Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1869, p. 3

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JWASIIINGIMACHINE! lpar bIcil l h. b itlss.4 lette"raptenst, end foe-cl 1~4 L'.ego t4, col*til attentioorcft4s public. Ltla eonaerteted o oas d omms bOstasprnlple., dot» fIs vork wltis se M100 dbfO*; ,-if requin, no ext -1ra apllüSiigce to oee lcvurit, làoa esprtlvly nUlseIsa luSt osr..s0Ot L uil.o'ese cpulks.for itfi! ywAobon by wlabi ut s Lust blsud OK ili1l, balte. 13WA »0 blowing fi> keep i abat visaisl igirlf l.unçbised. ILIonsas suuedsapplauae wtrn.Ovfr it sab î.e.; sotisfsg eacsspeois ti Nucrebfug or* se hIlàa t is. ooiauiol 0 fuduats>' fs s'«Uir but ilistte roue, istIMe lssa.îlil la lia viitlu lua Atsp.uraece; t le W ii* favor' sitis Ls isdfibe#asbosug tise tsa Idis mraliseces sf11do will, tsfor.s furiselasrel~Ju,, 0ta inin btiar ordorsi orati or tise chove ssiaeisfansd eue ut tisessiviL utmiskait prom;5417 for tisaI purpise. W-»' tsuty and Townstip RilgIstà .~ 'dlepoe.d of ou libeis iuiss M01 INSA W. *Wlailsy, Jan. 121h, 16609. mo-2 lise Whsztby V. O., lot .iauary, 189, Bi;Jolin (êre et À. lam'li 0' Cisipiseil, Lie. Cusumr, leItsy DUI)Un, Wns. Yr.uis.Ils.it (Ira , ivse. ilowaord, IÃœ. . Lowdusas', 1u». Osy, J. IL . Imudili, Julu Sous»boryce, fr0t Muiia Ts1Çs~ Mr ui, >1..Jasio T'wIbý. Mr. Th lek,lr. Mr J. Taie,, lcD5 MIE ii 4u Lias b>' utli iiselodi id of Alrs, V lais ia <Vs. ubbàsrdWins. ___ ___ Millinery, b', Jan 12, 1849, '1'stssair Tihe Anisui CoagregatonalM nf e , Wjusu nus e. .)o iday Wàr,~ the. lSth mInt., s -~urgts.s Cistrcils fia i. tovu. witall1ie it 'lu 'clock. 'lieJe it.usioli ma aS liarda. bMutera. Msriiig, Rikhsisali urti. Utliisr speakor., wM iolsdrec, Liae sg, Severtil diiolise siîce. viii be sutig e0 hofiss- ciii. <..sprciug at tise L(I)VVIE eo.i. A euctiouuwiil Ise tasksés e;>itsi lia, faalt.1OKTOSe Whitby, December 30, 1868. -Wlilîby, lthliJan,, 1860. 2 TE ALBION HELM Corner ef Brook u& fondas Streeto, J.iby J. MuitEh , -lut.ieo §ELVE RA L - 9 tssd ott«$%. tp ft 1, une>o0011.5e wItto ossconvesienu. for a ns itausil>', gisbt. IM>' s uaisstia, lu kit, Àppiy to- i,.]RAM=' uirEENWOUD, - 1roprletor, Wiitby, 1 OSEPH HL MACHiNE 'WORKS. &11 pk allMaufacturing Company OSHAWA.-ONTARIO. Zaef Ceiebruted Amerlos,, Double * Turbine Water Wbeecî, 1». rnMI4t an~e4cd insscc ce Hsdl ive.aetlise uly usawsuuscturers wlzo con fur iscsli hesaisiiin "e Lsffoiusel' In5issîssducun viii bu oceas iy tise ftslowlug oortificstc.' *tlIt5ixmuiL5, OnUI,, »Oc. 25îh, 180 Wu tiaka jiosiassso lau isiorsing ftise public of \C555s5dà, ttiil ve Jie oid and .Iurcided Mr. MW. ULENut SJchmas, Osdasso littss lpà,'Ss )sw04 ,Uags s i U 3)Oebe ' utO u o b uIid Ouer coebrated 4sxr tr!ie Mater IViseisi, uvusstod Pl and ilsic lietist tunussot e s Cud ii Mefonctoi oil ' lt Whont ti îsdlc ana, ls Lcjnd5 j'rcfs.e 'Or 5554 sfl, nde feel sors UN wis isaUodii t ea thé- action. W. t aserefor, cossume a lin10i Ut bure o wili "b~a "#Uro a Wimi lua sit *lu., AXES LEIFEL à Co, Ou Cen s1ssiO 5v#rrasited te 1work ftesrntlre OWUcL1tli:Jirlrf r tuPt op, rosis, aud t#ken tboiss o assrestif4çi tos it>, 0, orors Isag tssuus 0. sey s ri ts 50 sli sud u W wyl lps-Y risîiot w.>'., sud 'refond o4 ayill ysu, Ustseuase us tissrecss. nToia Isanuis. iii s,. itiiey 01. hiérsd-10., WcVauil ft2sciai ttrUoteOurossn seeor ilenlaig of smkIud# for aioailss Our wbeeig, seistgl lt ud iptod tu Lise lisfiis poouts wlhicis tsW0 isoc tuss. . caut on plirehca- tom 1-gssai t cing isusy issftiug snd geos'issg. g.' W& slwcisussuuocur. cIlikiuda.-o 5w. assit lotar Milli MMiibery, 1leiul li tau: Iùtssgissss sd lolier, Xe slihssnd werléan 0.u~ia4.eîui.d %if*etlugcirculer« $#W 4,9 prIgt suad UilstIug hnia) Mss lise, ~ MlstkJss, Vl'siiemosud lluigra À.. w0 bu@ lMachaies anssd juiltr- or, luthu 9 WIn guMebnc, KULiinsd- au, Wok hlisery, WcilientsRancsd- 1~s~*isaIae.acorduscI'w'apFeu, Ts.f iore C Ortr.ecansu lo a r~ uent bMi L~aaioeeosissuda~ruIlnforwagon fur- Y, . W LZN, - 4r..ideut, Qlsiws, -p0haisevont, CALL ANDR'XtIN As extraordinary hargainpsW11 l-b'>i Rl. Wbitby& Manchester, Jas t, 89 GOL &P811 VER WTlE Zar-Dropo,. Iolored and -bright-Gold" WeddingRns Tancy Gooi S-Day &L- Ic1ur Clocka lu gs'ent vasic'ty. htepairing caroCtilîy.attendod JAIMES JOHINSTOÀN, SWlsitbyq tt,1869,. Brooek Stree,Whitl DOMiIINlION ROON TBE LARGEST STOCK-0F]1 pot Sherry, and Cape Wines. Uenneusy's M3artl',s, and other pure B3rndies. Actl, IriMIs, Md Cunadiau Wbsi- Jamaioa hum. ATI U de ~s oi Tl Tu or 'Silotai1#isabout ali élcsred sud pasniaily under cultination-fi-lsunsounît s (raise dwsll- iug-ssuuae, two frasis bus, draviug licua,, and ai a itesseil wbslauosesni le, ofthlie Village, of Uxlsridse, aeut wea:9.-twoutsiiiisof tiai, 'Tevu ut W hIt',h iai lders villel'Odis- poseal of b> tise uuasd Msater, et hie eau 011e. e& 1 -o'ilock lus tis a feacaos.of tise mui twoety- uSas1' o i aaanistry iiS Tise PrIruitji, 0555 mlot si a simac uan upisot pie. of $3mu. leaders te Se lloai ssed uueua. ondorsoi-" Gunlitv, Wiliau-lcuLàsî lor puro!use of Bes4 istete."1 Tiie prciscer viilpsy s deptisit o'feuon cr cnt o! hoi urclasat 'u» oy tau tise NVassdu'0 tiuubcior on liasscpt.uce ot i»i Tesier, iuud shahl pay loto Court tiste crW.it of tiseà*sbd causes tise bus5issof uthli. purcasisaai ons>'m thî isturesa wltluin ito. soutla tisons ttisr. Ile -other resprecthie conibtions