilirlxr1I'uir'.r- arrd goc-d lacr iî uildliig.. Threi;4-la îtiii1, lent-ut-elrarii of griftud fru;t, anotir agoeirl eprmn tittiptattisuer; w1iichii tttîlns lor ire re.., more or lest, tiof hirilr i iitt 50art iar the remailrtrer trciiarrlrdood. Tire Ctinditieeef Sale lire fle statîdit- ccn- diticrîe l ira uCoort nîf Charrcary, w*litir f-rfi- ioaie-ng %criittiorrs: 'flicparcirreer teirut tir tima cf sala 'puy' drwr to etir.'Verîor Ibis Solicitor, (cr i lernî lr mrplîirrasc i tîcieo- ari elîrit wtir~r fiît! r in riritira day of sia, psy folirr-teititrs Ihareoti, an.] .eiiai t f-à l.rine1 Urnecxeutariti nilirr rgoodl and 11.1 ietnnr tie rctre of thr.e sil. tais, satrigtrb ai e et t re ei trey witi ititeaf-[joli tire wrOle nitîpaid prien tie nt t iflie rfat etreir par cextt pi-r atînni, paryaiile 'vit -adn Intfameutto f priîtciprul. Un'tie pure set ceripiylug wrth tire teregoiticnitio-rrire viii h-e octitie.] te a errveyarre alir.] e Jet nf-e possession. - Eurther particnlr.s ad cntdittis of a niay beJisd un applileatlentaiS. lB. Fairbai r4, i Vendons Slcietr ; Lta Enilir, f(rei a, tireAuif-iler, aui . ireunudetsiguad Mate. DitedIlia ao>d dayocf ebrurîry,AD, i D. (Signed) G . OUGE fH. DARTNELLL -WE QYPEft; ýTHE,,-REMAINDEW 0F OJ WInter Stook..ofDry Good8 AT'-Aý GREAT REDUCTION OF, PRICES. MiJineryMârntIèesq READYMADE OLOTHmNC - CLOTH ING MADE TlO ORDERa -FAMILY GROCERIES, ! The highest pri'nce paid - tor Clo-ver Seed an&; 0 té. Whi-tby; F'eb. lstl 1869" FRayej HIAMILTON &'Co. ÇGREÂI'TBRANI FORONEIKNTISONLIIY* Selling- Off at, Cst, FOR CASH --NOW 18 TRE TIME TO, BUY CIIEAP BOOTS &S HOESee Gaitei's, Overshoes, Buf BcRots, Leggigs &c.,&c,,by crilling aît thu "Cheapest House'in Town."y R. J. YAR NOL, A few J Jenry Rifle Cairtriges stili on b4ande G-reat Attractions! NEW YAIRIETY STORJE, W TBY, OPPOSITE TUE POSTOFC. T MES BOB LAND respectfully announe tothe -inhabitants Jof'WbiLby and surroundling country that lie h.asppened a Gleneral BOOK & FANCY STORE in the above place, and will b e happy' at ail times to suppiy the wants of ail those who may favor hjui with thieir paýtronage. He lias on hand a suppiy of MORSE'S FOUNT41N PENI. (whlich cannot be procurcd rt any other- place in town,) and is par'.titilarly- adipted for the ýuse of ail business menn. .Aieo agent for the Dai4r' Globel and Ideg?-apk, 10e. per wcck; and'tire Dai2y Leadter, 9c. per week. ORR'S DOMINION ACCOUNTANT, a work indispensable to ni traesme isonly'te tepotun-d at- the -aboviýE tabliihrùtte ite keepu où' baud a general eùpply etTSCIIO10OL BOOKS& STATIONERY, gueîrertlly procur-ed in a firt-eluse Statioenry Ebitablisrlient.'ýPLN CIIETEl r.Cit:vaiety. gn"'Your patrenage tolicited., wbiîtyt ', iTrr. ly -ý1869. - i r. ~DI VISION COT-JRTý IN CO TY or '!ON C , a>ii ..t........ ~ . iC5~MsrenerttI KPi c rllet 2ý W,2 8, 7 - 4.tlxnlule r21 29 Atlerl ... 20 .... Vhiby Jwurin y tb, 189 E' ~uLdr41 4 * l~.. I , l..i~T I The Pub1ioý are réspeotfully invited to gALLANDAM EXAMINE TIIEIR STI As-r exaýraordinairy bargpins will be given for cashl. 11.& . AMPBJ Whitby& Manchestet, Jan. 5th, 1869. Ear-»roDs. oiored an& bright Goid Wedding Rings,- Speacls.od 8-Day & 30-Iieur Clocks in great variety. Ilepairing caret uliy attendcd te. - JAMES JOHNSTON, Watcbmaker & Jeweller, Whitby, 5Uh, 1809. Special Inducements AT OL)) NO.@i. The wbole of the,,,newly,-assorted stock of general -Dry Goods; at redueed prices, and five per cent allowed on jail cash purchasezi- Bargains wiil be giveulu er oder to ssou, offthe Winer Goods on or before the lut March. Y. GI3SO.N. Wanted, 10,000 bush. Wboha t. 2,000- bushi. (loyver Seed. 13000 bush. Fells. Cim,ýice FaînilyGrocert-e s; -co hand, Hardware', Paiiîîts>:and O011; at rËcduced Y. G.- avitg bcen, appointe(] the Huiron Sàlt Coppny, lie is.now prepared,,t- ici Sait in a ny quantîtîes- (whoIesale and rétail) WfhftbY, Dece'm"ber 30, 1868. ----- er. HIATC Brock Street, WhilLbyý.

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