ot asie wil l b. tisa kitssug Ckamdtioug ot fiap ut tiseUt t Foi Çartler pat!ounias' ppi> te ut ~ ~ I Mlsie>' etr A lCKENZIE,. A K. MACJCE OZiE, !aq- 1Maki ng, ~& POWECLL Spe cial Inducements The whole of the newly assorted stock of geneval Dry Goodà at reduce acei nd fivsi per cent aflowed osn al auh purec1ses-. Brair wiIl bu =ie uoder tu oleil off the Winter Goodii ou or before tho lot Mt * Y. GIBSON. Wanted, 10,000 bush. Wheat. 66 2,000 bush. Clover Seed. 6e -1,000 bush. Peas. 66 500 bush. Beans. éà. 100 ferk irs of Butter. Choice Family Groceries, eonistantly on haud. Hardware, Paints and Ois, at rcduced prices. - Y. GIi3SON. Y. G. having been- appoiîîted Agent for the Huron Salt Company, ho is now prepared to sell the Goder- ich Sait ini aîy quantities (wholesale and eail)ait Oid No. 1. 1Wfhitby, December 30, 1868. YEOMAN GIBSON. Agent BLOW THE -BELLOWS. RATMI & BROTIIER have -received a npyof 1Black- amitba' JIIeUoIwa fmîelo iuty; the, bave aloo eeived thir Pull Stock of $motb Iron. Siei bo utter iSteul, noErs J'(s, Pile., supedr Hardware Department having ýbeen thoroughly repleDished, weuld eaUl attention teoOur large gtocýk f1090111r; Table àud PO" uke Ctr, Pl" For-k aens ud SpoMIwliu(h we eau fully recommeud, aise otherumkes of Cutlery of suparior quality. Pito ver low, quality euaidered. Iron Duke, Queen Oity, Common wealthi; , . other, heavy, Cockiltgo,,Parler, Box nand< Ceal Stoese very ebeap, with beavy copper bottosa Furniture. A uiltural Furnees, Sugar. Kettios, Steveà Pipef, -Klbewa, Patent Dumrs) iove, &c., &o.,.aiwây. oit band. 3tons of llay, 40 Cordaû or 1l"du Wood, 50,O000 feut cf Lumber,. b'r Boy'. Sielise llreajoîe iliîPà, flop. liher, Trace sud otls.r eaias, Vice, Pletl'oriivt Otber M Sclsaii Bstiug, Crues-cnt and other Seva, paints, Faut 00,Ui, Tssess JaaG utt- 40Lî, .Ales, wholenis, $8, $10 sud $12 psr box,. t> Reiueunbcr tho pto Il A rff ign *-inn - v lmi ikey x A dliicu aticeof Cherry Whisi Liqueurs, tc. ,I Guinneeee.x eudX: -A lo" o aietCeee CllEQUtEU1El STORE FOR gBISTMASCgIJEE. Wbhitby, DSc. 23e,1868. TMOKAS IÂAWLER COUNTRY MERCIJANTS eau uppitiseuuselves Witis Guedins>juy Establisismnt ll o ' s eap ati lay a a iSYteudo"n frein Toronto, THIOMAS LAWLEn; 51 Agent for thses"le of 3Moleon'a and Co-grove's eelebrated AI CUTTERS ICIJTTERUS, D B GS to inform his patrons and thé public that lie bas man, 1>factared this season a large number of c v5 '1' ~r E Of vcry, superior qualitym slyle and 1 which lie is now disposiîîg of at exccpdingliy low prices. Buggies, ISIeiglis, &C t' Repairs Lt the OId Carniage Factory, Brock ýtreet, Whitby. IVhitby, Dcc. 21, 1868. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dbaeiiery Sale REAL ESTA- IN UXPRIDOZE nrucue £9 tusu order made by thse Court Of ChasucerY lu tise Causeset Gould vu. Wilson, beurasg datte >he Fourts Dar of Novecabar, ZALED TENDERS iss wlting (posiuur I jsaid) wsli b. recesved b>' Axipaiw No- s., E'q, Msatersu Oriaery of Liailb ont utlie(flc, aguoda lal tiseCit>' Téouato, up tu 12 o'cloek, nons, of tise Zth Day of 3annary, 1869, rtise pssrchieof t tie Weit-iseif 01 LUt No, liytw intic ,.iattis dosuecasiou or tise owiii FUXBI;IPUE,ls is e Cout> 'UOntasrio, eontaitilsug une ligaardred Ceres, aris or lesu-sud kuuwss Pb the Iari ut tisa BL KE Zisa& WELiLS, Tossso idj tise M hday o( Jau,, 109, Ï Orin FARM F01R SALE' iEs ui~u&g, utis buVleetMicarn t'ho esday, rdO it ote',BIvil,' At 10o dock, psun., tiie folle«is alei e North-we Id, la the #,y towssssiip 0o Ricoh lu the. oounty o!O eortair.lng iwent mlv ereuure or leifa Tise laud je ail ni.red esd lÏa od eustbvatlon; sud eltuaue vitia mw uil"s Txstxc -On&eQqatis(kals; the hulis o ilre oqusi yeerly paysssouts, sud Isteruat par coût. ou île ueultd priucipol. Sfor ftrtiser jsartoaris apply f0 Gû Ilcekissgl.ott*m s,Iulss-uss' Tunatb Bfi, lEY A IRBANKS, Jn., W. IL.BILLINGS, 1Ad veudor>s ioi..4or, W ilby. aussryIi , 5.l as usua lus i S-. ssuatioisul nta s*IL g. Dulev, Ds22,80. UNAEAJS--CM W I SESÉU GREY, SATIN FlTS & CÂNADFAN --TWEEDSi Which will be found' very -cheaýp, udzlut a Small advanceé I. r I n E', mi FOjR »5E. ONiBDAY MARE, 16 Ilandsibigh, rlslng 7 pars o14, SUD, GENTLE ANýD TILUE, Anuawersbie for Ceeîal Purponsuc. Apply te TIIOS. WALKER, Janu . Eyslnote, Wby. E WBEI& LAJing TEmAED. Caeelute tise proinices of lise subaesiises Lot 29. lsvhu Frosut, ilcarlug, Ã"fiÉE W.Ë aud 1,AML. Tise ovases iareqsse", dteo ue proie pro porty, psu>' LZpSicOa, msd de seraaiy. EDWAILD CLARLK. Pickeri2gliec. SI, 1ofs. *310-1 Wblîbe & Easat Wbitby Union AGRICULTURÂIL SOCIETY iVilib. iald et tise GLOBE IXOTEL, -DROOKLIN, On Thuriday, Jan. l4th, 1869, For tis e loctsu of Ofilcerc sudJ otis. bdoascie couaîetd wilSth ie eusiur yar. OW' Tise lisrmnt Boas,4 etoffilcer, ili n«as$etIl s. us. JJ4IIZ WILIS SERVANIT GIRL WÂNTIED, W ARElA (t>ODSERANTGIRL gesra sosasrsAppuiet »S.<0. DRAPER. Acascia PliscuW iait, t Jenear>' ethl, 1 fi 5 WAN TED. ba u s11le..ivedAt the Ocaju of On Kodayl, be 1811e Jiuurf, 180, 7 0 v e o p j l D & t ise fo llaw n iz sssc ri s'i i o r th e (Yorporstif uthse Totp *of Wlitby, *riz- 50,000 ft. 11 < Inch L u sber, 12 fi IVnAt msos .tLsasi 11,ssor lkmsstisaistSssels 45,c00 à-o014 x àCeUi Scs.ntigý b. daiiverd ou or bafort dlot, dY of mri, 16M, s£t sud, *lise. OWsIroek $treei-a ti tosmnlte.on trotsd I1upvovosnestr&sy direct, Tie i i# s W asù,;iütllu-g iW b .of a good sossd od aestsbie quelltyeud 10led.lbver- ed-si tise Towns Ssii, on oi befortise iiotd41 01o ay Mu; , . W5tone ti-ecsuiot b. bru's*u St orpsïtiugou tisé yteaâttvi b. -dedluce4froiu tie cusunt. fTeniders 10, heunder u#M, as u ble ad- drenssd *"Tendero for Luinsber," or' Tensdpre for moisD.." ,W hitbyr. tRis b ec, 8. e . . s Conais vczihno n e.tyi i BON 7NNIMS. LAETS J C - WINOEYB1 C&RPETS, Contanraeerythng n w n i i gf oe'ý À full stock of Groceries, Hardware, Hydranlice Cernent CHRSTMS AND NEW YEAW8S 0OODS. (GREAT REDUCTION. 10 P'ER CENT DISCOUWR, AND SILVER AT PAIS JJhLLAN cCO, hae dl sud ied-ae otlaug et 10 petr cent disF- Oroceries, Iâquors & Winez. 100 bores uiew ý lyrM . L& VLraol, sn. JAbla. " Cssrnte Drurms"7 a, Dcgc WVSlunls,ylle4rt s ad Aimussa.' tisane.Brcudy, Glu, Cisausj>agtua, his isud ALDWELLS elebrsfed Aieu, lasucsg.cf1,1a, T. 1H. NM1LLAN utCe. -i i IF 4' CIIOICE ~ItOCERI -~ aI&KXN j; in iD <a tov ive, Su fi chal'i Lasa JAMES TIOLDEÇN, Datt i laitbv Mieuguco 1thi tsdîsý ofDecosnbcr, 1808. tdii-Gb VITORIA. SQKATING RINK DPUNDASg STREETr, WITY. a-£nis PORIETOU DZ81it~T T1 foira$bc puible tisitishe VICTOIA SKTRNG R-INE Fei> ice. duittiug v .5O Do¶iaTiécks, ,Indy eamigtaunMo sin eT' eotc, lady........1 1 ainleadmiaiIOU, cents, TROMAS DEVEIZELL, WIi.y ovuuuber se,128 Parm anid Village Property for Sale, Ohcap. X. NsmberTwànty tiare,, iunfisciliuitiscou- cession Of Wibtby, GO iceres. ýýTI ere iLuas gond. YOUug Orcisadioas tisa lot sud anlsiesatrisin of -vuter crosse k I Aie Loif #nblu. Street, ro Aad') su tise image ot *CQi9IeýCO m gond Fs-sssailouae, cou. udulug feu routai ou tis lot. FOr to nussd psrtilWsslppi>' to MUS, CAMPBDELL, Cite »hscc isert. 11, COC 49 rANE Lovel, Msa, ov.Istis, 1108;- te tise 2111ic6,laOur e199 etoigueàPititelu ter yuss, nuer ùtise cdor 'ILir VigurIle- 55w PrePsa-tfou, is2pon viicis ner Dr. Ayer bs lonir beauossgusgd, sud irhicis we arc 110-w lutroducisg ïttuyou n iurkot. Wisre SctroduScd, lise Vigor lias sou tisa uplprîalssio of bath dosers iad-cuesr &"a w. musaS ?ou vils lusd it a velasolu cdii lthe isir. W, beg te comisscud iLte'o your atentios, vilS th. asmaceca tlaryou stiI il tisa imaors erectuai tloes bes seosuseth.ai uy Oftiss oiia* prapuarussoue Ssow Auls iret. u. C AYE11 & Co, Tie aisibaurilsla magent for AiU of Dr. Ayeuf>s 1Fcmusaljy Drug Store, iti. 1NSIJRANCE C03uP'. X OF 0FNEWH/LVEN, CO1tN, In1veted Capital-$ ,ts0,00 FTILq 01. eâta.i.l.5. J.'~O. 1, on tt~e wcrn ORRISTEAS ~ly Lie iti hâve r My ci t'. WARE 1 al 1 1 t, -1 i'ý l' 1 LEI 1 --- Uld exé .- 1 .1 c oc p te ot finisl --or- - ýIAMPBFJLL. O'DON-OVAN JNOO , lý onthe 10

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